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Freshly Mangled Lyrics

29 Nov 10 - 10:00 AM (#3042742)
Subject: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Mr Happy

Other threads were getting unwieldy, so here's a fresh one:


As it entered the North Country.
Close Kirby Stephen it happened for to be.
As it was received on and starting from the road.
Quite little purchase a broom, which it for chanced, in order to meet.

And it was alright, it was firm.
Each girl has its way.
It was lish the boy buys a broom.
That led to it deviating.

It friendly invited it then to go meanwhile.
'Yes', it was the answer to it that it said.
It and its music going down the road.
And it with its striking hands and feet of the Tambourine.

It treated it to a brandy; it treated it to the beer.
He kissed it and he stroked her and called her seins dear.
It treated it to the whisky, it treated it to the rum.
And said, " My homosexual young companion, you can my little darum" play;.

To Kendal steered out now immediately they, they and it.
Over yon green mountain the weather it was grimmig.
They everyone let a bottle up to the top side fill.
And whenever they felt drying, they took little drop.

If the night comes in on good accommodations, which found it.
Eatables of all kinds and much of the good wine.
Good bed and covers straight for the two. And it rolled it in its arms, in my boys and in wouldn' t add you?

Then early that next morning rose they, in order to leave.
It designated to the landlord, in order to see, what was to be paid.
He said fourteen and Sixpencestück, straight for you two.
And a Sovereign on the table its favourite, whom it threw.

And as it at Kendal, the weather were fine they arrived.
They' D-Samtkappen with Troddeln on, fine curvatures, which shone it.
They everyone had a volume to hang down their bottoms.
And it had nineteen golden Sovereigns, its favourite, in its bag.

The reason that they divided, I mean, so that you hear.
It wished it to France for goes, it being dear.
But it not being ready to cross the stormy sea.
Mentioned "Good luck to my favourite, where can it be?"

29 Nov 10 - 10:07 AM (#3042747)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Uncle_DaveO

What is the meaning of this?

And what the heck is the point?

Dave Oesterreich

29 Nov 10 - 11:02 AM (#3042783)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Mr Happy

That's a very short one!

29 Nov 10 - 12:16 PM (#3042837)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Dave MacKenzie

It reminds me of the postings of certain guests who shall remain unanimous.

29 Nov 10 - 01:20 PM (#3042888)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Paul Burke

Widow of the young man with salt

The town of Chester, widow of the man easily do
Wednesday clothing in a way that Excel
Is a good word from a long, long fingers, and small
Is the one who would be good - to ask about the ladies ...
The widow of a wealthy young man to a place

Young people think about fast, to tenants who were new fans
For his hat, and my spirit upon all sides to find
My love for you love, and I'm called to think.
But this is you, if you give to farmers.

He was, and he was not for you! "This
I live, I have been the wealth of many of the children,
It's not that your home is furbelows yows
Dress of silk and satin, my country, and that it "all the glory"

"Madam, all the glory, not timidly
In another story is not the last.
If you need to condemn the world, you must drop the clichés,
Linsey!- the cries of the glory of thy clothes? "

And finally to the glowing embers, Collier-
Hat on his face to God in the Tour, will reject the request now
While undertaking Agricola;
No, not a widow's pension's, and I'm sure I bewildering
"I may never merry widow's the man in court"

29 Nov 10 - 09:06 PM (#3043238)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: michaelr

Uncle Dave-O: the point here is to run a well-known song lyric through a translation engine into a foreign languange, and then back into English.

Hilarious, isn't it? Well, it can be if you're familiar with the song. Try it sometime.


29 Nov 10 - 10:32 PM (#3043271)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Genie

I lost interest in the older thread because so many times the whole (long) "mangled" song was posted, much of it being not mangled that badly, much less in a humorous way.

I'd prefer to share just the lyric parts that get horribly mangled in translation -- especially when the result is funny.   JMO


30 Nov 10 - 05:05 PM (#3043840)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Paul Burke

The Chinese Whispers principle, noise in translation.



Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you,
Way hey, you rolling river.
Shenandoah, I long to hear you
Ha ha, we're bound away 'cross the wide Missouri.

Oh, Shenandoah, I love your daughter
Wey hey, you rolling river.
Oh Shenandoah, I love your daughter
ha ha, we're bound away 'cross the wide Missouri

Missouri she's a mighty river...
When she rolls down, her topsails shiver...

Seven years, I courted Sally...
Seven more, I longed to have her...

