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BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]

21 May 09 - 06:23 PM (#2638008)
Subject: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: jeddy

i only know of the unlimited immigration policy that sounds a bit dodgy is there anything else i should consider before making my mind up about voting for them?
allowing this great country to make it's own laws sound very sensible to me, am i being naive and manipulated?

21 May 09 - 06:27 PM (#2638012)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: open mike

what is ukip
which great country are you talking about?

21 May 09 - 06:40 PM (#2638018)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: jeddy

soory i forgot thatwe are not all in the same country. u.k.independence party. england. the question sounded reasonable in my head it just doesn't come across in print very well

21 May 09 - 06:46 PM (#2638022)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Paul Burke

UKIP- a right wing English (I don't think they have much appeal in Scotland or Wales) party- mainly they are anti- European Union, but they've managed to keep the image of snalltime whingers. They are rather indiscriminate - one or two of their election candidates have turned out to be ex-BNP or worse. But mainly they are just lost causes. Their policies read fairly well in an infraThatchertite sort of way, but they are clean like religious groups who have never had power- they've never had the chance to bring in the inquisition.

21 May 09 - 06:50 PM (#2638024)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: McGrath of Harlow

If it's dodgy politicians you are worried about, and you want to make a protest vote against all the main parties, UKIP may be not the best place to put your vote. UKIP does not have a very good record on that score.

Last time in 2004, 12 UKIP candidates were elected to the European Parliament. One of them, Ashley Mote, was sent to prison in 2007 for benefit fraud. Another, Tom Wise, is currently on bail facing charges of alleged expenses fraud and money laundering.

Of course there are worse among the 342 registered political parties in Great Britain as of May 14 2009 ( and another 51 in Northern Ireland (see here for a Wikipedia list), most especially the BNP. But there are better as well.

21 May 09 - 07:55 PM (#2638062)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: jeddy

so if i'm looking for a clean party, that has polcies i can stomach who would you suggest? i can't vote green coz they want to charge even more car,road and fuel tax than i pay now,how would any of us afford festivals then? i know we wouldn't so who does that leave? buggered if i know

22 May 09 - 12:41 AM (#2638218)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Cats

In the west country UKIP has agreed that if BNP are standing in a constituency they will not put a candidate up against them and vice versa. So, a clean party? Ideals are spoiled by the fact that they are implemented by humans and humans all have weaknesses. Go for a best fit, but read all the small print, don't just go by sound bites.

22 May 09 - 01:45 AM (#2638231)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Teribus

"UKIP does not have a very good record on that score.

Last time in 2004, 12 UKIP candidates were elected to the European Parliament. One of them, Ashley Mote, was sent to prison in 2007 for benefit fraud. Another, Tom Wise, is currently on bail facing charges of alleged expenses fraud and money laundering." - MGOH

A well Kevin, if one has been imprisoned for benefits fraud and another is facing charges for "alleged expenses fraud" then my guess is that the latter will get off, otherwise it might set a dangerous precedent for members of the main UK political parties currently esconced in Westminster with their noses firmly wedged in the trough.

22 May 09 - 07:05 AM (#2638386)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: SPB-Cooperator

Looks like it only leaves the monster raving loony party ;)

22 May 09 - 07:48 AM (#2638411)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Richard Bridge


Socialist Labour Party?

22 May 09 - 08:23 AM (#2638429)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Richard Bridge

I have gone and had a rummage about the candidates.

No Respect candidates. No Monster Raving Loonies.

And what a bunch of loonies most of the rest seem to be, too!

The choice seems to be Green or SLP, and if I get some bumf on the SLP my mind is mulling on that...

22 May 09 - 08:39 AM (#2638433)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Lox

I'll be voting lib dem.

I think they are an honourable bunch.

UKIP are a 1 issue party.

Rather than looking at the UKs problems and developing a wide perspective to cope with the wide range of issues in UK politics and understanding that politics has many conflicting ingredients, UKIP have built a party around the point of view that Europe is bad for the UK.

Europe is but one issue in a massive array of issues that any govenment need to have a mature practical and human angle on.

UKIP don't actually care about those other issues except in the context of their Anti european stance.

