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29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)

05 Apr 10 - 08:17 PM (#2880338)
Subject: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: olddude

in my thoughts and prayers

mine explosion

05 Apr 10 - 08:42 PM (#2880346)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: catspaw49

Massey strikes again. I feel for the families. There is no end to the ways that coal can kill..........

I'm not going to say any more in the face of yet another grim day in the ugly history of "King Coal."


05 Apr 10 - 11:06 PM (#2880397)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: Lox

King Coal

05 Apr 10 - 11:08 PM (#2880400)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: Janie

No words come....

06 Apr 10 - 12:13 AM (#2880434)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: catspaw49

Now 12 dead and 10 missing...............


06 Apr 10 - 01:08 AM (#2880452)
Subject: BS: Montcoal, West Virginia - Mine Explosion
From: Goose Gander

12 dead, 10 missing in Montcoal, West Virginia.

"(A)ccording to federal records, the Upper Big Branch Mine has had three fatalities since 1998 and has a worse than average injury rate over the last 10 years. Two of the miners died in roof collapses in 1998 and 2001, while a third was electrocuted in 2003 when repairing an underground car."

transferred from duplicate thread

06 Apr 10 - 01:40 AM (#2880456)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: katlaughing

And 115 safe after eight days in Russian cave-in. Sometimes the Universe seems so random. Blessings on all who are suffering.

06 Apr 10 - 04:24 AM (#2880498)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: Will Fly

Before my grandfather's generation, all my male relatives (and some female) and ancestors on the male side of my family were miners in the south-east Lancashire coalfields. My g-g-g-grandfather and all his brothers started pulling coal carts - "corves" - in the mines at the age of 10. If they survived, they became coal hewers. Using children of that age in mines became illegal in 1849 in the UK. My great-great-aunt Fanny Hurst lost her husband and the eldest sons in the 1910 pit disaster (explosion) at the Pretoria Pit, near Westhoughton. This was one of the worst mining disasters in Britain.

So mining is a hard, dirty and destructive industry with one winner - the pit owners. My thoughts to those in this latest tragedy.

06 Apr 10 - 05:30 AM (#2880519)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: Richard Bridge

We should remember.

06 Apr 10 - 06:18 AM (#2880539)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: GUEST,Russ

No matter how you get it, coal kills.

People and counties.

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

06 Apr 10 - 07:46 AM (#2880577)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: olddude

now 25 dead

06 Apr 10 - 08:00 AM (#2880585)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion

Here I was giving thanks for the 115 pulled from a pit in China.
Is it now that coal mining is a dangerous occupation or are owners still cutting corners to make a few more dollars?

06 Apr 10 - 08:41 AM (#2880614)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: olddude

I believe it is a bit of both. And that mine has been fined for safety violations more times I believe than the drug companies have pills ...

06 Apr 10 - 11:11 AM (#2880722)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: olddude

doesn't look good for the 4 still missing, the gas is so poisonous the rescue workers cannot continue for 24 hours

06 Apr 10 - 11:39 AM (#2880739)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: catspaw49

Getting coal out of the ground has always been a dangerous way to earn a living in this country. I know other countries do it better and some do it worse but my concern is for this country. I was ranting away to Karen this AM and stopped abruptly saying, "I don't know why coal winds me up so much and so quickly." She said that for me it was about "home" and also the time I spent in college in Kentucky and the AV's.......I knew that but even so, this one gets me faster than anything else.

I guess it is because we knew years ago how dangerous this was and we knew that coal killed all along the line. It kills the land, it kills the people, and it is without a single positive......except that the people who live on that land have had nowhere else to work and/or gave up their mineral rights to that land they thought they owned. It is the dichotomy of coal energy.

All along the usage line of coal, we make trade-offs. Meigs County, Ohio has 4 coal fired plants and the energy companies want to build 3 more. Those plants brought revenue to the county while the citizens of Meigs County are dying from coal related cancers at alarming rates. A few months back, a citizen action group stopped construction of one of the proposed plants. Last year 26 proposed plants were stopped!

We're blowing the hell out of mountains and strip mining still goes on. A great piece of legislation promises to slow them down or stop them altogether but only the naive and young would believe that strip mining is over.

Legislation passed in 2006 should have made this latest accident less probable and more survivable but men are dead. But there other ways to die of course.....Black Lung has certainly not been eradicated. But the miners may well have nowhere else to work.

How long are we going to pay this price? When we were fighting for more money and better working conditions we should have been fighting for more research into alternatives and new types of jobs for the people.

The politics of coal simply add the final touch to this dirty business as the folks vote for lower taxes and more assistance at the expense of expanding the power of the energy companies. Can you blame them though?

This scenario and the dichotomy of coal has been playing so long in the Appalachians and its foothills that it seems the norm..........and it is.


06 Apr 10 - 01:53 PM (#2880837)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: mouldy

My heart is right there with the families.
I don't really need to add any more...Deja Vu...


06 Apr 10 - 03:17 PM (#2880881)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: gnu

So sad all of it. Even a coal ship grounding off Oz (speculating they were trying to save fuel) and spilling oil.

06 Apr 10 - 06:21 PM (#2880980)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: katlaughing

Sad and stupid since we've known for so long that it kills, as Spaw noted. How many hours of light, heat, and hot water, etc. does one dead miner count for? It creeps me out to know the energy we use is at the cost of any lives an I grew up in a house which had one of only two largest in the valley coal furnaces, hopper and all...coal dust hated it just for the cleaning.

