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BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks

03 Mar 10 - 02:54 PM (#2855204)
Subject: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

About five days ago, I started getting panic attacks about once ever one to two hours, day and night. I was in an accident about 20 years ago, and was like this for a few months after, which tapered off into mild anxiety and shakes from stress, which I've adjusted to over the years.

Now, they are back, full blown, with all the bells and whistles, and I don't know what to do.

I'm at home, caring for two active youngsters, and we've moved far away from the community, and the caregivers, who went through this with me the first time, and I haven't a clue as to how to find a doctor/therapist who can help me through this.

I've made some calls to medical professionals that we've used in the past, and they've backed away fast. "I can't give you a referral, but if you look on the internet, I'm sure you'll find someone" was a typical response.

I finally found someone who'd see me in May, but I've got to get a handle on this sooner, not later.

Any ideas about how to find someone who can work me through this?

And yes, it seems to be stress triggered--we've had series of crises in the extended family that are still in progress, with no sign of letting up. My spouse's response is, "Just take care of yourself", which is not my idea of help--

03 Mar 10 - 02:58 PM (#2855207)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Rapparee

Sounds like PTSD to me. Check the mental health services in your area. The public health department shouold be able to give you some tips. (No, you're not nuts and yes, it is all too real. Kick your spouse in the butt.)

03 Mar 10 - 03:16 PM (#2855223)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

This isn't a problem public health deals with very well. As to the PTSD, my central nervous system is damaged, so when the the adrenalin starts pumping, it shorts out, and to make matters worse, the thing that regulates the adrenalin(among other things) keeps shooting it out. Call it what you like.

03 Mar 10 - 03:27 PM (#2855232)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks

Start with your GP (family doctor).

03 Mar 10 - 03:28 PM (#2855233)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,mg

It can be very related to sugar metabolism..which under stress is totally screwed up anyway.

Treat yourself for hypoglycemia. Don't be afraid of protein or fat..fat is what will stabilize things. A nice cheeseburger if you are not vegetarian..if you are it will be more difficult..macademia nuts are good though. Keep eating every few hours. never eat carbs, like fruit, alone. No starchy snacks like chips or cookies. If you are hungry or if it has been a few hours since you more than 3 or 4...have a mini-meal with protein, fat, whole grains if you are not carb sensitive and green vegetables..a nice salad with lots of meat and cheese would be good. Caffeine will probably make it worse.

What happens is that your body senses that your blood sugar is dropping and it dumps adrenaline into the system. If you are under stess already, and especially since your adrenaline system is not OK, it becomes very hard to manage. Chamomile tea, cheeseburgers, lots of salads..bacon mid-morning stabilizes me better than anything else. Some people need red meat. On Fridays when I try not to eat meat, I am in bad metabolic shape..eggs, fish etc. does not do it for me...

Good luck..this is as much biological as psychological..treat one the other will get better..look at ways to lessen cortisol..walking barefoot in grass is supposed to reduce it by 50%..other stuff on internet. mg

03 Mar 10 - 03:40 PM (#2855245)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks

Where are you located, Nellie? Maybe someone here can recommend a doctor or therapist in your area.

03 Mar 10 - 03:56 PM (#2855262)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Bill D

There are drugs to counter such things...(various tranquilizers)...but those often make you sleepy or disoriented, and with kids to supervise, that would be a problem.
I would think that help with the kids might be one step, but that might not be an easy option. Is spouse working? Is it 'any' easier in the evening?

Someone with power to do something needs to know that May is too far off.

03 Mar 10 - 04:19 PM (#2855279)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Alice

Nellie, send me a PM (personal message) if you would like to.

03 Mar 10 - 04:19 PM (#2855280)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: catspaw49

Let me repeat what Sinsull said....Start with your GP and go from there. Be sure they are aware of how serious you feel this to be.


03 Mar 10 - 04:32 PM (#2855295)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

No question that bad diet makes it worse, and so I've learned to be very careful about food over the years. MSG is a particular danger(though mg is great;-)) Caffeine actually helps, though super market brands often have preservatives and msg, so I am very wary.

