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Guitar Tuning options?

26 Jan 10 - 09:27 AM (#2821630)
Subject: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

I appreciate that there's a number of existing threads on guitar tuning, but none which explore what may be other possible arrangements.

Apart from standard & drop D, DADGAD seems the most popular variation.

Has anyone tried different ones?



26 Jan 10 - 09:39 AM (#2821641)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Hamish

And there's the Gulf States tuning: BAGDAD

Or the market gardeners': CABBAGE

Or the very loud one: FFFFFF

Or the "Pater, please do desist from these bad jokes" one: GAGDAD

26 Jan 10 - 09:52 AM (#2821650)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Stower

There's also Old McDonald tuning: EIEIO.

Lots of lots of guitar tuning threads on Mudcat, Mr Happy. Have you exhausted them all? If so, wow.

One of my favourite guitarists, Bruce Cockburn, employs some very unusual tunings, and you will find them on various websites if you're interested enough to search them out. They include (low to high) DACGCF and CGDEGC.

Sometimes he'll use the tuning EADGBE - now that *is* weird.

26 Jan 10 - 09:59 AM (#2821662)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy


Does your instrument have an 'O' & 'I' string?

How do the keys/ notes of 'O' & 'I'sound and where do the fit in the solfa scale?

26 Jan 10 - 10:01 AM (#2821663)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Richard Bridge

Open G.
Open E.
Open D (DADF#AD).
Jon Loomes uses an open C which might be CGCGCE but I think it has a narrow two-semitone jump in it somewhere so my version is probably wrong.
Nic Drake used to use an E-ish one that might have been EBEEBE but I think was slacker than that.
I used to use DADAAD for "Step it out Mary" but the G up to A was fragile!

Fahsands of 'em

26 Jan 10 - 10:02 AM (#2821664)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Stower

Mr Happy, you're right to ask. Old McDonald tuning. EIEIO. It's a pig to play.

26 Jan 10 - 10:04 AM (#2821666)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Stower

Jon Loomes uses the C tuning Martin Carthy devised, low to high CGCDGA. Is that the one you were thinking of, Richard?

26 Jan 10 - 10:06 AM (#2821668)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

.........also,the market gardeners': CABBAGE could only be accomplished using a 7 stringer!

