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BS: What's with my cat???

23 Feb 10 - 10:57 PM (#2848352)
Subject: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Bobert

Okay, here's the deal:

4 cats:

1. Emma: Female, very skitish and borderline neurotic
2. Teeter: Smart, male, secure, top cat in the house
3. Kendall: Outdoors, territorial, beat up Emma every chancge he gets
4. Smokey: The baby (2 years) sweet... Gets along with everyone


This morning Smokey began sceamin' at everyone else... Didn't matter who... Fine with us... Still sweet... He has never screamed at any of the other cats until today...

So Catters... What's up???


23 Feb 10 - 11:13 PM (#2848358)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Janie


23 Feb 10 - 11:19 PM (#2848365)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: katlaughing

Good guess, Janie. I was going to ask if they are all spayed or neutered? Cabin fever? Or, maybe just feeling his oats and thinking of moving up to top cat? Got up on the wrong side of the mouse pad?:-)

23 Feb 10 - 11:21 PM (#2848366)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: CarolC

I suspect alien abduction. That would make anyone cranky.

23 Feb 10 - 11:58 PM (#2848381)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Genie

You have a cat named Kendall!!? What are you, Bobert? A glutton for punishment? A real nautical feline traditionalist?

As fer the baby, what else is new? Isn't that what adolescents always do onc't they gets ta thet certain age?

24 Feb 10 - 01:30 AM (#2848406)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Ebbie

Two years of age is hardly a teener cat. If he's not 'fixed', my guess, along with katlaughing is that he is making his move.

If he is fixed, maybe he's just tired of being nice? And getting no respect from the other cats?

24 Feb 10 - 02:43 AM (#2848419)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: VirginiaTam

I've known even fixed male cats to go off like that. Vet put tem on valium. No lie.

24 Feb 10 - 03:48 AM (#2848439)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Gurney

When our old cat went deaf, he started shouting, louder than a siamese. He had a stroke later on, and then he started shouting at the wind, or nothing that we could see, anyway.

Your balanced cat is called Teeter?

24 Feb 10 - 07:38 AM (#2848577)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Bobert

Yes, he is fixed... at 6 months... Never has been anything bu docile and sweet???

And yes, our Kendall was named for *our* Kendall...

24 Feb 10 - 08:39 AM (#2848625)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???

Any chance there is a strange cat in the neighborhood, bobert? That can sometimes set off a day or two of resettling the pecking order.

Consider yourself lucky. For no apparent reason, Freddie the Cat climbed on my pillow last night and peed on me. It never happened before. It better not happen again.
Maybe he is not feeling well - a urinary infection. Maybe he is just jealous of all the attention Seamus is getting. Whatever - I was not amused.

24 Feb 10 - 08:45 AM (#2848631)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: GUEST, topsie

When my cat started piddling in my shoes I wasn't very nice to him, but felt guilty later when it turned out he had been trying to tell me he wasn't well.

24 Feb 10 - 09:00 AM (#2848643)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Becca72

Is he just hollerin' or is he picking fights?
Maybe he's just in a bad mood...happens to the best of us.

24 Feb 10 - 09:09 AM (#2848657)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Wilby The Unpredictable was neutered too. A few months later he turned into The Cat from Pussy HELL!   

The vet took one look at him and said "Ah, yes, this sometimes happens until the hormones settle down", as he filled him full of Girly Hormones.

For the next two months, Wilby drooled over dress and lipstick! He gave up his "MiaOW! for "Hey, chick, I lurrrrrrve your high heels!" and was The Cat from Pussy Heaven for a while.

But...little by little, his dress sense gave way to beer, cigarettes and rock'n'roll!

We learnt to live with our new Meatloaf cat..and accepted that if we needed to groom him, we had to pay out £45 to have him knocked out by the vet, who of course, loved this playful little DeathKitty to death.

These days he's mellowed a little, licks, rubs and chews at your nose, lulling you into a false sense of "Ohhhhhhh, pussy, you DO love me after all!" before he Whops you round the chops!

Ah, the pleasures of pussies, eh? :0)

24 Feb 10 - 09:46 AM (#2848686)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: GUEST,leeneia

Here are two possibiities among many:

Is SMokey a neutered male? They get into trouble involving kidneys and urine. I forget the details, but they get blockage and cannot urinate. Result: screams of pain.

But perhaps being confined by all the snow at your place has increased tensions among the cats. Cats are meant to live solitary lives (apart from mothers with their kittens).

