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Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders

12 Aug 99 - 12:03 PM (#104321)
Subject: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Margo

Come one come all to song circle at Margarita's house! It will be Friday August 27th, in honor of Easy Rider and his wife being in town. Email me for directions! See ya there!


12 Aug 99 - 12:28 PM (#104326)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Rick Fielding

Hi Margarita, well naturally I can't be there (oh to be a wealthy folk-playboy, jetting to every gathering) so I'll make my cyber-contribution now. I'll be bringing: smoked salmon with capers (AND NO ONIONS!), home-made sushi, Canadian beer (watch out, it's stronger than yankee) and maybe a bucket of my non-world famous chili (NO ONIONS, but I do use onion powder). There'll probably be lots of guitars, so I'll bring the five string, and the mandola. When it's my turn I'll ask you to join me in "The Stoutest Man in the 42" (unless of course, there are any legit Scots there, in which case I'll leave the ethnic material alone). Later perhaps a minor key version of "I'm On My Way" from the Joe Hickerson repertoire. Being one of those heathens who still smoke occasionally, I'll have to sneak into the shadows at least once and puff away - perhaps I'll meet another closet smoker and we'll comiserate. (that's where I met Sandy)
Anyway, after the last folkie has passed out, I'll hop back in my jet and scoot back to Toronto. Great party Marg!


12 Aug 99 - 01:06 PM (#104349)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Easy Rider

I'm looking forward to meeting Mudcatters, from the Pacific Northwest, on this trip, so I hope there will be a good turnout.

I would bring some New York bagels, but they'll be stale by the time we get to the song circle. Is there anything else I can bring, that comes only from New York?

Anticipation, anticipation... EZR

12 Aug 99 - 01:50 PM (#104367)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Frank of Toledo

If things work out for us here, we'll be in Portland that weekend and will be at the song circle. Will Email later for directions. Just sent you an e mail Rick to let you know that things are progressing kinda slow, what with me difficulty in dealing with the "upper echelon" of Corporate America. But Im trudging along for the good of Folk Music and us. Looks like you folk in Portalnd and here in Toledo will be seeing Rick and Heather some time in early March is my festival flies, or at least some time in the spring. I'm gonna get you out here come hell or high water Rick. We need to have your voice and talent here in the flesh. By the way as I'm writing this Im listening to Joe Hickerson and the 70's gang at Folk Legacy do Sammy's Bar.....

12 Aug 99 - 01:56 PM (#104369)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: bbc

News flash--Margarita's brand spankin' new photo page just went up, if you want to sneak a peek at your hostess before you meet her in the flesh. Hope you have a great time together!

best to all,


12 Aug 99 - 03:55 PM (#104414)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Barbara

Sure, Margarita, I bet I can do that!

12 Aug 99 - 04:42 PM (#104432)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Margo

Rick! Thanks for the salmon! I know Frank in Toledo is working hard to get you out here, so when you come, I'll be there for sure! I'll even bring you some eggplant salad (see the ethnic crossover thread #2).


12 Aug 99 - 06:37 PM (#104483)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: SandyBob


I'll be there..I look forward to meeting EasyRider and to singing with Frank from Toledo again. Will you be providing the Margaritas?


12 Aug 99 - 07:09 PM (#104492)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Mudjack

I'll not be there due to a lifelong committment to paying the bills. We have the good fortune of having EZR and Mrs EZR to ourselves and looking forward to it.
Please have M.Herr... (the fish last name)sing "The Unfortunate Man" for me. I just love to hear him sing that song. Someone be sure to e-mail him. I'm sure I saw his name on the Cat-list. I would just love to be there.
Now off to see Margarita at bbc's photo album. Just curious if she's wearing her Judo Komona????
Gawd....I love these people, they sure know how to roll out the welcome mat, I'm proud of them all.

16 Aug 99 - 10:46 PM (#105678)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Mystery person

Hmmm. Don't know if I'll be there that day, Margarita. I was planning to be in Portland earlier that week. I keep telling my sweetie she's got too much planned for the trip to start out with, and I'm a little hesitant to add agenda items myself. Can you click on my name and e-mail me directions? I can't e-mail direct to you from the library.
-Mystery Person-

17 Aug 99 - 02:28 AM (#105737)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Barbara

Dang it all, coy Mystery Person, I already told you how to get there.

17 Aug 99 - 11:54 AM (#105837)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Margo

Hey Mystery Person, my system claims not enough resources to bring up your address so I can email you. (Not true) Why don't you give me your email address in a personal message so I can email you? Thanks,


18 Aug 99 - 11:16 AM (#106172)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Margo

Mystery person, I'm still getting that spurious message. I can't email you. I'm at I hope I hear from you......