26 Jan 10 - 10:07 AM (#2821669)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?

Lower tunings
From standard EADGBE, all the strings are down-tuned by the same degree of one semitone. Typically requires thicker gauge strings for two steps.
E♭/ D# tuning - E♭-A♭-D♭-G♭-B♭-E♭/ D#-G#-C#-F#-A#-D#
Half a step down from standard tuning.
D tuning - D-G-C-F-A-D
One full step down from standard tuning.
D♭/ C# tuning - D♭-G♭-B-E-A♭-D♭/ C#-F#-B-E-G#-C#
One and a half steps down.
C tuning - C-F-B♭-E♭-G-C / C-F-A#-D#-G-C
Two full steps down from normal tuning
B tuning - B-E-A-D-G♭-B / B-E-A-D-F#-B
Two and a half steps down from standard tuning.
B♭/ A# tuning - B♭-E♭-A♭-D♭-F-B♭/ A#-D#-G#-C#-E#-A#
Three full steps from standard tuning
A tuning - A-D-G-C-E-A
Three and a half steps down from standard tuning.
A♭/ G# tuning - A♭-D♭-G♭-B-E♭-A♭/ G#-C#-F#-B#-D#-G#
Four full steps down from standard tuning.
G tuning - G-C-F-B♭-D-G / G-C-F-A#-D-G
Four and a half steps down from standard tuning.
G♭/ F# tuning - G♭-B-E-A-D♭-G♭/ F#-B-E-A-C#-F#
Five full steps from standard tuning.
F tuning - F-B♭-E♭-A♭-C-F / F-A#-D#-G#-C-F
Five and one half steps down from standard tuning.
Octave Tuning - E-A-D-G-B-E
Six full steps (one octave) down from standard tuning. Essentially the same as standard tuning for a bass guitar.
Tunings as low as A tuning may be practiced on an unmodified instrument, although a baritone guitar is better-suited to avoid warping, as its neck and truss rod are designed for their tension. F and octave tuning are impractical for the standard guitar, since its scale is too short for a clear sound and unmodified tuners are not built to admit bass guitar gauge strings.
[edit]Higher tunings
From standard EADGBE, all the strings are tuned up by the same degree of one semitone. String tension will be higher. Typically requires thinner gauge strings, particularly the first string which could be as thin as six hundredths of an inch (about the thickness of a single human hair).
E high tuning -E-E-E-E-E-E
Strong E unison high string resonance(See E low tuning).
F tuning - F-B♭-E♭-A♭-C-F / F-C#-D#-G#-C-F
Half a step up from standard tuning.
G♭/ F# tuning - G♭-B-E-A-D♭-G♭/ F#-B-E-A-C#-F#
One full step up from standard.
G tuning also known as Terz tuning (sometimes spelled "Tierce", "Third", or "Tertz", all of which are acceptable) - G-C-F-B♭-D-G / G-C-F-A#-D-G
One and one half steps up from standard.
A♭/ G# tuning - A♭-D♭-G♭-B-E♭-A♭/ G#-C#-F#-B-D#-G#
Two full steps up from standard.
A tuning - A-D-G-C-E-A
Two and one half steps up from standard.
B♭/ A# tuning - B♭-E♭-A♭-D♭-F-B♭/ A#-D#-G#-C#-F-A#
Three full steps up from standard.
B tuning - B-E-A-D-G♭-B / B-E-A-D-F#-B
Three and one half steps up from standard.
[edit]Dropped tunings
These tunings have the 6th string tuned one full step below the other strings. Some of these may require a baritone guitar due to the extremely low notes. Others can be achieved using a capo and/or a partial capo.
Drop D - D-A-D-G-B-E
Standard tuning but with the 6th string dropped one full step.
Drop D♭/ Drop C# - D♭-A♭-D♭-G♭-B♭-E♭/ C#-G#-C#-F#-A#-D#
Same as Drop D, but every string is dropped one half step.
Drop C - C-G-C-F-A-D
One full step down from Drop D.
Drop B - B-G♭-B-E-A♭-D♭/ B-F#-B-E-G#-C#
One and one half steps down from Drop D.
Drop B♭/ Drop A# - B♭-F-B♭-E♭-G-C / A#-F-A#-D#-G-C
Two full steps down from Drop D.
Drop A - A-E-A-D-G♭-B / A-E-A-D-F#-B
Two and one half steps down from Drop D.
Drop A♭/ Drop G# - A♭-E♭-A♭-D♭-F-B♭/ G#-D#-G#-C#-F-A#
Three full steps down from Drop D.
Drop G - G-D-G-C-E-A
Three and one half steps down from Drop D.
Drop G♭/ Drop F# - G♭-D♭-G♭-B-E♭-A♭/ F#-C#-F#-B-D#-G#
Four full steps down from Drop D, or two full steps up from Drop D1.
Drop F - F-C-F-B♭-D-G / F-C-F-C#-D-G
Four and one half steps down from Drop D, or one and a half steps up from Drop D1.
Drop E - E-B-E-A-D♭-G♭/ E-B-E-A-C#-F#
Five full steps down from Drop D, or one full step up from Drop D1.
Drop E♭/ Drop D# - E♭-B♭-E♭-A♭-C-F / D#-A#-D#-G#-C-F
Five and one half steps down from Drop D, or one half step up from Drop D1.
Drop D1 Tuning - D-A-D-G-B-E
Six full steps (one octave) down from Drop D.
[edit]Double-dropped tunings
Similar to the dropped tunings, except that both the 1st and 6th strings are dropped one full step.
Drop D - D-A-D-G-B-D
Standard tuning but with the 1st and 6th string sdropped one full step.
Drop D♭/ Drop C# - D♭-A♭-D♭-G♭-B♭-D♭/ C#-G#-C#-F#-A#-C#
Same as Drop D, but every string is dropped one half step.
Drop C - C-G-C-F-A-C
One full step down from Drop D.
Drop B - B-G♭-B-E-A♭-B/ B-F#-B-E-G#-B
One and one half steps down from Drop D.
Drop B♭/ Drop A# - B♭-F-B♭-E♭-G-B♭ / A#-F-A#-D#-G-A#
Two full steps down from Drop D.
Drop A - A-E-A-D-G♭-A / A-E-A-D-F#-A
Two and one half steps down from Drop D.
Drop A♭/ Drop G# - A♭-E♭-A♭-D♭-F-A♭/ G#-D#-G#-C#-F-G#
Three full steps down from Drop D.
Drop G - G-D-G-C-E-G
Three and one half steps down from Drop D.
Drop G♭/ Drop F# - G♭-D♭-G♭-B-E♭-G♭/ F#-C#-F#-B-D#-F#
Four full steps down from Drop D, or two full steps up from Drop D1.
Drop F - F-C-F-B♭-D-F / F-C-F-C#-D-F
Four and one half steps down from Drop D, or one and a half steps up from Drop D1.
Drop E - E-B-E-A-D♭-E/ E-B-E-A-C#-E
Five full steps down from Drop D, or one full step up from Drop D1.
Drop E♭/ Drop D# - E♭-B♭-E♭-A♭-C-E♭ / D#-A#-D#-G#-C-D#
Five and one half steps down from Drop D, or one half step up from Drop D1.
Drop D1 Tuning - D-A-D-G-B-D
Six full steps (one octave) down from Drop D.

