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Obit: Fred Hargesheimer, WWII Pilot

24 Dec 10 - 12:49 PM (#3060756)
Subject: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer
From: JohnInKansas

While I don't know of any songs written about him, he is pretty much a folk person who probably deserves one, so maybe someone here will find material for something.

Fred Hargesheimer Obit

Fred was a WWII pilot who was shot down on a recon mission over New Guinea, and was rescued by natives there. Some years later, he scraped together enough funds to return and contract for building of the island's first school, and later helped them with a clinic and other "civilizations."

The name was familiar to me from a fairly recent article that I believe I saw in Smithsonian Magazine within the past year, but I wasn't able to find that one immediately.

The obitiuary above links to an article, Mastah Preddi, that gives some detail similar to what was in the Smithsonian article.

Another version is in a disappointingly brief pdf that appears to be "autobiographical" by Fred at The Story of Fred Hargesheimer and includes some additional information that was in the Smithsonian story, although the two together don't give quite all the details.

If nothing musical is inspired, we also have those interested in recent history - especially wartime stuff - who should know this story.


25 Dec 10 - 05:08 AM (#3061044)
Subject: RE: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer
From: gnu

Quite a guy! RIP.

25 Dec 10 - 09:57 AM (#3061113)
Subject: RE: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer, WWII Pilot
From: Charley Noble

He certainly gave back to the community that rescued him after he was shot down over New Britain. It's a great story.

Charley Noble

26 Dec 10 - 03:38 AM (#3061371)
Subject: RE: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer, WWII Pilot
From: alanabit

It's a good story, worth knowing. Thanks for posting John.

26 Dec 10 - 06:42 AM (#3061404)
Subject: RE: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer, WWII Pilot
From: Brian May

I just read about it on an aviation website - very impressive.

Nice to see things like this reported instead of just the negative stuff.

27 Dec 10 - 05:54 AM (#3061858)
Subject: RE: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer, WWII Pilot
From: GUEST,Alan whittle

A most inspiring story. Don't you think he should have some great posthumous honour conferred upon him - just to tell his family that we appreciated what he did with his life?

I can think of many less deserved honours.

We hear so much of 'celebrities'. These are the sort of lives that we should be celebrating and holding up to our children as an example of the heights that the human spirit can rise to.

27 Dec 10 - 06:09 AM (#3061863)
Subject: RE: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer, WWII Pilot
From: Brian May

Ah yes, but that would be a genuine gesture which has no place in the culture of honours for those who already have too much - no reflected glory.

This guy was inspirational, because he was REAL.

RIP sir, I wouldn't want you tarnished by those called 'celebrities'.

But that's only my opinion.

27 Dec 10 - 11:31 AM (#3061973)
Subject: RE: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer, WWII Pilot
From: skipy

RIP Sir.

27 Dec 10 - 11:36 AM (#3061976)
Subject: RE: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer, WWII Pilot
From: Mrrzy

Neat-O. Definitely a Song Challenge.

His name pronounced hargess heimer?

27 Dec 10 - 04:21 PM (#3062140)
Subject: RE: Obit: Fred Hargesheimer, WWII Pilot
From: GUEST,jeff

Humbling. He just went about the business of doing it. May a made for TV version NEVER come into existance. RIP, Mr. Hargesheimer.