Out here there is no reason for us all not to go solar except cost. I hope this changes and soon.

Sorrow and thoughts shared with all involved,


06 Apr 10 - 07:29 PM (#2881016)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in w va mine explosion
From: GUEST,bankley

"It's a fact of life that in a mining town
The roof gives way and the mine shuts down
But they need our work, and we need their pay
In Appalachia it's the only way"

"Ghost of Appalachia" - JT Oglesby


06 Apr 10 - 07:49 PM (#2881030)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: olddude

"I work the mine for number 9,
decades come and decades go
and still our children die"

Owens Appalchia   - me

and it is still true sadly

06 Apr 10 - 08:15 PM (#2881049)
Subject: RE: BS: 6 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: Bobert

Man, first of all, my heart goes out to all the families and friends of the miners...

Second of all, there ain't nuthin' "clean" about coal... Not from mining to burning... But in community after community in West Virginia it's all these folks have...

In the words of Waylon Jennings, "We need a change"...

What, 500 violations in the last year alone???


07 Apr 10 - 05:35 AM (#2881226)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: Dave the Gnome

The number of violations is astounding. With reference to the Pretoria Pit disaster mentioned by Will, above - While Hulton, the owner, was cleared it was well known that he was a penny-pinching miser who would not spend enough on simple safety measures such as safelty lamps. Oddly enough he was the direct descendant of the the William Hulton that ordered the Peterloo masacre 90 years earlier and has a 12 year old boy hanged for sabotaging his Mill equipment. Not much changes.

Sympathies to the families.

Close the coalhouse door, lad. There's blood inside...


07 Apr 10 - 10:09 AM (#2881357)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: GUEST,leeneia

Prison time for the executives who let this happen (again) might help. And I don't mean federal prison.

07 Apr 10 - 12:04 PM (#2881428)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: Bill D

It seems the CEO of Massey Energy is quite well-known in some circles. Rachael Maddow had videos of him knocking cameras down when news media tried to take his pictu

07 Apr 10 - 12:59 PM (#2881473)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: GUEST,bankley

Daryll Scott has a wonderfully poignant song called "You'll never leave Harlan alive" check it out when you can...

07 Apr 10 - 02:14 PM (#2881525)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: catspaw49

RE: Bill's link to the Blankenship piece. All of the videos are just perfect to show up what he is like and frankly he's not so different from others in the game. It is also a fine series that shows how much coal is in bed with other business es and the the government. Its no wonder they are so hard to fight. Thanks for the great link Bill!

Reminds me as well of a guy in the AV's back in the 60's who developed a chart of "interlocking directorates" of the coal and steel industries. The chart took up an entire wall and many of th same assholes sat on the boards of several different stell, coal, electric power, etc. I remember one person was on at least 7 DIFFERENT BOARDS including Bethlehem Steel, Westmoreland coal, and Ohio Power. Anyone see a problem here?

One thing for certain.....There are 25 men dead so far and someone is at fault.


07 Apr 10 - 05:47 PM (#2881671)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosi
From: Stringsinger

Don Blankenship is the perfect personification of dirty coal.

Clean coal is Orwellian.

07 Apr 10 - 06:48 PM (#2881717)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: open mike

oh no....sing a song for the miners..

pick one from the DT....or from here

08 Apr 10 - 12:31 PM (#2882176)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: Goose Gander

Here's an update but it's not good news.

23 Apr 10 - 11:59 AM (#2892824)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: Desert Dancer

The New York Times has a lengthy interesting/scary article about Massey's crappy corporate culture in relation to safety, compared to TECO in Kentucky:
2 Mines Show How Safety Practices Vary Widely in U.S..

~ Becky in Tucson

23 Apr 10 - 04:54 PM (#2892962)
Subject: RE: At least 25 dead in West Virginia mine explosion
From: GUEST,Janie

Thanks for posting the link, Becky.

I'm so angry I can't think.


16 May 10 - 08:18 PM (#2908261)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2
From: Janie

A comment Russ made on the "Appalachian Blues" thread above the line, (to paraphrase -at least "appalachian" is apparently no longer a purjurative term), reminded me of a rather visceral reaction I had to the news coverage of the Upper Branch Mine disaster on NPR (where I get nearly all of my news.)

The reporters sounded somewhat condescending to me (though very kind,) when talking about the miners themselves, reporting on the families and the reactions of the community and the people of the State, etc. - as if they were talking about a somewhat archaic, simple people and culture, somehow substantially different from many other rural places in America.

It was subtle. Maybe it wasn't there at all. I may be hypersensitive and prone to perceive slights where there are none when it comes to being a West Virginian. Maybe I projected that "tone" into the reporting based on my experience of enduring past stereotypes that no longer hold.

What was your take?

16 May 10 - 08:24 PM (#2908263)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2
From: Janie

ummmm -make that "perjorative"

16 May 10 - 08:50 PM (#2908276)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Bill D

Hmmm, Janie... I didn't specifically see/hear that, but I'd not be surprised. I do know that various areas get 'stereotyped' as to behavior, culture...etc. The 'South', Maine, California, Texas-- as do stories about various ethnic groups.
I think it's partly because some places, including Appalachia in general and W. Virginia in particular, are somewhat self-conciously defensive about their image. Almost all stereotypes have some real basis...which is often awkwardly exaggerated by the media as they try to flesh out a 'story'. It ain't fair, but it happens.