Tea is a great help, and vegetarian broth from a natural food store, but no supermarket brands, because of the chemicals.

Our Dr. retired recently, and we never clicked with any of the referrals--

My best therapy was cuddling our old cat--but she died over Christmas.
Spouse is stressed from work and family issues (where are on different pages), and travels a lot.

Drugs, which I have done in the past, just make the doctor feel better. You're right about "someone with power", though, and I'll make a call.

Meanwhile, I heard someone say "New Jersey" on NPR, and I've been doing cleansing breaths ever since. So it's not merely physical...

03 Mar 10 - 04:33 PM (#2855296)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Lox

Would you mind describing what happens duriing the course of a panic attack?

How does it all begin and how does it develop etc


I am not attempting any kind of online diagnosis, I am curious to learn from your experiences and compare them to my own.

Hopefully describing it will also be a helpful process for you.

All the best!

03 Mar 10 - 04:35 PM (#2855298)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Emma B

But - go to your doctor - please

03 Mar 10 - 04:40 PM (#2855305)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks

You have two children. Call their pediatrician, explain the seriousness of your situation and ask for an emergency referral. Anecdotal information from Mudcatters does not address your specific problem. See a doctor ASAP.

03 Mar 10 - 04:46 PM (#2855308)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: catspaw49

If not that, go to the Emergency Room. They are equipped to handle such cases and find local help you need.


03 Mar 10 - 04:51 PM (#2855312)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Bert

As well as what everyone else has said.

Try, walking, cycling, singing and/or Dancing. Get out in the Sunshine as much as you can.

03 Mar 10 - 05:36 PM (#2855334)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie


OK, folks, get a grip--Panic Attacks are not life threatening--no need for an ER visit, in fact, it is a very bad idea.

Health care professionals are scared to death of people who are exhibiting panic/anxiety symptoms, and tend to use extreme measures. Law enforcement sometimes get involved, and someone who could be calmed down with a few gentle words, a cup of tea, and a comfy chair in a quiet corner is confronted and starts waving their arms and screaming. And then it's time for deadly force. If you think I'm kidding, check the paper sometime.

I've been through this before, they are self-limiting--they pass over in 10-30 minutes, and you're on your way, somewhat the worse for wear.

My original question was, "anyone have any ideas on how to find someone to help me work through this?", and I'll add, someone compentent and sane, and who takes health insurance.

03 Mar 10 - 05:37 PM (#2855336)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Janie


I'm a psychotherapist and with information about your location, may be able to help you find appropriate services and treatment through my networks.

Send a pm if you want me to see if I can be of help with this.


03 Mar 10 - 05:43 PM (#2855342)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Emma B

'Health care professionals are scared to death of people who are exhibiting panic/anxiety symptoms'

Well that's not the experience I've seen in the UK where a referral to a caring Psychologist who could offer a range of treatment including relaxation therapy etc is the likely outcome.

03 Mar 10 - 05:56 PM (#2855352)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: PoppaGator

"Meanwhile, I heard someone say "New Jersey" on NPR, and I've been doing cleansing breaths ever since. So it's not merely physical... "

Not to trivialize or pry, but I'm just very curious about your reaction. Did your accident of 20 years ago occur in NJ? (That's where I was born and raised, but no longer reside.)

I sympathize with your apprehension about the emergency room. The folks working there SHOULD react appropriately to your predicament, but people do not always behave as they should, and if they were to overreact, things could become very uncomfortable ~ and counterproductive ~ for you.

I hope you've already PM'ed Janie; she ought to be able to put you in touch with a fellow professional.

Also, I'm very glad for you that you have health insurance coverage. Many of us don't, especially those who've already shown evidence of "pre-existing" emotional/psychological troubles.

03 Mar 10 - 06:00 PM (#2855355)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Maryrrf

You mentioned that cuddling the cat had helped. Animals are wonderful stress busters. Is there any possibility of getting another cat, or dog?

