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From Max: Mudcat Stuff

13 Jan 09 - 10:17 AM (#2538741)
Subject: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Max

As I am sure you can tell, mudcat is having some problems. I'm working very hard on fixing them, and am trying to limit my work to as late as I can stay up Eastern Standard Time to minimize downtime. Be patient, the fix is likely to be as annoying as the problem until I'm done.

Currently I am looking for a temporary host. I am in the process of moving to State College, PA (job at Penn State University) and will be in limbo for months. I don't have a place to live for my family let alone the server, so I need to offload it. Challenging because the mudcat is so big and busy, but that's the goal for now.

Also in limbo is the Mudcat bank account. I'm already in State College and don't get back to Philly but once a month. Please do not send checks made out to mudcat or mail them to the PO Box in West Chester. I'm going to get a PO Box here in a few days. If you feel compelled to send money, use paypal until further notice.

That's all for now.


13 Jan 09 - 10:22 AM (#2538743)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: John MacKenzie

Well, it's all go isn't it?
Thanks for the update, and good luck with all the upheaval.
I'm sure all will agree, that your domestic arrangements are far more important than those of Mudcat its self.
Keep us posted, and if I can help in any way, please let me know.

13 Jan 09 - 10:37 AM (#2538747)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: MartinRyan

Best wishes, Max - and good luck with the new job!


13 Jan 09 - 10:58 AM (#2538764)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Nancy King

Aha! Big doings! Thanks for letting us know, Max, and good luck with all the hassle of relocating!


13 Jan 09 - 11:02 AM (#2538769)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Dan Schatz

On behalf of the people of West Chester - indeed all of Chester County - I object!

But congrats on the new job.


13 Jan 09 - 11:03 AM (#2538770)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: wysiwyg


We have plenty of room here, if temp housing for the fam becomes a direction you want to pursue.


13 Jan 09 - 11:10 AM (#2538774)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: wysiwyg

PS we're about an hour and a half from State College.


13 Jan 09 - 11:26 AM (#2538786)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: katlaughing

Thanks for the update, Max. Good luck to you and the family in the move and all.

FWIW, you probably already know, but my Rog says there are really cheap "server farms" now available online and they furnish everything so you wouldn't have to have a server, etc. in your home. If it cost a bit more I am sure we could all pitch in more. Interesting article on Server Farms.


13 Jan 09 - 11:28 AM (#2538788)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: catspaw49

Now you're working for them? Geeziz, you are beyond hope......Not even a double kick in the balls will help................So you'll be doing like what? Changing JoePa's Depends?


13 Jan 09 - 11:41 AM (#2538802)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: ClaireBear

Congratulation on the new employment. I hope for a smooth transition for all of you -- and indeed for all of us, though I promise to do my very best to be a patient, go-with-the-flow sort of bear in case it isn't.

Max, here's a toast to you (in coffee, but I'm at work so that can't be helped) for your dedication to our Mudcat village. I like this one because it's so full of blessings:

Salud, amor y pesetas -- y el tiempo para gustarlos.
(Health, love and money -- and the time to enjoy them.)


13 Jan 09 - 12:04 PM (#2538829)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: VirginiaTam


Just want to say that even though I am medically addicted to Mudcat I really appreciate all you do.

At least when it is down I don't have an excuse to put off music practice.

Congrats and best wishes re the new job.

Many thanks


P.S for the English Catters Changing JoePa's Depends

Depends = Tena

13 Jan 09 - 12:25 PM (#2538847)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Stilly River Sage

My father's family used to live in that general area, in the tiny town of Salladasburg. Williamsport is nearby, for Mudcat baseball fans (Little League Hall of Fame). I've passed through State College a couple of times--pretty area--but it does seem to be in the middle of nowhere. I think it was my great aunt from Salladasburg who told me that someone drew a couple of N/S E/W lines across the state and plopped the state university down on the axis so that it would be smack in the middle.

You might want to update this page (contact information) with your paypal information and remove the West Chester box address.

What department are you in? I find your campus email, but in poking through what seem like logical places for someone with all of your talents I haven't found you in a department directory yet. Universities are a great place for people with strong IT skills--every department needs them, and the university at large needs them. (That's why IT Librarians are in such great demand--they know the computer stuff and they can find where the bodies are buried.) :)


13 Jan 09 - 12:26 PM (#2538848)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: GUEST,hg

Max...Very good idea to get into higher education work especially at such a great school and your alma mater, I believe. They are lucky to have you. Real estate is obviously not a place to make a living nowadays. Way to go! harpy    (shocked at the positive communication, huh?)