I personally would like to see clegg have a turn.

Reasons for and against are at least to do with how the liberals would govern and not to do with whether foreigners are a problem, which is a distraction from real politics.

22 May 09 - 08:47 AM (#2638436)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Steve Hunt

UKIP = BNP in tweeds!

22 May 09 - 09:37 AM (#2638469)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Backwoodsman

What Lox said.

22 May 09 - 01:13 PM (#2638634)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Mrs.Duck

They are Nazis!

22 May 09 - 03:03 PM (#2638710)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: jeddy

thanks guys i think you have stopped me making a huge mistake.lib dem leaflet came today so i will be checking them out

22 May 09 - 03:54 PM (#2638753)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Jim McLean

There are other parties out side England, the SNP in Scotland, Plaid Cymru in Wales.

22 May 09 - 04:05 PM (#2638764)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: bubblyrat

Do you know what a Nazi really is,Mrs Duck ?? I very much doubt it !!
   Shalom !

22 May 09 - 04:10 PM (#2638769)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: GUEST,Scopes

Heard one on television the other evening. He made a lot of sense, I can see them doing well.

22 May 09 - 05:56 PM (#2638840)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: jeddy

SCOPES, i can't work out if you are on a wind up mission or if you are for real. i hope that it's just a wind up. i think that you have some serious problems if you think the bnp that you seem to love aren't giong to come after you when they have run out of easy targets. i know we were on about ukip but our FRIEND here is a bnp supporter.
something tells me you are not going to be very popular on this site!
it might not sound very british but i live in england and would like laws that are made for us by us. this isn't anti anything i am just very into self government. some chance that we can pull it off though eh?

22 May 09 - 06:17 PM (#2638854)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Richard Bridge

OMG, his political information comes from one hearing on tv!

22 May 09 - 06:26 PM (#2638863)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: jeddy

bless him, i think he's had enough. watching tv isn't a bad way of getting info, you just have to watch the grown up channels not the cartoon network!

22 May 09 - 07:24 PM (#2638898)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's a site listing all the candidates and all the parties in the Euro elections.

23 May 09 - 03:00 AM (#2639089)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
From: Richard Bridge

What there isn't there (or wasn't, when I last looked) was even the names of some of the loopier parties. It took me some time googling to find some of them. I still haven't found out what one listed party wants. Quite a lot of them are specifically anti-EU shading into narrow nationalism and worse.

23 May 09 - 06:57 AM (#2639175)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Lox

The more nationalist parties competing with each other for the xenophopic vote the better.

They can keep each other out of office as long as they like.

23 May 09 - 10:37 AM (#2639269)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Mrs.Duck

Yes Bubblyrat, I know exactly what a Nazi is and stand by what I said!

23 May 09 - 12:56 PM (#2639362)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Richard Bridge

I suggest that Bubblyrat's juxtaposition of his question ("Do you know what a Nazi is") with the word "Shalom" was rather tasteless, and might leave one wondering where he stood on all sorts of things.

23 May 09 - 01:39 PM (#2639387)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

What's wrong with using a little common sense, and sticking with the devil you know? Whichever devil you would have voted for, if the expenses row had never happened. I suggest this for what seem to me to be sensible and practical reasons.

1.You will either be voting for an MP who was mildly out of order, an MP who was innocent of any wrongdoing, or the REPLACEMENT for an MP whose misdemeanour was serious enough that he/she had to resign, or was prosecuted.
All candidates will fall into one of these three categories.

2. Whichever category your candidate inhabits, he/she will certainly NOT be repeating the actions of the guilty MPs of the past. New rules, and independent professional and public scrutiny, will take care of that.

3. If your candidate was one of the many innocents, named by the Telegraph and ignored by TV news to their eternal shame, you have NO reason to change. If he/she was one of the mild cases the old adage might apply (to err is human, to forgive, devine), and the replacements for the genuinely evil would not, by definition, be a problem.

4. To pursue that course would be to deny extremists of every stamp the opportunity to gain a toehold in the corridors of power.
If we do not take action to avoid that, we will assuredly regret, and suffer for it in the future.

Don T.

