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Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session

26 Oct 09 - 07:10 PM (#2753273)
Subject: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,In comes I....

It's that time of the year again!

The first week of November will see the Warburton Souling Play touring the pubs around Altrincham, Lymm, Knutsford and of course, Warburton. The final performance will be at the Saracen's Head, Warburton, near Lymm, Cheshire at around 9pm on Saturday 7th November.

The final performance is always followed by a mega blow-out of a sing & music session - to which all are welcome. The beer is good, the craic, music & singing is even better!

26 Oct 09 - 08:15 PM (#2753311)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Pike

Great, I hope to be there!

27 Oct 09 - 04:52 AM (#2753455)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: John J

If it's half as good as last year it will be brilliant - I can't wait!


27 Oct 09 - 10:02 AM (#2753608)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Mikey

Can anyone tell me the details of where the play is being performed on the other nights?



27 Oct 09 - 01:34 PM (#2753736)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Laurence

Hi Mikey

The full Itenerary is now available on the Play's website. Shortcut is here: Warburton Souling Play Itinerary

Hope to see you at some point?


27 Oct 09 - 02:25 PM (#2753768)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Mikey

Thanks Laurence.

What actually happens on Saturday 7th November? As we'll be driving down from Preston, is the last performance and session worth attending rather than one of the other nights?


27 Oct 09 - 02:46 PM (#2753788)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session

It was a great evening last year looking foward to this years bash. Will try and catch the play at one of the evenings listed on the Warburton Souling Play website. Soul on guys.

27 Oct 09 - 06:46 PM (#2753966)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Laurence


The last performance at the Saracen's Head is the 'special' one when we finish the season with a session. A good few people will also come to see the Play on an earlier evening then turn up again for the last one as well specially to join in the session.


27 Oct 09 - 07:56 PM (#2754007)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: Valmai Goodyear

This sounds teriffic. Is the text of the play available anywhere?


28 Oct 09 - 01:47 PM (#2754231)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Th'oss

Oooooh, I don't know about that - the last person who was given the text came to a VERY sticky end.



28 Oct 09 - 02:11 PM (#2754258)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Laurence

We get asked about the words quite frequently.

We ourselves don't publish them, however, they are in the public domain in a couple of Folkplay publications (from a good few tens of years ago now) following their 'collection'. As were many of the UK's traditions. As a result many traditions in the UK owe a lot the the collestors and the publishers as we all know, whether song music, dance or play. We have to be appreciative of that otherwise we would not be where we are with the Warburton Play totally in our hearts.

Whilst they are in the public domain we therefore cannot stop anyone using them. However we feel the words now belong to Warburton once again and as the Play is 'living' following its period of dormancy we ask people to respect the text as 'they' would ask others to respect their own local texts/traditions or whatever.

The best way of hearing the words is to come and see the Play itself :-)


29 Oct 09 - 05:16 AM (#2754660)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: Valmai Goodyear

I wish I could, but I'll be helping to run the Lewes Saturday folk club in Sussex that night (guests Whaley & Fletcher).

Good luck with keeping your tradition alive.


29 Oct 09 - 03:31 PM (#2755076)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Beale Z. Bub

So, this 'ere play thing. What sort of characters does it have? Is it dramatic? Is there a plot of any description? In short, is it worth a trip from the Nether lands to have a gander? Grateful for any answers......

29 Oct 09 - 03:56 PM (#2755096)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Laurence

If anyone's interested there are some views of the session from last year on our website. See

Or for more details of the Play itself then simply:


29 Oct 09 - 03:59 PM (#2755097)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Davey

I believe a real horses skull is used in the play. Is it the original head or have you had to replace it?

29 Oct 09 - 04:29 PM (#2755124)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: John J

This 'ere Play thing (the capital 'P' is important here) is full of, er, characters. It's DEFINITELY worth a trip to see it performed.

I would say the last night is the one to attend - apart from anything else there's always a tremendous sing & music session afterwards. And I drink too much!

Re: the horses head, it's a real horses head - minus the rest of the horse. I think we're on our 2nd head - the word on the street is that the current head is from the Cheshire hunt.....but don't tell them, I don't think they've noticed yet!


29 Oct 09 - 08:00 PM (#2755293)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Dick, The Horse

The phrase suggesting that a "real horse's skull is used in the play", while from a human's viewpoint could be considered true, I do believe to be false. The horse's skull actually uses the play...................

A very strange tradition this Souling, with many strange occurrences every year (soulers mysteriously falling down towards the end of an evening, mad laughter heard coming from behind hedges along the way etc) and many of these are to be observed at the Last Night of The Play, November 7th.

