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Test Your Mudcat IQ

09 Aug 99 - 01:53 AM (#103282)
From: Lonesome EJ

OK, kids, pop quiz time. Get your paper and pencil ready, while we test your knowledge of the Mudcat Cafe and it's denizens. Ready? Begin!

1. Which two Mudcatters own a Folk Music record label? Name the label.

2. In Mudcat Mythology, what South American stringed instrument is rumored to be a tool used by the CIA?

3. Name the founder of the Mudcat.

4. Which Mudcatter has been accused of being a software program?

5. What facility in Montana houses the Catspaw Clinic for Vocal Reconstruction and the Rick James Funk Rehabilitation Department?

6. What is the real name of Liam's Bro?

7. Which two Mudcatters weather the bleak winters in Casper WY?

8. Name the Mudcatter who hosts a folk music show on CIUT from Toronto.

9. Complete this album title by a Mudcat Phoakie The Older I Get, ------- ".

10. Name Skarpi's band.

11. Which Mudcatter writes songs under the name Roger Gall?

12. This Mudcatter is also a union organizer. Name him, and give his hometown.

13. Which two Mudcatters hail from Conifer CO?

14. What does Catspaw do to his possum? Who made the possum?

15. Who coined the phrase "mud is thicker than water"?

16. Which Mudcatter is a t-shirt artist?

17. What hangs above the stage at the Mudcat Tavern?

18. Who is Larry LaPrise?

19. What fictional Mudcat figure is hooked on fast dames and Four Roses bourbon?

20. Which Mudcatter is a member of the Nenagh Singers Circle?

21. What is bSeed's profession?

SCORE 21= Died-in-the-wool Mudcat junkie

17-20= A true Mudcatter

12-16= Occasional visitor(probably has a real life)

6-11= Visits the legitimate Folk or Blues threads only

1-5 = Completely baffled

09 Aug 99 - 03:30 AM (#103284)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Joe Offer

Er....that question 13, Perfesser, is that a trick question? Do we get double credit for a correct answer? To my knowledge, Lonesome EJ and LEJ both hail from Conifer, although I've always thought they were one and the same person - and I tried to find them at the Radio Shack in Evergreen.
Am I right? Do I win the prize?
-Joe Offer-

09 Aug 99 - 06:02 AM (#103294)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Well several things about that were frightening!!!!!!!!!

LIFE?......LIFE?????...........C'MON LIFE, HERE BOY....C'MON.........LIFE?????????...C'MON LIFE.......I know I had one around here somewhere..........HERE LIFE..HERE LIFE..........

I'll just be cleaning the bathroom, the garage, steaming the carpets, fixing the 92 repair projects that are the most critical......just after I check another thread or two.....


09 Aug 99 - 07:35 AM (#103297)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Roger in Baltimore

Thanks to my advanced age and therefore poor memory, I managed to give the semblance that I have a life. However, like Catspaw, I know its here somewhere, I just can't put my hands on it right now (see first sentence for explanation).

My ego would not allow me to ignore this thread. However, now I've lost that, too.

Roger in Baltimore

09 Aug 99 - 08:50 AM (#103305)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: bbc

OK, LEJ, Duane & I sat down over breakfast & filled in the answers. Surprisingly enough, I don't think we scored 21. When do we get the answers? For added incentive, I'll supply a free Mudcat Resources photo page to anyone who gets at least a 17 (What do you been, you thought they were free, anyway?!). BTW, David wants the questions to be multiple choice, rather than fill-in, & he wants to add the option that a certain someone is a lighthouse, rather than a computer program. What do you think? Thanks for getting our brains in gear. Sometimes, in the summertime especially, I need that!

09 Aug 99 - 09:15 AM (#103312)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Rick Fielding

Jeezus! 20 out of 21! Am I a sick puppy or what? In high school the only times I scored over 10 out of 20 was in days lost to truancy.
But here's a few more. (perhaps a little more difficult)

1.What Mudcatter was a professional actor and potential Broadway star?
2. What Mudcatter founded the "Green Party" in his home country?
3. What Mudcatter wrote "The Record Edged in Black"?
4. What Mudcatter saved the life of another the day before that Mudcatter's wedding?
5. What Mudcatter introduced the wonderful song "Wild Mountain Thyme" to North America?

09 Aug 99 - 09:44 AM (#103325)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Alice

What? Nothing about who's shower walls are covered with pages of lyrics?

09 Aug 99 - 09:48 AM (#103327)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Roger in Baltimore


Your questions are frustratingly difficult. I get one out of five.

Roger in Baltimore

09 Aug 99 - 09:49 AM (#103329)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: teller

I can answer none of these.....BUT!!!!!! I sincerely hope to be around long enough ( and be sad (?) enough) to get a full score next time somebody thinks to to something like this again.<> I am rapidly becoming a Mudcat junkie.....QUICK!! Somebody write a song!! Teller

09 Aug 99 - 10:21 AM (#103333)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Art Thieme


I'm pretty sure that the answer to ALL of the above queries from you are/is Mr. Sandy Paton!! a real wrenassonse ;-) man.


09 Aug 99 - 10:28 AM (#103335)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Well, two I know are Sandy and a third may be, so I'll go with Art.....not all that unusual.


09 Aug 99 - 10:42 AM (#103336)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Rick Fielding

I'll give the answers tonight. We've had NO (totally) correct ones yet!

