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I hate Comic Relief.

13 Mar 09 - 09:11 AM (#2587913)
Subject: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Chrsi B (Born Agan Scouser)

I bloody hate Comic Relief, or Red Nose Day as it's often called by people who have problems with words of more than one syllable. I've just been listening to Radio 4 and all the continuity announcements have been made by smug, mediocre, formerly 'alternative' comedians who obviously think they're that much cleverer than the rest of us because they can do something called 'Irony'.

By the way, why isn't there enough food to go around? Because Jo Brand and Dawn French have eaten it.

It must be awful in Africa, though. The rains fail, the crops wither, there's no water, your community and wracked by disease and just when you think things can't get any worse bloody Richard Curtis turns up with his chinos and his collarless shirt and his 'I'm married to Emma Freud' spectacles.

Still, at least it gives something for Billy Connolly to do now that he can't make people laugh anymore.

By the way, there was a show on last night about a group of 'celebrities' who raised £1m by climbing Kilimanjaro. I wonder how much it cost to send them there. Did they fly economy?

I don't need rich mediocrities telling me what to do with my money. I can make informed decisions about that - partly by using a handy little skill called reading. And I'm not buying the record, either.

13 Mar 09 - 09:18 AM (#2587918)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: breezy

you have to spend to make a profit, I'm sure Liverpool gets its share from these kind of events

but its your choice, to be selfless or not.

Audition organisers for the next series of 'Grumpy old farts' will let you know, but dont hold your breath ! but there again, why not.

Too much fun in the world what with Liverpool football club always singing that same old song from 'carousal !' el

bring back Stan Boardman

13 Mar 09 - 09:35 AM (#2587929)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

'Carousal'? I don't remember that show. Sounds like fun, though.

13 Mar 09 - 09:38 AM (#2587931)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Stu

Miserable old . . . scouser.

Mind you, you're right about Billy Connolly though.

13 Mar 09 - 09:48 AM (#2587938)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: John MacKenzie

I was screaming abuse at my radio when Paul Whitehouse was trying to be funny at lunchtime, as a so called comedy continuity announcer.

13 Mar 09 - 09:57 AM (#2587941)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.

If I Loved You
June Is Bustin' Out All Over
You'll Never Walk Alone
Shrimp Boats Are a' Comin
My Boy Bill

13 Mar 09 - 10:15 AM (#2587954)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,69

Sick of it, totally sick of it. Good causes ? did you see the causes they support, not a brass penny would I give. Boring people enjoying their own company, failed tv stars and louvvies.

13 Mar 09 - 10:36 AM (#2587969)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: John MacKenzie

Yes SINSULL, leave your number, and we'll call you back, if we need you.

13 Mar 09 - 10:58 AM (#2587979)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Donuel

In my 24 years of railing against the corrupt market since I left the ltra corrupt Bear Sterns, John Stewart has put a national exclamimation point on the way the market trains all its employees to lie cheat and steal.

I am sure most of us have seen it already or have mentioned this ground breaking expose' that will not be forgotten for years.

John had Jim Cramer on the show. Stewart did not pull a single punch even as Jim curled into an embryonic ball of embarrased guilt.

See the full show at

John did last night what George Carlin never managed to do in his lifetime by educating the American people to the "exact" nature of how the US businessman is screwing you in the ass.

13 Mar 09 - 10:59 AM (#2587981)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Ebbie

Carousal? If you spell it with an E it makes more sense.

13 Mar 09 - 11:01 AM (#2587984)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: John MacKenzie

Carousal:- a session of drinking and carousing.

13 Mar 09 - 11:02 AM (#2587985)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

Oh God. The Americans have arrived. There goes the neighbourhood.

13 Mar 09 - 11:34 AM (#2588028)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

Oh No. They're doing 'comedy' on Radio 3 now. It's like Flanders and Swann only worse.

13 Mar 09 - 11:34 AM (#2588029)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Donuel

This country owes a debt of gratitude to John Stewart for being such a singular voice for freedom and justice when virtually all the other TV talking heads went along to get along.

13 Mar 09 - 11:47 AM (#2588043)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

No, your country does.

13 Mar 09 - 11:49 AM (#2588046)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Donuel

Sorry your version sucks mate.

13 Mar 09 - 12:10 PM (#2588067)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: John MacKenzie

Carousal :- Awakening of 100 people.

13 Mar 09 - 12:14 PM (#2588073)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

Mate? Who are you, Dick Van Dyke?

13 Mar 09 - 01:04 PM (#2588109)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Shimrod

I saw some silly woman dressed as a clown today. I thought, "great, best of both worlds - you can indulge your taste for exhibitionism and feel morally superior to everyone else, at the same time!"