Come and see me, the Horse, in all my pomp.... 2100, Saracen's Head, Warburton.

30 Oct 09 - 05:18 AM (#2755487)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: John J

"The horse's skull actually uses the play..................."

Nice one!


30 Oct 09 - 10:42 AM (#2755671)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Miss C

I was, as a mere infant involved in the dark and mysterious rituals of the 'orse during it's preparations.

30 Oct 09 - 12:56 PM (#2755781)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: John J

Warburton photo gallery from last year.

The Plan for 2009.


30 Oct 09 - 02:24 PM (#2755895)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Dick Andallismen

A ghostly form of 'the rest of the horse's body' which has only three legs ( as one was retained by the head for support ) has been known to follow the play.

If you come and watch you may be lucky to see it.

30 Oct 09 - 03:06 PM (#2755934)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: John J

Dear Mr Andallismen,

Please be aware the word 'Play' used in this context has a capital 'P'.

Capitals are important you know!


31 Oct 09 - 10:21 AM (#2756565)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Mikey

Just come across this.


31 Oct 09 - 01:36 PM (#2756751)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Brain

Worth following the link to the maps. It is amazing how much overlap there is. May we see a return to the fights of yore?

31 Oct 09 - 02:37 PM (#2756811)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Dick Andallismen

Sharpen the swords guys

01 Nov 09 - 08:31 AM (#2757186)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Brain

Sorry, forgot my manners. Please may we see a return.......;-)

01 Nov 09 - 10:33 AM (#2757244)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Laurence

It did come close to it once when Cumberbach strayed onto our 'patch' unannounced.

The look on their faces when they arrived at the Spread Eagle in Lymm only to find another Souling Play in full swing! OK they say, "we might as well go and do the Bull" - sorry chaps just done that, Saddlers? Sorry, done that as well. Totally splatted their tour we did :-).

Fortunately no fisticuffs needed but it certainly left you with that feeling of the rivalry of yore. They'd not even heard of us so it showed how little they'd researched their subject before reviving that play.


02 Nov 09 - 01:07 PM (#2758035)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: John J



03 Nov 09 - 03:56 PM (#2758897)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,The doc with the spots for which he has no

....and the First Night went as first nights do... the costumes were dusted down and merrily we did don them! The Old Woman arrived with much enhanced physique, Dick, t'Hoss, was burnished, the swords swished in anger for the first time in a year, the words muttered under bated breath,the event christened with a first ale: the Play was ON!
To the Saracen's Head at Warburton, the Play's home, where we amused the ruffians of Bollin Morris there to practice their ancient art. Some Souling virgins there, and some explaining to them about good and evil. Not too many others in the pub, but we were well received and a good start to the season.
Then onwards to the Axe and Cleaver, a much changed establishment since last year, but still, happily, with some familiar faces behind the bar. A sparse crowd (it was a Monday night after all)but some interest from a young couple who wanted explanations and laughed a lot, and my, some good ale! They have got a good drinking area by the bar now where there used to be just eatery tables: a good move with such good beer, well kept and a good welcome.
Off then to the more traditional Wheatsheaf at Agden: we tagged on to the end of a darts match and there were a lot of lads to watch the spectacle. No low lights smashed this year though, and the sight of two older regulars doing a pint-vanishing act as Beelzebub entered caused great amusement. Never seen pints hidden so quickly. Nice welcome from the Landlord and good to see a busy pub on a Monday. Good ale again....
And then off to the Vine at Dunham, where we just missed a few clients rapidly leaving after the quiz night, but still a good crowd in this lovely local pub. Nice welcome, good professional performance, good Sam Smiths and again lots of interest. The pub closes soon for a 3 week refit.... hope it doesn't change too much!
A good night then, especially for a Monday. Lots of laughter, no-one got lost despite the road diversion in Dunham, the Players played the Play well...... and Dick the Horse seemed pleased, all in all.

03 Nov 09 - 04:10 PM (#2758901)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Laurence

Also you can head to our Performances page for 2009 for another interpretation of the evening.


04 Nov 09 - 01:38 PM (#2759540)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Old B

Split personality rules tonight. By Saturday I might know who I am, or not. But that ids the thing with traditions. You are never sure of anything.

