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BS: I am sick of this snow!

20 Dec 08 - 02:21 PM (#2520790)
Subject: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amergin

Here in Portland, Oregon, we have had snow and ice for the past week....and it is still snowing! I am bloody well sick of it....the only good thing about this weather it is helping me get into the Grinchmas spirit. I hope it clears up soon.

20 Dec 08 - 02:26 PM (#2520796)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Then piss in it!! You might entertain yourself for a moment, so much, that you'll eagerly await your next visit to the white stuff. ..Drink a lot of beer, and you might even look forward to the next blizzard!

20 Dec 08 - 02:44 PM (#2520804)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: wysiwyg

Oh yes, the only penis envy I have is wishing I could write my name in the snow. I could, but it would involve a squeeze bottle and advance planning. :~) But it would   be warmer....


20 Dec 08 - 03:00 PM (#2520814)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

'Oh yes, the only penis envy I have is wishing I could write my name in the snow.'

The frustration of accurately dotting an 'I' should cure that!!!!

20 Dec 08 - 03:10 PM (#2520817)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: GUEST,bankley

try making naked snow angels..... but you gotta move fast..

20 Dec 08 - 03:14 PM (#2520819)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Don Firth

I live on Capitol Hill in Seattle, on a tree-lined street not far from a large park. It has been snowing on and off for the last couple of days. Not much, just a couple of inches, but it freezes. The city tries to keep the main streets and arterials clear or well sanded, but the big trick is to get from the neighborhood streets to the arterials. Schleppin' und Schlidin' und bumpin' into things. Not fun. Bus service is very sporadic and unpredictable.

Barbara and I are hunkered down. We have a few DVDs from our NetFlix subscription and we both write, so we can make good use of the time.

But the weather prognosticator on our magic electric radio tells us that there is another storm moving in later today that will dump some four to eight inches (many Easterners may snort at this, but Seattle is pretty hilly and even a dusting over a bit of ice can render things downright dangerous!), along with winds near the Cascade mountains from 70 to 90 mph. Possible winds up to 50 mph. in Seattle itself. They're telling us to be prepared for sporadic power outages.

Oh, whoopie. . . .

Don Firth

20 Dec 08 - 03:21 PM (#2520824)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

"The frustration of accurately dotting an 'I' should cure that!!!!"

I have no problem with that. It's when there are more than one of them. I always save the 'I' for last. If there is more than one, it takes planning and committment. Either that or stopping and restarting. As any male who has ever tried to STOP knows, it's better to pee away and return to pee another day. That kinda pain just ain't worth t.

20 Dec 08 - 03:27 PM (#2520834)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: wysiwyg

I'm SO GLAD I brought THAT up. :~)

[sigh} [Do we women have to solve everything for you?] Just carry a squirt gun for the dots. Now you can write MUSIC in the snow.



20 Dec 08 - 03:37 PM (#2520841)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Alice

Amergin, it is all relative.
The weather could be worse, you could be over here in Montana.

20 Dec 08 - 03:39 PM (#2520844)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

"Squirt gun"? That's cheatin!

20 Dec 08 - 03:40 PM (#2520845)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: kendall

We can not control the direction of the wind, but we can trim our sails.

20 Dec 08 - 03:41 PM (#2520846)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Jeri

I'd think you could dot the 'i' with a shake, but I don't have external plumbing.

Ron, regarding the naked snow angels,...

uh... never mind.

No, I can't just leave it. Imagine explaining it to the folks at the emergency room.

Just shoveled my porch and driveway with a migraine (it wasn't as good as a shovel). The headache actually felt better when I was working, but I had to stop, and them, ow.

Wrong kind of snow for snow beings. Darn. Maybe I should just do snow sculpture of a crop circle.

20 Dec 08 - 03:48 PM (#2520852)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

I had my sails trimmed shortly after birth. But, the wind is still a problem.

20 Dec 08 - 04:04 PM (#2520861)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amos


There's not all THAT much leverage in a shake; you may be imagining more to it than is there!


20 Dec 08 - 05:04 PM (#2520901)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

The solution is obvious! Only write in capitals. That way you are not required to dot the "I".

Now, back to the main subject...snow. I hate the stuff. And this year there has been more of it in early December than I can recall going back to...heck, the 1950s. I've already hired people to clear a massive buildup off the roof from earlier this month, and it's still coming down. Now I'm out there every day or two dragging it off the roof with one of those long-handled tools for clearing roofs of snow. Un-frickin'-believable. It isn't even Christmas yet and it looks like late February out there. It's also cold enough to freeze the you-know-whats off the mango picker. If I was Shane I would get drunk, stay indoors, and watch porno movies that I stole from the video store, and probably not venture out again till spring. I would count on the big brother (Don) to deal with payin' the bills and plowin' the driveway and re-stockin' the booze. That is what a big brother is for, right? Alas, I am not Shane, and I must deal with the blasted white stuff myself.

20 Dec 08 - 06:05 PM (#2520925)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Stilly River Sage


I have a tape of Dad's from a time when you and Bob and Susy and Dad were down at KRAB to record a bunch of folk songs (great program, by the way!) It was snowing at the time so during one of the breaks the announcer reminded listeners that those wishing to catch a bus should go either to the top of the hill or the bottom, because the bus wasn't going to stop half-way up or down.


