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BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

08 Dec 10 - 09:11 AM (#3048767)
Subject: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: My guru always said

They're on their way Folks!

Just left them at a very nice pub in Shepperton (thanks for lunch Micca) and they're now safely off on their UK tour onlce they've seen the school play. They are armed with a Sat-Nav, but I think that luck, and a following wind (beware Micca & onions) will get them to their next destination.

I just hope that all the other cars on their route have been forewarned - safe journeys you Two! Don't forget to deliver all the hugs.....

08 Dec 10 - 09:24 AM (#3048780)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Mrrzy

Wherever they are, there they'll be. Bon voyage, folks!

08 Dec 10 - 09:40 AM (#3048795)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: olddude

When driving ... stay left ... stay left
have fun

08 Dec 10 - 09:47 AM (#3048803)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Oh, yeah- I heard the weather was unusual in the UK this month- now I understand!

Safe travels, you two!


08 Dec 10 - 11:06 AM (#3048864)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

It's a good thing I am broad minded! How many guys would allow their wives to go off on such a trip with another guy?
Yes, I'm very broad minded; they are on my mind all the time.

08 Dec 10 - 11:18 AM (#3048872)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: katlaughing

But, Kendall, here you are with the usual gang of idjits...loads of fun!

08 Dec 10 - 11:27 AM (#3048884)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

Jacqui's quite safe with Micca.
Is he safe with her?
I'm assuming she's driving :)

08 Dec 10 - 11:55 AM (#3048901)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Stilly River Sage

They had better keep their eyes on the road. Laughter can be very distracting to a driver! Drive safe, you two, if you encounter this thread!


08 Dec 10 - 12:45 PM (#3048932)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

I dunno, John, she's hit everything but the lottery.

08 Dec 10 - 01:17 PM (#3048954)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Two cars and a snow plow so far...

08 Dec 10 - 02:17 PM (#3049006)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

As I posted on the Kendall watch thread, hope to see Jacqui at Herga next Monday. Micca would be a bonus (?)...


08 Dec 10 - 02:20 PM (#3049012)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Backwoodsman

Might they find their way to Gainsborough?

08 Dec 10 - 04:44 PM (#3049118)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Morticia

they are here, safe and full of dinner...

08 Dec 10 - 05:55 PM (#3049151)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: GUEST,Jacqui's Elfine Enigma

Oh dear. Where shall I send her package?

08 Dec 10 - 08:11 PM (#3049250)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Stilly River Sage

Two cars and a snow plow so far...

Is that all? Geez. What a whiner. . .

Jacqui does seem to be a moving target this time of year, doesn't she?


09 Dec 10 - 04:42 AM (#3049410)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Sarah the flute

Hi Jacqui
If you are reading this I need to make contact with you re the special mission!!! Have sent you a PM



09 Dec 10 - 10:15 AM (#3049634)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

That second car hit her - I was there.
Kendall!!!! CELLAR!!!!!

Someone had to say it.
Having gone on multiple road trips with Micca, I can guarantee Jacqui will get into nothing she is not willing to get into. And both will have fun.

Don't eat the sticky candies, Jacqui.

09 Dec 10 - 10:16 AM (#3049637)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

Any chance Micca is coming back with you? I canf reshen the sheets and get in a supply of cider.

09 Dec 10 - 12:25 PM (#3049732)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Lonesome EJ

Yeah, Captain, Micca is a bit of a randy old centaur, but I think Jacqui's biggest risk is having to sit through all 43 verses of Julius Caesar, the Roman Geezer.

09 Dec 10 - 12:27 PM (#3049735)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

I'm glad, glad, very very glad,
I'm glad he's not navigator!

09 Dec 10 - 12:42 PM (#3049748)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Cats

Last seen on Bodmin Moor

09 Dec 10 - 12:45 PM (#3049752)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Bill D

*begin pedantic interjection*

" How many guys would allow their wives to go off on such a trip with another guy?"

More than one wife? hmmm...

*end pedanic interjection*

09 Dec 10 - 02:09 PM (#3049808)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Guys is plural, yes?

09 Dec 10 - 02:17 PM (#3049811)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Arthur_itus

Have they got to Watford Gap yet?

09 Dec 10 - 02:17 PM (#3049812)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Joe Offer

I got lost in the UK with Micca once, and it was a delightful experience. I'd do it again, in a heartbeat.
Have a great trip!

09 Dec 10 - 04:48 PM (#3049923)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Sure, that's easy for you to say, your wife didn't run off with some sailor!

10 Dec 10 - 12:17 AM (#3050150)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: KT

I got lost in the UK too, right after Micca gave us directions!!!

10 Dec 10 - 04:36 AM (#3050200)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Backwoodsman

It's impossible to get lost in the UK - it's too small, and there are squillions of signs. And we drive on the correct side of the road.   :-) :-)

10 Dec 10 - 08:39 AM (#3050291)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

So, every other country in the world where they drive on the RIGHT are wrong?

