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BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???

30 Apr 10 - 08:15 PM (#2897670)
Subject: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Okay, seems that every time I gotta go out and mow the grass I find myself gettin' off and on the tractor about 5 zillion times to pick up stuff that the P-Vine has left where she last used it... Immean, like garden tools and hoses and plastic planters and chairs and, and...

Now don't get me wrong, I loves the gal but it drives me crazy... Her gardening mentor, no matter when we just stop in to see here, never leaves stuff out...

So I was thinking of taking the stuff to an "impound" area... You know, like my tool shed where I could just lock it up fir a few days until she signed a staement that she would not leave that particular item out again???

I mean, this sounds like I'm tryin' to be some control freek but it ain't that at all... She asks me to keep my clothes put away and I do that so why not the same consideration for garden stuff???

And, yes, I have asked her but it ain't gettin' fixed...


(Yer gonna get the blast fir this one, Boberdz...)

Well, okay... I might....

30 Apr 10 - 08:17 PM (#2897672)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: beardedbruce

Foolish Bobert!

Haven't you learned that there are two sets of rules of behaviour- those YOU must follow, and those SHE has the option of following when it suits her???

30 Apr 10 - 08:17 PM (#2897673)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Amos

The BOBERT ENTERPRISE boldly goes where no man has dared to go before him....

30 Apr 10 - 09:10 PM (#2897707)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Rapparee

Run over them. No problem. I mean, you wouldn't get off the tractor to pick up a skunk, would you? Of course not! Just run over them like you would the skunk.

30 Apr 10 - 09:31 PM (#2897717)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Last year, Rap... I hit so many of them that it seems that I didn't go a month withut having to buy new bladees that were hopelessly bent... Ahhhh, not to mention, her tools and stuff...

What's the BOBERT ENTERPRISE, Amos??? That some kinda spaceship with a mower deck, 'er what???

I donno... But I do know that just running over the stuff hasn't worked... And pleading hasn't worked... And reasoning hasn't worked... So I figurated that impound might work...

Kinda reminds me of back in the early 70's when I went back to college and I moved in with a bunch of stoners and, man, these guys never washed a dish and the kitchen was a serious mess so I threw all the dishes, pots and apns out in the back yard and put up a sign that read "Don't spit on the soup, we've all got to eat (lyndon Johnson), Wash your fucking dishes (me)"... Hey, it worked with the stoners... Kinda a little behavior mod thing... And they thanked me fir it... Well, not immediately, mind yoy, but....

Hey, I like the "impound" idea...

My other idea was to just take the stuff and hide it where she thinks someone came and stole it??? But people don't come back here and she'd know I had the stuff... But that's still in the running...


30 Apr 10 - 10:35 PM (#2897766)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: katlaughing

If you cannot run over it, safely, which you can't, I would throw it away. My grandson is learning it is a safety issue that he pick up after himself in the yard precisely because of the danger from running over something and having it fly out and hit someone, etc. My mom and dad both taught us to pick up after ourselves as we went about our work, esp. when cooking in the kitchen and, in dad's case, when welding and other outside work.

IF you want to preserve your life, impound them and/or find some kind of portable, on wheels?, catch-all, she can keep handy for tossing the stuff in, but she HAS to keep it picked up! How the heck does she find it when she needs it next?

Good luck!

30 Apr 10 - 10:54 PM (#2897775)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Sorcha

Impound and then charge her a quarter per item to get it back! I get pure D Bloody H**L if I don't pick up the dog toys before he mows let alone tools!

30 Apr 10 - 10:55 PM (#2897776)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Ebbie

Ahem. I have a sad story to tell you; it's a story that's never been told...

When I was a kid and playing outdoors I often left my stuff out when I came inside the house at night or when rain threatened. You know why? Because I knew the brother just older than I (I had four brothers) would gather it up and bring it in.

I say: Just toss the stuff in the fencerow(s) and tell her that you saved it from harm.

01 May 10 - 12:55 AM (#2897832)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Janie

Suggestion. (prob'ly a hard one) Swap jobs for a bit, and have her do the mowing a time or three. That might bring home that it is not only the destruction of tools, it is also all the stopping and starting, climbing onto and off the mower, etc. Assuming you are talking about a tractor or riding lawn mower, but it don't really matter. Havin' to stop a push mower to move stuff, then yanking that cord to start it up again is equally a pain-in-the-butt. There is nothing quite like the experience of running over a tool you yourself left on the ground, and hearing and seeing the tool, the mower, or both, mangled....

01 May 10 - 01:04 AM (#2897838)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Janie

...didn't finish...or the experience of all those stops and starts to deal with crap, including tools, left lying on the ground.

01 May 10 - 01:07 AM (#2897841)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Sorcha

See? It isn't such a bad idea after all.

It's called Consequenses.

01 May 10 - 02:01 AM (#2897866)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Pour oil and vinegar on the lawn, and tell your cow to go out and graze, and tell her to watch out for shit she left in the yard, so she doesn't chip her last tooth!


01 May 10 - 06:43 AM (#2897925)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: mauvepink

We are women... we have double standards to live up to! ;-)

Just see how happy it makes you having something to moan about lol

(somewhat tongue in cheek)

Have a lovely weekend in the garden!



01 May 10 - 06:57 AM (#2897931)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Great ideas, folks... Well, the cow idea ain't 'cause other than 3 useless horses and four somewhat usefull cats we ain't got no cows here on this farm...

Yeah, Janie... In this case it's a riding mower which I have bypassed the kill-switch on the seat so I can, at least, get off the sumabich without havin' to restart it but I gotta disengage the power to the blades, take it out of gear and set the brake on it before gettin' off it... The do the same (in reverse) to resume mowing... Yes, it's a pain... BTW, you can tape the saftey bar to the handle on yer mower and that will allow it to run while yer doing something else... To kill it just take any tool with an insulated handle (like a shovel) and use the metal part to touch the end of the spark plug wire to ground (anything metal on the mower)...

