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BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland

10 Sep 09 - 02:47 AM (#2720384)
Subject: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

Great stuff England. Through to the World Cup in South Africa.
Its great to see them scoring goals.

Bad luck Scotland, you came close last night, but in all honesty, you were playing a very clever footballing side in Holland. Beating Holland was IMHO always going to be a pipe dream. It is good to see that Scotland as a footballing team has improved immensely, but they still need to improve. I think Burley has done well with the players he has, and should be given the chance to develope the team further.
However as usual, results count and the first person to suffer is normally the manager. So how many days will it be before Scotland are looking for a new manager?

10 Sep 09 - 10:40 AM (#2720638)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Arnie

Still not convinced about Heskey though - every time he got the ball in front of goal last night he managed to trip up. He seems like a really nice guy, but just not an international player. I suspect he'll be going to South Africa though but I'd rather see Defoe or Crouch in the starting line-up. There's a lot of debate about England having a foreign manager, but let's face it, anything is better than the Wally with the Brolly. I think Capello is doing a great job and whatever happens next year, at least he got us there!

10 Sep 09 - 11:51 AM (#2720716)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

No Complaints from me about Capello. He has more intelligence in his little toe than most other managers.
As for Heskey, I would be extremely glad if somebody took him off Villa's hands. He does not fit in at Villa, and like you, cannot understand why he is picked for England. There must be soemthing he has that seems to attract the managers to him LOL :-)

10 Sep 09 - 12:00 PM (#2720722)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: The Sandman

well done Ireland,
but its about time the stupid manager included the fat banjo player,he maybe fat ,but he can hold the ball up and pass really well and he is a creative midfielder,Andy Reid,

10 Sep 09 - 12:36 PM (#2720762)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: alanabit

England were excellent last night. I also second the above comments about Capello. I was sceptical at first, but he really has done something about the defensive indiscipline and he has also got England to run off the ball much better. That was England's biggest failing in the World Cup. They simply had no passing options.
I too am baffled by the strange retention of Heskey. I still think Michael Owen controls and holds the ball better. As a finisher there is no comparison. Defoe has scored goals more reliably than Heskey. Peter Crouch simply has to be a joke. At the highest level he is no more likely to score goals than Rupert Bear!
Hard luck Scotland. They did pretty well really. Ireland should be able to wrap it up if they can draw at home against Italy (possible) or beat Montenegro four days later (more than possible). I hope they make it.

10 Sep 09 - 12:49 PM (#2720775)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: McGrath of Harlow

Peter Crouch is at the highest level to start with.

10 Sep 09 - 01:58 PM (#2720838)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: The Sandman

but he[Crouch] does score at the highest level,generally with his head,after all he is 6 foot 7,I have never seen him score with his posterior.

10 Sep 09 - 02:24 PM (#2720857)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

He certainly scored with his girlfriend

10 Sep 09 - 02:35 PM (#2720864)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: jeddy

i am so proud to be an enland supporter right now. we played well, we passed and we stayed as a team, no one going for personal glory.

the only problem i have is that it is easy to look good against a downtroden croatia, we will have to wait for this friendly against brazil.

i have every faith in them.

they really have to stop going for the long balls and keep concentration in the back four.

i was against capello at first, i thought that an english team should have an english manager.   but he is getting the job done, and there isn't an english manager in his league, he has my approval and full support.

take care all

jade x x x



10 Sep 09 - 03:20 PM (#2720887)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Dave_

Kilts are packed away yet again, so close yet again. We are known as the world`s best losers we are so used to it. It should have been sown up before the return with Holland, Burley is just not strong on Gordon

10 Sep 09 - 03:29 PM (#2720890)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

Who Gordon Brown?

10 Sep 09 - 04:26 PM (#2720925)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: The Sandman

no,Gordon the blue engine.

10 Sep 09 - 04:42 PM (#2720940)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

Maybe the Scottish Parliament will take over and manage them.

10 Sep 09 - 04:58 PM (#2720957)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

Anyway, putting the joking aside, who would be a suitable manager for Scotland?

I think its time to look at a foreign manager who has world cup and European management knowledge. I don't think there is anybody good enough from Scotland to manage and make Scotland successful. Its no good living in dreamland.
I wasn't happy letting England be managed by a foreign manager, but in reality it has really worked.

10 Sep 09 - 11:07 PM (#2721254)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

I agree re Bring·Back·Michael·Owen. He has that vital knack - shared, for those who remember them, with Cantona & Van Nistelrooy & the [very] late Tommy Lawton - of Knowing·Just·Where·The·Goal·Is.

Also, keep David James as long as fit - & I speak here as a [very, 60years ago] ex-goalkeeper.

11 Sep 09 - 02:30 AM (#2721298)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

You didn't play for the Villa did you?

I think Capello has moved on and I don't think Owen will be much in the frame. However he does seem to like Donkeys, much the same as Martin O'Neill.

