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BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??

06 Oct 10 - 10:01 AM (#3000962)
Subject: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Mr Happy

The theme of this thread's about everyday tasks which in the usual way of things ought to be simple & straightforward but occasionally can go horribly wrong.

Here's a couple of examples:

Just returning from Ingleton Folk Festival on Monday evening, came in the house, switched on the kitchen light - strange stiffness of the switch & no light.

Jiggled the switch about a bit - zilch!

Also just before leaving for the weekend, the bulb in the hall light had zonked & I'd planned to replace it this week.

Now back to the kitchen light, didn't bother messing about on Monday & thought I'd be able to discover the prob on Tuesday.

Tuesday morning woke up feeling like death, in the early stages of some flu-like condition.

Anyway, forced meself to examine the switch, then found as it's positioned very tight up against a kitchen cupboard, couldn't get a screwdriver in the gap to take a look inside.


So gotta remove the cupboard to access the switch!

Next, a serious attack of the runs, so had to beat hasty retreat to bathroom [too much information??]

Anyway, while pondering how to resolve the light prob, while sat there had a branewaive!

So back to face fray in kitchen, got a knife & managed to slightly loosen the switch cover & sprayed a narrow, quick jet of WD40 inside.

It worked! Let there be light & there was light!

Hurrah, Hooray, Huzzah!!


Today, after an early night to bed & a good rest, awoke feeling a little better, though having now developed a streaming cold, thought I'd change the hall lightbulb.

Removed the shade, went to unscew the old bulb & it wouldn't come out.

The glass globe had somehow become detached from the metal bit, so it was stuck in the lampholder.

To cut a longer story short, I had to remove the whole gubbins from the ceiling, disconnect the wiring, & generally bug*er about just to achieve the objective of changing the lamp.

Anyway all's working now.

Anyone else had experiences like this?

06 Oct 10 - 10:14 AM (#3000974)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: The Fooles Troupe

There was the time I tried to learn the harmonica....

06 Oct 10 - 10:36 AM (#3000994)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: GUEST,leeneia

My husband's co-worker is married and has two teenage-daughters. They didn't like it that when you put a sandwich in the microwave, the microwave door bounced back and hit the refrigerator. Would Daddy fix that?

Three thousand dollars later, the problem was fixed. And that was with Daddy and a friend doing all the work. Heaven knows how much it would have cost to hire somebody for it.

The problem was that (as usual) there wasn't an inch to spare in the kitchen and all the pieces interlock.

06 Oct 10 - 11:54 AM (#3001041)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Mrrzy

I am reminded of the time I saw a co-grad student broken down by the side of the road, so I pulled over to help. Turned out she had runj out of gas and her flashers wouldn't work without the key in the ignition, so she lef thte keys in the car and walked up to get gas, got gas, came back, put it in the car, and THEN noticed that someone had stolen her keys. So now she has a working car that she doesn't want to leave while she goes to get her other keys, in case teh thief was just waiting for that, keys in hand, out of sight. Now, this is when I got there. A cop was already there, parked behind her with HIS flashers on. So I offer to take her back to her house to get her spare keys, cops says fine (small town), he'll hang out so nobody takes the car.
So we go to my car, which is running, radio playing and all. Turns out I had locked MY keys in the car... so the cop had to break into my car to get me to help her... broke the window mechanism with his break-into-cars doohickey... cost me a bunch to get fixed... got a little bottle of whisky from the grad student... man alive no good deed goes unpunished...

06 Oct 10 - 12:19 PM (#3001058)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: GUEST,Ebbie, housesitting

Oh my word. I think there is some kind of natural law at work that when one bad thing happens it triggers other things (Does that law apply in the case of good or pleasant things?). When it happens to me I'm in that awful state between laughter and tears.

I suppose the main cause of the chain is that we are not paying sufficient attention, not 'staying in the moment'.

Although- Mr. Happy, am I missing something? When that has happened to me- the glass globe breaking or detatching from the metal housing- I take a needle-nose pliers, press the metal slightly, grab it and unscrew the housing. Or was there something else going on?