As for swappin' jobs??? Shoot, this gal ain't getting on the tractor... I mean it, she ain't... That's men's work... lol... But, yeah, I have often thought about how she'd like it to have to deal with acreas of obsticles... The worst one was last year when I ran over one of those waterers that ya stick in the ground and it goes, "pfst, pfst, pfst" as it sprays a circle of water about 40 feet... That thing bent 2 of the three blades...

"Geeze, Honey, I'm so sorry..."

Ahhhhh, then how's about pickin' that stuff up when yer done then???

"Well, not that sorry..."

But I loves the gal... I sho nuff do... Maybe Amos's idea is the one... Just have Shatner's come mow with the BOBERT ENTERPRISE???

I donno... I'm so confused...


01 May 10 - 08:52 AM (#2897976)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Amos

Wal, you could install a large bunch of sheep and goats. The sheep will eat the grass and the goats will eat the metal stuff...


01 May 10 - 09:37 AM (#2897984)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Great idea, Amos... Problem is that if I were to do that then seein' as the goats would eat the P-Vine's massive ornimental gardens that in doing so I'd be getting rid of her, too... That won't work... Might of fact, the next farm over is Mr. Wilson's goat farm and them critters are just on the other side of the fence from the P-Vine's gardens... Used to worry her sick that one would come over the fence as the sumabichs can get over 'um and it ain't rare to find one in my driveway but... far, so good... But she has learned how to shoot the .410...

Goat meat, anyone???


01 May 10 - 10:33 AM (#2898000)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

mauvepink: "We are women... we have double standards to live up to! ;-)
Just see how happy it makes you having something to moan about lol"

No truer words have been spoken!!!!!!!
Great post!!!!


01 May 10 - 10:47 AM (#2898008)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Rapparee

Bobert ol' buddy, have you considered that she's only thinking about your health? This way you get the exercise you need; if you didn't have to get on and off that chair you use to cut the grass you wouldn't get any exercise at all.

See? She's saving you from a heart attack or something.

01 May 10 - 12:12 PM (#2898047)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???

Ah Bobbie. You insist on seeing problems where there are none. Do as you have always done - pick the crap up and put it out of the way. And if you bend three blades with your carelessness, don't blame P-Vine. She kept her part of the bargain.
I will never understand male logic.

01 May 10 - 01:02 PM (#2898072)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Stilly River Sage

Here at my house I "police the grounds" before I mow. This saves this kind of disruption of the mowing when it finally starts. Okay, the dogs see me coming and will leave a steaming pile in front of the mower, not on the already-mowed bit, but that doesn't bend blades if I hit it. I get the tools I might have left, the dog chews, balls, sticks, whatever, during that first cursory walk-through and then can mow safely.


01 May 10 - 01:08 PM (#2898080)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Amergin

When I read the title I was thinking Bobert wondered if allowing women on Mudcat was a good idea....So I opened the thread to see a good show....

01 May 10 - 01:13 PM (#2898084)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Alice

You should know it is standard safety procedure for you to walk the area and pick up loose things BEFORE you mow!! Whether they are hers or not, you are risking life and limb if you mow before you've done a sweep of the area to gather stick and other things, that could be projectiles if hit. Shame on you. (Whatever you pick up that is hers, pile it on the kitchen table for her to deal with).

01 May 10 - 01:32 PM (#2898104)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Stilly River Sage

See? Alice agrees! Dog poop doesn't need to go on the kitchen, it can go to the compost.

01 May 10 - 04:28 PM (#2898191)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bert

Mow around the stuff.

01 May 10 - 04:33 PM (#2898195)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Amergin

Just throw them at her....that'll be sure to get her attention....

01 May 10 - 04:38 PM (#2898198)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Maryrrf

I have to admit that I sympathize with Bobert. Yes he should check around before he mows, but it isn't fair for him to deal with tools and such strewn around helter skelter. Garden tools shouldn't be left out - all kinds of accidents could happen, like Bobert could step on the end of a cultivator and the handle could hit him in the face. And he claims that in the house, he doesn't leave his stuff lying around, so fair is fair. I think the plan is good, but it might upset P-Vine and she may get angry with Bobert. The passive/aggressive method would be to pick the stuff up and hide it. Then when she asks "Do you know where that cultivator/hoe/garden hose/watering bucket or whatever is?". Just say "Um....I think I remember picking it up but I just can't remember where I put it." Conveniently "forget" where you put it and when you think it's time, then remember.

01 May 10 - 04:44 PM (#2898201)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: gnu

SINS!!!... "I will never understand male logic." Whaaaa? Finishing any job means putting the lid down, no? >;-)

Back when I was a serf, whatshername used to clutter the yards and the walkway and the deck with all manner of ornaments and potted plants. The "Cat Crossing" sign was the last straw. I let the lawns grow and when she asked when I was gonna mow I replied, "Not my job anymore. And, BTW, I have on my To-Do list NOT to replace the potted plants on the deck stairways the next time I knock them over carrying sommat up or down the stairs." Plants on the stairs? That is "womenz" stuff.

I will never understand female logic.

PS... the rose bushes next to the front door... salt. Sum'bitches use to bite me and whatever I was carrying like a junkyard dog. Rose bushes next to a door? Womenz!

01 May 10 - 06:12 PM (#2898232)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: gnu

Hmmm... youse all enjoying the spring weather? I figured I could get a rise er even a roll with that fly. Apparently, youse have lives.

01 May 10 - 06:18 PM (#2898237)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: katlaughing

My Rog has a scab on his arm that looks like he got in a fight with a junkyard dog. In truth it was a rosebush by the outdoor water faucet, planted a long time before we bought the place. It is a beautiful plant, but quite wicked if one is not careful!

Bobert, the other alternative is to hire a kid to come clean up the stuff then give her the bill or somesuch.

01 May 10 - 08:08 PM (#2898306)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

I donno about these ideas... Throwing the stuff at her is definately not one to be considered... My arm ain't what it used to be and it might come back alot harder than I threw it...

As fir the female mind??? Ahhhhh, as per usual, I am clueless but curious...

