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BS: Snow watch 2010/11

26 Nov 10 - 06:38 AM (#3040728)
Subject: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Phot

By the sounds of things Catters on both sides of the pond are getting snow early this year, so how are thing looking out there?

Aldershot had a few flakes first thing yesterday morning but that was it.

Wassail!! Chris

26 Nov 10 - 06:41 AM (#3040729)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: John MacKenzie

6" or so here, and more on the way.
However we hardy Scots are used to such trifles. :)

26 Nov 10 - 07:02 AM (#3040733)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: GUEST,Patsy

It has been forecast that we will get 10'' of snow by Saturday in Bristol but I don't mind going out and about in it. It might make me more inclined to part with some cash and buy some Christmas presents.

26 Nov 10 - 07:13 AM (#3040739)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Jack Campin

Hard frost here (in the hills above Edinburgh) but no snow yet.

26 Nov 10 - 07:47 AM (#3040760)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: maeve

It's here in Maine.

26 Nov 10 - 07:58 AM (#3040763)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Accuweather predicted snow but all we're getting is slimy slushy icy rain. Bummer.

The next snow in the extended forecast coincides with my upcoming Animaterra concert.


26 Nov 10 - 07:58 AM (#3040764)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

No snow in Lancashire yet but there could be this weekend.
My problem is at the bottom of our lane where we get water flowing over the road surface just at the steepest part (1 in 5 or so). There is a drop off of about 10 feet at one side here as well, so it's not nice when the water decides to freeze!
If we park down below it means a 3/4 mile walk to the house.

26 Nov 10 - 08:12 AM (#3040770)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: MGM·Lion

East Anglia ~~ snow in Norfolk, confirmed by enail from friend near Norwich yesterday, but forecast near East Coast mainly; though some may drift inland to here [Haddenham, Cambs]* by tomorrow afternoon. Beautiful, quite warm, sunshine at present, and heavy overnite frost gone; but will doubtless return tonite.

*Currently a newsworthy place thanks to new edition of Private Eye, where one of our villagers figures in Funny Old World, final item, for some - ah - distinctive topiary he has been engaged in!


26 Nov 10 - 08:19 AM (#3040775)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnomad

Local press reports say we've been cut off twice this week here in Whitby, though I can't say I noticed. It is a fairly regular occurrence here, though usually further into the season.

We've certainly had a week of pretty bleak weather with the last 3 days swinging between rain, sleet, hail, and big wet snowflakes, all out of a very grey sky and cold winds out of the NE quarter mostly. The forecast is offering heavy snow today (only a bit so far) heaviest tomorrow, and then 2 more days of heavy falls.

Looking out I see we now have slightly less wind, with finer stuff drifting downwards, looks like it may start to lie more.

Winter draw(er)s on.

26 Nov 10 - 09:20 AM (#3040797)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: artbrooks

1/2 inch night before last in Albuquerque. Entirely too much.

26 Nov 10 - 09:24 AM (#3040800)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: John MacKenzie

I could direct you to lots of lovely pics of the fresh snowfall we have here, but putting links to Flickr sites is no longer advisable on here.

26 Nov 10 - 09:30 AM (#3040803)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Nigel Parsons

Snowing in Cardiff (Wales) not yet settling here, but it is in nearby Caerphilly.

26 Nov 10 - 11:18 AM (#3040878)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: artbrooks

Saw yours on Facebook, John. Very pretty...I always appreciate other peoples' snowfalls. Please feel free to keep it all over there.

26 Nov 10 - 11:51 AM (#3040891)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

The media seems to be making one hell of a fuss about a couple of inches of snow, my school never closed in the late 50s/early 60s, you were expected to turn up and walk if necessary - I lived 3 miles from school.

26 Nov 10 - 12:58 PM (#3040934)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: John MacKenzie

This was the winter I started school.

