21 Apr 10 - 08:35 AM (#2891284) Subject: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: theleveller Well, I've certainly found some strange things lurking under the sofa but this beats all: now where did my mate go....? |
21 Apr 10 - 09:47 AM (#2891324) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Rapparee Mostly I've only found dirt and dust. |
21 Apr 10 - 09:58 AM (#2891329) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Dave the Gnome I've occasionaly found money, often found breakfast, but I can't beat that one... :D (eG) |
21 Apr 10 - 10:14 AM (#2891335) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: theleveller Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'body odour'. |
21 Apr 10 - 10:28 AM (#2891339) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Janie And I thought finding my son's dirty socks under there was gross.... |
21 Apr 10 - 11:02 AM (#2891357) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: frogprince He left me here to ramble on My rambling pal is dead and gone If when we die we go somewhere I bet you a dollar he's a...crumbling...? there My buddy lies under the sofa, I hope that nobody can see. I'm inclined to suspect that this was a missuse of the term "learning disabilties". To me, "learning disabilities" has meant "wiring problems" that make specific skills such as math or reading a challange. This instance surely indicates a significant degree of generalized developmental disability. Terms, terms, anyhow; is a change of terminology going to stop people with no sensitivity from branding anyone they perceive as being at all limited as a "retard". |
21 Apr 10 - 11:26 AM (#2891375) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: gnu I don't plan on moving so I'll never know. |
21 Apr 10 - 01:24 PM (#2891463) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Rapparee Well, we did find Fluffy under there once, but the cat was all dried up and dessicated. |
21 Apr 10 - 01:48 PM (#2891475) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Georgiansilver The floor?? |
21 Apr 10 - 02:26 PM (#2891511) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Uncle_DaveO The article was far from clear: Was he "under the sofa"? or "Sitting erect on the sofa?" If he was sitting up, why didn't the council inspector find him? Dave Oesterreich |
21 Apr 10 - 02:27 PM (#2891513) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: VirginiaTam I found Andrew's lost plectrum |
21 Apr 10 - 02:40 PM (#2891523) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: McGrath of Harlow The TV remote control, if I'm lucky. |
21 Apr 10 - 03:30 PM (#2891560) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Ed T A few years back, when my son was a teen... two unopened condoms. One a glow in the dark variety (not sure what use it would serve), the other a Mocha flavoured variety (possibly,to keep either the receiver, or "thrower" awake). On questioning my son...he said they fell out of the pocket of a visiting girl, a friend of his...or, so he said? |
21 Apr 10 - 03:46 PM (#2891572) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: gnu VT... HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Ed T.... so, he got her pants off? |
21 Apr 10 - 08:53 PM (#2891749) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Charley Noble Often a deceased and desiccated mouse but seldom a larger mammal. I'm almost tempted to compose a ditty based on this story but maybe it would be more appropriate to "decompose" a ditty. Charley Noble |
21 Apr 10 - 09:39 PM (#2891770) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Sandra in Sydney One of my friends found a pair of very brief lacy knickers after her son's girlfriend visited one evening when she & her husband were out, so washed them & left them in his bedroom with his washing. Unfortunately I forgot to ask her the next day what had been his reaction. sandra |
22 Apr 10 - 06:44 AM (#2891938) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: kendall I lost my Grammy award medallion for almost a week when jacqui spied it under my bed. How it got there I have no clue. |
22 Apr 10 - 10:08 AM (#2892057) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Charley Noble Kendall- I swear that some of that stuff has legs, and some must have wings as well when they end up hanging from the chandelier. Charley Noble |
22 Apr 10 - 10:17 AM (#2892059) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Ed T As I stated in an earlier thread...extracted teeth found under a dentists office sofa, when I was a child. |
22 Apr 10 - 02:21 PM (#2892210) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: GUEST,Shimrod A few months ago I lost my mobile phone - a cheap one which I used rarely. Nevertheless, they occasionally come in useful so eventually I bought a new one. Then I found the old one - in the pocket of a jacket that I hadn't worn for a while. Then I lost the new phone and rang its number using the old phone. The new phone rang from under the sofa ... Now I've got two mobile phones ... which I rarely use ... |
22 Apr 10 - 03:47 PM (#2892258) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Becca72 When I was a child I found a months-old tuna sandwich under the sofa at my aunt and uncle's house...twas not uncommon; Aunt Linda was a terrible housekeeper. |
22 Apr 10 - 04:00 PM (#2892267) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Mrrzy Does *inside* count? My poor nephew, after literally months, finally got a replacement key for his truck (wait for it)... And within, I kid you not, less than an hour, the twins randomly decided to swap the downstairs loveseat for their big armchair, leaving us with more room in our living room, and the loveseat gave this kind of *rattle* when upended to fit into the staircase... No wonder I believe in Coyote or Finagle or whatever! |