05 Nov 09 - 06:26 AM (#2759987)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,The Doctor. Who?

Wednesday night: we thought we all might like to visit Knutsford, that town named after a guy who held the tide back. As it turned out he seemed also to have turned back the tide of visitors to the pubs as they were all very quiet.
But still, we started walking around in the rain, and performed first at the atmospheric Cross Keys on Bottom Street. Quite a good crowd there and very appreciative of our efforts, and the Landlord was suitably welcoming. Some good ale from a wide choice was consumed of course, in this CAMRA rated pub.
Seeing the desertion of the streets we then went to The Lord Eldon (small, cosy and warm with a nice range of real ales....) where the numbers were down but again, welcoming.
A quick performance to the very few in the bright, cheerful and TV-strewn Angel was followed by the short, wet walk to The White Bear. A really old pub, with beams to bang your heads on, which some of us felt like doing when we were ignored by some in favour of the post Champions League Football summaries on the plethora of TVs. The bar staff are great here though and very friendly, so we got away with it. More beer here of course...
Then off to the last pub for the night, the Builders. This is a tiny local, and split into two halves as you enter, but in we did enter and turned right into the lounge where a small (again!) but enthusiastic audience really seemed to appreciate The Play. Nice range of beers consumed again, lovely staff ....
We will go to many of these pubs again! But perhaps not on a wet November Wednesday night, when there is 'important' football on ITV so that everyone stays at home and doesn't go the the surprisingly wide variety of really pleasant watering holes in Knutsford. Next time we'll do a Friday......!

05 Nov 09 - 10:43 AM (#2760131)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Dick T'orse

Dick the Horse has got a bad back from all this runnibg arround in wet weather. Can he have an extra nosebag of hay tonight and perhaps a rug to keep him warm and Dry

06 Nov 09 - 03:28 AM (#2760638)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Mikey

*Really* enjoyed your performances in Lymm last night, it was certainly an experience like no other!

Some friends are coming down tonight for your Altrincham tour, we'll be at the Saracen's Head tomorrow night for your final performance and the music & singing. Could someone confirm details please.



06 Nov 09 - 06:54 AM (#2760700)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,The man who has cures for doubts....

Friday 6th November        
Ashley               Greyhound         8.00pm - 8.30pm
Altrincham    Old Market Tavern 8.45pm - 9.00pm
                Malt Shovels        9.15pm - 9.30pm
Timperley    The Quarry Bank   9.45pm - 10.00pm
Hale              The Railway         10.15pm - 10.30pm

Saturday 7th November        
Warburton        St. Werburgh's (new) Church   2.30pm
Little Bollington The Swan with Two Nicks   6.00pm - 6.15pm
Dunham                   Axe & Cleaver             7.00pm
Heatley                  Farmers Arms             8.10pm
                   Green Dragon                     8.50pm
Warburton           Saracens Head            9.30pm

All Times Approx!!!

Also see the website!!!
Hope to see you all, at all the above venues... swell the crowd, swell the charity coffers!

06 Nov 09 - 07:15 AM (#2760713)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,The doc, professional curer of information l

To keep you avid readers up to date I thought I would tell the tale of Thursday 5th November. Offering our own inimitable form of fireworks we went to Lymm and Urmston this night, and all entered the spirit of The Play with great gusto, including, as our Enterer, a blast from the past in the guise of Mr J. R. Seed who transformed the part from excellent to excellent!
The pubs, despite the promise of duller fireworks elsewhere and the continuing dampness around the weather regions, had far greater numbers in than on Wednesday and in all the establishments jollity and attention abounded in equal measure.
The Spreadeagle was still relatively quiet (except for the folk club which on this occasion we left alone.. great audience in the past, but they sounded like they were having a good show upstairs)but attentive. Off to The Bull, where the Landlord (a happy chappie!) served us Antrobus Pies after the performance. We were pleased to eat of the meat of our fellow soulers, and very fine pies they made... tasted like fine pork... Lovely pub this, warm and welcoming with really fine ales....
Then on to the last of our Lymm pubs for the night, The Saddlers. Very busy, very warm and a splendid audience which included a very biddable real doctor and his friends. I do hope we caused no professional disquiet as he entered into the banter most obligingly and made the performance a memorable one. We find that the landlord is not too well at present, but his brother, in charge last night, was a very welcoming substitute. The Doctor would prescribe pills for the landlord but probably had better not, but we do all wish him well. More decent ales!
Off to Urmston and the Roebuck. This was updated after a fire last year and has a different atmosphere these days, but the folk there were still very welcoming and interested, the landlady contributed nicely to the collection in absentia, we all had a drink of fine ale...
And to end, The Church Inn at Flixton. Another real pub, with a new and very gracious landlord, welcoming locals and another set of fine ales to follow a very lively Entering and following performance.
A much better night, much jollity all round and our thanks to all the pubs and folks involved.
On to Friday..... see above for venues!

06 Nov 09 - 07:57 AM (#2760751)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,Laurence

Thanks to all that came last night, especially those who came a distance.

As can be seen above there's still pleny of opportunity to see the Play so do please come.