09 Aug 99 - 10:46 AM (#103341)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Barbara

Well, well well, LEJ, I guess I qualify as only the occasional Mudcatter, since I missed all the questions from the Tavern and detective threads (and I can't offhand remember the name of skarpi's band) (I could do a forum search and find it, though).
I was on vacation when the Tavern and campfire threads started, and they are amazingly hard to get into when they're a couple weeks old... and then I do live on a 60 acre farm and there are things getting ripe (and overgrown with weeds) this time of year.
I guess there's no excuse for it, I seem to still have the remnants of a real life. Sorry. I'll try to do better in the future.

09 Aug 99 - 10:54 AM (#103345)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

No Barb, you don't......Remember who took time out to "give birth" to a possum??? Uh-huh........

And thanks a lot Rick. Tonoght huh? So you realize this is going to drive me nuts? HOWEVER, I absolutely REFUSE to start searching old threads.........well, just maybe I..........NO! NO! NO!..........I'm going out to clean the a minute, lessee' here.....NO!!!!


09 Aug 99 - 11:04 AM (#103348)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Jeri

#3 is SongBob.

09 Aug 99 - 11:28 AM (#103353)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: annamill

Hi Everyone, I've only been here a short time and I knew the answer to most of them. That's damn scarry!

Love, annap

09 Aug 99 - 01:43 PM (#103400)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

Well, Rick...I know the Green Party answer, but only 'cause it came up in conversation with you a while back. Rather than spill the beans, no it wasn't Sandy, guys!, I'll just watch 'em sweat!:-)

katwhodoesn'thavetotakeatesttoknowsheisaddicted!But,it's a good one all the same!

09 Aug 99 - 02:03 PM (#103402)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Lonesome EJ

Rick- is it

1. Peter T 2. Wolf Hell 3. Sandy 4. Dave Swann 5. Art


09 Aug 99 - 03:03 PM (#103412)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: emily rain

2: tiple?
3: Max?
7: WyoWoman and ????
8: Rick Fielding
9: "...The Better I Was"?
11: The Shambles?
12: Big Mick from ????

she knows little, but can do a mean line break...

09 Aug 99 - 03:08 PM (#103413)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Alice

I'm embarassed by how many I know.... I'd better get back to work.

09 Aug 99 - 03:16 PM (#103415)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Jeri

1. Peter T
2. Wolfgang
3. SongBob
4. Dave Swan
5. Sandy Paton

Guessing on 2, SWAG on 1, pretty sure about 1 and 100% positive on 1 (#3).

09 Aug 99 - 04:22 PM (#103432)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Rick Fielding

Hmmm, Pretty good so far. Got a few spot on, but I'll wait til tonight. As far as number 4 goes..that would be very difficult cause only 3 mudcatters in the world know about it!
Since 4 really isn't fair, I'm going to give you one more:

Which Mudcatter teaches kids to build and play the one and two string canned dulcimer?

09 Aug 99 - 04:54 PM (#103439)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Jeri


And do tell us the story of #4!

09 Aug 99 - 06:15 PM (#103465)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Thank you for changing number 4 to something else. Karen and I got to pondering over it's meaning as to who/what and got progressively more confused...not a stretch for either of us. Okay, now JERI.............

You simply cannot be a 'Catter if you insist on reading for comprehension instead of speed!!! You are of course quite right on number 3----the song is about Sandy & Caroline and Folk-Legacy, but was indeed written by Bob Clayton. Ferrara posted it again in the "Thanks to Sandy" thread and it is a touching kind of piece.

Number One is Sandy Paton, although there may be others. I remember this coming up somewhere and Rick told me again this weekend...I'd fogotten about it.

Number Two----are we talking Green/Ireland or Green/Ecology?........I'll go with Peter T.

Number Three is SongBob as that catapult launcher Jeri so adroitly answered.

Number Four part A---Could this have something to do with Boots and Knockers? (Sounds like a Table Dancing Joint)

Number Four part B---on the canned, stick dulcimers...I think I know, but I'll wait to hear later...just in case.

Number Five has got me...oughta' know and I don't.

SO...C'MON 'CATTERS-----we need 4-A...where I only took a wild guess. 4-B----Where YOU can take a wild guess...but I might know this one, maybe. And #5.....hmmmmmm.


09 Aug 99 - 06:21 PM (#103467)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: McKnees

Spaw I hope that knockers does not have the same slang meaning over there as it does over here. My guess is that no. 4 refers to an incident with a bus but I maybe wrong.

09 Aug 99 - 06:30 PM (#103468)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Rick Fielding

You've done marvelously folks. Now to be truthful I think Catspaw has too much time on his hands - allowing him to be Ohio's Sherlock Holmes.
Sandy was indeed an actor (and pretty well thought of I'm told) in New York and on the (north) west coast, AND he did bring back Wild Mountain Thyme. (taught it to Judy Collins I believe). Songbob Clayton wrote "the Record edged in Black about Folk-Legacy. (This wasn't supposed to be a commercial, it's just the way my mind was working)
Our own Peter T. is "Mr. Green".
And yes Catspaw you're right. Knock-knee'd yelled in her best and loudest Glasgow constabulary voice 'RICK!!!!" just as I was about to walk into the path of one of those big double decker buses (it was on the wrong side of the road naturally) Had I been mulched it would have put a damper on the wedding!

As to the dulcimers made from cans? Think, catters. What certifiable mudcatter is it likely to be?

09 Aug 99 - 07:01 PM (#103484)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Helen

Hi, I remember something about this dulcimer business - making dulcimers from anything available in a school/class situation. I don't know if it was Art.