26 Jan 10 - 10:13 AM (#2821674)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy



Are these feasible?





26 Jan 10 - 10:25 AM (#2821685)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: The Sandman

dadgbd dgdgbd dgdgcd dgcgcd[the last two are adaptations of banjo Tunings] plus DGDGAD CGCGCE,dadgae

26 Jan 10 - 10:33 AM (#2821694)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Hamish

Ah, yes, I must have meant Bb in the six string CABbAGE tuning.

26 Jan 10 - 10:43 AM (#2821704)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

For philosophers ADDAGE?

26 Jan 10 - 10:49 AM (#2821709)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Computer experts, BABAGE?

26 Jan 10 - 10:56 AM (#2821711)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Hamish

For devoted smokers: ACEFAG

26 Jan 10 - 11:07 AM (#2821717)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Hamish

Shepherds: BAFACE

26 Jan 10 - 11:13 AM (#2821721)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Richard Bridge

Thank you Stower. Maybe the top two would be AE? Even a 13 down to A would be silly-floppy!

26 Jan 10 - 11:22 AM (#2821732)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Eating out, CAFFEE


New family member, ABABEE

26 Jan 10 - 11:39 AM (#2821743)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Graffiti, DEFACE

Groceries, BAGGED

Genius, EGGEDD

26 Jan 10 - 01:27 PM (#2821823)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Smokey.


26 Jan 10 - 01:36 PM (#2821830)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Stower

Richard, "Maybe the top two would be AE? Even a 13 down to A would be silly-floppy!"

Martin's tuning really is CGCDGA. It started out as DADEAE, then he dropped the top E to B, then dropped the whole thing a full tone. To compensate, he uses a set of heavy gauge strings but replaces the top A with a heavier gauge.

26 Jan 10 - 01:48 PM (#2821840)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Darowyn

FACEGACE is a well used 8 string steel guitar tuning,which I have used though I prefer EBC#EG#BC#E.
It is usual for slide and steel players to call the tuning after the open chord which they mostly represent, so the tuning above is E6.
Other possibilities are A6, G6, C#m7 and B13.
Slide guitar players tend to use straight major chord tunings, Open G, open E and open D for example. They are formed by tuning to exactly the same notes as you would find if you played the respective open position chords on a conventionally tuned guitar (with a dropped D in the open D version)
12 String Pedal Steel players mostly use a tuning that is called E13, which is a tuning that includes both the 6th and the 7th, and which, to refer to another thread, is often a re-entrant tuning too.
One word of warning- playing around with some of these can end up being expensive.
First you'll keep breaking strings.
Then you'll start buying special sets of strings in optimised guages for the different tunings.
Then you'll get fed up with retuning and buy a different guitar for each one.
Then you'll have to employ a guitar tech to keep them all in good order.
It's a slippery slope!

