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BS: Your favorite T-shirt

01 Jun 09 - 05:14 PM (#2645872)
Subject: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Wesley S

One of my favorite t-shirts was from a place that repaired tubas up in Eugene Oregon. It had a picture of a Russian Czar playing a tuba. And underneath it said "Tuba Czar". Just say the words "Tuba Czar" out loud and you'll understand why I liked the shirt so much. The other t-shirt – which I still own – says "When did my wild oats turn into shredded wheat?" People always seem to smile whenever I wear it. A lot of the t-shirts I'm wearing now are really old. Many of them were packed away in the closet for ten or even fifteen years until I finally got around to losing weight.

So tell me about your favorite t-shirt.

01 Jun 09 - 05:49 PM (#2645894)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: jeddy

my ultumated fav has got to be the one with a picture of george bush on it.

underneath it says TERRORIST. on the back it says you can never have too many anti war songs. xx

01 Jun 09 - 05:51 PM (#2645895)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Bainbo

Viva La Evolucion

Sadly, shipping charges to get them to the eastern side of the Atlantic make them too expensive, really. I'm just using the design as a desktop, instead, so at least I get a laugh every time I turn the computer on.

01 Jun 09 - 06:29 PM (#2645923)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: The Vulgar Boatman

"Librarians are the masters of the universe,
They are the Guardians of All Knowledge;


01 Jun 09 - 06:36 PM (#2645931)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)

A Public Enemy 'target' long sleeved Tee ..purloined from my boyfriend.

01 Jun 09 - 06:53 PM (#2645938)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Tig

Alas no longer in existance ;-( When I was (much) younger and the Homepride Flour Graders (the little men with bowler hats removing lumps from bags of flour) were doing the adverts my mum got me a teeshirt which said "Thump a lump today" with a picture of a flour grader under it. You can imagine the fun I had at festivals wearing it!

01 Jun 09 - 07:19 PM (#2645956)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Bill D

At the festival I was as last weekend, a woman was wearing a shirt which said:

"Don't start with me! My son's a lawyer!"

The one *I* have says:

"Upon the advice of my attorney, my shirt has no comment at this time."

01 Jun 09 - 07:20 PM (#2645958)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Stilly River Sage

I wore out the "Dig a duck a day" geoduck shirt Dad sent years ago, but I still have the bird poop shirt (spots of white in various sizes with different birds named under each). And of course we all in this household have those Darwin walking fish shirts.


01 Jun 09 - 07:51 PM (#2645973)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Richard Bridge


There was the one I had at university - picture of Noddy's car dented on lamp post, Noddy jumping up and down in road, face red with rage and hat-a-jingle yelling "FUCK!"

Then that was the one I also had at university - cartoon of drunken cat in champagne glass, caption "Happiness is a tight pussy".

And another from university. Cartoon of Hell's Angel smashing another over head with motorcycle exhaust, caption "do unto others...before they do unto you".

The legendary Inspiral Carpets teeshirt "Cool as fuck - Mooo" (cartoon cow drinking milk through straw).

The 1969 Nottingham University rag tee-shirt.

"Trust me, I'm a lawyer"

and from my current tee-shirt drawer

"Ask your mother" (it takes on a whole new meaning when worn by an older man...)

"Cunningly disguised as a responsible adult" (present from daughter)

And the 2008 Pigs Ear folk ale teeshirt.

seen on the train last week:

Cartoon of ugly woman with two fine assetts sticking out of tight tee-shirt, caption: -

"A dog is for life, not just Friday night".

01 Jun 09 - 07:54 PM (#2645979)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Bill D

(my son, at age 20+ acquired one in black with large red letters that said "Alpha Male!"

01 Jun 09 - 08:40 PM (#2645998)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Midchuck

I have one that just says: "I am the man from Nantucket."

It's a lie, when I wear it, of course.