13 Jan 09 - 01:33 PM (#2538915)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: VirginiaTam

I wonder, as this thread is meant to be a head's up to Catters of potential off line time, does the title indicate same.

I worry that most Catters won't bother to have a look at this thread and then will be freaking when/if Mudcat goes down.

I know not my problem... Not my business...

Shutting up now.

13 Jan 09 - 01:37 PM (#2538921)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: wysiwyg

VT, people ALWAYS look at "Max" thread titles. If they don't-- they do the next time around! :~)

It's a good reminder to re-save any threads that need preservation in case one wants to work on them during the downtime, and be sure you have email contact info for people you ordinarily PM regularly.


13 Jan 09 - 01:49 PM (#2538931)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Suegorgeous


Ummm.....what does tena mean?! :(

13 Jan 09 - 01:55 PM (#2538936)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: MMario

Also a good time to verify you know about Numachi and have a link to it; and the Mudcat Annex - and a link to it; and; and a link to it

13 Jan 09 - 01:56 PM (#2538938)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: wysiwyg

LOL, a good thing to save to disk is the FAQ. I bet it's all in there! :~)


13 Jan 09 - 02:01 PM (#2538939)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: katlaughing

The Annexe has been closed down as of today, MMario. Jon noted it in another thread.

13 Jan 09 - 02:04 PM (#2538941)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: kendall

Max, you'll get nothing from me but gratitude. (Until you tell us your new po box number.)

13 Jan 09 - 02:05 PM (#2538942)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Richard Bridge


13 Jan 09 - 02:14 PM (#2538955)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: John MacKenzie

Sniff Numachi

13 Jan 09 - 02:16 PM (#2538958)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: open mike

also check out the mudcat group on a back up
there are 164 members there.

13 Jan 09 - 02:24 PM (#2538968)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Richard Bridge

Thank you Giok.

13 Jan 09 - 02:27 PM (#2538971)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: McGrath of Harlow

It's a bugger having The Annexe fold just when it's existence is extra-important.

As the saying ought to go, "When one door closes, another shuts..."

Best of luck to Max anyway.   And I'm sure things will work out OK for the Mudcat too. It's what the Internet was invented for.

13 Jan 09 - 02:28 PM (#2538975)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Stilly River Sage

Facebook link

13 Jan 09 - 02:36 PM (#2538987)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: PoppaGator

"Tena" is a brand-name for adult diapers. I've seen it in the US, but it's apparent from the reference in this thread that it's most familiar in the UK.

13 Jan 09 - 02:52 PM (#2539005)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: McGrath of Harlow

Just been off and signed up for facebook and the Mudcat Cafe group there. A handy facility, but no substitute. Nice seeing the faces though, and trying to work out who they are in Mudcat terms.

13 Jan 09 - 02:54 PM (#2539008)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Max

I'm working in the Marketing department. So far I'm in charge of marketing: youth (like 4-H and summer camps), environmental (sustainability) & solar energy programs and bronzing JoePa's shoes at the end of every day.

I want to warn you that if you think mudcat is addicting, be careful with facebook. Though being an addict already, I recommend it to all of you. It's great fun and a wonderful way to share info, photos, videos & songs, to keep track of what folks like us are up to, and a world class way to waste time. Since the annex is closed, it'll likely be the defacto place to be when the mudcat goes belly up.

More soon...

13 Jan 09 - 02:56 PM (#2539010)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: katlaughing

As long as it's only a temporary belly up, I hope!!:-)

Congrats on the new job!!!

13 Jan 09 - 03:17 PM (#2539032)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, horses for courses, and that goes especially for addictions. The Mudcat is my drug of choice.

I can't see facebook as anything more than a lifeboat at best, no substitute for the Good Ship Mudcat.

13 Jan 09 - 04:11 PM (#2539080)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: VirginiaTam

it'll likely be the defacto place to be when the mudcat goes belly up.

NOOOOOO!!!!!!   Facebook is no substitute. Too many bells and whistles.. Too many distractions. Not good for numerous ongoing long discussions.

Please don't let the old MudCat die. Shudder. I cannot even comprehend it.

Nightmares for me tonight. Dirge for the old MC.

