25 Mar 10 - 08:25 AM (#2871459) Subject: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: 3refs I really don't care where it comes from, or who says it. I sit on the fence, draw a conclusion and then make my decision! I really do hate the game of politics. I take issue with some of her veiws, but not all! "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression: for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach unto himself." "Say what you like about my bloody murderous government," I says, "but don't insult me poor bleedin' country." ....as they relate to Ann Coulter! |
25 Mar 10 - 10:44 AM (#2871529) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Rapparee Ann Coulter's in Canada? Could you please keep her? |
25 Mar 10 - 10:49 AM (#2871536) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: artbrooks 1st quote - Thomas Paine. 2nd quote - Edward Abbey. |
25 Mar 10 - 10:53 AM (#2871538) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: gnu Rap... obviously, someone at Canada Customs has erred and she will be sent back in due time. |
25 Mar 10 - 10:59 AM (#2871540) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: frogprince Don't you have either laws against importing feral predators, or a rabies check quarantine system? |
25 Mar 10 - 11:23 AM (#2871558) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger It looks like the Tea Party people are pretty mild compared to the other side. The following news item came out yesterday: "Roy Beck was criminally assaulted Sunday, March 21, on Washington's National Mall by opponents of free speech coordinated by the Service Employees International Union. Roy was there to cover the pro-amnesty march..." |
25 Mar 10 - 11:48 AM (#2871568) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor Riginslinger, That you for the unsubstantiated accusation with no source or context. It truly puts the extreme yet oddly frivolous bit of opinion you inserted in perspective. By the way, In a thread about Ann Coulter in Canada, thanks for the nonsensical non-sequitor too. |
25 Mar 10 - 11:48 AM (#2871569) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq The Service Employees International Union gives 96% of their money to Democrats. They want what they have already paid for: amnesty of illegal aliens. more info |
25 Mar 10 - 11:59 AM (#2871580) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor HOLD THE PRESSES!!!!! This "item" just in! "pdq and Riginslinger have criminally assaulted our intelligence with made up nonsense in a cheap attempt to change the subject..." Please note that just like Riginslinger I used quotes to give my bullshit the appearance of objectivity and "..." where there should have been a period to pretend that there was more. |
25 Mar 10 - 12:11 PM (#2871588) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger I think you're misreading things, Jack. The topic was how the uninformed attacked Ann Coulter in Canada. I was just pointing out how the uninformed attacked Roy Beck in Washington as well, which goes a long way to make the case that non-thinking people can be violent. Apparently, you disagree with that. |
25 Mar 10 - 12:18 PM (#2871595) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: CarolC How is the topic about how the uninformed attacked Ann Coulter in Canada? I don't see any mention of Ann Being attacked in Canada anywhere in the opening post. |
25 Mar 10 - 12:23 PM (#2871599) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Rapparee I just want Canada to have her. I'm tired of her. |
25 Mar 10 - 12:28 PM (#2871601) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger "How is the topic about how the uninformed attacked Ann Coulter in Canada?" Read the title of the thread. |
25 Mar 10 - 12:30 PM (#2871603) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude Our Canada friends come through once again, taking our American trash ... I love you Canada. Thank you my friends |
25 Mar 10 - 12:35 PM (#2871607) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger http://www.bostonherald.com/news/international/americas/view.bg?articleid=1242239&srvc=rss |
25 Mar 10 - 12:38 PM (#2871611) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: artbrooks Thread title: "Ann Coulter in Canada" This is an attack? Oh, BTW...the "attack" on Roy Beck was a bunch of mimes mocking his crew as they filmed the Washington rally for immigration reform, aka "pro-amnesty march. |
25 Mar 10 - 12:43 PM (#2871616) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk She came to Ottawa (our capital) to give a speech at a University there. About 2,000 or more students who despise Ann Coulter and all she stands for gathered and cause a near riot outside the doors of the lecture hall (while about 100 others inside the hall chanted "We want Ann!"). The mob outside the hall was so hostile that Coulter's people decided she might be in physical danger if she appeared, and they cancelled the speech. At first I was amused when I read this story. Then I got to thinking about it and decided that it's not a good precedent for ANY visiting speaker to be treated in that fashion...because you either have free speech...or you don't. Better to let Ann Coulter speak her piece...which 98% of her audience would not have agreed with anyway...because that would be a far better way of establishing what an idiot she is than not letting her speak at all. I think she was rather pleased and smug about the whole thing, judging by the article I saw. She figures she's a martyred hero now, and is happy to be seen as having been deprived of the right to speak because, "I'm dangerous..." (in her words). She figures that it proves how morally superior she is to the people who wouldn't let her speak, you see... |
25 Mar 10 - 12:51 PM (#2871627) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq "...it's not a good precedent for ANY visiting speaker to be treated in that fashion...because you either have free speech...or you don't. ~ LH Congratulations, but that should have been the main point of this thread from the beginning. Those who do not allow freedom of speech to other have forfeited their own freedom of speech. |
25 Mar 10 - 12:57 PM (#2871631) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: frogprince I've been missing too much news, and didn't get the initial point here. A really unfortunate incident, non-contructive to say the very least. Far better if she had been met by a quiet, smiling throng fronted by one big banner: "welcome to Canada, stupid." |
25 Mar 10 - 01:01 PM (#2871634) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Amos It was made clear to Ms Coulter well in advance of her visit that the Canadian definition of free speech is different from the Manichean version enjoyed by the US. It is patently illogical to say you "do or don't" have free speech. Social pressures, constraints of incitement to violence, boundaries concerning sedition and the threat of violence, etc., all combine to make the state of freedomness of speech a relative thing. It is a general consensus that absolute free speech (including anti-social speech such as yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater or inciting people to assassinate government employees or people of certain races or creeds) is not workable. A |
25 Mar 10 - 01:06 PM (#2871640) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk Oh, please.... We've heard all that tired stuff before a million times, Amos. There is nothing whatsoever that scares me about letting Ann Coulter (or any other rightwing spokesman) shoot her stupid mouth off for an hour or two at a Canadian University. It is in no way comparable to shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theatre.... You can't deprive people of free speech just because you don't like them and don't agree with their message. |
25 Mar 10 - 01:10 PM (#2871643) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: bobad Nobody stopped her from speaking, she and her "handlers" decided to cancel. This fit right into her victimization by liberals schtick. The demonstrators were protesting her racism, which they have a right to do. |
