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BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead

18 Jun 09 - 09:15 AM (#2659342)
Subject: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

The NHL is weaning us again-- awards show tonight, draft soon, then only reruns of NHL and college hockey, till training camp!

The column below (from kind of says it all, for me. What are your thoughts as you contemplate a hockeyless summer?


The season is over, but hockey is still on our minds
Tuesday, 06.16.2009 / 9:00 AM / Columns
By Paul Kukla - Correspondent

If you are a Detroit Red Wings fan, you have realized one thing over the past few days -- the sun does rise and set, even though the Wings lost to the Pittsburgh Penguins in a great, seven-game Stanley Cup Final.

Yes, Pittsburgh was the better team and any team that wins 4 of their last 5 games deserves the Stanley Cup. The Penguins showed determination and were driven not to lose, the Wings appeared a half-step slower and looked like a tired team at times.

Congratulations goes out to all those associated with the Pittsburgh Penguins and that includes all of their fans. I am sure it will be a summer to remember and now it is the Penguins with the bull's-eye on the back of their sweaters next season. So be prepared Penguins followers, every game you team participates in will be a hard-fought battle.

Now we move on and start thinking of roster moves many of the teams will be making in the next few weeks. We shall be soon hearing what the exact salary cap figure will be for next season, then we will start reading all the chatter about numerous trade scenarios.

The NHL Entry Draft in Montreal (June 26-27) should be a wild one, all the trade talk, teams trying to move up in the draft and possible UFA signing talk will be in play too, even though the UFA signing period doesn't start until July 1.

What will your team look like after all the dust settles? Do you feel there are major changes coming? Will your team basically be the same as the past season? Or maybe you have no idea what moves will be made.

Whatever your question, in about a month or so, you will get a much clearer picture of how your team will look for the 2009-10 season. Most big –name UFAs will be signed in early July and then we get to have some fun, putting together line combinations, maybe suggesting a tweak trade, one that will help your team for the upcoming year.

Even though the games have stopped for the season, hockey is still on our minds. These days, it seems only the last week of July and the month of August is really considered the down-time for the NHL. GMs go on vacation, media members can be found on the golf course or on the lake more than they can be spotted hanging around a rink or locker room. Players will be in full training mode during this down-time, preparing for a long season and also thinking about a chance of representing their country in the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

As fans, all we can do is observe, give our opinions and hope for the best for the team we cheer for. We go into next season knowing all teams are 0-0-0 and hope is eternal.

May your summer be an enjoyable one filled with hockey talk.....


I was pleased to see that the Pens' signings have begun, starting with GREAT defenseman Alex Goligoski who has been brought up from the AHL to fill in for Gonchar many times, and who will increasingly grow into that role as Gonchar slows down. The two of them together for a year or several-- WOW!


18 Jun 09 - 09:20 AM (#2659345)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Rapparee

Actually, I rarely think about hockey. I really don't give a puck.

18 Jun 09 - 09:58 AM (#2659359)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Then you in the wrawng thread, dear.


18 Jun 09 - 12:39 PM (#2659456)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: bobad

Yeah, get the puck outta here!

18 Jun 09 - 12:41 PM (#2659459)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: gnu

Season misconduct!

18 Jun 09 - 01:01 PM (#2659472)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Wings' fans. :~)


18 Jun 09 - 01:03 PM (#2659474)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: gnu

??? You callin Rap a Wingnut?

18 Jun 09 - 05:15 PM (#2659729)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

No, dear.



18 Jun 09 - 11:10 PM (#2659951)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Michael Harrison

Well, I watched the awards show tonight and got a pleasant suprise. Of course, all of the awards should have gone to each of the different Red Wings - but they didn't. I am such a big Datsyuk fan, and it was a good night for him; however, as much as I hate to say it, and believe me, I hate to say it, I really think that the trophy for the "best coach" should have gone to the Pittsburgh coach. I know - he wasn't there all season - but he did a hell of a job from the time he arrived to pull that team up, get them in the playoffs, and, ultimately win it all. Good show.

Pleasant surprise? Malkin - based on his words/actions at the mic, I was very impressed with him - a very nice kid; but, I'm still gonna kick his ass from my chair in front of the tube when he's skating against the winged-wheel.