As fir payin' some kid to round the stuff up??? Hey, this is Page Co., Va. and most kids are meth-heads and the one's that ain't won't leave when the job is done...

No, I was thinking that maybe Plan B is the eway to go... There's where I put on a helmit, gloves, body armor and just run everything over, bend the blades, take 'um off and leave 'um on the front seat of her car with a note "You owe me 3 blades"....

Whaddayathink about that one ??? I mean hoses shreaded and pieces of garden tools all over her gardens and her prized watering can lookin' like somethin' from Ground Zero???

(Take a chill pill, Boberdz, and just go lie down in some quiet spot fir about 10 hours...)


01 May 10 - 09:27 PM (#2898333)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Amergin

You know, bobert, I think you have a point....I still have the scars from all the times I've pissed off the womenfolk.....but I still do it....maybe some part of me likes the attention.

01 May 10 - 09:51 PM (#2898339)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Ya' know, A-gin... That's what makes life worth it... You know, pissin' off the womenz and livin' (or not) to enjoy the memories... I mean, like my poor old 4 time divorced bother says, "No guts, no glory"... I mean, I'm serious;u rethinkin' my impound idea in favor of mowin' shovels, pots with purdy azaleas in 'um, hoses and, well, everything...

(Then Boberdz woke up...)

(Ypou do that dumbass stuff, Boberds, an' yer gonna be in a load of trouble... I mean, you think you got troubles now???? Think about it, Big Guy!!!)

Okay, I ain't gonna run over all that stuff... That was just me talkin' big... You know, like I am king of the hill... Sheet fire, if the P-Vine came i here right now and read this she'd, ahhhhhhh, put a buttwhup on me so bad that I'd have to wear a paper bag over my head fir a a year...

But I ain't quite given up on the "impound" idea...


01 May 10 - 10:05 PM (#2898343)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Sorcha

I wouldn't either Bobert. It does work. Esp if you charge her say, a buck per item.

BTW, dog poo does NOTHING for the compost pile. Nothing. Not like other manure. Look it up if you don't belive me.

01 May 10 - 11:01 PM (#2898362)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Stilly River Sage

I've looked it up. Dog and cat droppings are just fine in the compost. It all breaks down. That's an old wives tale that you can't put it in.

Bobert, does P-vine read Mudcat? Has your keyboard become inexplicably tough to use (or find) lately?


02 May 10 - 12:02 AM (#2898392)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Amos

Lock 'em up, in the garden shed, and stand tall, Bobez. What have you got to lose???


(DON'T answer that....)

02 May 10 - 12:12 AM (#2898394)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: LilyFestre

Bobert....Sweet Bobert...Gonna Get Hiself Killed Bobert.....

   I have to agree with Stilly on this one. Take a walk around the yard and just pick stuff up before you ever even fire up your tractor. It might be a pain in the butt....BUT.....what does P-Vine pick up of yours? Laundry? Dishes? etc.?
    If Mr. Pete ever impounded my stuff like that, I'd be PISSED and start hiding HIS stuff! And he'd get mad and you can see what the cycle would be.

Be sweet to your girl. She loves you, ya know?


02 May 10 - 01:16 AM (#2898409)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "Okay, seems that every time I gotta go out and mow the grass I find myself gettin' off and on the tractor about 5 zillion times to pick up stuff that the P-Vine has left where she last used it... Immean, like garden tools and hoses and plastic planters and chairs and, and..."

Okay, okay okay!..You're making this a lot harder than it should be!
Get righteously drunk, and FALL off the tractor, it will save you have the trouble! ....and while your down there grab something next you you, toss it, and get back on the damn bronco!...till you fall off again!


02 May 10 - 01:54 AM (#2898418)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Ebbie

Michele is right, Beaubear. Life is short at the best of times.

02 May 10 - 10:16 AM (#2898520)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

I kinda like the righteosly drunk part, GfS... Of course it doesn't solve much and puts a mighty hurt in this poor ol boney hillbilly's head but, hey, I got experience... No, that was not boney head, or bonehead, fir that matter... Just that I ain't all that beefed up...

But nevermind the beef fir now... Yeah, Michelle, I do walk around and try to find the stuff... It's like an Easter Egg Hunt... But with as much mowing as I have to do, plus the P-Vine knowing no boundarys for gardening, it ain't all that easy...

And fir the record, I put all my stuff away... Did so even before being sent off to military school where I recieved a PhD in putting stuff away... The P-Vine, however... We ain't goin' there...

This is the part that I don't understand... She loves the gardens when everything is put away and freshly mowed... And she loves giving tours of the gardens and her gardening mentor once said that the garden is supposed to be peaceful and it can't be that way with tools everywhere... She unnerstands this in her head... It's just gettin' that head stuff into her tummy where she actually changes but...

...alas, if there is one bit of wisdom I have picked up in my life it's this: People don't change, they get more so...

Well, we have a tour coming at 3 today and another tomorrow so I had better get my pickin'-up clothes on and get out there...


02 May 10 - 11:17 AM (#2898554)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

OR.....all the crap in the yard...put it on the toilet seat!!!!!


02 May 10 - 11:43 AM (#2898575)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Bizibod

How 'bout you tell her when you're going to do it, and give her a head start to clear the way ? Sounds reasonable....

02 May 10 - 11:57 AM (#2898589)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bert

I still think mowing around it will work. Make a joke out of it.

"Well you wouldn't want me to run them over would you?"

Or You could throw away the worst one and buy her a new one. Present it to her and say "Sorry I ran over your old one."

02 May 10 - 12:39 PM (#2898610)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: LilyFestre

My husband says you should say, "Honey, I'm getting ready to go mow, how about you come give me a hand picking up stuff?" Make it a together kinda invitation of sorts.


02 May 10 - 12:47 PM (#2898614)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Alice

Michelle makes a good point. Do you even tell your wife you are going to mow the lawn, or are you complaining that she hasn't read your mind? Tell her you are mowing, so she has time to put things away.

02 May 10 - 02:47 PM (#2898657)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,leeneia

Bobert, I suggest you start mowing around the items she has forgotten, creating a crazy quilt of high grass and low grass around your house.