Farewell, my dear, I'm bound to leave you...
Oh, Shenandoah, I'll not deceive you...

might become:


The five Shenandoah, to hear,
Even though it is the chariot of the volume.
Shenandoah, to hear,
Well done, we are in Wisconsin beyond the much more widely.

The five Shenandoah I love your daughter
Let us live of no great height, rolling his car.
Five Shenandoah I love your daughter
Ha, ha, ha, we of the state of Wisconsin are in excess before the broad.

This powerful Wisconsin River ...
He rolls his Topsails to tremble in the ...

Seven years old .. Sally to be worshiped
7, I have desired to ...

Master of the Universe finds me HI forced to leave ...
The five Shenandoah and the foolish is not your own ...

Honey, I myself find them forced to leave the Hi ...
Five, Shenandoah, and I do not fool yourself ...

At which stage in translation Missouri became Wisconsin I can't tell you, maybe between Macedonian and Korean. And how that last verse got duplicated in two radically different ways is a total mystery, but Hebrew might have had something to do with it.

01 Dec 10 - 08:07 AM (#3044077)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: The Fooles Troupe

This can be fun, and I do like it, but, like many good tricks, this can get wearisome in excess.

01 Dec 10 - 10:06 AM (#3044150)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Mr Happy

........& now something seasonal:


Platform resounding with branches of the Stechpalme.
Company-La-La-La-La, La-La-Lola.
' Tis the season to be to merry.
Company-La-La-La-La, La-La-Lola.
Don we now our homosexual dress.
Company-La-La, La-Lola, La-Lola.
With the dragging fishing rod you fish the old Yuletide song.
Company-La-La-La-La, La-La-Lola.

See the flaming Yule before us.
Strike the harp and follow you the chorale society.
Follow ME in the merry measure.
While I explain treasure from the Yuletide.

Away the old annual runs chamfered.
Hail the new YE jungen of men and leaving.
Sing to us merrily all together.
Thoughtlessly of the wind and of the weather.

01 Dec 10 - 05:04 PM (#3044461)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Genie

Now, that first verse of "Deck The Hall" is pretty funny. The other two verses? -- Mehh. (Sometimes the cyber translators do too good a job for the result to be funny.)

01 Dec 10 - 05:17 PM (#3044469)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Genie

I think Google's translator may be getting to be too good to routinely yield humorously mangled lyrics.

Here's the result of Google Translator rendering an old carol first into German and then back into English:

We three kings of Orient.

Bearing Gifts we traverse afar 

Field and fountain, moor and mountain, 

According to that star.

O Star of Wonder, Star of the night,

 Star with royal beauty bright, 

Westward leading, still proceeding, 

Guide us to thy perfect light.

 Born a king on Bethlehem's level.

Gold I bring to crown him again, 

King forever never stops 

to reign over us all.


Frankincense to offer have I. 

Incense owns close to a deity.

Prayer and praising all increase people 

Worship Him, God on high.

 Myrrh is mine: its bitter perfume 

Breathe life to collect gloom, 

Grieving, sighing, bleeding, dying 

Sealed in ice-cold grave.


Glorious now behold him arise, 

King and God and sacrifice!

 "Hallelujah, Hallelujah!"

Earth to heaven replies.


Maybe Babelfish is a better source of mangling?

01 Dec 10 - 05:28 PM (#3044478)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Genie

On the other hand, this English-to-Finnish-and-back Google translation, while pretty close to accurate, cracked me up:

We three kings of Orient are.

We drive away gifts, 

Field and fountain, moor and mountain, 

After that star over there.

01 Dec 10 - 05:36 PM (#3044482)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Genie

Google did a very good job of translating "Summertime" into German and back, but it messed up on that one line:

Oh, your daddy is rich and your mamma's good looking,
So quiet, little baby do not cry.

One of these mornings you're gonna rise up singing ..."

After the double translation:

Oh, your daddy's rich and your mama's good looking,
So hush, little baby, don't you cry.

One of them will you get up in the morning are singing ..."

01 Dec 10 - 05:47 PM (#3044486)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Genie

This is Rake And Rambling Boy from the DT rendered by Google first into Hindi and then back to English:

Reich and Tourism boy


Well I have a rake and a rambling boy
There's many a city, I did not enjoy.
And now I've married me a pretty little wife
And I love her dearer than I love my life.

Pretty little wife, I love you well
I love you more than tongue can tell.
You treated me well, both night and day
And sent to rob me on the broad highway.

Oh it was beautiful, both neat and gay
Because of the extensive highway rob me.
Oh yes, I robbed, I do declare
And I find myself ten thousand there

Hey, when I die, bury me at all to
Keep my bones in alcohol.
And my feet, a snow white dove place
I love to tell the world died.