03 Mar 10 - 06:01 PM (#2855357)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

A psychologist might help, but I am more concerned in task oriented stuff. By that I mean, learning to work around the symptoms while doing chores and errands and such things. The fact is, I am one of the walking wounded, and I have responsibilities, regardless of anything that is going on inside.

03 Mar 10 - 06:05 PM (#2855363)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Sorcha

Valium. Ativan. Shrink.

03 Mar 10 - 06:06 PM (#2855364)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Emma B

Well Nellie you haven't described what form your panic attacks take but when one of the 'walking wounded' collapses into a foetal position for an indertirminate period of time ' learning to work around the symptoms while doing chores and errands and such things' is not really an option.

03 Mar 10 - 06:09 PM (#2855368)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

There will be another cat, but not today. As for New Jersey, I was very surprised by that. None of the current stresses have anything to do with it.

03 Mar 10 - 06:41 PM (#2855402)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: CarolC

I have a history of experiencing the exact same thing, including the cycle you get in where the adrenalin thingie gets stuck in high gear. If you can't get good support from a good mental health professional, I recommend acupuncture. (Actually, I recommend both, if you can get them.)

03 Mar 10 - 06:46 PM (#2855407)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: katlaughing

I just went through this starting back in October, for the first, and I hope, last time in my life. There was NO working around the symptoms and it was diagnosed as being a result of PTSD. It took a caring and sharp-eyed physician to show that the panic/anxiety were related to depression. We treated it with meds, then I got started with a psychologist. I still take xanax at night and will be done with the zoloft in another two weeks. In the meantime, I am going to biofeedback sessions at his office, which focus on optimum rate of breathing per minute for my system to keep the sympathetic nervous system quiet and happy and I continue to see him, too.

Insurance is GOOD, but keep in mind that until July, insurance companies can get away with only paying half of mental health bills. In July, a new bill which was passed will require them to pay mental health the same as they do any other ailment, so it should just be deductible and copay.

Also, you may need to try different therapists. The first one I went to was really nice, sympathetic, encouraging but lacked concrete suggestions "homework" if you will which would show me a way out. The second one is very much into treating the whole person AND definitely gives stuff to do at home. He also prefers not to use meds if possible.

Good luck and if you want to PM me feel free.


03 Mar 10 - 07:25 PM (#2855433)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Jack Campin

A friend of mine is a doctor who often acts as a medical escort (accompanying seriously ill people being flown home after falling ill abroad). He sees a LOT of panic attacks and always carries a special piece of equipment for dealing with them.

It's a brown paper bag. He gets the patient to clamop it over their face and breathe in and out of it. This raises the CO2 level in the bloodstream and usually stops the attack in a couple of minutes.

I had a cluster of panic attacks many years ago (probably induced by medication). Wish I'd known about that trick.

03 Mar 10 - 07:50 PM (#2855457)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Amos

HEll, Nellie, half the folks in Manhattan have that reaction to those words.

I cannot help with referrals; my instincts are to try the brown paper bag, and self-locational exercises like touching things or pushing against something heavy like a wall, to keep you anchored in the present while the period of reaction passes. I wish you the very best of luck finding someone in your area.


03 Mar 10 - 07:58 PM (#2855462)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

The brown paper bag works. A friend of mine used it when she was going through similar attacks. She also did 'birth breathing' too, focussed on the breathing, not on the panic, and it slowed her right down, taught her that SHE had the control button, NOT the attacks.

Here, Nellie, lock yourself away from the little 'uns for a few minutes if you can, put your headphones on and listen to this..

To soothe....

03 Mar 10 - 08:19 PM (#2855473)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: olddude

One of my kids has it , a very bad case. There is great meds for it and it doesn't wack you or change your mood or thinking, it just makes them go away ... awesome meds. Start with your family doc. These are very common in many folks and is just a chemical issue ... easily fixed ok .. trust me been through it with my daughter since she was 11 and she is 33 now

03 Mar 10 - 08:34 PM (#2855481)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

Keep posting! I appreciate every word. In spite of what I might say, I am thinking about everything. I am just about ten steps ahead of myself. Racing thoughts are part of this, so I'm not saying all that I'm thinking.