13 Mar 09 - 03:19 PM (#2588197)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

I might not mind so much if there was some decent entertainment on offer in return for a crowd of rich people with bank accounts in the Cayman Islands asking for my money.

But it's all such shit.

13 Mar 09 - 04:05 PM (#2588235)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Micca

A colleague at work described the TV show for Comic relief as beig as enjoyable as "Taking a good meal, cutting it into small cubes and then mixing it with a ton of sawdust and eating it, there are brief moments of enjoyment but a great deal of rubbish to get through which mostly leave you feeling unsatisfied and slightly cheated at the waste of all that talent".

13 Mar 09 - 04:24 PM (#2588251)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Spleen Cringe

Comic Relief. Raising money for charity. Really out of order, that. Really evil. Shouldn't be allowed. And there's nothing at all in the world worse you could possibly get annoyed about, is there? Like, I dunno, kids starving in a wealthy world?

Chris, there's a simple answer. Turn the TV off. Keep your money in your pocket. It'll all be over tomorrow.

13 Mar 09 - 04:56 PM (#2588289)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Peace

"I hate Comic Relief."

That's not funny . . . .

13 Mar 09 - 05:10 PM (#2588305)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: TheSilentOne

"I hate Comic Relief"?
Yeah, raising money for the needy is such a shit thing to do isn't it?

13 Mar 09 - 05:13 PM (#2588306)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: VirginiaTam

The comedy and comedians may not be so funny as in concert or usual programmes. Often they don't write their material, they just perform it. Perhaps it is the comedy writers you should be moaning about.

As GUESTS are not permitted to start threads below the line, hopefully a mod elf will come put this meanspirited pratt in his place and remove or close the thread.

I have donated twice today. And I am watching the programme.

13 Mar 09 - 05:16 PM (#2588307)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: TheSilentOne

OK, nice to see how GUEST (Date: 13 Mar 09 - 05:04 PM)comes out in the open to knock the charity? The point is 100% of our donations DO go to charity. p

13 Mar 09 - 05:28 PM (#2588316)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Peace

You know you're in an Alberta hotel when you call the front desk and say, "I gotta leak in my bathroom toilet" and they respond, "Go ahead."

13 Mar 09 - 05:55 PM (#2588333)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: TheSilentOne

GUEST..GUEST..GUEST.. Funny how no-one who is knocking charity will use their own Mudcat name to do it in this thread. It's pathetic. Hope it gets pulled soon.

13 Mar 09 - 05:55 PM (#2588334)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: VirginiaTam

I saw some silly woman dressed as a clown today. I thought, "great, best of both worlds - you can indulge your taste for exhibitionism and feel morally superior to everyone else, at the same time!"

Last year I dressed up as a saloon gal (gawd that was embarrasing cause I ain't got the body for it) for Children in Need. Am I morally superior? Mostly I felt cold and uncomfortable (them fishnets were pinching me something fierce and in unmentionable places). So maybe I am an exhibitionist. I thought I was just having fun and I helping a good cause.

13 Mar 09 - 06:09 PM (#2588343)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: VirginiaTam

Someone needs to look at how the money from charities is channeled and the money from governments is channeled. Our tax dollars and pounds buy the weapons. Our donations typically aid who it is intended to aid.

13 Mar 09 - 06:09 PM (#2588347)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: gnu

Got any pics?

13 Mar 09 - 06:11 PM (#2588349)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: gnu

Not necessarily unmentionable ones. I am not THAT much of a pervert.

13 Mar 09 - 06:12 PM (#2588350)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Peace

As you wish . . . .

13 Mar 09 - 06:12 PM (#2588352)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: gnu

Unless... nevermind.

13 Mar 09 - 06:16 PM (#2588357)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: VirginiaTam

GNU! Behave yourself. I am a married whore!

13 Mar 09 - 06:21 PM (#2588362)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: VirginiaTam

For the right money, honey I'll let you see my deck (cards that is). Not the marked ones.

13 Mar 09 - 07:26 PM (#2588408)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Spleen Cringe

"Shit happens. Get over it and stop begging me for my money"

Great to see the world in safe hands. Remind me not to piss on you when you're on fire...

13 Mar 09 - 08:24 PM (#2588451)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Richard Bridge

The real problem with Comic Relief is that it is a mere palliative, so it relieves governments from doing what they ought to do and those who ought to rise in revolution from doing just that.

14 Mar 09 - 05:29 AM (#2588582)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: VirginiaTam

snork! gotta love that Spleen Cringe.

For any moderator who happens to be passing by, (I still don't know who all of them are).

I am NOT posting under 2 different Mudcat names.

TheSilentOne is my husband. So named because he is very quiet at sing around sessions. The name is apt because he doesn't very often post to Mudcat either. He was piqued by my out loud comments re this thread and decided to put in an appearance. I have 3D mudcat friends who can verify this.