25 Mar 10 - 01:14 PM (#2871647) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger The way I read it, the security people advised her not to continue. |
25 Mar 10 - 01:14 PM (#2871648) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Q (Frank Staplin) Ann Coulter, like Rush Limbaugh, depends on shock talk to attract an audience. She derives a good income from her appearances and tv shows. Tonight she speaks in Calgary, and after her comments on denying plane travel to Muslims, the talk will be well attended and well-covered. As stated in another thread, Calgary is over 20% 'visible' minorities, some 200,000 in a city of 1 million. There are many Muslims and at least two prominent mosques. Whatever she says will make the Canadian papers for a couple of days, but will soon be forgotten. |
25 Mar 10 - 01:14 PM (#2871650) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude I am the first to put my life on the line for free speech and have. I only wish to God that nobody showed up to hear her. Her message is that of hate ... one only has to read one of the books. It would be a better place if one could hear the crickets chirping any time she tried to speak ... to an empty chair. That would be a real blessing I think and one I can only hope for. Instead she makes millions diving a nation pitting good person against good person without compromise or discussion. Find someone to blame ... everything is the fault of the "LIBERALS" yea blame them ... screwed up logic, screwed up thinking. There was a time when parties would disagree and debate and use terms like my esteem friend I respectfully disagree.. Today it is "Baby Killer" "Communist", "Socialist" ... those Liberal bastards ... Thank you Anne, Thank you Rush ... what a great service to America you provide |
25 Mar 10 - 01:28 PM (#2871659) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: catspaw49 I hear she's into kinky sex. She's so scrawny that any guy with a pecker more than 2 inches long comes pokin' out the back so her sex partners all just stand up, slide her on, and spin her like a propeller. That's for the ones who can stand looking at her face even if it's only once every revolution. Now if you can't stand to look at her then you're in trouble cause this white girl got no ass! Spaw |
25 Mar 10 - 01:43 PM (#2871674) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Beer We don't need to hear her message of racism. I hope the hell she gets the same treatment in Calgary as she did in Ottawa, Maybe then she will get the message that Canada is not interested in her views. Freedom of speech or not. There is nothing worthy of her views. Beer (adrien) |
25 Mar 10 - 02:08 PM (#2871694) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: gnu Spaw... I'll bet her and Bill Maher go at it like wildcats after they have a heated arguement on TV. |
25 Mar 10 - 02:26 PM (#2871705) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: CarolC I don't see any attacks in the title of the thread, Riginslinger. All I see is "Ann Coulter in Canada". Perhaps you can show me where the attacks are in that title. |
25 Mar 10 - 02:44 PM (#2871712) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger Well, Carol, I'll have to admit to having jumped the gun. I opened the thread at work and clicked on the link, and it started talking so I had to shut it down. I just assumed the running off the stage of Ann Coulter was what it was all about because that's what's been circulating all over the news for the last day or so. But you're right. |
25 Mar 10 - 02:48 PM (#2871719) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: gnu Huh? How can you post to a thread if it's shut down? Ahhh, "talking"? Voices? |
25 Mar 10 - 02:52 PM (#2871724) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Amos Little Hawk: I didn't say there was anything to fear. I said the Canadian government sent her a letter stressing the different interpretation of free speech in Canada from that in the US, and remarking that even in the US there are certain exercises of free speech that will run you afoul of the law, including announcing you intend to kill a sitting president, for example. The thing is, I reckon, that hate-speech is an example of something that is mechanically speech but is not communication, but reaction made loud. I am not afraid of the skinny horsefaced broad, but it is a shame to see how she runs up a mob of jingoists and Bilboites. It is clear she does not believe that all men are created equal. A |
25 Mar 10 - 03:24 PM (#2871742) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: GUEST,bankley actually we could use her at Pearson airport to sniff for drugs.. woof.. man, first time I saw her I thought she was the poster girl for iodine |
25 Mar 10 - 03:29 PM (#2871744) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Amos And in case anyone does not know what a Bilboite is (before the advent of Tolkeinism): "I call on every red-blooded white man to use any means to keep the niggers away from the polls; if you don't understand what that means you are just plain dumb." These were the words of United States senator Theodore G. "The Man" Bilbo of Mississippi, as he addressed white supporters during his successful re-election campaign in June 1946. His inflammatory language ignited a firestorm, however, that prevented him from taking his Senate seat in January 1947 and ended the career of one of the nation's most flamboyant politicians. "The Man" fell because of the growing intolerance among many whites toward public racism and anti-Semitism. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, white elites outside the South—defined here as leading daily newspapers, weekly magazines, organizations, and political leaders—largely ignored Bilbo's racist incitements. World War II, however, brought about a significant change in elite attitudes. Due to the ideological war against Nazism, America's emergence as a superpower, and the unifying nature of the conflict, the kind of virulent public racism that was a trademark of Bilbo's career was no longer tolerated outside of the South. Bilbo's career, from his return to the governor's mansion in 1928 through the Senate debate over his seating in 1947, parallels and illustrates the declining tolerance of overt racism and nativism in the United States" |
25 Mar 10 - 03:32 PM (#2871746) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Amos Bankley, that just cost me a keyboARD!!!! a |
25 Mar 10 - 03:35 PM (#2871747) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Big Mick Thanks for the clarification, on Bilboites, Amos. I was just going to type the back story when you posted it. I could just see the discussion on the "real meaning" behind the Tolkien stories that was going to ensue....***chuckle*** |
25 Mar 10 - 03:35 PM (#2871748) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Sandy Mc Lean Sometimes the line between expressing opinion and inciting hatred is drawn too fine in Canada. While she may doubt be an arsehole just think of the difficulty caused when an arsehole ceases to function, and all that shit just backs up. It is much better to let the shit be apparent than hidden! |
25 Mar 10 - 03:38 PM (#2871752) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Sandy Mc Lean "no doubt" |
25 Mar 10 - 04:10 PM (#2871789) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude Sandy but we been swimming in it for years ... LOL ... I can't hold my breath too much longer ... |
25 Mar 10 - 04:17 PM (#2871797) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: gnu I like the thought of ignoring her "en masse". I have been ignoring her for quite some time now. |
25 Mar 10 - 05:52 PM (#2871895) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Q (Frank Staplin) It may be an interesting evening in Calgary tonight. But it is an event of little importance and will be forgotten inside of a few days. |