That will motivate her like anybody's business, I'd wager.

A hose now, that's a different story. You should check that the hoses are wound up even before getting the mower out of the shed.

02 May 10 - 07:07 PM (#2898795)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Rowan

What's all this nonsense about mowing lawns?

Expand the beds and put in paths, without grass, between them.

Both your problems are then solved; she gets an even bigger garden and you sell the mower with relaxation-aids bought from the proceeds.

Cheers, Rowan

02 May 10 - 07:39 PM (#2898826)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???

Busy weekend.
Gnu! Cellar!

02 May 10 - 08:19 PM (#2898839)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

I like the idea of just having paths and I guess that one day thet may become a reality... But we are gardening on approx 5-6 acres and there's only but so much plant material and time to mulch and water and keep everyone happy... That means there's gonna be alot of grass to be mowed...

Mowing around stuff other than hoses??? I'll give that some consideration... Of course, I know it's gonna start a danged argument where she is going to threaten to quit washing clothes, 'er somethin' that she does... And then I'll say, "Fine, I'll quit working and making the money to buy all these plants" and then she'll say... And I'll say... And next thing ya' know I'm sleepin' on the couch...

I'm a wuss...


02 May 10 - 08:33 PM (#2898852)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: kendall

You mean I'm supposed to pick stuff up before I mow? Maybe that's what is causing those awful noises. I ran over something today and it made a hell of a racket. I didn't see it until pieces of it came flying out the discharge chute. It used to be a limb off a willow tree.
That 18 hp engine really does a job on shit that has no business being on the lawn.

02 May 10 - 08:48 PM (#2898859)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Sorcha

Xeriscape Bobert. Stuff that doesn't need a lot of water....

02 May 10 - 09:35 PM (#2898883)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,crazy little woman

First of all, Bobert, absolutely do not 'impound' the stuff and set yourself up as an authority cum jail garden. That would be very bad for the relationship between you two. You are both adults and need to respect one another as equals.

Next, ask yourself why the P-vine is forgetting stuff. Does she have too many things to do? Does she have to move on to job no. 2 before she can finish job no. 1?

With small tools, is it a visibility issue? Can you spray paint the handles so they don't disappear when set down, etc? Can you supply a handy system for keeping track of everything and getting it organized? Some kind of cart?

Saints forfend, is she getting forgetful because her health is weakening? Do you need to talk to the doctor about this? Think it over.
Sorcha, Bobert lives in West Virginia. The problem isn't watering stuff. The problem is hacking back the jungle that thrives in the warm, wet climate.

02 May 10 - 10:33 PM (#2898917)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Actually, Bobert, Tell her to shut the fuck up, and mow it herself!.For Pete's sake, all she has to do is sit on the Damn thing and steer it!


03 May 10 - 03:32 AM (#2898999)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: JohnInKansas

Bobert -

It has been obvious for some time, and even you have admitted, that you have a definite problem with "understanding how wimmunz think."

Although a hard-core case such as you may be beyond help, there is the remote possibility that the newly discovered Nasal Spray treatment that permits men to (briefly) "think more like a woman" might offer some hope of at least slightly assisting your adaptation to more friendly association with those of the other persuasion.

In its present form (produced only for testing purposes) the "results" are reportedly persistent only briefly with no observed after-effects. The researchers did NOT COMMENT on the principal ingredient, Oxycontin, being a hormone primarily active in stimulating lactation, so excessive use might get you a nice pair of MOOBS - or not.

But it might be worth a try(?).


03 May 10 - 07:29 AM (#2899063)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

I'm not too sure who has snuck into our little community hare with whatever it is that has infected so amny people's thinkin' but, John, we're goin' to have to repectfully, mind you, to pee in this little plastic cup...

I mean, I have enough difficulty thinkin' at all and now ya say that I oughtta spray some hormones up my nose so that I can think like a womenz???

That, mah friend, ain't gonna happen... I see the way they are, and God knows I oves each and every one of them but...

...womenz have major wiring problems... You remember the '57 Ford Sunliner with the hardtop that electriclly went into the truck to turn it into a convertibale... Well, the schematic on the wiring for the top looks like a road map of the United States... Now ya compare that to the wirin' in yer average womanz and quess what??? That Ford schematic ain't squat???

That's what I mean... They is nuts... No offense to no Mudwomenz 'cause I loves ya' all... But ya'll is friggin looney-tunes... Hey, that ain't meant to be insultin' or disssin' or bad... It's just facts as I see 'um...

No, John... Here's a better idea... A new 'n improved nasal spray that gives the womans the peace of mind to think like men!!! Then they gonna pick up the tools and hoses when they are done... They will also understand the pure joy of men stuff, you know, like peein' outside, watching cars go round and round, scratchin', belchin' and paiting falmes on ther side of yer Craftsman lawn mower... You, know, all the important stuff...


03 May 10 - 08:30 AM (#2899084)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???

Wasn't this covered in My Fair Lady???? "Why can't a woman be more like a man?"

She can't. Nor does she want to. End of discussion.

03 May 10 - 08:37 AM (#2899089)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???

Question for Bobert:
Which would you rather have- a cluttered lawn and P-Vine in the kitchen or a perfectly groomed lawn with everything in its place and an empty house?
I know the answer. Now smile and be grateful every time you bend a blade. Life is good.

03 May 10 - 08:41 AM (#2899091)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Is this a trick question, Sins???

03 May 10 - 10:52 AM (#2899141)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,crazy little woman

I guess my post above involved too much actual caring and thinking.

So long, bobert.

03 May 10 - 11:01 AM (#2899147)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Sorry, Sorch... We are way too far down the path to turn back... But it's no so much plants that don't need waterin' as much as gettin' newly planted stuff established... That is the tricky part... Once most plants get established the demands for additional watering goes way down...


03 May 10 - 11:21 AM (#2899160)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Perhaps, instead of a nasal spray for men to be more sensitive, and grow 'moobs', here's a little ditty for women to hum around the house,

Ditty for Mudcat Womenz

Genie, and Ebbers should be able to hum this, with great enjoyment!


