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'Due South' Song About Riding Forever

25 Aug 99 - 07:31 PM (#108542)
Subject: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: Jeri

I just heard a 'new' song on the US TV program "Due South" and I'm wondering if anyone can provide information on who wrote/recorded it. The name may be Ride Forever, or may not - if it comes up as a green link, my question's answered.

In the show, the song was sung by a bunch of Canadian Mounties, and I'm pretty sure there was an 'Alberta' mentioned in the song.

Other than rythm, the tune/chords for the second line of the chorus were identical to the second line of the chorus in Stan Roger's White Squall.

The chorus went something like:
We're gonna ride forever
They can't keep horsemen in a cage
Until the angels call...something...
something else...and pull in the reins.

The credits whipped by too fast, but the person who sang it on the show was somebody Cross, I think.

Merci Very Much!

25 Aug 99 - 10:15 PM (#108571)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: George Seto -

Actually, the show is a Canadian one. It has been on CBS, but not in the last year or two.

The song in question, I think, is called Ride Forever, and may be on a recording by the star of the show. He's quite an actor/director/singer, etc. I'll see if I can locate if there is indeed there is a recording with this song on it.

26 Aug 99 - 12:18 AM (#108591)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: katlaughing

This show is sorely missed at least by two of us in the lower 48!

26 Aug 99 - 02:14 AM (#108604)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: Jeremiah McCaw

Paul Gross is the star and chief creative force behind this delightfully droll wee show. Loved it from the first time I saw it. He also wrote the song. Drove me nuts because plot developments obscured the entire 2nd verse. Not sure where I finally found the entire lyric, but it took lots of internet searching, including one source that had changed the lyric to " Montana skies..."! Grrrr...

Anyway, here ya be:

Ride Forever - Paul Gross and David Keeley

Well I was born up north of Great Slave, 1898,

and I rode near all my life on a ranch near Devil's Gate.

And I've seen this world about me bend and flip and change.

Hey it feels like rain -- that's a thunder-cloud.

Well I've been called a coward, but I've seen two World Wars.

And I lost my son Virgil, a Korean reward.

And my Lucy died last summer. You ask me if I cry,

Hell, I'll show you tears: they're all over this ground,

They're falling from these blue Alberta skies.


We're gonna ride for-ever, you can't keep horsemen in a cage.

Should the angels call, well it's only then we might pull in the reins.

Now they tell me I'm an old man, they tell me I am blind.

They took my driver's license, this house ain't far behind.

I said "Jump back all you big suits, you got something wrong

'cause I ain't gone. No I ain't gone."

I am still breathing, and I still have my pride. And I have my memories, your life it never dies.

Like the wind that blows in thunder, like the stallion on the fly

I got it all, and I'm standing tall

Underneath these blue Alberta skies.

So I say to all you old men: Don't let yourselves get broke.

If you think the world's gone crazy and it's scratching at your throat

it's time to dust off that old saddle and get it on a horse.

Kick up your spurs: we're gonna run like stink

We're gonna tear across these blue Alberta skies.

26 Aug 99 - 05:01 AM (#108615)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: SingsIrish Songs

I saw that show last night (since it's now Thursday...) and it (the song) was great! Wish the show wasn't on when I am trying to cook dinner though!

26 Aug 99 - 07:51 AM (#108621)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: Susan-Marie

When my husband asked if I knew this song (after seeing the re-run last night) I said "No, but I can post a request on the Mudcat". He said "Oh, they'll probably tell you to get a life". How wrong he was! Was anyone else disappointed when they heard there would be a Dudley Do-Right movie but Paul Gross would NOT be starring? By the way, if you get cable, the re-runs of Due South are on every day on TNT (a Turner station).

26 Aug 99 - 08:11 AM (#108627)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: MMario

They are doing Dudley Do-right as live action and NOT using Paul Gross? How stupid can these movie people be?

26 Aug 99 - 09:27 AM (#108639)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: katlaughing

YEs! Thanks Susan for letting me know which channel is showing the reruns!

