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BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)

01 Aug 09 - 08:19 PM (#2691919)
Subject: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Give ourselves a little "August" status this time round. :)

Working on eBay this weekend, since the gardening or mowing is a wash. It has rained too much to do anything out there right now.

Sold one set of currency, have a couple more listed and more to go up soon. It doesn't take up much space so it doesn't clear out much, but it does bring a little return (better than face value if I took it to the bank, and it won't vanish off the face of the earth like if I took it to a bank).


01 Aug 09 - 10:09 PM (#2691966)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

July 2009 thread is there.

02 Aug 09 - 12:32 AM (#2692000)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

Holding Rog to his promise yesterday that we would declutter out closet and bedroom, we finally made it in there this afternoon and got a start. Hauled out three bags and clothes and at least two more to go, took out an old, yucky highboy and old huge heavy tv from on top of it. Lots more to go out. We will work on it tomorrow morning.

In the morning we went to the grocery store, he did the litter boxes, put away the food, and we also did a load of laundry. I know we did other stuff but I cannot remember what!:-)

02 Aug 09 - 03:09 AM (#2692022)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Shipped off an eBay package, and will have at least one more early in the week.

I have a list of bills for which I have to sort out details this month. The cell phone bill was taken care of this evening (data charges were added on for picture mail that is supposed to be included in the plan, and they dropped $86 from the bill), and the cable bill last week (pared $30 off the monthly bill for Internet access; after the 6 month introductory rate the price was supposed to go up, but there is competition moving into the area, and they bowed to the pressure to leave my price lower for another 6). Next, getting the electric company to drop of bogus penalty of $25 from two months ago. I've withheld the payment as a disputed fee, and had no answer to my certified letter. Must call again.) And so it goes. . . These are the things that pile up, papers on a desk, but when addressed, they add up to real money.

Taking another day off on Monday, to finish off the extra leave before the end of August. I'll be doing some work tomorrow, so I'm really just swapping days.


02 Aug 09 - 07:45 AM (#2692088)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: jeddy

we have been sorting the van out ready to go visit family for few weeks. it is amazing at how much stuff we take and how much you can pack into a caravan! i think i have packed for the entire summer!

take care all and wish the car luck to get up the hills please.

jade x x x

02 Aug 09 - 01:14 PM (#2692253)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Darowyn

Our second car boot sale was today.
We started with seven boxes of stuff and now have one box and a bag, and a profit of forty pounds.
The remainder will go to a Charity Shop- or the dump.
I went into the small loft today after we got back and found three bin bags full of those expanded polystyrene worms that they use for packing things in.
I don't know whether to just tip them under the glass fibre insulation, or to use them for our boxes of delicate things.
Making progress,

02 Aug 09 - 05:28 PM (#2692415)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Good for you, Dave! The more you sort out, donate, sell, give away, whatever, the less you'll have to fool with later.

I made some jelly this afternoon, and will make jam soon. Last night I took a cup of ice cream out of the big freezer and the door stood slightly ajar all night. Alas, stuff in the door thawed, so I'm using the strawberries right now. Kicking myself for not following the progression in thought this morning after "my, the freezer is working hard this morning. . . " to checking why it was doing so. All of that humidity sucked into my recently defrosted freezer. Darn.

Gardening later, when it cools some, rearranging stuff out there, pegging some plants, taking some of the newspaper I've saved and will lay it down with more mulch. No point in spending money on some gardening stuff when it won't work any better than to use materials I already have here.


02 Aug 09 - 06:58 PM (#2692464)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I have some fresh garden corn for dinner tonight!

All eBay listings have bids. This is a good sign, and maybe I can get a couple more items pushed out there this evening.

It looks like some hot weather is finally headed our way. The way we garden down here in Texas, we prefer hot weather and supplementing just enough water through soaker hoses. Who'd have thought that this Washington native would complain that this drench-the-whole-place-with-inches-of-water-for-a-couple-of-weeks routine is rather hard on the produce? At least I've figured out the gardening, if I don't personally care for the heat.


03 Aug 09 - 08:59 PM (#2693195)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Fell off the page--that doesn't happen often with this thread. No baby steps to report from over the weekend?

03 Aug 09 - 09:07 PM (#2693198)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: MAG

Only the recommendation from my shrink that I move regardless of finances whether I have a new source of income or not, my current job is making me so miserable.

That would declutter things considerably.

03 Aug 09 - 09:32 PM (#2693215)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maeve

That's an intriguing notion, MAG. Could be quite a step for health and happiness, disguised as a scary move.


03 Aug 09 - 11:50 PM (#2693267)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

Sounds as though it might be a good idea, MAG. Sometimes the change we may fear, but desire, can be the best thing to happen to us.:-)

All right, we went back to the bedroom Sunday morning and started out by Rog moving the crates of 78s into the closet, back on one side which we never get into anyway. They stacked up nicely with some lighter stuff on top. Then he swept and we both picked up trash, sorted through more clothes. Before that, though, he mowed the backyard! So, I let him go early, after he took me for a morning ride; we like to listen to PHC while riding on Sundays.

We stripped our bed, too, and washed the bedding then put it back on. BY the end of the afternoon we were both fairly tired and stopped for the day.

This morning, I started another load of clothes, went into our bedroom, sorted through even more clothes, cleaning out my bins; rearranged all of my little boxes, jewellery boxes, knick-knacks, and cat statues, etc. on a two shelves near the bed and on top of my dad's highboy. It looks much neater and I can see and access any of the boxes, now, where before I had to kind of dig. I still have a bit more to do but it has to wait for Rog to mount the flat screen above the closet.

We got rid of the yucky dresser. In fact, yesterday an enterprising young man, probably about 12, came and asked if he could have it. We'd put it out on the curb but I forgot to put a free sign on it. Rog went out with him and when he saw the kid was alone and was going to try to carry it by himself to several houses down, he put it on our dolly and let him go. The kid was pleased as punch and was polite enough, when he brought the dolly back, to come up to the screen door to let us know he'd done so. Rog was quite impressed with him. Nice to see.

we have five very full bags of clothes to go out the door; even more when I go through the highboy drawers. Also carried out a dual fan, camp cot, and baby gate to storage as they none of them needed to be in our closet!

It's coming together and I like our bedroom once again! When Morgan saw it, yesterday, he told me we should have waited that he would have done it for us!:-)

04 Aug 09 - 12:03 AM (#2693270)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

And, got rid of a very old, very big and heavy tv!

04 Aug 09 - 01:28 AM (#2693282)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I suspect that all of us who have been decluttering for a while have some small tidy zones that are very nice to inhabit at times. My pantry, the kitchen queen and cookbook shelves, the closet, my daughter's room that is becoming a sewing room, and various other spots. We just need to widen these zones until the meet and aren't isolated islands of organization. Your closet is now one of those zones, Kat! :)

I've been reading reviews of the movie Julie and Julia; despite the fact that Julia apparently didn't think much of Julie's approach to cooking and blogging, it still sounds like a lot of fun, if only to see Meryl Streep do Julia, at the hands of Nora Ephron. If anyone can take on such a role (and add 6 or 8 inches in height at the same time) it is Ms. Streep. And in the reviews I've seen several references to how Julia's Beef Bourguignon, pg. 315 convinced them that anything was possible when learning to cook. I've pulled out my mother's copy and I'll make that sometime in the next week.

    "As in the case with most famous dishes, there are more ways than one to arrive at a good boeuf bourguingnon. Carefully done, and perfectly flavored, it is certianly one of the most delicious beef dishes concocted by man, and can well be the main course for a buffet dinner. Fortunately you can prepare it completely ahead, even a day in advance, and it only gains in flavor when reheated."


04 Aug 09 - 02:11 AM (#2693296)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Sandra in Sydney

little victories!

Last night I put away the pile of CDs sitting beside my computer desk. Said pile has been steadily growing since Easter (National Folk Festival) & includes an order from Camsco, & subsequent purchases & samples from artists wanting a gig.

A few months back I culled about a dozen CDs from the shelves above this desk & the spaces have been obvious ever since. I gave some to our local Folk radio program & the remainder are now door prizes @ my Folk club!

Reason I was shelving CDs at 1pm is they fell like a line of dominos all over the tail end of my CD collection & other stuff that legitimately lives on the floor! (I have too many interests for the space I have in my place)

Yesterday I also pulled out a heap of wool/yarn for my ongoing project (lots of colourful covers for coathangers for charity) & dumped them next to my knitting bag which lives on top of another pile of crafty stuff that has to live on another section of the living room floor.

Today I neatened that pile (starts as mountains, ends as lava flows) & gathered the wool & took it back into my bedroom with my knitting bag & left it all in a carry bag next to my knitting supplies! I also straightened up the pile that the CD dominos fell on & the library books that live under my dining/working table (table is a couple of feet from the CD pile) & now I can comfortably walk between both piles!

I also have a heavy (bulky) jacket to take to a charity shop tomorrow, along with a heap of other stuff, some thrown out by neighbours! And another bag of my unwanted stuff to take to a sale next month,

But I do wish my jam-making friends could use the bag of jars that site on my bedroom floor - but they all have too many jars at the moment. I don't want to have to recycle them which will waste the lids.

Only a zillion more things to sort.

Next I need to continue an email to a handyman mate re the stuff that needs fixing, including an extension to, or better still, a remake of the "shelves" I cobbled together for my Mudcatter CDs. My last 3 CDs don't fit! & the shelves are listing badly ...


04 Aug 09 - 02:21 AM (#2693299)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Sandra, I have a couple of cases of extra half-pint jars now, but I expect to use them. Sending your jars to me wouldn't be cost effective. You'll have to fill them with things and give them away. A co-worker has a recipe for brownies and you put the dry ingredients into a jar layer by layer (like those jars of colored sand) and put a fancy top and a bow on and it is a gift, with the recipe for adding wet ingredients and baking. Cute.

If you're accused of "wool gathering" you can respond that it is a very productive time for you!