Whether or not W.Va, is "...substantially different from many other rural places in America", it IS different. People can't live in those areas, doing what it takes to survive and cope and not be different. They cultivate that difference to some extent. Add to that all the movies, 'country' songs and lack of interest by outsiders except when there is some disaster or scandal, and it's no wonder that 2nd string reporters sent off to cover the events end up 'flavoring' the interviews and sound bytes in certain ways.

By and large, I thought they did 'reasonably' well conveying the magnitude of the event and the profound sense of loss and frustration those folks feel as history repeats all to often. Then....perhaps *I* am just not sensitive enough to it all, having never lived there.

16 May 10 - 09:14 PM (#2908289)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ


I agree.


It is none of my damned business, but

What area are you from and what ethnic group do you belong to that is subject to stereotyping? What image are you somewhat self-consciously defensive about?

How about giving us the version of the Appalachian stereotype that you hold dear and then telling us precisely what parts of it have some real basis?

As an Appalachian person I am curious to know how I am being stereotyped today.

Where is Spaw when we need him?

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

16 May 10 - 09:58 PM (#2908307)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2
From: Janie

What area are you from and what ethnic group do you belong to that is subject to stereotyping? What image are you somewhat self-consciously defensive about?

Exactly, Russ. I am wondering to what extent, if any, the experience of being subjected to a generally negative stereotype colors my perceptions.

16 May 10 - 10:45 PM (#2908322)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2
From: Janie

Thanks Bill. Most people are somewhat self-conscious about negative images .

I don't think the negative stereotype of West Virginia and West Virginians is as powerful as it once was. I am concerned about that negative stereotype heating up again in service to the ensuing battle over coal - on two fronts - the environmental destructiveness of mountaintop removal, and carbon emissions. both sides of these related issues regarding coal could find it beneficial to feed different aspects of that stereotype. One side is likely to focus on the absurd romantic notion of those poor West Virginians as victims of out-of-state
robber barons, so stupid and ignorant that they don't see how they are being used. The other side is representing itself as the on-going, and only possible economic saviour, (well, life boat for the few for which there is room, anyway).

As you say, stereotypes always have a toe in reality, while serving to obscure reality.

However, what I am really on about is trying to judge the accuracy of my own roadmap of reality.

16 May 10 - 11:13 PM (#2908332)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Bill D

Well...this is why, after offering my perceptions, as requested, I ended by admitting that I can't be a totally objective NOR can I understand AS a resident.
I am a bland WASP-type, mostly from Kansas, who has only 60 years of travel and thinking & reading & meeting people and 14 years of discussing 'stuff' on Mudcat to guide me.
That means that a question back at me, phrased "How about giving us the version of the Appalachian stereotype that you hold dear ..." is just a bit hard to answer. I don't hold ANY of them "dear"... (and I haven't started 'beating my wife').I merely recognize that there are stereotypes- of, as I noted, many areas and groups. One of my aims in life has been to combat and overcome the worst aspects of stereotypes. How does one do that? Well, the 1st step is to recognize that there ARE such. (Basic philosophy...can't really know 'goodness' without badness for comparison.)

... I see I am hesitating to refer to specific stereotypes, lest I be pegged as holding them. I do not do these discussions well in this medium, when I must try to include parenthetical qualifications and disclaimers in anticipation of 'touching a nerve', as I seem to have done just trying to make a reasoned reply. [Janie 'sorta' knows me, and I think knows that I DO try to be honest and clear. When I fail, it is useful to sit and trade clarifying remarks as we go....]

   It seemed so simple to just offer one quick viewpoint as to whether *I* saw the same "slights" and "tone" that Janie 'thought' she saw embedded in news stories. I said I didn't, but would not be surprised if those stories WERE slanted a bit, due to...all those reasons I mentioned.

Now, I play autoharp...and I play some Carter Family stuff, and have LPs of Gid Tanner and Ken & Nehriah Benfield and various folks from the South and of a number of musicians from Appalachia ...including W. Va. You can't hear and sing these songs without absorbing some of the feelings and values and culture and religion inherent in it. Are those 'stereotypes' or just 'reflections'?

Finally, was the only safe answer to Janie's question, "Yep...shore was slanted coverage, alright!"? Hmmmm? If I understood the point, she was ASKING because she wasn't sure.

(Janie...we are collecting quite a list of topics to hash out when we ain't singin' and eatin' and fightin' sleep, hmmm? *wry grin*)

16 May 10 - 11:17 PM (#2908334)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Bill D

Cross-posted,I see....(and one of my favorite autoharp songs is "Black Waters"... it could easily be about W. Va as well as Jean R's Kentucky.)

17 May 10 - 01:04 AM (#2908359)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2
From: Janie


I found your response to my query very cogent and thoughtful. I trust and value your careful and objective thinking processes . (Don't go gettin' a swelled head, now - may just be a reflection on who I choose to associate with in 3-D;^)

Being on the receiving end of a stereotype leads to often exquisitely sensitive radar.    That exquisitely sensitive radar is capable of discerning subtle , often unconscious projections of others based on their internalized acceptance of the stereotype. However, that ultra-sensitive radar also picks up a lot of false signals, due to its very sensitivity. I'm just trying to sort that out.

