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BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???

03 Feb 09 - 06:13 PM (#2556539)
Subject: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Art Thieme

Granted, these are tough times and we gotta get the $$$$$$$ any way we can. BUT how and why does an ad like this get featured on NPR???!

Arlo got arrested for LITTERING several years ago. Officer Obie made him clean it up!

Maybe Public Radio ought to sweep up the litter after itself too...

Affectionately ;-) Art Thieme

P.S.: How did ads get on NPR anyhow??

03 Feb 09 - 06:22 PM (#2556544)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Rapparee

Ah, Art, that's a HAT box.

I've heard the ad. It's definitely a HAT box.

03 Feb 09 - 06:26 PM (#2556548)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Jeri

Mine should arrive in a fat box, or if it's a flat box, maybe it was a sat box.

03 Feb 09 - 06:32 PM (#2556553)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Art - it is a delightful little NEW process called "deep packet inspection" DPI.

The UK tech rights folk are up in arms about about the clandestine experiments of 2006-08. It is insideous - as the ISP will gain revenue as the browsing database of individuals is "push marketed."

You might be noticing "phone calls for solicitation" after you open e-mail...these are "beacons" within your mail that let telemarketers know you are by the phone and what e-mail you opened.

This has gone below most of the US tech folks radar. My guess it will be in the public press about in time for "The Ides of March."

You can OPT OUT - my machine runs 10 times faster without "doubleclic" "" "akima" and a score of others ...

If you want more I can refer you to discussion groups and sites like Gibson Research.


It is a brave new world.

03 Feb 09 - 06:37 PM (#2556556)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Art Thieme

It came early---in today's mail. So why was mine filled with litter? Carol thought it was a freaking lousy thing to order for her for Valentines Day. The mail-person crammed it into our mailbox and we had to pull the post out of the ground to get it inside. It must weigh 75 pounds. I got a damn hernia bringing it into the house.

Today is the 3rd of the month---but it leaked stuff all the way into the house. That's how Carol knew what it was

The cat ripped it open and took a shit in it too.

Oh, the humanity!!!!!!!


03 Feb 09 - 06:40 PM (#2556560)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Bobert

I heard it, too..

It was like pajamas in a hatbox...

What ever happened to a Hersey Bar and a rose???



03 Feb 09 - 07:02 PM (#2556584)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Art Thieme

I gave the Hershey and a rose to Carol last year. Our cat pulled it out of the vase and buried it in it's catbox---along with the melted Hershey bar--which it thought was a loose turd.

I did wonder why it ended up eating it's own merde!? (It had never done that before that I can recollect.)


03 Feb 09 - 07:09 PM (#2556593)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Art Thieme

HEY, it just buried the gerbil in there too, and I think it's dead!!! I guess one could say that the gerbil is now in turd!!

(interred ;-)


03 Feb 09 - 07:47 PM (#2556624)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Bill D

A careless young fellow named Clyde
Fell into the sewer and died.
   His poor grieving brother
   Fell into another...
And now they're interred side by side.

03 Feb 09 - 08:01 PM (#2556634)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Leadfingers

Look guys - I KNOW this IS the BS section , but from THIS side of the Pond NONE of the above makes any sense at all !
All I DO know is that NPR is Public Radio - the rest may as well be in Chinese !

03 Feb 09 - 08:10 PM (#2556638)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: gnomad

I was wondering whether MOAB had sprung a leak.

Sure it looks like nonsense if the cultural references are missing, but I reckon it is quality stuff.

03 Feb 09 - 08:22 PM (#2556642)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Jeri

NPR did a story on 'Pajamagrams'. The business involves sending your true love PJs in a box. Then, certain people got ahold of the story and it went all fuzzy and purplish with swirly polka-dot artichokes.

03 Feb 09 - 08:27 PM (#2556643)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Jeri

...of course, you should consider I'm some percentage full of shit. (Unlike Art's cat, which is now empty.)

03 Feb 09 - 08:42 PM (#2556650)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: GUEST,hg or haggard or whatever!

What?? Poor Jeri got her liver taken out and put into a chatbox??? That must have hurt....

03 Feb 09 - 09:49 PM (#2556683)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???

It was a rose and a Baby Ruth.

I don't understand what Art is going on about. If I could get my cats to use the litter box, with or without a rose, I would be deliriously happy.

03 Feb 09 - 09:52 PM (#2556686)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???

Plus yours bury turds in the litter box. Mine pick out the round ones and bat them all over the house.

By the way, anyone planning on visiting soon? I'll do a clean up.

03 Feb 09 - 09:54 PM (#2556689)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Rapparee

He bought his wife some of those scanty-panty sleep outfits and the cat got it first and buried it. Probably had some of those crotchless panties or something.