Glad I cleared that up.

14 Mar 09 - 05:41 AM (#2588591)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Richard Bridge

Funny, I seem to have had a post deleted. Or maybe the bit-bucket-in-the-sky got it, or there may be another reason. If it was mod action, no doubt it will happen again.

There are two good (IMHO) reasons to criticise the establishment of events like Comic Relief.

First they take the pressure off governments. The good causes supported should be fed by the state and the state should not evade those duties by farming them out to volunteers.

Second they palliate and and thereby delay merited revolution.

14 Mar 09 - 06:43 AM (#2588608)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Anne Lister

All of which might be true, Richard, but while we wait for governments to become perfect and the state to take full responsibility there are children suffering.
Comic Relief clearly provides an outlet for all sorts of people to give money to help those children - it provides a few laughs, a lot of good feeling and it brightens up a difficult time.
I was very moved yesterday. I work some of the week with children out of mainstream education, some of whom have had dreadful experiences with adults and other children. The small group of children yesterday did a sponsored walk into central Newport, carrying collecting tins and dressed in PJs (and red noses, of course) and raised over £450.
I'm not going to let my political consciousness get in the way of thinking that it was a very, very good thing to have done.


14 Mar 09 - 08:21 AM (#2588651)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: kendall

Like it or not folks, he has a right to express himself here. He may be as popular as a wet dog at a wedding, but he still has that right.
Now, if he resorts to personal attacks, that's another thing.

Remember the rule...Don't feed the trolls.

14 Mar 09 - 09:44 AM (#2588696)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Richard Bridge

Funny, my missing post has reappeared or my eyesight improved...

14 Mar 09 - 12:53 PM (#2588806)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: VirginiaTam

Is this type of "scrounging" all that different from mumming? I mean the mumming that goes on today which is done to raise money for all sorts of local charities?

Comic Relief is just mumming on a huge scale and the entertainment is lamer.

14 Mar 09 - 01:12 PM (#2588817)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Jeri

Richard, it re-appeared. I honestly don't know what happened, but I'd guess your post was restored after being deleted accidentally as it was sandwiched into some GUEST posts.

Posts from GUESTS post with throwaway identities WILL likely get deleted.

14 Mar 09 - 02:23 PM (#2588856)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Linda Kelly

Well I dressed up baked cakes raised £100 with the help of my work colleagues -and yes it Comic Relief is spectacularly unfunny (Outnumbered being the exception), but its not really about the programme is it? its about £57 million pounds out of our pockets and heading towards projects that need it.

14 Mar 09 - 04:02 PM (#2588889)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: kendall

There is so little real comedy these days. Any fool can spout 4 letter words but it takes talent to make us old "heard it all" Gits to laugh.

I have to admit that Larry the cable guy can make me chuckle sometimes.

14 Mar 09 - 04:54 PM (#2588916)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Peace

Red Green has got what it takes, too.

14 Mar 09 - 05:39 PM (#2588951)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Mr Fox

Could be worse. Could be Children in bloody Need.

A couple of years ago I offered them £50 if they would leave me alone for an hour in a room with Pudsey bleedin' Bear, a baseball bat, a taser and a gallon of napalm. For some reason they didn't take me up on the offer.

14 Mar 09 - 09:03 PM (#2589023)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: olddude

I hate Jello

15 Mar 09 - 06:28 AM (#2589182)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Liz the Squeak

Oddly enough, I didn't see a single red nose all day on Friday, until I left the office at 5. Then it was the bloke who hands out free papers by the station. Everyone else seemed as miserable as buggery.

Nothing happened in our office - we're all too deep in the sh!t to respond to humourous attempts to get us to donate.


15 Mar 09 - 06:44 AM (#2589189)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: VirginiaTam

It just goes to show you can never be too careful! (David Mitchell's Soapbox feature in the Guardian).

15 Mar 09 - 09:26 AM (#2589282)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Richard Bridge

Thank you for that Jeri - it always helps to have confirmation I am not wholly barking mad...

15 Mar 09 - 10:19 AM (#2589309)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: goatfell

that is how they are millionares because they don't spend any money but the guillable British public will. I too hate Comic Relief. you get some famous person in Africa with Millions in their bank and they'll say "you know, only £100,000 will bring some relief to this village." well go to your bank lift out £100,000 and give it to them. you mean tight fisted people. Until the millionare celebs put their hands in their pockets I won't.

15 Mar 09 - 11:19 AM (#2589338)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Stu

"The real problem with Comic Relief is that it is a mere palliative, so it relieves governments from doing what they ought to do and those who ought to rise in revolution from doing just that."

That's not Comic Relief's problem; it's the fact the British Public never hold their politicians to account for their lack of action, or their wilful ignorance.