23 May 09 - 01:43 PM (#2639391)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Incidentally, the LibDems were as bad, relative to their numbers as the Tories, and New Labour.

Don T.

23 May 09 - 03:28 PM (#2639450)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Richard Bridge

The problem in Medway Don is that we are losing the rather fine Marshall-Andrews (even if his second home claim was a bit on the high side), one of the "usual suspects" who made B.Liar's life very tricky for an unknown quantity. I think Bob had a substantial personal vote. When you think about some of the conservative pillocks (or pillocklesses, like Fenner) near here the change alarms me - but that of course is for the next general erection (or cock-up).

Now, if you look at the sheet we are faced with: -

1. I could stay Labour - but the incumbent has not endeared himself to me, and he was no use at all on culture and licensing (culture has an European aspect to its remit, and most of Europe has support packages for folk arts).
2. I could go Green. The present woman has done a fine job. Anyone the COmmission hates cannot be all bad.
3. I could go SLP. I am a big fan of Scargill, even if Thatcher did outmanoeuvre him over the coal strike. His principled stand on the sequestrations was admirable. His opposition to the capitalistic aspects (even groundswell) of th EU strongly attracts me - but will it be a wasted vote as far as keeping the Sieg Heil brigade out?
4. There is no Respect or Communist candidate.
5. The rest are less use than the Monster Raving Loony Party, which is not standing. Some even appear to be God botherers.

23 May 09 - 03:43 PM (#2639459)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I agree with you about Bob Marshall-Andrews. He was, as far as I am concerned, one of those I referred to as mildly guilty, and should not be going.

He was generally one of the most principled of politicians, and a man even a Tory could admire, as in fact I did.

However, his leaving should mean a new candidate to vote for. What of him/her? Or is there NO replacement?

Don T.

23 May 09 - 03:46 PM (#2639461)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: jeddy

so basically we are torn between wasting my vote but making a point with the slp, or sticking with the usual. so far the slp are winning in my mind, but haven't actually checked any of them out YET. maybe coz i'm too busy reading the threads on here and having a good old rant.

i will get round to it, i must!!!

23 May 09 - 05:33 PM (#2639539)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Par
From: SPB-Cooperator

The thing to remember about about the European is not so much a matter of voting on domestic issues, but which block the Euro-Mps will be aligned with: the two main blocks tend be to Socialist (centre-left) and Christian democrat (centre-right), with the far left and far right factions.

From my understanding, their key role is to scrutinise the Council of Ministers - the leaders of the member nations who male policy.

So your decision when you vote should be which block within the EU most closely matches your viewpoint, and vote for the party that represents this.

23 May 09 - 06:10 PM (#2639565)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: McGrath of Harlow

"What there isn't there (or wasn't, when I last looked) was even the names of some of the loopier parties."

The BBC list of parties has a link saying Guide to party abbreviations, just above the list of candidates. Or click it here.

Mind you'd still have to hunt around on the net to find what some of them actually are, because all you get there are the party names, and some of them aren't too obvious.

24 May 09 - 04:18 AM (#2639752)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: DMcG

He was generally one of the most principled of politicians, and a man even a Tory could admire, as in fact I did.

However, his leaving should mean a new candidate to vote for. What of him/her? Or is there NO replacement?

An excellent question, but the answer may well be no. While I have generally voted for one party I have voted for others where their candidate has seemed to me to be particularly principled and effective, or where the alternative seemed to believe his main duty was to follow the party line. For example, one MP we had had a 100% voting agreement in accordance the party view with a single exception on a highly local issue. That to me said I might as well have elected a rubber stamp, as it didn't demonstrate any critical thought at all.

In the case of the remarkable Bob Marshall-Andrews, he was one of that select group present in all parties, who are essentially independent but with a foundation aligned to a party. Putting a Rubber Stamp Party Member there instead is certainly not a replacement.

24 May 09 - 04:27 PM (#2639999)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I take your point DMcG, but do we yet know that the replacement WILL BE a rubber stamp, and if so, a rubber stamp for whom?

Also, even a New Labour yes man would be more acceptable to me than a member of the British Nazi Party, and I'm a committed TORY.

Don T.