20 Dec 08 - 06:05 PM (#2520926)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Raptor

Girls can write thier name in the snow

Click here

I hang out with serious outdoor girls.

P.S. If ya don't like it move!

20 Dec 08 - 06:28 PM (#2520945)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: JennieG

LH, haven't you trained those little doggies of yours to get up on the roof and kick the snow off with their little pawsies?


20 Dec 08 - 06:38 PM (#2520954)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!

We have had our first serious snow and have another coming in tomorrow. This is the first year in many years that I haven't done my barefoot walk in the snow. That ice storm left me dreading being cold.

I started to bitch as I cleared my front walkway and driveway this morning. Then I remembered how much I love living in Maine. Sore back, sore knees, cold fingers - it is all worth it.


20 Dec 08 - 06:47 PM (#2520962)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: topical tom

Pissing in snow? Sorry, but the cold takes away the pleasure. Give me an indoor toilet and a few beer; it makes the snow seem less intimidating.

20 Dec 08 - 07:14 PM (#2520980)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Bobert

I'm never going to Portland again, Amerigin...

Last time I went was to meet my to-be-daughter-in-law and her parents and arrived just in time for the ice storm from Hell...

I got to the motel in the rental car just as it was beginning and never made it out until I bummed a ride in a shuttle van (with chains) back to the airport 3 days later...

Oh, my son and his bride-to-be walked the 1/4 miles from their place to the motel... It took them 3 hours... Then the three of us made it to the end of the parking lot to a resturant... That walk (if you can call it that) of maybe 200 feet took a half an hour... At least...

Now you're tellin' me about this??? That's it... Bortland is off my list of places to visit...


20 Dec 08 - 09:01 PM (#2521024)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!


20 Dec 08 - 09:21 PM (#2521035)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Bobert

What, you ain't gotta a man, Sins??? That is a sin in itself... If I weren't a taken man I'd shovel yer snow fir ya, fir real... I'd get up on yer roof and shovel the snow off the roof. too...

But, alas, I'z allready signed up fir them duties...


20 Dec 08 - 10:18 PM (#2521051)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

I pulled more snow off the roof today. Bloody cold out there.

20 Dec 08 - 10:27 PM (#2521055)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Beer

if you don't like it Amergin move further South. Like way far South, because this is just the beginning. Hell, winter doesn't start for another hour and a half.
Beer (adrien)

20 Dec 08 - 10:46 PM (#2521063)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Bill D

Naked snow angels?

30 years ago, I rented/guarded a big old house with lots of bushes around it. Very private yard. Lived there 3 Winters.

2nd year, we had a BIG snow...I mean 18-20 inches. I said to myself..." oughta try almost everything once!" out I go, naked, and LEAP into a 3 ft. snowdrift.

Snow angels....? mind froze , as well as other parts. In the 15 seconds I was there, I never remembered to try snow angels.

(Ummm...Little letters require stopping & starting for each letter! It's hand writing in cursive that is impressive, and that requires stopping only for dots & crosses...and maybe only for dots.)

20 Dec 08 - 11:13 PM (#2521077)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

Well, I am suggesting a sort of combination of cursive handwriting with capitals. That is, you connect the capitals as you go along.

20 Dec 08 - 11:46 PM (#2521082)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amergin

Right now we have over a foot of snow....and it is still falling.

21 Dec 08 - 01:25 AM (#2521104)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Peace

F##K snow and 35 below.

21 Dec 08 - 01:35 AM (#2521111)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amos

We had a sun-storm; the mercury sank down to 65 in the shade and the sky turned a strange blue color. We had to back down on water useage on the plants because of the recent rain, but now the sun is just stacking up on everything.


21 Dec 08 - 01:40 AM (#2521113)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!

I live about 50 miles north of Don Firth, and about 150 miles north of Amergin. It's been freezing and snowing for a week here. This morning the ourside temp was 6. That's getting chilly. We've had 6 new inches of snow in the last 6 hours ... I'll probably have to sleep insdoors again tonight!

Maggie ... I well remember that event, at KRAB. CHEERS, Bob

21 Dec 08 - 01:57 AM (#2521127)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Stilly River Sage

Do you have a tape of it, Bob? I can send you one, or put it on a CD.

I went out with my trusty drill and jigsaw today (first two tools I bought for myself as a divorced woman living in a new apartment nine years ago) and cut a hole in the side door of the garage and installed a new dog door. The pooches have huddled in their garage stall inside their hay-filled dog houses with the side door open a few inches for the past two winters. I planned to get an outer storm door to install the dog flap, but never did get the custom storm door ordered, so I finally said f**k it, the dogs need to be more comfortable. I put the new dog door in the wooden door itself in under an hour, even caulked it.

It took the pit bull about two trips through to figure it out; the catahoula is still a bit timid (she has to push that plastic flap with her face--what a concept! She tends to draft behind the pit, staying really close and letting Cinnamon push the thing open for her.) They're toasty warm as we go several degrees below freezing tonight. Not like Mary's snow or Little Hawk's roof problems, but cold enough to be uncomfortable and life threatening if not taken seriously.