03 May 10 - 12:27 PM (#2899192)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Alice

"Twice as many people are treated for lawn mower injuries as gunshot wounds each year. Cuts and bruises from flung objects are the most common mowing related injury....CLICK

03 May 10 - 03:08 PM (#2899278)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: gnu

Uncle Roy was mowing a wet lawn, slipped on an incline and came up less a big toe. When he got back from the hospital and got sat down in front of the TV, Aunt Therese let the cat in and it sat right in front of Uncle Roy, dropped his toe on the floor and meowed proudly.

03 May 10 - 03:15 PM (#2899282)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: VirginiaTam

mebbe just refuse to mow the lawn?

or perhaps P-Vine should be required to pay for or do the repairs on damaged tractor. That is what I would do with my kids. Don't know if this works on partners though.

03 May 10 - 06:22 PM (#2899389)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Sorcha

Yes, Bobert, and I hadn't realized you had 5-6 ACRES to mow. Far cry from a suburban lawn.

When there is that much acerage, you can't just drop things....GOOD way to lose them all. Oh, now did I put the trowel on the back 9, or was that the cultivator?

03 May 10 - 08:46 PM (#2899475)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bill D

"Next, ask yourself why the P-vine is forgetting stuff. Does she have too many things to do? Does she have to move on to job no. 2 before she can finish job no. 1?

crazy little woman is onto it... You have said almost NOTHING about what P-vine has said about her problem if & when you two have 'discussed' it. Does she have a real problem with memory? or does she think it is actually up to YOU to cleanup... that makes 2 entirely different problems.
If she has a problem remembering to clean up her stuff, is there any way to have a reminder system? A card hanging on the door knob saying "Bring in the tools"..or whatever.

If she doesn't FEEL responsible, you have very few options.

03 May 10 - 08:52 PM (#2899481)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Nah, Bill... This ain't a memory problem as much as ADD... She doesn't quite finish jobs before bein' led by some gardenin' spirit to the next project, which BTW, doesn't quite get finished before... I follow behind and put the finishing touches on her projects...

We're just different in that way... I don't consider a project "leavable" until everything that was involved with it is put away or thrown out...

I donno if this is a man/womenz thing 'er not... Just reality 'round here...


03 May 10 - 09:12 PM (#2899488)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Sorcha

NOW he says ADD.....for real or just Boberts take on it?

If it's for real, then 'reminders' might help. Otherwise, I give up.

I now think my mother had ADD for real. She always got distracted and seldom actually finished anything.

By reminders, I mean more or less visual things....tags on tools, etc....

03 May 10 - 10:51 PM (#2899535)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Gosh, Sorch... I hate to say stuff to the P-Vine about ADD... She is in such denial about it that it always gets the same heated response, "Well, if I din't have to _________________ then I'd be able to do _________________..."

I mean, we're all busy... God knows I am... I know I have more on me than she does on her but here we have it... It is some kinda ADD???

Either that or she is trying to drive me crazy??? I donno which one???


03 May 10 - 10:58 PM (#2899541)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Alice

Bobert says "I donno if this is a man/womenz thing 'er not... Just reality 'round here..."

Be assured it is not a man/woman thing.
It is actually annoying that you keep assuming all women behave like your wife behaves. Stop making generalities about both men and women.

04 May 10 - 01:23 AM (#2899596)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

ADD is another word for BOREDOM!

04 May 10 - 02:34 AM (#2899605)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: KT

Hey Bobert, you know, you're going to have to do a quick scan anyway, so pick 'em all up with a smile and then tie them all up into a scarecrow in the middle of the garden. The folks on the tour will love it!

04 May 10 - 01:31 PM (#2899906)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,leeneia

I spray paint my tool handles fluorescent orange red or else wrap red vinyl tape around them. That helps me find them. (I'm sure P-vine understands the need to keep tools out of the mower.)

Bobert, there's hope. I believe that we humans have become hormone-driven when it comes to gardening. In April and May, we have to be out there, life is beautiful, and one project after another sends its tendrils towards us, luring us on.

Come August, we prefer to admire the garden from inside the house.

For now just pick up the stuff and say to yourself, "This too shall pass."

04 May 10 - 04:17 PM (#2900021)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: VirginiaTam

how about something like this to carry them around in

Would she be inclined to put the hand tool back in the carrier? It is a bit more visible if it gets left behind, then you know there maybe smaller items lurking nearby.

04 May 10 - 04:47 PM (#2900037)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Amos

Especially if you tie a huge helium-filled duck's head to it.


04 May 10 - 05:41 PM (#2900085)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Well, I'be bought her just about everything that comes on the market to help her out... I bought her this cool wagon with slots for all her tools... That was 5 years ago and it's sitting in the barn where is has been fro 5 years... I've bhought her tool belts, t5otes, bags, folding thingies with zipper pouches... She won't use them... I end up using them...

But I have finally found something that she will use... About a onth ago I gotta an offer from the Kawasaki dealer for 3.9% finacing on a 4WD Polaris so I took yer down there and she liked and promised she'd use it and she does... She drives it all over the farm with her stuff in the back... Still hasn't cut down on the lawn clutter but at least she seems very happy to be able to load it up with all her planting mediums and dig up a plant and move it elsewhere without having to move everything in a wheelbarrow...


04 May 10 - 05:55 PM (#2900099)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: JohnInKansas

VT -

In my experience the "convenient tool carrier" idea has been only marginally successful.

A certain person of persuasion similar to the suspect here was provided several years ago with a "carrier" with wheels, a convenient carrying handle, and a padded seat, stocked with a carefully selected set of "quality tools" appropriate to her tasks. In addition, raised beds were constructed and plantings assisted in them so that bending and lifting requirements would be minimal.

Since getting up off the seat was required in order to open the lid to get a tool, the subject preferred getting up off the seat, walking back to the garage or shed where my tools were stored, returning the sit on the seat yell for me to come and use the tools for her - "because my tool was too big for her."