04 Aug 09 - 07:49 AM (#2693423)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Sandra in Sydney

Stilly - my jars are a bit too small, but I'll spread that idea around as it's a great gift.

sandra (still wool gathering)

04 Aug 09 - 11:04 AM (#2693504)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

The lids wouldn't be wasted if they went to a handyman who could use them for little bits such as screws, nuts, and bolts?

Sounds as though we are all making progress! SRS...I like that, yes, our closet is now a place of sanity!:-)

04 Aug 09 - 01:10 PM (#2693596)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

And think--there's also room if you have to seek shelter there from a tornado!   :)

04 Aug 09 - 01:22 PM (#2693611)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

LOL...I don't think we have to worry about them, here, but those dust devils can get pretty wicked! oo sure it'd be all that much protection. Come to think of it, the only other closet has one, too. Bathtub might fit us both if we stand. Oh, no! I think it'll have to be the inner hallway for us.:-)

04 Aug 09 - 02:11 PM (#2693658)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

The soaker-hose in the flowerbed is working out real well, so I got a 2nd one for the other side of the house. Put it down this morning, and also cut the front grass. All of the laundry is done, and all the dishes are washed in the kitchen. Got a few errands to run this afternoon, then I'm going to wash the kitchen floor. That will make me feel much better.

I've had good results with de-cluttering the "music/computer" room. The floor is pretty well picked up, and the center of the room is a big open space. That hasn't happened in a while. And I can open the closet without moving anything or stepping over stuff. That's progress.


04 Aug 09 - 03:15 PM (#2693698)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

Well I haven't been posting on here as I haven't really done much, but I now have less than 2 weeks to remove all I'm going to need from the kitchen into the study (including the fridge) and sling out stuff that's redundant. I then have to empty the dresser, sideboard, china cabinets, and pack all that lot away so that furniture can be moved and carpets slung out from sitting and dining rooms, and their floors treated too....

Yes, the work on my damp is due to start shortly, and I have to cook and eat in the study, keep the animals at bay there and otherwise live upstairs!

Luckily, I will be out and away at Whitby festival the week after that, so I may come home to a finished job!

Fingers crossed!


04 Aug 09 - 06:26 PM (#2693848)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

Lovely, Andrea!

I don't know where half my sentence went! It should have read:

Not sure it'd be all that much protection as it has an outside wall. Come to think of it, the only other closet has one, too.

04 Aug 09 - 07:14 PM (#2693879)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

That does make more sense, Kat!

I'm working on a conundrum. I wasn't sure what the fuss was about for an audit at work, I keep all of the documents for my purchases with the procurement card in one place so if one of the accountant types needs to see them, they're easy to find.

When the woman being audited called to say she needed an older form than I'd already provided (I don't make purchases every month--there was a gap from December '08 until April '09, and nothing since) I told her where to find it. I didn't know she needed it or I'd have given it to her, but she would find it there. Except that she didn't. And then her boss piped in and told me not to tell this other woman to go look for my stuff blah blah blah--and said what amounted to that I needed to drive for an hour to go hand her a piece of paper that was in a stack 20 feet from the woman's desk. I wasn't suggesting anything more difficult than stepping over to the copier (next to my cubby). Talk about a mountain out of a mole hill.

But it seems that document isn't there. It isn't anywhere. But there would have been no reason to move it, so I'm at a loss. I'm checking to see if it was accidentally carried home (means I'll be filing everything in my office until the stack of papers is gone). And if I don't find it, I guess I head over tomorrow anyway and see if there is a way to get them to relax. They're about to have a aneurysm over there.


05 Aug 09 - 01:45 AM (#2693964)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

No luck so far on that page, but I've filed a lot of papers to get them out of the way (and rule them out). I'll try again in the morning.

Followers are accumulating on the one eBay item I have listed. I found a similar set of bills (only two, not three) that were graded professionally (I didn't send any out for that, but with these I probably should have) that were listed for just under $2000 on an eBay store. What people list things for and what they're actually worth can be worlds apart, but fingers crossed this is a good auction. (If a see another new watcher in the morning I'll assume Kat is taking a look . . .)


05 Aug 09 - 06:40 PM (#2694408)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

The result of that search is that though I didn't find the receipt in question, I have found a way to get a duplicate. And I have filed a lot of paper that was accumulating. I shredded a lot of junk mail and now I'm ready to follow-up with a couple of companies that have billing problems.

Looks like rain. Damn. We're finally drying out a little.


06 Aug 09 - 02:02 AM (#2694527)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Just me, talking to myself this month. . .

I cleared out some clutter in the fridge; I had a bowl of strawberries and made jam. Came out with four half-pints (small batch, but every little bit is nice later on after canning season!)

I started with a clean sink and now it is piled high with pans, bowls, and canning implements. I'll wash them in the morning.

One of the code enforcement officers from the village (we aren't missing our village idiot. . .) left a paper on the door about "sweeping your grass clippings from the street." They must have looked with a magnifying glass. I swept after I trimmed, but then I mowed and must have dropped a few strands into the street. I found that late when I checked the mail, when it was already dark. I'll go hit the curb with a broom. They start their patrol at the crack of dawn and I wouldn't put it past one of those yahoos to write a ticket at 6:30am.


06 Aug 09 - 10:23 AM (#2694716)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maeve

Congratulations on finding a way to solve the problem of the missing form, SRS.

I know it feels like you're alone on the thread sometimes. Speaking for myself, I clear more when I'm not taking time to post. So my silence means I'm clearing out enough estate stuff and sorting enough other possessions to make a difference. We've had a special Mudcat house guest and a pair of MC farm visitors, and we've invited other people inside- none of which has been the case for a very long time.

Can't imagine dealing with yard work regulations; seems you've found ways to cope.


06 Aug 09 - 11:36 AM (#2694769)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm stuck at the computer most of the day--I have to break away to declutter. :) I swept up in the dark, who knows what the results are. I suppose I should see if there is a note or ticket taped to the front door.

06 Aug 09 - 11:44 AM (#2694777)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Once I got the kitchen floor washed, I carried on with the countertops. I moved the toaster & coffeemaker to the other side with the other small appliances. Now I have more room near the sink.

When they moved some of my original plants in the spring, all of my lilies were put into the same hole, even though they were different varieties. I had to wait until they'd bloomed, so I could tell them apart. So yesterday I dug them up, sorted them out and replanted them.

I've started bringing firewood in from the garage & stacking it on the front porch. During the cool spring, I used up most of what was leftover from winter. I have a canvas bag by the door, and I bring in a little at a time.


06 Aug 09 - 12:12 PM (#2694801)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

I also cleaned out a bunch of stuff from the 'fridge. Tomorrow is trash day, so it's a good time. My local grocery store used to sell small cans of beets that were perfect for a large Greek salad, with no leftovers. Now they only sell the large size, so I end up throwing half of the can away because it's gone bad.


06 Aug 09 - 03:05 PM (#2694913)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

I think I have figured out I am more like maeve; I get more done if I post less often.:-)

I finally have cleared off the jewellery table, something I started a couple of weeks ago. Also moved some of Morgan's stuff out of the office, which makes more room for both of us to sit at the table and bead.

Also filed a few papers and sorted through some other stuff.

Good luck on your money, SRS! I hope you get thousands for it! (I haven't looked, yet.:-)

On Sunday next I am going to take an in-house sabbatical just so'se ya' know.:-)

06 Aug 09 - 04:05 PM (#2694954)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

That should say:
On Sunday next I am going to take an in-house sabbatical FOR TWO WEEKS just so'se ya' know.:-

06 Aug 09 - 11:51 PM (#2695190)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: MAG

I finally bit the bullet and flea-bombed the house. Me and the cats stayed outside all day. I may have to take a sick day tomorrow just to scrub everything one more time.

It's nice not to get bit walking around.


07 Aug 09 - 11:13 AM (#2695484)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage


If you'll go to someplace like Sam's Club or one of the big grocery stores that have the huge (gallon) plastic canisters of powdered or granulated garlic, get one and punch a bunch of holes in the seal with a pencil-size tool to turn it into a big garlic shaker, then sprinkle garlic around outside the house (I do a zone about 10-feet-wide around the back where the dogs are). This is best to chase off flies, but Howard Garrett (The Dirt Doctor) has observed that it seems to also repel fleas. You don't need to empty the container, just give it a good shake to get a good garlic smell out there. This will work for about a month, even if you have rain. 2 to 5 pounds per 1000 sq ft. 2 is probably plenty--it is a pretty strong smell for a few days (but I love garlic, so I don't mind).

This will work in conjuction with the bomb in the house by keeping fleas away from the doors and windows. You could also make a garlic or garlic pepper tea and spray it.


07 Aug 09 - 11:31 AM (#2695496)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maeve

MAG0- I hope you achieve full relief from the fleas. What a horrible time you've had!

One summer when I was living in a tiny garden shed, the portable window screen fell out during the night. A Trojan Horse in the guise of a phoebe nestling fluttered in through the open window early in the morning. It plop-landed three times. At each plop, a horde of barely visible mites fell off.

Although I caught the little feathered creature quickly and sent it back to its nest, the invasion had already begun. I had to abandon ship and live in my tent for the next three months of rain as I repeatedly sprinkled powdered pyrythrum, emptied everything out, washed, swept and started again until at last in September I was able to move back in.

Anyone fighting similar invasions has my profound and knowledge-based sympathy.


07 Aug 09 - 01:30 PM (#2695592)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

The china cabinet went to the dump this afternoon, and I have spent a lot of today wrapping antique figures and glassware.

Loads more to go, but Peter rang this morning and said he's coming on Monday to get the sofa out through the window, so I thought I had better make a start. I went and got some more plastic crates this afternoon, and I will get the contents of the dresser into storage over the weekend.

Monday looks to be a busy day - Peter and his son are taking out a window and shifting furniture before replastering it, I have 2 cubic metres of hardwood logs being delivered, and also a baby granddaughter all day.



