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The new leaked BNP membership list

21 Oct 09 - 06:05 AM (#2749274)
Subject: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

On Page 7 of today's The Guardian under an article headlined "Party membership spreads beyond Essex, East Midlands and Pennines." one section reads:-

There are personal revelations, such as the fact that one activist is "a semi-professional multi-musician (traditional/British folk)......

Any ideas of who this is? I'm sure a lot of people would like to know and to react according.

21 Oct 09 - 06:16 AM (#2749278)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: GUEST,Ralphie

Can't imagine who Vic.
There was a singer who was a regular performer at Sidmouth, who became a BNP candidate for Chippenham in the last local elections. But, that was earlier this year, and has been well publicised. (In fact it was probably the catylist for FaF).
As far as I know, she doesn't play an instrument, so it's unlikely to be her.
Am struggling to think who it could be?
Maybe the Guardian should name names?

21 Oct 09 - 06:20 AM (#2749281)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Dead Horse

Yes. I would really like to know.

Just as much as I'd like to know their sexual preferences, their religeon, their choice of football team and their favourite colour.
There ought to be a list of performers birth signs and astral projections too.
And while we are at it, how about donations to charity. Which causes do these people support?
I do hope its not a blinking dogs home - I much prefer cats.
Where do they do their shopping? Are they a Tesco user or do they lurk in the aisles of Morrison?

We should be told!!!

Seriously - I cant sleep.

21 Oct 09 - 06:20 AM (#2749282)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

Actually, I didn't expect it to be so easy to find out..... the radio had said this morning that the site had crashed as so many people were looking at it yesterday but now at it includes:-

12 Dundrey Crescent
01737 217728
BSc (Hons) Media Production. HND Moving Image/Photography. Semi-professional multi musician (traditional/British folk). Pagan. Classic motorcycle enthusiast. Huntsman

I met someone calling themselves "Mark Ye Morris" at Tenterden Folk Festival a few years ago and he subsequently sent me a couple of CDs for review. However, the quality was not there so they never reached print. I'm glad now that they didn't.

21 Oct 09 - 06:21 AM (#2749283)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Richard Bridge

The list is on wikileaks, but in a format that requires Excel 2007 to read. It may be that the person is David Hannam - well known as a BNP person, but less famous as a folk musician!

21 Oct 09 - 06:22 AM (#2749287)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Richard Bridge

Ah, there was also a Mark Stevens posting pro-BNP stuff on FaF for a while.

21 Oct 09 - 06:37 AM (#2749297)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Old Vermin

Merstham,eh? Explains a lot. Who's he gig with?

The wikileaks list doesn't go into Excel 2003 but does load into OpenOffice Calc - available from

21 Oct 09 - 06:39 AM (#2749298)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Ruth Archer

Yes, it's the same guy. He seems to belong to a side called Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris, who have been to Rochester Sweeps, Broadstairs and Tenterden festivals this year, and will shortly be taking part in the Dance Around the World festival at Cecil Sharp House.

Given the BNP's stated aim of infiltrating English folk activities, it would be interesting to know whether the side is either aware of his activities as a BNP activist and/or endorses them.

21 Oct 09 - 06:40 AM (#2749299)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: GUEST,Ralphie

Never heard of him!
Mind you the moniker "Semi professional Multi musician (sic)" could apply to most buskers in tube stations!!

21 Oct 09 - 07:02 AM (#2749314)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Dead Horse

To what end are you having this Witch Hunt?
This thread seriously disturbs me.

21 Oct 09 - 07:04 AM (#2749316)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

An internet self-description of him says that his activities include

. . . . . dancing or playing melodeon with the Wild Hunt, playing the Fool, or just being invisible: which role you see him in depends on several factors, all which are still mysterious!

Perhaps he could just use his powers to make himself invisible, then forget how to manifest himself again.