Of course when I had completed "using the tools" she insisted they be left with her "in case she wanted to do more." She would then sit on her toolbox, and usually read a book, until she got done with sitting on her tool box, got up, dragged her tool box back to put it away, and left my tools laying in the grass beside the garden beds.

I suspect it must be some sort of evolved characteristic that permitted her to navigate from the garden beds to the tool shed with her hands empty, to get from the shed back to the garden only with tools in her hands, yet left her completely incapable of navigating from the garden to the shed with tools in hand or from shed to garden without some tools. (Something to do with "instinctive migration?)

My suggestion to the local U Psychology Department that this would be a suitable topic for a student research project got a "what's unusual about that," leading me to believe it must be so common a trait as to be "uninteresting" as a psychological quirk, so it has to be(?) inbred - unless it's just been too frequently studied in the recent past.

Quite incidentally, I've noted that similar traits have been exhibited by "relatives" of both persuasion, but only by those who are horological "Aries." Unfortunately the offender currently part of my household is not only "one of them wimmin" but IS ALSO AN ARIES.

What one cannot change must be accepted, and accomodated by whatever means causes the least pain to the more fragile participant - I suppose.


05 May 10 - 12:12 AM (#2900300)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bert

'course you could just go out and help her when she is working in the garden. Then when your done you could help her pick up the tools.

05 May 10 - 02:14 AM (#2900336)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: katlaughing

JohninKansas...not ALL Aries are like that!:-)

05 May 10 - 02:14 AM (#2900337)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???

Bobert , refresh with this, more than just 'humor'

and this....

and add this to it

put it together!


05 May 10 - 02:16 AM (#2900338)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

and this


05 May 10 - 02:19 AM (#2900340)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

and this too..put it all together


05 May 10 - 07:53 AM (#2900483)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert


I'll download them tonight when I have time to wait on my slow pudder...


Great piece of writin'...


05 May 10 - 11:41 AM (#2900596)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bill D

Aries characteristics?? We Taurians don't believe in stuff like that...

05 May 10 - 01:02 PM (#2900660)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Ebbie

It's true, Bill! Take it from a Sagittarian. :)

(Actually, I have never put much stock in most zodiac assertions. However, I do know that I feel that I understand the reasoning and responses of Saggies. And once I met the husband of my co-worker and discovered that he reminded me very much of one of my brothers. Turned out that he had the same birthday as that brother, several years apart. So there. )

05 May 10 - 02:51 PM (#2900723)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: VirginiaTam

put super glue on the handles. then she can't put them down.

05 May 10 - 04:02 PM (#2900780)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: gnu

I am about ready to shoot the squirrels that throw pine cones on my lawn and don't pick them up. But, I suppose that might not be an acceptable solution in your case, Bobert.

05 May 10 - 10:34 PM (#2901019)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Okay, GfS... I get this guy... Hey, I could almost do his lecture... I got a PhD in "womenz"... I been studyin' them fir a long time... Yeah, okay, I likes to play but I do understand the situation and that is that womenz is nutz... It's a DNA thing so I don't get all judegmental about it... It's kinda like some folks is born left handed and others right handed... Womenz can't help it and more importantly womenz didn't pick the cromozones either... I think that purdy much sums it up with out having to get all personal, an stuff...

But it's too bad... Makes me sad... I mean, there is nuthin' more satisfyin' than goin' outside to pee... Not NASCAR... Not Budweiser... Not TV wrerstling... Not scratchin' 'er fallin' out drunk on the kitchen floor... I mean, nuthin'... And womenz never got to experiance that God's gift to man...

But I digress... Today was a good day... The P-Vine didn't leave one single tool out to be runned over by Mr. Mower... Of course, she was gone for the day but, hey...

Happy mowin' out there...


06 May 10 - 01:00 AM (#2901058)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Janie

Well, darlin' Bobertz,

It is what it is, which seems to be the conclusion at which you have also arrived. You understand what you and P-Vine have going for you as a couple. You not only adore her and she, you, you share that love of the natural world, of digging in the dirt, of fostering nature in a planned way in some spaces, and letting nature run it's course in others. Complainin' here is a useful outlet to deal with the the bumps and rough places where the duo ain't so dynamic, but you clearly know and respect the many more ways ya'll mesh, and cherish that all-in-all, when it comes to dirt, plants, garden, nature, you are over-all a very effective and dynamic duo. You ain't about to upset that apple-cart by keeping serious score or letting that little eden ya'll are creating suffer for the sake of behavioral modification, and I don't blame you. It is a rare enough thing for both of a couple to love the land the way the two of you do. That is worth putting up with one another.

Hugs to both of you.

06 May 10 - 02:46 AM (#2901084)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "But I digress... Today was a good day... The P-Vine didn't leave one single tool out to be runned over by Mr. Mower... Of course, she was gone for the day but, hey..."

Oh! Oh yeah...Don't forget to lift the seat!!!!...and close it when your done. Maybe then she'll let you eat at the table, instead of over the sink!


06 May 10 - 07:18 AM (#2901166)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Lol, GfS... As all of Bobert's nuggets of wisdom this one was hard but I enl;isted to fight in the Toidy War... Got a good butt whup fir my efforts but that "change you can believe in" sunk in real good 'cause I know where the toidy seat is supposed to be when I'm done playin' bathroom... Sho nuff do... Down, baby, down...

Thanks, Janie, fir them kind words... Yeah, me and the P-Vine are a purdy good duo... No, make that a great duo... I mean, we both came into this thing with old tapes and baggage (like most folks who have been thru a life) but we just get stronger and stronger... And as a result of this thread I have made a Bobert Executive Decision and that is:

((((drum roll))))

I'm just gonna continue pickin' the stuff up before and as I mow and be darned happy to have the P-Vine in my life... Sniff... I'd hate to go thru the rest of my life having to mow and wondering why the stuff ain't all over the place... I mean, if that's the price I have to pay, then so be it...


(That was purdy lame and weepy, Boberdz...)