27 Nov 10 - 06:30 AM (#3041331)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: scouse

Been snowing over 'round Uthrecht way and up north in Friesland I hear but nothing as yet around here in Leiden. Alas..Sigh....
As Aye,

27 Nov 10 - 06:31 AM (#3041332)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: GUEST,Eliza

Exactly, Bonzo3legs, I also went to school in the early fifties, and it never closed. We walked quite a long distance, but totally loved it, snowballs and snowfights along the way. But we walked everywhere then, no cars at all. And we were dressed in enormous amounts of clothing, all woollen. Also, no central heating, so we were very hardy. I had ice on the inside of my bedroom window every morning. I have to say, I never felt particularly cold! (How times have changed!)

27 Nov 10 - 08:58 AM (#3041371)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

I find it incredible how little clothing teenagers wear to school even in sub zero temperatures - and never a hat! Presumably it is not "cool" to dress warmly. I wore long johns, a thick shirt and a jumper at work yesterday, and that's in a heated private house!

I'll be putting on extra layers to walk Bonzo shortly!!

27 Nov 10 - 09:22 AM (#3041378)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: WalkaboutsVerse

Looking over the snow-capped Tyne Valley, North East England - pic.

27 Nov 10 - 11:12 AM (#3041417)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: GUEST,Eliza

The village here in Norfolk is so pretty, with snow-covered roofs and smoke rising from people's chimneys. I saw a little muntjac in the water meadows earlier. My garden has about 5cm of snow. A group of massive seagulls descended and hoovered up the bread I'd put out for the smaller birds. I think winter has its own joys, but I haven't got a dog to walk (which would be lovely), just 3 lazy cats! Does Bonzo like the snow?

28 Nov 10 - 06:22 AM (#3041865)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Arnie

Just started snowing in my part of East Kent and the roads are already looking a bit dicey. I was going to a Christmas fair with folk music in Deal this aft, but not sure if I'll be able to make it now. Shame really as it's a fund-raising event that I would have liked to support.

28 Nov 10 - 06:32 AM (#3041870)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnu

We had a couple of inches forecast for last night. The plow woke me at 5AM.

28 Nov 10 - 06:45 AM (#3041879)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: John MacKenzie

Every morning when I wake up, I find we have been blessed with even more sniow. So shovelling is my new pastime.

28 Nov 10 - 08:34 AM (#3041936)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Jack Campin

Massive fall last night, most public transport is out of action (nothing after dark tonight, it seems). For the first time in years I physically can't get to the Sunday afternoon at Sandy Bells in Edinburgh city centre.

28 Nov 10 - 08:57 AM (#3041942)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

Nothing in South Croydon!!

28 Nov 10 - 08:59 AM (#3041943)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: John MacKenzie

Isn't that true at any time Bonzo? :)

28 Nov 10 - 09:25 AM (#3041953)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: akenaton

Heaviest fall on the west of Scotland for thirty years...and no sign of it letting up.
All minor roads closed, this could last for at least a week maybe longer, temperature still below freezing even though the snow is falling.

Just like the good old days before global warming ....and global capitalism :0)

28 Nov 10 - 09:32 AM (#3041956)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: fat B****rd

Second snowy day for Fife to-day (SundaY) I didn't bother with the clearing but I may have to on Monday. Actually the sun has just popped out and back again as I type (2.30 pm). I had a few heavy flurries on my paper round this morning. Mind you, it makes getting home and warm a real treat !!

28 Nov 10 - 09:36 AM (#3041960)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: akenaton

Just been out to measure the depth .....almost 9".

If the wind gets uo we'll have 5foot drifts.

28 Nov 10 - 10:40 AM (#3041987)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnomad

Yes, that forecast was right, it has fallen intermittently for two days, with drier, finer, flakes as the cold increases. I gave up trying to clear the balcony on realising that there is a hard-frozen underlayer of icy stuff on which I cannot stand upright, and which only hard chipping with steel will shift. There's about four inches of looser snow on top.

Today the wind has veered easterly, even round as far as ESE, but looks like backing round to NE again as night falls, and staying that way for several days. This means more cold and higher seas, not good.

