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Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!

18 Jul 99 - 08:22 PM (#96616)
Subject: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Moonchild

I'm not sure if I did something, or what, but my Mudcat site doesn't come up with my name on it anymore. Also, it doesn't appear in the little window when I send a response. Could it be, she says with a screw-up of her mouth and a questioning look in her eyes, that when I deleted everything from my Temporary Internet folder, it deleted this too? The same thing happened when I went into my Yahoo Personal Page ... I had to type in my username and password... moonchild

18 Jul 99 - 08:25 PM (#96618)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Margo

My dear Moonchild, I believe you can simply click on "Profile" above and redo everything. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong!


WRONG! Reset your cookie, but please don't confuse the 'Cat and enter a new profile. The old you is still there...
-Joe Offer, interrupting to make sure nobody gets wrong info.-

18 Jul 99 - 08:28 PM (#96620)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: moonchild

Margarita ... I know I can do that, but I also want to know what happened and if, perhaps, it was of my doing, because I don't want to do it again... moonchild

18 Jul 99 - 08:36 PM (#96624)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Margo

Oops, Sorry. I usually miss the obvious. Maybe the dry Rose I just consumed had something to do with it.


18 Jul 99 - 09:10 PM (#96637)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Bill D can happen when 'anything' happen in the folder which contains your 'cookie' is even possible that your cookie file was full, and was is unlikely that you 'caused' it in any sense..*smile*..computers do weird things! I have had to reset my cookie maybe 2-3 times...

18 Jul 99 - 10:11 PM (#96670)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: bbelle

Well ... now I can rest easier. I tried becoming a new member but it said there was already a member with my name. That was a relief! When I tried to reset the cookie it said I didn't exist, then asked for my email address. Bingo! that did the trick. Now, I'm who I think I am, again.

Margarita ... I'm not much for dry rose's 'cause they give me a headache, but I am fond of a dry blush or a grapey white wine (North Florida has wonderful grapey white wines). A glass of white wine would probably have rendered me less excitable and not so concerned about whether I was who I thought I was, when at certain times in my life I wanted to be who I wasn't but not so much that I became. I don't allow myself the combination of the pleasures of the grape and surfing; it's no telling what my responses to threads would be.

Thank you both ... moonchild

18 Jul 99 - 11:38 PM (#96702)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Bill D

*grin*...I sure wish it was as easy for ME to be who...or what, I think I am...

Bill his 4th or 5th life, and wondering who all those other memories are of!

18 Jul 99 - 11:49 PM (#96712)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: bbelle

In my mind's eye, I'm 5'10" and lithsome, with smooth, straight, shiny blonde hair in a perfect bob, with legs that go to my armpits. In reality, I'm (ok, here goes!) 5'no inches, zaftig (yiddish for bosomy), with dark, coarse, curly that I keep about 1/2"-long in this North Florida humidity, and legs that go nowhere. I told my "last" boyfriend that when I died I wanted to come back with high cheekbones and long legs with thighs that didn't touch at the top. His response was "Great! Radar (he called me Radar because of my ESP), you're going to come back as a f-kg (his word) camel." I guess it's another case of "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it." ... moonchild

19 Jul 99 - 12:18 AM (#96720)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Dan'l (inactive)

Hi Friend:

Bill D. is right. I always delete my cache at the end of a session on the internet, which is probably something just short of paranoia. It contains the most recent cookies, so each time I come on, I have to reset my cookie. On internet Explorer there is also a directory called temporary internet files which, in my case has about 4 subdirectories with cookie files that aren't deleted when you dump your cache, and they have to be deleted one at a time. If your cookie is full, it might possibly be that you might have to go in there and delete it first before you reset your cookie online. If you're running Netscape, dumping your cache should get rid of you're cookie files. If the problem persists, try going into DOS and delete the files from c:\windows\cookies. These are the only reasons I can think of why your cookie might not reset.


19 Jul 99 - 03:06 AM (#96756)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Penny S.

Dan, in View, Options, Navigation, there's a Clear History button,which empties the cache folders in one go. My computer is shared, so I have a turn out now and then.


19 Jul 99 - 09:58 AM (#96820)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Bert

Moonchild, We all lose our identities here from time to time.

Bert - (Mudcat has changed me)

19 Jul 99 - 12:52 PM (#96901)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Bill D

umm...sorry, but in Netscape, the cache and the cookie file are netscape 4, there is a file named 'cookies.txt' CAN edit it, if you are very careful, but you can also delete a semi-colon at the wrong place and mess things up..There are programs..(some free) which will allow you to peer into this file and selectively delete cookies you do NOT want..takes a little learning, but they do work if you are paranoid...the easiest way is just to set the Mudcat cookie, then turn OFF all further cookies until you get to some place where you WANT, or need another one...(or to re-set Mudcat)...then turn it back on, do the trick...and turn it off again. In Netscape this is under 'edit...preferences..advanced'

19 Jul 99 - 01:27 PM (#96915)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: catspaw49

This identity loss thing can be annoying. I have no idea what any of you are talking about as I am a complete illiterate. When this happens to me, I go to the mall main entrance and look at the map which says, "You Are Here."


19 Jul 99 - 04:24 PM (#96987)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Bert

Ah! thanks, me ol' china, I know where I am now.


19 Jul 99 - 06:00 PM (#97034)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: LVB (inactive)

When I lost my identy here--and was very very frustrated I just ended up trying to register-my name was taken ( I suspect by me) and not useable-- so I've just signed on with a new name--I'd love my name and cookie id back but...

LVB who was Lorraine

19 Jul 99 - 10:04 PM (#97123)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Bert


Send Max some email and he should be able to fix you up.

Give him a little time to respond though, he's kinda busy.


20 Jul 99 - 01:09 AM (#97218)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Dan'l (inactive)



26 Jul 99 - 09:51 AM (#99265)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!

I'm having the same problem. (It's kind of nice.)

26 Jul 99 - 10:09 AM (#99266)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Max

When you lose your identity, the first thing to try is resetting you cookie. You do this by going here:

There is a link on the forum page to this as well. Just enter your email and hit the button. If this does not work, send me an email.

27 Jul 99 - 08:58 AM (#99650)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Paul S

You write very well for a complete illiterate.

I'm very relieved. I thought that your thread name meant that you needed some time out to "find yourself".


27 Jul 99 - 02:31 PM (#99816)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Joe Offer

Is this a personal problem, or technical? We're leaving it to Catspaw and Rick Fielding to solve the personal problems this week. They do it with such finesse.
But there are many of us who have lost our identity in Mudcat, among other things we've lost here....
-Joe Offer-

27 Jul 99 - 05:45 PM (#99895)
Subject: RE: Help!! I've lost my identity in Mudcat!
From: Lorraine

Just wanted to write and send a special thanks to Joe Offer for helping me find myself. You're a doll Joe see you at the FSGW Getaway. Lorraine