Well, yeah... She went up to a nursery yesterday in Maryland to select azaleas for this weekends garden shoe at the the Virginia State Arboritum and stayed with her sister in NoVa last night and *now* I gotta cook my own breakfast!!! No, that ain't it... I miss her...


BTW, Janie, you'd love this garden show... Almost a hundred vendors... We practically sold out last year and made over $2500 for the azalea chapter....


06 May 10 - 07:38 AM (#2901174)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???

Good man, Bobert. Very wise.

06 May 10 - 11:20 AM (#2901270)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,leeneia

Guest from Sanity, thanks for the links to the videos on brains.

Maybe, someday, if they can see a video (and not have to actually read anything) retail and restaurant management will accept it that blasting loud ugly music at me while I try to shop is not in their own best interest.

06 May 10 - 11:38 AM (#2901282)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Ebbie

Bobert, as Sins said and others implied, you are a wise man. And if the P-vine ever happens upon this thread, you have made up for quite a bit. :)

06 May 10 - 11:39 AM (#2901284)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: KT

Good man, Bobert. Now you can make TWO scarecrows for your garden - his & hers- using her tools and YOUR clothes. ( Hey, at least you'd know where to find everything when you next need it.)

PS. I still think of you every time I go through a checkout line and someone doesn't have their card ready!) Love your little pearls of wisdom that you share with all of us here ~

06 May 10 - 12:32 PM (#2901342)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Wish you hadn't brought that one up, KT... Yesterday, I stopped into the Martin's and got behind a woman and her pathetic hubby and in this case, sad as it may sound, neither had a clue that they had to actually, ahhhhhhhh, pay for their stuff... I mean, I was there for at least 5 minutes while they discussed stuff with each other and then the checker and when I thought all was solved their kid, who was in one of those shopping carts that looks like a car, reached up with a pack of gum that he/she (never did see the child) had picked off the shelf and then mom had to re-decide how to pay for the gum.... Grrrrrrrr....

Meanwhile, people behind me were bailing to other lines but I was stuck....

I donno???


06 May 10 - 01:02 PM (#2901355)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Ebbie

Life gets tejus, don't it. :)

06 May 10 - 01:19 PM (#2901371)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???

Jacqui and I have the opposite problem - a checkout clerk with verbal diarrhea. She admires every item (this is a grocery store!)and asks how the customer plans to cook, use or save it. Thirty recipes later I am ready to kill her or simply shout "Shut the F*&*&$%@!^&*(K up and check her out!"
She always has the shortest line because everyone moves to another line.

06 May 10 - 04:15 PM (#2901507)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: gnu

Oh yeah... the chatter. I always have my air miles card or whatever ready. When that crap goes on, as soon as they close the register, I reach out and swipe my card in front of the scanner. Menbership cards get the beep and so does the chatter. The air miles card doesnt register because they gotta press a key first so I ask, "WHY won't it work?" They get the hint.

06 May 10 - 07:01 PM (#2901625)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: JohnInKansas

put super glue on the handles. then she can't put them down.


- cause she can put super glue on Boberts tractor seat.


06 May 10 - 07:16 PM (#2901638)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Rowan

Now that you've got it all worked out, Bobert, the two of you'll be much better placed to do the whole 6 acres as garden. Don't laugh; several people I know have done 5 acres and some have done 30 acres. In Oz the ABC televises "Gardening Australia" (a half hour program, viewable on-line) and they regularly feature the efforts of people who've tackled such areas as yours.

You'll never need to mow again.

Cheers, Rowan

06 May 10 - 07:20 PM (#2901640)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Leadfingers


06 May 10 - 08:12 PM (#2901671)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Bad counting, leadster... Hope you do better when we play again... lol...

As fir the 6 acres??? I was kinda thinking more like, ahhhhh, 2 acres (tops) in actual garden beds and 4 mowed... The P-Vine, however, sees it more like 4 acres in beds and 2 mowed... Maybe we'll end up at 3 'n 3...


06 May 10 - 10:31 PM (#2901726)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Janie

Or just let a few of the acres naturally transition back to whatever they were originally, and document the process with wonder?

07 May 10 - 09:14 AM (#2901999)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

leeneia, You're welcome.......gasp, (looks around furtively), I actually posted something that didn't generate a lynch mob!

Bobert, oh my poor Bobert, what is the world going to do with you???

Men marry women, hoping they'll NEVER change, but, alas, they do!
Women marry men, figuring that they'll CHANGE them....but they don't!

But you, Dear Sir, have been 'potty trained' and now you're doing the yard 'picking up'....Jeez!...Didn't you have kids?????
I hope she, at least, cleans up the house....or are you putting enough bleach, in the laundry??..(Bad for septic I hear).

What next??? Listening to her for hours, go on about every nano-second of the emotional impact on her of EVERYTHING of EVERY moment, that happened to her during the day????...and what do you do??...sit there BORED to death, PRETENDING to either listen, or act interested???....while your mind is off, trying to escape, into your own thoughts???????!!!!????....and off and away. YOU ACTOR YOU!...what??...then she asks you if are you listening, and paying attention, and you fumble out some lie, and to prove it, repeat, some part of some trivia shit, she said, hoping it was close enough,(time and context wise), to get you by???...when actually you fight just to keep from dozing off...but she won't shut up long enough, for a moment, to give you peace of mind????....YOU PUSSY!!!
Tell her to get a girlfriend so prattle to...they love that shit....(its a form of bonding for women)....and can actually give you a moments peace..."Oh good, she's busy talking to 'Miss So and So'.now I have a moment to think......speaking of thinking....I wonder if I can remember the last time I got a hard on for her....if only she'd just shut up!

Now I'm picking up her damn crap, out of the yard, so I can mow it! Rather be practicing my axe, at least it attracts women, but jeez, look what happened to me with her.......I don't feel like playing, anymore! ....................................................
wonder if there is any good porn on the 'puter'......shit, I might get caught...let's see what's on Mudcat....wonder what GfS has for me.....SHIT, I DON'T KNOW WHY...YOU AIN'T LISTENING!......but I hope you at least got a smile on your face.........but then, she'll take care of that!!!!!