10 Dec 10 - 08:50 AM (#3050296)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Backwoodsman

It wuz a leg-pull, Kendall! :-) :-)

10 Dec 10 - 09:09 AM (#3050309)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

Australia, Malta (or do I mean Cyprus?), New Zealand, India, Japan etc etc.

10 Dec 10 - 09:22 AM (#3050315)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Keith A of Hertford

And Ireland.

10 Dec 10 - 09:32 AM (#3050321)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Backwoodsman

Cyprus is drive-on-the-left, John. Not sure abvout Malta.

10 Dec 10 - 01:40 PM (#3050489)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Backwoodsman, I know. First time I visited England I was thrilled to be able to drive at 70 mph on the wrong side of the road.

Actually, the PROPER side of the road is whatever side most others are driving on.

An old man was on the Maine turnpike when his daughter called him on his cell phone. She told him to be careful because the news report just said there was a crazy old fool going the wrong way on the turnpike. He said to her "What do you mean, A crazy fool? there are hundreds of them"!

10 Dec 10 - 02:05 PM (#3050505)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Cats

I hear that Micca spent last night in bed with Oliver.......

10 Dec 10 - 03:49 PM (#3050566)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: gnu

John... India? I did not know that. Didn't know about Japan either. Interesting.

10 Dec 10 - 07:17 PM (#3050668)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Hawker

In Bed with Oliver.......that would account for the limp! LOL

11 Dec 10 - 03:01 AM (#3050782)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Micca

We had a Fantastic day yesterday!!
We dined the previous evening at the local pub near Cats'place it involved a firstrate main course followed by a most unusual Creme Brúlee made with Sloe Whiskey and Honey!!! which was light, subtle and satisfying without being sweet and sickly. Then after a "crossing of the Car park" that was like an ice rink we came back here.
This morning friends of Cats came and we all went to Boscastle!! that looked so familiar after all the footage I had seen of the floods. and the Witchcraft Museum (which is closed for the winter) was opened for just us to get a Personally guided tour! this included the Library (not usually open to casual Visitors) and some good conversation, which continued in the Pub for lunch ( aREAL Cornish pub with beams and an open fire and locally produced food.
Then off to visit Hawker in her home and an afternoon of good conversation (as the only male present I did a LOT of listening) and all the while we were there a black cat slept on a cushion as if carved out of coal!! Then back to a relaxed evening of dinner then Folk on BBC 4 and a good nights sleep!!

11 Dec 10 - 05:18 AM (#3050824)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: katlaughing

Sounds wonderful!!!

11 Dec 10 - 05:45 AM (#3050840)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

Saturday morning and we all slept late after staying up late to watch the folk programmes on BBC4.

Yesterday was great - the Witchcraft Museum was fascinating, particularly being taken round by three people who really knew their stuff. We found a couple of little shops with bright shiny stuff that was really nice to look at, although nothing really jumped out and said 'buy me'. Spending the afternoon with Lucy (Hawker) in her cottage that is almost as old as Cats's house, was a real treat. Time passed very quickly, there seemed to be so much to talk about. We came back through the country lanes in the dark - glad I wasn't driving - to a wonderful meal and an evening of entertaining television.

We've eaten out twice, both times in lovely old pubs, and been served amazingly good food on both occasions. The evening meal on Thursday was beyond any expectation - all local grown food and wonderfully fresh. Heaven!

11 Dec 10 - 06:15 AM (#3050854)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Leadfingers

Cats local Pub is certainly a good place for a nosh ! Glad you are having fun - And when are you back in London area Jacqui ?

11 Dec 10 - 06:33 AM (#3050860)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Backwoodsman

LOL Kendall!

11 Dec 10 - 08:20 AM (#3050896)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Fortunato

Sounds like a great trip so far. I'm glad the gang is having such a good time.

Keep the travelogue coming, and pictures would be great.


11 Dec 10 - 08:28 AM (#3050900)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: GUEST,kendall

BAWWW! Sure, rub it in! I'm stuck here with a very depressed dog and my own cooking. Where are all my women friends now that I need them?

Becca came for dinner last night; we watched a DVD titled "Emmit Otter's Jug Band Christmas", as we have every Christmas since she was a little girl.
I feel sorry for anyone who has never met my little girl.

11 Dec 10 - 01:00 PM (#3051061)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

Kendall, should I feel sorry for you? I know what a good cook you are. Female company two evenings running isn't bad either - probably time you had a rest. :0)

A few photos to follow Chance, once we download them from Micca's camera.

Terry - I'll be back in London on Monday - hoping to get to Herga that evening, then up to Newark on Wednesday for a few days. Somewhere along the line I must meet up with Sarah The Flute and pass on her goodies. Too much fun, not enough time.

We spent the day getting lost in Callington and then took a drive out to Looe, where Micca picked up some blackberry liqueur and took a few photos. Came back down a one way lane that was JUST wide enough for the car and then down lots a windy little roads, uphill and down, most of the way back to Cats's house. It is certainly interesting driving the roads down here!