06 Oct 10 - 02:20 PM (#3001153)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: GUEST,mg`

I have read that if the glass breaks you are supposed to stick a potato on it and turn. mg

06 Oct 10 - 04:53 PM (#3001282)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Slag

When the glass globe detaches from the screw socket: 1) turn of the power or at least set the switch in the off position. 2)carwfully jerk the glass bulb free from the socket. You are breaking a couple of thin copper wires. 3) With a pair of pliers, either insulated or wearing insulated gloves, grsp the edge of the metal screw socket and unscrew it. 4) Stuck to tight? bend the edge in more. get a better grip. This will both loosen it and give you better advantage. Still won't move? WD-40. Still won't budge? You need a new fixture and check for water damage as it's rusted in place if not crossthreaded.

06 Oct 10 - 05:23 PM (#3001299)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: gnu

Trip the breaker or unscrew the fuse for that circuit. Use a pair of needle nose pliers and a hammer. Works fine.

I didn't even turn off the circuit. But it is the safe thing to do. Much safer than a potatoe.

06 Oct 10 - 05:32 PM (#3001310)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Tangledwood

Mr Happy, events unfolding as you describe seem to be the norm to me. I've given up planning a quick half-hour task as it will end up taking all day.

My house water supply is totally tank water, fed by a pressure sensitive electric pump. A few weeks ago I noticed the pump kicking in at night even though no taps were turned on. Being aware of a couple of dripping taps I decided it was time to replace all washers on all taps in the house, twenty in all.

The first step was to turn the pump off and close the tank valve. While doing that I noticed a wet patch around the pump and discovered a leak from somewhere along the pipe up to the house. Cutting the saga as short as possible; I found that the body of an in-line filter had cracked so replaced it. Then the connection to the new one wouldn't seal. So I replaced the section of tubing there with new connections at each end. Each new discovery meant another trip to the hardware shop. The pump supply shop had run out of pressure tubing so I had to search the surrounding suburbs to get some.

While working on this connection I had to move the pump. The pressure chamber on the top cracked off, revealing a significant amount of rust in the pump body. Rather than fight a loosing battle with that I replaced the pump. Different type, all the connections had to be changed again.

That done, the feed from tank to pump started dripping. More connectors and tubing to be replaced.

Finally I got back to changing the tap washers. Every pair of taps in the house is different. Some need flat screwdrivers, some need phillips head, some need an allen key. Each new pair meant another trip down to the tool shed for a different implement of some kind.

Two days and $1000 later the job is finished. .... and the pump still kicks in at night sometimes.

06 Oct 10 - 08:39 PM (#3001440)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: The Fooles Troupe

Take heart....

You are not alone!


07 Oct 10 - 12:04 AM (#3001530)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: dick greenhaus

A cork or rubber stopper is ideal. Potatoes are for eating.

07 Oct 10 - 08:31 AM (#3001596)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Mr Happy

Thanks for all your tales of woe, made me feel much better!!

Also thanks for advice on lightbulb stuck in holder, however my lamps in UK are all bayonet fittings rather than screw in ones, so strongly doubt the potato technique would've worked.

I did use needlehead pliers to squash the metal bit to get it out, but due to safety factors, it was neccessary to remove the holder from the ceiling first [didn't want to be taking a tumble off the ladder as well!!]