17 May 10 - 01:11 AM (#2908361)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2
From: Janie

May be to much thread drift away from the original topic. Do not want to detract from the reality and discussion of the explosion and the terrible loss of lives.

18 Sep 10 - 02:26 PM (#2989310)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: gnu


18 Sep 10 - 03:06 PM (#2989328)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Bill D

Very bad news, gnu..... I'm not sure why you added it to this thread, but I share your anger.

18 Sep 10 - 03:10 PM (#2989329)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: open mike

why not start a new thread?
this has no connection to west virginia??

18 Sep 10 - 03:53 PM (#2989340)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: gnu

It has a connection with mining in gereal and we have had several threads... didn't want to strt another one. Joe might get pissed. >;-)

I searched... even asked Spaw by PM about a thread I thought he started. Couldn't find one better.

03 Nov 10 - 03:24 PM (#3022747)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Labor Dept. Asks Court To Close Massey Mine In Ky. (NPR)

The Labor Department took an unprecedented step against a Kentucky coal mine Wednesday, asking that a federal judge shut it down immediately to protect the lives of those who work there.

In filing for a preliminary injunction in U.S. District Court, the government cites persistently dangerous conditions in Massey Energy's Freedom Mine No. 1 in Pike County. The action — the toughest enforcement action available to federal regulators — would shut down the mine until safety hazards are addressed and Massey Energy demonstrates it can operate the mine safely.

The Freedom Mine employs about 130 miners and was cited for safety violations more than 700 times this year alone.

The move is viewed by mine safety experts as one response to the deadly explosion in April at Massey's Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia. Twenty-nine mine workers died in that tragedy, which has triggered civil and criminal investigations.

For 33 years, the agency has had the authority to take mining companies to federal court when they have serious and persistent safety violations. But this "injunctive relief" section of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act has not been invoked until now.

... more at the link above ...

~ Becky in Long Beach

03 Nov 10 - 03:40 PM (#3022759)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Richard Bridge

Am I right to think that the Tea Party would like to shut down the Labor Department as "big government"? Grrrrr!

03 Nov 10 - 09:50 PM (#3023079)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ

Rand Paul, just elected senator from KY, has some interesting things to say about mine safety.

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

04 Nov 10 - 01:23 AM (#3023133)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Richard Bridge

Such as?

04 Nov 10 - 12:51 PM (#3023482)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ

This has to be seen to be believed.

Mine Safety Regulations are Not Needed

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

04 Nov 10 - 03:45 PM (#3023639)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Russ, that is really scary.

His full quote:

"Is there a certain amount of accidents and unfortunate things that do happen, no matter what the regulations are?" Paul says at the Harlan Center, in response to a question about the Big Branch disaster. "The bottom line is I'm not an expert, so don't give me the power in Washington to be making rules. You live here, and you have to work in the mines. You'd try to make good rules to protect your people here. If you don't, I'm thinking that no one will apply for those jobs. I know that doesn't sound..." Here he stumbles, trying to parse his words properly but only presaging his campaign misstep. "I want to be compassionate," he concludes, "and I'm sorry for what happened, but I wonder: Was it just an accident?"

from Details magazine, online, August

In the opening of that article, Paul (and the articles author, who may be forgiven as a non-Kentucky-native and not someone who's running for senator from Kentucky) cannot remember why Harlan County is significant in Kentucky history.

~ Becky in Long Beach

04 Nov 10 - 10:22 PM (#3023960)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ

Rand Paul is dangerously ignorant and naive on some many levels.

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

04 Nov 10 - 11:12 PM (#3023987)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Janie

It is scary - what happens when adherence to a philosophy is clung to in total disregard for the exigency of reality.

05 Nov 10 - 08:50 AM (#3024215)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ

In the senate he will get his nose rubbed in reality.

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

05 Nov 10 - 09:42 AM (#3024253)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Richard Bridge

That is almost incredible. One might have thought that even the TeaPotty could not be so wholly idiotic.

05 Nov 10 - 11:47 AM (#3024312)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Libertarianism is a strange combination of idealism ("if only we didn't tamper with people, they'd all do the right thing") and paranoia ("government will inevitably screw us all").

~ Becky in Long Beach

05 Nov 10 - 12:07 PM (#3024331)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ

Pike County KY is across the river from my home county, Mingo County WV.
Pike County is definitely "coal country".

Apparently the residents of Pike County are not as concerned with mine safety as they are with other issues.

Pike County                
Rand PAUL (REP)                50.64%
Jack CONWAY (DEM)        49.36%
Rand PAUL (REP)                55.74%
Jack CONWAY (DEM)        44.26%

Russ (Permanent GUEST who likes to keep score)

05 Nov 10 - 12:11 PM (#3024334)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)

IMHO (emphasis MY) libertarians are anarchists in sheep's clothing.
Not that I have a problem with anarchism.
I guess Rand wants to change the system from within.
That's a laugh.

Russ (Permanent GUEST who maybe should just keep his mouth shut)

05 Nov 10 - 12:14 PM (#3024336)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ

OOP! the above was from me.


Russ (Permanent and sometimes forgetful GUEST)

05 Nov 10 - 02:45 PM (#3024465)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Russ, I was curious about Harlan County results, but didn't find them. Where'd you get yours?

~ Becky in Long Beach

05 Nov 10 - 04:24 PM (#3024561)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: catspaw49

If I have been absnt from here it is simply because out of all the insanity of this election, nothing compares to the election of Rand Paul. It took a few days to get past being apoplectic.   

