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Thought for the Day (July 14)

14 Jul 99 - 09:28 AM (#95047)
Subject: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: Peter T.

INTERVIEWER: "Do you believe that the French Revolution was overall a good or a bad influence on history?"
CHOU EN-LAI (Chinese foreign minister under Mao Tse Tung): "It is too soon to tell."

Happy Bastille Day!

14 Jul 99 - 12:01 PM (#95104)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: katlaughing

"Children start out loving their parents; later on they judge them; they almost never forgive them."
- Oscar Wilde -

Today is my youngest daughter's birthday and I am wondering, if in her 22nd year, she'll become my friend, again, or, if she'll just keep being "smarter" than her parents! I miss her and she's in the same town! She was always proud of the fact that she was born on Bastille Day. It almost became the day of my death, when I had her, due to complications and she was an all of 4.5lbs preemie.


14 Jul 99 - 12:51 PM (#95117)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: Night Owl

Good one, Peter, thanks! Kat...if teenage years were "mother/daughter" difficult, give her until she's looking at turning thirty. Wondering if you would agree that "maudlin" is a negative word meaning "reflective". You have our permission (I think) to be reflective today.

14 Jul 99 - 01:29 PM (#95125)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: annamill

Tough one Kat. My daughter and I fought and she decided she wanted to go live with Dad. It almost killed me, but I let her. She still loves him, as she should, but he's no longer the knight in shining armor. That was when she was 16. Now she's 31 and we have been the best of friends (even the bestest of friends fight now and then) since she was 19. I was with her in the birthing room when her first and second(a year later)were born. Her husband was young and terrified.

I guess I just let her be her and supported everything she decided she wanted to do with her life, even when I knew it was the worst possible choice. I knew she had to make her own mistakes. She loves me for that.

Now let's talk about my 22 yr old son... ;-)

Just let her know you're there if she needs you. She'll be back.

Happy Bastille Day!

Love, annap

14 Jul 99 - 03:16 PM (#95154)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: Peter T.

As noted on the Woody Guthrie thread, kat, he was, like your daughter, also proud to be born on Bastille Day.
yours, Peter T.

14 Jul 99 - 06:08 PM (#95203)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: katlaughing

Thanks you guys! I didn't really have anywhere else that I felt comfortable venting, today.

Part of the trouble is we were best friends during her teen years, but she stayed at home too long, through two years of college. We should have kicked her out when she stopped doing her chores!

We do have our moments, such as when a friend of hers committed suicide about 1 1/2 months ago, she called "Mom" for support & comfort. She keeps sucking me in at moments like that and then turns into a brat, again. I was beating myself up over allowing that to happen, hope srings eternal and all that, but now just try not to let it happen.

You're right.....I think I won't call her, again, until she's turning thirty!***BG*** And, she will remember that I always let her make her own mistakes! I think her biggest problem is probably that she realizes just how much like me she is!

Thanks, PeterT. I hadn't looked at that thread.

Thanks bunches! You all are just wonderful!



14 Jul 99 - 06:47 PM (#95216)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: Roger in Baltimore

Posted in front of a local veterinary clinic: "If all the rocks were removed from the brook, it would lose its song."

Nice thought. Wanted to pass it on.

Roger in Baltimore

14 Jul 99 - 06:58 PM (#95220)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: katlaughing

Very Nice! BiGRiB!

14 Jul 99 - 08:30 PM (#95244)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: LEJ

" When I was 16, I thought my father the greatest fool I had ever met. When I was 26, I was amazed by how much he had learned in 10 years." A Lincoln

14 Jul 99 - 08:48 PM (#95248)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: catspaw49

I've always thought that was Mark Twain........Don't matter, it's TRUE. I was a shining example!! I was lucky my Dad lived a couple more years after I exited that phase.......wish it'd been longer.


14 Jul 99 - 09:08 PM (#95252)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: Dizzie

If you want to get nowhere, follow the crowd.

14 Jul 99 - 10:35 PM (#95271)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: katlaughing

Night Owl: I forgot to say I love your translation of maudlin to reflective. I've been SO reflective today, you could bounce a beam off of me and light a fire!

I've a best friend who is moving to Chicago, tomorrow. I've been helping her get ready this week. So, I guess I've also been reverberating from a couple of whammies.

Reflection & reverberation, phoaks! Can't beat 'em for making ya think! Darn!


14 Jul 99 - 10:52 PM (#95278)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: catspaw49

So you visit your friend in Chicago and your kid in Indiana and we'll drive over and meet you in Indy on the way down.

Or you visit your friend in Chicago and Mick, Karen, and I will pick you up and we'll all go down and pester Art...or vice versa.


14 Jul 99 - 11:04 PM (#95282)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: Art Thieme

For Bastile day: Prisons are the mother of strange bedfellows!


14 Jul 99 - 11:39 PM (#95299)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: Night Owl

Thanks, kat.....I see nothing wrong with "reflecting"....I treasure doing so at times. Sort of gives me a mental tune-up! (Can you tell my truck is in the shop being repaired?)

14 Jul 99 - 11:42 PM (#95303)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: Night Owl

Art...I really don't think Catspaw meant to offer Karen and Kat as "bedfellows" (BG)

14 Jul 99 - 11:50 PM (#95309)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (July 14)
From: katlaughing

Yea! ''s a deal! And, my "kid" has got a big ole brand new truck so we could even let him chauffeur his ma around!

Oh, Art, I am sure my daughter would have her own interpretation of that one, with me cast as the "prison"!

g my mood!
Thanks, again for e

Can we bottle this? We coould make a mint!

Sure hope my little "diagram" worked.