Thoughts? Don't know! From what I gather from the Freep, the players all like and respect Hossa and have asked him to come back; he wants to come back, but salary cap limits may prevent Ken Holland from offering him a do-able contract without having to let too many other players go. I'd like to see Ty Conklin stay, but again, the same thing applies. The Red Wing suits tied up a lot of money in giving Dats, Z, and Mule very long term contracts. They've also got Rafalski, Stuart and Lidstrom at the high end, too. There is talk that Samuelsson won't be back, nor Hudler, and maybe even Holmstrom if they sign Hossa. Would I sign Hossa? Yes, but you know - they didn't ask my opinion.

Chelios won't be back. I think he wants to go to 50, but sadly, it won't be in as a Red Wing. I'd like to see him end his career in Chicago if that's what he wants. Actually, I wrote the Free Press the other day striking out at all the negative Wings fans and their comments. Sure, I yell and scream, and complain and moan about something the front office does, or when Stuart turns the puck over in our zone - twice, and Malkin scores. The bottom line, though, for Wingnuts is that we are a very lucky fan-group to have the wonderful ownership, front office, coaching, scouting, support staff and players that we do, year, after year, after year; so I can tell you that I'll just sit back and relax because whatever decisions the suits make, I'd bet a big chunk that the Red Wings will be in the hunt next year for sure.

Finally (about time, huh?) didn't you just LOVE the lack of applause the audience didn't give Gary Buttman when he took to the podium?
What a game. What a league. Let's have even more fun next year folks, and,.................GO RED WINGS GO! Cheers,...........mwh

18 Jun 09 - 11:27 PM (#2659954)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Beer

It's late but I just want to say Michael that I throughly enjoyed your post. i agree with your assessment completely. Don't forget we will have Helm and Francin(sp.) back and better.

18 Jun 09 - 11:35 PM (#2659955)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

I need new glasses-- I thought you said HELEN, and I am not messing with you!

I thought the crowd was very anti-Pens. Bettman gave Sid shoes he cannot fill, and the handshake thing is really bugging the older guys. LOTS of things we saw led to this conclusion. Not least of which having the non-Captain carry in the Cup.

Sid gotta apologize.

LOVED the Beliveau chat-- thought he was correcting the anti-Pens feeling in his words.

LOVED all the highlights. But Chaka, fire the wardrobe stylist, NOW. And get back into vocal coaching right away.

Calder TROPHY, not the Calder CUP-- THat's a AHL Stanley-wannabe.

Gotta crash,


19 Jun 09 - 12:09 PM (#2660254)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Regarding the Jack Adams award-- The winner is selected by a poll of the National Hockey League Broadcasters Association at the end of the regular season.

Bylsma didn't get there early enough in the season to show his impact. Speaking personally as a Pens-watcher, I was not at all convinced until midway through the playoffs that the coaching change represented a substantial change from the Therrien system.

Mid-season coaching changes seldom result in Jack Adams awards. It just takes longer than that before a team's record begins to reflect coaching success-- their improved play can be not the coaching, but just the wale-up call. But then it also takes awhile before the good results are noticed by the broadcasters outside the team's city, and linked to an awareness of exactly what that new coach has done to get the results.


19 Jun 09 - 04:47 PM (#2660459)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: 3refs

My favourite time of year.
The Leafs are undefeated.
Soon the Canadiens will be owned by Celine.
Hamilton almost had a team.
Pierre Maguire is muted for a while.
Sadly, Don "The Donut" Koharski has retired.
Hopefully Sean Avery will head to Europe or Antarctica.

19 Jun 09 - 06:26 PM (#2660525)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

LOL-- right with you, man.


19 Jun 09 - 09:36 PM (#2660624)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Peter T.

Repeat after me: winter, ice, hockey.   This spring, summer and fall hockey crap is crap.

Peter T.

19 Jun 09 - 09:39 PM (#2660627)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Not at all. Some great college hockey is replayed at this time of year. And I just watched Russia whip Canadian butt. It was cool to see what the Russian NHLers had had as formation in their yoot.