03 Feb 09 - 10:05 PM (#2556699)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Bill D

I had a cat bury one of my SOCKS in the cat box once. She carried it very gingerly in her if ....well....

03 Feb 09 - 10:09 PM (#2556701)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Bill D

"I KNOW this IS the BS section , but from THIS side of the Pond NONE of the above makes any sense at all ! " could be worse...we could be using Georgia Rhyming Slang.

03 Feb 09 - 10:17 PM (#2556707)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Stilly River Sage

I have only heard the sponsorship ads, I missed the story. But since I've heard the ads I at least had a clue.


04 Feb 09 - 12:30 AM (#2556747)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Art Thieme

Well, folks, NPR is National Public Radio. They used to never have anything like commercial announcements. Then, a while ago, to the consternation of some, they began to "mention" the foundations etc. that funded their various programs with grants of money. In the beginning, these were just oblique references to whoever made donations of support. More recently, these are cleverly put together blurbs that seem to approach being sort of like commercials.

That said, one of the "donors" will send out, for a fee, gift "hat boxes" with women's pajamas inside. There seems to be a push on for these as gifts for Saint Valentine's Day--- a celebration of amorous love in the USA where people profess their love for the various objects of that love---usually, but not always, other human beings. Gifts of candy in heart-shaped boxes is often given out. Sometimes diamonds and/or automobiles all to better assure that your "love" might be reciprocated.

Now, these ladies P.Js or pajamas--night garments--can be purchased to be delivered to your true love. These garments are shipped for some absolutely dumb and seemingly inappropriate reasons, in a "HATBOX" --- which seems quite dumb, totally incongruous, and very funny to some of us. (Pardon me for repeating myself. I want to be clear here.)

You folks on the other side of the pond and around the globe, please, bear with us. We all, because of rampant criminal greed and imbesillic hubris laden political leadershp in the USA, as you surely know, are in, along with the rest of this world, an ECONOMIC DEPESSION now. We need all the laughter we can get----therefore   this dumb ass thread. If ya don't have an sense o' humor, it isn't funny!----none of it.--- I don't mean that particular people don't have a good sense of humor. No! I'm just saying that, in order to get through the deep crap, in or outside of a cat box, we must nurture and preserve our collective senses of humor. We who are supressed and depressed by Capitalism and marauding terrorist capitalists know the truth of the old adage, If you make your bed in a cow pasture (or a catbox), you are going to have to roll in it!

Thanks for allowing us the leeway to work on our various jocular projects even if we are not politically correct or sometimes scatological or outright Gross (not Terry) on occasion.

By the way, Terry Gross, who I mentioned in a post here, is a National Public Radio talk show hostess who had a voice, when she was younger, at least, that I would love to have spewing love words into my ear from a pillow in bed next to me. 'Nuf said!

Life is surely fantastic----so, please, allow me my few fantasies--?!

Art (Thieme)

04 Feb 09 - 03:00 AM (#2556782)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Liz the Squeak

Don't talk to me about cats and poop.... I'm the only one in this house who will clear up the occasional 'accident'... like the one behind the sofa, next to the radiator this morning.


04 Feb 09 - 04:54 AM (#2556840)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: gnomad

No worries here, Art, you go for it.

We Brits get plenty of leeway for our madnesses. I for one was enjoying your flight of fancy, despite (maybe even because of) having only the vaguest notion what you were on about.

04 Feb 09 - 08:55 AM (#2556983)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Becca72

Sins, Mikey hides the round ones until they're dried out, then bats them across the bathroom floor...I've gotten very good at identifying the sound of dried turds on linoleum...

04 Feb 09 - 09:42 AM (#2557015)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???

Freddie runs upstairs with his and bats them down the stairs and across the wood floors. Sound is equally identifiable.

NPR announcers often sound like the two ditzy types on Saturday Night Live. Kendall was interviewd by one with a carefully groomed and modulated voice. She had NO sense of humor. It was hilarious. I don't know who was most frustrated. The prim and proper announcer who almost had enough sense to realize there was a joke in there somewhere (but probably at her expense) or Kendall who couldn't raise so much as a slight smile.

No pillow talk there.

04 Feb 09 - 09:56 AM (#2557022)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Art Thieme

I understand. Tall tale tellers have to deliver their "lies" as if truth is involved. Sometimes that means cutting off the listeners head without their realizing it. Often, that's part of the humor for other listeners.

We remember things that never happened!

Modern folks aren't used to not having a punchline. Once in a while, in order to let the audience know that humor was happening, I would create a punch line after the joke was over just to allow the hearers to feel better about having paid their money to be there.

A tangled web Kendall and I and Utah and some others used to weave.