Note:   I tried German, French, Hungarian, and Armenian first, but Google did too good a job translating them from and back to English.

02 Dec 10 - 01:14 PM (#3045046)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Paul Burke

You need to be a bit more devious. Translate between pairs of languages that might not have much common cultural background, and don't bother coming back to English each time.

Coventry Carol.

Claire's voice, and your little boy
Ryuri, through the voice of Clara.
Claire's voice is small for your children in.
Ryuri, through the voice of Clara.

Five sisters, we can
He saved the day;
To the poor people to sing
Ryuri, through the voice of Clara.

His Herod angry
The day was given charge.
Rare for men
All children, young people, I guess.

Therefore, I am angry, that poor child too,
Shanghai fire at the time, and, and say.
Division of the famous song
Ryuri, through the voice of Clara.

02 Dec 10 - 08:10 PM (#3045286)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Genie

Paul, that's probably true with Google's Translator - but it still did a pretty good job with languages like Hindi and Finnish, which aren't very closely related to English at all. I think some of the other "translators" like Babelfish are more mangling-prone.

This one is "East Virginia," having been translated by Google Translator from English to Russian to Hebrew to Swahili and back to English:

Eastern Virginia

I was born in Virginia and eastern
North Carolina, I wander.
There I met a beautiful girl;
How old do not know.

Her hair was colored brightsome
Ruby red lips.
On the breast she wore white flowers
I put my head.

Well, my heart you my darling
my door and you are welcome to enter
my door I'll wait for you, my dear,
If your love I can only win.

I'd rather be in the dark holler
Where the sun refused to shine
Rather than seeing someone else dear
And know that you will never be mine.

Well into the night I dream you;
Today I find rest.
I was just thinking of you, my dear,
Sends a pain to my chest pains.

Well, when I'm dead on his grave
And my feet turned the sun,
Come sit by me, my dear,
Well, I think, as he.

It seems Google's translator does too good a job, unless the lyrics contain very idiomatic language.

Here, by contrast, is the same song translated simply from English to Russian and back by

Eastern Virginia

I was originated in east Virginia,
northern [karolina] i it roamed.
There I met sufficiently valid girl;
Its name and time I do not know.

Its hair he was brightsome of the color
I of its lip of the red color of ruby.
On its breast it bore white lilies;
There I longed in order to place my head.

In the best way in my heart you are my darling
I on my door of you [gostepriimsvo] are inside.
On my strobe Of i' encounter ll you, my darling,
if your love, then I could only win.

I' d sufficiently in certain dark of holler
where the sun refused to shine
how to see you another man' darlings
and to know that you' ll there is never my.

In the best way into night I' m dreaming about you;
In the bottom I find no rest.
Exactly are thought you, my darling,
it sends being ill pain entirely through my breast.

Is kind when I' m corpse and in my coffin
with my feet turned to the sun,
arrive to sit near me darling,
you arrive to think to way those made.

03 Dec 10 - 10:12 AM (#3045572)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Crowhugger

Thanks everyone for a good laugh! Great way to start my day.

04 Dec 10 - 09:14 AM (#3046181)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Paul Burke

Via Korean, Bulgarian, Latin and Japanese (not necessarily in that order), we get:

Eastern Virginia

I was born in eastern Virginia,
North Carolina mental cunning.
I found a beautiful woman
I do not know for years.

Her hair is brightsome
Ruby red lips.
Breast with white flowers
One dog.

Well, I think, my love,
It exists in the threshold
Door, looking forward to our love simple
I love to win, but not limited.

I think if you want to see me in the dark
Here the sun is denied.
He loves other methods
Naehaji And I know that to fit.

You and dreams at night.
You can have peace today.
You, my soul, I love how I'm married
He sent for chest pain.

Part of me, I try not to die in the tomb.
And my feet, Sun
My foot, horse, love to sit
As for me, I think geugaitda.

06 Dec 10 - 10:54 AM (#3047461)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Mr Happy


Oh, there' people and set re sober, I of drunkards barely 20,
People above 90 that does not have ever but kissed to girl.
But give to me rambling' cross-country vehicle,
From Orkney downward to Dover.
We roam the country over I together of we' sidle peace.

There쳌fs is much which feigns enjoyment.
From best posh china of employment.
Their ambition it was this disclosure.
From the minute they left school.
And they preserve and scrape and consider.
Thus far rest goes outside and they squander.
See peace and rove and wander.
And is happier as a rule.