I must have a life too. Is that a comfort or is it just plain scary, having to live out there in the real world like "normal" folks?

4. Which Mudcatter has been accused of being a software program? Joe Offer

5. What facility in Montana houses the Catspaw Clinic for Vocal Reconstruction and the Rick James Funk Rehabilitation Department? The Neil Young Centre (True Oz spelling) for the Terminally Screwed??

8. Name the Mudcatter who hosts a folk music show on CIUT from Toronto. Rick Fielding

17. What hangs above the stage at the Mudcat Tavern? A banjo

I agree with emily rain about No 9, 11, 12, 14


09 Aug 99 - 07:12 PM (#103492)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Jeri

Hmmm...Rick, you said 'certifiable?' Gotta be Catspaw. 'Spaw, I'm sorry I got carried away with the catapult, or you got carried away by it. It was fun flinging the litter flinger.

09 Aug 99 - 07:19 PM (#103497)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: bseed(charleskratz)

I think I remember the dulcimers made from cans from the Music Therapy thread but I can't remember who did it. It's not Night Owl: Her instrument/therapeutic device is the autoharp. Male, I think, in Canada? (you aren't allowed to use reference books when taking IQ tests, so I won't look it up. I drew a big zero on the short, tough version, but I scored up there with the get-a-life crowd on the long version. And as a banjo player I have a feeling that Mudcat IQ scores are directly inverse reflections of Stanford/Binet scores. --seed (good thread: a new test ought to be devised every six months or so.

09 Aug 99 - 07:21 PM (#103498)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Rick Fielding

Jeri, a big Mudcat congratulations. It is indeed our Spaw, who makes dulcimers from tin cans, automobile parts, possum intestines and turnpike exit signs.


09 Aug 99 - 07:34 PM (#103501)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Alice

It was Bert who wrote "mud is thicker than water" in the falling in love with Mudcatters thread.

The detective's name is Blake Gallatin Jefferson Madison (his mom got around).

aaarrrrgghhh!!! I have looming DEADLINES! I've have GOT to stay away from the Mudcat.

09 Aug 99 - 07:57 PM (#103505)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Big Mick

This was devious shite, my friends. I got everyone right in the first thread..........and had 4 of the 5 right in Rick's.........I think I am going to need therapy to break this addiction.............and I have cabinets in the kitchen waiting to be hung........I used to lead an exciting I feel like I am on a board in an opium den in Hong Kong........except the drug is my beloved damn addiction one could have..........hahahahahahaha


09 Aug 99 - 07:58 PM (#103506)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Yeah, it's me.....little ol' Stick Dulcimer maker.....Kids do get a kick out of them and they're introduced to a branch of music they don't know much pissant little contribution to the folk process. We did a Girl Scout camp once and we made over 150 in ONE DAY...........90 degees, no shade, Karen's marking fret positions and I'm stapling like crazy.......Three weeks later I had a quad by-pass. I think it put me over the edge.

AND MAX---I will send plans and a write-up as I promised Bert, who'd obviosly forgotten, for the new "Kid's Pages"....and thanks for adding it, a great idea and well implemented.


09 Aug 99 - 08:04 PM (#103508)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Jesus Mick....LMAOLMAOLMAO...."on board an opium den in Hong Kong?"......PERFECT ANALOGY....LMAO.....


09 Aug 99 - 10:44 PM (#103562)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

I am NOT gonna wait for Rick to get back and post. It was PeterT. who founded the "Green Party" in his home country! NananaHeehee!


09 Aug 99 - 11:30 PM (#103567)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Rick Fielding

Kat. I thought I did. many posts ago.

10 Aug 99 - 12:02 AM (#103571)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

Well, I am just not myself, tonight! I did miss that post, Rick, I thought you were just keeping them all on tenterhooks until after your show! Sorry:-)


10 Aug 99 - 12:31 AM (#103579)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Rick Fielding

Actually I've decided not to be myself tonight either. I think I'll be Boxcar Willie...oops, he's dead. Nope, I got a better idea. ONE MORE MUDCAT QUESTION!

Which two Mudcatters (that we know) live the farthest away from each other?

Now, naturally I don't know the answer. I wouldn't even know how to go about figuring it out. But someone might be smart enough to.

Rick (apologizing in advance, if this question is too stupid to warrant a reply)

10 Aug 99 - 01:19 AM (#103592)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Barbara

Skarpi and somebody in Australia.

10 Aug 99 - 01:21 AM (#103593)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Barbara

or New Zealand, actually. Pete M.? you still here?

10 Aug 99 - 01:35 AM (#103596)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

I can't believe this....................

My researched sorta' guess would be skarpi in Iceland and as I recall, Pete M. lives on the South Island of New Zealand. Barring that, some other NewZee 'Catter or possibly one of the Oz bunch........Helen maybe? I think she's from Melbourne, but that may be wrong.

IN ANY CASE............................

I have to catch a late flight now for Montana and the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed. I have been given the honor of having the first room in the new wing, the Joplin Hospice Care Unit for Addicted Insomniacs. Before leaving and in case I am not treatable, I would like to confess my Mudcat Sins to our resident moral standard bearer, our brother in song and minutiae, Joe Offer.

..........Forgive me Father Joebro (kinda' like dobro, huh?) for I have sinned...............

Spaw-------taking a handful of melatonin

10 Aug 99 - 01:38 AM (#103597)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Sorry Barb, I was thinking and typing while you were posting.........There are several other rooms available in the new wing.....see you there.


