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help - army chants

03 Sep 10 - 12:27 AM (#2979005)
Subject: help

im need so information i lost my dad in 2007 and i remember him alway chanting one of these thing i dont know what to call them i heard so many names for them my family call em cajon but it went some like (i use to ride cadilacnow im walking backpack) and one about (look momma at what the army did to me) if anyone could please help me thank u

03 Sep 10 - 12:38 AM (#2979008)
Subject: RE: help
From: Stilly River Sage

it went some like

i use to ride cadilacnow im walking backpack

and one about

look momma at what the army did to me


Please sign up with Mudcat - it's free, and it means you'll be recognizable when you log on (it's easier to keep a conversation going when we know it's you each time). It also means that members can send you private message if necessary.

These phrases sound familiar, and I'm sure there will be people here who can tell you volumes about these songs. Please come back frequently, because you might be surprised how quickly you get a response.


03 Sep 10 - 02:37 AM (#2979048)
Subject: RE: help
From: GUEST,Woodsie

Both these songs and more on this thread

03 Sep 10 - 02:49 AM (#2979054)
Subject: RE: help - army chants
From: Joe Offer

You'll find "Mama Can't You See" directly at this link (click); and, as Woodsie says, there are lots more in the thread.

I'm going to close this thread to avoid duplicating the previous discussion. If you'd like to discuss military "jodies," post in the other thread (click).


-Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-