13 Jan 09 - 04:17 PM (#2539083)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Kampervan

Hey, are we talking potential termination here?

If cash can help then I'm sure that there are lots of addicts who would happily contribute a few dollars to make sure that Mudcat carrieed on into thenext millenium>

can we help?

13 Jan 09 - 04:22 PM (#2539089)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: open mike

songs on facebook? how? i did not notice an audio feature..there...

13 Jan 09 - 04:29 PM (#2539094)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: John MacKenzie

I still have a web site that I set up about 3 years ago when Mudcat went belly up a lot. It hasn't had much use since, but I have kept it up.
I won't give the url for the moment in case the Annexe comes back, but it would do as a contact point in an emergency.
We will se how things go for the moment anyway.


13 Jan 09 - 04:30 PM (#2539095)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Stilly River Sage

Max, do they know what a computer and programming whiz you are?

Marketing is crucial to universities these days. Those camps are important for exposing potential future students to your campus. My kids both went to Engineering Camp at UT Arlington--a week of residential camp when they were exposed to many aspects of engineering. The school not only wants to recruit future students, the education college wanted to track girls and their success (or lack of) with math and science. These programs are often underwritten by the big engineering firms in the area, because once the sutdents finish college, these firms will be looking to hire them.

Good luck!


13 Jan 09 - 04:32 PM (#2539097)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: DougR

Congratulations, Max. And good luck!

13 Jan 09 - 04:41 PM (#2539102)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Max

Don't worry, mudcat is not going anywhere. It just might be offline for a bit while we get it's home figured out. You know me, it won't be long.

13 Jan 09 - 04:46 PM (#2539106)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: katlaughing

So it's sleepovers at facebook and elsewhere, maybe...could be fun.:-) Whose bringing the popcorn?

Thanks, Max!!!

13 Jan 09 - 05:05 PM (#2539113)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: John MacKenzie

Hot buttered and salted?

13 Jan 09 - 05:10 PM (#2539120)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: VirginiaTam

Whew! What a relief. And John MacKenzie you are a star.

13 Jan 09 - 05:22 PM (#2539127)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Sorcha

kat...I'm not finding a Mudcat thread about the Annexe being closed. It was announced on the Annexe earlier today.

13 Jan 09 - 05:29 PM (#2539132)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: CarolC

In the absence of the Annexe, I would like to offer my own forum as a place for people to communicate about Mudcat's status when it's down. Membership is required to post but not to read...

The Talk Talk Talk forum is the main discussion forum. We also have two chat rooms people can use if they want. We are not currently ad free, but that can change.

13 Jan 09 - 06:31 PM (#2539163)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: katlaughing

There was no specific thread, Carol Sorcha. Jon just mentioned it in another thread.

13 Jan 09 - 06:33 PM (#2539165)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: CarolC

I'm sorry, but I don't think I was the one who said whatever was being responded to in the above post mentioning my name.

13 Jan 09 - 06:36 PM (#2539167)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Sorcha

No, I think it was me she was speaking to,Carol

13 Jan 09 - 06:57 PM (#2539191)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: open mike

wasn't there once a chat room of some sort across the pond, besides the annexe? Perhaps hosted by Giok ? Is that the one you are talking about John Mackenzie?

13 Jan 09 - 06:58 PM (#2539194)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Sorcha

Oh, and BTW, have MY permission to say MY name anytime you need to!!!!!

13 Jan 09 - 07:04 PM (#2539199)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: CarolC

Thanks, but I dare not.

13 Jan 09 - 07:11 PM (#2539203)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: GUEST,biff

sorry about your troubles Max, I was starting to take it personally

13 Jan 09 - 07:13 PM (#2539204)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: kendall

I recently became a member of Facebook.

13 Jan 09 - 07:14 PM (#2539206)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: McGrath of Harlow

Great picture of you there Carol...

13 Jan 09 - 07:16 PM (#2539207)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Sorcha

Yes, I understand, poster of 13 Jan 09 - 07:04 PM. This is getting just a bit ridiculous, IMO

13 Jan 09 - 07:34 PM (#2539224)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: wysiwyg

Don't worry, mudcat is not going anywhere. It just might be offline for a bit while we get it's home figured out. You know me, it won't be long.

Yes, Max, we do, and that is why Mudcat is not like anywhere else on the Net and ALSO why it will always get so much traffic that it gives you a PIA. :~)

See PM if you have minute, with a possible State College lead.