21 Dec 08 - 02:46 AM (#2521145)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!

Back to you Maggie ... I see I've lost my cookie ... funny how that happens. I'd LOVE a CD of that show. In a few more weeks, after I become more of a "puter whiz bang techie", I can return the flavor with CD's to you of many tapes I have of John.

By the way, can I safely assume that you had a re-modeling permit for that door installation! CHEERS, Bob

21 Dec 08 - 03:10 AM (#2521149)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Lonesome EJ

I was happily slogging through a fresh layer of snow that fell in the winter of my 13th year, when I was accosted by Kathie Skidmore's Dad. "Say, I've got a big problem with you!" shouted Mr Skidmore."I saw that you peed your name in the snow behind my garage!"
"So?" said I, "lots of guys do that."
"But," said Mr Skidmore, "it was in my daughter's handwriting!"

21 Dec 08 - 06:32 AM (#2521222)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Laughing my ass off!!

Laughing so hard, and having the runs, the front yard looks like a dalmatian.....WITH A YELLOW NAME TAGS.................AND I CAN READ IT!!!!!!

21 Dec 08 - 07:43 AM (#2521253)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Beer

Well good morning everyone and welcome to the first day of winter.

21 Dec 08 - 08:15 AM (#2521275)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: kendall

What a passel of wimps! If you can't take the winters, you don't deserve the summers.

Amos, remind me to murder you later.

21 Dec 08 - 10:04 AM (#2521337)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Joe Offer

The sun isn't up yet, so I can't see what it looks like outside. It has been raining most of the night, so I suppose our snow fronm last weekend is gone. Well, no...I just checked and there's still quite a bit of snow there. We were snowed in on Monday and Tuesday. It was only six inches or so, but that's treacherous on unplowed mountain roads.

We don't get snow more than two or tree times a year, so it's a treat for us - as long as we have electricity and firewood.

-Joe in Colfax, California-

21 Dec 08 - 10:16 AM (#2521348)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Midchuck

Spent a great part of yesterday shoveling the Friday snowstorm off roofs, to get it done before today's snowstorm landed on top of it and made it too deep to deal with.

Today's predicted storm has started, but fairly light so far. I WILL get out on cross-country skis this morning, before the trail is buried so deep that breaking it out is work rather than fun.

And tomorrow I can shovel roofs again, while waiting for the roads to be cleared enough to go to the office.



21 Dec 08 - 10:19 AM (#2521350)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: maeve

Ah yes...firewood would be good about now. The last people who lived in this house burned the upstairs floorboards for heat.

10-24" of snow arriving soon. Time to drag some fallen dead limbs up to the house. And Kendall my friend, I'm no wimp but I've about reached my limit for being cold.

"Put another log on the fire
Cook me up some bacon and some beans,
Go out to the car and change the tires,
Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans;
(C'mon baby, you can)
Fill my pipe and then go fetch my slippers,
And boil me up another pot of tea.
Then put another log on the fire, babe
And come and tell me why you're..."

really tired of hauling wood and being cold.

Apologies to Shel Silverstein

21 Dec 08 - 10:34 AM (#2521360)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!

The snow has started. The wind is picking up. I am heading to the shower to wash my hair just in case we lose power again. Safe and warm with a well stocked larder but last night I dreamt I found a floor to ceiling cupboard in my kitchen and it was empty. Must be on my mind.

Shovelling is no fun. I am too old to be shovelling snow - that's what my knees are telling me.

21 Dec 08 - 05:33 PM (#2521717)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amergin

Well last night we had freezing rain on top of the today it is snowing again....

Originally they said it would be warming up tomorrow...but now they are saying it will be this way for the next week.....sigh....we normally do not get this much snow....this is more than i have seen here in about 5 years.

21 Dec 08 - 06:00 PM (#2521733)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amos

I sympathize, man. I had to be putting on a sweatshirt this morning, because i felt too chilly in just a tee. I hate the tribulations of winter. My Berkies just got re-soled, but for a few days there I had to wear SOCKS!! Can you believe this crap?? I hate winter. If this gets any worse I am gonna pull up stakes and move lock, stock and barrel to Southern California.


21 Dec 08 - 06:05 PM (#2521737)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: ranger1


21 Dec 08 - 06:21 PM (#2521752)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amos

Awww. Sniff. Now, my feelings are really hurt. Dang, Tami. Used to be I would think about you and get this nice warm fuzzy feeling. Now it feels like I swallowed an icicle!!! Dang!! Sniff...



21 Dec 08 - 06:30 PM (#2521756)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: ranger1

Right now, in the middle of this northeaster, I can think of other places to put that icicle! Now I have to go make a start on shoveling myself out for the AM.

21 Dec 08 - 06:53 PM (#2521773)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

Lovely here at the moment. But, the radar shows it ain't gonna be in about a half hour. Gonna be a long night keepin the snow shovelled away from the doors.

