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Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)

12 Jul 99 - 05:14 PM (#94496)
Subject: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

Those of you who plan to come to the get-together in Yorktown Heights, NY (1 hr N of NYC) on Saturday, July 31st, please send me email asking for directions from your location. Also, give me an idea if you are coming within the times I suggested--noon to 10 pm (Bill & Duane won't be able to arrive until about then)--or if you need to come earlier or stay later to justify the travel time. I'm sure we can work it out! I'll be available that weekend from Friday through Sunday. Maybe we can discuss food & drink ideas at the same time. Added bonus--we should have the digital camera by then & can get individual/group photos for the Resources pages!

bbc's email

Talk to you soon,

bbc (Barbara)

13 Jul 99 - 01:21 PM (#94762)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

refresh--not trying to be pushy.

14 Jul 99 - 04:10 AM (#95001)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Sam Pirt

I would love to come but unfortunatelty I'm stuck over in Yorkshire, England. Say a big hello to Bill for me

Cheers, Sam

14 Jul 99 - 07:46 AM (#95034)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

We'll try to have a party for you in the future, Sam!


14 Jul 99 - 12:00 PM (#95103)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: catspaw49

So where in the world is Bill anyway? Heard from him?


14 Jul 99 - 12:19 PM (#95109)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

I got an email from a "cyber cafe" in Pennsylvania yesterday. I suspect he is staying w/ his friends there, for now. He will be at annap's this weekend. Maybe she can get an update where he plans to be between then & my house at the end of the month.

BTW, catspaw, where's that email you promised me? Don't spend *all* your free time on the flatulence thread (P-U!!!) w/ Duane (There goes my reputation! What's a nice girl like her...?).


20 Jul 99 - 08:17 AM (#97287)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

Hi, folks,

Time for me to start cleaning the house! Please get in touch so I can send you directions from where you are. Karen K, annap, & Sandy--directions will go out today. Animaterra, I hope you *will* be able to come, as well as you, Liam's Brother. Susan & Dick--you remember how to get here? Any others are welcome, too! For food, I'm thinking of general, non-perishable munchies--bread/pretzels, cut-up fruits & vegetables, salads which don't require a lot of refrigeration. I've bought things to eat out of. If we need more food, there's Chinese, pizza, & deli close-by. As I said earlier, Duane & Bill won't arrive till about noon on Saturday, but if folks need to arrive Friday or leave Sunday, I'll be around & will be glad to see you!


27 Jul 99 - 10:56 AM (#99695)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

Hi, folks!

It's Tuesday before the Saturday now. I think I have sent directions to all who plan to attend. If you are coming, will you send me a quick email to verify? If you are planning to bring food, would you let me know what. Sounds like a great group. I can hardly wait to see you all! Sure would be nice if the weather cools off a little!

Just one request--I have a rather unfriendly next-door neighbor, who frequently holds large parties. They completely block the street, are noisy into the wee hours, & leave trash in the neighborhood. Please, let's try to *not* be like that! If you can, please just park on *one* side of my street. If it fills up, try parking on Wildwood. If you have a lot of instruments, etc. to carry, we'll help out. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you. Wish we could all come!


27 Jul 99 - 11:13 AM (#99704)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Bert

bbc, unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make it. Have a good time and sing one for me.


27 Jul 99 - 11:35 AM (#99714)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: annamill

Oh Bert,

I was really looking forward to seeing you and Theresa again! I hope you get to August 14th!!

Love, annap

27 Jul 99 - 06:06 PM (#99911)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Rick Fielding

Darn, Just another one of those gatherings I won't be able to be at! I'd of straightened out those neighbours for you Barbara. 57 verses of "Robin Hood and the Bold Peddlar" and they'd move!

27 Jul 99 - 06:10 PM (#99914)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

Rick, sometimes help of that kind seems attractive. I've tried to be friendly, but it seems the best we manage, most the time, is pretending the other doesn't exist. Sigh.

27 Jul 99 - 07:57 PM (#99945)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: DougR


Would you lead the folks in a quick verse of Happy Birthday to Velma at your get-together? July 31 is her birthday, and we will be there in spirit!