20 Jun 09 - 08:33 AM (#2660817)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg


20 Jun 09 - 08:36 AM (#2660821)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg


20 Jun 09 - 10:00 AM (#2660862)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: plnelson

Hockey will always be a marginalized sport because it's basically just organized violence.   The NHL is stuck between a rock and a hard place because they know that half the fans won't keep going to the games if they don't see blood on the ice.   But that millions of other people, including me, think that hockey is disgusting caveman spectacle (apologies to cavemen) because of all the blood on the ice.

Without the fighting, hockey has the potential to be fast, graceful, and exciting, but without the fighting the NHL has no franchise and they know it so they're afraid to ban it.

20 Jun 09 - 10:09 AM (#2660866)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg


This thread is for hockey fans, who I hope will not take your bait.

The tone most of us hope for (and generally enjoy), in Mudcat hockey threads, is that of fans sitting side by side at a game, regardless of which team they cheer. We expect one another to behave well enough not to be ejected from the game by anxious security personnel, and we don't throw beer in each others' faces as a result. :~)

I ask you the same courtesy.

We don't do much trash talk, here, and we don't expect to debate hockey's worth with someone who got a free ticket and used it to hassle people enjoying the game.

And BTW-- last time I looked, I didn't see any cavemen at hockey games. A lot of blue-collar and salt-of-the-earth folks, but no cavemen or cavekids. :~)

Your off-topic post will stay, because Mudcat prefers not to censor free speech, but your point has been debated many times in other threads.


20 Jun 09 - 10:10 AM (#2660867)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

PS, I see plnelson is new to Mudcat. Welcome to Mudcat, PL.



20 Jun 09 - 10:45 AM (#2660883)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Here are the two threads where hockey fighting has mostly been most discussed:

BS: Hockey :BS

BS: Violence in sports


21 Jun 09 - 10:00 AM (#2661421)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: gnu

Habs sold back to Molsons!

21 Jun 09 - 11:30 PM (#2661878)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Michael Harrison

WYSIWYG - thanks for jumping on plnelson. As you know, I LOVE hockey; but, I HATE the fighting. Do I think that fighting has a place in the game? Yes; you cannot play a game that involves as much contact as hockey does without getting some egos bruised and on some occassions the gloves will come off. Having written that, I do believe that there is no room for gratuitous or staged fighting and I DEFINITELY feel that the league needs to crack down on head shots, cheap shots and other pokes designed to re-injure a player who is known to have a problem area. I repeat CRACK DOWN ON HEAD SHOTS AND CHEAP SHOTS AND GRATUITOUS FIGHTING AND ATTEMPTS TO RE-INJURE.

plnelson - welcome aboard, but just for the record, please know that when I'm at home watching a game and a fight breaks out that's a free kitchen run, my friend - fresh drinks and snacks and a run to the bathroom if needed. Sure enough, I won't miss anything because when it all boils over and the penalties are handed out and the game resumes and I'm back in my seat - the broadcast crew will still be talking about it, but I didn't have to sit and watch it.

Beer - thanks for your comment earlier. Cheer,............mwh

23 Jun 09 - 10:24 AM (#2662662)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

...gratuitous or staged fighting and I DEFINITELY feel that the league needs to crack down on head shots, cheap shots and other pokes designed to re-injure a player who is known to have a problem area....

I think that they ARE cracking down and that they need to continue doing so. I like the idea of the coach-fines especially-- it's where a responsible party can be mandated.


THE DRAFT is coming, I guess this weekend-- the way the week is flying by I think I have to call it a breakaway on Time, with me as a UHL goalie facing a Cup-winning NHL shootout specialist (yes I know, no SOs in playoffs). (Oh, my aching brain-- no significant others in playoffs?!?!?!)

ANYWAY. Those of us with teams seeded in this year's playoffs don't have great draft-pick rights, but I'm curious-- do y'all follow the draft at all, and has your team made any good player deals of late that will affect them (pos. or neg.) in this draft?


23 Jun 09 - 02:18 PM (#2662853)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: gnu

Babcock to coach Canada in 2010.