Russ is right here and it does appear the folks are pissed over many other things. When the day-to-day economy of living is in the tank, we are all willing to give up on bigger goals to keep the daily bread on the table. Many people step back and think it through and go for the long term.   However, it is also then that many of the same ones who need help the most and are at the bottom of the food chain are willing to elect someone who is at the top of the chain and has no idea how these folks below them live. I suppose some hope that electing a "have" will elevate them from "have not" status but it never works.

Even knowing all of that it is hard to see how a Rand Paul could be elected.......or why. Like it or not, coal is still a major part of Kentucky's economy. How can a candidate for U.S. Senate know nothing about Harlan? His first association with Hazard is a fucking TV SHOW!!!

Jesus.....somebody just shoot me..............


05 Nov 10 - 06:51 PM (#3024675)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Richard Bridge

Spaw - you KNOW who needs shooting - but they seem to have most of the gun nuts.

06 Nov 10 - 10:48 AM (#3025089)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ


I went to the Kentucky State Board of Elections website.

Try this

Results by County

That should put you on the "Reports" tab. Use the dropdown to select the county.

The Harlan County results are even more "interesting"

Rand PAUL (REP)    58.82%
Jack CONWAY (DEM) 41.18%

As my dad used to say, "It's enough to make a preacher cuss."

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

01 Dec 10 - 11:51 AM (#3044210)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Massey to Close KY Mine That Regulators Wanted Seized (NPR)

... In a statement, Massey also says it still believes the mine is safe but that it's size and age present safety challenges. In fact, two dangerous rockfalls occurred at the mine just last week.

Um, yeah.

~ Becky in Long Beach

01 Dec 10 - 12:33 PM (#3044239)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ

Massey is still gaming the system.

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

11 Dec 10 - 10:37 AM (#3050959)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Legislation strengthening mine safety regulators goes down in the lame duck session: NYT editorial.

I have to take a deep breathing break every time I read the news coming out of Washington (and Phoenix) lately.

~ Becky in Tucson

11 Dec 10 - 05:01 PM (#3051203)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ


It is an old story in WV. Not really surprised to see it at the national level.

The owners make the rules.

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

13 Dec 10 - 10:10 PM (#3052957)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

A lengthy story from NPR and West Virgina Public Radio: Pain Persists For Mine Disaster Family, by Howard Berkes

Eight months after the Upper Big Branch mine disaster, the families of the 29 coal miners who lost their lives continue to live in grief, yet few have described their pain publicly.

"Here in southern West Virginia [we] tend to keep that stuff closely held," said Randolph McGraw, a lawyer in Beckley, W Va., who represents the families of six Upper Big Branch victims.

"[We] understand the risk … when something ultimately happens that is beyond the comprehension of people from other parts of the country," McGraw said.

But Gene Jones believes speaking out is critical, especially as public memory of the tragedy fades. Jones, 50, lost his identical twin Dean in the explosion.

"We're just going to be forgotten," Jones says, while mine disasters are "going to continue and continue and continue to go on. We need it fixed."

So Jones agreed to describe his family's ordeal, hoping that mine safety regulators, state and federal investigators, the mining industry, Congress and Americans in general will be reminded of the human cost of the nation's worst mine disaster in 40 years.


Gene reflects on the eight months since Dean Jones and 28 other brothers, fathers, sons and grandfathers died. Congress rejected mine safety reform, he says. The civil and criminal investigations of the Upper Big Branch explosion drag on. And he wonders about the value Massey Energy has placed on his brother's life. Departing CEO Don Blankenship, he notes, is getting a golden parachute worth at least $12 million â€" four times the settlement the company offered to the Jones family.

"It's so sad to hear these crazy things," he says. The miners "were there every day risking their lives for that black coal, for us, surviving in this country."

Gene Jones pauses with a massive sigh. "And because of that," he continues, "I lost my brother."


Truly tragic.

~ Becky in Tucson

13 Dec 10 - 10:45 PM (#3052973)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Bobert

Beyond tragic... Criminal...

B~ (former Wes Ginny hillbilly)

20 May 11 - 01:11 PM (#3157657)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Report Faults Mine Owner for Explosion That Killed 29 (NY Times)

"In the first comprehensive state report on the 2010 coal mine disaster in West Virginia, an independent team of investigators has put the blame squarely on the owner of the mine, Massey Energy, concluding that it had "made life difficult" for miners who tried to address safety and built "a culture in which wrongdoing became acceptable." "
"The 120-page report offered a scathing indictment of Massey practices at the Upper Big Branch mine, pieced together through months of interviews and the analysis of documents, data and correspondence. "
"As the largest coal producer in Appalachia at the time, Massey used its leverage "to attempt to control West Virginia's political system," and through it, oversight agencies. Inspectors, whose job it was to protect miner safety, were cast as "enemies," the report said, with the company challenging their very legitimacy.

"Politicians were afraid of the company, the report said, because the chief executive at the time, Don Blankenship, "was willing to spend vast amounts of money to influence elections," the report said.

"It also faulted regulators for stopping short of applying the strictest censure of Massey, though it noted that individual regulators, like Mr. Mackowiak, made every effort to stop dangerous practices. Massey's allegations that the ventilation problems were the mining administration's fault were baseless, the report said. "

20 May 11 - 01:13 PM (#3157661)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: gnu


20 May 11 - 02:12 PM (#3157690)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: catspaw49

What a shock! I am extremely upset and surprised that a mining company would be at fault here! And Massey at that.......Why, they are the run and owned by folks who are the salt of the earth with just the finest company............ and so safety conscious............ that such a thing should blemish their record............oh my....................I feel the Vapors coming........Hope my nose doesn't blow up..............