Oh, so loving,


07 May 10 - 09:29 AM (#2902006)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Ebbie

Thank God YOU are not married.

07 May 10 - 09:42 AM (#2902016)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

"Thank God YOU are not married."

Shut up!

07 May 10 - 10:56 AM (#2902062)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Ebbie


07 May 10 - 11:23 AM (#2902081)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Ebbtide: "See?"

"See????!!!!????!!!" Half the time you're trying to figure out if I'm a male or female,...when you think I'm a male, you couple it with 'I'm so mean'..when I'm sensitive to the needs of children, then you decide I'm female. Gosh, is that your inbred bigotry coming out, or what???? Bet you're just a bowl to fun to live with!!! If you read my posts, and even had the ability to comprehend them, you'd have remembered that my spouse and I are married...with 16 grandghildren!!!!!,so maybe through life's experience, I have a clue of what I'm talking about...PLUS, I've spent part of my life as a marriage and family counselor! What I posted to Bobert, was meant as humor.....and do you know WHY it is humorous???..Because its a lot truer and cuts close to the bone(remember them?)...than your re-hashed, hung over, quasi femi-nazi delusion of reality!~!!!!
Suggested reading for you, seriously, Dr. Laura Schlessinger's 'The Care and Prpoer Feeding of Husbands'...written by a WOMAN certified marriage counselor, with a PhD in physiology, national radio talk show host, on the subject, who made it through menopause!!!!!! You might learn something!!!!...that is, if you already don't like her, because of one of your already preconceived notions of your self-absorbed, 'tragically hip' dumb OPINIONS, based on your stupid blathering!!

Get the point?
Now you can get back to irritating everyone, who have been just too polite, to point that out to you!
Seriously, get the could change your life!

Still Smiling!,

07 May 10 - 11:26 AM (#2902083)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

grandghildren...typo...grandchildren..(fourth line of my post)

07 May 10 - 11:38 AM (#2902091)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Ebbie

Laura Schlesinger? What a joke.

07 May 10 - 12:11 PM (#2902116)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Ebbers: "Laura Schlesinger? What a joke."

...and you're not??!!!

How would you know? never read it, but as I posted, which is true, and you just proved it, "You might learn something!!!!...that is, if you already don't like her, because of one of your already preconceived notions of your self-absorbed, 'tragically hip' dumb OPINIONS, based on your stupid blathering!!"

Now go back to having glazed eyes, with a vacant stare over the water, and bake whole wheat muffins!


07 May 10 - 12:45 PM (#2902136)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: frogprince

"quasi femi-nazi": (1) a woman who believes that she has more right to make her own decisions than a man has to make decisions for her.
(2)a woman who has been seen out of doors without her burka.

For my own part, I am inclined to think of a very small percentage of alleged feminists I've known as "femi-nazis", more motivated by hostility toward men than by a desire to see fairness. But I've seen just as many women who have serious issues with men but do not consider themselves feminists.

07 May 10 - 12:50 PM (#2902139)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: frogprince

And characterizing Ebbie as a femi-nazi makes every bit as much sense as another brilliant poster's characterization of Little Hawk, one of our resident more-or-less pantheists-or-something, as a fundamentalist Christian.

07 May 10 - 01:48 PM (#2902180)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: gnu

GfS... your posts are akin to those of a troll.

07 May 10 - 09:24 PM (#2902464)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

What now???...Has Ebbie I'mmed the resident homosexuals to come to her rescue....again???....(its always someone)!

Look, I don't particularly WANT to come down on Ebbers,...not even a little bit....but she starts in on her little stupid snipes, and so I return the favor....except mine might be a bit more brutal.....but then, hers were uncalled for, when I was just yakking at Bobert...and in satirical fun. My advice: If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen!

So there, Ebbers, take the 'olive branch'...and lighten up on the attacks....and enjoy the ride.


07 May 10 - 10:12 PM (#2902480)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

In the words of Vinnie Barbarino, "I'm so confused!!!"

Nah, not really...

I mean, I loves the P-Vine "cause I do and I loves Eb 'cause she's my buddy...

But that little rant by GfS kinda hit on some stuff... Yeah, maybe being a good husband is bein' "a pussy" when it's time to be "a pussy"... Guilty... But then there are areas where I kinda, and the P-Vine doesn't expect me to, be be "a pussy"... I reckon, if anything I have learnt about womenz is that you pick yer battles... I don't go to battle with the P-Vine all that often so I reckon that she understands that if I do then I've given it alot of thought and she then, fir the most part, respects my opinion... The rest??? Details... That, IMHO, is the way you "get along" (from a blues song) with womenz... Other than just loves 'um... Which I do... I loves all the womenz... No, not that way, gol danged it...


07 May 10 - 10:19 PM (#2902481)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert, To tell you the truth, I had a blast writing that post!..I was laughing my ass off..and hoping you'd find both the humor and the truth in it!

All said and done, warmest regards, to both of you!


08 May 10 - 09:39 AM (#2902654)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: Bobert

Well, GfS... I glad it was good fir you, as well... That's why I start these little "womenz" threads... Fir the most part they are harmless and gives the womenz an opportunity to do a little pokin' back of their own... Not that womenz need more opportunities, mind you... lol...


08 May 10 - 07:02 PM (#2902826)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Well, poking, a give and take?...hmmm, sounds like fun! Sense of humor helps! The late Paul Harvey, radio newscaster and commentator, of whom I'm sure you've heard, had a segment on his show called 'The Tournament of Roses', which he'd read various couple's names, that were celebrating their anniversaries. Usually, they were couples married for at least 50-60 plus years. He decided to write a book, with the same title, where he interviewed these couples(at least the ones who were still alive..duh), and asked them to give their reasons, they thought their marriages lasted so long. He compiled the list from all of them, and the top two answers that came up, by a long shot, outnumbering all the others, were, their relationship with God, and a sense of humor!...For what its worth!

The only time we can't laugh at ourselves, is when we're dead!..of course, when we're dead, we ain't to healthy in other departments, as, what the poke!

Wishing you the Best, spite of your silly political bent,