27 Jul 99 - 08:46 PM (#99960)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

Be happy to, Doug. Wish you could join us in person!


29 Jul 99 - 12:14 PM (#100485)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

I think we're up to about 22 now, folks. Have you let me know what you're bringing?

29 Jul 99 - 12:46 PM (#100493)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Jeri

Alright, all together now:

29 Jul 99 - 03:40 PM (#100542)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

Silly girl! Bring your pesto & behave yourself! Don't make me get my trout out! :)

29 Jul 99 - 08:11 PM (#100632)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Susan of DT

would you like a veggie platter?

29 Jul 99 - 09:22 PM (#100660)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

That would be delightful, Susan!

30 Jul 99 - 11:01 AM (#100833)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Easy Rider

I think my wife is going to make her famous, Japanese transparent noodle salad.

We're going to come early and leave early, because we will be on our way to Rosendale for another gathering the same day. It's gonna be hot. Do you have a swimming pool? The Rosendale people have a River!


30 Jul 99 - 11:30 AM (#100857)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Bert

DON'T keep refreshing this thread!!! I want to go but I can't - Boo hoo hoo!

Bert. (Have a good time - sing one for me - love you all - Boo hoo hoo again.)

30 Jul 99 - 12:41 PM (#100903)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

Sorry, Bert! We'll probably put up pictures & make you feel worse.

EasyRider, the salad sounds great! Had that before, I think. Soy noodles? No river or pool, I'm afraid. If we're desperate, there is *one* air-conditioned room. May be a little cozy, but hey!

30 Jul 99 - 12:45 PM (#100906)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

BTW, please watch out for the drivers in my area! They do not follow right-of-way laws. They not only go through yellow lights; they, also, go through red lights. You can go right on red in my area, but you don't *have* to, no matter what the guy behind you indicates!!! Driving around here is getting very dangerous!

30 Jul 99 - 12:46 PM (#100908)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Jeri

bbc, you could get one of those cheapo kiddie pools, fill it up

Got a lawn sprinkler? I'm not much bothered by heat, I don't have AC at all here.

30 Jul 99 - 01:23 PM (#100922)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: bbc

Oh, boy. Looks like spill-over from the tavern thread! Hey, guys--no jello salads, ok?!!!

30 Jul 99 - 01:32 PM (#100927)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: catspaw49

Karen and I are about 15 minutes from leaving for Nth. Crlna.but I wanted to post something to say Hi to all the good people who'll be there at your place, sorry to miss it. AND a special Hi to Bill......the next time you're here, you could come a little further west you know??? Have a safe trip home and I'll be looking forward to seeing you back on the 'Cat.


30 Jul 99 - 03:49 PM (#100981)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: annamill

Hi bbc,

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you tomorrow and seeing Bill again. I'm very disappointed that there will be no lime jello ;-) I was going to bring a big bucket of whipped cream. Mmmm...oh well.

I'm bringing a veggie platter too (Hi Susan). Susan brought one to my gathering too and it was delicious. Also a fruit platter and a shrimp cocktail platter.

See you all tomorrow, except Bert and Theresa. Booo.. He is wonderful and has wonderful songs.

Love, annap

30 Jul 99 - 10:14 PM (#101045)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Sandy Paton

Caroline said she would be bring a dip, but it turns out she was referring to me! I'll just hang out around the veggie platters and the chips.

Does Royal still make "cola" flavored Jello?


31 Jul 99 - 07:25 AM (#101102)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: annamill

Good morning all! I'm up and getting ready to leave. I have pictures of my gathering to bring. Some are from Allen C. and some are from my camera. See you all verrry soon.

Love, annap

31 Jul 99 - 07:49 AM (#101103)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: mike cahill

Just remember we only sent Bill over there ON LOAN!! He has to come back next week.

31 Jul 99 - 08:38 AM (#101105)
Subject: RE: Directions to bbc's for July 31 (Bill Sables)
From: Big Mick

Well, folks, I sure wish I could come out to see you all. But the Conklin Ceili Band has a gig tonight. But you will be in my thoughts. Bill, have a great time and I hope your stay in the States was a good and productive one. We will meet one day, of that I am sure.

All the best to all of you.