The local marine forecast suggests we can expect a further week of similar falls before it starts improving. The hardest November weather I have seen in the eleven winters I have had here.

I'm glad I don't need to leave town any time soon (AFAIK) as all the roads out will be decidedly unpleasant, though probably not impassable. Just going shopping locally will be a big enough pain.

28 Nov 10 - 12:26 PM (#3042047)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

"Isn't that true at any time Bonzo? :)"

Croydon town centre rarely has substantial snow but we live 5 miles to the south and 250ft higher which makes a big difference

Well we normally have very little, but we have had enormous blobs. Last winter we had 10 inches which stayed in our road for 2 weeks, causing absolute chaos in the surrounding area because the gritters could not get through initially. I bought 3 25kg bags of grit and salt for our own driveway and steps so my wife can get her car out.

I dare say that as usual, I will be the only one putting down salt in the road from the salt box, while the lazy gits in our road are glued to their televisions.

28 Nov 10 - 02:39 PM (#3042162)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: akenaton

Hmmm.....Is it just me?

28 Nov 10 - 02:54 PM (#3042175)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Phot

There was a fair old fall of the white stuff in Dorset on Friday. We were at River Cottage HQ for Pixies birthday, left after dinner at 23:00, 200 Yds up the road, found we had a flat! Middle of nowhere, pich black, sub zero, snow still falling. I've never changed a wheel by feel before! Still, got back to the hotel ok.

Wassail!! Chris

28 Nov 10 - 02:58 PM (#3042181)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: JennyO

No more snow yet in our part of Somerset, but it's been so cold that some of the first dusting of snow a couple of days ago has stuck around. Temps are minus 4 or 5 all day and night. A wheelbarrow in the back garden which was full of water is now full of solid ice.

Temps are predicted to get down to minus 8 tonight, and more snow is predicted for Tuesday.

28 Nov 10 - 02:58 PM (#3042182)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: JennyO

Phot, where is River Cottage HQ? I'd love to know. PM me if you like.

28 Nov 10 - 03:09 PM (#3042190)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Rapparee

Eight friggin' inches more by tomorrow morning! EIGHT!

Good thing the snowblower fired right up, huh?

28 Nov 10 - 03:17 PM (#3042192)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnu

ake... "Just been out to measure the depth .....almost 9"."

Hahahahahahaa... that's not snow... this is snow.

28 Nov 10 - 03:18 PM (#3042194)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: VirginiaTam

sigh... no snow in central Essex yet

28 Nov 10 - 04:29 PM (#3042255)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

Had a dusting of snow on Friday night in East Lancs but nothing to worry about. Saturday night it went down to -9.0 and didn't go over -3.7 all day Sunday. Very still air and lovely to work outside though.
Had a flock of fieldfares on Saturday picking at the berries and a weasel playing in the snow on Sunday.
We moved back over to Lancaster in the afternoon just before some more snow caused havoc on the M6. 50/50 chance of having more before it's time for work in the morning!

28 Nov 10 - 04:44 PM (#3042268)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Phot

Jenny O, here's the link to the River Cottage website! Hughs place

Wassail!! Chris

28 Nov 10 - 05:57 PM (#3042322)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Herga Kitty

Well, it snowed in Bedworth - woke up yesterday morning and found that the gas cylinder on the campervan had frozen... as had all liquids by the time we got back yesterday evening...

Was glad to get home today without finding more snow....


29 Nov 10 - 06:07 AM (#3042608)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: I don't know

Thin covering in North Essex this morning, bitterly cold & overcast now.

30 Nov 10 - 04:22 AM (#3043370)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Mrs.Duck

We have between 6 and 8 inches. I have been waiting on calls to teach on supply but drew the line at accepting work across the county to cover for someone who couldn't get in because of the snow! All our local schools have been closed today and so far no sign of any grit on the roads so any attempt to drive would be silly. Only last week the news was talking about how the local authorities had bought in extra salt stocks to avoid last years problems but these don't seem to have been used at all. The motorways are still open but that's no good if you can't reach them.