07 Oct 10 - 11:22 AM (#3001725)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: frogprince

A couple of days ago: Started vacuum cleaner (cannister style) to freshen up living room carpet. Nasty squeal from the carpet head of the vacuum. I figured it was stuff wrapped on the roller brush. Took off the bottom plate and found all kinds of junk, including a few feet of fiber that looked like hair-fine nylon fishline, and a few inches of picture-hanging wire, wrapped in tight at the ends of the roller. Reassembled enough to try starting it. Squeal was the same.
Exposed motor for roller brush. Found I had to pull it out of it's nitch to get at the ends to oil. Dripped in some oil at each end, turned on to work oil in, seemed to fix the squeal for the moment. Reinstalled motor and put belt to brush back on. Turned on. Motor was dead as a doornail. Wires to motor were joined with whatever-you-call-the-twist-on-connectors-like-ballpoint-caps, which were crushed flat after connecting. Cut the wires from the connectors. Got out meter to see if there was power at the wires. Yes. Just before tossing the motor, discovered that I had bumped off the push-button switch on the carpet head. Reconnected wires, motor ran ok. Reinstalled motor. Had a heck of a time getting the now shorter wires, with connectors, positioned where they didn't block the cover plate from fitting. Finally got things assembled. Vacuum works ok at the moment, but I wonder how soon I will have to see if a new motor for the brush is available. Intended to vacuum just after my wife left for work, finished about the time she got home.

07 Oct 10 - 11:46 AM (#3001750)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Mr Happy


Isn't it fun being a househusband?!

07 Oct 10 - 11:56 AM (#3001755)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: frogprince

Sometimes. Mr.H. The wife just put in her application to retire from her State of Michigan employement at the end of the month, so we'll both be house spouses a bit more.

07 Oct 10 - 01:08 PM (#3001821)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: open mike

my parents had their water bill go up an incredible amount...and the gas bill too...and the water heater was working over time...
and we felt a warm place on the kitchen it turns out,
there was a leak in a copper hot water line which was embedded
in the concrete slab foundation/floor. this required removing the
floor tiles, which also required removing the dish washer to get to the place to chisel...then chiselling away the cement until enough copper was exposed to replace the section that leaked, all while the
main was turned off so no other water could be used in the house
while all this went on....

07 Oct 10 - 02:07 PM (#3001875)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

An old joke here. How many Slobovians does it take to change a lightbulb?
One to hold the bulb and 50 to turn the house around.

08 Oct 10 - 04:49 AM (#3002296)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Tangledwood

Also thanks for advice on lightbulb stuck in holder, however my lamps in UK are all bayonet fittings rather than screw in ones, so strongly doubt the potato technique would've worked.

Have you tried using raw potatoes rather than mashed?

08 Oct 10 - 07:11 AM (#3002351)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Mr Happy

..........well, if there's a recurrence of this phenomenon, I'll certainly experiment with as many vegetarian options as possible!

Oven chips, frozen or cooked


Sauteed spuds




08 Oct 10 - 06:32 PM (#3002882)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: McGrath of Harlow

Flat pack furniture...

08 Oct 10 - 07:35 PM (#3002920)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Paul Burke

Monsigneur Heureux: Next time (1) turn off the main circuit breaker (2) Unwire the whole light from the ceiling rose, (3) replace the lot. (4) remember to turn back on otherwise the light won't work, and the freezer will defrost.

09 Oct 10 - 06:19 AM (#3003094)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Mr Happy


Nos 1 - 3, 3 Steps to Heaven?

Just knew I'd missed some things out when I got fatally electrocuted removing those darn sparky wires off the light terminals!!

However, I was in such a state of being total focussed on the issue at hand, I failed to realise I was deceased.

After my autonomic reflexes had successfully completed the task and   my immortal sole flicked all the breakers & the light worked, did the remaining vestiges of synaptic activity in my bonce kick in & restore me once more to this 'ere mortal coil!

09 Oct 10 - 06:20 AM (#3003095)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Mr Happy

Oops, pressed knob too hastily, meant to say thanks for your concern!

10 Oct 10 - 05:30 AM (#3003645)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Penny S.

I had a good day on Friday... sort of. Apart from having to replace a tyre I replaced at the end of August, and two others because I had clipped a kerb on the nearside, and needed to replace the opposite tyre which I had not replaced last time.

But I also had the car booked in for electrics - the radio had packed up, the clock LED was dying and the nearside wing mirror heater wasn't working. They told me the radio was dead, the clock was dead and the mirror elements were burned out. I checked out new radios at Halford's and spotted a half price JVC in the sale. I remembered the salvaged mirror from when the car was vandalised. The clock would cost over £200 - I'm giving that a miss.

Got into the car and turned on - drat, they've retuned to pop music.

