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To the Highest Bidder

02 Jul 99 - 03:58 PM (#91777)
Subject: To the Highest Bidder
From: Mudjack

It occured to me that many of my mudcat friends might be deprived of this special LP album. What better way to earn some bucks for Mudcat Cafe than to auction off this rare album that even features our own Sandy Patton . Now the kicker is this. The aution winner will not send me any money. The proceeds go directly to Max and his efforts and upon his recieving the money. He (willing) will send me the address to mail it to. Max has to give his OK on this or nothing goes.So here is a discription of the record:
33 1/3 LP " A Place to Be" Fox Hollow 10th Anniversary 1975 Biograph Records Inc.Lib. Congress Cat. No. 75-750525. artist include, Len Chandler, Pat Sky, Michael Cooney, David Bromberg-John Hartford, Doug Neight, Dan Smith, Lou and Sally Killen, Martha Nagler, Boys of the Lough, Gordon Bok, Sandy Patton and the Goldenring,Joe Hickerson, John Wright, Susan Boyer, Evelyn Beers, R>U> Brown,Bob Beers.
REMEMBER, Max has to give the OK or it's OFF.
The cutoff time for bidding will be Midnight Pacfcic Time on Tues July 6. I hope this is a way to support the Mudcat without turning us into an e-bay or circus of horrors.We might entertain the idea of having a link that offers such things that folks want to donate and Mudcat gains the profit.Let's allow a comment from Max before we jump into something he may not want our site doing.

02 Jul 99 - 04:21 PM (#91785)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Roger in Baltimore

I'll start the bidding at $10. What a deal that would be!

Big RiB

02 Jul 99 - 04:25 PM (#91786)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Matthew B.

Eeek. I'm getting a bad feeling about this. I'd hate to see the Mudcat turned into a place of business.

02 Jul 99 - 04:45 PM (#91794)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Mudjack

For Matthew B, I share the same fellings and suggest we use an alternate link for this purpose. I tried to convey that thought in the posting. It has to be approveed by the Big Cat. We can buy just so many T shirts and maintaining this site has to cost a lot of Catnip.

02 Jul 99 - 05:09 PM (#91801)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Roger in Baltimore

Oops! Looks like I leapt into the briny too soon. Oh well, I do get excited sometimes. Let me know when we get this going.

I didn't think of it as commercialism, just fund-raising.

Roger in Baltimore

02 Jul 99 - 11:47 PM (#91884)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Margo

I'll bid gladly - let us know.

02 Jul 99 - 11:52 PM (#91885)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Big Mick

Crass commercialism or not, it accomplishes two things I am interested. Supporting the 'Cat, and exposing me to some fabulous performers. Let me know when and how and let the bidding begin.

All the best,


03 Jul 99 - 12:19 AM (#91893)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Is this what they call on eBay a Dutch auction, or is there only one copy of the album? Any chance of getting it published on CD and sold through Mudcat t-shirt channels (and Mudhats, and Mud is Thicker than Water bumper stickers...?)


03 Jul 99 - 09:34 AM (#91975)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Mudjack

Thats an area of expertise that Sandy Patton might enlighten us to. He has a record Company and might know about this project since he did a cut on it. My copy is my only copy so if goes to the bidding block, it's my loss and Mudcat's gain and who ever wins the privledge of owning it.As soon as Max gives a thumbs up or down, we move opn it.

03 Jul 99 - 09:49 AM (#91978)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Ferrara

Mudjack, be sure you set a minimum bid if this auction actually goes through. Not that I think you'll need it for this treasure, but it sets a precedent. That should become part of the procedure so no one feels their donation was in vain if something sells for a song, so to speak.

I really think this is a fine offer and a fine idea. Max and Dick have spent much much money (not to mention time!) to create and maintain this place, but I would like to see all of us help a bit now that it's so big, in ways that don't hurt the spirit of the place.

Note to Everybody, Sandy's last name is pronounced "Pay-ton" and spelled "Paton." Or am I having yet another senior moment, Sandy? - Rita F

04 Jul 99 - 05:36 PM (#92371)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Mudjack

Still no word from the source for approval. Mudjack

04 Jul 99 - 06:07 PM (#92384)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Barbara

Check out the Can we hire Dick Greenhaus thread. I think Dick okays it there, Mudjack.

04 Jul 99 - 06:27 PM (#92391)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Bert

I know that Max is not opposed to an auction in principal, in fact we were talking about developing some software.
so I'll up the bid to $11

Bert. Let's GO

05 Jul 99 - 02:08 AM (#92471)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Night Owl


05 Jul 99 - 09:43 AM (#92524)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Mudjack

It's Official....Thanks Barbara for finding the GO. As originally set, the auction ends Tuesday night at Midnight PST.

05 Jul 99 - 11:29 AM (#92550)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Big Mick



05 Jul 99 - 06:42 PM (#92663)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Sandy Paton

Biograph Records owns the master tapes, recorded at the Fox Hollow Festival, probably with John Dildine at the controls. Check out the Biograph web site for more information on the label. I doubt that a CD is in the works, however. Too many folk involved in the production from whom permissions would have to be obtained. Big pain in the butt, I'd wager. Maybe someday on MP3?

There were several other Fox Hollow releases on LP ("Pitter-Poon, the Rain Cam' Doon" and "Pitter-Patter, Doon Cam' the Water" for examples). One day, Don Burnstine, who married Evelyne Beers after Bob died, took a huge pile of them to the dump in Petersburg, NY, and thereby reclaimed all that wasted storage space in their basement. Another possible MP3 project.