24 May 09 - 04:35 PM (#2640003)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I have come to the conclusion that we didn't know how well off we were when Labour meant the likes of David Owen, Bob Marshall-Andrews, John Smith et al.

Honest socialists to a man, and even if you didn't agree with their politics, you knew where you stood with them.

They were decent and honourable men of conscience.

There are STILL many such in all three major parties, and any ONE of them is worth TEN of the pseudo patriot brigade.

Don T.

24 May 09 - 05:07 PM (#2640020)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Par
From: Gervase

Oh dear - after all their huffing and puffing about Westminster politicians, it seems that UKIP are rather red-faced. Nigel Farrago, their leader, has owned up to trousering nearly £2 million in expenses!

24 May 09 - 05:38 PM (#2640037)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]

Well that's it for me.

I'm sticking with the devil I know, but not without letting him know I'M WATCHING HIM!

Don T.

24 May 09 - 05:53 PM (#2640051)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

That was me sans cookie........Don't know where it went, or why.

Don T.

24 May 09 - 06:40 PM (#2640074)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: GUEST,lox

Don, I don't know who the devil you know is, though I reckon I could make a good guess, and I reckon I would vote elsewhere.

Having said all that, I would like to say that I utterly agree with every last one of your words on the subject of MPs honour generally.

I also very much enjoyed the way you confronted our BNP friend.

Top drawer!!

24 May 09 - 06:44 PM (#2640076)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: GUEST,lox

ooops - I see - thats the devil you know - you've already spelled it out ...

... I wish I'd pay more attention sometimes ...

Though i still disagree ... as you would expect. :-)

24 May 09 - 07:09 PM (#2640086)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: McGrath of Harlow

"...we didn't know how well off we were when Labour meant the likes of David Owen, Bob Marshall-Andrews, John Smith et al. Honest socialists to a man."

The other two, true enough, and maybe "et al" as well - but "David Owen", well, that's a strange one to include. Did or indeed does he have any political convictions at all?

24 May 09 - 07:33 PM (#2640097)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: jeddy

it would seem to me that not one of the parties or independants standing want us to know exactly what they are about and almost all the parties have someone they wished would disappear for a while.

endless hours online for us then trying to get to the truth, how unlike MOST politicians to try to keep a bit back.
stay on please ann widicum( however i spell that it didn't look right) i don't agree with her on most things but i get the feeling SHE never held back or tried to spin anything, i could be wrong but thats how she has always appeared to me. i must admit to being abit of a newbie when it comes to polotics although even i know that the bnp are bastards!

24 May 09 - 07:59 PM (#2640107)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: McGrath of Harlow

Actually the UKIP leader hasn't "owned up" to that £2 million in expenses. Ukip leader Nigel Farage boasts of his £2m in expenses

But ain't "Nigel Farrago" a great name for a politician? You couldn't make it up and it seems peculiar fitting: "Farrago. A confused group; a hotch-potch." (Shorter Oxford Dictionary)

24 May 09 - 08:05 PM (#2640112)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: jeddy

maybe not admitted to pocketing but how the hell do you get through £2 mil?
maybe in about 10 years but probably not.
maybe it grew legs and decided it was bored and when for a holiday on some exotic island where they don't ask awkward quetions.
maybe the money liked him and stalked him until it had it's wicked way with him

my god i think i've lost the plot!!!!!!

25 May 09 - 04:43 AM (#2640288)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: goatfell

ukip/bnp what is the difference both are racist?

25 May 09 - 01:33 PM (#2640561)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Par
From: SPB-Cooperator

UKIP do have one use, they divide the far-right vote.....

25 May 09 - 01:51 PM (#2640573)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: jeddy

but that's no use if they won't stand against each other. at least if they did then it would truley confuse people that don't come on here. i've learnt alot already, thanks

25 May 09 - 02:36 PM (#2640615)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Terry McDonald

Theyt're standing against each other in the Euro elections.

25 May 09 - 02:52 PM (#2640625)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: McGrath of Harlow

Another example of the surprising way that many people don't seem to have any understanding of how the electoral system used in the Euro-elections works. Not that it's complicated, but it's different from the one used in Parliamentary or local elections.