08 Aug 09 - 04:37 PM (#2696001)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Too many things to do this weekend, no way to guess which ones I'll finish. Will report later. . .

08 Aug 09 - 08:30 PM (#2696149)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)

refresh -- Sunday is always a busy day on this thread -- I myself plan to shred a ton of paper.


09 Aug 09 - 12:07 AM (#2696194)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

Rog hauled the bags of clothes out to the truck and took out the trash I had emptied from the bathroom, bedroom, and office. He did the kitchen trash and swept (another dog's worth of hair), also, while I did general pickup and straightening before company came! I know it is technically Sunday when I am going on sabbatical, but I still have two hours left here.:-)

09 Aug 09 - 01:37 AM (#2696211)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I did some work for work today, and kind of slid on stuff that I could have done. The kitchen looks pretty good, though.


09 Aug 09 - 10:05 AM (#2696363)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Liz the Squeak

Fat chance of anything happening this month... too busy enjoying the sunshine!


09 Aug 09 - 10:42 AM (#2696383)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

The bids are trickling in on an eBay auction that ends in a couple of hours. I need to keep something listed there to add to the PayPal total but also to keep my account more current. I have a good rating and I don't want the account to look inactive. If you have a good rating but no selling history or feedback showing up as current it maybe off-putting. It's getting to the time of year when people are doing holiday gift shopping, so I need to look at more collectibles to list.

I have a little canning, after I finish defrosting (yes, again) the big freezer. The door stood ajar one humid night and in addition to losing the stuff in the door, it pulled in humidity and built up on all of the shelves and elements. I borrowed a couple of coolers and brought mine in. I'm going to do a down-and-dirty quick defrost with the hair dryer, after stuffing all of this into the coolers. Hope to have it back in the freezer in under a couple of hours.


09 Aug 09 - 01:10 PM (#2696434)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

Ah Well, the window's coming out tomorrow, and heavy rain is forecast.


Off to do a pile of laundry and ironing to give me space to start ripping up carpets over the next few days. They've been down over 25 years. Heaven knows what I'll find under there!


09 Aug 09 - 01:46 PM (#2696447)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Hot, humid summer weather finally arrived, so I'm not doing too much today. I did straighten up my desk, and I'm trying to organize my daily activities, so I get some things done. So, I organized folders for "finances", "music", etc. with the active "to-do" material, and will work on them, one folder each day. Hopefully, by the end of the week, I'll have accomplished a few things, even if the room doesn't look any better. Got a sinkful of dishes washed when I got home from church. I shall spend the afternoon reclining in front of the fan with a large glass of iced tea.


09 Aug 09 - 04:20 PM (#2696515)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I moved the couch to the other end of the front room to think about rearranging the furnishings. As it is, I have trouble seeing and hearing the television from the kitchen, especially if my son is playing his guitar simultaneously in that same room. But if I flip the room, put him on the other side (requires re-wiring the computer, but I wisely put a wire there when I first moved in, it just isn't attached to any plug yet) then I have to go pick up a couple of electronic pieces to do it. I have the television on a swivel, so we could still sit in the living room and watch tv, or watch it from the kitchen (half of the kitchen is open to the next room).

I'll do laundry and defrost the freezer and think about it some more.

My last eBay listing ended; it didn't bring me sudden riches, but it did have what I think is generally a satisfactory conclusion. The buyer will probably have the bills graded and could sell them for a lot more, but I wasn't interested in spending the appraisal fee on spec, since I don't know for sure that I have something here that would pay for the cost of appraisal let alone any profit over that.


09 Aug 09 - 07:03 PM (#2696600)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I went by Home Depot and picked up a jack and a face plate and I'll see about wiring my living room on both sides (with a jack in a hall closet so the active line will be plugged in there). My plan has been to wire the house for phone and cable, based out of this closet, but it is clear that data is another set of lines need. I'll consider this one jack temporary; the only part I might need to replace is the face plate, and that cost all of $1.50. I could end up putting my modem and router in this closet if I add data to that plan. I may have to take stuff like luggage out of this closet one day, because it is looking more and more like I could put the various pieces of equipment (receiver, television cable boxes, etc.) in there with a few A/B switches and wire the whole house for sound, cable, etc. I have fairly old equipment, but it was top of the line when Dad bought it, and I can get a lot of use out of it still.

Laundry is out on the line and another batch is in the washer. Freezer, here I come. . .


11 Aug 09 - 12:32 AM (#2697461)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

An eBay package went out the door today, and I made enough on that sale to pay one of the regular monthly bills. (Too bad I have several others awaiting a further infusion of cash. . .)

The kitchen is looking good, but the rest of the house seems to have gone to Hell in a Handbasket.


11 Aug 09 - 04:48 AM (#2697536)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)

I started on the garage yesterday.
Just to set some context, my other main interest, apart from music, is motorbikes. In particular I like to build my own.
At the moment there are four in there. Three are in one piece (plus boxes of spares), and the 1936 Francis Barnett is completely dismantled.
In consequence, I need to have a lot of tools and equipment, and I like to keep anything that looks as if it might come in useful later.
Add in the fact that I like to work in wood as well--it's a big job!
I've got about half way. All the racking on the left side is dismantled and the boxes stacked up. I'll have a go at the other side today.
I had one scary moment.
I had stacked my pushbike and Wendy's under the bench. It's a bit hilly round here for cycling!
I got them out, pumped up the tyres on mine (with the compressor), then rode it up and down the garden path and it seemed OK.
I brought it back into the garage and turned round to sort out Wendy's bike.
There was a loud bang, and the radio went off. I assumed that there was a major electrical fault- but the radio was a red herring- the back tyre of my mountain bike has exploded!
It blew the tyre completely off the rim and shredded the sidewall.
At the end of the day, I was gray from head to toe, covered with dust and cobwebs.
I guess today will be similar.

11 Aug 09 - 09:15 AM (#2697661)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: MAG

I spend most of yesterday goingthrough my meds and dumping the ones that got expired, the insulin that froze in the 'frig, the shot stuff I don't need anymore.

I hated to waste all that money, but it's not like anyone else could take and use it.

This meant taking all the needles out of pens, etc., for proper disposal. I have a box which is much emptier now.

The box of shredding is taking much longer than I thought.

11 Aug 09 - 04:32 PM (#2697919)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

Well the 3 piece suite is stowed in the garage, and the living room window's back in.

I've started shifting stuff into the bottom end of the living room onto the bit of floor that doesn't need attention. The animals were booked into the kennels/cattery from the end of next week for my going to Whitby, but I have now managed to get them in from this Sunday as they would be totally confused by what was going on, and very restricted.

The carpets will come up at the weekend, once the heavy stuff's been moved. Hopefully Peter might take them away in his trailer...


11 Aug 09 - 11:42 PM (#2698268)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Maryanne, those needles are probably the very tiny ones, aren't they? I need to find some kind of syringe and needle so I can use it (of all places) in the garden. I read that injecting dilute BT (at the strength mixed for folliar feeding or drenching) into the hollow stems of the zucchini and other squash plants is the best way to keep the caterpillars from turning the stem to mush and killing the whole thing. But even just getting a syringe, if it has some kind of a collar that could be pushed through a knife slit in a stem would work. Do you have anything there you could part with that wouldn't cause any problems? I don't know what the rules are regarding syringes vs. syringes and needles, but I do know they're not OTC.

My house is a mess. It's about time for a big shakedown. I have two more days to take off, I just checked my leave status at work. This is time I would lose if I don't take them before August 31. I think that's what I'll need to do soon. Take days off and tip the house on end and empty it out.



12 Aug 09 - 02:37 AM (#2698301)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I put up another blog entry.


12 Aug 09 - 03:03 AM (#2698309)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Liz the Squeak

I really should be doing something constructive, but it's more fun playing with my new MP3 and sewing pretty celtic knots from a book I got on holiday!

Oh yes.. and going to work... In fact, I really ought to be going now.

LTS - who is now late for work!

12 Aug 09 - 04:39 AM (#2698347)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

I've got a salt dough session with an unspecified number of children in a local library this afternoon. I don't wanna go! I could be doing stuff here! Half the gear I need is stowed away up in the loft!


12 Aug 09 - 06:04 AM (#2698387)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maeve

SRS- You should be able to buy both syringe and needles at a farm supply store. Our local Agway carries them in the cattle/horse/veterinary supply section. There are also various online veterinary supply sources.


12 Aug 09 - 10:06 AM (#2698546)
Subject: Retirement House Plan
From: wysiwyg

It seems each year the camping vacay and the homelife-upon-return blend more and more. We live simpler in camp, and we keep many of the efficiencies learned once we get back.

The camper is about the same amount of living space, if you add the shade canopies, as the space in a nursing home billet. Ooops I mean assisted living. I have a theory that empty-nest/retirement downsizing is but the inevitable return to the one-room cabin (or one-cave) concept. In modern design: great rooms, kitchens with home offices, master bedrooms-- all these are also one-room cabin adaptations. The size a hoomin/bing can actually manage not to terminally clutter.

Each vacay the camper is more and more prepped for immediate use and simpler to use/maintain. At the Goodwill we find improved items that solve many camper "needs" and donate the items they replace. And the camper is increasingly "enough" space. By the time we retire we will be longing for a very small indoor space with very large outdoor space, so we are starting to plan the ideal retirement home.

It will be based on the fishing/summer camp my family owned. It had grown from a tiny rough cabin (about the size you now see as cute sheds) to a series of small buildings that were eventually connected by a roofed screen structure that sat in the middle of all the smaller spaces. The result was an interior screen-porch running from front to back of the housing area, with comfy chairs in front set back into the rain-free permashade area facing lovely scenery and active flora and fauna, and another area in the back portion catching light all day and a visiting (and entertaining) raccoon contingent. I think it was about 20 feet wide (including low storage under one roof-join section) and ran about 30 feet front to back.