03 Mar 10 - 08:36 PM (#2855485)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Emma B

Some of the more severe panic attacks are the direct result of Post Traumatic Stress

Anyone can have an experience that is overwhelming, frightening, and beyond our control.
We could find ourselves in a car crash, the victim of a violent assault etc

Most people, in time, get over experiences like this without needing help. For some people though, the severity of the traumatic experience can set off a reaction that can last for many months or years.

Quite apparently ordinary things can trigger off flashbacks.
For instance, if you had a car crash in the rain, a rainy day might start a flashback.

The more disturbing the experience, the more likely you are to develop PTSD

Just as there are both physical and psychological aspects to PTSD, so there are both physical and psychological treatments for it.

Don't rule out medication...
antidepressant tablets will reduce the strength of PTSD symptoms

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
may involve some relaxation work to help you tolerate the discomfort of thinking about the traumatic events

Body-focussed Therapies
can include complementary therapies such as massage, acupuncture, reflexology, yoga, meditation and tai chi.
They all help you to develop ways of relaxing and managing stress

but remember 'complementary therapies' are complementary

03 Mar 10 - 08:36 PM (#2855486)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Alice

Nellie, PM to me. - Alice

03 Mar 10 - 08:40 PM (#2855489)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Bobert

Yo, nervous...

Back a long time ago I suffered from panic attacks... It got so bad that I could not leave the house... So, two things I will tell you may be helpful:

1. The most important thing for you to understand is this: it will pass!!! Yes, I know you can't believe that but it's true...

2. The medical model ain't all it's cracked up to be... Good physical exercise (daily) can be better than the pills... Was for me...

Hang in there, exercise and trust that it will pass...


03 Mar 10 - 09:38 PM (#2855506)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: open mike

The bag technique was what I was going to recommend, as well.
You can also visualize a candle, you can use your finger to
represent it, and blow gently towards it, not to blow out the
flame, or the imaginary flame, but to direct a stream of air
towards it for as long as possible. this controlled breathing
can help focus your attention away from the panic feelings.

I have friends and family members and other fire survivors
who have had great results with this: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)(tapping)

I have also experienced positive results with Rapid Eye Movement
therapy. This is often used for post-traumatic Stress Disorder.

also you might simply go outside and close your eyes, visualize your "happy place" or peaceful place, a waterfall, some natural place, and when you open your eyes find something that reminds you of this place in your everyday view. then remember the peaceful feeling when you see it.

good luck, and thanks for sharing this with the mudcats.
know that we are hoping the best for you.

04 Mar 10 - 01:25 AM (#2855572)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: catspaw49

I want all of you to get ready at your keyboards and commence posting about what a cold and heartless piece of shit of a non human being Spaw is for ever having such terrible thoughts let alone posting them in the face of such a plea for help from someone in trouble. How can I be so cruel, etc., ad infinitum............But, uh...........Well, I also get the feeling, and its one I have a great deal of confidence in, that I am not alone in my thinking regarding what I am about to say. So drag me over the coals and through the gates of hell.........Thanks for listening though. My apologies for being the scumbag bastard that I am.

I'll likely post later......or not.


04 Mar 10 - 02:19 AM (#2855584)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Liz the Squeak

Hey Spaw - sometimes the verbal 'slap in the face' is what is required!

I can only recommend what worked for me. Everyone is different, everyone will have a different symptom, a different attitude, a different way of dealing. You pays your money and takes your choice.

Breathing excercises - I'm a singer so I found singing a particularly difficult phrase under my breath gave me some sort of control over it. If I made it all through the phrase (mine was 'I know that my redeemer liveth' from Handel's 'Messiah' but anything will do) without running out of breath, I was taking control back.

