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BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit

01 Dec 10 - 01:07 PM (#3044260)
Subject: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Holey Shite...

I'm sorry but what is Obama doing?

Merry Christmas, America!

Unemployment to be cut for 800,000 US citizens

And meanwhile, over in 'TheBanksThatB*ggeredYou Tower' the Corporate Bastards pile their money (sorry, YOUR/OUR money) ever higher...

01 Dec 10 - 02:08 PM (#3044304)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Maybe they will go look a job now. I only hope our government takes note !

01 Dec 10 - 02:13 PM (#3044312)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: VirginiaTam

"Republicans claim should encourage them to take low paying jobs that they are allegedly passing over currently."

What jobs? When I was still in US most people weren't claiming if they could get any job. So many people were under employed according to their education and experience. Many were working 2 and 3 wage jobs and that meant no health insurance.

01 Dec 10 - 02:20 PM (#3044324)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"Maybe they will go look a job now. I only hope our government takes note !"

And I 'only hope' that one day, you find yourself on the other end of the scale, jobless, penniless and hopeless...

Then, I hope that your words come back to haunt you....

01 Dec 10 - 02:24 PM (#3044330)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Retired my dear, living on a very nice private pension.

01 Dec 10 - 02:25 PM (#3044332)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,999

Few people choose to be unemployed.

01 Dec 10 - 02:27 PM (#3044336)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Bill D

"Maybe they will go look a job now. "

Maybe they should emigrate to China & India, where many of the jobs are.

01 Dec 10 - 02:36 PM (#3044344)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Rapparee

2,000,000 according to the Associated Press. And you can't collect unemployment unless you apply for a certain number of jobs each week (and prove it).

I wonder how long it will be before beggars actually begin to embarrass politicians?

01 Dec 10 - 02:37 PM (#3044345)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"Retired my dear, living on a very nice private pension. "

Excellent, because at least now you have the time to look up the meaning of 'patronising twat' without having to take time off work...

01 Dec 10 - 03:06 PM (#3044367)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: YorkshireYankee

I'm sorry but what is Obama doing?

Lizzie, it looks to me (from the link you provided) like Obama wants to continue the benefits, but that the Republicans are blocking the attempt to renew them -- as they do with the majority of things he is trying/has tried to accomplish (and then they scream that he has accomplished nothing... [sigh]).

01 Dec 10 - 03:12 PM (#3044370)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,mg

It is a great tragedy especially because some of them are very skilled in the various etc...there should be some way to hire them on public projects and there is no shortage of work that needs to be done...and there is work for the relatively unskilled as well...I can't figure out why we can't or won't do something along the lines of the

01 Dec 10 - 03:13 PM (#3044373)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: mousethief

What is Obama doing? Caving. He's our Ajax Cleanser president: he shook out blue, but turned red.

Maybe they will go look a job now. I only hope our government takes note !

Seeing as there are 5 applicants for every job opening in the United States, you're an idiot.

01 Dec 10 - 03:15 PM (#3044376)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST, Richard Bridge

Richie, I profoundly hope your pension provider goes bust. Shit couldn't happen to a more deserving candidate.

01 Dec 10 - 03:17 PM (#3044378)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Rapparee

This and this....

01 Dec 10 - 03:22 PM (#3044382)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: mousethief

Richie, I profoundly hope your pension provider goes bust. Shit couldn't happen to a more deserving candidate.

Or that some venture capitalist buys them out, strips the pension money out, and then fires everybody that's left. Not that they've ever done that before, oh no.

Eat the rich.

01 Dec 10 - 03:25 PM (#3044385)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Rapparee

Nah, too much fat...too rich for my taste.

01 Dec 10 - 03:26 PM (#3044386)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Thanks Richard, but my Government Pension Scheme is a guaranteed, are you still working/conveyancing old boy ?

01 Dec 10 - 03:33 PM (#3044392)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

And a nice private pension also Richard.

01 Dec 10 - 04:57 PM (#3044454)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,999

That makes you very fortunate, Richie. I am glad for you. However, you seem to lack a little in the compassion department. I don`t wish economic hardship to befall you, but I certainly understand the feelings of some folks who disagree.

01 Dec 10 - 05:06 PM (#3044467)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Amergin

Right now here in the Portland, Oregon area, there are likely hundreds of applicants for each job. Some time back I went to a job fair, and there were thousands of people there. It was quite a mess.