Long pause.

The radio is not dead, it lives. I go into the garage, and offer to pay for the work for which I have not been charged, only to be refused.

When I had recovered the mirror, they refitted it for nothing!

Mind you, they know I have been looking at new cars in their showroom.


10 Oct 10 - 10:43 AM (#3003739)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: John on the Sunset Coast

I used to be a repairman's best friend. Every little fix I tried turned into a big fix for him. Now I save a whole lot of aggravation and money by going directly to Mr. Fixit.

My mantra is, "Putting a screwdriver in my hand is like giving a gun to a five year old...and I've got the scars to prove it."

11 Oct 10 - 08:15 AM (#3004334)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

I was asking about fitting a new kitchen in a room where we intend to put underfloor hot water pipe heating and was told to mak out exactly where the pipes were. The fitter had a horror story about a job that another kitchen fitting firm had encoutered.

Apparently they were not given an accurate plan of where the under floor pipes were! As a result one of the the last screws to go into the floor just happened to find a water pipe in the floor.

It ended up costing £30,000 to take the kitchen out again, take up the marble floor, dig up the concrete underneath, replace the hot water pipes and relay everything and put the kitchen back.

Then there was the time when Anne's leg was hurting so she sat down on the patio set display chair at the DIY store while I got a new hedge-trimmer. She found the chair so comfortable that we ended up with taking the patio set home as well.

11 Oct 10 - 07:28 PM (#3004774)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: Bat Goddess

Reminds me of the old pharmacist joke my dad used to tell (that makes it folklore, right?) --

Guy came home from work and found his wife slamming stuff around the house, growling under her breath, not very happy at all. After a bit of work, he managed to extricate the information from her that the pharmacist had insulted her, wouldn't tell him what the pharmacist said, but that he should speak to him in no uncertain words.

So he called his friend, the pharmacist and said, "Hi, Joe, how's the wife and kids, oh, yeah, my wife said you insulted her today -- want to talk about it?"

The pharmacist sighed and said, "It's like this. I overslept this morning. When I finally woke up and realized how late I was, I tried to throw on some clothes. Couldn't find a clean shirt so put on the one I had on yesterday. Pulled on my shoes, and, wouldn't you know it, a shoe lace broke. Tied it together and ran down the stairs. Didn't have time for breakfast, but there was no coffee, either. Dashed out the door and into the car and the car wouldn't start. Ran down the street to catch the bus. Almost missed it, but the driver saw me and stopped. Got on, but didn't have any change. Driver let me ride anyway. Got down to the store and there was a mob of customers waiting outside the locked door. Opened the door and let them in. Opened the register and discovered there were no quarters. Broke open a roll and they splattered all over the floor. I was down on my knees, picking up the #@%# quarters, when the phone rang. I got up. Hit my head on the cash register drawer. Answered the phone. It was your wife. She wanted to know how to use a rectal thermometer. So I told her."


11 Oct 10 - 08:02 PM (#3004785)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: John on the Sunset Coast

OK, BG, let's play "Can You Top This"

Ma, a lady who lived in the hills was feeling poorly. Pa opined as how she ought to go to the flatland doctor to see if he could help her. So she betook herself on the trek down the mountain to the city doctor. When she came home Pa asked her what the doctor had said. Ma replied that he told her to come back next week with a urine sample. "Pa," she asked, "what the heck is a yoo-rine sample?" Dang if I know," replied Pa, "but the widow lay in the holler went to school to the fourth grade, so I bet she likely can tell you.

The next morning Ma trudged down to the widow woman. When she returned late in the day, she was scratched and bruised, and her clothes were torn. "Ma, ma, what happened to ya," enquired her concerned husband. "Well, Pa," she answered," I went to see that old woman to ask her what a yoo-rine sample is. The old biddy told me to pee in a bottle…so I told her to go shit in the crick…and then we really got into it."

11 Oct 10 - 08:05 PM (#3004788)
Subject: RE: BS: Change a light bulb: Simple??
From: frogprince

I always heard that as "in her hat". : )