WHY NOT BUILD JUST THAT, it hit me one day during this year's vacay. Why build a house and add a porch. START WITH THE PORCH. Actually, buy a tiny grandma house and live in it while building a same-size NEW house right next door. Do all the work we can, ourselves. Put all the R-value, great wiring, and plumbing into the new section, which will get heat and AC. Then connect the two structures with a screen section-- and not a tiny breezeway either-- with an integrated roofline tying it all together. Move into the new construction to rehab/retrofit the old section. With the porch always the heart of the house. In cold or torrid months the new section becomes the main "home." In nicer weather the bedrooms in the old section are opened back up for guests or whatever.

At Camp, the middle of that porch also contained the dining table: seating for 12+ as well as ample workspace for any project you could put away before the next meal. A bench and a collection of mismatched nice chairs. (If you found a good chair mid-year, why, you'd just bring it along to Camp and add it, and that would be Your Chair.)

The old original cabin and later-added kitchen became the plumbing section-- small kitchen with brekky-for-two table, and bath-- and the newer cabins that had been sleeping cabins became the small, heated LR and bedrooms. They all opened onto the interior porch. It slept 7-8 easily, for a week or so, then went back to "ample" dwelling space for 2 couples and a kid.

There was plenteous room for people and what they needed, but no room for clutter. No knickknacks either-- mementoes of summer hikes that, as they accumulated, were given away to visitors to be replaced with new items. If you wanted to see a chipmunk you didn't buy a plaster one or a picture-- you sat on the porch and LOOKED, and engraved the image in your heart.

No porch on the front or even wrapping around for me. Right up the middle of the house, with the front door right on it. Not a house with a porch. A porch with rooms added.


12 Aug 09 - 11:09 AM (#2698574)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

The Reagan compound in California is built along those lines, Susan. A series of small one-room cabins, and they moved around between them during the day. I have friends out in the Davis Mountains of Texas, a beautiful and remote area, high desert, where they are building out buildings with different functions (pump house, radio house, storage, and the largest is a four-bay garage with an upstairs for storage). They have two travel trailers out there that are used for guests. They still haven't found a contractor who will travel so far and build the main house, even from a kit (those ones you see in the back of the Parade magazine come to mind), for an affordable price. So they build smaller bits themselves.

I'd like to build a cover between my back door an my garage side door, and a garden room would be nice, but the side of the house where it would go gets late afternoon sun and would turn it into a solar oven six months of the year.

This morning I did some incremental picking up and cleaning. The house is a mess, but in the time it took my electric kettle to boil water for tea I washed out pans and put them back on the stove and washed my canning pot and set back up on the fridge again. I won't need it for another week or two at least, so I might as well clear up the counter space. Laundry is still an explosion in the living room, but I folded some while waiting for my tea to brew. Just little tasks to get a little of it out of the way. Now to work. . .


12 Aug 09 - 12:15 PM (#2698613)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: wysiwyg

My son and DIL told us they are considering these:

Apparently very customizable and inexpensive.


12 Aug 09 - 12:31 PM (#2698622)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Sounds like a lovely vision, Susan.


13 Aug 09 - 12:41 AM (#2699145)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

There must be an insulation component in those metal container houses or you'd bake the inhabitants come summer!

13 Aug 09 - 11:15 AM (#2699433)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

This is one of those mornings when I've sent myself into a bit of a funk. Listen to one review, compare it to something else I've heard, and I wonder if the nation is full of idiots, all shouting at once. We've surely reached a point where the lowest common denominator doesn't realize they're shilling for special interests who keep making money because they can delude enough people most of the time. Health reform, economic reform, they're all tied together. Democracy is a fine idea, but tied in with Capitalism, I've never been surprised that this combination scares much of the rest of the world. They crave it, but know it isn't all good for them.

So we sit in our crowded houses, awash in stuff, a lot of it that someone bought cheap, or got free, or inherited. Sorting out what is usable, durable, and worthwhile, and dispatching the rest of it is a philosophical problem. Go to any grocery or dollar store and you're looking at a sea of cheap shit that someone ordered for other people to buy. All of that plastic should be melted down and made into park benches or planks or something durable and useful, and we need to stop this cheap shit plastic circulation. People fight wars over oil, and the oil is what goes into this plastic. People buy cheap furniture and once it looks ratty they don't reupholster it, they toss it on the curb to go to the dump. The dumps are filled with wood and metal and plastic and fibers that all should be recycled, not buried.

We get what we ask for. Too bad so few people know WHAT to ask for.

I'm going to add some links and post this in my blog. At least it's virtual, no paper goes into it (unless someone thinks it's so wonderful they want to print a copy to keep, of course).


13 Aug 09 - 12:58 PM (#2699512)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I posted it, and even made a graphic to go with it. Now I must go run errands. I hope you're all having a good day.

Kat, is your sabbatical from writing to do with NaNoRiMo or whatever it's called? I see that it's coming up soon.

13 Aug 09 - 02:04 PM (#2699570)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

I had my second cataract surgery this morning. Then my friend picked me up and we went out to lunch. I'm home now, but a little achy, so I'm going back to bed for a while. No more decluttering until Monday.


13 Aug 09 - 02:07 PM (#2699572)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maeve

Congratulations, Mary Anne. Have a good rest.


13 Aug 09 - 09:17 PM (#2699871)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Take it easy with any lifting, so maybe decluttering your hankie drawer is the extent of your work for a few days.

I've got the fridge looking a little better. I'm going to put a lasagna together soon with several things in there, but it has to bake for over an hour and I have to leave soon to pick up my son, so I'll wait till I get back home. I always fear leaving something in or on if I'm away. All it takes is a big delay out there and you've got char in the oven, a fire, or have to call the neighbor to let themselves in with the spare key to turn off the oven. None of those is good.


14 Aug 09 - 09:33 AM (#2700169)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

I'm now staring at an empty dining room, except for the cat's paraphernalia. In 2 days the animals will be away, and I will spend the last half day or so ripping out carpets. 2 of the 4 cakes I needed to make for next week are done, however, I still haven't attacked the ironing basket...

I have to move the fridge into the hall or study tomorrow or Sunday. That's going to be fun. Where are all the willing volunteers at the time I actually NEED them? I will also have to shift the TV and other entertainment-related electronics.

Going to book myself a massage for next week to fix my back before Whitby!

Moan over!


14 Aug 09 - 11:41 AM (#2700235)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Though it may seem like more trouble than you want, the trick that women around the world have learned when they don't have the extra hand of a strong young masculine person to heft heavy pieces of furniture around is to 1. empty the item in question and/or 2. take it apart. Remove dresser mirrors or hutches, take out drawers from chests, etc. So empty the contents and move it. The hardware store probably has some of those sliders that come in all shapes and sizes for moving things (some are large for very heavy objects, like grand pianos).

I'm for the first time ever using my computer in a wireless fashion, hooked up to some school's unsecured site in this area. The wireless network in my own home isn't set to let anyone in and I haven't figured out how (I have to dumb down my security settings), but at least I know the computer can do it. And it's such a nice day to make this discovery--I'm sitting outside my son's guitar lesson as they work on a beautiful Spanish guitar piece. One of those fast, charismatic pieces that are classic babe magnets for handsome young men with guitars. . . :)


14 Aug 09 - 06:09 PM (#2700494)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Part two: I brought it home, turned it on, and my home wireless network asked for the password. Yes! This is what it was supposed to do!

14 Aug 09 - 08:31 PM (#2700611)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Thanks, everyone, for the good wishes. Surgery was a big success, altho this was a little more sore than the last time. The eye doctor said that's not uncommon, but Tylenol seems to be keeping it under control. I can see better already, and he says it will improve even more over the next week or two.

This is the weekend of the Woodward Dream Cruise-- tens of thousands of vintage cars (from the '30s to the '70s, plus custom jobs that are one-of-a-kind) driving up and down the biggest street in the county. I've pretty much made peace with it, although I have to arrange my list of errands so I'm done with anything on the far side of Woodward before 11am tomorrow.


15 Aug 09 - 01:29 AM (#2700725)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm headed to bed in a few minutes after I wind down. I made two pans of lasagna and two batches of baba ganoush. I took advice offered on the gardening thread and have spooned each into a quart plastic bag and popped them into the freezer. This is excellent news, because I can only eat so much eggplant as eggplant. (There is a layer of eggplant in the lasagna--what a discovery, though--it's a marvelous flavor in there!)


15 Aug 09 - 08:24 AM (#2700837)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

I think eggplant in lasagna sounds nice. Sort of turns it into a lassaka!

Just about to go tackle the fridge, although it doesn't actually NEED to be shifted till tomorrow. The other appliances can go out on the yard under tarpaulin after I've finished with them tomorrow, and I'm hoping I can get Peter to do that when he comes on Monday.

Glad the op went well for you, Maryanne.


15 Aug 09 - 11:54 AM (#2700920)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I sliced it thinner that I would for eggplant Parmesan, and pan-fried it in a little olive oil with no coating, then lay it down as a layer in the lasagna casserole, down near the bottom so all of the cheese and tomato sauce simmer over it.

Must mow the lawn, but it looks like it'll be a hot day. I didn't do it early because I had a headache this morning (I haven't been taking my antihistamines for a while, that is probably why, the sneezing tells me I should get back on them for the time being).

Anyway, what really needs doing around here is rewiring the computer connection (adding a new one) then rearranging the furniture in the living room. I suppose the best way to approach this task would be to empty the room and start from scratch, like Andrea is doing, but that would be way too much work, so I imagine I'll compress it all into the end of the room and slowly unwind the contents of that cluster into the different floor plan I have in mind.

A small thing I can do before that, while I drink a second cup of tea to address the headache, I'll go into my closet and evict some shoes. I've bought some pairs in the last couple of years that were on sale and are cute and look good with outfits, but if I wear them for very long they make my feet hurt or bring up blisters. This means I'll never actually wear them often. The other day I arranged my shoes by type; clogs, slip on flats, sandals, laced, and loafers. I can eliminate quite a few pairs and I'll never miss them.