21 Oct 09 - 07:14 AM (#2749323)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Leadfingers

I'm with Dead Horse on this ! IF he is a Competent Musician/ Entertainer and gets work preaching Right Wing Crap , DONT go to see hime , and if you DO see him at an event you've paid for and he spouts right wing crap , demand your money back and walk out .
If he is NOT spouting crap , enjoy the music !

21 Oct 09 - 07:19 AM (#2749325)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: The Borchester Echo

BS, why?
This is an illustration of how the BNP is pursuing its stated aim of subverting English traditional music for its own ends, and thus needs to be publicised and exposed.
I would, however, point out the bleedin' obvious: just because certain misguided individuals appear to share the same musical tastes as you for whatever reason, this does not automatically render them nice people.

21 Oct 09 - 07:21 AM (#2749326)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

On their website, the Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris talk about "Morris: A Life with bells on - a film we have a small part in"

21 Oct 09 - 07:34 AM (#2749329)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Gervase

He gets an honourable mention in Nick Griffin's own blog:
After the interview we head off to a local meeting near Basingstoke. This is, by old rights, prime Tory and more recently UKIP territory, but Roger and his team are making big inroads. Around 100 people pack the function room of a centuries'-old local pub. A couple of local journalists have been invited (we get very fair write-ups subsequently) and all goes well. The landlord is quoted as saying we weren't what he expected (in a good way!) After the meeting one of our Surrey characters, 'Mark ye Morris' gets out his squeezebox and rattles off a few traditional tunes. I'm told that a mobile video of him and me doing "The Man Who Waters The Workers' Beer" will go up on You-tube. The growth of this instant, do-it-yourself media has to be this year's technological surprise and, yet again, shows new technologies undermining old monopolies.

21 Oct 09 - 07:34 AM (#2749330)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: treewind

No, we don't need a witch hunt, but the story and its publication in the Grauniad will create in some people's minds a false connection between folk music and fascism. That why we need Folk Against Fascism - to counteract that kind of misleading publicity.

As a person with considerable pagan sympathies myself, I find this news disturbing for other reasons. I wonder if there's a Pagans agaist Fascism group - ah.. a quick Google search suggests there is, but it's German...

He doesn't call himself a singer, so his folk music activities may be limited to playing for Wild Hunt and maybe a few tune sessions or a ceilidh band.


21 Oct 09 - 07:46 AM (#2749342)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Ruth Archer

I would reiterate that this is the same person who kept posting disruptive, pro-BNP messages on the Facebook FAF site. When these messages were removed (as the page did not exist as a platform for BNP apologists but as a place for people with similar concerns to share information) he posted increasingly goading messages in places where they could not be removed. I eventially disabled the Wall pretty much because of him. Which was probably his intention, to be honest, because the BNP seem to think theirs is the only free speech that matters, and seek to subvert and stifle any oppposing voices whenever they can.

He is also not simply listed on the leaked membership roll as a member of the BNP - he is listed as an activist. There is a significant difference. I wonder whether his "activism" includes trying to co-opt/subvert folk music and dance.

These are the reasons he interests me.

21 Oct 09 - 07:48 AM (#2749345)
Subject: Fascist musicians, UK
From: Gervase

How about a thread name change?

21 Oct 09 - 07:49 AM (#2749346)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Old Vermin

Den - sounds like the Sally Bowles argument that politics is not to be bothered with.

21 Oct 09 - 07:58 AM (#2749354)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

Date: 21 Oct 09 - 07:10 AM

Date: 21 Oct 09 - 07:53 AM

Why do these posters not identify themselves? What have they got to fear? Don't I remember a ruling by Mudcat organisers against anonymous posting?

21 Oct 09 - 08:00 AM (#2749355)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: theleveller

Oh good, as anonymous GUEST and GUEST,Den are telling us, we're rattling the fascists' cage yet again. Fortunately, they are still mostly caged so their attempts to infiltrate our territory are sverely limited. I don't see this as a witch hunt but more a case of 'know your enemy'.