01 Jun 09 - 08:54 PM (#2646011)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Sorcha

Picture of several rather famous American Indian warriors....Says...
Original Homeland Security

01 Jun 09 - 09:32 PM (#2646036)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Leadfingers

I used to have a nice one from a bar in Kowloon , Hong Kong , whiteshirt with green and black logo said simply :-


01 Jun 09 - 10:19 PM (#2646063)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Stilly River Sage

Bet they sold a lot of those to English speaking visitors.

My son has a black System of a Down t-shirt with a dark red stylized "missle" that is clearly a phallus. One day I realized he was going to wear it to school and I made him change. He tried to sneak it out the door a couple of times, under other shirts. "No you don't! Give me that shirt and put the other one you had over it back on!"

I finally told him that one day he was going to meet a beautiful young woman who he really wanted to impress, and she was going to realize he was standing there with a great big penis on his shirt and wouldn't give him the time of day. Or one of his teachers was going to kick him out of class for it. He still wears it occasionally on weekends, but I think he better understands the problems with such a shirt. (They now have uniforms at school, so that part of the equation has cleared up.)


01 Jun 09 - 10:21 PM (#2646066)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Joe_F

Midchuck: I saw somebody on a bus once with that T-shirt on. I have ever since regretted not asking him "*Not* the one that went down to Hell in a bucket?"

A guy working on the street outside my house, once upon a time, had one with the charming sentiment: No bar too far to drink to you.

Of the ones I own myself, the one that most amuses me shows a professor doing mathematics on a blackboard, and a gangly student, who has stood up, brandishing his fist at him. The caption is "What are you trying to prove?"

01 Jun 09 - 11:44 PM (#2646143)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: katlaughing

I wore out one of my favs out years ago. It was blue with the walking across it.

One I mean to sell on ebay I got from a grand opening of a Hilton Hotel in WY at the height of the 1970/80s oil boom. It shows the caricature of a big oil man in cowboy boots and hat holding a floozy in his arms with them both drinking and he has a cigar, oil rig gushing in the background. There is a word bubble just above her head and she is saying, "I love it when you talk crude to me."

01 Jun 09 - 11:47 PM (#2646146)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: open mike

i lost dozens of shirts when my house (and over 200 0thers) burned down last summer.i made one with "magic markers" that says
How do we get from Bewilder to Rebuilder?

some of the shirts i have (that survived the fire) were shirts i got
from various large campaign fires that i have worked on (i am a fire fighter) these were in my out-of-county bag (a bag that we keep ready
in case we are called away on a moment's notice to fight a fire. Often times you will find tee shirt booths near fire base camps. the shirt
designers and vendors are sometimes retired fire fighters. they make
designs in the winter and when summer comes they give them the name of the fire and silk screen print the shirts on site near the fire camp.

whenever an incident is dispatched, it is given a name, so a fire may
have been named after a road, or area where it started whether it is 1 or 1,000 acres, it keeps the name given when it was first called in.

i used to have shirts from every concert or festival i have worked at.
sometimes you work all weekend and the shirt is your main payment!
(that and entry into the event) the ones i miss the most are the ones from the Strawberry Music Festival...many had glow-in-the-dark designs

02 Jun 09 - 03:54 AM (#2646215)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Pauline L

My Mudcat T shirt, of course.

02 Jun 09 - 04:12 AM (#2646224)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: fat B****rd

My step-daughter andn her then boyfriend went to New York for a long weekend. When asked wHat T-shirt I woulD like as a souvenir I mentioned somrthing to do with Jazz, blues or anything really. It reads DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING PEOPLE PERSON?

02 Jun 09 - 04:13 AM (#2646225)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: GUEST,Will Fly, near Brighton beach

The section of the Bayeux Tapestry where poor King Harold is depicted with the arrow in his eye. The caption says:

"I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with A..."

UK 'Catters will recognise the work of Simon Drew.