10 Aug 99 - 05:46 AM (#103630)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Since the plane is late, here's a few more for those of you who are completely addicted.

A-What DC 'Catter once "slung hash" in a Sail-In/Drive-In with the suggestive name, "The Blue Goose?"

B-Which billboard defacing Mudcatter is getting married in September (I haven't heard otherwise, so I assume it's still a go)?

C-Name the Korean born 'Cat denizen who is also a Civil War re-enactor.

D-Who's married to Marge?

E-This 'Catter is constantly trying to "fix-up" her son with every young girl who passes by the 'Cat.

F-Who ripped a big one in her martial arts class?

G-This 'Cat, in younger days, shared a house where members of the "Weather Underground" were building bombs in the basement (No, Seed, it wasn't me).

H-Paw and the Reg boys were almost killed in Frederic,Maryland by a Norfolk-Southern freight train...What were they doing at the time that 'caused them not to notice the fast freight bearing down upon them?

I-Which "proper" 'Catter found the website for Dental Dams, providing many with an "education?"

J-What once "hard livin'" and Shantey singin' Mudcatter penned a beautiful,touching, and heartfelt song about "Special Kids?"

Well there you have it....I'll send a stick dulcimer to the first person that gets all 10.........Now I'm gonna' try for more sleep til it's time to board the plane.


10 Aug 99 - 07:56 AM (#103634)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Jeri

Whoopee - I know three. J is Barry Finn, without a doubt. M is Margarita, and she'll probably get you for that. (BTW, I took Judo too, which is why my knees are both shot.) E is bbc.

10 Aug 99 - 07:59 AM (#103635)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: alison

Helen is in Newcastle... slightly further North than sydney.. so unless there is a Melbournian or Tasmanian out there... all of us Sydney siders are furthest from Skarpi...... (not sure about NZ)

I thought I was a regular... but I only got 15 in the first one..... I needed that question about who had song lyrics in the shower, or which two mudcatters have been chasing alison for years......



10 Aug 99 - 10:32 AM (#103673)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: alison

What is Joe's record for finding a song?

I may have equalled it just wanting to make sure......

10 Aug 99 - 10:40 AM (#103676)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Nice Jeri....three so far......You,ve earned a couple of additional clues.

A- has been in the chat room when you and I were there.
H-your army boots story has a similarity to this

see you later,


10 Aug 99 - 11:10 AM (#103686)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Jeri

H=I still don't know. You posted links to Paw, Cletus, Buford and the Reg Boys The links are in the old, pre-upgrade format and don't work. (I can just about remember...)

10 Aug 99 - 12:08 PM (#103711)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

A=bbc??? H= using their boots for urinals?

10 Aug 99 - 12:21 PM (#103718)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: bbc

Nope, kat, not me on A. I guess the only thing I'm famous (infamous?)for is trying to get dates for David. He will be displeased if he sees this one! BTW, folks, *never* mention anything to catspaw on chat. You never know where you'll see it or when, but the spaw has a memory like an elephant (& he's not afraid to use it)!!!

10 Aug 99 - 12:44 PM (#103721)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Allan C.

As to who is farthest from who...I haven't been able to get a reading on the air miles exactly; but using the old string and globe method, folks such as bbc may have just barely missed being farthest. Interesting, (at least to me) that Scarpi could probably travel nearly the same number of miles no matter whether he headed southeast or southwest. But wait. Wasn't there someone in Nova Scotia? On the other hand, those people inCognito probably win the prize;-)

10 Aug 99 - 01:02 PM (#103726)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Dear David, Your Mom feels you may be displeased if you see this.....If so, I'm sorry...but I think you feel like every other young man (and a lot of us were once) with a loving mother. Mothers have a built in genetic thing about their sons. I don't know why, but almost all of them feel it their duty to find an "appropriate" girl for their male offspring. As a general rule, their taste is different than your own and they drive you to the point of insanity with their constant opinions. Nothing you say or do can stop them and if YOU get angry, they get this "martyr" thing going that's even worse---"I just think you would like her, that's all...if you don't want my opinion, just say so."...........Whatever you do, don't say so. I have every confidence that you can find girls to date. It took 36 years for me to find the right one to marry, but that's another story. It is my hope for you that by me ribbing your Mom and occasionally pulling her chain a bit on this subject, she will be embarassed, possibly PO'ed at me....BUT may back off you. Your Mom's a wonderful woman, but she is a Mom and I know how they can be............I wish mine had lived long enough to meet Karen........Funny thing, she would not only have approved of her, but would love her to death......and tell me Karen is "too good" for ME! Hang in pardner....

NOW.....Jeri, you got another one on A and Kat got Paw and the Reg boys........only a few left!


10 Aug 99 - 01:40 PM (#103737)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

Den lives in Nova Scotia.

10 Aug 99 - 01:43 PM (#103739)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Allan C.

Then wait while I go find another piece of string...

10 Aug 99 - 01:52 PM (#103745)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: bbc

Oh, boy! That's it, catspaw50!!! You & I need to talk, one-on-one! I am *not*, repeat *not* that kind of mother! I told David to shoot me if I even *start* to resemble my folks (who are still trying to raise me at the ripe old age of 46!!!). Just you & me at 10 paces in the jello pit, & leave your piranha home (& I *don't* mean Karen!).

bbc (at her best!)