Say, folks-- don't mudcats go all dormant in winter mud anyway?


13 Jan 09 - 07:46 PM (#2539234)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's a page I came across with a list of internet places people (more especially UK people)might meet up in if the Cat's away a bit.

13 Jan 09 - 08:29 PM (#2539252)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Joe_F

I heard, once, that, once, some folks in State College thought that that was an unimaginitive name for a town, so they set up a poll for an improved name, which had to be abandoned because the students voted overwhelmingly for "Dead Center".

Enjoy. %^)

14 Jan 09 - 12:15 AM (#2539343)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Bugsy

Max, you've done a fantastic job with Mudcat all these years. I can only say
THANK YOU, From the bottom of my heart.



14 Jan 09 - 12:54 AM (#2539353)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Stilly River Sage

I hope Susan is able to do her networking and help you find a place, Max. Wouldn't it be great if this worldwide network of yours was able to give back a little, after all you've given us? There is no place else like Mudcat. My family's home in Salladasburg, once an old inn (built at the turn of the 19th century), was turned into a Bed and Breakfast in 1994, and as small as the town is, the amenities and connectivity wouldn't be what you need, so I won't offer directions. But it is a pretty drive up that way come summer.

I wonder what the next iteration of the Mudcat Tavern is going to look like? It does tend to tag along with Max, though he probably doesn't visit it. The current one is, I think, in his most recent back yard. Even with it's giant squid and all of the doors for world travel, it happily changes location when necessary. The landscape usually follows. :)


14 Jan 09 - 02:50 AM (#2539366)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Sandra in Sydney

thanks for everything, Max

Tho I will miss my Mudcat while you're re-locating


14 Jan 09 - 03:24 AM (#2539377)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: JohnInKansas

With the number of mentions of Facebook, and the apparent number of people already there, an accidental connection that I stumbled onto might be of interest. A friend who recently "signed in" there commented on the settings being a bit confusing (or maybe the term used was "ambiguous.")

The AV producers at Sophos have provided some suggestions:

Facebook - Privacy settings recommended by Sophos.

There are about five links in that article, to more specific suggestions for security, privacy, search, feeds, pokes, etc. Each setting is briefly described, with some suggestions about what you may be exposed to if you use other settings.

An easy read, and not at all "dictatorial" about what you must do; but of course I haven't actually tried getting to any of the settings, so you're on your own for now.


14 Jan 09 - 05:44 AM (#2539440)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: John MacKenzie

Had a couple of PMs asking about my possible alternative site, for use if Mudcat goes off air temporarily, so here is the addy for those interested.

You will see I have created a Mudcat category.


14 Jan 09 - 06:09 AM (#2539446)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Sandra in Sydney


14 Jan 09 - 06:30 AM (#2539457)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Well, I just tried to register and I gave my email address, which is an one, and checked that I'd typed it correctly both times - and It said my address was invalid. Oh no it isn't!! It's the one I've been using for years, and is the same one I have registered for Mudcat. Whassup, John?

Also, in the type-these-figures-as-you-see-them spamfooler, the last character goes outside the box and is not fully visible. Looked like a K, but you can't be sure. But I never got that far . . .   :-(

I think we need to agree on a venue in which we can all go nurse our withdrawal symptoms, and looks good to me (if I can get in).

I have nothing against Facebook but it has way too big a footprint for what I want. I'm not going to join a whole social networking scheme when all I want is my daily fix. And my vote to John's site, provided he'll tell me how to register.

14 Jan 09 - 06:33 AM (#2539459)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Mr Happy

Is there a cut off date imminent for the 'cat?

14 Jan 09 - 06:35 AM (#2539461)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: John MacKenzie

Well Bonnie, I am flummoxed for the moment. Can you PM me with the details, and I will try to speak with the site provider, on your behalf.
I agree on the Facebook thing BTW, it can be intrusive.

14 Jan 09 - 06:35 AM (#2539463)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Bonnie Shaljean

PS: Do we need a whole separate thread discussing (and hopefully agreeing) a new alternative venue, so everyone is alerted to the question (and also so this one doesn't get hi-jacked)? I must say, I do like the idea of something with a moderator or some form of control.

14 Jan 09 - 06:49 AM (#2539467)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Sandra in Sydney

I've registered - without problems part from trying to log in before registering! (when all else fails, read the instructions, sandra)

Confirmation arrived & I eagerly await admin approval.