We've become a nation of narcissistic, unquestioning goons, which is why Comic Relief, Children in Need, The Six O'Clock News etc are all so banal. That said, I contribute to the appeal because "Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who does nothing because he could only do a little" as some burke said.

15 Mar 09 - 02:51 PM (#2589477)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: VirginiaTam

First they take the pressure off governments

Governments will never be able to hand over money to other governments with proper the strings attached. The receiving nation would find that too meddling/threatening.

Second they palliate and and thereby delay merited revolution

Difficult to imagine children in any country making a revolution. If you are under 15, and you are a carer, or abused, or orphaned or ill, what voice do you have save through those who will take up the banner on your behalf.

Until the millionare celebs put their hands in their pockets I won't

Which millionaire celeb did you mean? How do you know how much they gave or didn't give? How do you know that what they gave (if they did) was or wasn't proportionate to their earnings/worth as anyone else's?

You don't know. You can't know. If you don't want give to a cause, that's fine, that is your choice. I have no problem with that. But please don't base your reason for not giving on an unknown.

15 Mar 09 - 03:13 PM (#2589500)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: kendall

Shooting from the hip seldom hits the right target.

15 Mar 09 - 03:58 PM (#2589532)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Captain Swing

The £59 million raised, if paid for by the 26 million taxpayers would cost each one less than 5p a week. But of course that would not be a vote catcher.

15 Mar 09 - 04:18 PM (#2589548)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Anne Lister

If it was paid for by the taxpayers it would be regarded, rightly, as government expenditure. It would be more difficult to target, it almost certainly wouldn't reach the groups Comic Relief have decided to help and it would cause a lot of people to feel snarky because they wouldn't have a choice about whether or not to contribute. This way, whether or not you like the comedy and the antics, each of us has a clear choice about whether or not to dip into our pockets and for how much if we do. And if you don't like the comedy on television or radio, for heaven's sake do what you would do normally and control the "off" buttons. There are other channels, after all.

As to the celebs - I very much doubt whether they take any pay for visiting the various places and spending time with the various projects, which means that quite apart from any monies they might contribute they're certainly giving their (expensive)time to help. The locations aren't exactly glamorous and you can see that the presenters go through an emotional wringer. Quite apart from Comic Relief, a lot of celebs do a huge amount of work for charities and it very rarely gets any attention because they very properly don't publicise it. But if you were to hear that Lenny Henry or Ricky Gervais or any of the others had contributed shedloads of money does that mean you WOULD contribute?

By all means choose not to give any of your money if you don't think it's worthwhile. But I'm not sure that means you're entitled to knock those people who are trying to raise funds or those who are wanting to contribute.

One day every two years that too much of a strain on your smile muscles?


15 Mar 09 - 04:26 PM (#2589555)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Seamus Kennedy

Peace - the Leak joke works better if it's the bathroom SINK.

You're welcome.


16 Mar 09 - 04:50 AM (#2589872)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Green Wellies

Nobody forces anyone to join in/take part/spend money/smile. If you not interested stay away.

Stop moaning and trying to spoil it for the others who are having a laugh

Miserable buggers.

16 Mar 09 - 09:08 AM (#2589987)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Stu

Too right.

And the Peter Kay video is still funny after all these years.

18 Mar 12 - 05:17 PM (#3324780)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,HarryIsFat

I was sick to death of it last year. All the epic TV failures on the big comic relief show were enough to drive me insane. The radio presenters just wouldn't shut up about it so I just used my iPod to listento music at that time.

My school wasted the day on stupid jokes and stuff like dressing silly and tickling people's feet. I have never thought anything they do on comic relief funny at all, though I couldn't agree more with raising money for charity.

All in all I just support comic relief for the sake of Africa, not to burst out laughing at all the immature things that happen at the time.

19 Mar 12 - 02:32 AM (#3324942)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Comic relief??You mean to tell me that we're having some more elections, coming up????


19 Mar 12 - 02:37 AM (#3324943)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: MGM·Lion

There are other kinds of Relief that I certainly prefer!


19 Mar 12 - 03:17 AM (#3324947)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: Doug Chadwick

You mean Sports Relief, MtheGM?


19 Mar 12 - 04:04 AM (#3324954)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: MGM·Lion

Sports of a sort, DC.

19 Mar 12 - 05:24 AM (#3324971)
Subject: RE: I hate Comic Relief.
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

I just watched some 'news' on the elections...then went to the bathroom..I turned off the T.V...and flushed the toilet...What a RELIEF on both counts!!!
....Watching the shit going 'round in circles'....and that was BEFORE I went to the bathroom!!!

Now, I need more toilet paper...When do the voting polls open?...Could always use the ballots!!!