02 Jun 09 - 12:39 AM (#2646158) Subject: Lyr Add: LITTLE CHILD / DADDY DEAR (Cab Calloway) From: Genie I was going to add these lyrics to the Father's Day Songs thread, but I think it's easier to find songs if they have separate threads. I know this song as "Daddy Dear," as recorded by Cab Calloway and his then-young daughter Lael back in 1956. But it seems it was originally titled "Little Child" and written by Wayne Shaklin. LITTLE CHILD - Wayne Shanklin Daughter / Son / Young Child: Daddy dear,* tell me, please, is the world really round? Tell me, where is the bluebird of happiness found? Tell me why is the sky up above so blue, And when you were a child did your daddy tell you? What becomes of the sun whhen it falls in the sea, And who lights it again, bright as bright can be? Tell me, why can't I fly like the birds through the skies? Tell me why, daddy dear, are there tears in your eyes? Old Man / Dad: Little one, little one,yes, the world's really round, And the bluebird you search for will surely be found, And the sky up above is so blue and so clear So that you'll see the bluebird if it should come near. And the sun doesn't fall when it slips out of sight. All it does is make way for the moon's pretty light, And if children could fly there'd be no need for birds, And I cry, little one, for I'm touched by your words. Daughter / Son / Little Child: Don't be sad, daddy dear, if the world's really round I will search 'round the world till the bluebird is found. Dad / Old Man: Little one, there is no need to wander too far, For what you really seek is right here where you are. Daughter / Son / Little Child: Show me where, daddy dear, and here's what I will do: I will find the dear bluebird and give it to you. Dad / Old Man: Dear, the bluebirds's the love in your heart, pure and true, And I found it the day Heaven blessed me with you. *If the child is singing to an unrelated old man, substitute "Old Man" for "Daddy dear." Video of "LITTLE ONE" is hosted on YouTube at the following link: Little One |
03 Nov 12 - 11:02 PM (#3430652) Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Little One / Daddy Dear (Cab Calloway) From: GUEST I heard Cab Calloway perform this on the Ed Sullivan Show. I was nine and it touched me then and it stays with me to this day. I loved it. I wish I could find a recording of that performance ... |
04 Nov 12 - 09:10 PM (#3431096) Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Little One / Daddy Dear (Cab Calloway) From: Jim Dixon Spotify has a recording of this song by Danny Kaye and Dena Kaye (his daughter) under the title LITTLE CHILD (DADDY DEAR), from the album "Remember Danny Kaye" (2011). |
17 Nov 12 - 10:07 PM (#3438024) Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Little One / Daddy Dear (Cab Calloway) From: GUEST,Ann Miller When I was very young, my parents had this record. I have sang it in my head my entire life. When my parents passed away I looked through their records and and could not find it. Being a daddy's girl it was a very special song. Thank you for having it posted. Ann Miller |
12 Jan 14 - 09:31 AM (#3591303) Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Little One / Daddy Dear (Cab Calloway) From: GUEST,Here's a Recording of "Little Child". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b85EPad0yPw |
12 Jan 14 - 11:13 AM (#3591323) Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Little One / Daddy Dear (Cab Calloway) From: maeve Thanks, Guest! Charming recording! Here's a clicky for your link. Lael & Cab Calloway "Little Child" |
13 Jan 14 - 11:07 AM (#3591659) Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Little One / Daddy Dear (Cab Calloway) From: Cool Beans Spike Jones did a funny parody (unavailable on YouTube) where the father is a blithering idiot. When the "Child" (a man singing falsetto) sings "Is the world really round?" the father answers, "The world, duh, where is it located?" It goes on... |