25 Mar 10 - 05:57 PM (#2871900) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: DougR Rapaire: Ann told me she's getting pretty tired of you too. Since things seem to have escalated considerably between you two, I would suggest either: 1, you shake hands and come out swinging or: 2. Kiss and make up. DougR |
25 Mar 10 - 06:07 PM (#2871906) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude Spaw probably has some better ideas Rap ... I would listen to him |
25 Mar 10 - 06:12 PM (#2871914) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: CarolC Which link are you talking about, Riginslinger? I didn't see a link when I opened the thread. |
25 Mar 10 - 06:15 PM (#2871918) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Greg F. Ah, the old whitty repartee and incisive wit of our own stand-up comic, Douggie-boy. Twelve or thirteen years of mental age, do you suppose? |
25 Mar 10 - 06:42 PM (#2871939) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk Yeah, she's a joke, Amos. But I wouldn't gather in a mob to try to prevent her from speaking. I'd just do something else for the evening that was more fun and a better way of spending my time. ;-) |
25 Mar 10 - 07:47 PM (#2872014) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor Coulter is a jerk and a coward. My only puzzlement is why she was allowed to speak at all. If I was a student at that university. I would be protesting the fact that she was invited or given permission to speak. When I was that age I wouldn't have been shy about exercising my free speech in telling her what I thought about her opinions. I was once part of a "mob" Memorial University Students (the CBC called us a mob) who booed Trudeau over a dispute over offshore oil. |
25 Mar 10 - 07:53 PM (#2872019) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: artbrooks Since I don't think that Ms. Coulter ever speaks for nothing, I wonder if she refunded her speaking fee after the presentation was canceled. |
25 Mar 10 - 08:01 PM (#2872024) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude Hey thanks PDQ .... Mexican Cornbread Ingredients 1 cup butter, melted 1 cup white sugar 4 eggs 1 (15 ounce) can cream-style corn 1/2 (4 ounce) can chopped green chile peppers, drained 1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup yellow cornmeal 4 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Directions 1) Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x13 inch baking dish. 2) In a large bowl, beat together butter and sugar. Beat in eggs one at a time. Blend in cream corn, chiles, Monterey Jack and Cheddar cheese. 3) In a separate bowl, stir together flour, cornmeal, baking powder and salt. Add flour mixture to corn mixture; stir until smooth. Pour batter into prepared pan. 4) Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour, until a toothpick inserted into center of the pan comes out clean. |
25 Mar 10 - 08:06 PM (#2872028) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Q (Frank Staplin) Oh, you were part of that mob that booed Trudeau? That explains a lot. The Association of Canadian University Teachers says that the provost of the University of Ottawa should apologise to Ann Coulter for denying her freedom of expression. It was a stupid move, regardless of her stir the muck talks. Skinny? She has a trim figure that looked good in the short skirt she was wearing when she arrived in the Calgary terminal. Some of you fatties are just jealous. Now to the important things- watching the basketball games tonight. |
25 Mar 10 - 09:13 PM (#2872078) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Sandy Mc Lean Dan said: "but we been swimming in it for years ... " But only because as a nation Americans give credit to arseholes who spew it! Shit must go somewhere but if deposited in it's proper place swimming should not be necessary. In Canada we have our own shit to swim in by the grace of Stephen Harper. It is sad that those of us who did not vote for him have to swim the hardest! |
25 Mar 10 - 09:25 PM (#2872084) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq Thanks, Dan. That reminds me that I need to make a batch of cornbread this weekend using the exact ingrediants and exact quantities. The sugar should be 1/4 cup and the eggs 2 or 3 large, at most. Buttermilk helps, but I can't find "churn buttermilk". |
25 Mar 10 - 09:49 PM (#2872099) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Beer I can still pretend to taste home made buttermilk and that great salty taste of home made butter. Adrien |
25 Mar 10 - 10:28 PM (#2872118) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Beer Back to the topic at hand. ad. |
25 Mar 10 - 10:45 PM (#2872127) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude Here is some quotes from the lovely conservative lady to ponder quotes Me if she is on a TV show, I turn it, if she is in a magazine, I don't buy it ... if she does a book, I won't touch it, if she speaks, I refuse to listen ... that's how I handle her ... and yes I support her right to speak ... doesn't mean I have to listen cause I won't ... that is indeed my right |
25 Mar 10 - 11:17 PM (#2872142) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Beer right on. ad. |
25 Mar 10 - 11:27 PM (#2872145) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: GUEST,marks(on the road) Thanks olddude Wish we would all learn to disagree without being disagreeable. |
26 Mar 10 - 12:27 AM (#2872170) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Clontarf83 so Ann Coulter and Celine Dionne walk into a bar. "Oh", says the Barman, "why the long face?" |
26 Mar 10 - 02:28 AM (#2872195) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Don Firth This sort of thing makes Ann Coulter happier than a pig in slop. It lets her play the martyr, gives her something more to bitch about, and $ell$ book$. Ann Coulter is not personally concerned with the abortion issue. She takes another approach. She eats her young. Don Firth |
26 Mar 10 - 10:01 AM (#2872413) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: GUEST,bankley so she sees Dan's recipe but doesn't like the Mexican part so decides to make cornmeal muffins instead.. so it's going well until she takes them out of the oven. They look at her and run away... So, she decides to make another batch.. this time when they're ready, she looks at them through the oven door window... but they see her and start protesting..... and ignorant... she has two brains, but one ran off and the other one is out looking for it... maybe it'll find the muffins.. |
26 Mar 10 - 11:40 AM (#2872503) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." - Ann Coulter |
26 Mar 10 - 12:16 PM (#2872540) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," Oct. 4, 2004, that has been edited for clarity. Watch "Hannity & Colmes" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET! {stuff was skipped to get nearer to the quote} HANNITY: You mean, they were fighting over the chapter in your book about Jesus being liberal? COLMES: No, that's not — no, but they were having a fight about whether Jesus would vote Democrat or Republican. We all know he'd be voting for Kerry. We continue now with the author of "How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)," and, Ann Coulter, unfortunately for her, must tonight. Ann Coulter. All right. "I'm often asked if I think we should invade their countries, kill their leaders, convert them to Christianity." Who do you want to kill besides — you want to kill Saddam Hussein? So what other leaders do you want to kill? COULTER: Leaders of Muslim fanatics. That would include Muslim clerics. It would include al-Sadr. COLMES: They all should be killed? COULTER: We already have wrapped up a lot of the top leaders. COLMES: Would you like the convert them all to Christianity? COULTER: Osama bin Laden is D-E-D dead. No one can convince me otherwise. COLMES: Would you like to convert these people all to Christianity? COULTER: The ones that we killed, yes. COLMES: So no one should be Muslim. They should all be Christian? COULTER: That would be a good start, yes. COLMES: So, in other words, you wouldn't respect their religious beliefs? You would just want them