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BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC

15 Aug 10 - 03:51 AM (#2965501)
Subject: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: VirginiaTam

What it says in the title. Hope you are feeling better very soon and can celebrate properly soon too.

I will put in some ASCII art or sumfin when I am on my puder where all my stuff lives. I am using TSO PC at the moment.

15 Aug 10 - 04:26 AM (#2965513)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: John MacKenzie

Live long, die happy my friend.


15 Aug 10 - 04:37 AM (#2965516)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: bfdk

Have a great day!
Best wishes,


15 Aug 10 - 05:05 AM (#2965525)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: gnu

Hope you let eveybody out of the cellar for the celebration. Have a good one.


15 Aug 10 - 05:44 AM (#2965538)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Micca

Birfday Greetings, Jacqui, Be the pamperee for a change rather than the pamperer!.

15 Aug 10 - 05:50 AM (#2965541)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: freda underhill

Happy Birthday Jacqui, hope the old man's treating you like a queen

xx freda

15 Aug 10 - 06:28 AM (#2965557)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Morticia

Go easy on the jello shots and have as good a day as you can

15 Aug 10 - 06:33 AM (#2965560)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: ragdall

Happy Birthday, Jacqui!

15 Aug 10 - 07:25 AM (#2965573)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Sandra in Sydney

sending more birthday greetings & hugs


15 Aug 10 - 07:56 AM (#2965581)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: VirginiaTam

As you cannot eat

chocolate cake

you can have a

cup of tea

Perhap you go on a short luxury

coach trip

then take a nap in this comfy


15 Aug 10 - 09:26 AM (#2965618)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: maeve

You have your own dear sweetheart.
You've songs to sing by the score.
Your family and friends gather 'round you today, so
In love you will never be poor.

You have a home near the ocean.
You've yarn- more than ever before!
Your birthday is full of the good things in life,
Yet I wish you a thousand times more.

15 Aug 10 - 09:33 AM (#2965623)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Beer

Have a wonderful day and many to follow.

15 Aug 10 - 09:43 AM (#2965631)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Bobert

If ya' get a big package in the mail open it quick cause it might have my famous dill picle ice cream birthday cake in it...

Awww, jus funnin' wid ya but I ain't funnin' about wishin' you a...

...a big ol' HAPPY B-DAY from the ol' hillbilly...

Luvz ya'...


15 Aug 10 - 09:51 AM (#2965634)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Dave Swan

Many Happy Returns of the Day! Have a great trip round the sun.


15 Aug 10 - 09:54 AM (#2965635)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Ebbie

It occurs to me, Jacqui, that your life may, on occasion, be over-full with eventful - even stressful - happenin's but the one thing it is never is *boring*- Happy Birthday! Stay Strong!

15 Aug 10 - 10:06 AM (#2965642)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Dan Schatz

Happy birthday Jacqui - take it easy for he day and celebrate in proper style sometime in the next week or two when you're feeling better. But NO KFC!!!


15 Aug 10 - 10:38 AM (#2965656)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: catspaw49

I would suggest that this is a special day and instead of just a usual birthday you make this one filled with power! Most of the time we go through life getting along and sharing between ourselves. What a nice person misses in their life is that feeling of power and the adrenalin rush that accompanies it.

Tell ya' what you do..........When your friends and family are gathered round and offering up the usual wishes, instead of lifting a glass, lift up a leg and rip a monstrous and monstrously fuming and obnoxious fart. They will be appalled but better yet, if your efforts are good, they will be grossed out and ready to go on oxygen to clear their lungs of the knock-a-buzzard-off-a-shitwagon stench. They will crawl coughing from the room leaving you with a rush of power that is rarely felt.

Go for it........Happy (flatulent) Birthday!!!!!


15 Aug 10 - 11:22 AM (#2965671)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: fat B****rd

A very happy birthday to you from Charlie in Dunfermline

15 Aug 10 - 11:28 AM (#2965675)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: My guru always said

Many Happies Dear, for Today, Tomorrow and All your Days!
HIl xx

15 Aug 10 - 11:42 AM (#2965680)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Amos

I reiterate and redundate all the above, sweet lady!


15 Aug 10 - 11:43 AM (#2965681)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: ClaireBear

Martin, Dan and Claire wish Jacqui bunches of birthday bliss and heaps of happiness. We're sorry you've been poorly, and are sending radiant good health your way as fast as we can.

Live long, die happy, as someone I know is wont to say.

15 Aug 10 - 11:47 AM (#2965685)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: GUEST,kendall

Jacqui is Queen for a day. Come to think of it, she pretty much rules the roost every day.

May the farce be with you, Luv.

15 Aug 10 - 11:55 AM (#2965693)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: frogprince

Best wishes indeed. Be a Happy Jacqui. Cuddle up to someone salty.

15 Aug 10 - 11:59 AM (#2965695)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Megan L

Heres tae the best o lassies may the maist ye wish for be the least ye get.

15 Aug 10 - 12:38 PM (#2965721)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Herga Kitty

Glad I got home from Grove in time to see this thread and wish you many happy returns!