01 Dec 10 - 05:38 PM (#3044483)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST, Richard Bridge

Try to keep up Richie - I haven't done conveyancing since about 1977 (when I did it for a number of legal luminaries - including the then most famous barrister specialising in land law and a High Court Judge who was one of the authors of the leading textbook on land law - oh and a very senior member of staff (I'd tell you his post but that would be to identify him) at the Land Registry).

You, however to die in poverty, slowly and in pain. And to see your issue exterminated before your eyes, while you suffer.

01 Dec 10 - 05:52 PM (#3044488)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""You, however to die in poverty, slowly and in pain. And to see your issue exterminated before your eyes, while you suffer.""

And just how does that comment make you any better than him?

Seems to me, if you were aiming for the moral high ground you missed and fell right back down to his level.

Two equally nasty "Riches"!!

Don T.

01 Dec 10 - 06:06 PM (#3044498)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

"You, however to die in poverty, slowly and in pain. And to see your issue exterminated before your eyes, while you suffer"

Ah isn't that a lovely comment, speaks volumes about the man.

Here is a thought for today.

"Name-droppers come in all shapes and sizes, people like Hoffmeister have to drop names to feel important. It all comes from a need to fuel self importance, or at least appear important to anyone who doesn't know you. The thought is, the bigger the name that I drop the more important I appear". Sad is the word that comes to mind.

Not something one has a need for here in Cheshire.

01 Dec 10 - 06:25 PM (#3044507)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Bobert

Lemme see if I have this correct???

The Repubs don't want to continue the unemployment because they say it isn't paid for...

Total cost of continuing them:      $2B

The Repubs say they want to continue Bush's tax cuts to the rich...

Total cost per year: $70B

Total cost of Bush's wars per year: $150B

Total cost of Bush's pe3rscription plan per year: $40B

(None of these, BTW were funded either)

So, according to the Wes Ginny Slide Rule

       Repubs unfunded stuff................... $260B

       Cost for continuing the unemployement..... $2B



01 Dec 10 - 06:41 PM (#3044520)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Smokey.

Maybe they will go look a job now. I only hope our government takes note !

Long may your haemorrhoids rage.

Perhaps you might tell our illustrious government just where these jobs are.

01 Dec 10 - 06:48 PM (#3044522)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: bobad

Ah yes, the "I'm alright Jack" syndrome rears it's ugly head at Mudcat once again.

01 Dec 10 - 07:18 PM (#3044530)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: jacqui.c

Watched the news tonight. First we had a republican telling us that 'we' need to look after the American people. Then comes the news that the Republicans have blocked continuing unemployment benefits unless it can be shown that the shortfall will be made up elsewhere. Of course, the idea of stopping tax cuts for the wealthy, to make up any shortfall, won't fly with them.

01 Dec 10 - 07:36 PM (#3044539)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Rapparee

I receive pensions from three states and the federal government. I worked -- damned hard! -- for them and lost some of health in the bargain. I will soon add a fourth state.

I've also worked with the unemployed and have been unemployed myself. Neither case is nice. It's not pleasant to BE unemployed and I was very lucky at the time to be unemployed for only eight months. Others, with whom I was working, had been unemployed for two or more years.

These were not laborers, but accountants, MBAs, professional people, even attorneys. One fellow I remember had brokered SEVEN multi-billion dollar mergers and fluently spoke eight languages -- his company had collapsed because of, well, the usual internal shenanigans of "loot the company and run."

If you're employed, remember this: There are no more careers, only jobs and jobs can vanish in a moment. If you're retired, remember that the government and pension funds can take as easily as they give, and if the money isn't in the fund well, that's too bad. If you're currently employed, give some thought to those who aren't and see what you might be able to do to help them YEAR 'ROUND. The same thing goes if you are retired.

Remember, someone somewhere said something about "the last being first" and "do to others". We all have a contract, via our common humanity, to help others. So...when shall we begin doing good?

If there were some way of organizing these unemployed people....

01 Dec 10 - 08:13 PM (#3044553)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: kendall

How many of our clueless leaders remember Mussolini? He was top dog for a while but he ended his days hanging from a lamp post.

I see the end of civilization as we know it on the horizon and it will happen in our lifetime.
Who to blame? Got a mirror?