Oh... yeah... Amos.... piss off. >;-)

21 Dec 08 - 06:55 PM (#2521777)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

The weather is vicious here tonight in Ontario. More snow, driving wind, falling temperatures.

Burn in hell, Amos! ;-)

21 Dec 08 - 06:58 PM (#2521778)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

You still getting snow, LH? I thought you would be get a rest for a bit.

21 Dec 08 - 07:02 PM (#2521782)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Beer

Little Hawk!, Your sending it down to us and were pushing it off to N.B. to please Gnu.
Warming up a bit, not as cold as this morning.

21 Dec 08 - 07:02 PM (#2521783)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Jeri

Amos, you and the horse...
with a ski pole...

I shoveled until it got dark. I think between Fri and today there was about a foot and a half, and it's going to keep on through the night.

...and THEN I think about going up to Ontari-ari-o.

21 Dec 08 - 07:03 PM (#2521784)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

Yup. More of the damn stuff is blowing around out there. It's nice and toasty indoors though, so why am I complaining?

21 Dec 08 - 07:04 PM (#2521787)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: olddude

Well if you lived in western NY this very moment .. it is time to bring in the brass monkey ...

we have about a foot on the ground and as much as 2 ft .. yup that is right, 2 ft tonight possible ..
$#@& colddddddddd

bring out the long undies

21 Dec 08 - 07:39 PM (#2521804)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Barry Finn

I just got in from clearing my & my old neighbor's driveway, gonna have to do it againg in a couple hours at the rate it's coming down.

That roof tool's called a "snow rake".
Used to make my winter livelyhood taking the snow off roofs, a real 'winter windfall', we'd make a killing doing it, course it weren't no picnic. Fun thing about falling it most times you'd land in a huge bank of snow that was from the roof, once we had a guy though that landed on an ice covered driveway, red ice isn't pretty.
Here's my winter song about it

Ice Damming (by Barry Finn)

It's winter in New England and throughout the land
The trucks will start rolling with all available hands
It's a party, a picnic, a past time, a plan
Over mountains of snow they attack the Ice Dams

    And you hear everywhere the cry Ice Dam
    Down the flue like a fever it spreads through the land
    Man your pickups, your axes, every woman and man
    And answer the call and the cry Ice Dam

Blaze a path round a house in snow that's waist deep
Take a snow rake or shovel, clear up 3 feet
Crawl the edge of a dam on a roof that's too steep
And start pounding on ice and let nobody sleep

On a 40 foot ladder that slides on the ice
Out comes the homeowner who tries to be nice
I like what you're doing but I won't pay you're price
For a few dollars less would you still risk your life

Some shingles may break & the ice will sure fall         
But no more will the water run down your wallls   
So pay us in cash & don't call our hall
Is it legal to be paid cash to have such a ball

Like ants, like termites we're all over your roof
We sing ice dam and drink 100 proof
It's our tough winter windfall & that's the dam truth
When ice damming is done we're a winter recluse

Copyright, Barry Finn 1996 (winter)

21 Dec 08 - 07:48 PM (#2521809)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amos

Great song, Barry.

Any of my fellow sufferers who want to come down for a visit are welcome.

Just leave your weather behind!

I'll show you the seals in the Cove and the best surfing spots.


22 Dec 08 - 03:50 AM (#2521979)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Hey, a couple of moments of sunny day, and you forget this thread??...just when it was getting funny???....NO WAY!...

22 Dec 08 - 04:12 AM (#2521985)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Lovely words there, Barry.

Hey, could we have a nice smattering of your snow, sent over for Christmas morning, please.

It's SO warm, here in Sidmouth today, again..that I've got the back door open, along with the windows, and you don't need a coat..It's like spring.

I hope you all stay safe and well out there, look after yourselves. xx

22 Dec 08 - 05:40 AM (#2522055)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

I don't really mind the foot of snow we got last night... it's the wind. I went out to shovel the doors free at 1AM and my first attempt to open my backdoor failed.... at least the wind had kept my backdoor landing free of snow... I guess that's a plus.

22 Dec 08 - 07:26 AM (#2522094)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!

I shovelled front and back before I went to bed in the hopes that I could get out one door. Silly me. The wind blew it all back and the storm added a foot or two. I have been shovelling since 6AM - a bit at a time. No point in having a heart attack. Made it to the driveway and have started excavating my car. Then a shower and off to work.
Mary, a happy little elf.

22 Dec 08 - 09:29 AM (#2522166)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: ranger1

Lizzie, you want some, you have to take it all. And no backsies.

22 Dec 08 - 11:19 AM (#2522177)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!

I made it to work. the car was easy to get out - no ice. The drive was slow but easy. I have to get a man in my house to deal with snow. At this point he doesn't even have to play the banjo.

Still have the back walk and porch to deal with when I get home.

i love Maine.
Thank god for Excedrin.

22 Dec 08 - 11:21 AM (#2522180)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amos

Next spring put in solar water heaters with pipes running under your driveway. Imagine all the work it will save!!


22 Dec 08 - 11:43 AM (#2522186)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!

Actually I have another place in mind for those pipes. And I believe the Fair Tami will help me install (read: insert) them, Amos.