all to be Christian. COULTER: The point is, I mean, I suppose if I were a Muslim, I might say, "Oh, they are not practicing true Islam." What we must convert them to is true Islam, but the point is, a conversion must take place. They think they are practicing religion when they fly planes into our skyscrapers and kill thousands of people, and to act like this isn't a problem of religion — whether it is true Islam or not — is just sticking your head in the sand. COLMES: But you're talking about a group of extremists who misuse Islam and aren't practicing true Islam. But would you like to convert all of these countries to Christianity. Should they all become Christian nations? COULTER: Yes, that would be terrific. COLMES: Really? COULTER: Yes. COLMES: So we should just — they should all be Christians. You don't respect the fact that there are this many Muslims in the world, and the world would be a lot better if they were all Christians instead of Muslims? COULTER: To be honest, I didn't really care, until they started flying planes into our buildings and blowing up small children. Then I took note. COLMES: I see. Now they should all be Christians? OK. No further questions. COULTER: And this is, by the way, well, OK — this is, by the way, what America has done after World War II, after the Korean War. MacArthur put out a call for Christian missionaries to come, and missionaries poured into Japan. They poured into Korea. It didn't work as well, the conversion in Japan, but it certainly did in Korea. And I know that we haven't had any trouble from them for a while. COLMES: Korea? COLMES: From South Korea. HANNITY: All right. Let me move on for a second. {more stuff skipped...Google if you really want more} |
26 Mar 10 - 12:33 PM (#2872559) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude And it makes a real Christian cry to read such hate. When you make your living (a very good one I may add) peddling hate ... I can only feel sorry and sad for the person ... What a terrible way to go through life, one can have all the toys money can buy ... but they lost in the real game of life ... for such words, it brings no one closer to God, it makes no one's life better for knowing you ... She is a terribly sad person ... and my heart goes out to her, I hope she one day changes |
26 Mar 10 - 12:43 PM (#2872569) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger "When you make your living (a very good one I may add) peddling hate ..." Christians are the only religious groups who peddle hate! |
26 Mar 10 - 02:02 PM (#2872625) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude not true riginslinger, not even close |
26 Mar 10 - 02:05 PM (#2872629) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger Whoops, sorry olddude. I meant to say Christians are NOT the only religious groups who peddle hate. Sorry again! |
26 Mar 10 - 02:16 PM (#2872638) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk People caught up in fear and hatred peddle hate. Some are Christians, some are Muslims, some are Hindus, some are Jews, some are atheists. The problem isn't their belief system. The problem is that they are caught up in fear and hatred. |
26 Mar 10 - 02:33 PM (#2872657) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Q (Frank Staplin) Ignoring the nonsense above- Ann Coulter gave her talk to about 900 at the University Red and White Club last night, followed by a book-signing. Her audience was largely middle-aged, drawn mostly from the Conservative Party supporters in Calgary and Edmonton, including at least one member of the Alberta Legislature, and a couple of party organizers, prominent in their white Stetsons. She said little that would interest the news media, praising Bush, advocating limited central government, support of industry, cutting spending, and turn-back-the-clock measures that the audience mostly agreed with. She also criticized the Democrats and Obama, as expected. In other words, nothing to catch the attention of other than local news media. A small group of noisy protestors was outside, including a few hoodlums who broke a window and a glass in the front door, necessitating a visit from City police. |
26 Mar 10 - 02:39 PM (#2872668) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk The news media are interested in extreme positions and extreme statements (of any kind), conflict, innuendo, violence, crime, scandal, outrage, and other bullshut of that sort...anything that will get their jaded viewers to tune in. It sounds like the Ann Coulter event in Western Canada would have been pretty disappointing from their point of view... ;-) Not the hate-fest they were hoping for. |
26 Mar 10 - 05:29 PM (#2872810) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: GUEST,bankley at least Bush was worth an attempted citizen's arrest by Splitting the Sky in Cow Town.. the verdict is due this June 07th |
26 Mar 10 - 05:37 PM (#2872813) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Ebbie "...an attempted citizen's arrest by Splitting the Sky in Cow Town.. the verdict is due this June 07th..." ? |
26 Mar 10 - 05:42 PM (#2872821) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq No doubt a relative of Breaking the Wind in Cow Town. |
26 Mar 10 - 06:07 PM (#2872844) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk Look it up on Youtube, Ebbie. Splitting the Sky is a Native Canadian political activist. He attempted to make a citizen's arrest of George Bush when Bush was visiting Canada. |
26 Mar 10 - 09:30 PM (#2872958) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Ebbie Cow town, LH? I thought Cow Town is in Texas. |
26 Mar 10 - 09:34 PM (#2872962) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk It's in both countries. Cow Town in Canada is Calgary, Aberta. |
26 Mar 10 - 09:47 PM (#2872964) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger And methane gas from cows is causing global warming! |
26 Mar 10 - 10:52 PM (#2872987) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: 3refs Wasn't real happy when she said something along the lines of "I'd like to say, bla bla bla, to Alberta, the 51st State of the Union. Unless of course, I misunderstood her! I lived in Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver and Calgary is the only city where I left because it was too nuts, even for me! |
26 Mar 10 - 11:48 PM (#2873004) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk The Americans always seem to figure that anyone would be much better off living under the Stars and Stripes. I'm sure they would regard it as a big favour to us if they absorbed Canada piece by piece...sort of like they once did a large part of Mexico. |
27 Mar 10 - 12:08 AM (#2873011) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: artbrooks Don't want it. We have enough cold and miserable places already. Well, maybe western BC. |
27 Mar 10 - 12:15 AM (#2873014) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: catspaw49 ME? I'm with Lewis Black. Let's build a big damn wall all along the Canadian border because THAT'S where all the friggin' cold air comes from!!! Spaw |
27 Mar 10 - 12:36 AM (#2873021) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: artbrooks COLD air? |
27 Mar 10 - 10:17 AM (#2873232) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Don(Wyziwyg)T ""COLD air?"" YUP!.....The hot air mostly comes from Republican Party HQ. Don T. |
27 Mar 10 - 10:21 AM (#2873235) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Sandy Mc Lean A bit of the aforementioned shit seems to have rubbed of here: Halifax Herald Story |
27 Mar 10 - 10:55 AM (#2873250) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk She referred to Israel as a war criminal???? Holy shit! Well, I guess that proves the old adage that even a broken clock is right twice a day.... |