02 Jun 09 - 04:31 AM (#2646230)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: mouldy

OOh, I've had a few! Years ago I had a sweatshirt with "Butlitz Holiday Camp Escape Committee" on it - I believe it was very popular with the redcoats.

One of my new faves is one I got last year:
"Think of the implications if Jimi Hendrix had learned to play the accordion".


02 Jun 09 - 07:28 AM (#2646309)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: treewind

Allegedly Keith Rusby, slightly famous for doing the Sidmouth festival fireworks, has a T shirt saying "I'm not Kate's Dad"
(Kate's dad is Steve)


02 Jun 09 - 07:45 AM (#2646319)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: kendall


I have another that has a picture of a squirrel that says, "Come play with my nuts." I won't wear it.

02 Jun 09 - 07:54 AM (#2646329)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Mooh

There was the story of the musician who had trouble finding a bass player who could read music to play in his band. He took to riding the subway with a t-shirt that simply said All Cows Eat Grass. Whenever someone smirked or otherwise responded to the shirt, he struck up a conversation and eventually found his bass player.

Might be urban myth, I don't know, but I'd like a t-shirt like that.

Peace, Mooh.

02 Jun 09 - 08:05 AM (#2646342)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: freda underhill

My very good friend's husband has a Tshirt that says "I MARRIED A PSYCHO"

02 Jun 09 - 08:15 AM (#2646351)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Hawker

2 favourites i have not owned but wished I had bought were:

At The Isle Of Man TT races one year a stall had a Tee with a picture of an old motorcycle on it with no suspension and the caption......
'If it aint rigid it aint worth a F*!k'

and one my friend bought for her partner.............
'Heart Of Gold
Nerves of Steel
Knob of butter'

Cheers, Lucy

02 Jun 09 - 08:16 AM (#2646353)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Charmion

Mine shows a skedaddling marsupial over the caption "Eat More Possum". It's a souvenir of the Rhythm & Roots bluegrass and old-time music festival in Bristol, Virginia/Tennessee.

02 Jun 09 - 08:24 AM (#2646358)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Sorcha

I got a Harley for my wife....

Great trade!

02 Jun 09 - 08:28 AM (#2646365)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Micca

The one I have permission from the artist for but have not had made yet shows a bearded checkshirted "folkie" guy standing beside a tree and the tree is thinking, " My God , what will I do if he hugs me?"
My current fave is from a Booze shop in Colorado and says simply, "Beaver Liquors"

02 Jun 09 - 10:01 AM (#2646433)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Nigel Parsons

Micca: My current fave is from a Booze shop in Colorado and says simply, "Beaver Liquors"
I like that, it could be used over here, but more subtly: "Belvoir Liquors"

02 Jun 09 - 10:11 AM (#2646447)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Dave Hanson

I Ain't Broke, But I'm Badly Bent, from ' Old And In The Way ' I think.

Or from an old blues a friend used to sing ' I Ain't Down, But I'm Getting There '

Dave H

02 Jun 09 - 10:12 AM (#2646449)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: catspaw49

There was a sailmaker in Maine by the name of Hard Sails. I think they're out of business now, but one year at the Annapolis Boat Show they had by far the best selling T-Shirt...........

Sail with a Hard On


02 Jun 09 - 10:43 AM (#2646480)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Mrrzy

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

I'm confused! (then in smaller letters) Wait... maybe I'm not.

Militant Atheist: There's No God Damn God, God Damn It! (I like that one as it makes fun of me too).

02 Jun 09 - 11:09 AM (#2646505)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Wesley S

I have a new one that says "Non-conformists - they're just like you and me".

02 Jun 09 - 11:31 AM (#2646530)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Terry McDonald

One I saw in Toronto a few years ago:

BEER - It's no longer just for breakfast.

I have a variant on the one about Native Americans - mine has a picture of a group of warriors c1880 with the slogan 'Homeland Security -Fighting Terrorism Since 1492.'