30 Nov 10 - 07:36 AM (#3043465)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: mandotim

I was at Bedworth in the caravan, and the toothpaste froze...a first for me! Back home in the Staffordshire Moorlands now, and we have at least 10 inches, with the wind just starting to blow the snow about. Still snowing heavily, and more forecast for tonight. Working from home today and tomorrow, no point in trying to drive across the Peak to Sheffield.

30 Nov 10 - 07:57 AM (#3043477)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: I don't know

Snowing again now. Started thawing earlier, real icy underfoot where it is now starting to freeze again.
Everyone please take care out there...heard a husband & wife killed in a crash Sunday night due to the road conditions.

30 Nov 10 - 11:38 AM (#3043595)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

We now have 10-12 inches of snow and complete chaos on the roads.

30 Nov 10 - 11:40 AM (#3043597)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

A normal day it seems at Gatwick - Easyjet flight EZY8611 to Malaga now boarding!!

30 Nov 10 - 12:21 PM (#3043620)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Becca72

In my part of southern Maine we've had nothing so far. Last week's "storm" was freezing rain and the this past Saturday it spat for about a minute and that was it.

30 Nov 10 - 12:36 PM (#3043637)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Ebbie

Juneau, in southeast Alaska, has not had an early winter - I remember several years when we had very snowy Hallowe'ens). Last week we got our first light snowfall in downtown; they'd had snow several times about 10 miles away (Juneau is a long, narrow coastal town).

Today, it's snowing steadily and the forecast is for 4 to 6 inches. The city buses are on their winter routes and I noticed that the school buses are chained.

My little rescue dog - a Chinese Crested Hairless - pranced along in his sweater and overcoat for one city block then stopped, thought, looked up at me and said, Let's go home.

So we did.

30 Nov 10 - 02:04 PM (#3043698)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: WalkaboutsVerse

Yesterday, I was on a bus that had to turn back, after failing to make it up one of the hills away from the River Tyne, in North-East England - another snowy pic of the coal staithes on that river.

30 Nov 10 - 02:50 PM (#3043738)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: MikeL2


despite snow finally arrived today in NW England we in mid-Cheshire seem to have been spared once again.

We have a pocket here that generally seems to escape. It's snowing in N Wales just to our South and in Lancashire and Cumbria above us.

It has been very cold here for about a week but as yet no snow.

My sister-in-law has just Emailed me to say that it has started to snow where she lives in the Alpujarra in Spain. She says it has changed from Summer to Winter in just four days.


Brrrrrr. MikeL2

30 Nov 10 - 04:47 PM (#3043822)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: WalkaboutsVerse

A lot falling on this side of the country as the cold air from the east has just passed over the relatively warm ocean.

01 Dec 10 - 09:13 AM (#3044116)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Mrs.Duck

We are up to at least a foot and it's still coming down. My daughter is stuck at a friend's house 5 miles away but, as all the schools are shut and no buses are running, it makes more sense for her to stay put rather than try walking.

01 Dec 10 - 09:33 AM (#3044131)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: nutty

Here on the North East coast the snow is lying on the beach,
At my home, about half a mile from the sea, we have had about 4inches for the past 3 days. We get a slight thaw that reduces the amount - then a blizzard blows in from the sea and we're back to square one.

The wind today is very strong and the snow is drifting,

Spoke to friends this morning. They are snowed in on the North Yorks Moors with drifts waist deep on the road to their house.

01 Dec 10 - 09:50 AM (#3044138)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Penny S.

North West Kent, second day, about a foot and still coming. The road has been ploughed and gritted at least twice, and is now that sort of sandy texture that is hard to get traction on. My car is still in the garage. There's been a couple of inches since I cleared a path this morning. I don't know if we have a bus service as there isn't an answer on the phone help line, but I doubt it. The buses have problems getting up the hill a couple of miles down the road. We do have a small Co=op supermarket and the papers have got in, also milk. Yesterday was madness, as the school was shut, and the shop was crowded with people suddenly short of bread and milk. today it was quieter.