Hypnotherapy - back to picturing the 'happy place' as noted above, but it has a calming and for me, soporific effect because that is how my hypnotherapist "programmed" it. It has reduced my night time panics and enabled me to get more and better sleep, for which I am eternally grateful.

If you start to get chest pain that doesn't ease after 5-10 minutes, or starts to spread down your left arm or across your neck and head, then get to an ER ASAP!! Panic attacks may be sneered at by some doctors, but if you have an underlying health problem, they can make it worse. Get taken to an ER often enough and sooner or later, someone actually takes notice.

Good luck, you know the 'Cat is always here should you need to rant.


04 Mar 10 - 02:25 AM (#2855587)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: katlaughing

I've re-read and re-read your postings, Spaw, and I can't find a scumbag among them. But then again, you are the Evil Twin of us.*bg*

04 Mar 10 - 02:41 AM (#2855596)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Nellie, adopt Spaw.
Shrink him. Keep in your pocket, 24/7. If any bad feelings start, take him out and let him talk to you, in his own special way, and soon, you'll be gasping for breath because of laughter, not panic. ;0)

04 Mar 10 - 02:48 AM (#2855597)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: VirginiaTam

hhmmmm adrenaline... do you happen to have dull ache at about where your kidneys lie before or after attacks? if so, get a check for adrenal dysfunction.

best line of defence is to recognise what it is, and start doing relaxation things to combat before it becomes full blown.

remember much as you want to fix things for others, you are not responsible for anyone but yourself and your little ones. for their sake if not your own, distance yourself from the source of agitation.

i have been where you are, extended family falling apart, i had moved away from support networks with my small children. quite often i was frantic. learned i had to calm myself for my kids. usually distracted myself, by settling into play with them. on the floor with their toys or books or dress up clothes.

keep coming on to this thread and reporting if it helps. take comfort from those here keeping you in good thoughts.

04 Mar 10 - 02:52 AM (#2855600)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Bert

That's a good one Lizzie. Nellie could click on catspaw49 at the beginning of his post and read EVERYTHING that he has ever posted.

By the time ya get halfway through the attack should be long gone.

04 Mar 10 - 02:53 AM (#2855602)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: catspaw49

Actually Lizzie, in this case I kinda' doubt it.

Basically folks, I think we're being had. Nellie may well be a bored member or one of our regular trolls with a wind-up that this place will always bite on......."Need help!" Like the Mom with Munchausen by Proxy who gives some illness to her child to garner attention, This person has created Nellie with her mental illness (which we will almost always bite on) to garner attention for themselves. Karen had the perfect phrase for it.......Munchausen by Internet

Why come to a site like this if you're really in that much trouble? Like I said, call me a bastard but there ya' go!


04 Mar 10 - 02:56 AM (#2855604)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: catspaw49

btw.....I of course could be wrong as I said above, but I just kinda' had to throw this out there..........


04 Mar 10 - 03:01 AM (#2855605)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: CarolC

I think most of us are aware of that possibility. But I remember the time a real person with a real need started a thread like this one, and was attacked as being a troll. It's no skin off my nose if a troll starts a thread like this one and I respond to it. But if someone really needs help and they get treated badly because people need to beat up on those they think could possibly be a troll, that is just sad.

04 Mar 10 - 05:57 AM (#2855680)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: catspaw49

Nobody doin' that here Carol 'cept me to I said, it was just a comment.


04 Mar 10 - 06:13 AM (#2855685)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Well, Spaw, I have to agree with you, I have my doubts too.

I acutally typed one of the usual long diatribes, because someone very close to me suffered from these a while back, but then I read some of Nellie's posts again, particlarly the one where she told folks to calm down as it wasn't life-threatening, then got kinda shirty with folks for not answering the question she actually asked.

So I wrote the very simplified version.

I'm glad a few people may have learnt about the brown paper bag bit though, as that really does work.

I know, with my friend, that she felt it was actually life-threatening and would have been in no way able to be light-hearted on a messageboard, during the times she was suffering from these attacks, because she felt as if her whole world was crumbling around her.