Thanks, John


Bonnie - I agree about Facebook - I also have no interest in joining a huge social network full of zillions of bells & whistles

JiK - many thanks for the Sophos articles.

14 Jan 09 - 06:49 AM (#2539468)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Colin Randall

Some sites don't like gmail/hotmail/yahoo type e-mail addresses for some reason. A few I'm signed up to approve registration only if I use my work address. I am sure there are technical explanations for thos but they would be beyond me

14 Jan 09 - 06:57 AM (#2539472)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Ah... good point, Colin. Yes, I've heard that too. They think (and not without reason) that those cloud ones are too easy to fake, and want you to have a Proper server.

John - I've PM'd you, but hang fire and let me try again with one of my other email addresses.

14 Jan 09 - 07:01 AM (#2539476)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Bonnie Shaljean


14 Jan 09 - 07:35 AM (#2539507)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: VirginiaTam

Another thing to consider using Facebook as an interim forum is attracting wider audience to Mudcat when it is up and running fully. Who follows us from Facebook to Mudcat can be both positive and negative.

Just something to think about.

14 Jan 09 - 08:07 PM (#2539845)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: McGrath of Harlow

Facebook looks fun in its way, but with all the friends of friends and the picking and choosing who's your friend and who isn't, it's a bit too much like some aspects of school, all those years ago.

Thanks for that, John of Kansas Facebook - Privacy settings recommended by Sophos. Otherwise it all might get a bit overwhelming over there. That "limited friends" option might be especially useful.

Mudcat rules OK.

15 Jan 09 - 12:51 AM (#2539938)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: katlaughing

Mr. Happy, to answer your question, no, there is no imminent date. Max is moving house, Mudcat, etc. to where his new job is, across the state of Pennsylvania. He has just warned us that Mudcat may be a little unstable as they find a temp. home for it, etc.:-)

Thanks, John Mac, for the link to your site!

15 Jan 09 - 06:31 AM (#2540062)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: John MacKenzie

It's there for the use of Mudcatters suffering from withdrawal symptoms, and all are welcome kat.
A few have visited, and a few have joined. There is a small chatroom attached too, for those who are that way inclined.

John 'G'

BTW for those who may not have realised, my handle on my own site is 'Cugiok', a play on the Glasgow greeting 'See you Jimmy' ;)

15 Jan 09 - 07:36 AM (#2540098)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Bonnie Shaljean

> It's there for the use of Mudcatters suffering from withdrawal symptoms, and all are welcome

Yeah, you guys, c'mon over next time there's a Catnap. My little post is getting lonely . . .

15 Jan 09 - 09:32 AM (#2540255)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Sandra in Sydney

I posted an experimental post & it worked (tho again I didn't read the instructions & saved instead of submitting first & wondered what was going on.


15 Jan 09 - 09:44 AM (#2540279)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: breezy

All the best max, sorry. Max

Thanks for providing the 'fix'

and I thought it was only me

15 Jan 09 - 10:18 AM (#2540317)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Mr Happy

Just a thought, as the Annexe's unexpectedly bit the dust, if Folkinfo'd be a place for music topics?

15 Jan 09 - 02:58 PM (#2540624)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Roger in Baltimore

I only read Mudcat from work. They have blocked most sites like Facebook, Myspace, blogs, and music downloading sites. I have been very grateful that Mudcat has not been included in one of these groupings. Most of the alternatives being suggested will be blocked. Buy, hey, it is probably just my problem. I have gone through 'Cat withdrawal before, I can do it again. I hope.

Roger in Baltimore

15 Jan 09 - 03:24 PM (#2540642)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: McGrath of Harlow

MySpace keeps on refusing to recognise my password, which is the same one I use here, so so I have to go round the houses reinstalling it as a new password before they let me in. And next time they won't recognise it again. I doubt if I'll be going there too often at this rate.

15 Jan 09 - 06:55 PM (#2540847)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: Mrs.Duck

My new job also block mudcat! Very annoying. Also block my e mail as its web based.

15 Jan 09 - 09:52 PM (#2540964)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: MMario

I have to use a backdoor from work. For years I was unable to login at all if viewing from work, I could read everything, but had to be Guest:MMario

17 Jan 09 - 03:25 PM (#2541575)
Subject: RE: From Max: Mudcat Stuff
From: open mike

the annex was a part of the folkinfo site
and they have chosen not to host an
alternative (mud) cat site there.