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BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation

25 Mar 10 - 03:46 PM (#2871762)
Subject: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: maple_leaf_boy

March 25th, 1306 was the date that Robert the Bruce was crowned King
of Scotland. He is considered to be one of Scotland's greatest kings.
Is anyone celebrating this day in any special way?

25 Mar 10 - 03:59 PM (#2871774)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Bill D

Re-invading England?

25 Mar 10 - 04:05 PM (#2871780)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: gnu

Giok. Break out a bottle!

But keep yer Haggis tae yersel eh.

25 Mar 10 - 04:18 PM (#2871799)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Big Mick

Gary, that is only because you have never had haggis done proper. May I suggest you contact Ackroyd's Bakery, Redford, MI and order a haggis. When it arrives, prepare it exactly as they suggest. It is delicious, laddie!


25 Mar 10 - 04:21 PM (#2871801)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Beer

Just finishing a historical novel titled "Child of the Phoenix" by Barbara Erskine. The last chapter I read was on the crowning of the King. Very enjoyable and enlightening book. Begins in the year 1228 and finished 1306.

Beer (adrien)

25 Mar 10 - 04:33 PM (#2871810)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: maple_leaf_boy

It sounds like a good book.

I've been watching videos on the web with King Robert as the topic.
One in particular is "La Marche des soldats de Robert Bruce.
It shows Scottish and French images, because it was apparently the music
that was played at Bannockburn in 1314, and the seige of Orleans in
1429. And it's consider to be a symbol of Scottish-French friendship.

25 Mar 10 - 04:36 PM (#2871815)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Amergin

Didn't Robert the Bruce murder Red Comyn in a church?

25 Mar 10 - 04:38 PM (#2871817)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: catspaw49

If you're turned off by sheep lungs and such, TRY THIS!

But if you have the real thing cooked perfectly take it out hot and serve it up with some side dishes like this.


25 Mar 10 - 05:27 PM (#2871867)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: GUEST,Doc John

Reinstate the Declaration of Arbroath and throw out that worthless Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (aka Windsor) lot. Offer the presidency to Segolene Royale, which might satisfy the royalists, as they're pretty dim.

25 Mar 10 - 06:14 PM (#2871917)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: GUEST,Allan Connochie

It is not a day that is particularly commemorated and I imagine 999 out of every 1000 Scot wouldn't have a clue what date Bruce or any other monarch's coronation was. Apart from general days that are celebrated elsewhere in Britain too the days most oft marked throughout Scotland are St Andrews Day and more especially Burns Night. You do get some commemorations on the anniversary of Bannockburn itself but I wouldn't say it is that common.

25 Mar 10 - 06:38 PM (#2871936)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Dave MacKenzie

I'll drink to that!

25 Mar 10 - 06:43 PM (#2871942)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: gnu

BMick... no. I haven't the guts to eat it.

25 Mar 10 - 06:50 PM (#2871949)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Dave MacKenzie

"I haven't the guts to eat it." LOL

I hope if it's a genuine Scots bakers, the pies are proper shell pies filled with mutton.

25 Mar 10 - 07:05 PM (#2871964)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Sandy Mc Lean

An old Gaelic saying goes:
Cur amach an Sasunnach agus leig astigh an cu!

25 Mar 10 - 07:45 PM (#2872010)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Big Mick

Dave, these are the real deal. The Ackroyd Bakery is where my Scots ex-pat friends get their goods. I had a friend who wanted to do a Burns Night supper and wanted a good source. I turned to a lovely Glaswegian couple I know and this is where they pointed me. It was an excellent tip as I had not known of this place. Check out their website.


25 Mar 10 - 07:50 PM (#2872016)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Dave MacKenzie

You've lost me, Sandy. I don't have that much Gaelic. Something about a vulture and a Sassunnach and letting the dog into the house?

25 Mar 10 - 09:30 PM (#2872086)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Sandy Mc Lean

Well Dave, you have the last part right but it is subjective, and many would not say not incorrect to equate a Sasunnach to a vulture. As individuals I wish not to insult my Sasunnach friends, but as a nation the chips fall where chips fall!

26 Mar 10 - 12:15 AM (#2872165)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: MGM·Lion

"As individuals I wish not to insult my Sasunnach friends, but as a nation the chips fall where chips fall!"
                , .,., ., ., ., .

Chips with haggis? ··· now that does sound like a gastronomic delight...

26 Mar 10 - 03:10 AM (#2872206)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: GUEST,Allan Connochie

"Chips with haggis? ··· now that does sound like a gastronomic delight... "

Actually a haggis supper (ie deep fried haggis and chips) is one of the most common things to get in a Scottish fish and chips shop. And it is usually great. Apart from the batter the haggis tatses not much different from normal. It is far more common than the much publicised but probably not that often eated deep fried mars bar :-)

26 Mar 10 - 03:33 AM (#2872211)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: VirginiaTam

Oh! I should re read my Nigel Tranter Bruce Trilogy. Tis romanticised but enjoyable. It has been a long time.

26 Mar 10 - 04:56 AM (#2872256)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: fat B****rd

Most of the Bruce is in Dunfermline Abbey. I shall bow respectfully as I walk past later today.

26 Mar 10 - 05:13 AM (#2872264)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: GUEST,Allan Connochie

"Most of the Bruce is in Dunfermline Abbey. I shall bow respectfully as I walk past later today. "

And I will pass Melrose Abbey just after lunch where his heart is

26 Mar 10 - 07:08 AM (#2872293)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: GUEST,tealeaf

Was he the Bruce, who arrived by boat from the Chateau d'Adam at Brix, between Cherbourg and Valognes, without a passport or visum and stayed on as an illegal? Pity we had no immigration policy back then. Send the buggers home ,that's what I say.

26 Mar 10 - 07:52 AM (#2872335)
Subject: RE: BS: Robert The Bruce Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

He was an arsehole, well, the elder one was. - I know, I watched Braveheart and the camera never lies:-)