04 Feb 09 - 10:58 AM (#2557070)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Rapparee

Shucks, Art, I still stretch the blanket and draw the longbow.

If the others can't figger it out it ain't my problem....

04 Feb 09 - 12:04 PM (#2557119)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: frogprince

I know what cat boxes are...
I know what hat boxes are...

But what are pajamas?...

04 Feb 09 - 01:09 PM (#2557179)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Desert Dancer

But what are pajamas?...

Nightclothes of the two-legged variety. Pyjamas.

Or, if cat's, and somewhat archaically, "something special".

04 Feb 09 - 01:29 PM (#2557191)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: CarolC

JtS almost got me some of those PJs in a hatbox. But I think that's too much money for a Valentine's Day present. I asked him to get me a garden rake instead.

Here's their website...

This page is better (everybody needs plaid)...

04 Feb 09 - 01:31 PM (#2557194)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: CarolC

Oops. Here's their front page...

04 Feb 09 - 01:50 PM (#2557212)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: frogprince

"Nightclothes of the two-legged variety. Pyjamas."

If we wear wear clothes at night, it's because we're not ready for bed yet ; ).

Actually, my wife does have a few frilly decorative things that she turns up in in the evening once in a while. Generally they're the sorts of things that surround the property without obstructing the view. But they usually get scattered somewhere on the way to the bunkroom, to be picked up in the morning...

04 Feb 09 - 04:31 PM (#2557330)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Art Thieme


With him around, why do you need, or want to have, yet another rake?

P.S.----We just found the pajamas. They were in there all the time under the cat litter. We think they were once white, but now they are a filthy yellowish hue and with a quite foul odor.

Carol just heaved 'em into the garbage out back.

Live an' learn!!


04 Feb 09 - 08:20 PM (#2557500)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: CarolC

He's the house rake. I need a rake for the garden.

04 Feb 09 - 08:41 PM (#2557522)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: olddude

I guess its better than a cat delivered in PJ's

05 Feb 09 - 02:10 PM (#2558191)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: CarolC


A hat box just arrived labeled pajamas. I haven't looked in it yet. I wonder what it could be...

05 Feb 09 - 02:24 PM (#2558202)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Alice

World's Best Cat Litter $2 off coupon

05 Feb 09 - 02:32 PM (#2558208)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: VirginiaTam


It is my considered opinion that only grown women can smell the aroma of warmed cat shit in the morning.

It is an olfactory delectation wasted on men and children.

05 Feb 09 - 03:22 PM (#2558263)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Rapparee

It occurred to me that I knew someone who had pajamas delivered in a cat house....

05 Feb 09 - 03:47 PM (#2558282)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Art Thieme


Do you mean Nadia????


05 Feb 09 - 05:22 PM (#2558388)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Liz the Squeak

Alice - isn't that how grits are made?


05 Feb 09 - 06:06 PM (#2558425)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Rapparee

LtS, you make a girl by bringing her flowers and...oh, wait, you said grits.

05 Feb 09 - 09:59 PM (#2558597)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Art Thieme

Yep, True; Grits can be made that way.

It's all grits for the mill. And I guess uncooked grits can pass for cat litter in a pinch. But a hatbox full of cooked grits and pajamas; Homeland Security would have a grand old time at the Post Office with that.


05 Feb 09 - 10:05 PM (#2558598)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Alice

it's amazing, the things that can be made from corn

05 Feb 09 - 10:17 PM (#2558603)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Rapparee

Yes, it is. And everyone sings "Jimmy crack corn and I don't care."

Except that I care. I care a lot.

06 Feb 09 - 04:42 AM (#2558754)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: VirginiaTam

Oh don't! I am in UK and I WANT GRITS!!!!

pant pant...

sorry southern girl on grits withdrawal.

06 Feb 09 - 06:34 AM (#2558799)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: VirginiaTam

I want corn bread
I want ham
I want grits
with red eye gravy

Sing it together folks in 2 part hominy!

Working myself up to a southern cooking heart attack here.

06 Feb 09 - 08:59 AM (#2558913)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: Rapparee

Yeah! Collard greens in pot likker, chicken fried in lard, pecan pie with a lard-based crust, Moon Pies, Co-cola, grits with red-eye gravy, Sally Lunn, biscuits and gravy....

06 Feb 09 - 01:03 PM (#2559161)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: VirginiaTam

moonpies... insert homeresque drooolllll

you are killing me

who remembers kickapoo joyjuice

07 Feb 09 - 04:36 AM (#2559812)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to do housework

It amazes me how many uses there are for corn other than feeding the starving of the world.


07 Feb 09 - 06:06 AM (#2559852)
Subject: RE: BS: P.J.s delivered in a gift CATBOX !!!???
From: VirginiaTam

corn liquor!