23 Jun 09 - 02:26 PM (#2662860)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: 3refs

I think that monster Swede will go first over all, although I don't think Tavares will be a bust. I hope Schenn makes it to the Leafs.

And for all those who oppose fighting. [8-(

It has nothing to do with "blood on the ice"! It's protecting your stars.
Little story with no names.
Player A has nailed player B every chance he gets. 6" and 75lbs difference in size. Player C skates over to Player A's best player(and captain) and says "If player A touches my player B again, your going to get it!"

23 Jun 09 - 03:44 PM (#2662941)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: gnu

John Fergusson! Is that the right answer?

23 Jun 09 - 06:39 PM (#2663114)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: maire-aine

Here's a happy bit of information: Redwing great Steve Yzerman has been elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame. Good on y', Stevie. A fitting way to cap off a spectacular career.


24 Jun 09 - 12:23 AM (#2663280)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Michael Harrison

Yes, way to go Stevie - lots of articles and comments in the Free Press. The Draft? As a Red Winger I do not have any real interest in the draft at this point; I mean, the Wings are a great organization with an outstanding scouting system that creates winning teams from players taken in the latest of rounds, and, since I trust that system without question - there is no concern, so there's no point in following it. They will draft who they will and a few years later those folks will be called up from Grand Rapids just like Helm and Ericsson were this year. I am, however, looking forward to tomorrow's Chris Chelios presser and every day I scan the Freep for news of a Hossa signing.

Nice to keep this thread alive - if we can't watch the game and our teams, at least we can talk about them. GO RED WINGS!.........mwh

24 Jun 09 - 08:07 AM (#2663387)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Peter T.

Playing ice hockey in the summer is only one aspect of this watered down sport (as in water hockey).   (Purist obsessive speaks).


Peter T.

24 Jun 09 - 10:21 AM (#2663465)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

The NHL store has golf clubs mocked up to look like hockey sticks, complete with team logos. It was a little surreal seeing one on a popup ad, since any team that loses it's playoff series is said to be released to play golf.


Free agency has =me on tenterhooks. There are signals that Rob Scuderi is going to be allowed to leave for bigger bucks. It's a huge mistake. Of all our free agents, I think we must keep Guerin and Scuderi. I'd LIKE to keep them all, but those two IMO are must-haves.


24 Jun 09 - 12:25 PM (#2663595)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: 3refs

If it's the "putters" your talking about, a friend of mine started producing them about 8-10 years ago. They're really more of a novelty, because as a golf club, they suck. He is also one of the guys behind the "STOP" patches(along with Don Cherry) that are being sewn on the back of hockey sweaters(hard time calling them jerseys)to try and put an end to "checking from behind". He's also got about 5-6 guys that he represents, at the NHL level, as an agent and several Jr's.
I've even had to call him up on the carpet for threatening an on-ice-official once! It was kind of funny, because most thought he would get a kiss from me, when in fact, quite the opposite happened! He has been more than respectful ever since!

24 Jun 09 - 12:26 PM (#2663597)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: 3refs

And it was not John Ferguson Sr. Much more recent!

24 Jun 09 - 12:57 PM (#2663628)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Yup, the putters. Are they thinking as a "novelty" item that a winning team gives them to the team they just put out?!?!?!

[gasp] Perish the thought! [slapping sounds]


27 Jun 09 - 07:15 AM (#2665827)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Pronger to Philly.... Pens rival. Hello...... :~)

Poor Dany Heatley. Priced hisself out of his own league. If he really wants to be traded he's going to have to offer up contract concessions-- how the heck do they do THAT?

And hey, aren't the new draftees increasingly well-mentored on press relations? It must be a required HS course, communications/public speaking, or part of their billeting families' roles to be sure they get prep. Or smart agent-ing?


01 Jul 09 - 12:55 PM (#2669025)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Michael Harrison

Thought I'd bring this thing back around because in about ten minutes the "free agent" scramble starts in the NHL. I'm sad to say that I've been informed "unofficially," that the Wings will not be signing Marian Hossa unless there is some sort of "manna" from heaven that will allow Hossa to be paid more tha 4M per year from the team - probably won't go down, so,...