We're just building up nicely now for the final crescendo of the last day and specifically the last performance. It's the performance we all look forward to although it's tainted in sadness as that will be it until next year. 9.30 in the Saracen's Head is the time and place to be.

We look forward to seeing you.


06 Nov 09 - 12:51 PM (#2760958)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: AlanG

It's a pity that you didn't come into the folk club at the Spread Eagle last night, it might have livend things up. You couldn't have been making much noise otherwise I'd have heard you and come down to watch.

Sorry that I won't be able to come to the finale in the Sarries on Saturday (my social secretary made other arrangements) but someof us will be singing songs there on Wednesday evening if anyone else is interested.

06 Nov 09 - 01:54 PM (#2761010)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: John J

I'll be there for the sing - and of course for the Play.

Such shame you can't join us tomorrow though Alan - your songs would be most welcome!


06 Nov 09 - 07:24 PM (#2761217)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: John J

Just arrived home from tonight's tour....what a truly excellent do - English tradition, in action, at it's very best!

I can thoroughly recommend that any Mudcatters around the north Cheshire / south Lancashire area head for the Saracen's Head in Warburton for the end of the 2009 tour on the evening of Saturday 7th November.

I need a lie-down.


07 Nov 09 - 06:52 AM (#2761424)
Subject: RE: Sat 7th Nov: Warburton Souling session
From: GUEST,The Doctor with no need to prescribe happy p

Friday night.....
Always a good night, but as described by The Enterer this one started brilliantly, continued brilliantly and ended brilliantly! In the very succinct words of great literary merit (just like the words of The Play).... WOW!
We met at the Cheshire Midland in Hale to don our alter egos and, with Sam Smith's in hand, met quite a few folk who all seemed very enthusiastic about what we were doing, including one young lad whose father does a trad play in Cornwall and another who had studied trad plays and similar drama at Salford University.... perhaps these omens boded well...
Off for the first performance to The Greyhound at Ashley, where we have often been met with enthusiasm....Stunning crowd this year, a pretty full pub with a big party entertaining an Australian near the entry door. They all joined in with cheering and I doubt he's seen anything like that entertainment in Oz! Generous as well as we went round with the hats and dripping pan. Beelzebub managed to nick a good pint... from an unaware Landlord propping up his own bar! This is probably a first and a very welcome departure from the norm. He took it in good part too and was very interested in The Play.
Leaving such a successful venue is difficult but leave we did to venture to the Malt Shovels in Altrincham. Good audience here, not quite so busy but attentive and cheerful. Nice ales supped again and good to see a 'Town Pub' doing so well.
Up the lane to The Market Tavern where what can only be described as a boisterous crowd met us in bewilderment! Difficult to play as it was pretty noisy, but we drew the folk in and they were very generous towards the end. We apologise to the young boy who was scared out of his wits by the entry of Dick, T'Hoss, but can only suggest an earlier bed time. Perhaps in years to come, when the memory of last night's nightmares have receded, he will be back to enjoy the performances after 2020.... And more ale supped....
Leaving Altrincham in our wake and by now in full cry, loving every minute of the best night so far of this year's performances, we moved to The Quarry Bank in Timperley.
We were met by some friends just leaving, who, when asking the staff when we were expected, had found total denial of our imminent arrival.... They went back in, and we followed lustily into a great welcome! Busy pub, lots of laughter before we got there, lots of noise... but what a venue for us! Pulled the crowd in, performed at our very best, apart from the Doctor who muffed his lines a bit when confronted by some rather attractive dumplings just after uttering the line about paving roads, and great applause at the end. A triumph! And very generous again.... and more ale supped....
Then, finally, to what appears sometimes to be our spiritual home, The Railway in Hale. Rammed to the doors, the Enterer literally "making way" for the merry actors to come in... Why this place is so good is hard to fathom. Hardly anyone can hear or see us but they love it!! A great performance again, at full vocal throttle, and great response from the furthest corners of the pub. Then The Driver took over the fund-raising by singing, shall we say here, some risque songs to some darlings in the crowd... and raising we reckon here , some £60 extra for Multiple Sclerosis!! Terrific to see, terrific to hear (?!)and the end of a Wonderful Night. We find today that we raised an all-time nightly record collection (all for MS)of nearly £400... and enjoyed every minute of the night. Memories will last long.
One thought: King George, hero bold, champion of champions, struggles these days to be mobile (due to wearing armour too long I guess), but give him a Turkish Champion to fight and he is up there with the greats!
Onwards to today's Day Out... and do not miss the last thrilling instalment of The Play, Tonight, 2100 hrs, The Saracen's Head, Warburton. The Play, the chat, the fun, the laughter, the session, the songs.... Un-missable... and not on BBC i-player.