25 May 09 - 02:59 PM (#2640629)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""The other two, true enough, and maybe "et al" as well - but "David Owen", well, that's a strange one to include.""

Strange indeed McG, and due entirely to brain fade. That WAS supposed to be Tony Benn, of course, far too left wing for my vote, but far too honest and sincere NOT to warrant my genuine respect and admiration.

He ALWAYS meant what he said, and SAID what he meant.

Don T.

25 May 09 - 03:28 PM (#2640656)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Paul Burke

Well, unless you lived in Bristol or Chesterfield you wouldn't have had the chance to vote for him. He was a character who developed- from his post-War idealistic days, his renunciation of his peerage, the fliration with technocracy, to the last Republican- a wonderful and almost 17th century career.

UKIP would be better described as "appealing to racist elements who haven't got the bottle to come out", but I think they also appeal to non- racist, right wing, protesters (whingers?) as somewhere else to park the vote. They aren't hardcore like the BNP.

25 May 09 - 03:49 PM (#2640672)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Terry McDonald

The only problem I have with Benn is that when he managed to change the constitution and make it possible to renounce a peerage, he made sure (or tolerated the insertion of a clause?) that future descendants of 'ex-peers' could redeem it. Young Hillary Benn is actually the third Viscount Stansgate if he cares to claim it. A bit like that bloke with the moat (whose father renounced his peerage) but is really the third Viscount Hailsham (should he want to be - and I bet he does.)

25 May 09 - 05:03 PM (#2640729)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: McGrath of Harlow

he made sure (or tolerated...)

There's a bit of a difference between those two. And however Benn felt about the inclusion of that clause would have made no difference whatsoever, it just wasn't within his control.

25 May 09 - 05:08 PM (#2640732)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Terry McDonald

You have proof of that?

25 May 09 - 05:13 PM (#2640737)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Not only not within his control, but a tribute to his conviction, and commitment that his son has NEVER wanted, nor attempted, to reclaim the title.

I don't care how far a man's politics may be from my own, if he is honourable, and that one certainly is.

Don T.

25 May 09 - 05:34 PM (#2640754)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Terry McDonald

Wanted? How do you know that? Are you a confidante of young Hillary?Once his ministerial career is over (next June, probably) who knows what he'll decide.

Anthony Wedgwood Benn was desperate to become leader of the Labour Party and (eventually) Prime Minister and I have no problem with that. The reason he fought to change the law about hereditary peeerages was to further that ambition. As the 14th Earl of Home demonstrated, a Prime minister must have a seat in the Commons. There was no way that Labour would ever choose Viscount Stansgate so he had to become an 'ordinary bloke' like the rest of us. 'Tony Benn' sounds much more 'ordinary' than Anthony Wedgwood Benn.

25 May 09 - 05:41 PM (#2640765)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Don, I don't know who the devil you know is, though I reckon I could make a good guess, and I reckon I would vote elsewhere.""

Strangely enough, I have a decision to make that is really difficult.

I have made no secret of nor apology for, the fact that I am and always will be a committed Tory.

However my MP is New Labour, with a solid majority. He has not been named, thus far, as a transgressor.

My problem then is that I cannot by voting Tory, expect to have a Tory representative.

In the current climate, with public anger likely to move votes from New Labour to BNP in greater numbers than Tory to BNP, however distasteful it is to me, I may have to vote for the New Labour incumbent.

Although he may be relatively honest, I hate to give my vote to the party which gave us £17000 worth of debt for every man, woman, and child in the country, and unemployment for 3 million, just to make it even harder.

But I would vote for the DEVIL himself to prevent the BNP gaining any seats

Don T.

25 May 09 - 05:49 PM (#2640774)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

And since UKIP seem to have an agreement with BNP not to stand against each other, the same goes for UKIP.

Don T.

25 May 09 - 05:57 PM (#2640779)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Wanted? How do you know that? Are you a confidante of young Hillary?Once his ministerial career is over (next June, probably) who knows what he'll decide.

So your mind reading capacity is sufficient for you to make bets on what Douglas Hogg is thinking, but nobody else should comment on Hilary Benn's thoughts or intentions.

Neither has attempted to reclaim, and neither has signalled any intention to do so in the future.