15 Aug 10 - 12:51 PM (#2965736)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: jacqui.c

Thank you all - Megan - it's so good to see your name there melove.

I got cards and presents - my daughter definitely 'does' birthdays - and a birthday lunch - beef broth and lemon ice - a cake with candles and lots of love from all. This afternoon Lewis and I will sit and watch The Return Of The Jedi, which I taped last night and I shall have a glass of clear liquid in the form of a Chardonnay before having to stop eating a drinking in preparation for an early (I hope) ultrasound in the morning which should lead to getting this 'sludge' out my system.

All in all I'm having a really good day, made even better by all your good wishes.

Spaw - right now I don't think I've got the digestive ammunition for your suggestion but I will keep it in mind for a later date.......

15 Aug 10 - 01:05 PM (#2965742)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: gnu

Do any of that and you won't get a date later.

15 Aug 10 - 01:07 PM (#2965744)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: olddude

1000 more Jacqui. Happy birthday my dear friend

15 Aug 10 - 03:17 PM (#2965831)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC

Happy birthday Jacqui. We'll celebrate when your system can handle it.
Meantime, Spaw, Seamus makes your suggestion a daily event in Jacqui's home. Hardly the stuff of legen.

15 Aug 10 - 06:13 PM (#2965944)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: GUEST,Tig

Hippo Burpday Jacqui.

Hope you are healing well and that you can have an extended one for when you are really up to it.

Love and hugs

15 Aug 10 - 07:23 PM (#2965991)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Leadfingers

Natal Greetings from another White Horse Surviver Jacqui !!

15 Aug 10 - 09:07 PM (#2966042)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: katlaughing

Happy Birthday, Jacquidarlin'! See what happens when I am away from the PC most of the day. Sounds as though you had the best possible under the circumstances, may they improve a hundred fold and leave you feeling a multitude of percentages better!:-)


15 Aug 10 - 09:37 PM (#2966057)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: jacqui.c

Just about going to bed now after a very good day - maybe not your normal birthday, but a good one all the same. My family are here, if not in body, in spirit. Cards from both my children and their partners and from my grandchildren are to be treasured, as is that from my best friend - my husband.

I did get my glass of wine, and am now on nil by mouth waiting to find out when the ultrasound is scheduled.

15 Aug 10 - 10:26 PM (#2966083)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: ranger1

Happy birthday, English Mum!

Me and J-boy and Bandit

16 Aug 10 - 08:49 AM (#2966315)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: topical tom

Happy Birthday, Jacqui! Hope you are feeling better and that you have a good day.

16 Aug 10 - 08:53 AM (#2966316)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Becca72

Late to the thread but I gave her a "happy birthday" in person the day before. :-)
Hope it was wonderful. Love ya, wicked stepmother!

16 Aug 10 - 10:47 AM (#2966368)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Fortunato

Happy Birthday, Jacqui.

16 Aug 10 - 02:10 PM (#2966511)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: open mike

surprised old dude didn't issue a warning against jello shots...
hope you are getting better every day...with or without those shots or any other shots....never a dull moment! maybe my birthday wish for you
is that you might get a dull moment or two some which to unwind!!

15 Aug 12 - 06:43 AM (#3390383)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Janie

Happy Birthday Ms. Jacqui! As you are wont to say...

Live Long! Die Happy!


15 Aug 12 - 06:55 AM (#3390387)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: maeve

Happy Birthday! Hope you'll be celebrating like crazy, Jacqui!

15 Aug 12 - 08:21 AM (#3390415)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: kendall

She has already lived long! And she is happy...most of the time. Have a funny one, Luv.

15 Aug 12 - 09:07 AM (#3390424)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: GUEST,999

HB, J, and many more.

15 Aug 12 - 09:23 AM (#3390429)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Lonesome EJ

Happy Birthday, Jacqui!

15 Aug 12 - 09:53 AM (#3390437)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Megan L

Have a very happy one lass

awra best

15 Aug 12 - 10:00 AM (#3390441)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: frogprince

Popped on the thread, and was surprised to see how many had already responded today; then I took a better look. :)

Have a real good one, Ma'am; with or without a stitch, as you please.

15 Aug 12 - 10:01 AM (#3390442)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Bobert

Danged, jacqui, didn't you just have one of these last year???

No matter, you don't look a day over 17 to me...

Make it a good 'un, ya' hear???


15 Aug 12 - 10:10 AM (#3390450)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Becca72

Nearsighted, Bobert? LOL

Happy Birthday Wicked Stepmother!!!

15 Aug 12 - 11:41 AM (#3390487)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Leadfingers

Hippo Birdie Jack !!

15 Aug 12 - 11:50 AM (#3390490)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Sandra in Sydney

enjoy your birthday, Jacqui & birthmonth & birthyear


15 Aug 12 - 11:57 AM (#3390494)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: ClaireBear

Happy Birthday, dear sister! Can't wait to see you.


15 Aug 12 - 12:01 PM (#3390497)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Beer

It is a great day to celebrate. Have a wonderful time on your special day.