11 Sep 09 - 03:17 AM (#2721310)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Stu

In defence of Heskey I think he's a physical player who shows flashes of brilliance on occassion; defenders get panicky when forwards run at them and Hesky's sheer size intimidates them. That said, he's inconsistent I have no idea why O'Neill chose him for the Villa and his finishing in the game the other night was woeful.

What about Ashley Young? I think he could play as a striker as well as a winger, and his pace up front would be an asset.

11 Sep 09 - 03:24 AM (#2721312)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

Ashley Young is very good IMHO

11 Sep 09 - 03:24 AM (#2721313)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Stu

It just struck me that last post had no positives. I think England played well the other night and Capello has restored some respect in the squad for the manager after McClaren's witless performance. Coupled with the discipline the team are showing I thinks it's the making of an excellent squad.

Two matches left to experiment with and all credit to the man for managing to tame a squad of huge egos and make them play together - something way beyond Steve 'how you say?' McClaren's feeble skills.

11 Sep 09 - 04:24 AM (#2721336)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

Plus he is making these highly paid entertainers toe the line to the extent, that their wives are not encouraged to be around (if at all) much whilst in South Africa.

When I think back to the times I have been away on business, I think I only once had the oportunity to take my wife. It was nice, but it put extra responsibilites on me as she was left on her own for most of the day. Made it difficult to concentrate on the business in hand.

Capello has restored the pride and I for one applaud that.

11 Sep 09 - 05:59 AM (#2721369)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Dave_

Err Gordon Strachan of course villain.

England have a cracking chance to go on and do really well, I prefer Carlton Cole to Heskey, I think he will be brought in a lot more plus Defoe, Good luck anyway, just sort out the goalie and youz will be fine..ohh and Glenn Johnson is always a blunder away frombeing really good.

11 Sep 09 - 07:44 AM (#2721406)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Tug the Cox

Lets hope the Republic make it too. England are looking good, surfeit of choice out wide ( Lennon, Walcott, Young, Cole, Beckham)Solid midfield, great defence ( maybe except for Johnson) need to decide on 1st choice Goalie and Striker.

11 Sep 09 - 08:21 AM (#2721435)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

Goal - I say again David James can still cut it.

&, no Villan; I didn't keep goal for Villa, but for Hendon County School. But a goalkeeper is still what I was - & I collect them: Che Guevara, all Three Tenors[Carreras signed amateur forms for Barcelona]; Arthur Conan Doyle [played for Portsmouth]; Albert Camus [played for Algeria]; Pope John-Paul II; Nabokov [was Lolita the original WAG?]; A H Clough; Boris Becker [who tho ultimately opted for tennis]; & me [played for Hendon County School 1st XI 1949-50]
       LoL in ♠♠

11 Sep 09 - 08:32 AM (#2721443)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener


11 Sep 09 - 09:09 AM (#2721465)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Backwoodsman

"Goal - I say again David James can still cut it."

He might be able to cut it in the boot-room, cleaning the other players' boots, but Calamity-James is just about the worst England goalkeeper I can remember (and my memory goes back a long way!).

He's unreliable, accident-prone, very seriously lacks concentration and spends most of his time shouting and swearing at his defenders, trying to blame them for the balls-ups he makes.

If England played against a team of dustbins, ole Calamity would let at least one in. I heard that after his last balls-up in an England match, he tried to commit suicide by throwing himself in front of a bus, but it passed underneath him.

There must be someone better than Calamity.

11 Sep 09 - 09:14 AM (#2721468)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Stu

The lack of decent goalie is a worry.

11 Sep 09 - 09:19 AM (#2721471)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Tug the Cox

Actually, Camus never played FOR Algeria, this misinformation is a result of an oft misquoted part of his pen picture when he said he played in goal IN Algeria, i.e. when he still lived in Algeria .

For England, I reckon if Foster gets a decent run at club abd country he'll be the best since Shilton.

11 Sep 09 - 10:07 AM (#2721499)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

Backwoodsman - we are obviously not going to agree about DJ — but just to say I DO appreciate the bit about the bus   --- quadruple LoL !!!

11 Sep 09 - 10:10 AM (#2721504)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

"The lack of decent goalie is a worry. "

Well - I'm still here. My phone # is in the Cambridge phone book ...

11 Sep 09 - 11:52 AM (#2721604)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

David James is just what we need as per the following

Any one of these might be suitable replacements

11 Sep 09 - 12:03 PM (#2721614)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

In fact, Backwoodsman, I am copying your 'D James under bus' bit - of course with acknowlegments - on to the 'My current favourite joke' thread because that is what it has become. Hope you won't mind.

11 Sep 09 - 12:16 PM (#2721625)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

'Actually, Camus never played FOR Algeria, this misinformation is a result of an oft misquoted part of his pen picture when he said he played in goal IN Algeria, i.e. when he still lived in Algeria .'

Tug the Cox, don't be such a party-pooper - don't you know better than to spoil a good story with FACTS...!

11 Sep 09 - 01:37 PM (#2721714)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Backwoodsman

Cheers MthGM - the old ones are the best, as my (younger than me by a lot of years) wife always says!