Tonight Cats has friends coming to join us for dinner, including a man I have wanted to meet for a while, Mike O'Connor. Should be a good evening.

11 Dec 10 - 01:46 PM (#3051090)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: gnu

Kendall... "I'm stuck here with a very depressed dog and my own cooking."

Feed Seamus some dog food if yer cookin is that bad.

11 Dec 10 - 02:07 PM (#3051099)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

Captain, you won't see me until the sniffles pass. Two weeks of coughing and making gross noises. Trust me - you don't want it.
But how is my puppy?
And who is this Oliver that Micca has taken to his bed?
Jacqui, did the shiny things dance, sing, ring or make any noise? Hard to believe you passed them up.

11 Dec 10 - 06:52 PM (#3051271)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

Jacqui - if you get to Herga on Monday, I not only can pick up the Captain's Elgin watch, but can also give you a CD to replace the one you passed on to Maeve and Truelove...

Hope you've had a great time with Mike O'Connor (and Tina).


11 Dec 10 - 08:10 PM (#3051332)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Leadfingers

Wont be at Herga - Tunes at Seven Stars = Possibly Windlesham on Tuesday !

11 Dec 10 - 08:29 PM (#3051339)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Cats

Sinsull, If I get a chance I'll get a pic of Oliver then you will see the attraction!

Narrow Lanes!! They weren't narrow, they'm be dual carriageways... two strips of tarmac with grass down the middle. You can get a car down so what's the problem... OK so you didn't meet the milk tanker or the odd tractor but makes it easy to back up. Anyway it helps to keep the sides of the car clean, the grass on the banks rub the dirt off.

11 Dec 10 - 08:42 PM (#3051348)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

We just spent a magical evening in the company of Cat's friend Dee and Mike and Tina O'Connor. Cats provided a wonderful meal, Micca put in superb wine and the company was just terrific.

Turns out that Dee and I lived in the same area at various times in our lives so we had a lot to talk about.

Mike sang Nelson for us, together with a couple of other songs and told us where he got the inspiration for some of his work. I am now the proud owner of a CD of his songs and a song book. Absolute heaven - the man is still a folk hero to me.

Sleep now and a busy day tomorrow.

Night all.

11 Dec 10 - 08:46 PM (#3051353)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Well, at least I got to talk to him. sniff

12 Dec 10 - 01:10 AM (#3051442)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Micca

Let me just clear something up, before some of you lot get overheated, Oliver is one of Cats' Moggies, and is not AT ALL my kind of pussy!!!
I was both astonished and delighted by Mr O'Connor and Tina, he has written several songs I had heard and the after (and during) Dinner conversation was sparkling and wide ranging, He sang some songs for us and we sang a few also and it was just the kind of evening you would hope for , Good Food (Roast Beef and the trimmings) Good wine(Vintage Cava, with blackberry liquer to make Kir Royale, Rioja)Followed by the nearest Jacqui could get to Key Lime pie,(she had to settle for a lemon and ordinary lime mix)but it Worked.
The whole trip has been wonderful, full of friendship and friends, some of whom we have only just met! Interesting places full of interesting things

12 Dec 10 - 01:14 AM (#3051444)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: KT

Mike O'Connor!! Splendid! See if you can get ahold of another of those CDs for your pal, KT! That man can write! I hope he sang the Best of Autumn for you!

Kendall, long live Emmett Otter! I had a very funny dream last night which had me laughing so hard (out loud) that I woke myself up! In the dream, Amos had a gig somewhere and a bunch of us were there to hear him. He opened the set with something from that movie! I think it was this one

12 Dec 10 - 04:10 AM (#3051575)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Cats

I'll see what I can do, KT. We will be with him tonight at Padstow for the Carols so I'll ring him and see if he can bring one over. No promises though.

12 Dec 10 - 06:17 AM (#3051625)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

That's my first meeting with Emmet Otter, and it's great fun. Thanks KT.

12 Dec 10 - 07:54 AM (#3051674)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Get the DVD and see the whole thing. It's one of my very favorites.

12 Dec 10 - 08:27 AM (#3051688)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

Only available in Region 1 {US} format. We're Region 2 here

13 Dec 10 - 03:02 AM (#3052263)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Micca

We are packing up etc. for the journey home after our (brief) sojourn in Cornwall, with many grateful thanks to our hostess and the lovely company we have enjoyed here.
Last night we went to Padstow for the Carols (They have their own versions like Sheffield!!) and Jacqui joined them in their trip around singing. Due to my bruised leg (suffics to say I fell over on my left side and it is a bit bruised) I stayed in a warm pub and drank coffee mostly. but I did hear some of the singing first,
Now its London and home.

13 Dec 10 - 05:45 AM (#3052312)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

Howdy Micca, how'd ya come ta hurt yer laig?

I didn't come ta hurt ma leg, I came ta hear the carols.