10 Aug 99 - 01:56 PM (#103749)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Allan C.

Distance between Reykjavik, Iceland and Sydney, Australia, as the crow flies: 10321 miles (16609 km) (8969 nautical miles)

Distance between Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and Sydney, Australia, as the crow flies: 10448 miles (16815 km) (9079 nautical miles)

And, for those who might want to know:

Distance between New York, New York, United States and Sydney, Australia, as the crow flies: 9935 miles (15989 km) (8633 nautical miles)

Did we ever discover if there was anyone from the "other" side of OZ? If not, then we have a number of winners.

10 Aug 99 - 01:58 PM (#103750)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Bert

I see you found a long enough piece of string!!

10 Aug 99 - 01:59 PM (#103751)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

....and proving you are exactly that kind of mother.LOL...Geez, you and Connie really are two of a kind.......and her reaction to this is exactly the same. Seriously??? Hey, it makes you both great Moms....and the world is way too short on them anymore!

Spaw--trying to find a Great White around here

10 Aug 99 - 04:00 PM (#103782)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: skarpi

Hello everyone, I am trying to answear those hmmmm. 1. hmmm ahhh no I dont know 2. it is ................. 3. oh men 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.comon you know this one

hey Allan, I am still a long way from all of you, almost.

all the best to you all skarpi Iceland. P.S can you all send some SUN to Iceland.?

10 Aug 99 - 05:19 PM (#103795)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Lonesome EJ

Skarpi- why do you think they named it ICE-land, anyway? You should think of moving someplace where the very name speaks of a lush climate filled with foliage...maybe GREEN-land. :)


10 Aug 99 - 05:26 PM (#103798)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Helen

Allan C,

I think Ted from Australia is from Western Australia.


10 Aug 99 - 05:29 PM (#103802)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Helen

B-As far as I know it's still on

I-Which "proper" 'Catter found the website for Dental Dams, providing many with an "education?" Rosebrook


10 Aug 99 - 05:49 PM (#103809)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Llanfair

This thread is drifting in four different directions!!! SKARPI what happened to the volcano that was about to erupt by your house? you've said no more about it, so I suppose it's gone quiet again. Did I mention that I visited Reykjavik as a child. (before you were born, judging by your photo!!!) Hwyl, Bron.

10 Aug 99 - 06:33 PM (#103822)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Allan C.

Well, Helen, I believe you are right. Now that blows the whole thing. M-m-m-m now where'd I put that string?

10 Aug 99 - 06:40 PM (#103825)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: skarpi

Lonesome EJ, I think I would not live in another counrty, I love living In Iceland but do you know why they named it Iceland??. Llanfair, About the volcano, well it went to sleep again or I hope so, but the earth is still shaky but we have to live with that.You did not tell me about you were in Reykjavik but if you come again let me know. All the best skarpi Iceland.

10 Aug 99 - 07:03 PM (#103830)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

Nice to see you here, again, Skarpi.

10 Aug 99 - 08:49 PM (#103845)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: bseed(charleskratz)

I know, Skarpi! The Norse who settled Iceland were trying to prevent a population explosion, so they named the much less hospitable island Greenland to fool the Swedes or whoever to going there instead. --seed

10 Aug 99 - 11:48 PM (#103872)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Barbara

I thought it was Joe Offer who found all those fascinating sites about dental dams after Rosebrook mentioned them.

C-Name the Korean born 'Cat denizen who is also a Civil War re-enactor. br> Well, Banjer is a civil war reenactor. Was he born in Korea?

F-Who ripped a big one in her martial arts class? Margarita (tee-hee, you're right, you'll never hear the end of this, Margo).

H-Paw and the Reg boys were almost killed in Frederic,Maryland by a Norfolk-Southern freight train...What were they doing at the time that 'caused them not to notice the fast freight bearing down upon them?
Giggin' frogs?? Shinin' deer? Drinkin' 'shine?

J-What once "hard livin'" and Shantey singin' Mudcatter penned a beautiful,touching, and heartfelt song about "Special Kids?"
Barry Finn


11 Aug 99 - 12:11 AM (#103875)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Alright let's see now.....

It was Cara on A---I used to sail into the joint a lot, but it was before her time there.

B is Helen and the marriage is a GO....some guy is getting one helluva' deal here!

C is indeed Banj. He was born in Korea, his father was in the service.

D--I can't believe we haven't gotten this one yet.

E is bbc who is after my ass for that wisecrack.

F--you're right, she'll never live it down.

G-No answers yet, I thought you'd at least have a guess on this one Barbara.

H was answered correctly by Kat, they were whizzing in their boots. The locomotive headlamp made it easier to see.

I-Barbara got it. Yes, Rosebrook brought it up, but it was our moral conscience, Father Joebro...Joe Offer...who found the website.

J is the wonderful Barry Finn of course.

TWO LEFT.............


11 Aug 99 - 12:46 AM (#103885)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Lonesome EJ

Hey Catspaw buddy, I think you're wrong about Banjer. I THINK he was born in Germany. Banj?

11 Aug 99 - 01:24 AM (#103890)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Barbara

As for G, Catspaw, I remember the discussion, and I remember thinking, so, someone else shared a household with some of those guys, I think I'll just keep my mouth shut about my experiences....
Did I? or is it me?
so who the hell is married to Marge?

11 Aug 99 - 01:59 AM (#103895)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: alison

Sydney still wins.. Ted lives in Queensland (somewhere near Cairns maybe)........ same coast as Sydney, but a lot further up. We did have someone from Perth at one time (that's west coast) can't remember the name.



11 Aug 99 - 08:41 AM (#103930)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Leej, if we can find Banj (where the hell is he anyway?) he'll verify that he was born in Korea. He's also mentioned it in some of the bio-boilerplate stuff.