15 Aug 12 - 12:57 PM (#3390523)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Herga Kitty

Many happy returns from me too!


15 Aug 12 - 01:03 PM (#3390531)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC

Wow - doesn't even get a new thread. Ah well. Happy Used Birthday Thread, jacqui.
You're older than I am hahahaha

15 Aug 12 - 01:09 PM (#3390534)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: catspaw49

I bet Jacqui feels like she's already lived long after marrying a cretinous, crotchety, old fart. Living with the old coot has aged her many years...............Happy Birthday Jacqui.......My sympathies to you............


15 Aug 12 - 01:24 PM (#3390553)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: kendall

I thought I was getting old until I went to my 60th class reunion last Saturday. I thought I had strayed into a nursing home.
The prettiest girl in the class has more chins than a Chinese phone book.

She was so old, she didn't recognize me.

15 Aug 12 - 01:30 PM (#3390557)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: catspaw49

Maybe it wasn't her...............


15 Aug 12 - 02:00 PM (#3390572)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: gnu

Happies atchya darlin!

15 Aug 12 - 03:01 PM (#3390595)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: fat B****rd

A very happy birthday to you, Jacqui.

15 Aug 12 - 03:40 PM (#3390611)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: KT

Happy birthday, Jacqui! In honor of your birthday, I will: climb a mountain, sing a song, and raise a glass! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

15 Aug 12 - 04:33 PM (#3390642)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: jacqui.c

Thanks all - I'm having a great day.

Went round all the reachable Goodwills this morning with my grandson - with the discount card I have I get 25% discount on everything today and we cleaned up with yarn for me and all sorts of stuff for Lewis, although I am learning to say no more often, particularly to the three foot tall penguin cuddly toy he wanted.

We had lunch with SINSULL and spent a nice hour or so wandering round the Old Port shops in Portland. This evening will be a meal at Applebees - we're taking two cars in case the noise gets to be too much for the Old Guy.

I've been spoiled with presents and cards - all in all getting to Medicare age has been good so far.

15 Aug 12 - 05:14 PM (#3390650)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: gnu

Separate cars? Maybe that's where I went wrong?

15 Aug 12 - 06:18 PM (#3390681)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: katlaughing

She has already lived long!
What a nice way to say she's your "old lady." Kendall!**bg**

Sounds like a great day, Jacqui. Hope it continues on throughout the year. May you have all that you need and desire. Thanks for being here.


15 Aug 12 - 07:52 PM (#3390698)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: ChanteyLass

Happy birthday from me, too.

15 Aug 12 - 10:04 PM (#3390732)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Little Robyn

Have a lovely day Jacqui. Many happies from NZ.

16 Aug 12 - 03:47 AM (#3390792)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: My guru always said

Many Happies JacquiDear for Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and ALL your days. Sending positive thoughts for procedure, love & hugs from Old Keepers!
Hil xxx
Please pass on hugs & kisses to all!

16 Aug 12 - 05:42 AM (#3390819)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Frug

Happy Birthday for yesterday Jacqui. We share a birthday! Sassy sends her best wishes and continues her recovery, often wrapped in the lovely shawl you kindly made for her last year. Positive vibes and love from us !!

Frank, Sassy and boys

16 Aug 12 - 07:58 AM (#3390858)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: alanabit

A very Happy Birthday to you Jacqui!

16 Aug 12 - 08:36 AM (#3390873)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Midchuck

J. - DON'T buy TOO much yarn until we get together again. Kris has been going a little bit nuts at yard sales, to help out your project.

Happy Birthday from us also.


16 Aug 12 - 08:50 AM (#3390876)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: jacqui.c

Kendall didn't come with us last evening - he wasn't feeling too good and didn't want to put a damper on things. We agreed that he will take me to a nice restaurant next week to continue the celebration. Suits me!

Anyway - I had a lovely meal out with my daughter, son-in-law and grandson. Good food and good company, what more could one ask for?

It's the last full day of my family's stay today - they fly back to the UK tomorrow. I have so enjoyed having them here. Got up this morning to find Kendall and Lewis watching a documentary about gangsters and chatting away together about the guns and the cars....... That really pleases me, that these two can find a common link.

16 Aug 12 - 09:22 AM (#3390881)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Amos

Rich times indeed, and belated good wishes to my favorite Limey!!



16 Aug 12 - 10:32 AM (#3390909)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: frogprince

But shouldn't this be addressed to Jacqui M ? : )

16 Aug 12 - 07:27 PM (#3391130)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: jacqui.c

Dean - I was jacqui.c before Kendall and I met and did not want to change my Mudcat name.

16 Aug 12 - 07:45 PM (#3391137)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: Jeri

Late, as usual...
Happy birthday, Jacqui! (There--we can just forget the last initial entirely.)

It was great you got to spend it with offspring.

Hugs (virtual non-sticky ones)!!!

16 Aug 12 - 07:49 PM (#3391138)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday JacquiC
From: frogprince

Truth be told, I knew that, Jacqui; : )