27 Mar 10 - 11:20 AM (#2873269) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq == Printer-friendly version of article == ProudToBeCanadian.ca conservative -- with bite! Oh, Canada!Written by Ann Coulter See Website for Bio | See Website for Ann Coulter Archives Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Since arriving in Canada I've been accused of thought crimes, threatened with criminal prosecution for speeches I hadn't yet given and denounced on the floor of the Parliament (which was nice because that one was on my "bucket list"). Posters advertising my speech have been officially banned, while posters denouncing me are plastered all over the University of Ottawa campus. Elected officials have been prohibited from attending my speeches. Also, the local clothing stores are fresh out of brown shirts. Welcome to Canada! The provost of the University of Ottawa, average student IQ: 0, wrote to me—widely disseminating his letter to at least a half-dozen intermediaries before it reached me—in advance of my visit in order to recommend that I familiarize myself with Canada's criminal laws regarding hate speech. This marks the first time I've ever gotten hate mail for something I might do in the future. Apparently Canadian law forbids "promoting hatred against any identifiable group," which the provost, Francois A. Houle advised me, "would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges." I was given no specific examples of what words and phrases I couldn't use, but I take it I'm not supposed to say, "F——you, Francois." While it was a relief to know that it is still permissible in Canada to promote hatred against unidentifiable groups, upon reading Francois' letter, I suddenly realized that I had just been the victim of a hate crime! And it was committed by Francois A. Houle (French for "Frank A. Hole"). What other speakers get a warning not to promote hatred? Did Francois A. Houle send a similarly worded letter to Israel-hater Omar Barghouti before he spoke last year at U of Ottawa? ("Ottawa": Indian for "Land of the Bed-Wetters.") How about Angela Davis, Communist Party member and former Black Panther who spoke at the University of Zero just last month? Or do only conservatives get letters admonishing them to be civil? Or—my suspicion—is it only conservative women who fuel Francois' rage? How about sending a letter to all Muslim speakers advising them to please bathe once a week while in Canada? Would that constitute a hate crime? I'm sure Canada's Human Rights Commission will get to the bottom of Francois' strange warning to me, inasmuch as I will be filing a complaint with that august body, so I expect they will be reviewing every letter the university has sent to other speakers prior to their speeches to see if any of them were threatened with criminal prosecution. Both writer Mark Steyn and editor Ezra Levant have been investigated by the Human Rights Commission for promoting hatred toward Muslims. Levant's alleged crime was to reprint the cartoons of Mohammed originally published in a Danish newspaper, leading practitioners of the Religion of Peace to engage in murderous violence across the globe. Steyn's alleged crime was to publish an excerpt of his book, America Alone in Maclean's magazine, in which he jauntily described Muslims as "hot for jihad." Both of them also flew jet airliners full of passengers into skyscrapers in lower Manhattan, resulting in thousands of deaths. No, wait—that was somebody else. Curiously, however, there was no evidence that either the cartoons or the column did, in fact, incite hatred toward Muslims—nor was there the remotest possibility that they would. By contrast, conservative speakers are regularly subjected to violent attacks on college campuses. Bill Kristol, Pat Buchanan, David Horowitz and I have all been the targets of infamous campus attacks. That's why the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute (a sponsor of my Canada speeches) and the Young America's Foundation (a sponsor of many of my college speeches) don't send conservatives to college campuses without a bodyguard. You'd have to be a real A-Houle not to anticipate that accusing a conservative of "promoting hatred" prior to her arrival on a college campus would in actuality—not in liberal fantasies of terrified Muslims cowering in terror of Mark Steyn readers—incite real-world violence toward the conservative. The university itself acknowledged that Francois' letter was likely to provoke violence against me by demanding—long after my speech was scheduled, but immediately after Francois disseminated his letter—that my sponsors pony up more than $1,200 for extra security. Also following Francois' letter, the Ottawa University Student Federation met for 7 1/2 hours to hammer out a series of resolutions denouncing me. The resolutions included: "Whereas Ann Coulter is a hateful woman; "Whereas she has made hateful comments against GLBTQ, Muslims, Jews and women; "Whereas she violates an unwritten code of 'positive-space'; "Be it resolved that the SFUO express its disapproval of having Ann Coulter speak at the University of Ottawa." At least the students didn't waste 7 1/2 hours on something silly, like their studies. At the risk of violating anyone's positive space, what happened to Canada? How did the country that gave us Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Martin Short, Dan Aykroyd and Catherine O'Hara suddenly become a bunch of whining crybabies? After Tuesday night, the hatred incited by Francois' letter is no longer theoretical. The police called off my speech when the auditorium was surrounded by thousands of rioting liberals—screaming, blocking the entrance, throwing tables, demanding that my books be burned, and finally setting off the fire alarm. Sadly, I missed the book-burning because I never made it to the building. But, reportedly, a Canadian crowd hasn't been this excited since they opened a new Tim Hortons. Local reporters couldn't make out what the crowd was chanting, but it was something about "Molson" and a "sled dog." I've given more than 100 college speeches, and not once has one of my speeches been shut down at any point. Even the pie-throwing incident at the University of Arizona didn't break up the event. I said, "Get them!" and the college Republicans got them, and then I continued with my rambling, hate-filled diatribe—I mean, my speech. So we've run this experiment more than 100 times. Only one college speech was ever met with so much mob violence that the police were forced to cancel it: The one that was preceded by a letter from the university provost accusing me of hate speech. (To add insult to injury, Francois didn't even plan to attend my speech because Tuesday is his bikini wax night.) If a university official's letter accusing a speaker of having a proclivity to commit speech crimes before she's given the speech—which then leads to Facebook postings demanding that Ann Coulter be hurt, a massive riot and a police-ordered cancellation of the speech—is not hate speech, then there is no such thing as hate speech. Either Francois goes to jail or the Human Rights Commission is a hoax and a fraud. ©2004-09 Ann Coulter. Distributed by Universal Press Syndicate. Ann Coulter's column appears here at ProudToBeCanadian.ca by license, weekly. Buy all SEVEN of Ann Coulter's best-sellers! Buying them though our web site generates small sales commissions from Amazon that financially supports ProudToBeCanadian.ca. Posted on 03/24/10 at 06:31 PM Read Comments / Make Comments at the website (There were 3 when this was printed) Visit to read our daily J-Log, and our many conservative-friendly columnists which we host right at our web site including: Ann Coulter, Doug Giles, David Warren, Mike Adams, Rory Leishman, Theo Caldwell, Joseph Ben-Ami, Barbara Kay, Salim Mansur, Rebecca Hagelin, Susan Martinuk, Steven Milloy, Sheila Wray Gregoire, and others including frequent guest columnists. Please remember to support ProudToBeCanadian. Go to the website and locate the "Support us" link, please! And participate in forum questions when they're posed! Thanks! |
27 Mar 10 - 12:41 PM (#2873311) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Greg F. Poor, little dumb girl- those mean, nasty Canadians are picking on her! |