And yes, it is Barbara Blessings, the possums mama, who shared the house.

The last missing answer? The Big RiB--Roger in Baltimore.


11 Aug 99 - 11:57 AM (#103975)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Rick Fielding

Father Joebro may be YOUR moral conscience Catspaw, (so far he's not having much effect on you) but when it comes to guidance I'll stick with Reverend Martin Gibson (and his southern wife Stella-Kay) from the church of Harmony in Guildville Texas.


11 Aug 99 - 12:48 PM (#103992)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Gee Rick, thanks for the tip...........Didn't know about them......I currently attend the "Church of No Redeeming Social Value" but the services are so short.....I'll give yours a try.

But here on the 'Cat, I think I'll at least have to confess my multitudinous sins to the good Father Joebro in hopes of some redemption and continued residence here.......I am in hopes he will soon have a regular slot like "Father Joebro's Confessional Hour" here to make it easier to plan my day.

I'm trying to find Guildville on my map here, but, typically, someone seems to have stolen it off the map.


11 Aug 99 - 12:53 PM (#103994)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Roger in Baltimore


You are quite close, but no cigar. I knew you meant me, but I must admit that Marge and I are engaged, but not yet married. Now, her daughter-in-law and one of her sisters is convinced that we "snuck off" somewhere and got hitched, because Marge has a serious dislike for being the center of attention (a problem that my friends will tell you I do not have). But it hasn't happened yet. So, we'll give everyone full credit on that one.

Don't ask me to explain our relationship beyond being engaged. I spent an hour last week trying to do that with my 18 year old son.

Big RiB

11 Aug 99 - 01:01 PM (#103998)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Well you've done an excellent job RiB...I always thought you WERE married.........Well as Katlaughing said in the thought for the day, To err is Human, To purr is Feline. I have no idea how that relates here, but...........I'll go off now and confess my mistake to Father Joebro.

Hey RiB....Can you find Guildville? You have better luck than Rick and I.


11 Aug 99 - 01:12 PM (#104001)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

Hey! My best friend works at Guildville!! Right there in little ole' Westerly, Rhode Island. 'Course, her philandering husband works there, too, but he won't be attached to her for much longer! Smart woman! Oh, and, she is one of the most centered, spiritual without being preachy people I know; she's got the Inner Peace, ya know? And, she imbues each Guild she works on with that IP, too!


11 Aug 99 - 02:34 PM (#104014)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Allan C.

Okay, I think we may have the long distance pair figured out. Takeo (Japan) and Andres Magre (Argentina) are 11,407 miles 18,358 km apart (figured from Tokyo to Buenos Aires). I don't know of anyone else who might be farther. Anyone??

11 Aug 99 - 02:41 PM (#104016)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Rick Fielding

Alan I like the certainty in your voice. I also like the cut of your jib. Sounds like you've come up with the definitive answer. Congratulations! (not that I had a clue what the answer would be)

11 Aug 99 - 04:04 PM (#104034)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing for two easy ones:

What Mudcatter has lyrics posted in the shower to practise by (several hints in this thread

Who was the first Mudcatter to call in and be on-air on Rick's show. Rick, you can't answer this one!

Maybe not so easy: what Mudcatter has a homepage that has all types of plans for inexpensive, weekend's worth, homemade hurdy-gurdies, and other instruments?

Easy: what Mudcatter seems to have a penchant for the "Green Man"?

11 Aug 99 - 04:07 PM (#104035)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ (ICEland?)
From: Allan C.

Hi, this is Allan C.'s daughter Kelly. I saw the question about "How did Iceland get its name?" Well.. strangely enough, some friends of mine and I were discussing this very question last night. Here are the two theories.

#1 (Not my theory)
The outer ring of Iceland is far colder and more "wintery" than the interior of the island, therefore, when the Norse explorers first landed they thought it was a land of Ice.

#2 (MY theory.. ya know.. the right one)
The Norse word/pronunciation for "Island" sounds like Iceland. They simply refered to their new discovery as what it was.. land surrounded by water. An island. And in our infinate American wisdom, we butchered the spelling to suit our needs ;)
If you doubt that.. just remember.. Americans morphed the word Tsalagi (sah-lah-gee) into Cherokee.
So there's my two cents:)

11 Aug 99 - 04:59 PM (#104043)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Cara

When I saw Catspaw's list of questions I thought hey...someone else here worked at the Blue Goose? But of course, the answer was ME!

Is it alison who sings in the shower? And Blessings Barbara built bombs??? (Say it three times fast.) No wonder she doesn't want her parents to join the Cat!

I rocked the first IQ test, and Catspaw's questions too. And I can vouch for the fact that bbc tries to set her son up with women in chatrooms...she asked me for a medical history the first time I was there...(BG)

And now my trivia: Who painted an Easter Egg with their children that said "Bite Me"?

PS--I'm laying off the Cat for work reasons for a while so don't keep yourselves up at night wondering how you've offended me and weeping at the senseless void I've left behind...(although a tribute thread would be nice....)*JK*

11 Aug 99 - 05:22 PM (#104046)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Alice

So, LEJ, are you going to post the answers to your quiz? I can see the questions have not all been answered in the responses so far.