Who do you think your team is going to go after and who do YOU think the team should go after. The Rangers have already sent Gomez to the Canadians and that was a surprize to me. Chris Chelios will be looking for a job in the east somewhere, and, well, who's going to win the "Hossa Lottery" this year? Cheers,..............mwh

01 Jul 09 - 02:12 PM (#2669094)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

I just wanna keep our guys. The ones I want most did not rise to the buck-bait our GM offered, so he went ahead and signed (allocated first bucks to) the guys that can afford to fit under the Cap.

Scuds and Gill better hope no one reviews the mistakes made in a couple of those Final games, along with their well-used skills-- if they really want to harvest big Cup-bucks. I hope the other GMS DO see the boo-boos, so they don't offer enough to entice them away! :~)


01 Jul 09 - 03:08 PM (#2669125)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Hossa went to the Blackhawks, another family favorite, but I look forward to the Pens beating him there.


01 Jul 09 - 03:11 PM (#2669128)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

PS and I'm glad he wont be on the Wings' bench anymore. They're better than he is.


01 Jul 09 - 06:36 PM (#2669279)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Michael Harrison

You know, ~S~, I agree with you - the Wings are "better than he is." I do trust, however, that with the young, gifted team that the Blackhawks are, he will not come up empty-handed in his persuit of a cup somewhere down the road.

Truthfully, I'm glad it went down this way; no, I didn't want to see him go to one of our biggest rivals, but, in order to keep him I think the sacrifice might have been too great to the team as a whole, and the philosophy of the Wings is basically not to base their success on one player, but rather, a collection of players.

Hey, am I late to get on the boat or am I seeing something no one else has yet? It seems to me, that with Buttman and the owners winning the lockout a few years ago and subsequently getting their salary cap instituted - are they not going for league "parity" like in the NFL where all teams finish at about the same place and interest in every team is carried on through the end of the season because almost everyone has a shot to make the playoffs right up until the last week or so? Just a thought, though not a pretty one.

Finally, I'm glad Ty Conklin made it to another team, too. I like him, but the Wings system dictated that Jimmy Howard "had" to be given his chance to prove himself. Good luck to Ty and Jimmy.

01 Jul 09 - 09:33 PM (#2669378)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Yes, you are late to the party and it IS parity, but a needed one in many respects. Also know that Buttman did not win all the goodies-- the players won quite a few as well in the CBA. They are the ones that ultimately benefit from the salary cap except that it does give newbies an edge cuz they play cheaper. It means that once you get to the top you better make sure your stats stay there. On the other hand, respected older guys get front-office jobs nowadays more, I think, like Yzie.



02 Jul 09 - 11:22 AM (#2669777)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Oh, I see now why the Hawks trook Ho=ssa-- they lost Martin Havlat. Big Ouchies!

I dont envy the GMs. Hard to make a picture with such expensive puzzle pieces and short bucks to pay them.

Deadline passes, but no deal on Heatley
Thursday, 07.02.2009 / 12:21 AM / 2009 NHL Offseason News
By Dan Rosen - Staff Writer

The Edmonton Oilers wanted Dany Heatley, and the Ottawa Senators were more than willing to let him go. But the two-time 50-goal scorer wasn't willing to change teams -- at least not right now -- and that refusal will cost the Senators $4 million.

TSN reported early Thursday that Heatley declined to waive his no-movement clause and agree to a deal that would have sent him to Edmonton. In return for Heatley, who has asked Ottawa General Manager Bryan Murray for a trade, the Oilers would have sent Andrew Cogliano, Dustin Penner and Ladislav Smid to Ottawa.

The Senators were hoping to send Heatley to Edmonton on Wednesday, enabling them to avoid paying him a $4 million bonus that was due by the end of the day on July 1. But despite a reported face-to-face meeting between Heatley and the Oilers on Wednesday night, he didn't agree to the deal before the deadline -- leaving the Senators on the hook for the $4 million.

According to media reports, Heatley had given Murray a list of teams he would go to -- and Edmonton was not one of them. Sun Media reported the New York Rangers, San Jose, Boston, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Detroit, Calgary and Chicago were on the list -- but Edmonton was not. Many of the teams to which Heatley would have accepted a deal are tight against the salary cap and not likely to have the flexibility to take on Heatley's contract, which reportedly has five years and $37.5 million remaining.