18 Aug 99 - 07:09 PM (#106333)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Barbara

Margo, put your cursor over the signature rather than the header, and see if an email address doesn't pop right up. It does on my machine.

18 Aug 99 - 08:30 PM (#106351)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Jeri

Mystery Person's E-Mail
Excuse me if I feel a little irony here. You'll see what I mean when you click on it.

26 Aug 99 - 08:06 PM (#108850)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Margo

Just a reminder to anyone that tomorrow night, Friday the 27th of August, is song circle at my house. Email me for directions:


27 Aug 99 - 01:00 AM (#108902)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: DougR

Margarita: It would be great to be there. I know everyone will have a great time. And I'll bet it's COOL in Portland!


27 Aug 99 - 12:41 PM (#109030)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Margo

Hah! This last week I'm glad we have air conditioning! It's true you get acclimated to a climate. People visiting from down south think that it's chilly in the upper sixties, but we think it's hot in the upper eighties. I'm glad Easy Rider and his wife have had good weather. I promise pictures for bbc's page!


28 Aug 99 - 07:30 PM (#109360)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Barbara

We all had a lovely time! About 10 of us showed, including Mudcatters EZR (Alex) and his wife Remy, SandyBob, Margarita, Mystery Guest(and his girlfriend), and me, blessings Barbara. Had to say real names around and spend the obligatory 20 minutes talking computer jargon before we could get down to the real business of making music.
Mystery guest looks like Steve Martin, only shorter, and if you want to know his name, make me an Offer. His lady friend is sweet and shy and plays autoharp.
Margarita sang the sea song she wrote that is now in the FINALS of the Seattle Sea song and chanty competition. Nice going, Margo. She'll be up there and singing it in person Sept 18! You go, girlfriend!
End EZR played us a really showy tune -- I think it was the St Louis Rag -- on guitar. He and his wife are both charming. And SandyBob sang and played us the banjo tune from which he got his Mudcat name -- "Tying the Knot in The Devil's tail". Possibly only the mosquitoes had a better time than we did, until Margarita passed around the repellent. Thanks so much, dear, for putting that together. Nice to meet you all!

28 Aug 99 - 08:10 PM (#109368)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: catspaw49

Glad to finally get a post on the gathering. Sounds wonderful and like you all enjoyed the company of each other. Glad to see Father Joebro made it too! These "Mudcat Meetings" are getting really great!

MARGARET----A BIG CONGRATS to you and GOOD LUCK!!!! BTW, from another thread, since we both have special kids---- Tristan loves the bus too. How was school today Tris? "School Bus Daddy, School Bus." ...and a big smile to boot!

BARBARA-----Cleigh sends his best and says he's having a fun life.........Still not much of a whistler, but that doesn't bother him or me either one, and we're still workin' on it. Says he'd like to see you again someday. All my best to you too...and thanks again for Cleigh.


28 Aug 99 - 08:29 PM (#109373)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Margo

Spaw, that is so funny about your boy! Veronica is constantly asking for the school bus. Sometimes it comes out "circle bus". She gets peeved when there is a holiday and she doesn't get to ride the bus.

I was so pleased to have everyone here last night. I took a few photos and will send them to Barbara as soon as possible. See ya,


29 Aug 99 - 01:42 AM (#109431)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Margo

This is Easy Rider, Posting from Margarita's computer.

I just want to say what a wonderful time I'm having, meeeting all these wonderful Mudcatters in Oregon. Thanx, Margarita and Mudjack and Frank in Toledo and Blessings Barbara and everybody who came to the song circle yesterday, for your hospitality and friendship.

BTW: The piece was "The St. Louis Tickle", a ragtime piano piece, transcribed to the guitar by Dave Van Ronk.

Thanx, EZR

29 Aug 99 - 05:27 PM (#109545)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Mark Cohen

As an old Portland and Seattle folkie (mid to late 80's -- that's the dates, not my age), I'm sorry to have missed this. Please say hello to anyone who might remember, and drop a line if you come to Hawaii. (You might catch a humuhumunukunukuapua'a!)


Mark Cohen

29 Aug 99 - 10:50 PM (#109648)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: Barbara

Ah, so you're Hawaiian now, Mark. I saw a couple of those trigger fish in the aquarium at Seaside couple days back, along with the ubiquitous yellow angelfish that are in all the breaking waves. Know their name?
Written any good songs recently?

31 Aug 99 - 04:40 PM (#110162)
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
From: SandyBob

Hi Mark,

Been a while since we've seen you in these parts. I still remember your apple maggot song. I assume there are different parasites in hawaii to sing about.

Sandy Bob