Come, fill the cup, and in the fire of spring
The winter garment of repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way to fly,
And, Lo! the bird is on the wing. (Omar Khayyam)

01 Dec 10 - 08:31 PM (#3044559)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Donuel

The new world order of Globalism and the global economy has rewarded the Chinese workers for working for much less pay. If America did the same and banned all unions we too would become more competative ... and maximize profits for everyone.

Speaking of profits, all capital gains taxes should also be repealed for workers who make over 6 million a year. Global free market capitalism is as American as Apple pie.   Lower wages strengthens the family. The family is closer and under the same roof in China where it takes 5 or 6 people to earn enough for rent and food. The family is much closer, sometimes in as little as 2 rooms.

Unemploment insurance is Unamerican. It borders on Communism. Again we should take a page from the Chinese economy if we really want a vibrant Patriotic god fearing American economy.

Just because people paid for the unemployment insurance does not entitle them to collect it. People spend money on all sorts of things they don't collect, like pensions. It is a lazy slob's own fault for losing their job in the first place.

Unemploment insurance just subsidizes losers to reproduce and make baby losers. They are a milestone around the neck of Social Darwinism. The people being cut off are the ones who are already on special extensions over 99 days. The sooner all unemplyment insurance is stopped the better. It is a paper work burdon for employers and a disincentive for fat lazy drug using criminals who are a pathetic embarrasment for America. As soon as these indolent slugs get ther free check they go out and spend it on things like beer. In contrast, the wealthy use their money to buy something of real value.

If the unemployed really want a job they should tell their Congressmen and Senators to stop taxing billionires who provide all the jobs. If a patriotic billionaire discovers that it is not worth his while to invest in America, why should he?

We used to tax the wealthy at 50 to 90%. But today rolling taxes from 35% down to 29% is not enough. They must be tax free. Maybe then these billionaires will see fit to bring jobs back to this country from Malaysia, Singapore, China, Mexico, Vanatu, Brazil, India, Russia and Nigeria. Of course their business must also be exempt from local&state taxes and zoning codes while providing free infrastructure of roads, power, water etc. to any of their factories.
It might also be a good idea to remove all liability laws so that freeloaders won't be able to bring needless lawsuits against corporations.

Sadly it was discovered that some corporations are actually still paying taxes. Exon, GE and others paid 0% taxes last year but the army of lawyers and accountants is becoming an expensive burden. Simplyfy the system and make it 0% across the board for trans national corporations would save us billions.

Its a no brainer - 1 Stop unemployment insureance because it will incentivize workers to get a job.

2 Remove all the taxes from the rich and thereby incentivize all the hard working wealthy patriotic billionaire Americans to bring jobs back to this country.

01 Dec 10 - 11:23 PM (#3044608)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST, Richard Bridge

DO try to keep up, Richie - I DIDN'T drop the names.

Don, if you want to lie back and think of England while Richie and his kind rape the less fortunate, go right ahead. I believe that the rest of us should fight back against thieves like him.

01 Dec 10 - 11:47 PM (#3044618)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: mousethief

I took it that Donuel was being arch-ironic. If not then he's just about sub-human.

02 Dec 10 - 02:57 AM (#3044667)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: VirginiaTam

There are no more careers, only jobs and jobs can vanish in a moment.

And that started when business and government changed the term for the employee force from personnel to human resources. A resource (historically) is something you use up and throw away.

Tam - facing a real tip of a future.

02 Dec 10 - 03:08 AM (#3044674)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Ebbie

Donuel was being ironic, Moutsethief. Pay no attention to R. Bridge- you know the English just don't understand irony. :)

02 Dec 10 - 05:09 AM (#3044731)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST, RIchard Bridge

Oops. Premature expostulation.

If I'd meant Donuel, I'd have said Donuel.

I meant Don.

02 Dec 10 - 05:19 AM (#3044733)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Bonzo3legs

"You, however to die in poverty, slowly and in pain. And to see your issue exterminated before your eyes, while you suffer"

Just the sort of post I would expect from you Richard Bridge, how's your flickr site?

02 Dec 10 - 05:29 AM (#3044740)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"And that started when business and government changed the term for the employee force from personnel to human resources. A resource (historically) is something you use up and throw away."

I thoroughly agree with you, Tam. It's a term I loathe. It depersonalises totally and it, of course, is used so that those who deal with their 'human resources' don't have to think of them as people...