02 Jun 09 - 12:32 PM (#2646592)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Mooh

I have a variant on the one about Native Americans - mine has a picture of a group of warriors c1880 with the slogan 'Homeland Security -Fighting Terrorism Since 1492.

Me too. Bought it at the Cape Croker Pow Wow. Pow Wows are wonderful events.

Peace, Mooh.

02 Jun 09 - 12:34 PM (#2646594)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Terry McDonald

Bought mine somewhere in Montana a couple of years ago.

02 Jun 09 - 01:06 PM (#2646627)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: katlaughing

I couldn't get one when we saw it at a powwow, but have since found it ONLINE.

My other fav, right now, is a "Blake Madison, Private Dick, only on the Mudcat" which LeeJ sent to me!

02 Jun 09 - 02:04 PM (#2646680)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: LilyFestre

If this were the 1800s, I'd be a goddess!!!!



02 Jun 09 - 02:30 PM (#2646702)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Mooh

Terry...Sorry, I meant to quote you.

Peace, Mooh.

02 Jun 09 - 02:31 PM (#2646704)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: GUEST,Neil D

On the front : WWOD ; On the back : "What Would Ozzie Do" above a picture of Ozzie Osborne.

I saw this on the a guy riding a motorcycle : "If you can read this the bitch fell off"

02 Jun 09 - 02:56 PM (#2646726)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: open mike

oh, yeah, i miss my mudcat t-shirts too.

02 Jun 09 - 03:07 PM (#2646735)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: mouldy

I have another produced by the Brown Cow Brewery for the Windy Bottom Folk Festival beer. Brewery logo on front; on back:
pint of
WINDY BOTTOM get the drift.

I also have a Fran Cotton mudman shirt. One rugby one I nearly got, and am kicking myself that I didn't: "Keep the Hooker Happy"


02 Jun 09 - 03:23 PM (#2646757)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: bubblyrat

I had one for years with roses on it . The caption read..
          "Life is a Bed of Roses-
                   Watch out for Pricks".

03 Jun 09 - 03:19 AM (#2647126)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Dave Hanson

Best one of all ' Booze Is The Only Answer '

Dave H

03 Jun 09 - 05:20 PM (#2647696)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: VirginiaTam

Dirty: Seen years ago-
"I love every bone in your body. Especially mine!"
"Coed Naked Billiards - Get felt up on the table."

Most recently seen favorite on a folkie
"Instant idiot - just add beer."

Favourite when I was in uni and self designed
"Refugee from Ignorance." It had a picture of a stack of text books.
and was inspired by another fav I saw on someone else - "So many books, so little time."

Cutest - On a father - 3 different sized kids footprints (through paint and tracked across shirt) Caption: "My kids walk all over me"

on my 10 year old son.
"Nobody knows the trouble I've been."

Must have The Religions tshirt.

Not my favourite but here is one I designed recently
folking around guitar

There is also melodeon, bodhran and lap dulcimer. If anyone wants the template, PM me. I am happy to email it (no charge) and you can print it out on iron on paper available at office supply stores to make your own tshirt.

03 Jun 09 - 05:37 PM (#2647713)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: katlaughing

That's great, VTam!

My grandson has several favs including:

"What happens at Grandma's, Stays at Grandma's!"

04 Jun 09 - 08:14 AM (#2648082)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: A Wandering Minstrel

One I didn't own but wish I had. It had a big Superman style "I" on the front with the legend "Captain Indecisive!" and on the back it said "or was it?"

04 Jun 09 - 08:51 AM (#2648105)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: dwditty

Top 10 Reasons to Procrastinate:

04 Jun 09 - 02:25 PM (#2648393)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: HuwG

On a lady about two weeks before she went into the maternity ward ...

"It started with a kiss"

04 Jun 09 - 02:50 PM (#2648414)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: gnu

Penmans cotton at Walmart for $6 Canuck.