22 Dec 08 - 11:46 AM (#2522187)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

Minus 20 (Celsius) out there this morning. That's pretty cold.

22 Dec 08 - 04:54 PM (#2522463)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Don Firth

Snowed here again last night. Schools closed, businesses having problems (staff can't get in), and on the basis of the projected forecast, we're postponing our Christmas Day gathering to (tentatively, depending on the weather) Sunday. Some of our guests live in the south end of Seattle, and getting here could be downright dangerous.

The Seattle Public Library is working reduced hours because the staff is having trouble getting in. We live just a short drive from the central (downtown) library where Barbara works, and she could even walk it if need be (maybe twenty blocks), but it's downhill all the way—and uphill on the way back, slipping and sliding all the way.

Snow over ice. Lots of hills. Buses on reduced service. Advising people to stay home.

I don't know what the official snow depth is, but outside our window, it's about six inches, with more predicted.

If we could get to the Sea-Tac airport, we'd go and visit Amos. But the airport is basically shut down for the duration.


Don Firth

22 Dec 08 - 05:17 PM (#2522484)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Ebbie

Amos is having us on. Listen to this:

130 PM PST MON DEC 22 2008









22 Dec 08 - 05:19 PM (#2522486)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Charley Noble

There was no end to shoveling around here in midcoast Maine with a foot and a half of snow. At least it was light snow! One of my tenants joined me last evening in shoveling out the parking lot so his girlfriend could get back in after work at Denny's. It took us about an hour. Two hours later it was filled in again! Our snowplower came in at 4:30 am and cleared an escape route and I managed to get two of the cars out before he got back. But one of the cars parked there is terminal and we'll eventually have to have it towed. Now things look a little more reasonable. The walks are all done, including the kitty path to under the porch! The resident kitties are not happy with all this cold white stuff and they want us to open the door to summer. So do we!

Well, we've got another 6 months or so of winter and we better get used to it.

Charley Noble

22 Dec 08 - 05:46 PM (#2522514)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Ebbie

Speaking of kitties' attitudes: One evening it was storming- heavy rain, high winds, thoroughly nasty.

The cat belonging to a friend of mine insisted that he wanted to go outdoors and finally she followed him to the door. Bracing herself, she opened the door and waited for his exit.

He stood there a moment just looking, his ears flattened against his head. Then he backed off.

With a sigh of relief my friend closed the door and retured to the living room with the cat.

The cat didn't pause. He marched to the back door and meowed.

22 Dec 08 - 05:49 PM (#2522518)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Bill D

So far, so good..THIS Winter...

but it does happen to us ...usually in Feb

(that's a yard stick on the left)

22 Dec 08 - 07:36 PM (#2522580)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Jeri

Living the life of luxury in a hotel in Cornwall Ontario. Had a steak dinner which was most tasty. The coffee in the room is a royal Kona blend, and there's a continental breakfast in the morning. If I'd brought my bathing suit (and shaved my legs), I could go swimming in the pool which is open until 10. There's also freee WiFi (with free ads). Not only all of this, plus heat, hot water and TV, but I complained about the price, so they lopped off $10, then I's Canadian money!

I did have a minor freakout when I remembered I forgot my passport, until I remembered they aren't enforcing that yet and I DO have two picture IDs.

(Maybe shoulda driven a little farther and shown up at Ron Bankley's house--haha.)

22 Dec 08 - 08:09 PM (#2522604)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: maeve

Jeri, have a fantabulous time! You enjoy every minute of your visit there!


22 Dec 08 - 08:23 PM (#2522614)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amos

Well earned, Jeri!

Ebbie, they key to your catastrophic predictions is "5500 feet". I live less than a mile from the sea--maybe a couple hundred feet max.

But in any case, we have decided it is incumbent on us to find out how you sufferers are living, so we are crossing the Crest watershed Tuesday before the big rains arrive, and will be on the desert floor heading to Yuma and Phoenix before the rains come over the hills. Then it's up to the Verde Valley, where it gets really really cold--like 20 degrees!!! at night! To stay indoors for the Xmas holiday. We don't expect any power outages, but ya never know. FLagstaff, further up hill, will be seeing a foot or two. Maybe some berserker will go SAD-crazy and run amok amng the power stations or something.

By the time we get back over the mountains we expect the rains will have passed and we will descend into the El Cajon Valley Sunday afternoon en plein soleil.

Here's hoping!!!


22 Dec 08 - 08:27 PM (#2522617)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

You'll be just fine until that really big tsunami comes, Amos...

22 Dec 08 - 08:34 PM (#2522624)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Ebbie

Oh, ho, Little Hawk. That warn't nice.

Amos, contentment is not good for the soul, you know. Misery breeds characters.

22 Dec 08 - 09:13 PM (#2522644)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Bee

Gnu, you dug out yet?

We didn't get much snow... but the wind! 100 km. gusts here, 175 up in Cheticamp! This morning every little hollow and valley in the snow was filled with green spruce needles and branch tips that had been ripped right off the trees. The big spruce behind the house broke off about a metre off the ground and took out four smaller trees on its way down. Power went out at five a.m. and just came back on an hour ago.