13 Dec 10 - 05:58 AM (#3052321)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Cats

Have to explain that the rest of the 'mostly' Micca was drinking was Hicks 125% Rum with a splash of shrub! Needless to say we sang all the way back in the car... I'm glad, glad, very, very glad.....

13 Dec 10 - 09:00 AM (#3052417)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Becca72


13 Dec 10 - 12:31 PM (#3052548)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Every morning since I was a boy when I awake there is always a song or tune running through my head. This time it was:

...pretty girls dancing to jug band music and a mess of Mama's barbecue.

13 Dec 10 - 12:37 PM (#3052554)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Becca72

According to one entry in Youtube you can go to and find Emmet Otter in its entirety.

13 Dec 10 - 12:38 PM (#3052555)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Becca72

sorry, that should be

13 Dec 10 - 12:51 PM (#3052569)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

Thanks Becca, but it wants me to download an application, which worries me somewhat.

13 Dec 10 - 01:43 PM (#3052614)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

John, you have to get out on the limb; that's where the fruit is!

13 Dec 10 - 02:11 PM (#3052640)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

I'm back in Hanworth, having taken Micca back to East London. Been fed a lovely meal by my son's fiance and am just going to set out for Herga.

Cornwall was lovely, as usual, but made even better by the hospitality we received during our stay.

Cats was the best hostess you could wish for and arranged for our days and nights to be filled with all sort of great activities. We had some outstanding meals and superb service from the various eating places we found.

Meeting Hawker on Friday and Mike and Tina O'Connor on Saturday was a real treat, Cats's friend Dee was a real hoot - a very funny lady. Being taken round the witchcraft museum by someone who really knew the exhibits was a real priviledge.

So much was packed into a few days, but it was great fun.

I've got a quiet day tomorrow - going out with Leadfingers tomorrow night to Bracknell - then it's up to Newark on Wednesday.

I'll try and put the few pictures I've taken on flickr tomorrow.

13 Dec 10 - 02:21 PM (#3052650)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: gnu

oooh... piccies! Yes please.

13 Dec 10 - 04:18 PM (#3052711)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: KT

Kendall, this is the first morning in three that I have awakened without that song in my head, thankyouverymuchindeed.
Jacqui, your adventures sound like SO much fun! I wanna go there!

13 Dec 10 - 05:31 PM (#3052753)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: My guru always said

KT, we want you here!!!!

Jacqui, glad you're back safe from those furrin parts, knew you'd have a fab time with Cats!

13 Dec 10 - 06:24 PM (#3052800)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

Very pleased to report that Jacqui came and sang 3 songs at Herga (even if/ especially as one was a parody that should have had her marching down to the cellar ...).

And I now have custody of Kendall's watch, but that's probably for the Kendall-watch thread!


13 Dec 10 - 07:23 PM (#3052852)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

If it is hopeless, just pack it off to me and I'll pay the cost.

13 Dec 10 - 08:37 PM (#3052892)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

It was a gift so I want to keep it even if it doesn't run.

13 Dec 10 - 11:04 PM (#3052983)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: KT

Okay, Kendall, you're in trouble now!

I have three words for you: messo'mama'sbarbe-
messo'mama's barbe-

Take that!

John, glad you like it!

Thanks, Hils! I might just have to make that happen!

Cats, THANK YOU! See PM.

14 Dec 10 - 04:55 AM (#3053096)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

I had a great time at Herga last night - interesting drive through West London there and back.

The parody was Gaudy Tree, which leaves certain words to the imagination of the audience and, to judge from the chuckles, no problem there!

It is so good to meet up with old friends again when I'm in the UK and to made to feel so welcome.

I'm probably meeting up with Sarah the Flute today to pass on some 'contraband' (don't know why Amazon wouldn't mail to her in the UK, but it gives a chance to meet another Mudcatter) and tonight Leadfingers is collecting me to go to Bracknell, another first for me.

14 Dec 10 - 05:27 AM (#3053118)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

BTW, Kitty, the parody was by Dead Horse - a couple of words were changed! You can find it Here.

14 Dec 10 - 09:30 AM (#3053253)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

So, let me get this right...first my wife runs off to Cornwall with some sailor, he comes back injured and all used up with some cock and bull story about falling off a chair, now she plans to run off with some musician? Be afraid sir, be very afraid.

14 Dec 10 - 02:56 PM (#3053508)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

Jacqui - oh thanks for that link to the words! I haven't seen/heard Dead Horse since he sang in the Horologist's singaround at Wimborne festival a few years ago, but will send a PM to thank him too!


14 Dec 10 - 03:15 PM (#3053516)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Becca72

Hey, KT...thanks for the ear worm! You gotta watch out where you're pointing those things!

14 Dec 10 - 04:11 PM (#3053555)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: GUEST,Tinker

Ohh... here I sit in a strange church office waiting for a tow truck after my second flat tire of the day... and I get to read all of these amazing adventures .... I want to go too.... please mum... can I go and play too....

14 Dec 10 - 04:22 PM (#3053564)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

Kendall - you realise that Jacqui's run off tonight with a banjo player... (though admittedly he plays whistles too!)?