I had a favorite pair of Easy Spirit loafers with the inner sole lining thing that kept drifting around as I walked. It's glued in with a poor quality or the wrong type of glue; I could pull it out and reposition it but it drifted again as I walked. So the other day I decided to correct the problem. I want simply my "baseline" good looking loafer shoes that will go with lots of things. I decided to look without money being an option, just to look at shoes and then see what best fit my pocketbook. There was a pair of Anne Klein natural brown loafers that works perfectly. I figure that instead of buying a couple of pair that were cute and on sale but that I'll now donate to Goodwill, I could have bought this one pair that fits perfectly and, while not as conspicuously in or out of fashion, will simply look good. Think of Martha Stewart's favorite loafers (without the Italian shoe price tag).

When I paid for the new shoes (about $60, not really that expensive when you look at the world of women's shoes) I handed them my Easy Spirits and asked them to throw them away, and I wore the new shoes out. That's one way to be sure I won't keep them around for that possiblity of one day when I might need a pair for mucking around in the yard. . . I have enough of those already.


15 Aug 09 - 02:59 PM (#2701077)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

Well so far the fridge has stayed put, but I have stacked 2 cubic metres of hardwood logs into the log store. I really AM going to do some ironing in a minute now that little Freya, who is spending the night with me, has gone to sleep.

I have decided to put the house up for sale in 7 months' time. which gives me a schedule to work to, and allows for me going to NZ at the end of January (hopefully). It also means that the garden will look better than through the winter.


16 Aug 09 - 03:29 PM (#2701760)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Listing more eBay stuff today and cataloging things photographed for donation earlier this month. I have at least three pairs of shoes to add to the donations. I spoke with my next door neighbor a few minutes ago about helping her photograph everything in the house, a photo inventory to keep on a disk for in case the house burns down. I did one a while back, it's time to do it again. I don't know if I've decluttered enough to make the job any easier. Probably not.

I still need to mow the yard, but I get tired of mowing the yard after a while. It wasn't supposed to be growing like this now, it is supposed to be dormant with the heat. Maybe this evening.

I expect to be able to report back with some progress later. And I'm glad to say that staying on top of some paperwork is profitable. I got back a $100 rebate from Sprint after getting new phones in late June. They bank on the fact that most of those rebates are never claimed. I rely on getting them back.


16 Aug 09 - 07:35 PM (#2701888)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

I went thru my closets yesterday, and pulled out some good wool blazers that are too big for me. I located a charity clothing bank in the city called "Jackets for Jobs" for women who are entering the workforce after being unemployed, on welfare, etc. I also have a coat that belonged to my mother and 2 pr of nice cotton slacks. I'll get them to the center next week.

The yard needs to be mowed, but I have to wait until after the 24th, when I see the doctor again. It has been very hot (well, not Texas-hot), but supposed to be a little cooler during the coming week, and rain too.

The plant nursery has herb plants on sale, so I'll pick up some this week. Planting them in a flowerbox on the enclosed porch last winter worked very well. But I have re-used that table, so I'll need to find something else to set them on. I'll put the basil in a separate pot, so I can bring that inside the house; it got frosted pretty early.


17 Aug 09 - 04:37 AM (#2702064)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

Well I spent yesterday shifting and clearing until I had to stop because of my back. I finished most of it this morning, bar the glory hole under the stairs, and the washer, etc. which I'll get Peter to shift out to wherever.

Well there's no sign of Peter yet, so he may not have finished the other job he was on last week. However, I am now camping out in a small downstairs room, and the fridge is in the hall. There's carpet and underlay all over the yard where I've cut it up and hauled it out (about 40 square yards of it) - and I think I may have found the source of at least one part of my damp problem - there's a leaky radiator pipe in the living room, given away by the nice salty and damp patch that was behind the TV table. It looks like it's been there a long time too.

So that'll be the first thing that Peter will have to tackle - whenever he starts - and he doesn't know about it yet!

Now I just have to work out what i am going to do with my baby granddaughter for the day!


17 Aug 09 - 01:56 PM (#2702342)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage


Glory hole? That's slang here in the U.S. (has to do with gay sex) What is it in the UK?

Wouldn't it be nice if you could just fix that radiator and that is the end of it? Maybe replace a board of two of the underfloor and put the rest back?

School starts in a week and I'm swamped. Who knows what I'll get done that isn't school stuff this week. And I have a conflict with an appointment of mine and my son's work schedule, so I have to think of something to fix that.


17 Aug 09 - 02:12 PM (#2702359)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)

I never heard of the slang meaning you mention, SRS. I know it as the catch-all closet under the stairs.


17 Aug 09 - 02:19 PM (#2702366)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Alice

Last night I sorted through a very large pile (half a clothes basket full) of mail that was not urgent but not junk. Some of it was 9 months old. Things needed for taxes were saved and the rest shredded, which felt very good. The shocker was that I found a check that was a policy refund that I didn't know was in the pile. The check would have expired in 2 weeks. Good thing I finally sorted that stack!!

17 Aug 09 - 02:21 PM (#2702368)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: GUEST,maeve

Oh dear. Sorry- GUEST's post a couple of minutes ago was mine. Who ate my cookie?


17 Aug 09 - 05:36 PM (#2702546)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

I have some Toby Mugs in the basement (my mother bought them, not me), that I'll probably donate to the Goodwill Antiques Show. I tried once to sell them on ebay, but I didn't want to break up the set, so they didn't meet my minimum. But at least this way I'll get the donation for my taxes.

Also decluttered my email address book. Put all the auto-added into their proper categories. Now I can send group emails without selecting one at a time.


17 Aug 09 - 09:22 PM (#2702721)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Finished all of the laundry & did some grocery shopping this afternoon. I ate the last of the refrigerator dill pickles this evening, so it's time to make more.

And-- get this-- my sight has improved to the point where I did this whole internet session without glasses.


18 Aug 09 - 12:37 AM (#2702838)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Alice, I had the same thing happen early last year. The check was a refund from the mortgage company for almost as much as a month's mortgage payment! I was just casually looking through the envelopes I don't usually open because I pay that bill online. I just happened to be straightening a pile of stuff and found it. What a lifesaver!

I have so many browser windows open right now it would be great to de-clutter a few of these, but I'd like to finish with them first. Probably won't happen tonight. I'll have to open them back up again tomorrow.

Maryanne, that's great news--but don't overdo, okay? Give your eye a rest at the least amount of strain, and certainly get a lot of different focal distances in during the day. I suspect they want to you exercise it that way, don't they?


18 Aug 09 - 12:57 AM (#2702846)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I forgot to mention--I came across of box of photos from my mother's house. I had looked at them a long time ago, but forgotten them. There are some really funny and sweet ones from the kids when they were little. I found a roll she took when she was visiting, must have been about 19 years ago.

Moonglow, walking a mile in her Dad's boots.

You can look at a photo like this and just fall in love with your kids all over again, can't you?


18 Aug 09 - 04:23 AM (#2702905)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

Yep - glory hole is the bottomless pit under the stairs. It happens to open off my dining room.

The problem with my floor is that 35 years ago, when the 2 houses were knocked together, they replaced most of the downstairs floorboards with concrete. The floor will have to be dug out to see where the leak actually is, and then built up, before the epoxy coating goes down. There is still ground damp coming up through the kitchen floor, and some rising damp in the walls that needs attention.

And there's still no sign of Peter! As long as he turns up before I go to Whitby on Saturday...

(Trouble is, the Rector is going away today for a couple of weeks, and Peter is now the main clergy contact for the parish).


18 Aug 09 - 09:51 AM (#2703081)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Liz the Squeak

Terribly inconsiderate, these vicars having holidays!!!

I've still not done anything... but I did tidy a corner up so it's a recognisable pile of sewing equipment rather than a load of crap... but that's as far as I'll go whilst the sun is shining outside! I'm only here now because I'm ripping a new CD to the external hard drive and the lap top has stopped working.


18 Aug 09 - 10:56 AM (#2703120)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Glory hole used to be a name for the opening in a coal fired burner, like in steel mills, probably on trains, wherever. In more recent usage, when coal isn't shoveled, it has to do with a not-quite waist high orifice in a washroom stall in a men's anonymous meet 'n greet context. . . (Modern novels are such fonts of information!)

I understand the concept of rising damp, but a face pops into mind when I read those words. We've had BBC comedies repeated and repeated and repeated for years over here. :)

Such an off-topic post! I don't have much to contribute to de-cluttering. I was in the garden this morning, photographing bugs hatching from eggs I found stuck to the bottom of my eggplant leaves. I hope they're beneficial--I saw a parent eating a bug at the same time. I brought in six eggplants.


18 Aug 09 - 11:19 AM (#2703140)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: wysiwyg

In anticipation of a few changes around the home place, I've found a great home for some unused items where they will be greatly appreciated. Since I am driving the recipient to her next place (kollidge), with her stuff, I get to box them up and load them to be held in the nearly-empty van and then, when we get where we are going, there are going to be people to unload all her stuff! (Must think of other things to tuck in there for her surprise enjoyment!)

Re: hankies. Tho I found a great source for inexpensive new ones, there is nothing quite like passing on one lady's hankie to another in need, so I asked the parish to donate a few good hankies. And they are coming in! Lovely things. Pretty to look at, wonderful to be able to give them away. They are pressed in my traveling prayerbook that I take to hospitals, etc., and JUST the right color/pattern/fabric always seem to be there when they are needed. They make lovely, scallop-edged bookmarks.


18 Aug 09 - 12:01 PM (#2703161)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: LilyFestre

My de-cluttering has slowed down a bit. We had hoped to have a second yard sale this month but that isn't going to happen. Instead, all the things that I have collected are being bagged and stored at my Mom's house, in the (very dry) basement. She has a room that she uses for just such kinds of storage. She collects things and puts it down there all year too for the annual yard sale. So...won't see any money from it this year but will at next year's yard sale. I love that things are moving away from our home!!!