Still, at least I managed to find that Deva Premal chant, which I've been meaning to do for ages.

If Nellie is for real, then I wish her every success in finding a way through it all.

If she ain't, then trust me, it's not good to make fun of people who do actually suffer such attacks, because they are bloody scary to the person suffering from them.

The New Jersey comment was weird too. ????

I'm off to listen to Deva again now and hang the washing out in the sunshine....

Get well soon, Nellie, if you genuine.

04 Mar 10 - 08:30 AM (#2855771)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks

I have to admit I am perplexed at the comments about medical professionals who recommend the internet for advice, " are scared to death of people who are exhibiting panic/anxiety symptoms", and involve the police. True panic attacks can be life-threatening. When I had them, my GP was concerned and worked with a therapist and psychiatrist to get to the root of the problem. I got nothing but sympathy, support and a dose of "you have to make some serious changes".
We have gone from full blown panic attacks with all the bells and whistles including the involvement of two children to OK folks, get a grip.
Nellie has received excellent advice. Let's see what she does with it.

04 Mar 10 - 09:03 AM (#2855798)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Ed T

I cannot recommend against medical help.

But, sometimes it helps to get advice from folks, some of whom who may have have had similar experiences to yours....and found things that works for them that you may wish to consider. I suggest doing some internet research.

Also, medical professionals are not there to help 24 hours/7 days a week. Support groups and individuals could be there for you in those other times.

Attached are some online support groups that may be related I found on Google. Try a may come up wuitnh one that is useful.   

Hope this helps in some way.

04 Mar 10 - 10:26 AM (#2855872)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Nellie's gone awful quiet....

04 Mar 10 - 10:30 AM (#2855874)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Janie

Hi Folks,

I can vouch that Nellie is not trolling (and I am not Nellie.)


04 Mar 10 - 10:50 AM (#2855890)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: catspaw49

Good to know that Nellie has connected with a real pro. Thanks Janie.


04 Mar 10 - 10:58 AM (#2855895)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks

Thanks Janie. She is in good hands.

04 Mar 10 - 01:07 PM (#2856014)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

I wish this was a joke, but it's not. I appreciate all the help--it really is wonderful to know that you all care.

As for being a called a troll, I've been here a long time (so long, in fact, that I remember back when Gargoyle used his real name) and it doesn't bother me.

I've got other things to worry about, and those that wanted to help have helped a lot with them. Keep it up--I consider every suggestion.

Where have I been? I was up till 2am, and got up again to start my day at 4:50am. Didn't even need coffee--

04 Mar 10 - 01:11 PM (#2856019)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,mg

Avoid people who blow hot and cold on you. That is the definition of abuse..the one I like anyway..not that someone is always nasty, but nasty alternating with lovey dovey. Gage your relationship to them at the lowest point and be always cautious. mg

04 Mar 10 - 08:03 PM (#2856354)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Stringsinger

N.N., Lox gave you some excellent advice. Start an exercise program. Walking or any physical exercise relieves pressure.

Know that you are not alone and not crazy. It happens to more people than you might think.

Gradually do the things that trigger the panic attack. Slowly, surely. You will wear down your panic reactions.

Look into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. You can google info on this online.
You can lessen these panic attacks without drugs.

Anxiety is normal. An overabundance of it can be lessened.

A lot of it is due to "control issues". If you are a control-freak this could aggravate it.

Eat mild foods for dinner. No spices or things that will upset your stomach.

Also, as mg says, only hang out with constructive positive people.

04 Mar 10 - 11:47 PM (#2856472)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Janie

Hi Nellie.

It is apparent that bunches of us are thinking of you and sending out lots of good energy. Let yourself soak it up!

You are absolutely not alone.

05 Mar 10 - 12:26 PM (#2856867)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

Things have calmed down considerably--rolled back to the "Butterflies in the stomach" level. It's a relief, but I've got a long way to go, and yes, Janie is helping me to connect to some good support. Bless her heart!