14 Dec 10 - 08:00 PM (#3053673)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

OH! a banjo player! I don't get no respect.

14 Dec 10 - 08:46 PM (#3053702)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

I just decided that one way or another I am going to the UK in the spring. Unless I snuff it before then.
Right now I'm in excellent health, so stand by for a ram! That's a collision, not a male sheep.

14 Dec 10 - 08:49 PM (#3053705)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Could someone arrange to sing "Sing me a shanty" on the deck of VICTORY on my next birthday? What a gift that would be.

14 Dec 10 - 10:01 PM (#3053723)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Leadfingers

Kendall - Jacqui was returned safely to her son's house after doing an excellent floor spot at Windlesham (The Bracknell Folk Club) .
Claire Bear's Bee Song has a few more fans !

14 Dec 10 - 10:07 PM (#3053726)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: ClaireBear

Oh, what lovely news -- thanks, LF! And thank you, sister Jacqui!

14 Dec 10 - 10:55 PM (#3053738)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: KT

Oops, sorry 'bout that Becca! The thing about that particular ear worm is the voice that goes along with it. You can't hear it (or sing it for that matter) without the voice!

14 Dec 10 - 11:57 PM (#3053754)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Desert Dancer

Mention of Emmett Otter made me pull out the Christmas book box. I found the book second hand before we ever saw the Henson video. It's by Russell Hoban, with illustrations by Lillian Hoban, the team that brought us Frances (of Bread and Jam, Bedtime, etc.). click. Apparently a stage musical was written in 2008 and it shows up on YouTube.

~ Becky in Tucson, relurking now.

15 Dec 10 - 02:25 AM (#3053779)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

ClaireBear - Jacqui sang your Bee Song at Herga too, and we enjoyed joining in the chorus, thank you!


15 Dec 10 - 02:49 AM (#3053783)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: VirginiaTam

Hey Jacqui and Micca, any chance of you guys wandering over to Rochester Kent to the Good Intent (on John Street) Wassail Saturday 18 December or Sunday 19 December?

Starts noon thirty Saturday and runs to about dinner time and revs up again after dinner time and goes until staggering out time.

I think/hope Leadfingers is attending.

15 Dec 10 - 03:31 AM (#3053791)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

Don't think I will be able to make it VT. I head north to Newark today and my 'parents' AKA my son and daughter have decreed that I will stay n that part of the world until Boxing Day, as they reckon that bouncing back down south would not be sensible. I have a suspicion that my car keys might go missing if I try. :0)

Seriously though, it looks as if the weather could be bad, so I'll restrict my wandering to the general area. Hoping to get to Gainsborough on Friday if all goes well.

I really enjoyed Bracknell. Given the standard of the floor singers I felt priviledged to be given a chance to sing. The guest artistes, Soiree, were well worth the visit - beautiful voices and great guitar work. They even did The Lockkeeper, as good as Kendall's version in a different way.

I'm now sitting on the couch with my son's crazy dog ( half Staff Bull, half greyhound - go figure!) cuddling in and snoring beside me.

When I've finished with the computer I've got to pack the bags and head round the M25 and A1 to Newark!

15 Dec 10 - 03:43 AM (#3053797)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Micca

VT, would love to, but a slight problem, apart from the limp that can't make its mind up whether walking or rest is best!! the sorta 'flu that went into abeyence while I was in Cornwall came back with a vengence once I stopped moving and two hours after Jacqui dropped me at home my Temperature was over 100 and I was sweating and shivering and for the next day until now I have oscillated between that an Normal, the "intestinal fast track" has also kicked in so the Porcelain is being kept close,and a Good book available in there, even tho' I need to go shopping for essentials Maybe later today a trip out will happen, Thank Heavens for a Good Public Transport system!!!

15 Dec 10 - 09:23 AM (#3053977)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Jacqui, I believe that's Bull Mastiff. Get some rest. :-)

15 Dec 10 - 11:33 AM (#3054065)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: My guru always said

Wish I could have got to Bracknell last night to see you jacqui, sounds like you had a Fab Time! But alas, the builders are in & Old Keepers is more chaotic than usual. Might have a conservatory soon *grin*

Safe journeys Honey & might see you before you venture across the pond. Keep warm & safe!!!

15 Dec 10 - 06:04 PM (#3054295)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

Kendall - Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

15 Dec 10 - 06:09 PM (#3054300)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

More info about Soiree here ! I managed to catch a bit of Sue and Hector's set at Bedworth last month...


15 Dec 10 - 07:05 PM (#3054358)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

Staff bull is what they throw at some corporate meetings.

That song is "Carrying Nelson Home", Captain, and a very good one.

Wait until I tell Seamus that Jacqui has been cuddling with a Staff Bull. LOL He may need paper training again when you get back.


16 Dec 10 - 07:03 PM (#3055160)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK


16 Dec 10 - 09:59 PM (#3055269)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: katlaughing

Good to see you back among the living, Sins. Miccadarlin'...hope you now feel better than you sounded earlier today!:-)

Stay safe, well and warm, jacqui!

