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BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!

01 Dec 08 - 11:58 AM (#2504997)
Subject: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Genie

Headline and story here !

01 Dec 08 - 12:21 PM (#2505015)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: EBarnacle

A true tragedy. Our nation mourns. Impeach Palin

01 Dec 08 - 12:27 PM (#2505020)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Charley Noble

Gosh, this incident took place way back in September. I would think we would have heard about it sooner. Was there a cover-up, or does no one read the New York Times headlines anymore?

Charley Noble

01 Dec 08 - 01:32 PM (#2505070)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: VirginiaTam

Good thing I got the complete series of cartoons last Christmas... They will be next to impossible to get now....


(insert Natahsa voice over) I did not know stupid moose. Vhat pirate DweeDs?

01 Dec 08 - 01:57 PM (#2505106)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Amos

SO an imaginary playmate national leader bumps off an imaginary animal, using imaginary weapons, causing untold grief to other imaginary animals. Sympathy cards from Bambi ("I feel your pain") and Mickey Mouse ("Stay true to your dream, Rocky!") and many other denizens of Wonderland flood in. President Bush suggests a day of mourning, but is hushed by Karl Rove in a late-night phone conversation. President-elect Obama continues to concentrate on real issues.


01 Dec 08 - 01:59 PM (#2505109)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: kendall

The hell you say!

01 Dec 08 - 02:25 PM (#2505136)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Don Firth

Damn!! Where's that klutz Dudley Do-Right when you need him!??

Don Firth

01 Dec 08 - 02:54 PM (#2505169)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: VirginiaTam

imaginary playmate national leader bumps off an imaginary animal ....

Just another Fractured Fairytale

01 Dec 08 - 03:08 PM (#2505184)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Little Hawk

This is an outrage that will not be forgotten!

01 Dec 08 - 03:44 PM (#2505221)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: VirginiaTam

There's no need to fear! Underdog is here!

when criminals in this world appear
and break the laws that they should fear
and frighten all who see or hear
the cry goes up both far and near
for Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!

speed of lightning, roar of thunder
fighting all who rob or plunder
Underdog. Underdog!

when in this world the headlines read
of those whose hearts are filled with greed
who rob and steal from those who need
to right this wrong with blinding speed
goes Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!

speed of lightning, roar of thunder
fighting all who rob or plunder
Underdog. Underdog!

01 Dec 08 - 03:46 PM (#2505227)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Rapparee

...and he tasted absolutely delicious.

01 Dec 08 - 03:49 PM (#2505230)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Amos

That was his cousin, UnderdoneDog, Rapaire. Underdog was in DC at the time.


01 Dec 08 - 04:17 PM (#2505262)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Don Firth

Well, at least we all seem to be in agreement that Sarah Palin is a cartoon character.

Don Firth

01 Dec 08 - 05:21 PM (#2505305)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: open mike

i thought you is meant this one

01 Dec 08 - 05:31 PM (#2505312)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Bobert

Well, BW was pushin' 60 so the way I figurate it, Ms. Sarah did the sumabich a favor... Especially seein' as Snively Whiplash died 20 some years ago when he accidently fell into a saw mill blade... I mean, who else had the compassion to put the poor critter outta it's misery...

Ya' know, I might just have to vote fir her in '12 fir that act of compassion...


01 Dec 08 - 05:40 PM (#2505319)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Little Hawk

Her whole life appears to be based upon doing various unwary four-legged creatures "a favor". ;-)

01 Dec 08 - 06:05 PM (#2505330)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Bobert

Don't be like that, LH... She is a compassionate woman who jus' loves all God's creatures no matter what their respective leg configurations... And yes, even primates...

Okay, she didn't hit it off with Chongo too good but he has a way of gettin' under one's skin... Can't understand seein' as they is both gun nuts???


01 Dec 08 - 09:23 PM (#2505475)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Genie

Sure, Bobert,
Ms. Sarah jes' loves her some critters. She thinks they're delicious!   

Oh, and speaking as another who is (at least) 60, I resemble that remark about it bein' a favor to put us'ns out of our "misery." Harrummph!


01 Dec 08 - 10:36 PM (#2505513)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Little Hawk

I think Chongo and Sarah Palin would have trouble getting along partly because they are so much alike in certain respects...a deep love of firearms, a belief in quick decisive action, plain-talkin', no nonsense, and scant time or patience for opinions that differ from their own.

One thing for sure, though, Chongo would never have shot Bullwinkle.

02 Dec 08 - 07:46 AM (#2505720)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Bobert

No, LH, he wouldn't and that is precisely why McCain did not consider him for VP... I mean, if you ain't a compassionate conservative then you can't be a Republican, gol danged it... How many times do we have to go over this??? Huh??? That's why Ms. Sarah knew that she had to...

...shoot the moose... It was the Republican thing to do... Read this post to Chongo a few times and maybe he'll do better in '12... Maybe even get picked as VP by Ms. Sarah... BTW, don't let him shoot any moose... Gotta be an old feller... You know, like the ones that stand in the middle of the highway 'cause they got alzmoozers and can't rememeber what mooses is 'sposed to do... Yeah, get Chongo to shoot that sumabich... He'll be a hero... Just like Ms. Sarah...


02 Dec 08 - 11:50 AM (#2505939)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Little Hawk

Chongo only shoots at individuals who are similarly armed and are shooting back at him. He has old-fashioned ideas about fair play and that sort of thing. I don't think he has ever fired on an unarmed opponent, and I don't believe he would.

02 Dec 08 - 12:11 PM (#2505972)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Amos

Except for that jolly walker on Welles Street who refused to pay him.


02 Dec 08 - 12:34 PM (#2505996)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Little Hawk

"jolly walker"?

02 Dec 08 - 03:45 PM (#2506163)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Stephen L. Rich

...and on a slightlt, but not entirely related, subject click here.

Stephen Lee

02 Dec 08 - 04:57 PM (#2506223)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: gnu

Bottle or BBQ or both b'y?

02 Dec 08 - 05:40 PM (#2506262)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Donuel

He is fine. That news article was a fake.

as seen on mudcat press

close call

02 Dec 08 - 07:33 PM (#2506384)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Don Firth

Well, yeah, she does, actually. Lettuce, tomato, onion, ketchup, hold the mustard.

Don Firth

03 Dec 08 - 06:13 AM (#2506686)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: VirginiaTam

I fell off the sofa... laughing

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a politician outta my hat.

Miss Half-baked Alaska.

too good

03 Dec 08 - 06:20 AM (#2506688)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Genie

... and that's ANOTHER reason ... !

03 Dec 08 - 09:26 AM (#2506822)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Ron Davies

Look at the way Rocky tried to commit suicide--by diving from a high diving board into a bucket.   Hmm. Sounds like the way the show opened, as I recall.

03 Dec 08 - 01:43 PM (#2507010)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Little Hawk

Yes, but he tried it with an empty bucket this time! It's sort of like kicking the bucket, but much more dramatic.

03 Dec 08 - 02:26 PM (#2507045)
Subject: RE: BS: Bullwinkle assassinated!!
From: Stephen L. Rich

Maybe he thought that the bucket would kick back.