27 Jan 10 - 07:34 AM (#2822426)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Infant language, GAGAGA

27 Jan 10 - 08:41 AM (#2822470)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mavis Enderby

Or a slightly older infant, hassling father: DADDAD

Seriously, this a a rather nice tuning for slide


27 Jan 10 - 09:54 AM (#2822537)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Burton Coggles

Yes, nice tuning, know what it is?


For Beatles or Thunderbirds fans, FABFAB

A rotter, BADCAD

Taxi driver, CABBEE

27 Jan 10 - 10:13 AM (#2822565)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mavis Enderby


27 Jan 10 - 10:43 AM (#2822587)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: GUEST,matt milton

I can't stand wholesale guitar retunings. Far too much of a pain.

I use drop D sometimes. I have a song where I drop down to C.

I have a Stones cover where I detune the B string down to B flat. That's about it, I think. More than 1 string? Can't be arsed.

27 Jan 10 - 10:49 AM (#2822593)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

That's the reason some players use multi-necked instruments

Some examples here

27 Jan 10 - 10:51 AM (#2822594)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Sorry, here:

27 Jan 10 - 11:06 AM (#2822602)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Folkiedave

You might also take a look here at Mike Lydiat's website with all sorts of stuff on it including the whole of O'Carolan's material for guitar.

For some excellent guitar playing take a look at the You tube videos.

27 Jan 10 - 11:14 AM (#2822612)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Lady of the night, FEEFEE

I rest my case, BAGAGE

Drug addict, BAGGEE

Stayin' alive, BEEGEE

27 Jan 10 - 11:38 AM (#2822629)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy


Yorkshire, EEEEEE


Ian Botham, BEEFEE

Begging, CADGED

Panicked, FAFFED

27 Jan 10 - 11:54 AM (#2822646)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mavis Enderby

Bluebottle (Goons): DEADED

27 Jan 10 - 02:26 PM (#2822757)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Tim Leaning

Yes I think tuning the guitar is a good idea.

27 Jan 10 - 02:44 PM (#2822772)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

LOL! Tee-hee!

Migraine, BAD'EAD

28 Jan 10 - 10:38 AM (#2823516)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Melodeon, DEEGEE

Button accordeon, BEECEE or CEECEE#

29 Jan 10 - 10:16 AM (#2824530)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: GUEST,bankley

check out the Spider Capo... I have 2.. they take partial capo-ing to another level... you can block whatever string you want and leave the rest open... I have something new based on having one capo at the 1st fret with the E and B raised to F and C, then the other capo at the 7th fret with the D and G blocked giving A and D octaves... so the tuning would be F A A(oct) D(oct) C E... the cool thing is the guitar stays in standard tuning and I play on both sides of the 7th fret capo..
anyhow, there are hundreds of variations... a couple of players from Woodstock NY are selling them...

29 Jan 10 - 11:59 AM (#2824623)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: GUEST,Mike Lydiat

What a coincidence - Jan 27th is my birthday. Thanks for the publicity - the Carolan Project was a labour of love for about 2 years of my life. There are some unplayed little gems among the 213 arrangements I made.

29 Jan 10 - 06:25 PM (#2825005)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: The Fooles Troupe

I thought there were only 2 options - to tune, or not to tune....

I'll get me hat...

29 Jan 10 - 07:02 PM (#2825047)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Smokey.

Has anyone else tried Shubb's partial capos ? Money well spent, I thought. Not a substitute for open tuning but the result is an interesting hybrid of open and straight. They'll also work in conjunction with an ordinary full capo.