17 Dec 10 - 07:53 PM (#3056020)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

The big yellow dog is here at Aunt Mary's pretending for all it's worth that he can't go up or down stairs, in or out of cars, SIGH! I may have to kill him.
Had a lovely Pot Pie with the Captain who is looking well. He too is celebrating the storm's turn to the east. We were expecting a Nor'easter.
Got a card from Sharon. Thank you! And Merry Christmas!

18 Dec 10 - 09:47 AM (#3056386)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

First my wife, now my dog...touch my remote and die!

18 Dec 10 - 12:23 PM (#3056472)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Backwoodsman

jacqui found her way to Gainsborough Folk Club last evening. Good to see you again jacqui - bring Da Man next time, eh?

18 Dec 10 - 12:27 PM (#3056475)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Next spring I am coming to England.

18 Dec 10 - 12:37 PM (#3056492)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: My guru always said

Dates, kendall! We need dates!!! My diary is ready and waiting. Might you be around for Easter???

Is the leather jacket listed under hazardous materials for aircraft travel?

18 Dec 10 - 01:08 PM (#3056515)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

It's hazardous to females, Hils, and unfair to other men.
He's enough competition without the enhancement of cured animal hides.
Ban the jacket from the UK :)

18 Dec 10 - 01:15 PM (#3056519)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

Seamus has a new trick - he won't go out the door or back in the house without his leash on. I think he is pulling my chain as I pull his leash. Lots of pathetic worn out acting until the dogs next door came out - then he was a puppy again.
I really may have to kill him.

18 Dec 10 - 02:32 PM (#3056583)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Too early for exact dates but I want to stand on the poop deck of HMS VICTORY on my birthday, May 10th and hear someone sing Carrying Nelson Home. I tear up just thinking of it.
Sorry, I'm having a rough day.

18 Dec 10 - 02:39 PM (#3056590)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

The Cap'n popped up onto the poop deck, pooped, and popped back down again!

18 Dec 10 - 02:40 PM (#3056594)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

That Irish blessing thread got to me.

18 Dec 10 - 05:55 PM (#3056724)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Cats

Kendall - Can't promise it will be on the poop deck of the Victory but I will get Mike O'Connor to sing Carrying Nelson Home for you.

Jacqui - are you missing pink and white fluffy bedsocks?

18 Dec 10 - 05:58 PM (#3056728)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

As I posted on the Kendall-watch thread, - just hoping we can get your watch back to you for your birthday, and that it will be on board Victory!


18 Dec 10 - 05:59 PM (#3056730)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

113 on both threads now...


18 Dec 10 - 06:59 PM (#3056771)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

I wonder if I could afford to pay him to sing on the VICTORY?

19 Dec 10 - 05:28 AM (#3057011)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

Cats - no - fluffy pink and white don't sound familiar. Have you checked with Micca? :0)

Gainsborough turned out to be quite an adventure - my car refused to start afterward, even with the use of jumpleads. Luckily Mike and Sue were able to offer me a bed for the night and got me back to the car the next morning, when it started without any problem! It's due to be checked over at the garage on Tuesday and, in the meantime, I'm grounded insofar as distance travel is concerned (my 'mother' has decided that it would not be sensible). That means that I will not be able to visit with a couple of friends I had been hoping to catch up with, but I suppose it's sensible.

I spent a good day yesterday shopping for presents with Lewis - we always buy something for Mummy and Daddy - then helping him with his Space project for school and watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It is good to be able to spend the time with him and that he wants my company at the advanced age of ten!

20 Dec 10 - 01:12 AM (#3057619)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Ebbie

To ze top.

20 Dec 10 - 08:19 AM (#3057743)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

BBC news shows really heavy snow, closed airports, etc. Will we see you before the New Year? Or will you be grounded literally?

20 Dec 10 - 09:18 AM (#3057767)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

People who have had their flights cancelled, are beingn quoted 25th and 26th as the earliest re-booking dates, to the US. Don't know how things stand with pre existing booked flights. I assume they go on schedule, if the conditions allow.
Some guy on the radio this morning said he couldn't get near the check-in desk, because of all the people off cancelled flights blocking the place up.

20 Dec 10 - 02:56 PM (#3057968)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

I'm hoping that, by the time I go back, that flights will be back on schedule. My son tells me that right now no passengers are being allowed into the terminals at Heathrow unless they have booked in on line, thus being told that their flights will be tasking off. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, anyway.

Today I went to visit Leadfinger's mum, Mary. She will be 95 on Christmas Eve and isn't very mobile after a fall a while back. She is an amazing lady, still cheerful in spite of being housebound and in some pain from sciatica. I try to visit with her whenever I'm here - she always makes me laugh. If you have any spare good thoughts it would be nice to send them her way right now.