I was supposed to have my car repaired yesterday, but more serious damage due to snow has priority, and I was supposed to be having a fire officer visiting for advice on fire safety today, but not even a call to say he wasn't coming. In fact, when I rang them, they said I should assume he would turn up! presumably they were in some part of the county not buried in white.


01 Dec 10 - 10:02 AM (#3044144)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Penny S.

Just had a call from the fire service - they have attempted several roads off the A20, and failed, some being blocked off by police. I am impressed that they actually tried.


01 Dec 10 - 10:17 AM (#3044153)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

Croydon Council have got primary routes moving, and all credit to the gritters who work through the night. Just walked to local Sainsburys and back - about 2 miles for essentials, it was like walking through treacle! In 21 years of living here, I have never seen so much snow.

01 Dec 10 - 11:04 AM (#3044175)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: GUEST,Bi-Polar Bear

The first flakes fall in Fleetwood, finding favour on the frozen fields...

01 Dec 10 - 03:12 PM (#3044372)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: MikeL2

hi bonzo

Today Gatwick closed to all flights....even Malaga !!

And......maybe tomorrow too.

Here it's snowing now 20.00 but like you we were able to go out walking for essentials. Well wrapped up though.

Stopped off at our favourite local Chinese Restaurant....well one has to keep out the cold somehow.



01 Dec 10 - 03:45 PM (#3044405)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: GUEST,Bi-Polar Bear

Snow stopped in Fleetwood after ten minutes. All clear, but very cold.

01 Dec 10 - 03:50 PM (#3044410)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

Forecast is for another 6 inches of snow overnight here. We are missing Maddy Prior & the Carnival Band in Tunbridge Wells as I type. That's £34 down the drain. I hope we can get to the Richard Thompson/Musicians of the Globe gig next Monday in London.

01 Dec 10 - 03:54 PM (#3044413)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: fat B****rd

Walked (walked!) to the paper shop this morning (cue blues riff) no papers. Walked home again, just having breakfast when a tree fell against the front door! Round the back, dug my way to the shed for my trusty axe. Freed, with Mrs. fB, the front door from grip of tree. My son-in-law halped by sawing branches and we finally shifted the bloody thing.
BTW our guttering fell off during the night, but, hey! we're warm, dry and well fed.
Soon be time for Criminal Minds and a large glass of Navy Rum.

01 Dec 10 - 04:59 PM (#3044455)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Have to say it is beautiful here in Mottram St Andrew,Cheshire. It is snowing again tonight, I have a log firing burning and my electric blank on !

01 Dec 10 - 05:05 PM (#3044463)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: GUEST,999

Probably you folks in England and Scotland know this, but rubber boots (wellies, gum boots) are NOT good footwear for the type of weather you`re experiencing. Too easy to lose toes to frostbite.

If you go out, layer your clothing--makes for better insulation, and it`s very easy to get lost if you are in rural areas. Best to sit tight.

A Canuck

01 Dec 10 - 05:18 PM (#3044470)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: maeve

Please be careful if you must cut up fallen trees. Here in Maine a man and a child died in two separate events when trees shifted suddenly.


01 Dec 10 - 06:58 PM (#3044527)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: GUEST,Suibhne Astray

We are missing Maddy Prior & the Carnival Band in Tunbridge Wells as I type

Even snow-clouds it seems have silver linings.

01 Dec 10 - 07:45 PM (#3044545)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Phot

After having a really bad first half of the week, and feeling like death warmed up with man flu, I'm at home. A clear drive down, but since seven this evening the snow is coming down, slow at first, but now its going for it! Lets see what the morning brings........Night all.

Wassail!! Chris

02 Dec 10 - 03:15 AM (#3044676)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Phot

I know its not as much as the poor buggers up north have had, but in Aldershot we've had six inches overnight, and its still coming down. Time to light the fire and curl up with a book then!