You're right, I'm not a fan of DJ at all. But I don't know who to suggest to replace him. I was a big fan of Paul Robinson when he was at my club, Leeds Utd., but he seemed to become infected with the Calamity Disease once he made the England team so......who am I to criticise?!

11 Sep 09 - 01:42 PM (#2721716)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Tug the Cox

The first time I heard the 'under the bus' gag was when Frank Haffie of Celtic let in 9 goals playimg for Scotland against England. DJ has never had to suffer something like that.

11 Sep 09 - 01:57 PM (#2721734)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

Thanks Backwoodsman.

Does your saying to me The·0ld·0nes·R·The·Best refer to your Under·The·Bus - or to my offer to get my old green jersey out of mothballs if Sgr Capello would just like to get on the phone?: I repeat, I am in the Cambridge British Telecom Directory - and I'm still only 77... & I was Hendon County School's very first choice goalkeeper for a whole season only 59 years ago...

11 Sep 09 - 03:20 PM (#2721797)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Backwoodsman

It referred to the old 'bus passed under him' gag, of course.
I like the 'only 77' thing - I must be 'nobut a lad' at 62!

11 Sep 09 - 05:37 PM (#2721888)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: The Sandman

How about Peter Crouch in goal.

11 Sep 09 - 11:39 PM (#2722053)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

BTW, if one of us posted [as is obviously the case[ "We're football crazy, we're football mad" —

D'you think Joe might move it up above the line...?

12 Sep 09 - 06:28 AM (#2722171)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

Some hours later - No, he hasn't. Why not, Joe? Try again


12 Sep 09 - 08:42 AM (#2722212)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

This should definately do it.

12 Sep 09 - 04:09 PM (#2722505)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

Yes, it should. hasn't tho, has it? BTW, I've always taken that tune [with My favourite brother & his name is *Paul*] to be the Irish one; the Scots Fitba'Crazy version that Ewan used to sing had a different tune altogether. But then Rolf H is an Oz and maybe got confused. Or perhaps, like all of us, he likes to collate.

This has definitely turned into a folk thread now — so Move it up, Joe,,,
[as distinct from 'Set 'em up, Joe' [3x] in Deadwood Stage - which is not folk but nice anyhow, yeah?]

12 Sep 09 - 07:38 PM (#2722614)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

Backwoodsman, did you watch Match Of The Day [♫Da da da♫ DUM ♫dee da da da da♫] ? — David James back: and never mind his goalkeeping, don't you agree that his new hairstyle just has to get him back into the team, LoL?

13 Sep 09 - 03:51 PM (#2722897)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

In case any posters on this thread haven't noticed it, could I [without I hope too much vanity] draw attention to a thread I started above line about Who He Was Football Crazy About, on the presumption that those who find this thread interesting might find that one so also.

13 Sep 09 - 04:12 PM (#2722909)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: ard mhacha

England`s section was fourth division class, they faced the poorest teams in Europe.They have the World Cup won again, hold your fire boys, you wont be playing this rubbish in South Africa.

13 Sep 09 - 04:22 PM (#2722915)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: The Sandman

ard Mhacha,UNFORTUNATELY ireland are no better,he must bring Andy Reid in to the side,the Irish midfield is useless.

14 Sep 09 - 12:43 PM (#2723463)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

Back after a break — yes, agree Paul Robinson turned oddly accident-prone when he put on an England jersey. Wonder why. But nobody's perfect: still think David James the least often IMperfect of the lot of them. Jokes about buses aren't going to change this view. Hope won't change Capello's either...

15 Sep 09 - 05:07 AM (#2723963)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Rasener

Well done Scotland for seeing sense and keeping Burley on.

IMHO he has instilled a pride back in the team, with a squad that at this moment is not good enough, but what can you do if Scotland is not producing enough excellent players.

Looking back 30 year ago, I still remember fearing Scotland when they played us (England).

15 Sep 09 - 06:08 AM (#2723981)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: ard mhacha

Ireland two teams from a population of 5 million, sheer lunacy, unlike the united Irish Rugby lads who do win trophies, the sammys and the paddys only make uo the numbers.

15 Sep 09 - 07:50 AM (#2724018)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: Les from Hull

'poorest teams in Europe'? At the moment England are ranked 7th by FIFA and Croatia 9th. I think that when the qualifying groups were set up Croatia ranked above England. Ukraine are currently 25th, having recently dropped 6 places. I think that England's improving form has made a difference especially when other teams in the Group seem to be going the other way.

On the subject of goalies, it seems strange that years ago England seemed to have plenty of good goalies. Now the best goalies in the Premiership are from other countries. But at least we've got some skillful outfield players for a change.

15 Sep 09 - 01:57 PM (#2724262)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: goatfell


04 Oct 09 - 01:43 AM (#2737735)
Subject: RE: BS: Well done England, bad luck Scotland
From: MGM·Lion

Worth coming back to point out that Portsmouth's first victory of season, AWAY to Wolves yesterday, was due as much to David James's brilliant goalkeeping as to any other factor.

Keep him on for England, Favio — whatever smartarses may say about buses & such!