You have a go at proving YOUR assertion, and THEN you will have the right to seek proof from me.

Elsewise you could just try to remember that YOU are not the only person whose opinions are valid.

Don T.

25 May 09 - 05:59 PM (#2640782)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: jeddy

is that right then? the bnp will not stand agaist ukip in the geal or locals but they will in the euro's? have i got it right now?

so it is better to vote with whoever is likely to keep bnp or ukip out shit i'm giong to have to go with someone that i don't want to, i would have liked to vote for the jury party or someone similar but not if it means that the bnp will do better i'd rather have thatcher back!!

and that's saying something,sorry don.

25 May 09 - 07:04 PM (#2640823)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Terry McDonald

They will reclaim the peerages when it suits them - simple human nature. You get such better service in restaurants etc when you have a title. You're correct in that you can't prove the future but just wait and see. Funnily enough, I've always admired old Wedgie's grasp of history and his understaing of the way the constitution works.

re the BNP and UKIP, as I pointed out before, they are standing against each other in the European elections.

25 May 09 - 07:10 PM (#2640824)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: McGrath of Harlow

In the euro elections you vote for a party list, and the number of votes determines how many on that list get in, if any.

Some seats are going to go to the minority parties which do best. Tactical voting takes on a different shape in an election like that.

The hope, and a realistic hope, is that the BNP is going to be beaten out by other minority parties, such as the Greens - or even UKIP, which may reasonably be acused of xenophobia, but isn't racist in the BNP style, as evidenced by the fact that some of their candidates are Black or Asian. (And to be fair, UKIP does in fact put up candidates against the BNP, and may well have cost them some victories in council elections.)

26 May 09 - 03:21 AM (#2640988)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Terry McDonald

If withdrawal from the EU, UKIP's most distinctive policy, is xenophobic, what does that make Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party? Its manifesto for the European elections calls for immediate withdrawal.

26 May 09 - 08:29 AM (#2641106)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: goatfell

aye but is he or his party racist the same with his supporters

26 May 09 - 09:48 AM (#2641139)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: goatfell

I would vote for either the SNP or The Socialist Labour Party on the 4th of June

26 May 09 - 02:43 PM (#2641316)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: jeddy

is anyone else getting headaches over trying to do the right thing and make a differance? or is it just me? i've made my mind up but not entirely happy with what i have decided. like you said it's choosing the best of a bad lot.

27 May 09 - 02:54 AM (#2641650)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Par
From: SPB-Cooperator

When choosing.. decide what kind of society you want to live in; decide what you think should be the economic and social priorities, i.e. what your personal manifesto is. Decide which issues are most important for you. Read the political parties' manifestos along with balanced reporting. Note your misgivings. If possible question the candidates and on the basis of the above make a reasoned choice.

In my opinion, if I were voting in local elections, my choice would be based on investment in social care services and support for the third sector rather than what expenses the incumbent MP has claimed.

27 May 09 - 04:20 AM (#2641687)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: The Barden of England

I have already voted (postal vote you see) and may I say my 'X' wasn't put next to any BNP, UKIP or like minded party. I'm a commited European and would never vote for any 'Liitle England' party. When will they ever learn that we now live in the great big world and not great britain?
John Barden

24 Nov 12 - 10:23 AM (#3441484)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Backwoodsman

It appears that The Thought Police are alive and well, and living in the Independent People's Republic Of South Yorkshire.

24 Nov 12 - 10:44 AM (#3441496)
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
From: Mo the caller

A difficult subject.

The political party you vote for depends on which one most nearly maches your views about 'what should be done'. Some people even vote for parties they don't expect to get in, to send a message.

So you might vote for UKIP because you worried about the EU and the Euro.

But actually being a member of the party implies that you agree with them across the board.

I can't believe that mixed race children were sent to that couple without the council already satisfying themselves that they were not racist - maybe someone is being naive. But it's a no-win for the council here.

Come on guys, this isn't a difficult thing to figure out. The troll is back, and he's pushing buttons. It isn't BNP or EDL this time, its UKip or whatever. Don't let yourselves be led down that messy path. Don't feed the troll. --- mudelf