21 May 11 - 08:22 AM (#3158093)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: GUEST,Russ

Why does the report used the past tense?

Russ (Permanent GUEST)

21 May 11 - 11:21 AM (#3158172)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

gnu - yeah.
Spaw - yeah.
Russs - yeah.

~ Becky in Tucson

29 Jun 11 - 12:04 PM (#3178360)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Officials: W. Va. Mine Operator Kept Two Sets Of Safety Records

Federal mine disaster investigators disclosed a few pieces of new information Tuesday night from their year-long look at the April 2010 deadly Upper Big Branch mine explosion. They said that:

— Mine owner Massey Energy kept two sets of records that chronicled safety problems. One internal set of production reports detailed those problems and how they delayed coal production. But the other records, which are reviewed by federal mine safety inspectors and required by federal law, failed to mention the same safety hazards. Some of the hazards that were not disclosed are identical to those believed to have contributed to the explosion.

— Portions of the Upper Big Branch mine hit by the explosion were not treated for excessive and explosive coal dust because the entryways or tunnels in those areas were too small to accommodate the machine used to spray the material that neutralizes coal dust.

— Gas readings taken shortly after the explosion showed too little methane to support Massey Energy's claim that a massive, naturally-occurring and unpredictable inundation of gas caused the disaster.

— The path of the fiery blast that accompanied the explosion traveled in more complicated and convoluted ways than reported earlier.

Those details come from a private briefing in Beckley, W.Va., held last night for the families of the 29 mine workers killed in the disaster. Six participants provided those details to NPR.

The participants said the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHSA) presented findings that support its earlier, preliminary conclusions, as well as those of an independent team of investigators, who issued their final report last month.

~ Becky in Long Beach

10 Dec 11 - 07:35 PM (#3271781)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

For 29 Dead Miners, No Justice

David Uhlman
NY Times Op-Ed

"During my 17 years at the Justice Department, we prosecuted corporations criminally in hundreds of cases that, while serious, did not involve the tragic loss of life at the Upper Big Branch Mine. The Justice Department did not live up to its name in agreeing not to prosecute Massey for its crimes. We can only hope that when it comes to the other unfathomable disaster that took place in April 2010, the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, justice will be better served. "

10 Dec 11 - 07:43 PM (#3271786)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: gnu

Fuck me! That is....

10 Dec 11 - 10:08 PM (#3271836)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Janie

I have been following this story very closely and recommend reading articles in the Charleston Gazette and/or Daily Mail, written by lmostly damned good local reporters if you are trying to sort out what has happened and what is happening on legal fronts.

It isn't easy to sort out political spin from what the realities will ultimately prove to be, and I don't pretend that I have managed to do so.   It is also, imo, pretty complex to weigh the pros and cons of the latest settlement that has been reached.

Massey dodged a corporate bullet by being bought by Alpha, and Alpha, not being the owner of Upper Big Branch at the time of the disaster, does not appear to have incurred the full brunt of financial and corporate liability that Massey would probably have been faced with had the friendly take over by Alpha not have occurred. However, Massey may have decided to fold in response to the fines and settlement to the families. Once the company was gone, I assume the old adage "you cant get blood out of a turnip" would have applied.

Holding a corporation civilly or criminally liable does not hold the management or the board of directors of the corporation personally or individually liable. May or may not interfere with a few career trajectories, but probably not for long.

No amount of money can compensate for the loss of a life.    No levying of anyone's definition of justice can either.

The settlement does not preclude criminal prosecution of individuals and there is an on-going investigation toward that end. Only time well tell if and who might face criminal prosecution and liability. If no one is prosecuted, or if the laws are such that upper levels of management and/or people on the board of directors of Massey are not prosecuted, this settlement will prove to have been a travesty except to whatever extent safety conditions in the mines are improved by coal companies out of fear of the financial consequences for safety violations.

I don't know what Alpha's reputation is regarding mine safety. If it is good, they are likely to insist and rapidly work toward establishing the same safety protocols in former Massey mines that are already in place in their existing mines. If that is the case, then I would consider Alpha's takeover to be a net gain for miners working in formerly Massey mines.

11 Dec 11 - 03:51 AM (#3271904)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Joe Offer

"Sir Coughsalot" wrote a song called Upper Big Branch Disaster .
Take a listen.


11 Dec 11 - 06:53 PM (#3272288)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

The settlement does not preclude criminal prosecution of individuals and there is an on-going investigation toward that end.

Thanks for that information, Janie. I sure hope that Alpha makes the needed changes.

~ Becky in Tucson

23 Feb 12 - 11:55 PM (#3312515)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Interesting report today on PBS News Hour from Howard Berkes of NPR: Upper Big Branch Miners' Families 'Encouraged' by Prosecutors' Moves

[Intro] Today, state mining officials issued 253 violations against the company and released their final report. In it, they singled out two foremen, saying they repeatedly failed to clean conveyor belts or apply rock dust used to neutralize explosive coal dust, all leading to unsafe conditions.

And, just yesterday, federal prosecutors brought criminal fraud charges against the mine's former superintendent Gary May.