    Just in general, things here are looking good. I have invited a new friend to come over for lunch tomorrow so I'm puttering around...putting stuff away, dusting, sweeping, laundry...the usual. I don't usually have people over. My husband is not a big fan of it and over the years, I've gotten used to it just being the two of us. Having someone over makes me a little anxious but excited as well. My new friend and I seem to have fun no matter what we are doing and I expect it won't be any different tomorrow!

Michelle the Putterer

18 Aug 09 - 12:06 PM (#2703168)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: MAG

Huh. Sprint remeged on MY promised rebate. I fought them and fouthe them and after 6 months cancelled my contract with me. They turned me over to a bill collectore. I reported them to the BBB.

It was a huge mess. I suppose it is on my credit record somewhere.

Fortunately for me I sent everythingto them registered mail and could prove my claims.

Since then I have learned thet Aprint has an abysmal customer service record. Boo on them.

Anyway. It took me an entire day to clean out one quarter of my den.

And the garbage can is stuffed full of yard weeds.

Slow, slow, slow. slog, slog, slog.

18 Aug 09 - 03:12 PM (#2703290)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

This afternoon I spoke with a neighbor who mows the next-door-neighbor's yard, and we were looking at this little tree that has failed to thrive since a commercial nursery planted it for her last spring. Turns out they didn't plant it properly and a piece of heavy plastic ribbon was slowly girdling the tree below the dirt level (and it was planted too deep).

I'll do some time on Saturday digging up that tree for her and replanting it correctly.


18 Aug 09 - 10:55 PM (#2703527)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I heard from JohnInKansas today, spouse of Lin In Kansas. (I hadn't seen him online for a while so wrote to ask why.) With the financial crunch last year demolishing retirement savings, they sold their home and hurriedly piled stuff into storage. They've been living in a camper for the last few months (with iffy WiFi) and are closing on a house this week. I expect as the stuff comes out of storage, and after they have a computer set up, we might hear a little from Lin. I know she had walls of books and tons of stuff, so it will be interesting if she tries to keep it from all entering the new house, and how she deals with it.


19 Aug 09 - 12:05 AM (#2703562)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Good luck rescuing the little tree, Maggie. It always bothers me that "landscapers" do that. It's such a simple thing to cut the roots loose.


19 Aug 09 - 04:29 AM (#2703633)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

You would think that people who work with natural things would have at least a modicum of ability!

My dwarf pear tree has thrown up a shoot from the root stock, off one of the roots that was barely covered with soil. I have separated it and it's in water at the moment, as there were one or two tiny roots forming. I am going to pot it up when I think it will stand it, and see if it amounts to anything. It's quite a dwarf stock, so it may be happy in a planter. However, it is probably one chosen for strength over fruit production!

I hope I might get some de-cluttering of the garden done before I go off to Whitby, but the weather forecast for tomorrow and Friday isn't great. I have a couple of jobs to do today, and then I might get stuck in.

No sign of Peter. I have sent him a text, and I'll see what transpires. The most annoying thing is that I am paying for an extra week of kennels for the animals in order to keep them out of his way!


19 Aug 09 - 10:08 AM (#2703790)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Have you ever experienced the kind of day when you're so busy working on stuff that you literally dream about it overnight and wake up with it still on your mind, having worked through a number of tasks? Too bad they aren't on my desktop this morning! This is the rush before the new semester.

I'm managing to do dishes and laundry and very small de-clutter projects, like thinning out the shoes (mentioned above) and clearing junk out of the pickup in preparation for the daily drive to school for my son starting next week. I probably need to make a pass through his closet this week.


19 Aug 09 - 11:47 AM (#2703839)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Last night must have been a night for dreams. I had one that involved karioke (sp), but we won't go there. I made a jug of refrigerator dill pickles last night. This morning I baked a cherry pie-- pitted the cherries while watching Martha Stewart, but used a store-bought crust. Also hard-boiled some eggs. All the dishes are done. Put up some little hooks along the bottom of the cabinet over the stove, so I can hang some things that have been on the counter.


19 Aug 09 - 02:26 PM (#2703947)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: wysiwyg

I probably need to make a pass through his closet this week.

Might it be that you probably need to show HIM how to make a pass through HIS closet this week? Never too early (not too late) to start...


19 Aug 09 - 02:34 PM (#2703952)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

Well Peter's coming tomorrow morning to make a list of all the works that require doing. He's still tied up with the rather long path at Cowick church - I think it's so that the kids in the church school next door can have a more direct route. It must be about 50 yards long, and I bet he's having to lay slabs because it's a listed building.


He's taking a key and doing the work next week. So I got 2 more cakes, (for the teas the church is doing on Sunday in the next village), baked this afternoon, plus another iced. I got my parish magazines distributed, and I outed the rather overpowering Ikea unit that the TV had been living on and replaced it with a rather nice Arts and Crafts style TV console I found whilst browsing round a local furniture store and looking at sofas. It looks really nice!
My back really hurts now, after hauling more furniture in and out.

The fun is going to come when eventually the rooms get put back together, and all the stuff I feel that I really CAN'T do without at the moment spoils the effect.


19 Aug 09 - 03:16 PM (#2703979)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

WYS, he does go through his closet, when I insist on it. I go through regularly and retrieve empty hangers, and if I see stuff in there that I haven't seen on his body on a long time I ask about it. The closet is getting kind of empty right now, so what we probably need to identify are clothes to purchase more than clothes to get rid of.

20 Aug 09 - 01:04 AM (#2704399)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

My desk is still pretty darned cluttered. I've been scrambling all day, but have an appointment tomorrow that is going to slow me down. Arrggggh!

Lin and John In Kansas (remember, we happily dubbed him "JuNK" instead of "JinK" some months back?) are moving from a house with over 3,500 square feet to one with 1,100 square feet, and some hopeful looking storage sheds and a dry 3 car garage. Sounds like they have four storage lockers and their son's basement filled. They are going to be very very busy after they close on that house later this week.


20 Aug 09 - 06:42 PM (#2705048)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy


Peter says he'll take away the old TV table and carpet for me, and dump it! He's got the key, and I'll see what he's managed to do when I get back from Whitby. He says he's going to deal with the damp walls first and then clear the mess from the floors and deal with them last.


20 Aug 09 - 10:47 PM (#2705172)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm going to have to clean house tomorrow. We've decided to do an impromptu birthday party this weekend. My daughter turns 21 next weekend but she'll be back in school and at work then and it's easier for her to come down to town now. Not much time to clean, though. My birthday is a week later (she was my early birthday present--she was actually due the day before my birthday) so we're billing this as the "21 and over-21" party. ;)


22 Aug 09 - 11:26 PM (#2706396)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

I'm back. :-) Didn't do much in decluttering, except my mind and that's good!

Morgan did come over last weekend and helped me move the sofa, two chairs and a heavy old trunk. We rearranged the living room and it looks much neater, cleaner and more inviting. He kept his area in the corner and it is actually neater and more accessible which is good because it looks as though I will be having him for 2-3 hours per day starting next week, after kindergarten classes!

I still will not be posting as much, at least for awhile. I seem to do better by not, but I will keep track of what I do, here and enjoy reading along with what the rest of you are accomplishing.



23 Aug 09 - 12:50 AM (#2706412)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Good to have you back, Kat.

I did the Alzheimer's Memory Walk this morning. It was a little drizzly at the beginning, but it cleared up nicely. Took a trunkful of cardboard boxes to the recycling center in the afternoon.

I'm concerned about my cat Little One. She hasn't been eating well for a couple days. I have a vet appointment for her on Monday.


23 Aug 09 - 01:52 AM (#2706420)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

My kitchen is looking good after being full of people and lots of food for a birthday lunch. Lots of fun!

I have another eBay item selling, and need to list something else.

I took stuff over to the recycling center today, and I commented when I drove in that they needed a lot more recycle bins--that people are dumping a lot of recyclable stuff in the 30-yard bins. I decided it was time for a blog, so I pulled out the camera and took some photos. One of the guys came over and asked me "why all of the photos?" I don't want them to think I'm upset with any of them--I told him I have a blog and will post remarks about how people don't recycle very well (as evidenced by all of the cardboard in the trash instead of the recycling). But they really do need to educate people and insist that they do it right. Seattle does, Fort Worth can.


23 Aug 09 - 04:16 AM (#2706441)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Darowyn

One day to go before we move, and there's just time for one more trip to the dump (or "recycling centre" as it prefers to be called.)
The foot spa and the peculiar clip on bath swoosher went on Friday.
The new house has a proper spa bath- I keep imagining us bouncing about on a jet of water like a ping-pong ball at a shooting gallery!
Don't think about it, you won't enjoy the thought.
It's nearly all wood this time- shortish lengths that I was keeping in case they came in useful for something. They recycle that to make chipboard and such. All the good stuff is bundled up and going with us.
I'm finally throwing away the strongest Keyboard stand I've ever seen. We found it in the garage of a house we moved into three moves ago- and apart from using is as a stand for things while I'm spray painting them, it's just been stored under the bench since then.
The thing that niggles at my mind about all this, is that I just know, that although we've been through, and made lots of ruthless decisions about getting rid of stuff, we will be spending considerable time at the new house next week saying, "What on earth did we bring this for?"
Funny, isn't it?

23 Aug 09 - 10:16 AM (#2706599)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

You'll also spend a lot of time looking for things you know you brought along. :-/

I ate several pieces of ice cream cake yesterday so I'll have to do the full-strength antihistamines and decongestant today as I mow, or I'll end up real stuffy. I've been cutting all of the non-cultured dairy out of my diet again; this backslide was due to birthdays.

Kat, good to see you back. Are you going to write a novel in a month again this year?


23 Aug 09 - 10:38 AM (#2706607)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: MAG

I know you will enjoy the time with Morgan, Kat.

Did I say I shredded a large box of old bank statements and checks, and the recycle truck took the whole box? I didn't know if they would.

I was composting all the shredded paper but it just got to be too much compost piles everywhere I could stick them.

