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BS: KKK ??? WT*?

05 May 10 - 05:41 PM (#2900833)
Subject: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: gnu

What is wrong? The KKK is still among us?

How can this still be happening? It is unreal and vile and disgusting. What the **** is wrong with our education system and why?

05 May 10 - 05:44 PM (#2900837)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: Bill D

Sure they are...they never quite go away. As long as people use racist hate to organize their lives, the KKK will be an easy label for them to unite under.

05 May 10 - 05:51 PM (#2900845)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: Amergin

What I don't understand is how you can be so surprised?

05 May 10 - 06:12 PM (#2900870)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: Greg F.

They've always been around- you must not have been paying attention.

And with an African-American President and all the Ant-Immigrant hysteria they've become a good deal more active of late.

As have all the white-supremicist hate groups in the US.

Check the Southern Poverty Law Center website - you might find it instructive.

05 May 10 - 06:32 PM (#2900889)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: catspaw49

Couldn't agree more Greg but forgive the gnu 'cause I know the lad has his heart in the right place!

SPLC - Southern Poverty Law Center
....Hey, I'm on the resisting hate map along with 1400 or so other Ohioians......And the SPLC is on my desktop. Mo Dees needs to be recognized as a true hero of the last 100 years.


05 May 10 - 06:36 PM (#2900892)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: GUEST,999

Hey, gnu, we have that trash in Canada, too. Someday I`ll tell you the tale.

05 May 10 - 08:11 PM (#2900950)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: gnu

Well, okay, but gee golly gosh, why aren't these assholes gettin goned? They are still recruiting new assholes???? Sommat just ain't right.

05 May 10 - 09:12 PM (#2900983)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: ichMael

The KKK is largely supported by the FBI now. Has been for a long time:

A paid FBI informant was the man behind a neo-Nazi march through the streets of Parramore that stirred up anxiety in Orlando's black community and fears of racial unrest that triggered a major police mobilization.... In court Wednesday, an FBI agent said the bureau has paid its informant at least $20,000 during the past two years.... The city parade permit, however, lists Gletty (the informant) as the "on scene event manager."

Neo-nazo Rally Was Organized By Fbi Informant

05 May 10 - 11:14 PM (#2901033)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: Bill D

Geez, there ANY issue you don't have a conspiracy theory about?

Maybe the James A. Garfield assassination? Go research it...please....

05 May 10 - 11:28 PM (#2901035)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: JohnInKansas

It's sometimes difficult to tell where racism will pop up, as in the case of the lawyer recently admitted to the Pennsylvania bar.

While Pa has claimed to be among the more liberal states:

He applied for a Pennsylvania license and was rejected1, so he moved to New York state and was licensed there. 2

Twenty years later, after being admitted to practice before the US Supreme Court3, he applied again for a license in Pennsylvania, and was again rejected.4

On Tuesday, 03 May 2010, the State Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ordered that he must be licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania. 5

1 "because he was black," 1844

2 the first black lawyer licensed by New York State

3 1867

4 "because he was black," 1868

5 160 years late

Black lawyer rejected for Pa. bar in 1847 admitted

And it's still with us.


05 May 10 - 11:35 PM (#2901037)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: Don Firth

Hey! ichMael! A word in your ear!

Cassius and Brutus may have had something to do with assassinating Caesar. On the grassy knoll and all that.

Pass it along. . . .

Don Firth (otherwise known as 006 7/8.

05 May 10 - 11:51 PM (#2901041)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: Amos

The fact that someone feeds information to the FBI does not make him the FBI, Michael. For the love of god, learn to think.


06 May 10 - 12:13 AM (#2901046)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: ichMael

Gletty was on the FBI payroll. He infiltrated the organization, then he took out the parade permit. He did a lot more than just feed info to the FBI. He took out the parade permit for the march. Without the FBI's employee taking out the permit, the "racist" event would never have occurred. Or at least not the way it did.

And if you want a real kick in the head, look at the FBI's informant in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Salem, his name was. He collected hundreds of hours of recordings of his dealings with the FBI. The FBI ordered him to build the bomb that blew up in the WTC in '93. I'd post the links for you folks, but you've grown lazy. Look it up yourselves.

06 May 10 - 01:07 AM (#2901062)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: mousethief

Without the FBI's employee taking out the permit, the "racist" event would never have occurred. Or at least not the way it did.

Nobody else would have? Have all parade permits ever applied for by the KKK been done by infiltrating FBI agents? This is more than a stretch.

06 May 10 - 01:20 AM (#2901067)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: Janie

Although not as open as in years past, the KKK is alive and still kicking, at least some, in the rural parts of the region of North Carolina in which I live.

IchMael, your irrationality is scary.

06 May 10 - 01:24 AM (#2901070)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: catspaw49

Geeziz Ickymicky.......Didja' know that the transvestite communist cross dressing Italian cigar makers who bought up all of the North Korean underwear factories are now supplying u-trou to white supemacist CIA agents working for the FBI and now their dicks are almost as tiny as yours! Someone is to blame and I think its the Canadians!

You really are a fuckin' dipshit aren't you?


06 May 10 - 01:27 AM (#2901072)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: mousethief

You're insulting fucking dipshits.

06 May 10 - 01:58 AM (#2901074)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: catspaw49

Yeah........geez, I'm sorry........I hate it when it does that........................


06 May 10 - 02:36 PM (#2901431)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: GUEST,999

In the words of Dick Gregory, `It ain`t their hats that are pointed, it`s their heads.`

06 May 10 - 06:20 PM (#2901600)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

By any other name-
A bunch of Arizona legislators and their supporters.

06 May 10 - 06:30 PM (#2901606)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: The Fooles Troupe

"The KKK is largely supported by the FBI now. Has been for a long time:"

Yes - this was all, and much more, documented in a set of exposes about The Illuminati in around 1975.

06 May 10 - 10:38 PM (#2901731)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: LadyJean

I will always remember when the local KKK were allowed to hold a rally on the front steps of the City County building.
The assholes were late because they got into a fight with somebody at a Burger King. When they did get there, they used every foul word in the English language, meaning their speeches couldn't be broadcast or printed. That is called shooting yourself, repeatedly, in both feet.
Then they gave their phone number to an impressively hostile crowd, meaning, I suspect, that they learned some new filthy expressions.

06 May 10 - 10:44 PM (#2901735)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: mousethief

Once the KKK get their hands on the keys to the black helicopters, I'm never taking off my tinfoil helmet again.

08 May 10 - 12:18 AM (#2902506)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: ichMael

The FBI and its Sponsorship of Terrorism

08 May 10 - 06:48 AM (#2902596)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: goatfell

we have here in Britain the BNP.

08 May 10 - 10:04 AM (#2902666)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: GUEST,999

Thing is, the BNP couldn`t organize a blowjob at a cocksuckers` convention.

08 May 10 - 10:35 AM (#2902684)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: mousethief

Deo gratis.

09 May 10 - 09:58 AM (#2903047)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?

"Pa has claimed to be among the more liberal states"
Actually James Carville said it best:
"Pennsylvania is Pittsburg and Philadelphia, with Alabama in between."
I grew up in PA one town over from the Grand Wizard.

09 May 10 - 10:36 AM (#2903058)
Subject: RE: BS: KKK ??? WT*?
From: Bobert

Yeah, Redneck Nation is everywhere...