[Berkes:] that state report, they noted that the maximum fine for those foremen, for these citations, is $250, and that state law doesn't permit citing anyone above the level of mine foreman.

And those foremen didn't make up the way that they behaved in that mine. They were working at the direction of a mine superintendent, of the president and vice president of the Massey Energy subsidiary that ran that mine. And we know from documents that have been released in the investigation so far and in a deposition by former CEO Don Blankenship in another case that this mine was micromanaged and that Blankenship and other senior officials at Massey Energy knew what was going on there.

They monitored the coal production by the foot and by the minute. And so, even though it's clear that these -- that the superintendent who was charged yesterday and that the mine foremen who were mentioned in the state report today were not acting on their own, it appears that it's very difficult in -- certainly in state law in West Virginia to reach beyond the foreman to cite anyone else and get anyone else held responsible.

He goes on to say, however, that Gary May appears to be cooperating with prosecutors, and so there is hope to actually get to higher level officials.

More from the NY Times:
Mine Superintendent Charged in 2010 Disaster, with more details of the procedures for getting around inspections

~ Becky in Long Beach

24 Feb 12 - 09:11 PM (#3313016)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Janie

I heard the story of Mays' being charged on NPR the other morning. It will be very good news if charges move well up the food chain.

24 Feb 12 - 09:30 PM (#3313021)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: catspaw49

........and your bet on that happening? I was glad to see the story but if this goes up the line I'll be amazed! On the other hand I'll take whatever can be got!!!


24 Feb 12 - 10:03 PM (#3313036)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: gnu

Sad that money will stop that, Spaw. And it will go on... all over the world.

24 Feb 12 - 10:17 PM (#3313040)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Bobert

Mines get cited every day for violations... ((((yawn)))... They don't care... It's just part of the game to them... They sandbag... They don't correct anything... Just a bad but well known joke...


24 Feb 12 - 10:51 PM (#3313056)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

The citations for violations are from the state, but the charges against Gary May are federal, so maybe something more than business as usual will ensue [insert appeal to luck or a higher power here]. From the NY Times article:
The way the charges were filed — directly to the court by prosecutors from the United States attorney's office, instead of by a grand jury indictment — indicates that Mr. May is cooperating with prosecutors, a strategy that observers say could eventually lead prosecutors to top executives, including Don L. Blankenship, the former head of Massey, who state investigations concluded had enforced a culture of cutting corners and ignoring risks for the sake of profit.

The charges, filed in federal court in West Virginia, include conspiracy to defraud the United States by impeding a federal agency, a felony that is punishable by up to five years in prison.

The charging document paints a picture of deception with Mr. May at its center, directing workers to falsify record books and speaking to them in code as a way of warning that inspectors were coming.

According to a person close to the investigation, those phrases included "bringing in a load of blocks," and "it's raining outside" or "there's a hailstorm outside." Another warning phrase was "I had a hamburger (or cheeseburger) for dinner last night," the person said.

The conspiracy charges against Mr. May were an unusual strategy, lawyers said. Few violations qualify as federal felonies under existing law, and law enforcement has been hampered by weak misdemeanor penalties. A conspiracy charge allows prosecutors to be more flexible in their strategy, and if it is successful, could give them a tool to reach senior mine officials who have traditionally been insulated from criminal charges because they are rarely involved in actual coal mining.

~ Becky in Long Beach

23 Mar 12 - 06:34 PM (#3327924)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Surprised? Report: Mine Safety Agency 'Could Have Prevented' Deadly Disaster (NPR Two-Way blog, by Howard Berkes):
An independent review of the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration's (MSHA) enforcement at the Upper Big Branch (UBB) coal mine in West Virginia says the agency failed to spot "a number of enforcement deficiencies" at the mine which were major factors in the April 2010 explosion that took 29 lives.

The report from an independent panel assembled by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health contains this stunning conclusion:

    "...if MSHA had engaged in timely enforcement of the Mine would have lessened the chances of — and possibly could have prevented — the UBB explosion."

~ Becky in Long Beach

23 Mar 12 - 06:44 PM (#3327931)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: catspaw49

Gee, what shock..................Nice they can spread the blame out...............


18 Jan 13 - 01:01 AM (#3467925)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Massey Mine Boss Sentenced; Feds Toughen Mine Safety Rule
Nearly three years after a deadly mine explosion in West Virginia, a former Massey Energy mine superintendent has been sentenced to prison and federal regulators have toughened a regulation that could have helped prevent the disaster.

Today in federal court in Beckley, W.Va., former Upper Big Branch coal mine superintendant Gary May was sentenced to 21 months in prison and ordered to pay a $20,000 fine.
Prosecutors indicate they're aiming higher up the corporate ladder, targeting former Massey managers and executives. David Hughart, a former president of a Massey mining subsidiary has also entered into a plea agreement.

Just as May's sentencing hearing concluded, the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) toughened and streamlined a regulation that had rarely been enforced and could have helped prevent the Upper Big Branch tragedy, according to disaster investigators.

MSHA calls it the "pattern of violations" rule and it's supposed to identify coal mines with serious, persistent and habitual safety violations and then target them for heightened scrutiny. But MSHA failed to enforce the rule in the first 33 years of its existence, in part because of a self-imposed and cumbersome regulatory step.
The revised rule eliminates preliminary steps so that regulators will have a much easier time citing and sanctioning habitual violators of serious safety standards. The new rule also triggers automatic and immediate shutdowns of mining areas if serious and substantial violations are found in mines with POV status

These seem like positive steps... but so late, and so slow...