I still have tons of yard cleanup but I have someone coming over today to help with it, as my shoulder is still out from last weekend.

23 Aug 09 - 11:15 AM (#2706626)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

Thanks, folks. Sounds as though you are all doing well. Dave, have fun with the new house.

SRS, yes, I am going to do NaNoWriMo again this year. I hope to either finish the last in the series I am doing OR write the third to come in it. I won't know until I actually sit down on Nov. 1st to do it.:-)

23 Aug 09 - 06:53 PM (#2706927)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

eBay is perking along with these little sales, but currency doesn't take up much space, so to make it effective in a decluttering sense I need to add back some larger objects to the auction list.

Can't put on my fat pants this afternoon. Oh, dear. Time to pay attention to what I'm eating and get serious out walking the dogs more.


24 Aug 09 - 04:44 PM (#2707556)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Drinking more water, also. I've been trying to do that this summer, and I'll keep it up.

School starts tomorrow for my son, it started today at my university, but I've been working on stuff here. I must spend much of tomorrow on campus.

I mailed an eBay package today, and need to keep this going. It has paid a couple of bills this month.

I wish they weren't making so much dust and racket in the street out front. I can't hang laundry when it'll get a patina of dust and the smell of diesel is so prevalent with all of this heavy equipment. (They put in new water and sewer lines, and now they're preparing to repave it.)


24 Aug 09 - 06:38 PM (#2707683)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Sad news about my cat Little One. Didn't want to start a new thread about this, but I wanted to tell someone.

At first the vet thought it might be just a tooth problem, but no such luck. Her blood-work was very good for a 20-year-old. But he found a tumor under her tongue; that's why she wasn't able to swallow. And he said he wouldn't be able to remove it. Once he told me that, I told him to put her to sleep. I had prepared myself for that outcome all weekend, and I couldn't bear to postpone the inevitable.

I didn't usually see too much of her during the day. She was usually sleeping in a sunny bedroom window. In the winter she slept on top of the heat vent in the living-room. But she always came to bed with me at night. That's when I'll miss her most. This is the first time in 20 years that I've been without one or more cats. The house seems unusually quiet.
I packed up the unopened cat food and litter, and took it over to the animal shelter. They were glad to have it.

25 Aug 09 - 12:33 AM (#2707848)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Maryanne, it's a difficult choice, but if you know they're going to suffer, it's the kindest thing you can do for your beloved cat. We lost our calico in January; she was going downhill so fast, there was no pleasure in her life, she wanted to crawl into a corner and die. After she was euthanized, she looked so different than the recent weeks, relaxed, her old self and seemed much younger. At that time I could see how she bore her discomfort in her demeanor for so many weeks. It hurts regardless of how they die, but if their pain is shortened, then I think you made the right decision.

My calico always slept on my bed also, down at the foot on the far side. I miss having that cheerful lump there every night, purring and occasionally chirping at the other cat in their own form of communication. "You in here?" "Yup." "G'night"


25 Aug 09 - 10:56 AM (#2708140)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

Maire-aine, that's a big and sad change after twenty years. I agree with Maggie, you made the right decision, but that doesn't make it any easier when they go. Here's a big {{{{HUG}}}} for you, esp., when it seems so lonely at night. I don't think I could manage without at least one, but preferably two at all times.

Hugs, again from kat, Trystan, Kipling and the dog, Merlee

26 Aug 09 - 07:42 PM (#2709438)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I have to take a couple of days off to polish off my use-or-loose days, so I'm home Thursday and Friday. The new fiscal year starts next Tuesday. I have plans to get some of my paperwork and annoying calls (the bills that I have a dispute with--write a letter, make a call, whatever). And I have to get my son registered for the October SAT.

I cut down my cork stalks today and bundled them together with twine to dry in the corner of the yard. I could toss them in the compost now, but maybe there is a decorative aspect I can make use off first, out on the front porch.


26 Aug 09 - 08:06 PM (#2709456)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: wysiwyg



A wide clutter-grabber on my LR computer desktop swapped places yesterday with a narrower one chairside-- upright file-folder holders. Both got sorted out and purged in the process, resulting in a large bagful of paper trash, a couple of key contacts entered into my cell phonebook, a ziploc-protected set of archived band soundfiles, a ziploc-protected stash of small notecards, and a larger readme/act-on-me department chairside at the "command center." The day beofre I had finally cleared my tray-table "inbox" of post-vacay reading and admininstratvia, so it was empty to do the clutter-grabbers and when they were done I left the tray table cleared, again.

Then today I decided that the newly setup rack of misc. printing materials-- blank labels and photo stock on the LR desktop-- actually belonged UPstairs next to my home OFFICE printer, which recently gained a pair of Goodwill speakers allowing me to process MP3s up THERE from now on. Once I got the label-rack up there, I sat down and polished off the long-pending band-songbook second-edition draft, which goes tomorrow (a week early) to the proofreading team at church.

While looking around on the upper puder's hard disks for edition-one files to update, I ALSO found an archive of a defunct website I thought I had not archived, which will facilitate updating my poolside water-resistant binders with material I teach verbally that also needs visuals to teach ITSELF. These binders allow me to focus on my own workout and not always be starting new folks who fail to sustain their own discipline (while distracting me from mine).

A poolside tote also Goodwilled in during vacay neatly holds ONE binder of choice per dayand the stock of 4-6 binders fits in the just-sorted (post-vacay) van in a tote cart thatr allows the whole stash to be brought poolside when interest warrants. (The newer tote happens to match a mesh tote I already had, that holds pool toiletries, in my particularly color-distinctive set of aquatic gear.)

I love these meta-de-clutters, when things rotate around to better uses/places and there's a big practical payoff in streamlifing, and I REALLY enjoyed the time in the upper office today, too. Very sunny, which promises to be a big help in the dark winters-- the huge window over the screen faces a pretty western sunset.


26 Aug 09 - 10:21 PM (#2709516)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Thank you, friends, for you kind thoughts. I'm going to be okay, I guess. I've had several offers of new kittens, but I'm not even considering it yet. I've got some pent-up travelling to do. I have cousins in Pennsylvania & Maryland, and might even go down to Virginia. And now I'll be able to hit some music festivals that require overnight trips.

Nice to see all of the de-cluttering that's been done. I was beginning to think people were losing interest. I have 2 bags of clothes for charity; they'll pick them up on Monday. I had two small child-size chairs in the basement, so I put them out to the curb. When I looked out again, the 2 little kids from next door were sitting on them side by side. Their mother said they were playing "train". They were so cute. So they're keeping the chairs; both chairs are pretty dirty, so if they're left out in the rain, no harm done.


26 Aug 09 - 10:45 PM (#2709530)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

If a site changes a lot and you want the old content, or one goes away altogether, try the Wayback Machine (named after Rocky & Bullwinkle) at Just enter the old URL into the form and see what it comes up with. Often there are several years and months represented in the results.


27 Aug 09 - 12:17 PM (#2709923)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Working my way through a list of things that need to be done. This morning I set up the rest of the truck maintenance that didn't get done last month. I can't just write a check, it'll go on a card, but if I don't get this done now, the repairs down the road will be a lot bigger and could mean being towed first.

Many other items need attention, several are kid-related.


28 Aug 09 - 08:58 PM (#2711213)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Busy day today. My pickup is okay, it always was. That "service vehicle soon" light is something that apparently finally decided to stay lit because of a sensor in my gas tank that has been on the fritz for years. Sometimes I get a "low fuel" readout on the message panel, and this little check engine light came on about 2 months ago. Six weeks ago I took the truck in for it's 100,000 mile checkup, but this light was still on. For $45 today they diagnosed the problem as coming from that gas tank censor. Since I knew it was an expensive repair I've never planned to have it fixed (~$550). So they turned off that sensor and now the light is off. Good thing, or I'd never know if something else was needing attention.

I also replaced the windshield--what a difference! I drove into the sunset for a while this evening and it was so much better on my eyes, without that horrible glare! The glass was intact and there weren't too many big chips or cracks, but it was pitted from time. I have to wait a couple of days before I can wash the truck and I have to leave a side window open to equalize pressure since there is an adhesive that has to set, but once I clean the inside and out it will feel as good as new!

I also was able to cross several other items off of a To-Do list I created yesterday. I still must move some stuff and pick up around the house, that's for this weekend. A funeral came up for tomorrow, so I'll try to run a couple of errands coming and going to make that time a little more efficient.


29 Aug 09 - 10:24 AM (#2711496)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

Just got back from Whitby and my washer, dryer and dishwasher have been de-cluttered to under the gazebo, and I have 2 foot high lengths of bare brickwork to match my concrete flooring! Going off in a few minutes to get the animals from the boarding kennels. Heaven only knows what they will make of it all!

At least I have a time scale for selling the house: once the walls are done, they can't be decorated for 6 months at least. So I'll be putting the house up in the spring.

I also came back to a rush of ripe tomatoes and beans. So I am going to see about using my dehydrator to preserve them, as I only have a small freezer at present.

I'd better see about getting the sofa etc sold, and then I'll have room in the garage to store more stuff!


29 Aug 09 - 10:33 AM (#2711503)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Andrea, do you do any canning? It would go a lot faster to spend an afternoon doing that than the time for all of that fruit to dry, don't you think?

The Kennedy funeral is on, and I have to decide if I'm going to the funeral in a little while for a co-worker's mother. So much to do today.


29 Aug 09 - 10:51 AM (#2711516)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

I've told my Rog what I would like for us to get done, today. Here's hoping we box up old bottles to donate; put all of our clean clothes away; go through some books to box up and send to my niece; clean up and sweep the front "stoop" and steps; and whatever else catches my eye!

29 Aug 09 - 02:01 PM (#2711607)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: mouldy

I haven't got the full use of the kitchen at the moment. Anyway, all I have to do is prep it, and load up the machine I bought last year. I've only done apples so far, (which is what I bought it for), but it'll be easier to store dried than bottled or canned veg. I quite fancy making my own dried tomatoes.