05 Jul 99 - 06:46 PM (#92665)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Margo



05 Jul 99 - 06:48 PM (#92666)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Big Mick



05 Jul 99 - 07:41 PM (#92676)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Margo

Oh, Mick! So it's a bidding war, is it? Well, $70.00!

06 Jul 99 - 12:38 AM (#92732)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Night Owl

This is sooooo coool!!!!!

06 Jul 99 - 08:20 AM (#92814)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Ferrara

I think you should extend the deadline a couple of days because the start-up was delayed. Not everybody gets on the site every day. I'm not a bidder myself -- I ain't got the do-re-mi. - Rita F

06 Jul 99 - 09:14 AM (#92826)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Big Mick



06 Jul 99 - 07:52 PM (#92986)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Mudjack

Sorry Ferrara, Can't hardly change the rules at this point. I think the support for Mudcat through this auction is overwelming. Way to go Cats...

07 Jul 99 - 09:58 AM (#93072)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Mudjack


Big Mick is the winner of the auction . I'll be in touch with you via personal mail. When you recieve your LP, please remit your bid money to Max at the new West Chester PA address.Mudcatter's Are the Greatest.As soon as I hear from you Mick, I'll have your package in the mail.,

07 Jul 99 - 11:31 AM (#93115)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Night Owl

Next item???

07 Jul 99 - 12:45 PM (#93131)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Max

Sorry I did not get to this sooner, I was trapped on vacation without a computer. Thanks to everyone involved. This could turn out to be an interesting concept. There is already debate and brainstorming about how to pull off an auction here. Some think seperate than the forum, others say that this worked quite well. I was thinking of doing this officially, though I was thinking Mudcat would get something like 10% of the transaction. Hmmm.

THe plan is to get our record collection online first, then work on the technology for an auction. I was thinking about something very similar to the forum but specific to the task of an auction. Keep is seperate from the forum so that any folks offended with the money stuff can stay away from it if they choose. Hmmm. Gonna take some thought.

07 Jul 99 - 01:32 PM (#93151)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Night Owl

I will be the first to admit that I have a VERY simplistic brain!! I thought the auction that just occurred here was exciting and worked well. All I had to do was check the threads for the title "To the Highest Bidder" to participate. I did feel like starting a cheerleading thread creep for the bidders after the amount being bid left my financial capacity. If there is NO legal/financial problems using this format....what's the problem?? I was also under the impression that ALL proceeds from auctioned items were to be sent directly to Mudcats. Did I misunderstand the intent?? Technology for the auction----what?? why?? Would it be possible to have the winner of the bidding send a check directly to Mudcats....and then once received, the donor of the item be contacted by Mudcats (Max?) (I assume a phone call or e-mail would not require additional technology or expense??) for the go-ahead to ship the item to the winner? Last question.....can we continue on here to another item, or was that a request to hold for a bit???(Max--???)

07 Jul 99 - 02:08 PM (#93166)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Max

Some folks may have 15 guitars and want to sell one for a little extra spending money or even to make rent that month. They will not want to donate that guitar to the mudcat, but may like to use the mudcat to sell it quickly and at a good price to someone that they know will take good care of it and appreciate it. In this case, we could just take a cut of 10 or 15% for the service and fund raising. That was my plan all along. If folks want to donate the entire proceeds they may do so. Perhaps when one puts up a product they can announce the percentage that they want to go to the cat.

The technology is simply to keep it seperate from the forum. I just thought some folks would mind if it cluttered the forum which is apperently to some is only supposed to be about music. If it becomes a popular concept, which it very well may, it might get messy in the forum.

For now, by all means continue. This will allow us to see if it works fine here.

07 Jul 99 - 03:41 PM (#93188)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Mudjack

Big Mick's Album(s) went to the mail just an hour ago.I threw in some bonus pieces. He can keep the freebies or pass them on to other folk loving Cats.All the proceeds from this sale dores go to Mudcat. Realistically if I was making money for myself, the albumm would likely bring a bid of $10-15. I'm certain the high bid came in as a way of supporting Mudcat, not fattening Jack's pockets. I'm in favor of continuing the process as is. I can throw out a lot of items to an auctio but we don't want to clutter the Cat box.Large dollar items might be nice but it could get scarey if the a deal turns sour.
Mmnn,,, Lets see, if I sell all my treasures for $80 a shot pocket 85% i could retire early Ma...Sell the house.
I like the simple way, lets auction off only donated stuff and the person donating never sees the money, only word from our Catmaster that he got the money.As for the next item, I'm working on because I'm thinking about parting with a real classic. Signed by two infamous artist, one deceased and very famous to folkies all over the world. Any guesses? Ain't that a rotten thing to do?

07 Jul 99 - 04:02 PM (#93196)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Bill D

sounds like it could be Ewan MacColl....(I have several autographed albums by him and Peggy..)

07 Jul 99 - 04:31 PM (#93206)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Margo

Mick, I really wanted that album.......but I got my VISA bill before the bidding ended! Spent more on our vacation than we had planned. you lucked out, and so did the mudcat!


07 Jul 99 - 11:57 PM (#93305)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Mudjack

Good Guess Bill, right on the money.I'll offer it up in a little while. It's Freeborn Man on Rounder. It's really one of my prized albums, but I've just got to let these things go and what better way to test my materialistic soul?

08 Jul 99 - 12:02 AM (#93306)
Subject: RE: To the Highest Bidder
From: Big Mick

Margarita, dear friend, you know that "Mud is thicker than water". I will make it right by you. Actually I was hoping you would go once more so we could up a little more for the dear aul 'Cat. Special thanks to Mudjack for coming up with a great way to support this joint, and I get a great piece of our craft in the bargain. You, sir, are 'sumpin spayshul'.

All the best,