04 Jun 09 - 03:08 PM (#2648432)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favourite T-shirt
From: GUEST,Bizibod

Nice -looking furry-faced long-haired young man,walking towards me, big writing emblazoned across chest, with second line in tiny writing underneath:-


            And a blowjob

Had to laugh as we passed and I could read the second line !

04 Jun 09 - 03:19 PM (#2648440)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: gnu

Good luck with that. Or, was he not wearing a ring?

04 Jun 09 - 05:44 PM (#2648554)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: 3refs

ask Bud, he's weiser!

If you choose not to stand behind our troops,

feel free to stand in front of them!

04 Jun 09 - 06:16 PM (#2648582)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Bobert

Wet and on a woman...

(That's purdy retarded, Boberdz...)

Okay, the woman with no tee shirt... That any better???


05 Jun 09 - 04:48 AM (#2648825)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: GUEST,CrazyEddie

"Save Shroedinger's Cat"


But the letters EVIL were in mirror writing, so you could read it right to left as "LIVE" or L to R as "EVIL"

05 Jun 09 - 08:08 AM (#2648949)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

For a bad taste party I made up a t-shirt with "Nuke a gay whale for Jesus" on it in an attempt to offend as many people as possible.
Two years later I saw someone wearing commercialy produced one. Can I claim copy-right?

Favourite one that I've bought is the Les Barker "I can't find my camouflage net" one.

05 Jun 09 - 10:53 AM (#2649074)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: topical tom

I once saw a woman wearing a t-shirt with an obviously inebriated cat lolling in a martini glass . The caption:" Happiness is a tight pussy".

05 Jun 09 - 01:23 PM (#2649205)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: frogprince

I've seen so many that have given me a good laugh, I don't know that I can pick out one. I've made a few tailored to situations, or to the personalities of friends and family. One I took real delight in:
We have a little great niece with coffee-with-cream skin tone, 'cause her daddy's from Camaroon. Her first birthday was just few days after the presidential election. I made a simple stars-and-stripes pattern around the words, "I could be PRESIDENT some day". It felt so good to know that it wasn't a tasteless joke .

05 Jun 09 - 05:19 PM (#2649404)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: GUEST,Goodnight Grace

Years ago I saw Mike Seeger wearing a tee shirt advertising some folk or old time music festival on the front (can't remember which festival)and on the back were the words "keep your day job."


05 Jun 09 - 09:56 PM (#2649612)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Bat Goddess

A young lad about 6 came barreling into the shop -- he was wearing a green shirt with the words, "I'm definitely up to something" on it. I asked his Mom if that was true and she shook her head up and down vigorously.


06 Jun 09 - 09:30 AM (#2649874)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Roger the Skiffler

I've only three customiszed ones: one celebrates a special holiday spent with friends and relatives and was made in secret for all of us by one of the gang (it still puzzles anyone outside the loop). The two I had made from my own photos are the ego-trip one from my 60th birthday showing me singing (?) and playing washboard with (or against!) Sonny Black & the Dukes and the other is of my favourite blues singer Fred McDowell based on his LP "I do not play no rock 'n' roll" [just the straight & natural blue]. I also prize my Lonnie Donegan final tour T-shirt.


07 Jun 09 - 05:34 AM (#2650422)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Andy Jackson

I remember one of my favorites years ago depicted a grossly fat guy pushing a wheelbarrow nearly overflowing with his beer belly. The caption of course " Only here for the beer"

07 Jun 09 - 07:34 PM (#2650906)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Herga Kitty

I asked the next performer at the Banbury fundraiser in April to give us a twirl, because he was wearing a t-shirt that read
"Heart of gold
Nerves of steel
Knob of butter"


08 Jun 09 - 11:32 AM (#2651350)
Subject: RE: BS: Your favorite T-shirt
From: Phot

My favorite was a Performance Bikes magazine one, which had a devil on the front with the caption Faster, Faster, Faster!   On the back it said "The devil made me do it!!...........But God said it was ok with him!

Wassail!! Chris