27 Mar 10 - 12:50 PM (#2873320) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor Readin Coulter's post above reminds me what I dislike about her. The Provost warns her to be aware of the law and to be careful in what she says. She calls it hate mail. Imagine what she says about her water bill. |
27 Mar 10 - 12:54 PM (#2873323) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude Canada is a land of clear minded, honest and caring people who understand how to handle hate peddlers |
27 Mar 10 - 01:07 PM (#2873329) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor "Canada is a land of clear minded, honest and caring people who understand how to handle hate peddlers" So is the USA. But in both countries there are people who want to buy what Coulter is selling. But in Canada some of what she peddles is a controlled substance. Both countries have a limit to free speech. A different line is drawn in each country. I can't imagine the same line being drawn here. Does the bumper sticker industry have a lobby? |
27 Mar 10 - 01:22 PM (#2873348) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: gnu She's makin the big bucks. At what expense to our peoples is hard to say. But, she's got balls. |
27 Mar 10 - 01:30 PM (#2873352) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Sawzaw "The Americans always seem to figure that anyone would be much better off living under the Stars and Stripes" No. I think people that believe they would be better off somewhere else should go there. And when they get there, mind their own business. |
27 Mar 10 - 01:45 PM (#2873368) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq In the United States, freedom of speech is a right, which means that no one can take it away. This right is something many Americans fought for from the beginning of our country. I wonder what Mario Sabio, George Carlin, Woody Guthrie and Lenny Bruce would say about 2000 thugish actors threatning a peaceful group of 200 and forcing a scheduled speech to cancelled? I don't know what they would say, but it is unlikely that all of them were hypocrits. |
27 Mar 10 - 01:48 PM (#2873372) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor That is interesting Sawzaw, I came to the US believing in a lot of ideas and principles which I thought made this country great. I thought that Americans were strong and stead fast and stuck to their principles and Constitution. Then came 9/11, and Bush and Cheney and a quarter of the country calling themselves "conservatives" willing to abandon those principles because they were afraid. The cowardly reaction to terrorist action that I saw after 9/11 saddened and disappointed me. Coulter is someone who rose to prominence in the wake of 9/11, peddling the cowardice and prejudice that those acts engendered. In the USA I had envisioned, she would be allowed to speak, but an American who believed in the principles this country cherishes would not listen to her. |
27 Mar 10 - 01:55 PM (#2873376) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor Thugish? Who says they were thugish? If 200 can exercise free speech, so can 2000. The Americans who really fought for free expression, MLK, Norma Rae, even George Carlin, Woody Guthrie and Lenny Bruce, would have pressed through the crowd and spoke. Barney Frank and Congressman Lewis faced and far more serious threat last weekend than Coulter did. Their reactions, compare to hers is a measure of true character. For God's sake she took a responsible reminder of Canadian law as a threat. I don't think that the word coward is strong enough to describe her spinelessness. |
27 Mar 10 - 02:08 PM (#2873384) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq The right to say what you believe in the right of all people everywhere on Earth, it just happens to be abridged in many countries such as Zimbabwe, China, North Korea, Iran, France and Canada. Too bad Rick Fielding is gone. Mudcat had a grownup here at one time. |
27 Mar 10 - 02:18 PM (#2873392) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: DougR Jack the Sailor: You obviously regret moving to the US. Why do you stay here? In your post of March 27, you state that both countries have limited speech. When did freedom of speech get cancelled in the US? Your earlier post in which you state your "only puzzlement is why she was allowed to speak at all" (Coulter)...she obviously was allowed to speak because some Canadians wanted to hear what she had to say. DougR |
27 Mar 10 - 02:31 PM (#2873408) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor pdq, a. Freedom of speech is not absolute here in the US. It is abridged here. I have found from living here that, in practice, Canada has more protection for free speech than the US. In the US, on certain hot button topics, the mob is much more likely to shout down minorities where in Canada the people tend to defend minorities and shout at those in power. b. You have the right to be a grown up if you want to. You also have the right not to call people thugs when you don't know them. What you don't have, if you believe in the principles of the US, is the right to tell people with opinions different from yours that they should go elsewhere. They has as much right to those opinions and to express them as you do. This applies to both the Mudcat and to the USA. I knew Rick personally, that is to say, I broke bread with him in person, shook his and and had personal conversations with him. Thank you for reminding me of some good memories but I don't think it is very adult of you to invoke his memory in this context. Of course doing so would be protected free speech even if it is in very poor taste. |
27 Mar 10 - 02:44 PM (#2873414) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor >>Jack the Sailor: You obviously regret moving to the US. Why do you stay here? DougR. Read what I said, I said I was disappointed in a quarter of the country. That leave 3/4's that are potentially real Americans, as I would expect them to be. You may also be aware that I married a US citizen who bravely practices free speech, sometimes right here on this forum. >>In your post of March 27, you state that both countries have limited speech. When did freedom of speech get cancelled in the US? DougR Freedom of speech in the USA is limited in a number of ways. I am disappointed that you do not know that. Perhaps some training in the civics of the country you grew up in would change some of your less logical points of view. Why don't you try a citizenship test? Do you think you could pass it? >>Your earlier post in which you state your "only puzzlement is why she was allowed to speak at all" (Coulter)...she obviously was allowed to speak because some Canadians wanted to hear what she had to say. Read everything I say please, and do not cherry pick. I am puzzled that she was invited to speak at the University of Ottawa. I used to live in Ottawa, I would not expect the students there to be an appropriate audience. I am still surprised. But the picture is becoming clearer. It seems that the Canadian Federal politicians who worked to bring her there wanted some distance between themselves and the opinions she puts forth. |
27 Mar 10 - 02:55 PM (#2873422) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq Again, 2000 thugish actors threaten the rights of 200 people who want to hear a speech... "After Tuesday night, the hatred incited by Francois' letter is no longer theoretical. The police called off my speech when the auditorium was surrounded by thousands of rioting liberals—screaming, blocking the entrance, throwing tables, demanding that my books be burned, and finally setting off the fire alarm. Sadly, I missed the book-burning because I never made it to the building." ~ Ann Coulter |
27 Mar 10 - 03:08 PM (#2873432) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor This is the person who called an invitation to brush up on Canadian law a threat. Coulter exaggerates, Coulter lies. Quoting her to me is pointless. In fact it is to me an indication of your ignorance of Ann Coulter. Here is a news report on the incident from Ottawa's conservative (Newscorp as far as I know) Newspaper. Apparently someone pulled the alarm. Coulter obviously has no proof that it was one of her opponents that did so. As far as I know, calling for books to be burned is protected free speech in both countries. http://www.ottawasun.com/news/ottawa/2010/03/23/13334351.html |
