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Auction thoughts No BS

07 Jul 99 - 11:21 AM (#93110)
Subject: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Mudjack

The LP auction was an overwheming success. Working out the mail and payment detais. Is there a chance that Mudcatter's could donate varios music items, lp's, books old LPs to the site and moneies for said items be sent directly to Mudcat? How much effort would it take to establish a left hand column "Auction" where those interested could partake in the festivities. It could be a real nightmare if the honor system could'nt be trusted and somewhere down the line, I suspect the human element would fail us
.I'm seriously considering retirement in seven years and those plans include traveling meaning I have a ton of LPs , books magazine collections from Sing Out to Frets, Pickin' and Acoustic Guitar magazines.To sell them outright just does'nt feel right and tough to part with. But the idea to pass them on to someone I know will enjoy them as much as I have gives me comfort.Especially if it can give support to The Mudcat.
Whats your thoughts?

07 Jul 99 - 10:55 PM (#93291)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Bill D

I was downstairs tonight..looking at folk-related stuff that I don't really use, but that someone might oughta have...have some ideas, and sure hope a good system to do all this is not hard to do...(if there got to be a LOT of auction threads mixed in, it might detract,but I 'spects Max will let us know.....)

08 Jul 99 - 01:36 AM (#93330)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Art Thieme

I just potlatched EVERYTHING when we moved. Gave away an actual ton of folk stuff that I'd probably not use again. Might've done some good here at Mudcat, but alas... Recently sent a great framed and quite huge poster from the U.S. post office potraying the .13 first class stamp of Jimmie Rodgers in the famous 2 thumbs up pose over all kinds of train stuff---an oil can--a red handkerchief---a steam train puffing past. I sent it to the Old Town School of Folk Music 'cause they sent out word that they need things for the walls of the new school. Books galore went all over. LPs---hundreds of 'em. Really too bad.


08 Jul 99 - 01:54 AM (#93332)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Night Owl

Maybe not so bad Art, bet one of your recordings would generate active bidding here!

08 Jul 99 - 02:12 AM (#93335)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Sandy Paton

Especially if you have any of those O.P. Kicking Mule items lying around your new digs.


08 Jul 99 - 12:01 PM (#93412)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Mudjack

Well if Art ain't got one, I do.I've got KM 148 that gave us Nightrider's Lament before all the big stars grabbed it up."Songs of the Heartland". It's not signed but I bet it could be with a little arm twisting.

08 Jul 99 - 12:48 PM (#93420)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: MAG (inactive)

Mudjack, I'll start the bidding on that at $10 -

-- MA

09 Jul 99 - 12:36 PM (#93718)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Songster Bob

You ought to start a separate thread on that, then, if you're starting a new auction.

Max, how hard would it be to replicate the scripts that allow this board to operate, put 'em in a separate server location, and have an "auction house" with just auction threads in it? Might not even have to replicate the software, just change pointers or something. Would it be worth it to do so?

And I think I have that record, or I'd bid, too.

Bob Clayton

09 Jul 99 - 01:59 PM (#93740)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Max

Bob, that would be pretty easy. I thought it a good idea, but some think its OK here. Still thinking about it really. I'll see if I can come up with a prototype and show you all.

10 Jul 99 - 12:16 AM (#93856)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Night Owl

Just thinking....I would like to see a prototype if it's easy to do. I was thinking we would be auctioning one item at a time...guess there's no reason to be doing it that way?? If more than one item at a time being auctioned would generate more activity and income, maybe an "Auction House" thingy would be good. ??????

10 Jul 99 - 06:59 AM (#93903)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Ferrara

Just my first thought, would hate to see the "auction" activity go to a separate location because I for one can't resist peeking at a thread to see what's being auctioned now. But, having no discretionary income whatever, I could easily resist clicking on an Auction link. - Rita F

10 Jul 99 - 07:01 AM (#93904)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Ferrara

How about holding off on moving auctions to a separate site until we see if the amount of activity justifies and/or requires it, i.e. if auctions seem to be detracting from the other threads? - Rita F

14 Jul 99 - 01:08 AM (#94981)
Subject: RE: Auction thoughts No BS
From: Big Mick

I received my package from Mudjack and I must tell you that I got the better end of this deal.I got four albums for the $80.00. In addition to the "A Place To Be" Fox Hollow 10th Anniversary album, I got a Claudia Schmit album, Joan Sprung, as well as The Red Clay Ramblers. I am very excited.

I believe that this is going to be a very popular site.