21 Oct 09 - 08:47 AM (#2749380)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Richard Bridge

Ruth, I did send a message to the Wild Hunt squire about Stevens' offensive posts, but it was ignored.

I know of another facebook poster, too, who pointed out that some of Stevens facebook posts were not in the best traditions of folk music.

I do think that this is very relevant to folk music and dance. Sides should be aware that if they invite the Wild Hunt to stands, Stevens may well try to make his noxious propaganda there.

21 Oct 09 - 08:59 AM (#2749393)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Morris-ey

"Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris"

Don't they black-up?

21 Oct 09 - 09:10 AM (#2749398)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Richard Bridge

Yes. THey also mask.

21 Oct 09 - 09:13 AM (#2749399)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

"Don't they black-up?"

They dance in masks which are mainly black with white and occasionally red patterns on them and mainly black ribboned coats with a few green and red bibbons amongst them

21 Oct 09 - 09:14 AM (#2749400)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

"bibbons"? - ribbons!

21 Oct 09 - 09:18 AM (#2749403)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: treewind

Red for the girls, green for the boys.
And that's just about the only way you can tell which is which.

21 Oct 09 - 09:26 AM (#2749407)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

If you download the entire membership list (see the link in the fourth posting) and then search it for "Folk" then you will find three other members - one who calls himself an activist - who give folk song amongst their "hobbies and interests". Mind you only a small minority of those listed actually state their "hobbies and interests".

Incidently, I don't think that this is a witch hunt. I don't give a damn about the star signs, shopping habits or football interests of other people, but when people who say they are interested in the music that I love and at the same time are members of a white supremist organisation, then I am interested in knowing who they are as I don't want the music that I love associated with such a cause.

21 Oct 09 - 10:19 AM (#2749451)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Owen Woodson

Vic Smith. "when people who say they are interested in the music that I love and at the same time are members of a white supremist organisation, then I am interested in knowing who they are as I don't want the music that I love associated with such a cause."

Hear bloody hear. BNP members have got a perfect right to sing folk songs, and I've got a perfect right to object.

21 Oct 09 - 10:29 AM (#2749458)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: GUEST,Rich A

Wild Hunt are performing at Cecil Sharp House this Saturday...

21 Oct 09 - 10:59 AM (#2749472)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Old Vermin

"Wild Hunt are performing at Cecil Sharp House this Saturday... "

Compulsory those with FAF T-shirt.

21 Oct 09 - 01:10 PM (#2749552)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: GUEST,MBSGeorge

This is the same list as before.

21 Oct 09 - 01:24 PM (#2749567)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Old Vermin

"This is the same list as before. "

with the important difference of still being available.
Could be expected to be similar.

From my point of view, very nice to know that I don't know socially or otherwise any of members listed in localities that I know. Would have caused some dismay to see the name of anyone I knew.

Unsurprising that they seem to mostly live in areas I'd regard as a tad less than desirable.

21 Oct 09 - 01:58 PM (#2749584)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Richard Bridge

No, it's not the same as before. For example Mr Zumwalt was on the last one, and he is not on this one.

21 Oct 09 - 02:51 PM (#2749613)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Joe Offer

    I realize some of you would like to be all-BNP, all the time. Some would probably like to be all-antiabortion, all the time. Or all-antireligion, all the time. Or, how about all-rapture, all the time? Whatever the case, we allow only one active thread per subject; so I closed the other two active BNP threads since this one seems to be the current most popular one. This gives you all the advantage of not having to post the same message in three different threads.