Wassail!! Chris

02 Dec 10 - 03:49 AM (#3044687)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: ragdall

We've had snow here in the north for quite a while.   Nothing has fallen for about three days. A "few flurries" are predicted every day for the next few days. The last snow usually melts here in April. In the meantime, we just keep piling it up.


02 Dec 10 - 05:29 AM (#3044739)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

We now have 15-18 inches to the south of Croydon and it's still snowing, no trains from East Croydon and just the odd bus. A few trams are running I gather, but they are a calf muscle crippling walk away!

02 Dec 10 - 06:25 AM (#3044761)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: MikeL2


Mid-Cheshire no snow overnight and now a fine clear dry day. But COLD.

Just been out renewing the froven water containers and putting food out for the birds. Brrrrrrr !!



02 Dec 10 - 06:40 AM (#3044769)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Penny S.

Something like Bonzo's fall in NW Kent - the path I cleared yesterday was about 10 ins deep this morning. It wasn't snowing when I woke in the night but by this morning a lot had arrived. It's small flakes (<0.5 cm) falling straight down and it isn't stopping.
The local Co-op has shortages and massive queues. What has gone - meat, veggies, bread (there was a queue at the local proper baker), milk (dried and tinned as well)(some people had baskets full of fresh), crisps, porage, custard and milk puddings, chocolate fingers. And I saw one basket with nothing but wine. The newspapers haven't arrived. (I didn't look everywhere, so there may have been other shortages.) I was queueing next to a woman with spinach and parsnips for her tortoises. (In a converted shed.)
We've no buses, and the nearest train line is closed.
A neighbour said that it wasn't really snow - he'd been in Canada.
Re: wellies - are they OK with layered socks inside? My furry boots are now letting water in. Not that I'm planning to be out for long enoough for frostbite.

02 Dec 10 - 06:52 AM (#3044785)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: John MacKenzie

Freezing fog, and the strands of the spider's webs look like small hairy ropes.
It was -10.8C when I surfaced this morning, and it's not getting any warmer. Altnaharra which is 24 miles north of here, recorded -20C on Tuesday night. That's fairly cold for the UK.

02 Dec 10 - 07:10 AM (#3044793)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Mrs.Duck

Spoke to my son last night who is currently at the army training base in Pirbright. He said they have 8-10" abut that didn't stop him doing a 6 mile run with full pack and doing the assault course crawling under nets covered in snow. Should be well equipped if we decide to invade Greenland.

02 Dec 10 - 12:50 PM (#3045024)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

I wonder if our military airfield are kept open through this snow?? If not it leaves us a bit open to raghead invaders!!!

02 Dec 10 - 12:57 PM (#3045031)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

I think the Bridge is still open Bonzo, I shall be crossing it shortly.

02 Dec 10 - 04:09 PM (#3045177)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: mayomick

Lots of snow all over Ireland for the last few days ,six inches deep in Dublin at the moment , severe traffic disruption etc. It's the heaviest snowfall here for three decades . Kids are out snowballing and making snowmen around my way . Temperatures as low as - 11 .


02 Dec 10 - 04:24 PM (#3045187)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnu

rags.... 8 and drizzle here... my heart goes out to you.

Not with yee in UK. Yee (some) tease me about my weather extremes, so I don't feel too bad about yer plight as I know it's temporary. We gotta put up with "feels like" -40 to +40 and snow up yer arse at times. When yees get 1.5m+ of fluffies in one day, I'll sympathize.

03 Dec 10 - 12:13 PM (#3045638)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Penny S.

Local children have been out sledging on the common, but are generally notable by their absence. No snowballing, no giant snowballs, no snowmen, no igloos, no snow angels.
We are about 18in deep - and the plough keeps piling up a rampart across my drive and the path I've dug. My neighbour spent two hours digging out his wife's car only to have it blocked in again.
Additional empty shelves in the C0-op. Toilet paper. Baked beans. Soup - but not Baxters. Instant hot chocolate drinks. Fresh fruit.
They had a delivery today, but it hasn't filled the gaps. Milk is off until further notice. The local dairy farm is out of reach.
One paper made it through. The Sun.