I asked husband about the outdoor kitten when I got up: "blew past the patio door half an hour ago" he says "no feet on the ground". He may have been exaggerating, 'cause the kitty turned up in the cathouse a bit later, seemed okay, if a little more fluffed up than usual.

I decorated the tree in the light of a kerosene lamp; ascairt to look at it in daylight.

Amos, keep it up and I will find out where you live and sic my deeply annoying Fla. relatives on you! >;-[

22 Dec 08 - 09:19 PM (#2522647)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amos

Now I am worrited; but they'll have to get to me before Kendall. 'Course, living in Florida, they'll probably have an easier time getting onto the trail....


23 Dec 08 - 02:53 AM (#2522729)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Hrothgar

I believe it snowed around here 16,000 years ago.

30 degrees Celsius on Christmas Day is the forecast, with a possible evening thunderstorm.

23 Dec 08 - 09:12 AM (#2522915)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: GUEST,John from Kemsing

I`m sure all the correspondents on this thread are either dreaming or making it up. Don`t they realise that "global warming and climate change" has put an end to all this nonsense. Read the newspapers or see Al Gore`s film for heaven sake!!

23 Dec 08 - 10:24 AM (#2522965)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Alice

Actually, climate change is causing more severe weather.

23 Dec 08 - 11:36 AM (#2523027)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Ebbie

It is hard to believe that there are still people who think that global warming/climate change means that the earth will sail serenely into a warm paradise. Instead, as Alice said, climate change means that the changes will be abrupt and wild, unpredictable and weird.

23 Dec 08 - 01:02 PM (#2523104)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

Bee... Moncton faired VERY well. Only a foot or so of s***. While we did get 100kph and some nasty drifts, our electricky stayed lit.

We have sidestepped the bad stuff so far. But, I am not pleased that we will go from -23C and snow and wind to freezing rain Xmas Eve to 9C and rain the day after. I can't wait for the next full moon so I don't have to worry about more rain.... hopefully!

23 Dec 08 - 01:15 PM (#2523113)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Ebbie

Traditionally, Juneau, Alaska, does not get snow for Christmas. Instead, even though there tends to be snow on the ground and the waterfalls are frozen in mid-air, on the day itself we can expect a drizzle of rain.

But it appears that this year we may have a White Christmas. Strike up the band!

23 Dec 08 - 02:13 PM (#2523155)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amergin

Well it is not snowing at the moment....just over two feet of the crap....and I can't get out of my driveway.....sigh....

23 Dec 08 - 05:23 PM (#2523285)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: ranger1

Just to give you an idea of what us NE North Americans are dealing with: click here

23 Dec 08 - 06:24 PM (#2523334)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Sandra in Sydney

thank, Tami

our weather pics are a bit different - our extreme summer weather is cyclones (hurricanes) & storms!

Pilbara still on alert as Cyclone Billy moves west

Sandstorm sweeps over Leigh Creek, South Australia

Storm front moves across Kulgera, Northern Territory

Lightning flares over Alice Springs, Central Australia

Tree uprooted in Brisbane storms

Flood waters surge down Brisbane's Kedron Brook

Council worker cleans up after Scarborough storm, Brisbane

Hail strikes Mt Tamborine, Qld

sandra (too lazy to make clickies to the pictures)

23 Dec 08 - 06:33 PM (#2523339)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

No matter what happens...blame it on Climate Change and Global Warming! At least you'll feel the warm glow inside that lets you know that you know the score. ;-)

More snow? Climate Change and Global Warming.

Less snow? Climate Change and Global Warming.

Floods? Climate Change and Global Warming.

Droughts? Climate Change and Global Warming.

Cold snap? Climate Change and Global Warming.

Hot spell? Climate Change and Global Warming.

Longer lineups at Walmart? Climate Change and Global Warming.

Your best gal is cheating on you? Climate Change and Global Warming.

The dog peed on the rug? Climate Change and Global Warming.

Rising/falling prices of commodities and thinning hair? Climate Change and Global Warming!!!!!!

23 Dec 08 - 06:46 PM (#2523351)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Amergin

Canadians coming over the border? Climate Change and Global Warming!

23 Dec 08 - 06:49 PM (#2523355)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

Aha! The light has dawned, hasn't it, Amergin? ;-)

23 Dec 08 - 07:29 PM (#2523390)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Azizi

Well, I believe in global warming. Maybe that's the reason we've hardly had any snow so far this year {"we" meaning people in Pittsburgh and the rest of Western Pennsylvania}.

But the public schools and a lot of other schools were closed yesterday because of what we considered to be really cold weather. I know that other places might not think that 2 degrees is cold, but for us-well, let me say that I'm glad that I didn't have to go outside yesterday.

The weathermen {weatherperson?} said it was supposed to be 32 degrees today. But it feels much colder than that. And tomorrow is supposed to be up to 50 degrees. :o)

I know that we'll get some snow and ice before winter's over. But given how Pittsburgh's weather has been most winters lately, it probably won't be as bad as you guys & gals are experiencing.

I remember it snowing much more here even 10, 15 years ago. But it's definitely not snowed that much lately. I remember when parents used to buy sleds for their kids for Christmas. I don't even know if they sell them in the stores now, because there's usually not enough snow to go sledding.