    Oh, and just a reminder that we don't allow anonymous posts or posts from people with multiple identities. We allow identified posters to post quite freely and with little review or control, since we've found that the normal social pressures of a community make most people behave in a reasonably civil manner. Our biggest problems are people who hide behind anonymity, so we review all Guest posts and control them quite strictly. In controversial subjects like BNP discussions, we tend to delete most messages where the identity of the poster is questionable or the content of the message is troublesome. If that's a problem or if you feel a message was deleted by mistake, send me a personal message or e-mail to request that a message be undeleted.
    Better yet, register as a member and be sure to put your real name and e-mail address on the membership form (you're free to use a nickname or pseudonym as your posting name). Questionable memberships will be verified by e-mail, and will be deleted if they are found to be fraudulent.

    -Joe Offer-

21 Oct 09 - 04:08 PM (#2749657)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

Another GUEST that is not prepared to divulge their identity.....

21 Oct 09 - 04:10 PM (#2749660)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Bonzo3legs

Wild Hunt were pretty abysmal at the Screen, Oxted on 27/9/09, their dancing was all over the place! Their membership included some pretty wierd characters in the past.

21 Oct 09 - 04:12 PM (#2749662)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Folkiedave

I make it a rule never to reply to anonymous posters normally but if you can get your knuckles off the floor when you walk I'll make an exception in your case.

21 Oct 09 - 04:25 PM (#2749670)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Folkiedave

Wild Hunt were pretty abysmal at the Screen, Oxted on 27/9/09, their dancing was all over the place!

Then what the hell are they doing at C#House?

21 Oct 09 - 06:28 PM (#2749780)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Old Vermin

"Then what the hell are they doing at C#House? "

Can't see 'em listed on the EFDSS What's on?

Misunderstanding? or misinformation from Guest Rich A?

21 Oct 09 - 06:32 PM (#2749785)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Old Vermin

ah, Wild Hunt as Dance around the World. Someone better mention it to Katy Spicer?

21 Oct 09 - 06:35 PM (#2749787)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Vic Smith

Old Vermin commented (about Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris)

"Can't see 'em listed on the EFDSS What's on?"

At it says

Saturday 24th October - Afternoon - Dance Around the World at Cecil Sharp House, Camden, London.

21 Oct 09 - 07:05 PM (#2749813)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Ruth Archer

I think I'm right in saying that Dance Around the World festival is organised independently of EFDSS. It simply uses CSH as a venue.

21 Oct 09 - 08:48 PM (#2749878)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Tug the Cox

Bad decision on the BNP and question time, thread, Joe. Its tonight, and current, even getting coverage in all the main newspapers.

    See BNP candidate MBS George has made a comeback, 21st Oct 01.10 pm., but no reply to many requests to say where she now stands.

21 Oct 09 - 08:49 PM (#2749879)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: GUEST,Rich A

Sorry for being a guest but I'm not putting up misinformation. I simply went to the Wild hunt events list.
Having sat at the next table from an English Democrat election meeting in my local tonight I think we should be nearly as worried about them as the BNP. Ignorant scum!

I must get round to registering on here. People on this thread know who I am and I'm sure they can vouch for me. :)

Rich Arrowsmith

22 Oct 09 - 04:22 AM (#2750038)
Subject: RE: The new leaked BNP membership list
From: Gervase

This is the same list as before.
You're wandering off-message, George. Nick Griffin says it's a fake. But the earlier list was kosher, and two people were arrested for leaking it. Which is it to be?
    Thread closed, since we're allowing only one BNP thread at a time. Please continue on the current BNP thread.
    -Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-

22 Oct 09 - 09:35 PM (#2750731)
Subject: a leaked confidential membership list.
From: GUEST,Mark Stevens

this is my 3rd attempt to get this post up here.

Vic Smith has illegaly posted my confidential details from a stolen British National Party membership list on this website.
I shall be seeking legal advice on this matter.

    Sorry, but we do not allow unregistered and unidentified guests to start discussion threads. I added your message to the existing thread on the subject, which is now closed. You'll notice, however, that Mr. Smith got his information from a source on the Internet: If you have any further communications, e-mail them to me for forwarding, or post them in the existing BNP thread.
    -Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-