03 Dec 10 - 01:00 PM (#3045676)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: WalkaboutsVerse

I've a handy weather attachment (free from Yahoo) on one of my websites, which was reading -8C for Newcastle, NE England, this morning.

03 Dec 10 - 01:19 PM (#3045689)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Rumncoke

The cold has reached us, right down on the South coast, where last winter - when the whole coulntry was white over - we were a little brown dot right on the edge.

We even have about 6 inches of snow, but the worst thing is the ice on all the pavements and all the small roads.

Today when I went out I took my ski poles with the rubber 'feet' on which I use these days when it is slippery underfoot. I do not get much use of them, but when I do use them they really make all the difference to my remaining upright.

My daughter in law slipped on some steps and damaged her ankle, so I have been looking after my little grandson - he is most perplexed as he doesn't remember the snow from last winter and is too young to understand anything more than his garden has turned white and fluffy and very cold. He likes to go out and check on it from time to time.

My cat used to do something similar - but she would come back and complain that I had opened the wrong door, she wanted the one which opened onto the warm garden she remembered was there not long ago.


03 Dec 10 - 02:48 PM (#3045733)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: MikeL2


Mid-Cheshire still no snow today. No transport problems - even the side roads are clear.

As I type the skies are dark and look heavy with snow and we have some forecast as " a light covering".

It is still very cold -12 last night which is cold by our own standards.

My feelings go out to all the people who are having real problems and we thank our lucky stars that we are mostly without problems here-a-bouts.



03 Dec 10 - 03:00 PM (#3045739)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnu

So, it's a heavy snow too then? I don't mind when it's very fluffy... it's that wet, sticky, heavy crap that gets me down.

03 Dec 10 - 04:35 PM (#3045795)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: WalkaboutsVerse

Apparently, it was warmer in Bergen, Norway, than here in sister-city Newcastle upon Tyne last night.

03 Dec 10 - 05:28 PM (#3045833)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

Many houses in our road have icicles hanging from the roof up to 20 feet long. primamry roads are now clear, but side roads are under 15-18 inches of pack ice.

04 Dec 10 - 12:36 PM (#3046280)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Ebbie

Juneau, Alaska is warming up again today. The temperature this morning is 35F and the snow is melting. Supposed to snow again today but we're expecting rain tonight.

04 Dec 10 - 04:41 PM (#3046432)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Penny S.

Raining now.


04 Dec 10 - 04:49 PM (#3046441)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnu

I expect icicles and ice dams might be a problem in such weather in the UK. Can be dangerous too.

04 Dec 10 - 05:42 PM (#3046481)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Penny S.

There are some big icicles about here. I had a twofooter, but it wasn't where it could damage someone. I'm hoping there aren't any at the other place - I had to knock some down once.

I tried to get to my old place to check it over today, but failed. My car is still snowed in the garage, but the buses were running to Bluewater. Unfortunately the one I needed to get me to the old place wasn't going to that stop, and couldn't do an extra stop round the corner - the driver wasn't in a good mood, and I probably let my peeve show. Given the idiots in 4X4s around, I can understand a bus driver getting peeved.


06 Dec 10 - 01:17 PM (#3047564)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: WalkaboutsVerse

"Snow Set/Sunset" - another pic from Newcastle, N.E. England.

06 Dec 10 - 01:51 PM (#3047583)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: EBarnacle

fB, remember that trees warm you three times:
1: When you cut it up,
2: When you turn it into fire wood, and
3: when you put it on fire and enjoy it.

06 Dec 10 - 01:52 PM (#3047584)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnu

Thank goodness the rain we have been getting here in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada (east coast) is not snow. Gusting to 80kph now, and the drifts are the bad part. This is not unusual but not normal either. We'll get ours soon enough.