11 Aug 99 - 06:00 PM (#104051)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Roger in Baltimore

I don't think it is out of line for me to post the answers thus far:

1. Sandy and Caroline Paton: Folk Legacy 2. Tiple 3. Max Speigel (pardon me Max if I spelt it rong). 4. Joe Offer 5. The Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed. 6. Don 7. WyoWoman and ________ 8. Rick Fielding 9. The Better I Was 10. 11. The Shambles 12. Big Mick from ________ 13. Lonesome EJ and LEJ? 14. Blows up its butt. Barbara Blessings 15. Bert 16. Alice 17. Banjer's Banjo 18. 19. Blake Gallatin Jefferson Madison 20. Frank Mc Grath 21. Teacher

You may notice some gaps. Those are the ones that have either not been answered in this thread and that I did not know. Of course, some of these could be wrong.

So all you addicts, now is time to 'fess up! Fill in the blanks!

Big RiB

11 Aug 99 - 06:07 PM (#104054)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: bbc

6. Dan Milner
13. LEJ & Rex R


11 Aug 99 - 06:26 PM (#104058)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

I think it's Gunmetal, Michigan for Big Mick, I know it is at least Michigan.

And, jeez, I thought I'd mentioned the wind, snow, chilly, freezing winters, cowboys, rodeao, etc. enough by now, that you'd all know it's me who lives in teh same town, in Wyoming, as Wyo Woman, formerly known as KC! Good thing this isn't a pop quiz!

Yes, it is Alison who sings in the shower, if I remember right, with lyrics printed on fax paper because it doesn't mind the water?

LeeJ's sig. other, Lion, also lives in Colorado, although I don't think she's been a frequent poster, plus his daughter(?) was working on a kid's thread at one time.

And, Cara, because it wasn't too long ago that you told us, so I can remember that, at least, it was our very own Catspaw who fashioned the Easter egg with an attitude, as his children told you at a lunch visit.


11 Aug 99 - 06:32 PM (#104059)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Allan C.

Alison may sing in the shower but I think the first mention in a thread was concerning Alice's singing there.

11 Aug 99 - 06:52 PM (#104060)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: black walnut

.the trouble with us harp players is that we have to spend all our free time tuning the stringy beasts, so mudcatting becomes a matter of skim and scan. might i get a prize for the lowest score?

~black walnut

11 Aug 99 - 06:55 PM (#104061)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

It's okay, since yer a newbie, we'll let you have a consolation prize....don't know what, yet, but we'll think of something.


11 Aug 99 - 06:58 PM (#104062)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: bbc

I concur w/ Allan. If memory serves me, it's Alice who learns her music in the shower, to save time!


11 Aug 99 - 07:12 PM (#104066)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

You're right. It is Alice!

11 Aug 99 - 08:06 PM (#104081)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Roger in Baltimore

Gee, Katlaughing,

You've spoke so much of your love of Colorado, that I just think of it when I think of you. Oops!

Big RiB

11 Aug 99 - 08:12 PM (#104083)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

Oops! I forgot, I do, don't I, Big RiB! Sorry! It is the home of my ancestors and everyone was born there but me (N. Dakota of all places, not too many can say that!), so I always felt like a native, even though the birth certificate didn't say so!

Lived my first few years in Wyoming, though, so have always felt an affinity for the prairie, really strong affinity; don't adhere to the politics etc., just the Nature of the place, ya know? (Boy is that an understatement!)

Guess that was a trick one, eh?

11 Aug 99 - 08:13 PM (#104085)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Alice

Actually, my layers of fax paper with music and lyrics on the shower wall is not just to save time, but to have a nice, humid practice room with good acoustics ;->
And I'd better get back to the shirt designs... deadline of Denver ski show next week.


11 Aug 99 - 08:36 PM (#104091)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Just to clarify for da' possums mama........Barbara Blessings did not build bombs, she didn't know about it until later. Members of the Weather Underground (no I wasn't a Weatherman Seed...SDS member, but not the weathermen)lived in the same house and were building them in the basement.


Let's talk about your friend at Guild Kat.........All the talk we do about Guild 12's and NEVER ONCE do you mention this???? Any chance she works in shipping and could maybe put the wrong address on a few??? At the very least, how about some at the employee price? Get on the stick here girl or you are likely to get one of my "Bite Me" eggs at Easter!!!!! (Thanks be I'm married to Karen 'cause otherwise my kids don't have a chance do they?)


11 Aug 99 - 08:40 PM (#104092)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: skarpi

Well I am back and I am gonna tell you the name of my band or.........? No here it is the band is called " TAMÓRA " that was question number 10. Allan here is a side you should look into in this side you will find somethingabout vikings and trolls and many more info.

try this one to.

About the name Iceland I will tell you later.

Þangað til -until then

all the best skarpi Iceland.

11 Aug 99 - 08:57 PM (#104095)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: skarpi

Allan try this to,

There they say that first people to come to Iceland in the year 800 were Irish Monks and you get to know more.

this is a good one. all the best skarpi Iceland.

11 Aug 99 - 08:59 PM (#104096)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

Good for you, Skarpi. Glad you are here!

Now 'Spaw, if you will look at the Guild guitar thread I think you will find I mentioned her a lot! She used to sand necks, but I think she supervises that more now. She and her soon-to-be ex have both worked there, off and on, for years. He is the head of customer service/repair or some such thing. He really is a superb craftsman and used to be a pretty neat person, but has really taken the road of middle-age crisis/f*#@-up in the past couple of years.

I don't know if she has access to shipping labels, but if you really nice, I might just find out! If any of you go there, ever, let me know and I'll put you in touch. She knows about the Mudcat, because I've raved about it to her several times.