27 Mar 10 - 03:14 PM (#2873434) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor Note that according to the Sun, a lot of the 2000 just wanted to see her speak. A lot of the 200 were in the hall to heckle her. She said that they were DEMANDING that the books be burned. Then she lied, pretending that there actually had been a book burning. In general, I think that speech laws should restrict lying more than it does. But if it not specific slander, she is allowed to lie. |
27 Mar 10 - 03:41 PM (#2873449) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Leadfingers 100 |
27 Mar 10 - 03:45 PM (#2873450) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq Actually, Plumbus digitalis, your post is 102. Nice try but no cigar. |
27 Mar 10 - 03:51 PM (#2873457) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Leadfingers Jack got in while I was scrolling down Dammit !! |
27 Mar 10 - 04:28 PM (#2873480) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq "She said little that would interest the news media, praising Bush, advocating limited central government, support of industry, cutting spending, and turn-back-the-clock measures that the audience mostly agreed with. She also criticized the Democrats and Obama, as expected. In other words, nothing to catch the attention of other than local news media. A small group of noisy protestors was outside, including a few hoodlums who broke a window and a glass in the front door, necessitating a visit from City police." ~ Q (above, in this thread) See, that was easy. Allowing "freedom of speech" is less dangerous than stifing it. |
27 Mar 10 - 05:03 PM (#2873491) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Sawzaw As far as I am concerned, you can hang Ann Coulter up by her feet and use her for an ashtray. If it gets too bad here in the USA, don't let the door knob hit you in the ass. You won't find any border guards to keep you from escaping. They are trying to keep people out. I heard they kept the wonderful Pentagon bomber, Bill [we are communist men and women] Ayres out of Canada. Even though he is such good buddies with Obama that Obama's political career was launched at Ayres house. |
27 Mar 10 - 06:24 PM (#2873534) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor The Canadian government allowed Coulter to speak, so did the University, but the Provost warned her, which was only prudent after what she said to the Muslim student in London, that she was no longer in the USA was was subject to different laws. The students have the right to speak, even to talk about burning he books, and as long as they own the books and comply with the regulations on trash disposal to burn her books. Obviously pulling fire alarms in a public place is not allowed, but that is not a free speech issue. Saying that the entire student body of the University of Ottawa has IQ's between 1 and 0 is also allowed. But it is a stupid thing to say, especially considering that at least some of them supported her. I wonder do those students still support her? Ann Coulter says too many stupid things to be ignored or excused. That is why I continue to be puzzled that she was allowed to speak at Canadian institutions of higher learning. |
27 Mar 10 - 06:51 PM (#2873547) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Ed T "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity." Guess who said it? |
27 Mar 10 - 06:57 PM (#2873551) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor She told a Muslim student in Canada, the day before the Ottawa incident that Muslims should not be allowed on airlines. She told the girl to "take a camel." The woman has a right to speak but she has no credibility. |
27 Mar 10 - 07:11 PM (#2873562) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Stringsinger I bet she wasn't harassed at the border as was Amy Goodman. I really think her problem was that she was victimized and abused as a child. (I wonder if she was raped)? |
27 Mar 10 - 08:33 PM (#2873597) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Ed T I would like to see her in a debate (or cage fight) with Bill Maher. |
27 Mar 10 - 08:38 PM (#2873602) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: pdq This was said about the leaders of Islamic countries who helped or supported the Trade Tower atrocity of 2001: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." ~ Ann Coulter |
27 Mar 10 - 08:46 PM (#2873606) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Sandy Mc Lean "Ann Coulter says too many stupid things to be ignored or excused. That is why I continue to be puzzled that she was allowed to speak at Canadian institutions of higher learning." Jack, part of the learning process is to objectively listen to the opinions of others. The stupider they are the more we learn! Canada would not allow Martha Stewart in for a charity fund raiser racing a dugout Howard Dill giant pumpkin, but shortly afterwards allowed a rap singing arsehole from New York with a record a mile long in to do a tour. Go figure............. |
27 Mar 10 - 09:01 PM (#2873622) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger Sandy: I agree with the Martha Stewart and the rapper thing, but Ann Coulter hasn't been convicted of anything. If she had, I think they'd use that as an excuse to silence her. |
27 Mar 10 - 09:42 PM (#2873645) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor "Jack, part of the learning process is to objectively listen to the opinions of others. The stupider they are the more we learn! " Don't universities look at qualifications and accomplishments when choosing speakers? Don't tell me she was the best available. Or was it some sort of affirmative action for brain dead bigots? |
27 Mar 10 - 09:53 PM (#2873654) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: artbrooks She was there for a reported $20,000 (US or Canadian?) to make an address on behalf of the International Free Press Society, who rented the space from the University. |
27 Mar 10 - 11:45 PM (#2873691) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Q (Frank Staplin) In Calgary, the University provided the Red and White Club for a fee. That and Ann Coulter's fee were paid by the organizers, conservative party members. |
27 Mar 10 - 11:48 PM (#2873693) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Q (Frank Staplin) I should have said that the organizers guaranteed her fee and expenses; the paying audience of 900 I presume was large enough (full house) to cover much of that cost. |
28 Mar 10 - 12:23 AM (#2873703) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Amos The Great Mystery abut this woman to me is this: what kind of a person would try hard to make a career as a professional Harridan? |
28 Mar 10 - 02:33 AM (#2873733) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Ebbie Perhaps she tried = and failed at - a softer career first? |
28 Mar 10 - 09:17 AM (#2873855) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Greg F. what kind of a person would try hard to make a career as a professional Harridan? Sarah Palin? |
28 Mar 10 - 09:40 AM (#2873861) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: olddude One word "MONEY" That is why she does it and Rush also |
28 Mar 10 - 10:48 AM (#2873879) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: 3refs One of the reasons I enjoy most comments posted here is because I never know when I might learn something. I had to look up "Harridan" in the dictionary. Another case of one word saying all that needs to be said! |