06 Dec 10 - 01:57 PM (#3047586)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: fat B****rd

Thank you EB. I think it might f*** up our electric fire if I tried to burn the bloody tree. Mind you the cutting up bit does make you perspire somewhat.
Meanwhile, back in The Kingdom of Fife; schools seem to be opening and closing like.........I don't know what.
ATB from Charlie.

06 Dec 10 - 06:15 PM (#3047750)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bill D

Sorry about temporary local conditions for some of you... but it WILL warm up.

06 Dec 10 - 06:43 PM (#3047770)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: maple_leaf_boy

Traditionally, we get a lot of snow in the winter. In some parts, it
can be knee high. The past few winters were mild, but the newspaper
today said that this will be a messy winter like the ones we're used to.

I don't mind the snow, and I love the cold. It's the ice that I don't
like. (Unless I'm skating). I remember when I was a kid, delivering newspapers in the nearby trailer court, most of the roads in the park were very icy. The people's driveways were not paved and were completely plastered in ice. I considered wearing skates while tending to my paper route.

06 Dec 10 - 07:44 PM (#3047807)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnu

mlb... "In some parts, it can be knee high."

What part of Canuckistan are you from? Knee high? Arse deep on fucking snowshoes around my neck of the woods over the years. I had to use snowshoes to get out to shovel the snow from in front of the living room window so we could see out of it one storm.

And that wasn't the worst one I've seen. And I am quite sure there are worse stories elsewhere in The Great White North.

06 Dec 10 - 11:25 PM (#3047883)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: EBarnacle

Don't mind the snow,
Or the blowing breeze;
Sleeting nights
Never worry me;
But the hardest time in an owner's day,
Is shov'ling the snow from his own driveway.

07 Dec 10 - 03:08 PM (#3048247)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Penny S.

It's still lying around here - waiting for more my Mum used to say.

07 Dec 10 - 07:13 PM (#3048427)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Pistachio

Took 9" snow off my daughters Bathroom roof today!! What fun, luckily it was light and fluffy. Damn cold still but I can't complain. (99)

08 Dec 10 - 06:46 AM (#3048669)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: gnomad

Ten days since I posted. Most of the first four or five it snowed in bursts, building a bit then thawing a bit less, so that we had a fair bit packed down in most streets, with the pavements (sidewalks) pretty nasty.

A few better days, and yesterday as I was walking I realised most streets had at least one side more or less safe to walk, though the rest was now polished ice with a meltwater topping. I looked out to sea hoping for fair weather, but no such luck; a sky like grey flannel, and within seconds it started with big wet flakes all over again. More fell during the night, and it was pinging down hard little pellets until 30 minutes ago, my picnic table which was clear yesterday morning now has about four inches settled on it.

We are forecast more until well after dark, I just may have to complain to the management about it.

09 Dec 10 - 03:33 AM (#3049386)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: ragdall

Our last serious snowfall was on the evening of Dec. 2nd when we got about six inches in less than an hour.

The snow flurries which were predicted today turned into rain, which then froze on every cold surface. Roads are sheets of ice. I'm heading out now to sand and salt my sloping driveway, which is very treacherous, so I can safely park my car. I had to leave it up by the street because I was afraid I could never get it back up the icy slope.


09 Dec 10 - 05:27 AM (#3049438)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

Managed to buy a snow shovel near to my work from a local hardware store - all sold out everywhere last week, and will make a start on clearing the remainder of the snow from our road this evening. 6 of us spent a lot of time last weekend clearing - from 34 houses, the rest were glued to their TVs as usual.

09 Dec 10 - 07:47 AM (#3049518)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

Tell them that they need help to get a repair van through to the TV transmitter mast or else the signal's going off!

10 Dec 10 - 07:27 AM (#3050263)
Subject: RE: BS: Snow watch 2010/11
From: Bonzo3legs

I like that!