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Pre-Radio Show Requests From Max

01 Sep 99 - 05:39 PM (#110496)
Subject: Pre-Radio Show Requests From Max
From: Max

Hi all. My team and I have been frantically getting ready for our show tonight, but our time has been consumed with technical preparation rather than content prep. So I'm gonna ask yall to help.

Anyone got any questions for Sandy Paton?

What's on (what kind of folk stuff is going down around the world like festivals and gatherings and sings and such).

News from around the world anyone?

Any how, just post some stuff here if you feel like contributing. I'll be looking here as the show goes along. Thanks.

01 Sep 99 - 05:45 PM (#110498)
Subject: RE: Pre-Radio Show Requests From Max
From: Sandy Paton

Go easy on me, guys. I worked all night last night getting some graphics stuff onto a Zip to go off to the printer today. I'm zonked!


01 Sep 99 - 05:47 PM (#110499)
Subject: RE: Pre-Radio Show Requests From Max
From: katlaughing

Here's one, from a novice, for Sandy: from what I've read in the threads, you brought the song, Wild Mountain Thyme, to the United States. Please tell us how you found it and came to bring it back.

How did he and Caroline meet?

Also, don't know if you saw this or want to use it. It was in another thread:

Report from ole' Wyomin': a herd of jackalope were spotted, ranging around the small-sized Cleigh O'Possum, the other night near Chugwater, Wyoming. It is thought that Mr. O'Possum mistook the name of the town for a watering hole for thirsty marsupials, when it really just was an old Native American name describing the sound of water running through a "crick".

It is believed, by animal behaviorists, that the jackalopes, with their horned heads, were trying to protect their diminutive relative from guard dogs from nearby ranches.

Like St. Nicholas, Mr. O'Possum seems to have the ability to appear in many places at the same time. How this is possible is open for speculation. Theories abound, including teleportation, cloning, and astral travel. Perhaps the only one who can clarify this mystery, besides Mr. O'Possum, is his adopted father, 'Spaw, who apparently is just as in the dark as everyone else on this issue.

This just in: it seems Mr. O'Possum, with the aid of the jackalope herd, was able to quench his thirst at the Dew Drop Inn in Powder River, Wyoming and is continuing on his travels. As nocturnal as he is, these sitings are considered phenonmenal in their clarity and there can be no doubt of the personage seen.


Break a leg!


01 Sep 99 - 06:16 PM (#110507)
Subject: RE: Pre-Radio Show Requests From Max
From: Jeri

I, too, am interested in the history of this Wild Mountain Thyme, believed by many to be an old traditional one. I've heard a story that Francis McPeak wrote it because he'd heard Braes of Balquidder, but couldn't remember the words. (Major lyric creep.) Do you know if this is true?

I'd like to hear about your dark past - how you got started collecting, what it was like, and maybe some stories about interesting people or things that happened.

01 Sep 99 - 06:29 PM (#110513)
Subject: RE: Pre-Radio Show Requests From Max
From: TraxxCollector

Check out this site for a cool upcoming festival in upstate NY

Good luck on the Radio show

01 Sep 99 - 06:45 PM (#110515)
Subject: RE: Pre-Radio Show Requests From Max
From: Alan of Australia

The Aussies are ready & waiting for the show, net congestion permitting.

News:Big event approaching - The Western Suburbs Folk Music Club presents The Cursed Toongabbie Folk Festival on the 8th & 9th of October. All Mudcatters welcome.

Aussies will recognize the source of the name:
From the song "Moreton Bay"

I've been a prisoner at Port MacQuarie
At Norfolk Island and Emu Plains
At Castle Hill and cursed Toongabbie
At all those settlements I've walked in chains.

The last three locations are within a 1/2 hour drive from here.


01 Sep 99 - 06:58 PM (#110519)
Subject: RE: Pre-Radio Show Requests From Max
From: Guy Wolff

Hello All. Will someone tell me how you set this thing up to hear a RAdio show???. I know Max and gang are way to busy to explain but dose anyone else understand how to get that to work. I've tryed clicking on the show button and got a nice folder saying "live ram" when I click on it my Imac says this folder starts %qpdf and will not open.????? Any ideas??Yours Guy