From my FB page, concerning the video by Ian R. Crane called 'Project for the New American Century'

>>>"...Their agenda is global..." Hear Ian talking about the guys who are 'not human as we would define humanity, but who consider humanity as a slave race, purely there to serve their agenda'..."<<<

The Project for the New American Century - thread and video

02 Dec 10 - 06:49 AM (#3044779)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Bonzo3legs

"And that started when business and government changed the term for the employee force from personnel to human resources. A resource (historically) is something you use up and throw away."

I agree too, I used to really annoy an "HR" manager by referring to "personnel"

02 Dec 10 - 07:14 AM (#3044796)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: David C. Carter

Richie Black:

How come you're only living on a pension? I'm disappointed.
Why didn't you go out there and do three jobs a day!!
Why aren't you living on the millions you could have made if you'ed
worked 25hrs a day.Or were you just work shy?

Just curious.

02 Dec 10 - 07:54 AM (#3044818)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Sorry for thread drift. David,I contributed to a government pension that allowed me to retire at 56, after many years of service. I also took out a private pension that payed out at 60.

The country is dividing into two classes, those who planned for their retirement and those who didn't. Those who didn't want to live off the taxpayer and moan about it.

I am happy to say both my pensions are generous. Government generosity to scroungers had serious consequences for taxpayers. I am pleased to see this government is dealing with the problem.

The one thing I find strange here in, Richard Bridge wishes "I die in poverty, slowly and in pain and suffer". One very nice lady above pm'd me recently and referred to Mr. Bridge as "a lovely man with a heart of gold."

David, it is nothing more than "pension envy."

02 Dec 10 - 07:56 AM (#3044820)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Oh dear "payed" out, meant paid out.

02 Dec 10 - 08:08 AM (#3044827)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: kendall

Screw the poor.
Let them eat cake
Pull up the ladder...I'M aboard.
Get the government off our backs. (and into our bedrooms)
Do away with regulations. all they do is hinder snake oil salesmen who made a fortune selling poison.

02 Dec 10 - 09:37 AM (#3044885)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: mousethief

Social Security is not an entitlement. It is an insurance system, and it has worked really well. The Republicans want to destroy it so the super-rich can cut their tax bill. Because they hate it that the peons should have a safety net. They don't need no stinking safety net, why should the little people have one?

I'm absolutely ashamed that someone could suck off the government tit and then turn around and excoriate others for doing the same. Oh, but I paid into my retirement. Yeah, and they paid into their social security. Get over it.

And the attitude, "I was smart, they weren't, let them starve" -- Scrooge, anyone?

As all our jobs get shipped overseas, and we become de facto slaves of the super-rich, unable to pay into our own retirement because we need every cent to keep the wolf from the door, the Charlies of the world will cackle with glee, right up until when the rich decide to take away their pension anyway, and put them out on the street. A pension is not a sinecure. Plenty of people have had their pension funds stolen by rich fat cats who bought up the company holding the pension fund, drained it, then broke up the company, fired everybody still working, and sold the assets.

Part of me hopes you have to choke on your uncompassionate words. Like, when the Republicans decide to stop paying out on your government pension, or some rich bastard decides to rape your privately-held retirement dollars to buy another vacation home in Bimini. Because then you may wake up and realize who your friends aren't. Oh and because of karma.

02 Dec 10 - 09:53 AM (#3044896)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: kendall

Couldn't have said it better myself mousethief.

02 Dec 10 - 10:24 AM (#3044911)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: MarkS

Unemployment benefits extensions could easily be funded by using the unspent monies from TARP and Stimulus.
Is there anybody in Washington with more than one cell in their brain?

02 Dec 10 - 10:57 AM (#3044943)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,Patsy

Well I thought David Cameron was thinking of cutting unemployment benefits eventually anyway if the person refuses or turns down a couple of jobs. Long-term incapacity benefit is already being monitored or investigated, which for some serious conditions people have it can be can be very demeaning and humiliating.

The trouble is some benefit cheats unfortunately have a partner and children who suffer at the brunt of this.

02 Dec 10 - 11:32 AM (#3044973)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: VirginiaTam

Could we stop throwing around the nasty maledictions?