I wish that I had taken a camera with me today. We had freezing fog and temperatures below freezing and all the trees were white with frost. Against a grey sky the tracery of the branches and twigs was beautiful. Camera will stay in my bag from now on.

20 Dec 10 - 04:16 PM (#3058011)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Leadfingers

First thing My Old Mum said when I phoned this evening was " What a Wonderful afternoon" - She REALLY enjoyed Jacqui's visit ! Thanks Jacqui !!

21 Dec 10 - 11:30 AM (#3058588)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: My guru always said

Weather forcasts are saying more snow tonight for the Midlands. Keep safe & warm jacqui!!

21 Dec 10 - 03:54 PM (#3058826)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Fortunato

Where's the Micca, then, can he see over the drifts?

22 Dec 10 - 05:41 AM (#3059173)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

Chance - Micca's in East London, a bit further south than where I am. Hopefully he's snug and warm at home, although I think he will have to brave the weather in a couple of days time to head for Christmas with MGAS.

Right now I'm staying warm and cosy - being chauffered around when I need to go out as my car is now at the garage being checked out.

22 Dec 10 - 11:52 AM (#3059370)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Jacqui, I got our car back, all fixed and no bill.

22 Dec 10 - 12:16 PM (#3059383)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

Well it's a car, not a duck!

22 Dec 10 - 01:42 PM (#3059448)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

MacKenzie! CELLAR!

22 Dec 10 - 02:04 PM (#3059460)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

I'll do the jokes.

22 Dec 10 - 02:07 PM (#3059465)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: gnu

Good one John!

22 Dec 10 - 04:19 PM (#3059550)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

You can join him, gnu. That was pathetic.

22 Dec 10 - 04:46 PM (#3059569)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

The sun's down in Portland, I can always tell

22 Dec 10 - 05:14 PM (#3059579)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Jeri

Full moon, too.

22 Dec 10 - 05:19 PM (#3059582)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie


22 Dec 10 - 06:57 PM (#3059651)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

I think Jeri was referring to her colonoscopy, John.

22 Dec 10 - 07:29 PM (#3059664)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

The joint is full of comics today.

23 Dec 10 - 05:30 AM (#3059869)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

Got my car back - £75 to sort out a loose connection!

23 Dec 10 - 05:38 AM (#3059874)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

That was Micca's fault too.
He's a louche connection, if ever I met one :)

23 Dec 10 - 02:54 PM (#3060202)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

Jacqui - but you drove the car back, so it is going....?


23 Dec 10 - 03:10 PM (#3060214)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

I wish I had been there. Becca had the same problem and I fixed it for free.

24 Dec 10 - 02:46 PM (#3060807)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: gnu

How much were the ear muffs, Kendall?


24 Dec 10 - 05:49 PM (#3060869)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

Kitty - it was an intermittent fault, bought on by extreme cold. If it had not been for the kindness of Sooz and her husband I would have been in real trouble on Friday night, late.

Anyway, I think it's fixed now and only one more long drive to do to Hanworth on Sunday.

24 Dec 10 - 08:05 PM (#3060915)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Real cold? the UK aint never seen real cold, but when the gulf stream stops running you will.

24 Dec 10 - 09:23 PM (#3060935)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

Spoke with both Jacqui and Micca today. She is well and celebrating Christmas with Sharon, Steve and Lewis. Micca is less than well (we did a chorus of We Three Kings in harmonic coughs) but happily celebrating the day with Hils and Richard.
I am miserable. F#@$#in cough won't quit. Grumble. My whole office sounds like a TB ward. No infection or fever just a persistent nasty cough.
At Hils' suggestion I am trying hot toddies. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

24 Dec 10 - 09:29 PM (#3060937)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: katlaughing


I missed his call and he didn't have my mobile number with him, so I figured he'd made it out to MGAS. That's good to know. I didn't like the idea of him sitting there in the cold, alone for Christmas. Good to know Jacqui is all toasty, too.

Now, Marigold, what are we gonna do for you?! Heal up, woman!:-)


25 Dec 10 - 01:32 AM (#3060996)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: KT

Hello, Micca......I'm waiting.......And I want to know what you did during the lunar eclipse. Sal and I took you with us down to the ocean.

25 Dec 10 - 04:20 AM (#3061022)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Micca

Well, I made it to Hils and Richards after a bit of a Saga journey that involved a power failure on the signillang on the raiway, which meant being dumped uncermoniously off the train at Raynes Park ,( sheesh, Raynes Park, a bit like being dumped off at Dover on the Downeaster) and had to wait for a train , Freezing cold and damp , of course,( supplied free of charge by your friendly Rail company) I finally arrived about 2 hours late. But are we downhearted? No!!Hell No!! we are where we shold be with Good Friends whose value is above Rubies and comfortable ensconced in Hils Living room picture window watching the birds, (Robins, Blackbirds Gold Finches, Squirrels,and more Tits than the Folies Bergere) drinking Good Coffee and relaxing,
Happy Christmas everyone
Micca , News at Ten, Leatherhead

25 Dec 10 - 04:57 AM (#3061039)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

Glad you got there Micca - I was a bit concerned about whether you would make it. Being alone for Christmas isn't fun!