I've it roamed through all nations.
Was accepted enjoyment in all creations?
And it is taken pleasure by pi- pi to sensation.
Where the company, it was kind-hearted.
And when parting' there was no pleasure.
I've drunk is another measurement.
To good friends who were treasure.
For they were always all around found on our reason.

If you' were' bent re; arthritis.
Your bowels obtain Colitis.
And you have galloping of bollockitis.
And you쳌fre of thinking' it' time s you died.
If you've, they will be which man of action.
However, you쳌fre lying there at the traction.
You will acquire a certain correspondence.
Thinking쳌f, 쳌gMissus, at least I tried."

06 Dec 10 - 11:18 AM (#3047479)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Mr Happy

The woman is mobile. Giuseppe Verdi.

The woman is mobile.
Which plume to the wind?
Dumb of accent. And of thought.
Always unamiable.
Leggier ace.
In I plant and rice.
It is men쳌fs bog, Nero.

The woman is mobile.
Which plume to the wind?
Dumb of accent.
And of pension. And of pension. And of pension.

It is always poor. Who to she s' it entrusts.
Who the confidant. Badly cautious, Core!
Happy fully. Who on that breast. Not Libya love.

The woman is mobile.
Which plume to the wind?
Dumb of accent.
And of pension. And of pension. And of pension.

04 Jul 13 - 10:45 AM (#3533722)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Mr Happy

I mean, you look queer
Bob Weston & Bert Lee

I am very poor, but now I feel prime
I was the very first time today.
Boy I feel like I'm walking down the street
Then I met the old Jones, he said, 'Well, I'm a eopsu!'
I mean, you look gay!
I mean, you look gay!
Oh, come on! You look scary: Do not shave distant job of it,
You think a man with one foot in the grave. '
I crap 'it! I'm better, it's the fact that I've been sick. '
I'm glad he's better, but still you, say '
You want your will for me in a thousand.
I mean, you look gay! '

Not improve day, put me back very
Still, I went away, I met my cousin Jack.
He looked at me hard, he mumbled this talent!
Like him! It can not be! It does not! It is!
Whoops! Who would have thought? Well, well, I declare!
I did not know you except your head is.
I mean, you look gay!
I mean, you look gay!
All the color your cheeks sunk all away.
Your neck, you're still in a very emaciated.
How old are you now? Fifty, that's true.
Father with age, had the mother died.
Well, I come to you then'll wearing black clothes.
Me! You look gay! '

That really excited me, and I feel quite cast down,
But up energy to try and have an old brown.
After that, he looked at me solemnly with the hard
"Do not you think out, you should be home in bed.
You hear is bad, then I heard you were gone.
Like you in the coat and body.
"I mean, you look gay!
I mean, you look gay!
Before you drop dead, that will be the most beuraendiyi. '
So, as a pale sheet, I head the'King 'crawling
The hostess, 'Oh, the poor guy,' Weep
You Slate £ 21 you owe than 10 "
You better pay up, we will not see you again.
I mean, you look gay! '

My knees start knocking, I was so sad.
Then, Brown said, "Do not die in the bar, it looks bad '
He with me, and I'll show you what to do, 'he said.
I will help you have a boyfriend. '
He contracted black led me to the store
And some crepe round his hat and black hello 'as
"I mean, you look gay!
I mean, you look gay!

Now we have to modify your minor amounts.
Now you bite through the account? '
I, 'I did not die.' Do not say that he '!
My business is really flat and late
Her new hat, but I can tell my wife is!
I mean, you look gay! '

I keurolringwa I muttered in the distance, 'I will.'
Jenkins was next up previous shouted 'of gum! "
"I mean, you look good!
I mean, you look good!
You are looking fine and pink! '
I exclaimed, "I am going? ... Come a cup!
You have to put new life into me, I'm sounder than Art
Of fresh! There is still life in the old dog.
Well I mean, do you think? '

06 Jul 13 - 11:21 AM (#3534374)
Subject: RE: Freshly Mangled Lyrics
From: Mr Happy

Beaulieu cattle DEN Knowes

Every morning, I was open to see Lang Jintai
My girl came to the summit of the hill
She missed the burns and I ran Taekwondo
I met her with good wishes.

   Ø broom, bonnie, bonnie broom
Broom Øcowdenknowes
   I will be pleased at the north of the country
   His father's sheep

We do not catch the sheep or lambs
Although we lay near flock
She gathered in the sheep at night
And I say hello, every day

Hard rock, I should be fired
Hill and moorland flying all the way
Because I like the most beautiful girl
It has never been a natural

Farewell, you cowdenknowes, goodbye
Farewell to have all the fun
Walking near her again
All that I desire or care