I hope I'm not jinxing myself.However, I don't mind the snow. It's walking and driving up & down these hills where there's ice that I really don't like.

That said, I'll definitely take this cold weather instead of the kind of weather I'm reading about in other places in the USA-except where Amos is.

23 Dec 08 - 07:33 PM (#2523400)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Azizi

I didn't mean the italics at the end of my previous post-except the really. But anyway, I really want to say that, regardless of the weather where you are, I hope you have a safe, and merry Christmas, and/or any other holiday that you celebrate around this time.

23 Dec 08 - 07:39 PM (#2523407)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

I'm not necessarily saying I don't believe in it...I think it may be true...but I'm saying it has become a comtemporary cliche and a political football for various reasons that are a little hard to pin down. It's in style at the moment.

Anyway, we seem to have gotten your snow, Azizi. There has been heavier snowfall and more severe weather here in Ontario this December than in any year going back to 1971.

Does anyone recall how the media in the early 70's were writing frequent scare articles about Global Cooling and the threat of a new Ice Age? Well, they were, but it's long forgotten now. That was the political football back then, but it did not get as massive media coverage as the one that's in play now.

23 Dec 08 - 08:00 PM (#2523423)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Tinker

Tami, somehow that makes me feel better about the wee bit (6 inches) of very wet icy stuff we got here. The van is near the sidewalk and the camery is snowed in til the next thaw. (Which is predicted for Christmas eve)


23 Dec 08 - 11:29 PM (#2523519)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Ebbie

Well, we're back to a weather advisory, cautioning us that we're going to get another "3 to 5" inches tonight along with wind.

Tomorrow we may have freezing rain- that one I don't like.

In the meantime it is very pretty. The snow is billowy and slidy and resembles confectioners sugar; it is magic to my dog.

This afternoon going up the hill to my volunteer stint at a city museum the going was slippery with each step sliding backward an inch or two but it wasn't nearly as tricky as coming downhill a few hours later.

But again: It was very pretty.

24 Dec 08 - 12:28 PM (#2523933)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Jim Lad

Well I've cleared a couple of feet off the deck twice and another 8" fell last night. Still snowing pretty heavily.
It has warmed up to freezing though so that's a blessing.
Stood outside for me morning puff and during that time I heard one tree let go of the snow and another let go of a branch.
Absolutely gorgeous, I must say.
Time to hang the suet.
Today's entertainment..... watching the snow slide down the solarium. (From the inside of course)
Happy Christmas to all of you.

24 Dec 08 - 01:03 PM (#2523951)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Azizi

Remind me never to brag about Pittsburgh's good weather-during the winter months. We had freezing rain starting about 12ish AM last night {okay, that really means early this morning}. The freezing rain continued coming down until just a little while ago.

Freezing rain on these hilly streets especially on cobblestone streets like where I live is no joke.

24 Dec 08 - 01:31 PM (#2523973)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Alice

The storms keep coming in from the Pacific and moving across the continent... waves of bad storm fronts have been stacked up one after another. I've stayed put in Billings where I am working and have decided not to drive back to Bozeman for Christmas and New Year. The 300 mile round trip... just not up to doing it. Thank goodness for the internet to be able to take care of bills and things piling up in my mail at home.

24 Dec 08 - 04:25 PM (#2524083)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

Nature continues to play jokes on Southern Ontario. Following 3 weeks of vicious winter weather, snowstorms, and frigid temperatures, things warmed up fast for Christmas Eve. It's raining on the mountains of snow that have accumulated outside. We have gone from Quick Freeze to Quagmire.

24 Dec 08 - 04:57 PM (#2524098)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

Yuk! Too bad, LH. Messy. Same crap here, after the sleet and freezing rain.

24 Dec 08 - 05:58 PM (#2524123)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!

Snow this AM. Warm and melting now. I watched an ice dam give way on a restaurant roof. Luckily no one was under it and the avalanche that followed.
My own little glacier is responding to salt filled pantihose and warm air.
Merry Christmas all.

24 Dec 08 - 06:24 PM (#2524139)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!


24 Dec 08 - 08:27 PM (#2524190)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: MaineDog

I recently read an article in Forbes Magazine in which it was stated that the public is being fed a watered-down, simplified, metaphorical version of the "scientifics" of global warming, because us dummies would not understand the real stuff, and yet we must be prodded into action. How should we respond to this?

24 Dec 08 - 08:38 PM (#2524194)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

Look it up?

25 Dec 08 - 01:33 AM (#2524274)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!

From AUSTRALIA what is snow

25 Dec 08 - 01:35 AM (#2524275)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Peace

Snow is a four-letter word.


25 Dec 08 - 02:14 PM (#2524492)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: gnu

I wish I had snow now.... +9 and enough wind to blow the shingle tabs off my roof and right up my

I told the neighbour just to keep them and I'll collect them after the wind is over.

25 Dec 08 - 03:40 PM (#2524532)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: GUEST,Amos

HAving seen those pictures, Tami, I vow I will not gloat anymore, at least until 2009. Dear Gawd!! No wonder you New Englanders all have such broad shoulders!!
Stay safe, stay warm, and Spring will catch up with you before you know it!