As far as the"only hang out with constructive positive people."idea, that would entail avoiding certain family entirely, and on occasion, myself;-)

05 Mar 10 - 02:52 PM (#2856972)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,mg

If your family events include holiday simple don't want to mix stress plus low blood sugar plus more family stress when dinners are late, too carb-loaded, etc. Stick to your eating plan, partake as you can of the holiday food and it will be calmer. mg

05 Mar 10 - 09:02 PM (#2857234)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: LadyJean

I started getting panic attacks in college, where I was an octaganal peg in a triangular hole.
After my dad died, and my mom needed me, I worked out a ritual, and convinced myself that, if I did the ritual, I wouldn't have an attack.
It worked, at least most of the time. Coming from Presbyterians and Methodists, my ritual involves a prayer, which doesn't mean yours needs one. That's just what I did.
When you feel an attack coming, try to remember something complicated. I would try to remember the Scottish highland dances I did in high school. Recipes would work, or card games, or verb conjugations, or anything that will take your brain away from the damn attack.
Most important is to remember that this is just another goddam panic attack, like the last one. It will go away.
Look at it as an enemy that wants to wreck your life, and spit in it's eye.   
I had a honey of an attack a couple of years ago, coming home from the airport. I got off a very crowded bus, and into some cool, fresh air. It went away.

05 Mar 10 - 11:56 PM (#2857318)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nerv ous Nellie

LadyJean--"Most important is to remember that this is just another goddam panic attack, like the last one. It will go away." That is the most important idea.   I like the "remember something complicated" and it reminded me that some POWs have said they created really elaborate routines that they'd go through in their cells every day.

06 Mar 10 - 12:10 AM (#2857325)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: katlaughing

Bat Goddess calls challenges like these "AFGOs" as in Another Fucking Growth Opportunity!:-)

06 Mar 10 - 07:20 AM (#2857462)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Bonzo3legs

Rescue Remedy might help, never go to bed without it on my bedside table. My bottle has done 3 UK to Argentina trips and countless to Spain.

06 Mar 10 - 12:59 PM (#2857652)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,hg

Lots of good advice here, especially the simple paper bag.

BTW some individuals are sensitive to the byproducts of muscle exertion, namely sodium lactate. Thus, after exertion such as running, biking, stairs, sex, kickboxing, an attack will ensue that day or the next. It helps to rehydrate completely after intense physical activity.

Also, mitral valve prolapse can bring on anxiety attacks. This can be temporary or ongoing.

(PhD in anxiety disorders...)hg

07 Mar 10 - 05:46 AM (#2858170)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

I've got Rescue Remedy. Interesting about the exertion and the Sodium Lactate. Meanwhile, the stressors are increasing, as I am finding that there are trust issues with a loved one that are just coming out. I suddenly don't know who this person is. I am going down a rabbit hole.

07 Mar 10 - 07:35 AM (#2858232)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,hg

Well NN, perhaps YOUR panic attacks require a depth psychotherapy in the manner of the late, great Herbert Strean.

07 Mar 10 - 08:06 AM (#2858256)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: bubblyrat

I suffered from extreme anxiety and brutal "panic attacks" for years and years----things got particularly bad when I was about 26,and had been in the Navy for ten years.Eventually,I was sent to a joint services mental hospital,and,after being in there for six months,I was medically discharged.After that,I spent more unhappy years being dosed on Librium,Valium,Barbiturates,and the mono-amine-oxidase inhibitors Marplan and Nardil (very dangerous !) !!
       Eventually, for one reason or another, I stopped smoking,and Bingo !!-----No more hyperventilation !! No more paroxysmal tachycardia !! No more ambulance rides to hospitals !! Just a simple thing like stopping smoking ! So Nellie, if you DO smoke....Quit it TODAY !!And if you are "with" someone who smokes...take drastic action ! I still very occasionally get MILD symptoms if I am close to a fire-engine or police vehicle with flashing blue lights (the lights trigger "something"),but otherwise ,my life is now totally different,and medication-free !! So there is always hope,Nellie !