I had to stop working for a time because I had a very seriously ill child. I have been in the working 70 hours a week game. Working more than one job. Had my own business, took a uni degree, while raising family and doing regular church duties (Sunday School teacher, children's youth choir director, etc.). It nearly killed me. I am in no better position financially for it. I will probably have to work until I physically cannot, i.e. dying, because I cannot afford to retire, unless I live on my husband's pension, which I do NOT want to do. I never claimed unemployment and I never had welfare benefit (apart from one month of food stamps). Is it fair? I don't know. It is just the way it is.

One must have been working and paying into the system before one is permitted to claim unemployment. The problem may be how much some claim which is (I suppose) proportionate to their earning potential and how long they are permitted to claim it. Perhaps it should always have been only minimum wage, up to a limited time. It should also be attached to requirement for retraining in the event your trade/experience is made obsolete as with the moving of industry out of the country.

Never mind the above... in the end the problem is lack of jobs. Even in fast food and shelf stocking. If there is no work where you live and you have no means to get to where the work is, then what are you supposed to do?

02 Dec 10 - 11:55 AM (#3044989)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Donuel

Mousethief,   Sometimes taking a Stephen Colbert angle on a subject is the only way to highlight the issue so that both sides can see the obvious.

02 Dec 10 - 12:48 PM (#3045022)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,Neil D

Of course it is morally reprehensible to cut benefits for poor people while giving tax cuts to millionaires, but it is also very poor fiscal policy, especially while trying to scrap our way out of the worst financial meltdown since 1929. This particular financial situation has been characterized as having a jobless recovery. In other words, Wall Street is getting healthy while Main Street continues to suffer. The non-partisan GAO has postulated that the single best way to kick start job growth IS continued unemployment benefits. On the other hand tax cuts for the wealthy in the hopes that they will use them to create jobs, trickle-down or voodoo economics, has been a proven failure. During the Bush administration two separate tax cuts were passed that mostly benefited the wealthy and yet only 2 million new jobs were created (only 125,000 per year). By contrast, during the Clinton over 20 million jobs were created.

02 Dec 10 - 02:18 PM (#3045101)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,Shimrod

I've long been convinced that the aim of conservative politicians is to help the rich get richer - but the aim of those who VOTE for conservative politicians is to punish the poor. It's a lethal combination - especially for the poor and for social cohesion!

02 Dec 10 - 03:34 PM (#3045153)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: mousethief

Donuel: oh good. Whew.

If I'd meant Donuel, I'd have said Donuel. I meant Don.

Yeah, nobody ever abbreviates names here. Save your dudgeon for when it's defensible.

02 Dec 10 - 08:29 PM (#3045301)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: McGrath of Harlow

The complication some might have had in recognising Donuel's irony as irony is that there are large numbers of Americans who do actually appear to believe all those things.

As for Richie's contribution to the thread, the rule of thumb about not responding to troll-bait seems to be particularly appropriate.

02 Dec 10 - 09:36 PM (#3045323)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: mousethief

Yeah, McG, it's Poe's Law as applied to politics.

03 Dec 10 - 08:26 AM (#3045504)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: McGrath of Harlow

A note to all the various odd people who have been sending me emails relating to this with a heading including the words "message on facebook", don't bother, I won't be opening them.

03 Dec 10 - 06:09 PM (#3045857)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

""Don, if you want to lie back and think of England while Richie and his kind rape the less fortunate, go right ahead. I believe that the rest of us should fight back against thieves like him.""

Fine Richard, but a prominent and erudite lawyer should have the intelligence and vocabulary to make his point without the kind of language you seem to favour, shouldn't he?

I repeat. If you resort to that kind of comment, what makes you better than him?

Don T.

03 Dec 10 - 07:09 PM (#3045887)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: mousethief

Unwillingness to rape the poor?

04 Dec 10 - 05:23 AM (#3046073)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

""You, however to die in poverty, slowly and in pain. And to see your issue exterminated before your eyes, while you suffer.""

Such a silly childish comment to make. I would imagine "the old boys" in the Law Society would take a dim view of his rants, then again I doubt it. Catweazle with a lack of personal hygiene.

04 Dec 10 - 05:26 AM (#3046075)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

my own take on it

best wishes to all and malice towards none


04 Dec 10 - 07:57 AM (#3046153)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Janie

What a terrific talent you have, Al. Thanks for sharing that.