22 Apr 10 - 04:14 PM (#2892275) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: VirginiaTam I used to clean houses... don't ask... don't ever ask. |
22 Apr 10 - 05:28 PM (#2892315) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Tangledwood Since this thread started I've been checking under the sofa regularly - still no money there. :( sob. |
22 Apr 10 - 05:49 PM (#2892325) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Joybell During baby Magpie (Australian kind) season, when I'm caring for orphans, the sofa is a popular place for "posting" all sorts of things. After my babies have grown up and been set free I move the sofa and retrieve the collections of: Spoons, leaves, sticks, coloured wool and twine, interesting pieces of paper, petals, little toy animals, a lot of silver paper, big moths, feathers, mouse tails, onion skins, shells, pencils, pegs of all colours, book marks, business cards, .... Cheers, Joy |
22 Apr 10 - 07:00 PM (#2892369) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Rowan And that's not the only place magpies put such things. I once had to dismantle a nest that a magpie was building over a childcare centre; exactly the same list as Joybell's was 20' up a gum tree. Cheers, Rowan |
22 Apr 10 - 11:13 PM (#2892504) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: GUEST,leeneia In America we have a kind of cookie called an Oreo which consists of two dark, chocolately disks with supersweet white filling in between. Many a parent has found a midden consisting of those disks with little scrapy toothmarks on them, hidden under the couch or an armchair. The kids figure, why eat the part that's not so sweet? |
23 Apr 10 - 06:26 AM (#2892642) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Manitas_at_home LTS on the sofa really... We have cats so the finding of a rodent or small bird body part is not uncommon - although why they should always just leave the right leg is beyond me.... otherwise it's usually the remote control, a single shoe or sock, cheese, sewing needles that get sucked out of my hands by the sofa cushions and a multitude of bits of Limpit's homework. I once found a monk asleep under the dining table, but that was a different party! LTS |
23 Apr 10 - 07:01 AM (#2892658) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: theleveller All this reinforces why I never look under the sofa. |
23 Apr 10 - 02:11 PM (#2892880) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: VirginiaTam Yummm. Oreos. They are here in the UK and damned expensive. You only get them in snack packs 4 cookies to a pack 4 packs to a box for about £1.60. Translation = 16 cookies for $2.50. It is criminal. I have always loved every bit of the oreo. Funny my mom and her twin used to scrape the white cream out with a dinner knife and give to us kids while they ate the chocolate cookies. Maybe that is why I like it all. Because I was taught by example that the cookie was as good as the cream. sorry for the thread drift i had an oreo over ride. Under the sofa of a house I used to clean. Once it was an open jar of Peter Pan peanut butter with a dinner knife stuck in it. Jar was lying on its side. Once same house a mayonnaise jar that had been washed out and had spouts germinating inside. That was intentional because it was dark and warm under the sofa. Still it creeped me out. Worse what I found on the shower walls. For F sake. What the hell are tissues for? |
23 Apr 10 - 05:44 PM (#2892988) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Ed T Rapaire, recovering from a hangover, on St. Pats Day...1973. |
23 Apr 10 - 07:46 PM (#2893085) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: kendall Becca, my sister, Geraldine was the worst house keeper I ever saw. She would make Linda look like Martha Stewart. Her garbage can had ulcers. |
23 Apr 10 - 07:54 PM (#2893096) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Joybell Ah, *sigh* Rowan -- to be young enough to climb a 20' gum tree again. Cheers, Joy |
23 Apr 10 - 08:06 PM (#2893099) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Dave MacKenzie I only go behind the sofa. What's underneath remains a mystery. |
24 Apr 10 - 02:34 AM (#2893242) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Liz the Squeak Oreos can be purchased relatively cheaply in bulk in the UK if you have a Costco card (a cash and carry/bulk discout store) - I have one, and if you're ever in east London, I'm sure some arrangement can be made... :D Tried the chocolate cream ones? They're rather yummy but even more sickly sweet than the plain ones.... and as yet, not available in bulk. LTS |
24 Apr 10 - 03:13 AM (#2893253) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie ...The carpet, ours is a clean house! |
24 Apr 10 - 10:34 AM (#2893418) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Little Hawk I once thought I had found Bush's brain under the sofa here, but it turned out to just be a very old dead garden slug that had gotten in the house somehow... |
24 Apr 10 - 10:46 AM (#2893425) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Amos Ya shoulda sent it back to him!! A |
24 Apr 10 - 11:24 AM (#2893439) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: VirginiaTam Liz if I weren't desperately trying to lose weight I might just take you upon that offer. As it is now Oreos are so dear, I treat them like gold and don't gorge on them. |
24 Apr 10 - 11:53 PM (#2893815) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Stilly River Sage Oreos are awful. You're much better off without them. ;-D Dust kittens. Big dust kittens. Not so many or so big since the cats both died, though. There once was enough to knit a new cat from what we would find under there. SRS |
25 Apr 10 - 02:15 AM (#2893835) Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa From: Liz the Squeak I keep finding ginger fur - which is odd as none of our cats is ginger.... I suspect a lodger somewhere. LTS |