07 Mar 10 - 08:49 AM (#2858277)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

Unfortunately, bubblyrat, I don't smoke. As for the deep psychotherapy, I don't think deep psychotherapy for me is going to resolve my loved one's issues.

07 Mar 10 - 03:47 PM (#2858529)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: katlaughing

Remember, NN, we first must take care of ourselves esp. before we are able to care for others, esp. children. We cannot solve our loved one's issues for them. If they are harmful or detrimental to our well-being it is best to seek a new arrangement with them or, in the case of very, what I call, toxic people, get away from them altogether. That might not be your situation, but I've been there and, in my case, that was the only thing which helped. Interestingly enough, that person I fled from with two very young children in tow, and I are very good friends now having connected after thirty years. So...good things can come of it all.

07 Mar 10 - 07:37 PM (#2858706)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,Nervous Nellie

What seems to trigger the attacks, which aren't too bad by now, is anything that reminds me of being deceived.

Part of the deception has been that the loved one has justfied certain things by blaming others, then using the ensuing chaos as a cover to conceal their real actions, so the situation is far from clear.

As to seeking a new arrangement, the costs will be high, with a lot of hurt.

I can't really be more specific--

07 Mar 10 - 08:08 PM (#2858718)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,hg


"I don't think deep psychotherapy for me is going to resolve my loved one's issues."

I thought the problem lies in your response to the deception, i/e/ the panic attacks. Certainly you don't think that just changing your loved one will fix the problem you have with panic attacks. These kind of panic attacks are most definitely the fodder for psychotherapy. I suspect the deception requires a more decisive response on your part. The choices for responding must certainly be triggering your fears. Most people don't enjoy confronting others when issues must be examined worked out. Good luck.

07 Mar 10 - 09:27 PM (#2858767)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Bill D

I see, NN...the kind of situation where there seems to be no 'right' answer....where even the lesser evil is still evil. I was there once, 35 years ago...finally, the decision was made for me after some awkward shuffling of my little universe.
I hope there are interim ways of coping as you explore possible 'solutions'...if there is such a thing in that situation.

07 Mar 10 - 09:37 PM (#2858776)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Janie

Good night, Nellie. Sleep well and dreamlessly.

08 Mar 10 - 03:07 AM (#2858894)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

If you deal with the cause of the attacks, then the attacks will simply go away, Nellie, but it can be a bit of a journey to get there.

If a situation is bringing you more grief than joy, then change the situation. Yes, it may well be tough at the start, but you will grow, oh how you will grow in strength, in maturity, in self belief.

Once trust gets blown apart, it's very hard to get it back. You have to learn a new kind of trust, and that is, trust in yourself.

It would seem that already your inner self knows what may lie ahead, and your outer self is fighting against that, causing these attacks to happen.

It's extraordinarily hard when those you loved let you down, break the trust, but you WILL get through this, you will survive and come out the other side.

You have a choice here. You can remain 'Nervous Nellie' for the rest of your days, denying the very things that are causing your pain, or you can become 'NEW Nellie' and make a decision you never envisaged having to make.

It's tough, kid. I won't tell you otherwise, but it can be done.

The other way is to confront the person who's causing you such distress and tell them what's happening. If they truly love you, they will do all in their power to change what's going on, as well as being deeply upset for the pain they've caused you.

But don't spend your whole life putting up with shite. You don't deserve it.

Whichever path you choose, I wish you well.

08 Mar 10 - 02:17 PM (#2859358)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: GUEST,mg

I think the words of the day are firm resolve. If there are children invovled, they must be protected from any abuse if there is any. People in these situations usually benefit from professional help. Panic and/or rage are not going to get you through what you might have to get through. Resolve to do what is right, no matter how painful, will, with the proper support..and most people are willing to give it if they understand the situation..and that includes places to stay etc. if you must move from a bad or hopeless situation. mg

10 Mar 10 - 06:42 PM (#2861428)
Subject: RE: BS: Need help dealing with panic attacks
From: Janie

Not sure what your question is about?