25 Dec 08 - 04:33 PM (#2524558)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Stewart

Don is right about Seattle.
Another couple of inches last night
and snowing again this morning
Probably over a foot of snow so far
and the city doesn't believe in using salt
(environmentally bad - makes Puget Sound too salty)
and even though they are supposed to have 7 snow plows
the most anyone has ever seen is just one,
and they use rubber-tipped blades
not to damage the streets (the few that are plowed)
they just compress the snow, and now with thawing temps
(35 deg F) there are hubcap-deep ruts in the ice/snow/slush
Now I remember why I left Minnesota,
but in our small town there
the streets were all plowed, salt and sanded,
in a couple of hours.

Now about those Snow Angels:
the late Johnny Cunningham wrote a tune,
"The Unfortunate Snow Incident"
"A wee wintry four-part jig written
in commemoration of the time a friend tried,
after too much holiday cheer,
to 'write' a yellow Snow Angel
in the cold drifts outside a local pub.
Frostbite can be an ugly thing."

Cheers, S. in Seattle

25 Dec 08 - 04:37 PM (#2524562)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

Well, not a bad day today, weatherwise. It cooled down to a few degrees below freezing overnight and a little snow fell. It looks pretty agreeable out there now.

25 Dec 08 - 05:06 PM (#2524591)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Ebbie

We've been upgraded from a Weather Watch to a Weather Warning now- effective midnight tonight until 4 pm tomorrow, expecting 8 to 12 inches of more snow, along with wind.

I'm kind of hoping it will happen - there's something excitingly elemental to me about storms, as opposed to clouds hanging overhead and sogging down upon me.

Speaking of salt on the streets and sidewalks (pavements), my preference is sand and small gravel. Anything to give traction. If one scrapes the sidewalks to the surface one almost has to use salt or its equivalent but I like to leave an inch or so of snow which then becomes crisp and crunchy. Not to mention that my dog can hardly bear the salt on her feet. On occasion I have even picked her up and carried her to a snowy spot.

Yesterday I had her with me as I went around town hanging posters for our upcoming monthly Gold Street Music concert. She enjoyed it hugely until we got to the curried areas; I ended up taking her home and finishing the job alone.

25 Dec 08 - 05:50 PM (#2524615)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: maeve

A little snow, a lot of rain and winds shifting from west to nor'west resulted in power outages from early this morning until noon. Good thing we don't mind celebrating Christmas for days on end here, for our Christmas dinner couldn't be cooked without a working oven.

Our thanks to the utility workers who were out in that wind on Christmas day working to restore power in the area.

25 Dec 08 - 06:10 PM (#2524628)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Don Firth

A bit of levity may help.
Bear cub runs up to its mother and says, "Mama, what kind of bear am I?'

"Well, sweetie," the mother bear answers, "you're a polar bear."

The cub ponders that a bit, and wanders off.

After a few minutes he comes back and says, "Mama, what kind of bear did you say I am?"

"Well, honey," she says, "you're a polar bear."

A few minutes later, he comes back again and says, "Mama, are you sure that I'm a polar bear?"

"Yes, of course," she answers. "Why do you ask?"

"'Cause I'm freezing my butt off!!"
Don Firth

25 Dec 08 - 06:28 PM (#2524642)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Alice

Toronto does it right.
They put snow from the streets into a melting machine.
I wish our town could have this method.
Toronto snow management - melting machine

25 Dec 08 - 07:57 PM (#2524690)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: ranger1

Geez, how come every municipality in snow country doesn't have one of those gizmos? Makes sense to me.

25 Dec 08 - 08:03 PM (#2524692)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Alice

The only downside I could think of for our area is that all the snowpack is what gives us soil moisture in the spring. But at least for the main streets, it would help, as we end up with huge mountains of snow that are pushed up by the plows and stay around for months.

25 Dec 08 - 08:22 PM (#2524703)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Bee

Toronto has had to get imaginative about snow removal, as no Canadian living outside that venerable city will ever let them live down their calling in the military to clear up after a heavy snowfall in 1999. Almost a decade later, everyone from Newfoundland to Alberta is still laughing at them, although BC seems more inclined to be quiet about it, since snow in Vancouver gives all the residents heebie jeebies.

25 Dec 08 - 08:27 PM (#2524706)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Alice

... but 1974 is when Toronto first started using the melting machine.

25 Dec 08 - 08:41 PM (#2524708)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Bee

In that case, it can't be a very efficient method of dealing with excess snow. ;-)

Snow in Newfoundlamd, Trans-Canada Highway:

25 Dec 08 - 08:49 PM (#2524712)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Ebbie

In Juneau, bladed trucks and dump trucks push and dump snow, respectively, over the banks at various points that then melt into the ocean. The city don't use salt, I understand, but some kind of urea compound.

25 Dec 08 - 08:51 PM (#2524714)
Subject: RE: BS: I am sick of this snow!
From: Little Hawk

The melting machine is a great idea. We could sure use it right now in Orillia.