26 Aug 99 - 09:41 AM (#108646)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: Jeri

George, I'm glad to hear the show is alive and well in Canada. It probably got dropped from US TV because it isn't glitzy enough. I've heard folks talking about another episode with Stan Roger's 'Barrett's Privateers' being sung in a bar.

Jeremiah, thanks for the lyrics. I'd still like to buy the recording. I loved all those guys on the train hitting the chorus at full steam (so to speak). They got gassed into unconciousness in the beginning of the show, and at the end, all woke up at the same time and continued singing where they'd left off.

SingsIrishSongs - we were watching the same show!

Katlaughing - the show is on TNT (as Susan-Marie pointed out) at 6PM EST. That'd be 5PM Central, 4PM Mountain, 3PM Pacific.

26 Aug 99 - 10:29 AM (#108655)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: Susan-Marie

Barrett's Privateers is sung in a ship's galley (freighter or something) at an extremely tense moment (Fraser and his partner are undercover and their shipmates are suspicious) when Fraser says "gentlemen, I'd like to get something off my chest" (pause) and then he breaks into "oh the year was ..." The rest of the crew joins in after a verse - it's a great scene.

MMArio, the answer to your question is $$$$ - the guy who is starring in "Dudley Do-Right" was in "George of the Jungle" and is much better known in the US than Paul Gross.

26 Aug 99 - 10:43 AM (#108660)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: MMario

Well - whasshisface will be "adaquate" as Dudley - but it just won't be "Right".

26 Aug 99 - 12:37 PM (#108695)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: Jeremiah McCaw

Considering what the Hollywood 'biz' does to live action movies of cartoons, I'm pretty damn glad Mr. Gross is in no way involved. Nor should he be typecast just on accounta he's wearin' a Mountie uniform in "Due South". He's got FAR too much on the ball for that (actor/singer/songwriter/producer/playwright/what-have-you). People THIS talented make my ass tired! :-)

26 Aug 99 - 02:02 PM (#108725)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: Jeri

Lookie what I found:
wav clip of 'Ride Forever' (822 KB)

26 Aug 99 - 06:32 PM (#108811)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: SingsIrish Songs

Regarding TNT show times...I'm in Southern California and it airs at 6pm, best to check your local listings.

26 Aug 99 - 11:12 PM (#108883)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: LJensen

TNT airs Due South at 6 p.m. in Northern California (PST), and 4 p.m. in Salt Lake (Mountain).

There is also a nicely sung version of Northwest Passage on one episode (sung from a chasm in an iceflow). Even with a reprise at the end, they never made it through the whole song, but it was still great to hear - and on TV no less (definitely NOT Hollywood! Thanks to the neighbors to the north).

27 Aug 99 - 11:34 AM (#109006)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: K~~

Brendan Fraser was the one they picked to play Dudley Do-Right and although Fraser's okay, from what I've seen of the preview, it didn't look like a Paul Gross kind of vehicle. If you're interested, Gross did play Ned Land in the most recent revamp of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - a very Verne faithful version. It's only drawback -from my son's viewpoint - was the lack of the song which Kirk Douglas sung in the Disney version: Whale of a Tale...which could be a whole other thread.

27 Aug 99 - 01:12 PM (#109049)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: katlaughing

K~~: I agree, from the preview I saw, it looked too stupid for Paul Gross. Do you know how long ago the Verne one came out with Gross? Is it on video?

Thanks, katlaughing

27 Aug 99 - 03:12 PM (#109079)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: K~~

I have looked for it on video, though not obsessively, so I suppose it's no shock that I've not found it, still, it could be out there. It was a made for TV Canadian production if memory serves and it came out about four years ago. Sorry I can't tell you more. Happy hunting.

28 Aug 99 - 09:10 AM (#109254)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: George Seto -

I hate to tell you that last year was the last season for the awesome Due South program starring Paul Gross. It ended quite nicely tying up almost all of the various plot threads from the various seasons.

I certainly enjoyed the show throughout the years. It airs in Canada on weekends (both Saturday and Sunday evenings), around 10PM.

28 Aug 99 - 09:10 AM (#109256)
Subject: RE: 'Due South' Song About Riding Forever
From: George Seto -

Oh! Forgot. That is on the Showcase Channel, one of the specialty cable channels.