A friend of mine had a handful of cats. One of them, Canyon, was licking himself constantly, until his belly sported a tw-inch wide strip of nude, pink flesh. Diagnosis: too much stress from being around too many other cats. So they got him a kitty-sized collar (for the electric fence) and let him roam outside. That stoppped the licking.

24 Feb 10 - 12:38 PM (#2848868)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Bert

Well Leeneia beat me to it. If he is on dry food, it may help to switch to canned.

It could also be that he is getting upset about something in his environment. Our neutered male cat 'floppy cat' is very fastidious and complains bitterly if his litter box is not cleaned every day.

24 Feb 10 - 12:57 PM (#2848885)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Becca72

If he truly has a problem of blockages simply putting him on canned food may not solve the problem. If a urinary blockage is even suspected the cat needs to see a vet ASAP. One of my cats has been on prescription dry food for over 2 years to combat this problem. The special food works a dream.

24 Feb 10 - 01:28 PM (#2848927)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Bert

Good point Becca.

24 Feb 10 - 02:39 PM (#2849012)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???

Gosh. Even I didn't have the nerve to name my cat Kendall or even Captain.
How's the kitty, bobert?

24 Feb 10 - 06:51 PM (#2849295)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Little Hawk

Get hold of all the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comics you can...YES, they are still available! Read them. Pay particular attention to all the episodes involving Fat Freddie's Cat. You will soon know pretty much everything you need to know about the whys and wherefores of feline behaviour....and unemployed, dope-addled hippies too.

This is valuable stuff to know about, trust me. Reading those comics faithfully got me directly to where I am today. ;-D

24 Feb 10 - 08:01 PM (#2849363)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Bobert

Thanks all but when we got home today, after being gone since yesterday morning, we found everyone back to normal???

Danged if I know what got into him but he's fine now???


24 Feb 10 - 08:05 PM (#2849368)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: katlaughing

Maybe he was planning a party knowing you were going to be gone and he vocalised his concern that you might not leave in time. I'll bet they had a blast with all of their friends over; broke out the catnip, turned on some tunes, leaped over "tall" tables, and generally caroused. Did you find any broken glasses or dead mice that looked as though they'd been made into a pin cushion or were run over by a steam roller? Party-Time, mom and dad are gone!

24 Feb 10 - 10:07 PM (#2849447)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???

Well, my Freddie made his problem clear. First he begged to go out and then jumped into my computer chair when I got up to let him out. When I settled in another chair he jumped on me and then horror of horrors he took over Seamus' couch. Poor puppy was beside himself. So Freddie has been alternating between booby hugs, the couch and my chairs. He wants attention.
I begged him not to pee on me tonight. We'll see.

24 Feb 10 - 10:23 PM (#2849466)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: katlaughing

Sounds like separation anxiety to me, Sins...that and wondering if the dawg is taking over your affection.*bg*

Having a cat actually pee on me would really tax my patience. I think they'd probably sleep in the bathroom a couple of nights and I am famous for indulging my cats.

25 Feb 10 - 09:13 AM (#2849752)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Becca72

Poor Freddie. He'll be so glad to get rid of that big yellow beast... :-)

25 Feb 10 - 11:45 AM (#2849894)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Little Hawk

Try doing what Tom Sawyer did with the cat (the famous "pain-killer" incident)...

25 Feb 10 - 05:29 PM (#2850241)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???

Actually I caused the problem on Sunday. It was after 10PM and I was watching a BBC special. Freddie wanted to go out and I figured he'd back in plenty of time for bed. Then I forgot about him. Poor baby was locked out all night in the cold. Now he has his warm kitty places and sometimes prefers to stay out all night. But that was not his plan and on Monday morning he was not amused.
Pissed off, apparently. LOL
All is well now. I have been fussing with him.

25 Feb 10 - 05:45 PM (#2850258)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Bobert

Second day back and not a single episode... Tell, ya'll what... It was purdy frightening... He even scared the crud outta the other 3 cats... They were lookin' at the poor little feller and thinkin', "Man, he has flipped out..."

Just glad to have him back to his sweet self...


25 Feb 10 - 06:47 PM (#2850296)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: katlaughing

Well that explains THAT, Sins, naughty mummy!**bg**

Bobert, maybe he indulged in some "special" brownies (without chocolate of course:-)?

25 Feb 10 - 07:22 PM (#2850318)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: Bobert

Ya' think, kat???

Better check my stash...


26 Feb 10 - 07:43 AM (#2850674)
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
From: GUEST, topsie

But wouldn't that have made him MORE mellow, not less?