30 Jan 10 - 01:49 PM (#2825677)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mavis Enderby

More of a banjo tuning, but helpful for those who need a good night's sleep:


31 Jan 10 - 08:11 AM (#2826297)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy


22 Feb 10 - 10:21 AM (#2846624)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy


22 Feb 10 - 10:30 AM (#2846631)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: melodeonboy

Or the parent who's always out and about: GADDAD

22 Feb 10 - 10:32 AM (#2846632)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Dave the Gnome

Hippy - BEADED?

22 Feb 10 - 04:54 PM (#2847022)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: PoppaGator

Well, there certainly are many legitimate tunings you can use, plus many more joke/anagram tunings.

No one seems to have mentioned the two most basic tunings for American folk/blues guitar, both of which can be achieved in either of two different keys. So, let's review:

"Spanish": from standard tuning, you can either tune the D/G/B strings UP to open A, or the (low)E/A/(high)E strings DOWN to open G.

"Vastapol: again starting from standard tuning, the alternatives are stretching the A/D/G strings UP to open E or loosening the G/B/(high)E DOWN to open D.

Electric blues players tend to favor open E and open A, probably because their extra-light strings and heavy-duty instrument bodies can stand the strain (and also, probabaly, because when they play in bands with guitars and basses in standard tuning, E and A are "better" keys for playing blues).

Acoustic players are more likely to tune down to open-D VAstapol and open-G Spanish.


On the subject of partial-capoing: I've become "partial" (pun intended) to capoing the five top strings at the second fret to simulate dropped-D tuning (playing in E, actually). This allows me to use standard chord shapes including the bottom string whenever the bottom string is fretted at the 4th fret or above. I don't hve the time or energy to explain from the get-go, but those who understand the logic behind the partial capo will know what I've talking about.

23 Feb 10 - 05:52 AM (#2847419)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: The Sandman

Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Good Soldier Schweik - PM
Date: 26 Jan 10 - 10:25 AM

dadgbd dgdgbd dgdgcd dgcgcd[the last two are adaptations of banjo Tunings] plus DGDGAD CGCGCE,dadgae
spanish dgdgbd is mentioned there

23 Feb 10 - 05:56 AM (#2847422)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Gossip, BADGAB

23 Feb 10 - 10:50 AM (#2847660)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: PoppaGator

GSS: I suppose I missed a few things scanning through the above, especially some of the longer lists of tunings.

One aspect of my post of yesterday to this duscussion that I perhaps didn't emphasize was that both Vastapol and Spanish come in two "versions": open-D and open-E "Vastapol" are essentially identical in terms of playing (fingering, chord shapes, etc.) while differing in pitch. And of course, same for open-A and open-G "Spanish."

23 Feb 10 - 10:53 AM (#2847661)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Dave MacKenzie

I play acoustic and tune up to open E and A. It gives a brighter sound, more likely to be in the same key as evrybody else, and my Hohner resonator is pretty robust.

23 Feb 10 - 10:53 AM (#2847662)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

Spilt the beans, GABBED

23 Feb 10 - 10:57 AM (#2847667)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Dave MacKenzie

I thought you started your set in FAFFED and finished in GAFFED, John.

02 Jan 13 - 04:03 PM (#3460524)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: GUEST,Mavis Enderby

Popular in Sweden: AbBAAbBA

Unpleasant burger: GAGbEEF

Last resting place: DEADbED

02 Jan 13 - 04:36 PM (#3460537)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

There really aren't that many guitar tuning options. You can use your fingers, a crank style manual string-winder, or one of those string-winder thingies that goes on a power drill. Occasionally, if one of the tuners is really screwed up, you may need to use a pair of Vise Grips, but that should only be a short-term option until you can get the tuner replaced. Using your teeth is not recommended under any circumstances.

02 Jan 13 - 08:28 PM (#3460621)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: ripov

So its not actually tuning the guitar that takes forever, it's deciding what notes to tune it to?

03 Jan 13 - 07:55 AM (#3460765)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: The Sandman

i have been using a partial capo recently, i recommend them.

04 Jan 13 - 05:24 AM (#3461145)
Subject: RE: Guitar Tuning options?
From: Mr Happy

For sea shantys: ABAFED