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BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum

06 Jul 10 - 04:48 PM (#2940845)
Subject: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: gnu

I messed up BIG time. I could make excuses, but everyone would believe me.

Happy YesterBdays to two of my fav 'Catters, Beer and rumanci. Youse are truly good and kind people. Thank you for your friendship.

06 Jul 10 - 05:21 PM (#2940861)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: frogprince

Haven't had the pleasure of meeting Rumanci, but I've met even worse folk than Beer; happy belateds to both of ya!

06 Jul 10 - 05:27 PM (#2940867)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: maeve

It's a pleasure to wish extraordinarily happy birthday greetings to Beer and rumanci. May your days be filled with friends, family, and music.


06 Jul 10 - 09:11 PM (#2940974)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: jacqui.c

Belated greetings to you both, Rumanci I have met and Beer is a pleasure yet to come.

Live long, die happy.

07 Jul 10 - 01:42 AM (#2941042)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: Ernest

Happy belated B-day Beer & Rumanci: have a drink on it and send gnu the bill!

(That will teach him)


07 Jul 10 - 04:14 AM (#2941065)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: Sandra in Sydney

belated birthday congratulations to you both


07 Jul 10 - 04:59 AM (#2941080)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: Micca

Happy Birthday to you both

I wrapped me glad rags round me
And to the docks did steer
I'll never court another maid
I'll stick to rum and beer


07 Jul 10 - 10:14 AM (#2941173)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: Amos

Likewise guilty, dear pals.


07 Jul 10 - 01:17 PM (#2941252)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: katlaughing

Another belated Happies here, too! All the way from Colorado. Hope you both had glorious days and may the coming year bring you all that you need and desire.

Thanks for being here!


07 Jul 10 - 01:29 PM (#2941257)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: gnu

I dare say, with the weather so hot in Uppity Canada, there were a few ales hoisted.

07 Jul 10 - 02:23 PM (#2941287)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: fat B****rd

Happy belateds to you both.

07 Jul 10 - 04:59 PM (#2941376)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: Beer

Thank you folks for the kind wishes. The pictures you send maeve were beautiful. Thank Gnu.
My grand son and I went out in the swamps and picked a small bucket (just enough for a couple of pies)of blueberries. Preferred over cake in this family.
Then I had a surprise visit by one of my brothers and his girlfriend who were down in Mass. and took in a James Taylor and Carole King. So we had a great evening.
I will pass your good wishes on to rum as well.

07 Jul 10 - 09:15 PM (#2941516)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: ranger1

Happy birthday!

08 Jul 10 - 07:36 PM (#2942065)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: rumanci

Thankyou kindly Mr Wildebeest.
Sorry I don't get near a keyboard that often right now but I'm very grateful to be remembered here, too.
Yes, I have met the frogprinces - keeping a low profile is exactly me - I hadn't realised it was THAT low. LOL
Hope you had a great day birthday twin and fine friend and a FEW beers.
Love and hugs to lots of friends on Mudcat and thankyou all.
rum xx

08 Jul 10 - 07:42 PM (#2942069)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: frogprince

Rumanci, then I take it you were at Apple Hollow? I'm sorry your identity didn't stick with me.

08 Jul 10 - 08:01 PM (#2942080)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: rumanci

Hi Dean
Yes that's where we met. No need to be sorry. (I hope !!) *smile*
Best wishes to you both and thanks for the greetings.

08 Jul 10 - 08:44 PM (#2942099)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: Jeri

Well, I got one of you on Facebook, but I missed saying Happy Beerthday!

09 Jul 10 - 04:31 PM (#2942566)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: GUEST,999


09 Jul 10 - 04:49 PM (#2942580)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: VirginiaTam

oh for frick's sake... to many goldarn berfdys this month


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||                        |         |       ,==|||||               ||
||                         \    ~ /       _|| ||||| one for Rum ||
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||                `-._   / ,==|||||                               ||
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||                      /                                          ||
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||               jgs /_____

09 Jul 10 - 09:44 PM (#2942731)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum

Virginia Tam, now that looks like a lot of work. Rum and Beer thank you.

10 Jul 10 - 03:04 AM (#2942800)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: VirginiaTam

not a lot of work at all... I sto... Ahem... er.... borrowed the asci art and added the text.

the little initials belong to the person who created the art.

10 Jul 10 - 06:23 AM (#2942842)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: John MacKenzie

Not like you to forget Bud, gnu. Although Canadian Bud is better than the American horse piss that goes by the same name.
All the best to you both, hope you had a great time, and are at least a year younger now.

Talking about beer Dean, there was a very nice lady selling beer at Apple Hollow, does that help?

10 Jul 10 - 09:11 AM (#2942913)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: frogprince

frayed knot, John; "Rum" told me that that was herself, and we probably bought some sodypop from her, but I didn't check the film in my photographic memory just then.

10 Jul 10 - 10:50 AM (#2942953)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: gnu

I have a photographing memory but my flashbulb is burnt out.

10 Jul 10 - 10:51 AM (#2942954)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: gnu


But then, you knew that.

10 Jul 10 - 11:08 AM (#2942959)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: topical tom

Belated Happy Birthdays to both of you, Beer and rumanci! May you both have many more filled with health and libations of your choice! Lang may your lum reek!

10 Jul 10 - 05:40 PM (#2943155)
Subject: RE: BS: 2 best buds Bdays forgot... Beer and rum
From: Beer

I'd send you a nice picture of rum frogprince, but I don't want to chance sending as I am having some computer issues right now. No e-mail's are being sent until it is solved.