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BS: The Snows of 2010

13 Nov 10 - 07:03 PM (#3031387)
Subject: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Amos

CNN) -- While winter's start remains more than a month away, much of Minnesota and Wisconsin were under a winter storm warning Saturday, with some areas seeing almost a foot of snow.

As early as 10:30 a.m., 11 inches of snow had fallen in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, the National Weather Service reported.

Other Minnesota communities had seen 10 inches by midday, including New Hope, Amboy, Mankato and Montgomery, while parts of Minneapolis were blanketed by at least nine inches of snow.

Awright, wot the hell is this about? Anone?


13 Nov 10 - 07:07 PM (#3031392)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Rapparee

Amos, the only way to obtain the truth is for you to fly there and report back.

13 Nov 10 - 07:26 PM (#3031411)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: gnu

Told ya. Well, I told myself and a few others.

Last winter was the best winter HERE I have seen in 42 years. Then, we had a snap spring and summer was a bitch, followed by a turn into a cold and rainy (deluge type) fall in less than two days.

We have had the "usual" fall swings in temps but they have been far more on the cold and rainy side.

Amos... the snows of 2010 shall be.

However, Mum sat in a chair in the garage in the sunshine this afternoon and I had placed the last alive hanging pots in front for her to admire... a purple mini petunia, a double coloured fuscia, a double coloured begonia and the second coming of a glorious crimson/yellow creeping snapdraggon. I wish I could have gotten a pic but Mum frowns on being photographed. In several weeks them thar flowers is gonna die and give way to a winter like back in the old days of 92.

Mark my word, next full moon will bring a change for the worse... or the better until the next one... then, look out.

13 Nov 10 - 07:29 PM (#3031414)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Rapparee

Yeah, and I'm trying to pack for a weekend at deer camp in Illinois AS WELL as for visiting and celebrating Thanksgiving.

13 Nov 10 - 08:10 PM (#3031448)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: gnu

Illinois? With yer coin? Not Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, or, where the BIGGEST white tails are, New Brunswick?

Of course, it's not about the biggest, it's about the tastiest. That would be at Bessie's in Albert County on accounta the deer eat in her turnips and carrots. And, Bessie ain't no tree hugger... she likes her garden deer free this time of year. I used to think of deer steaks and pancakes as a public service. I hope poor Bessie has found someone else to save her from the savage Bambis who would steal her very sustinence.

13 Nov 10 - 08:16 PM (#3031452)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Bill D

No snow! I don't WANT snow. We HAD the snows of 2010 in February...enough for 6-7 Winters. No snow ..nosnownosnownosnownosnownosnow... The birdies don't want snow, the squirrels don't want snow, the county treasurer don't want snow, the mailman don't want snow....and, did I mention *I* don't want snow?

13 Nov 10 - 08:28 PM (#3031457)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: gnu

Bill... I saw squirrels today hiding nuts. Three of my friends are missing. Are you okay?

13 Nov 10 - 08:54 PM (#3031467)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Bill D

*I* saw squirrels hiding nuts... they don't even look at old, dried-up ones. I am fine.

13 Nov 10 - 08:58 PM (#3031473)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Bobert

It's friggin' November and it ***is*** Minnesota, right??? I mean, 10 inches of snow ain't nuthin' fir Minnesota...

I'm just concerned about here in Page County, Va' at our altitude of 1700 feet... I can't do another winter like last one... I mean, we had 24 inches in December and another 31 inches in January...

I can't wait to move where 5 inches of snow is like a major event...


13 Nov 10 - 09:04 PM (#3031481)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Rapparee

#@#$!ing WIMPS!!!! I live at 4,800 feet (1,463.04 meters) and you flatlanders like Bobert are whining about a few inches of snow! Come out here, Bobert, and pay a visit. How about a dressed (not plowed snow, flattened snow) road with six feet from the top of the snow to the actual road surface? How about -24F of cold at the same time? Huh? Come on out, I dare ya! I been in DC and Virginia when there was "snow" on the ground. Come on, step out here!

You too, Bill D. Both of ya.

Yeah, I thought so.

13 Nov 10 - 09:12 PM (#3031488)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Bill D

I have been in areas with that kind of snow. There, it is expected and over the years people and equipment is adapted to it. They NEED big plows and have places to put snow. You can't budget and buy clothes and cars and snowblowers that are only used once every 10 years. (Phoenix doesn't have storm drains, so that rare 3" rain floods folks....but you knew that)

You would not fare well with 98° Summers, either.

13 Nov 10 - 09:58 PM (#3031508)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Rapparee

Wrong! I grew up in the Midwest, lived for 28 years around the Great Lakes, and I bloody well HAVE endured the worst the DC area has to offer (including driving in barely before a hurricane).

13 Nov 10 - 10:41 PM (#3031524)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Ebbie

Not to mention that Idaho can get most awfully warm. I was in Boise once when the temp was 108 degrees. Not my cup o' tea.

Give me Juneau, Alaska, where wintertime temperatures tend to hover around 20 degrees above and where in the summer it rarely breaks 70.

13 Nov 10 - 10:48 PM (#3031528)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Amos

Well, I saw Raparree hiding his nuts earlier this fall, but I thought he was just being bashful...


13 Nov 10 - 10:52 PM (#3031530)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: Bobert

Ya'll like that snow then have at it... You do know what s-n-o-w stands for, dontcha???

Me neither, but I'll work on it...

Miserable stuff...

(But Boberdz... That first one is always so exciting...)

Bug off, Alt...


p.s. If ya'll run low on it this winter up there in Snowburg an' I have any extra I'll be more than happy to give you mine... You pick up, thank you...

13 Nov 10 - 11:23 PM (#3031540)
Subject: RE: BS: The SNows of 2010
From: katlaughing

No more snow in the high country of Colorado until my kids get home on Tuesday! Of course, down here in the Banana Belt at 4,500 feet, we barely get any. It has been cold enough to frost the windshield, though. More and more, I am finding I do not care for cold nor too hot of weather. My bro tells me I should move to Monterey California, as if I had that kinda dosh!:-)

14 Nov 10 - 06:26 PM (#3032209)
Subject: RE: BS: The Snows of 2010
From: ChanteyLass

Some parts of RI, including the valley in which I live, had snow on Monday, November 8. It wasn't enough to hinder driving by the time I left the house, but it was enough for me to have to clean off my car. There was no snow at my son's house, across two bridges and an hour away, on Aquidneck Island in Narragansett Bay. Even Little Rhody has pockets of microclimates.

14 Nov 10 - 08:14 PM (#3032268)
Subject: RE: BS: The Snows of 2010
From: Ebbie

Juneau has those pockets too. I'm told that there have been snow flurries all around us- and the snow level is certainly creeping down the mountains - but there has been none downtown. Those other places are from 3 to 10 miles away.

14 Nov 10 - 08:44 PM (#3032287)
Subject: RE: BS: The Snows of 2010
From: Rapparee

Heck, the last time I was in Fairbanks it was warmer than it is here! (August: 91F).

15 Nov 10 - 07:13 AM (#3032533)
Subject: RE: BS: The Snows of 2010
From: Hrothgar

It snowed here about 16,000 years ago,