~ Becky in Tucson

18 Jan 13 - 02:35 AM (#3467935)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: catspaw49

Geez Becky....You always beat me on these. I read the story at Huffington earlier and I thought I'd come by tonite with about three places to post. So when I go to look for this one I realizze you just posted on it!!!

Here's the litle bit that was on Huffington but the best thing is, IT IS A START! Damn near unprecedented and most surely welcome. I am also glad to know and I think believe they aren't done and are stilll after the higher ups. But this alone is huge. HE may have been a scapegoat but he was a culpable scapegoat!


14 Nov 14 - 10:16 PM (#3677296)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Janie

At last, the nearly unprecedented has happened. Don Blankenship, CEO of Massey, has been indicted.

Quoting Jay Rockerfeller from the article, Sen. Jay Rockefeller, also D-W.Va., said in a statement: "For more than four years, Upper Big Branch families have cried out for justice for their loved ones lost in that horrific tragedy. Today's indictment of former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship is another step toward justice. But let me be clear: in my view, Don Blankenship, and the mines he once operated, treated miners and their safety with callousness and open disregard. As he goes to trial, he will be treated far fairer and with more dignity than he ever treated the miners he employed. And, frankly, it's more than he deserves." - See more at:

Whether he ends up convicted or not, may he end up a pauper from the legal fees.

If I still lived in WV, I'd read Joe Manchin's quoted statement, get up in his face if I could and sing, with garlic and onion on my breath as strong as I could get it, "Which Side Are You On."

Some call him a conservative Democrat. I call him a wolf in sheep's clothing. So much wishing 'Spaw were around to comment.

03 Dec 15 - 09:40 PM (#3755558)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Guilty, but not guilty enough. :-(

Former Massey Energy C.E.O. Guilty in Deadly Coal Mine Blast

Donald L. Blankenship, whose leadership of the Massey Energy Company was widely criticized after 29 workers were killed in the Upper Big Branch mine in 2010, was convicted Thursday of conspiring to violate federal safety standards, becoming the most prominent American coal executive ever convicted of a crime related to mining deaths.

But in a substantial defeat for the Justice Department, the verdict, announced in Federal District Court here, exonerated Mr. Blankenship, Massey's former chief executive, of three felony charges that could have led to a prison term of 30 years. Instead, after a protracted and complex trial that began on Oct. 1, jurors convicted Mr. Blankenship only of a single misdemeanor charge that carried a maximum of a year in prison.
Mr. Blankenship was not tried on any charges that accused him of direct responsibility for the deaths at Upper Big Branch, which investigators said exploded because of improper ventilation that allowed gases to accumulate. But prosecutors argued that Mr. Blankenship's leadership had laid the groundwork for a catastrophe. There was not necessarily a formal conspiracy, prosecutors acknowledged, but they said that Mr. Blankenship's example and tone had set Massey on a course that put profits ahead of lives.

Federal officials said they welcomed the verdict, mixed as it was. Labor Secretary Thomas E. Perez said the decision sent "a clear message that no mine operator is above the law, that there must be accountability when people lose their lives because of the neglect of their employer."

~ Becky in Long Beach

03 Dec 15 - 10:09 PM (#3755566)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Greg F.

Murders 29 people & gets off with a year in jail.

Just great.

06 Apr 16 - 02:50 PM (#3783815)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

The wheels of justice do turn exceedingly slowly.

Donald Blankenship Sentenced To A Year In Prison In Mine Safety Case

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Donald L. Blankenship, whose leadership of Massey Energy Company transformed him into one of the wealthiest and most influential men in Appalachia, was sentenced on Wednesday to a year in prison for conspiring to violate federal mine safety standards.

The sentencing, in Federal District Court here, came six years and one day after an explosion tore through Massey's Upper Big Branch mine, killing 29 people. Although Mr. Blankenship was not accused of direct responsibility for the accident, the deadliest in American coal mining in about 40 years, the disaster prompted the federal inquiry that led to Mr. Blankenship's indictment.

In addition to the year in jail, Mr. Blankenship was fined $250,000 and is subject to a year of supervised release .

"My main point is wanting to express sorrow to the families and everyone for what happened," Mr. Blankenship said in court before the sentencing. But he added later: "I am not guilty of a crime."

The Justice Department had urged Judge Irene C. Berger, the daughter of a coal miner, to sentence Mr. Blankenship to a year in prison, the maximum penalty. Mr. Blankenship's defense lawyers, who are planning an appeal, recommended that he be fined and placed on probation.


More at the link.

~ Becky in Long Beach

06 Apr 16 - 05:35 PM (#3783836)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Greg F.

He's "Not guilty of a crime"?

Murders 29 people & gets off with a year in jail.

Just great.

21 May 18 - 07:50 PM (#3926245)
Subject: RE: 29 dead in West Virginia mine explosion (Apr 2010)
From: Desert Dancer

Maybe kinda glad that Catspaw didn't live to see Blankenship run for the Senate from West Virginia. He went down in the primary, fortunately, but I saw today that he wants to do a third party run. It may be against West Virginia law to declare that after the primary (he has promised to fight that). What a piece of work.

Don Blankenship Announces Third-Party Bid for West Virginia Senate Seat

~ Becky in Long Beach