29 Aug 09 - 02:02 PM (#2711608)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

After researching the options, it looks like I'll be again freezing my peppers. I don't have the pressure canner needed to put them in jars. I see canners online in the $100 range. Tempting to make this the point in time when I make this move. I could poke around a couple of places before deciding to can or freeze. See if someone has one on sale (who doesn't know what it is.) I think getting lucky like that only happens when you're not shopping for the item and weren't planning on buying anything. :)


29 Aug 09 - 03:23 PM (#2711644)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: VirginiaTam


made massive advances on the papers piling up waiting to be filed or shredded

master bedroom clean to every corner

lounge shaping up during rearranging

started clearing stuff out of the car getting ready for the new(er) one arriving next week


truckload of ironing

start clearing wardrobe in spare room of unneeded junk

now a shower and fresh line dried sheets

29 Aug 09 - 08:59 PM (#2711822)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Several more things are off of my list. I picked up a case of roasted mild Hatch chiles and packed them into freezer bags a pound at a time. They're all put away except a couple to have with dinner tonight.

My licence tag is ready to go on the new clear windshield. Tomorrow I'll vacuum and wash the truck and load it with the few things my son thinks are essential, like a couple of dishtowels to keep from dropping crumbs on himself (because he waits to the last minute and eats on the fly as I drive to the bus). He also wants his tape roller for cat hair. Will do!

Tonight I'll find something to keep me busy, to keep up the momentum. I have some eBay stuff to list for my son. Might as well do it, shouldn't be complicated--unopened PlayStation 2 games.


29 Aug 09 - 10:19 PM (#2711864)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

I filled two boxes with books and have them by the front door to be mailed to my sister and niece next payday. That got rid of clutter in the office. We also took 5-6 bags of clothes which were in the car to Goodwill, along with a few books and an autoharp which needs to be restrung and needs bars. Also, dropped off the collectible bottles and a light fixture from the dining room at Habitat for Humanity. Put away all of our clean clothes. Rog swept up enough dog hair for at least one spare dog and I picked up stuff in general. Rog also went to the grocery store. Still more, but it is noticeable.

29 Aug 09 - 11:41 PM (#2711897)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

You'd think after all of this time and effort our houses would be empty, wouldn't you? ;-D

eBay this evening.

29 Aug 09 - 11:47 PM (#2711901)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Went to the farmers' market this morning & got tomatoes-peppers-onions to make chili sauce. Will do that on Sunday. It rained most of the morning, but dried up in the afternoon, so I was able to cut the grass, finally. Dead-headed all of the flowers. It's about time for me to harvest the herbs & freeze them.


30 Aug 09 - 12:12 PM (#2712186)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I emptied the front compost, hauling it to the big pile in back. I'm going to take Howard Garrett's advice (he's at for a repellent for the dogs re the compost: fill a bucket with scooped dog poop, pour on water and let it sit for a while, then pour it over the area. He said it usually discourages them from digging in that spot.

Three of six video games listed. The changes at eBay make it kind of squirrely these days. It's difficult to use one listing as a template for the next because it comes pre-loaded with the previous information. But I'm getting there.

I'll clean out the fridge some this afternoon; I have a bunch of tomatoes to make into sauce, I think. There aren't enough for juice and some of these are a little dry this time of year. I also have to vacuum the truck and I can wash it at the end of the day, when the 48 hours is up after the new windshield was installed.


30 Aug 09 - 01:42 PM (#2712239)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Another important de-clutter: my email. Time flies, and it was last January I paid for an extra year of the email at the acccount I've used for years. I changed Internet providers but knew I'd never catch up with everyone in those email accounts, so I paid for a year and decided I'd keep paying if I didn't want to switch (it's fairly cheap, ~$50 a year). I like my gmail so I'm gradually shifting my email accounts away from Sprynet. Today some biggies: eBay and PayPal.

Yesterday I did a little networking in the neighborhood. My next door neighbor Jackie bought an energy star fridge to replace a 20-year-old spare fridge in her garage. It works fine, but runs all of the time. She asked if I needed another one, but I don't, I make good use of my fridge space now that I have my freezer organized. But the across the street neighbor John has been peeved at his niece for a few months: last year she moved somewhere where needed a fridge so he loaned her the spare from his backyard shed. He used it for extra ice and storage (and we all have gardens). She moved out of that place this spring and left his fridge behind! He loaned it to her not because it was extra but because her need seemed greater than his. So I called him and told him Jackie had one for the Goodwill unless someone nearby wanted it. He was very happy to take it off her hands and we helped him load it onto his pickup for the trip across the street yesterday morning. Don't you love it when everyone is happy and has exactly what they need? :)

It's lovely outside. I hope you're all having great weather for this last weekend of summer!


30 Aug 09 - 02:17 PM (#2712261)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Penny S.

My new house, version one, fell through, as the seller pulled out of his purchase, and I am nearly in version two, a town house with integral garage, and apart from that very similar to my present place, but without anyone under it. There's a room behind the garage which will be my studio for books, sewing, knitting machines and so on, and a utility room for the washing machine and freezer. There's no loft, but an extra bedroom which will have the loft function.

I've been clearing the loft here, lots of stuff I hadn't remembered I still had, resources for teaching, old magazines... These are being sorted into recycling, keep, pass on to friend, tear out relevant articles and recycle. The wheelie bin is nearly full again.

Why I had put a dead kettle up there I cannot imagine. I had even taken the plug off. Possibly because there was no place to recycle it.

I have been boxing books. Unfortunately, the supermarkets now get their wine in sixes, not 12s. 12 bottle boxes were just the right size for books. Sixes are too small. The storage place's small boxes are too heavy when full. The floor is becoming invisible, and I feel like singing "Climbing over rocky mountains" from the Pirates as I move about.

When I have title to the new place, I'll clear the books across there, empty the boxes and come back for the next tranche. I won't get the removal men into until the small stuff has gone. And then I'll get the stuff from Dad's place as well.


30 Aug 09 - 02:31 PM (#2712276)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Penny S.

I've also decluttered the bramble bushes in the back garden, which have said goodbye to me with a bumper crop. The icebox part of my new fridge is full, and I have taken up bottling as well. Two bushes are travelling to my new garden.


30 Aug 09 - 04:36 PM (#2712346)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: LilyFestre

If getting extra zucchini out of the garden counts as de-cluttering, then count me in! I found a great zucchini muffin recipe this morning, made some changes to make it more healthy and all I can say is YUM! Made an extra batch for the freezer and will be trying more recipes for the rest of the week. At this moment, I have two 5 gallon buckets FULL of zucchini and more coming it the garden. I am NOT going to let it go to waste!!!!


30 Aug 09 - 05:26 PM (#2712385)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: katlaughing

Rog carried some empty boxes, a doll bed my dad made, and a foot rest out to storage for me until we have a yard sale or give it away or whatever whenever he gets the time to organise it all with me. He's doing his usual prepare for the week cooking up batches of rice, goulash, potatoes, and boiled eggs. I pulled some stuff out (the stuff he took out) in the dining room and gave it a good sweeping which had been lacking. Also did more picking up of little bits which seem to abound when Morgan is around. I thought he'd gotten it all but, oh no, he's like a crumbly cookie...little bits fall off in his wake.:-)

30 Aug 09 - 06:02 PM (#2712413)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

I got 14 pints of chili sauce. The recipe's posted in the "Pickles & Preserves" thread if anybody's interested. Half of the dishes (from the chopping vegetables portion of the project) are washed & put away. The dishes from the packing portion are still in the sink. I know they won't wash themselves, but I'm not in a rush to do them. I'm going to have a glass of wine and put my feet up first.

My pantry is now fully stocked (I canned chutney last fall and corn relish the year before), so I won't need to do this again for a while.


30 Aug 09 - 06:06 PM (#2712416)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

My truck is vacuumed and washed and I found the tape roller under the back seat; it's for cat hair (my son prefers to wear black and of course we have a white cat).

Moved the front compost pile to the back.

Gotta get some more done--it's a beautiful afternoon here in North Texas!


31 Aug 09 - 04:18 AM (#2712706)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Penny S.

I've got to do something with my compost. Only the bin has been colonised by ants, which I do not want to move to my new garden - no-one else has put compost in the bin, so it's mine! I'm getting a friend to help me remove the bin from the pile, and hope the ants migrate. Also the mouse. Then I can load it into bags for removal.


31 Aug 09 - 11:17 AM (#2712920)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

If there are ants you can spray something like insecticidal soap or a little orange oil in water and that should repel them.

Sinus and allergies are catching up (ragweed must be maturing) and the road work is front and center in the street outside my house. It isn't my best start to a week. I was going to hang out laundry, but I think the dust and diesel smell isn't nice on clean clothing. Into the dryer.

All of my son's video games have watchers on eBay and one has a bid. I won't keep the cash for these so I'd best put up something of my own to keep up the $$ momentum. I made a couple hundred dollars last month, enough to knock out a couple of bills. I have to donate more stuff to Goodwill, in order to knock out some of my tax burden for the year.


31 Aug 09 - 11:47 PM (#2713430)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

I hit a "wall" today, as I switch out medications, from one that has been discontinued to a new type (for HRT). Clearly I must wean myself from the old one and start the new one staggered along. It meant today was pretty much lost. I'll pace myself for a few weeks. Looks like I'll be getting lots of sleep. |-|


01 Sep 09 - 02:36 PM (#2713890)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: maire-aine

Took a break to visit the 160th annual Michigan State Fair , which may unfortunately be the last. Due to economic problems, it's been cut from next year's state budget.

I guess it's probably been 15 or 20 years since I've gone. I wanted to get a look at the canned pickles & preserves. I just love that stuff. The Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales are here. Man, are they huge up close!

So, enough goofing off. Back to work.


01 Sep 09 - 02:55 PM (#2713902)
Subject: RE: BS: Those August de-clutterers (in 2009)
From: Stilly River Sage

Here's a new thread: Link.