28 Mar 10 - 11:07 AM (#2873890) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor harridan - 3 dictionary results har·ri·dan    /ˈhÉ'rɪdn/ Show Spelled[hahr-i-dn] Show IPA â€"noun a scolding, vicious woman; hag; shrew. Origin: 1690â€"1700; perh. alter of F haridelle thin, worn-out horse, large, gaunt woman (compared with the initial element of haras stud farm, though derivation is unclear) Dictionary.com Unabridged Word Origin & History harridan 1700, "one that is half Whore, half Bawd" ["Dictionary of the Canting Crew"]; "a decayed strumpet" [Johnson], from Fr. haridelle "a poore tit, or leane ill-favored jade," [Cotgrave, 1611], in Fr. from 16c., of unknown origin. Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper Cite This Source har·ri·dan (hÄ쳌r'Ä-dn) n. A woman regarded as scolding and vicious. [Possibly from French haridelle, gaunt woman, old horse, nag.] |
28 Mar 10 - 11:15 AM (#2873894) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Don(Wyziwyg)T That is insulting and offensive guys........... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > TO HARRIDANS!! Don T |
28 Mar 10 - 05:35 PM (#2874165) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Q (Frank Staplin) Mudcat's brainless contingent prattles on. |
28 Mar 10 - 06:20 PM (#2874209) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Don(Wyziwyg)T ""Mudcat's brainless contingent prattles on."" If you say so Q. But nobody is forcing you to do so. Don T. |
29 Mar 10 - 01:39 AM (#2874404) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: DougR Jack the Sailor: based on your posts of March 27, one at 0231PM, and the other at 02:44PM, there probably is little point to our discussing things here on the Mudcat. DougR |
29 Mar 10 - 01:56 AM (#2874411) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Amos Doug: I note that I posed several questions concerning oure Ladye Coulter, which as her friend I would think you might be able to answer, but have chosen not to. Why so? |
29 Mar 10 - 03:15 AM (#2874432) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Little Hawk Burning the night oil, Amos? I got a headache (due to low pressure front moving in) and went to bed really early. Now I'm back up at 3 AM. ;-) Keep this in mind...Doug may, as you suggest, be a personal friend of Ann Coulter...but he's not a personal friend of Don Cherry! If he was, then he'd really have something to crow about, by golly. I know people who'd die to be Don Cherry's personal friend. Shane, for one. |
29 Mar 10 - 09:43 AM (#2874637) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Sandy Mc Lean Well after watching the first CBC segment on Don last night I look forward to tonights broadcast. I hope that Shane enjoys it as well! |
29 Mar 10 - 11:29 AM (#2874708) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor DougR, Read more carefully, We have lots to talk about. Yes, I am disappointed in you among others who have unwaveringly supported some very unwise policies on the part of the Republicans. And I repeat, since you think that freedom of speech is an absolute right in this country, I urge you to learn a thing or two about the exceptions before you speak about it again. By the way, if you never talk to me again, I won't miss you implying that I should go back where I came from. |
29 Mar 10 - 05:14 PM (#2875039) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger Why, where'd you come from? |
29 Mar 10 - 05:21 PM (#2875043) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Ebbie Ah ha! Riginslinger, JtS is an immigrant! lol |
29 Mar 10 - 06:35 PM (#2875103) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger And the planet that he migrated from is...? |
29 Mar 10 - 07:10 PM (#2875132) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Amos Oh, you know. One of those Denebian places, the dusty ones with the double moons. So primitive... |
29 Mar 10 - 07:27 PM (#2875144) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger I never associated double moon with "primitive," but I'll take your word for it... |
29 Mar 10 - 07:45 PM (#2875159) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Ebbie Hey, it would be fun to write a story about a planet with a double moon. Would both moons be in the sky at the same time or would one rise later than the other? If at the same time it could be almost as bright out as in daylight, I should think. Think of the electricity it would save, but on the other hand think of the extremely high tides. If that is where JtS is from, he has met and conquered far worse conditions than we. |
29 Mar 10 - 07:54 PM (#2875166) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger It would also explains why he's lost so much of the time, not knowing which moon to follow, losing track of what month it is, falling in love during the harvest moon, only to find the crops are already gone, howling in two different directions at once, the scenarios are endless... |
29 Mar 10 - 08:34 PM (#2875196) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor I can show you a large moon. But alas, not large enough to influence the tides. You'd need the black hole between Riginslinger's ears for that. |
29 Mar 10 - 08:41 PM (#2875199) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Ebbie hahahha He gotcha, Rig. |
29 Mar 10 - 09:19 PM (#2875209) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: frogprince I don't think so;I think that, as with God Herself, the nature of Ann Coulter transcends mere analogy with either human gender. |
30 Mar 10 - 11:29 AM (#2875636) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Riginslinger Meaning what? Ann Coulter is god herself? |
30 Mar 10 - 11:34 AM (#2875638) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: beardedbruce Ebbie, sidenote: The Earth's moon is actually an exception- NO other planet has a moon/ moons as large in comparison to the primary. In fact, the Earth-Moon system is classed as a double planet by some authorities ( in orbit around a common center). Most moons do not provide significant light to their primary. |
30 Mar 10 - 12:50 PM (#2875724) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: frogprince An anology only needs to touch at one point. In Christian theology, one can postulate that God is above and beyond one human gender. I would say that Ann Coulter, on the other hand, is beneath comparison to either human gender. |
30 Mar 10 - 12:54 PM (#2875728) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Ebbie Thanks, bb. I assume that is due not only to the lesser size of the orbiting moons but also the angle of placement to their sun/star? On the other hand, those spinning a fantasy get to plot their own fantasy! I like the idea of two moons glowing up there. |
30 Mar 10 - 01:02 PM (#2875740) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: beardedbruce Just the area. Some of Jupiter's moons have very high reflectivity, but the small size makes the amount of ligh trivial. |
30 Mar 10 - 01:20 PM (#2875754) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor Other issues for Jupiter's moons is the distance of the whole system system from the sun, their distance from Jupiter an of course the immense size of Jupiter its self As I remember, Pandora had multiple moons in Avatar, actually I guess it was its planet primary and its moons. Ebbie you might like part of this ad. Check out the background as the parachutists land. USAF Ebbie, In Science Fiction and Fantasy multiple suns are common too. Nightfall, By Asimov is a classic. |
30 Mar 10 - 08:17 PM (#2876086) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Don(Wyziwyg)T ""Hey, it would be fun to write a story about a planet with a double moon."" Edgar Rice Burroughs beat you to it Ebbie. Read his Barsoom novels. Mars (Barsoom) of course has two, Phobos and Deimos, which are close enough to shed some light. Don T. |
30 Mar 10 - 08:20 PM (#2876088) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Don(Wyziwyg)T Ann Coulter, conversely, sheds no light at all, on anything. I truly believe that when her application to join the human race is processed, some right minded person should Blackball her. Don T. |
30 Mar 10 - 08:35 PM (#2876104) Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada From: Jack the Sailor >>which are close enough to shed some light. but as Bruce said, too small and fast moving to shed much light. |