Kat - I'll sort our Mary out when I get back home. Lots of chicken soup may help.

We've just opened presents - Lewis got very spoiled (again), but we all got some nice goodies. We're having a quiet day, just the four of us, and I'll be phoning Kendall and Mary later for a chat.

25 Dec 10 - 08:47 AM (#3061097)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

...all alone am I ever since your goodby, all alone with just the beat of my heart; people all around but I don't hear a sound, just the lonely beating of my heart...sniff.

28 Dec 10 - 01:23 PM (#3062667)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Herga Kitty

I think Jacqui should be reappearing in Maine, soon...?


28 Dec 10 - 02:10 PM (#3062698)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: VirginiaTam

Kendall, you are a lovely old romantic softie. And Jacqui so nice and thoughtful You two must be perfect match.

28 Dec 10 - 02:15 PM (#3062702)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Becca72

Dearest wicked step mummy, are you going to be able to make it back home today??

28 Dec 10 - 02:47 PM (#3062719)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie

The broomstick has been freshly overhauled :)

28 Dec 10 - 03:46 PM (#3062757)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Micca

Checked flight info this morning, then called Jacqui, she was already at Heathrow and everything was at "Go" for a 14.40 takeoff, so she should be close to Boston Logan soon.

28 Dec 10 - 03:52 PM (#3062767)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

So how's Seamus, Captain?

28 Dec 10 - 03:53 PM (#3062769)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

And since when do you quote sappy Brenda Lee rock lyrics? You haven't been into the scotch, have you?

28 Dec 10 - 03:53 PM (#3062770)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: Becca72

LOL, John. You don't want to know where she's going to put that broomstick because of that comment...

28 Dec 10 - 03:54 PM (#3062772)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: ClaireBear

Leaving a slightly anticipatory "Welcome home!!!" for my dear friend Jacqui.

28 Dec 10 - 07:14 PM (#3062926)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Simple I was feeling sappy.

Jacqui just called me; shes on the coach headed for Portland.

28 Dec 10 - 07:15 PM (#3062929)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: artbrooks

Glad to hear it!

28 Dec 10 - 07:32 PM (#3062944)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK

And now for a rousing chorus of
"Rolling home
Rolling home across the sea
Rolling home to old New England
Rolling home dear land to thee."

28 Dec 10 - 07:46 PM (#3062952)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: maeve

Welcome (nearly) home, Jacqui. Cheering on your behalf, Kendall.

28 Dec 10 - 09:57 PM (#3063013)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: katlaughing

Oh good! We weren't sure if she'd be able to land in Boston.

28 Dec 10 - 10:41 PM (#3063030)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

She is now basking in the luxury of her bed with a cup of tea and a book. She will be asleep within 10 minutes I bet.

28 Dec 10 - 10:43 PM (#3063032)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: katlaughing

Ah, if humans could purr, I'll bet you'd be a'rumble:-)

29 Dec 10 - 05:38 AM (#3063154)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: My guru always said

So glad Jacqui managed to get home safely, we were worried what with all the flight cancellations. Glad you're back together again & thanks for lending her to us!!!

29 Dec 10 - 11:45 AM (#3063280)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall

Next spring you get two for one.

29 Dec 10 - 12:19 PM (#3063288)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: John MacKenzie


29 Dec 10 - 02:43 PM (#3063367)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: kendall


29 Dec 10 - 02:51 PM (#3063370)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: ClaireBear

BOGOF = "Buy one get one free" in UK English. Sounds a lot like "Bug off/Sod off" though, doesn't it? Don't worry, Kendall, you are loved.

It is usually abbreviated as BOGO in U.S. English. Sounds like a certain possum.

29 Dec 10 - 04:09 PM (#3063418)
Subject: RE: BS: jacqui.c & Micca getting lost in the UK
From: jacqui.c

The Limey has landed. It was so good to sleep in my own bed last night and to get lots of hugs from the Cap'n.

The flight problems of the last few days actually had a silver lining for me. I got bumped up to Upper Class - the plane was FULL and I think my seat went to someone who couldn't fly the day before. Champagne before takeoff, good Chardonnay while in the air, food served on china plates and even a foot rest and a duvet that allowed me to nap part of the way back. Now I need a lottery win so that I can fly that way every time.

Unlike Heathrow, where it takes forever to get through passport control and baggage the time form touchdown to exiting the airport was about 30 minutes and that meant that I caught an earlier bus than expected and got me home earlier.

I loved my time in the UK. I have two wonderful kids, both of whom have lovely partners and it is a joy to spend time with my grandbabies. It is nice, however, to get back home after a while.

Next week we're away for a couple of weeks, heading for Florida but taking in visits with various friends on the way there and back.

Right now I have to start looking at air fares for a Spring break to the UK for the Cap'n and me. I WILL prise the remote out of his hand and get him on the plane!