If Heatley had been dealt Wednesday, the team that acquired him would be on the hook for the $4 million. Instead, Ottawa will have to pay him the bonus and may wind up stuck with a disgruntled player in the fall if it can't work out a deal.


02 Jul 09 - 02:06 PM (#2669938)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: gnu

Canuck olympic team invitees.

02 Jul 09 - 05:35 PM (#2670127)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Defenseman Rob Scuderi has agreed to a deal with the Los Angeles Kings. Terms are not known, but the Kings had offered a multi-year deal at what was believed to be a $3 million annual average salary.

The Penguins are believed to have offered a five-year deal at $10 million total.

Oh well.

No word yet on Fedotenko, so maybe this will allow us to keep him at least.

I wish Scuderi the best. LA is lucky to get him and he's earned the opportunity, several times over.


03 Jul 09 - 08:04 PM (#2671104)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

Fedotenko stays!


04 Jul 09 - 12:42 PM (#2671493)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: 3refs

Several players left off Team Canada's selection that puzzle me. Couple of invitees that make me shake my head.
I wonder why you can only send one National hockey team when you can have more than one team in other sports. Now I understand that you get to go to the Olympics because you have met the "Olympic standard". But if you can send two or three bobsled teams, why not a couple of hockey teams? Canada 1 "Gold", Canada 2 "Silver" and U.S.A. "Bronze"
Tongue in cheeck folks!!

28 Aug 09 - 11:44 PM (#2711303)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

What's new with your teams, folks?


29 Aug 09 - 07:50 AM (#2711435)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: 3refs

Well, the Leafs now have a defence and I suspect that crossing their blueline won't be the pleasant experience it's been in the past.

They've picked up a goalie who's referred to as "The Monster".

They've also given a tryout to a guy who couldn't play 4 years ago. They use a calendar to time him, not a stop watch! Wonder what has changed?

I'd love to see them give Theo Fleury a shot!(not in the head)

For being a Yank, Brian Burke knows hockey. Or is it just because Brian Burke says it with conviction, doesn't mean he knows a freakin thing! I'm not sure yet!

29 Aug 09 - 09:18 AM (#2711458)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: wysiwyg

They've also given a tryout to a guy who couldn't play 4 years ago. Aren;t goalies said to mature into their skills v e r y s l o w l y ?

Keep 'em coming, folks-- it will help enhance our viewing pleasure to hear your inside views first here.


29 Aug 09 - 10:38 AM (#2711509)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: bobad

For us fans of the Ottawa Senators this summer has been exasperating.

Last year's dismal season ended on a positive note with the new coach managing to turn the floundering ship around only to have Dany Heatley drop his bomb in May.

This lead to a summer of endless trade rumours and speculation and an increasingly messy situation which remains unresolved.

Some of the off season moves such as finally acquiring a bona fide starting goaltender, who will hopefully return to pre-injury form, and the acquisition of the enigmatic Alex Kovalev have the potential to get this team back into the playoffs or conversely blow up in the face of GM Brian Murray, which will spell the end for his tenure.

I, for one, am hopeful.

29 Aug 09 - 05:17 PM (#2711698)
Subject: RE: BS: Ice Hockey 08-09 Winds Down, Looks Ahead
From: Michael Harrison

Well, I'm not sure what to think. My guys wear the Winged Wheel and I'm extremely confident that the team will produce because the whole organization is as solid as a glacier; however, I say that and they bring back the nasty bastard Todd Bertuzzi - duh? They bring back Jason Williams - duh? Again, I've said it so many times - they keep winning so who am I to argue with Holland and company? I'm counting the days till the puck is dropped and then we'll see what happens.
I was going to a gig last night and spent the drive listening to the Stan Rogers CD, "From Fresh Water." There is a fine song on there called, "Flying," about growing up and trying to make it to the next level, etc., and finally to the NHL - it made me long for the season.
GO RED WINGS! Cheers from Hockeytown South,...............mwh