04 Dec 10 - 08:45 AM (#3046167)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Aw shucks....!

04 Dec 10 - 09:20 AM (#3046183)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Lox

Hey Richie.

You know how it makes you feel really good that you've got loads of money and that there are people out there who are suffering - and that you're winning against that scum, ...

... well You'll just love this.

Its a clip from a spanish TV show yeah ... hahahaha ...

and the presenter and a crowd of people find a defenceless old homeless man ... heeheeheehee ...

and they give him a few coins, and pretend to give him their mobile phones and scarves etc (which they take back cos its only a joke yeah ... hahahahahaha ...

and basically its really funny cos he's old and dirty and scared and lives on the street ... heeheeheeheehee ...

right up your street basically.

See that reporter?

Thats you that is ...

You disgusting repulsive man.

04 Dec 10 - 09:47 AM (#3046193)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Bobert

Nice *not-so-nice* song, Alan... But these are those times where folk musicans have a job to do and you've stepped to the plate...

Well done...


04 Dec 10 - 10:56 AM (#3046226)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Hello Lox, yes that programme has been running for a few years out there, it's very popular. I have a home in La Mata - Costa Blanca.


04 Dec 10 - 11:01 AM (#3046227)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,Neil D

Fantastic lyrics Al!

04 Dec 10 - 11:16 AM (#3046236)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST, Richard

04 Dec 10 - 11:30 AM (#3046244)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST, Richard Bridge

Oops, twitchy trigger finger again.

It's simple, Don. The difference is that Richie Black wishes evil on those who do not deserve it, for his own benefit, but I wish evil on those who do deserve it, for the benefit of the general population.

And of course his silly little epigram about the ant and the grasshopper is just that, silly - once upon a time there was no major need for private pensions because the graduated national pension (the Barbara Castle structure) worked just fine until a later politician abolished it - now who could that have been - oh yes, the milk snatcher. Once upon a time employer pension schemes were often merely legalised robbery (the old GEC scheme) and unsafe anyway (anyone remember the bouncing Czech, Robert Maxwell - bounced but could not swim hooray).

The world would be a better place without Richie Black and BozonoBrains and their like - and as far as I'm concerned the jury is out on WillieEvacuations too, who professes to be old Labour but runs with the capitalist hyena Con-Dems, only his professed Labour beliefs attracting the benefit of the doubt so far - and the suffering I wish them is no more than a Hegelian balance (and probably does not even get as far as balance) when compared to the harm they have caused and wish others.

I've got a little list.

Has anybody got a tumbril please?

04 Dec 10 - 11:37 AM (#3046248)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Lox

Don, My last post and Richie Blacks response are what makes Richard Bridge infinitely better than him.

04 Dec 10 - 12:51 PM (#3046288)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

A lot depends on the person being positive and realistic. I understand the importance of optimism but some people refuse to accept reality because they are too preoccupied with their ego and a need to be seen here as a "Citizen Smith" type while still running after those in high places wishing they will accept him.
I look forward to his thread "Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber."

04 Dec 10 - 02:04 PM (#3046323)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Thankyou Neil, Thankyou Bobert.

In England we think a lot of and a lot about America and Americans - the last best hope of democracy and all that, as churchill said.

I feel very touched when I read about Mudcatters over there who have trouble paying for the drugs they need as they get older. Without the National Health Service and the Social Services - Denise and I would have gone to the wall years ago - she became disabled at the age of 26 - and for nearly forty years now I've been her main carer.

I suppose the song is a bit ugly and lacking lyricism. But singing about the pretty ploughboys and the lark in the morning isn't for everybody.

04 Dec 10 - 02:07 PM (#3046327)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Bonzo3legs

I never know what Bridge is on about, his life must be quite sad - wishing ill on folks all the time. Perhaps he should have suggested to his parents that they get married!

04 Dec 10 - 02:10 PM (#3046331)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Bonzo, I can't believe anyone would wish our speedy conveyance to another life !

04 Dec 10 - 03:57 PM (#3046402)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Trouble is Richie, your present astral plane doesn't really correspond to anything we've experienced.

04 Dec 10 - 04:12 PM (#3046411)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Thank you Blavatsky.

04 Dec 10 - 05:40 PM (#3046478)
Subject: RE: BS: 800,000 Americans to lose UnEmp. Benefit
From: GUEST, Richard Bridge

Fools. I've never been a social climber.