11 Aug 99 - 09:08 PM (#104100)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Jeri

Kat, it'd probably be really good publicity for them to auction one off here!

11 Aug 99 - 10:05 PM (#104109)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

I will mention it to her, Jeri. Don't know if they ever do that kind of thing or not, but it is a gooooddd idea!

11 Aug 99 - 10:17 PM (#104116)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Duane D.

Hi folks, I've been absent for awhile. Spaw, I thought a reasonable answer to H could be that Paw and the Reg boys were out walking and they came upon the tracks. Paw said, "Look...bear tracks." The Reg boys said, "No, they're deer tracks." So they stood there studying them, but before they could come to a decision, they were nearly run down by a Norfolk-Southern freight train.

11 Aug 99 - 10:58 PM (#104131)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

HIYIYIYIYI................Okay, they were coming back from DC after searching for Cletus and finding they had gone in the opposite direction. They got into an argument and................WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING???...........I'm really losin' it...retelling a BS, they were pissin' in their boots. OK?

Sorry I missed that tidbit on the Guild thread Kat. And Jeri, that'd be a great idea, but I see two problems. First, Guild needs the advertising like I need more medical bills or another catapult shot into the Velcro wall. And second, if they did do it, there is without a doubt some sillyass yahoo around here who would out-bid the actual RETAIL PRICE!...........but I loved your thought.


11 Aug 99 - 11:48 PM (#104152)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Barbara

12. Big Mick lives near Grand Rapids in Parnell or Gunn Lake, depending on when he tells it and how much of that vile black stuff he's had.
And yes, I once lived in 'off campus housing' at MSU with someone who later turned out to be one of the bombers from the Weather underground. I remember what she looked like, and I think her first name was Linda, but I seriously doubt she was doing anything more dangeroous than mimeographing leaflets in the basement when she lived with me. It does, however, make a good story, Catspaw. Blessings,

12 Aug 99 - 12:00 AM (#104158)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

And NOBODY around this place ever let the truth stand in the way of a good story, so let's go with it and we can confess to Father Joebro if needed later.


12 Aug 99 - 01:28 AM (#104183)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Lonesome EJ

OK- here are the answers: 1. Sandy and Caroline/ Folk Legacy 2. Tiple 3. Max 4.Joe Offer 5. The Neil Young Ctr 6. Dan Milner 7.WyoWoman and Katlaughing 8. Richard Fielding 9. "...the Better I Was." 10. Tamora 11. The Shambles 12. Big Mick (and hell, I thought he was from New York!) 13. LEJ and Rex 14. Blows up the possum's orifice. Made by Barbara 15. Bert 16. Alice in MT 17. The Banjo of Banjer and Max's Mudcataloupe 18. Not telling! 19. Blake Madison 20. Frank McGrath 21. Teacher

Official hint re: #18. He is rumoured to have stolen this song from the Druids.


12 Aug 99 - 01:48 AM (#104195)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: katlaughing

I GOT IT!!! No 18: Larry LaPrise stole the Hokey Pokey from the Druids!



12 Aug 99 - 02:41 AM (#104206)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Craig

What a relief! I thought I hung around this place too much. But, I find I don't know as many of the answers as I thought I would. Bring on the threads. I need to spend a lot more time here.

13 Aug 99 - 02:11 AM (#104612)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Banjer

I'm here....Don't pay the ransom, I escaped!!!! I was born at a VERY early age in Frankfurt-an-Mein, Germany...I DID serve with Uncle Sam's marauders in Seoul, ROK for a while! I can tell you that service in ROK is (for outlying units, anyway) very accurately portrayed in M*A*S*H 4077!

13 Aug 99 - 02:48 AM (#104614)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Helen

Hi black walnut,

Nice to welcome another harpie/er/ist to the community. I might even start a thread to find our who else at Mudcat qualifies for the More Strings Than Most club.

Helen in Oz (player of 34 string Celtic lever harp)

13 Aug 99 - 08:45 AM (#104649)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Well Leej and Banj, once again I have whupped up......Why I had that stuck in my mind on General Banj's birthplace I don't know, but peanut butter is real sticky, so that could be the problem. Brother Fielding said the other day that if you look up faux pas in the dictionary, my picture is right there!!!


13 Aug 99 - 07:40 PM (#104843)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Banjer

No biggie, Spaw!! LEJ said you and he had a wager, hope you didn't wager somethin' of great value, like LEJ gets to blow up your possum's ass or somethin'.

General F.U.Banjer (****), IDA second class.

13 Aug 99 - 07:45 PM (#104845)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Lonesome EJ

Nothing like that, Banjer. It was just $150. Or was it $175, Catspaw?

LEJ(not gloating much)

14 Aug 99 - 12:57 AM (#104940)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Banjer

Oh hell, LEJ, you're talking just money there. I thought it was something priceless like getting to whistle a tune on Cleigh's ass! My GAWD, it's even got us calling it by name!! Next thing we'll all have a plastic copy of it to which we'll bow each morning upon getting outta bed and each night before getiing back into it! We're becoming a possum cult!!

02 Mar 00 - 09:59 PM (#188540)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: Lonesome EJ

Refresh. New Mudcat trivia questions, anyone?

03 Mar 00 - 04:50 PM (#188955)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ

03 Mar 00 - 06:01 PM (#188982)
Subject: RE: Test Your Mudcat IQ
From: catspaw49

Actually Leej, I mentioned to Mario just the other nite that it was time for a new Mudcat IQ Test. I think it needs to be a new thread. Wanna' start one?
