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BS: What sign are you... now?

13 Jan 11 - 02:54 PM (#3073854)
Subject: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: gnu

I was a Pisces... the fish... a sucker maybe. I'd prefer being a Steelhead or a Brilliant Salmon, of course.

But, now, I am an Aquarius.

13 Jan 11 - 02:59 PM (#3073857)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: gnu

Hmmmm... or am I bi?

Aquarius is an air sign so maybe I am now an airhead?

13 Jan 11 - 03:19 PM (#3073873)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: gnomad

We don't get this (us always being Gemini an'all) How do you get to be two? Have you gone and got yourself an extra birthday?

13 Jan 11 - 03:23 PM (#3073874)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: katlaughing

Myself and three sisters are all Aries, now, with a Pisces mom and Taurus dad. IF this were true, I, and two of my sisters, would be swimming with our mother and the sister I feel I am most like would be raging with my dad! Makes no sense! I have sent an urgent plea to my brother and girlfriend, both of whom are actually well-versed in this. (So WHY didn't they tell me all these years?!LOL.) Thanks for tilting my world, gnu!:-)

13 Jan 11 - 03:59 PM (#3073892)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Beer

No frigging way man! I have acquired rights. I am a Cancer and will remain as such. No way I'm going to be a Gemini. Apologies to all Gemini friends.

13 Jan 11 - 04:02 PM (#3073894)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Rapparee

I was an Aquarius but now I'm a "Closed For Repairs".

13 Jan 11 - 04:03 PM (#3073895)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Becca72

I have always been an Aquarius and the description fits me too well to bother switching to Capricor, as this study suggested.

13 Jan 11 - 04:16 PM (#3073902)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Becca72

Of course that should read "Capricorn" but I'm an Aquarius and we don't like to admit mistakes. :-)

13 Jan 11 - 04:20 PM (#3073904)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Mrs.Duck

As a Virgo I am highly sceptical about astrology!

13 Jan 11 - 04:37 PM (#3073914)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Amos

AHA!! Thanks, Good Gnu. I have always chafed under Virgo's sign, and now find I have been a Leo all along!! I could have toldja that!! I am so relieved!!

(By the way, it is well established that the plural of Gnu is Gnus, and Good Gnus are No News).


13 Jan 11 - 04:46 PM (#3073923)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: gnomad

Aah, should've followed the link. Evidently one of me is now a Taurus, but which one, and where does the other one fit in?

13 Jan 11 - 04:57 PM (#3073929)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Jeri

Hey--I got a new sign! I'm an Ophiuchus, and it's a bit weird, but I've been called worse. I guess I've always been an Ophiuchus. Is this pronounced "Oh, fie--you choose" or is it more like "Oh-fee-YOU-cuss?

13 Jan 11 - 04:59 PM (#3073931)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: artbrooks

I used to be a Yield sign but, at my age, I'm more of a Stop.

13 Jan 11 - 05:08 PM (#3073936)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Bill D

From the cusp of Taurus to the middle of Taurus.....what kinda progress is THAT?

I think this is mine

13 Jan 11 - 05:17 PM (#3073944)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Gurney

I'm sitting under a sign that says 'Congratulations! You have now officially passed middle age!'

But I think that the answer you want is Leo.

13 Jan 11 - 06:47 PM (#3074014)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: michaelr

I used to be an Asparagus but now I'm a Feces.

13 Jan 11 - 06:58 PM (#3074022)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: katlaughing

I dunno, Jeri...yours is kinda funny sounding...brought me to the point of cold shivers!

13 Jan 11 - 07:10 PM (#3074029)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: jacqui.c

I'm still a Leo. Couldn't really be anything else.

13 Jan 11 - 07:12 PM (#3074031)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Smokey.

We Capricorns don't believe in all that nonsense.

13 Jan 11 - 07:48 PM (#3074064)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: kendall

We Taurus types are also skeptical.

13 Jan 11 - 07:53 PM (#3074067)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Slag

Red Cross/DNR, please

13 Jan 11 - 08:10 PM (#3074076)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Bill D

I'll bet we would find as many skeptics in every 'sign'.... people just remember what agrees with their expectations

13 Jan 11 - 08:19 PM (#3074086)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: michaelr

There is no astrological evidence that science is anything but a medieval superstition.

13 Jan 11 - 08:31 PM (#3074091)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Steve Shaw

I've often been cast as a pollock.

13 Jan 11 - 10:06 PM (#3074148)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

I've been two signs....a Stop Sign, and a Yield Sign.....but then, again sometimes 'Dangerous Curves Ahead'....


13 Jan 11 - 10:18 PM (#3074150)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: mousethief

I started an Ox and I'm still an Ox.

13 Jan 11 - 10:31 PM (#3074156)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: katlaughing

Dare I post THIS LINK and wait for BillD to rip it to shreds or for Little Hawk to defend it? It is definitely written on a bias, but there are some interesting points made, imo. Have fun!

13 Jan 11 - 11:21 PM (#3074172)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: JohnInKansas

I saw the first-cited article elsewhere, but didn't think it was interesting enough to merit a discussion.

No competent "caster" since publication of the 1920 USNO Ephemeris would have done a chart for you except by consulting the information in the Ephemeris that gives the concise and accurate locations of all of the astrologically significant bodies at the precise time and place of the person's birth.

The "authority" who wrote the "report" apparently thinks people only consult the calendar, and ignores the much more significant "changes in sign" that result with longitudinal (and to lesser extent latitudinal) differences resulting from differing places of birth.

He essentially says that nobody (except him) has paid any attention to where the atronomical bodies of influence actually are in casting and charting horoscopes, when in fact the competent ones apparently know a lot more about the subject he claims to know than he does, and obviously he knows nothing about their businesses.

Astrologers have known for centuries that when one hurls bullshit it must be aligned and aimed with excruciatingly precise accuracy based on exact knowledge of all the proper and most current elevations and windages.


13 Jan 11 - 11:46 PM (#3074179)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: ChanteyLass

Uh-oh. I was a Libra. Now I'm a Virgo. Do I have to stop supporting peace and social justice causes?

14 Jan 11 - 01:20 AM (#3074196)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: JohnInKansas

Uh-oh. I was a Libra. Now I'm a Virgo. Do I have to stop supporting peace and social justice causes?

No big change, since as a Libra you had your internal battles over what to clean first, and now as a Virgo you can't clean anything because Virgo mustn't get her hands dirty.

(Or so I was told once when a Virgo and Libra were trying to get me to take sides in their debate.)


14 Jan 11 - 01:22 AM (#3074197)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

ChanteyLass: "Uh-oh. I was a Libra. Now I'm a Virgo. Do I have to stop supporting peace and social justice causes?"

..and while you're at it, you can change your name from, 'ChanteyLass' to 'ChastityAss'.........................(wink!)


14 Jan 11 - 01:47 AM (#3074203)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Donuel

but now I'm YIELD

14 Jan 11 - 05:06 AM (#3074259)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: GUEST,Patsy

Sagitarrian the Archer ptwang!!

14 Jan 11 - 05:41 AM (#3074280)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: David C. Carter

Same as Patsy...signwise that is.

Ptwang's the Thang

14 Jan 11 - 05:52 AM (#3074286)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: GUEST,Eliza

I was a Libra, luxury-loving, artistic, sensual and always seeking love.
Now, I'm a horrid uptight perfectionist old Virgo, nit-picking, inhibited and cold.
This is NOT good news!!

14 Jan 11 - 06:23 AM (#3074298)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: JennieG

Ooohhhhh.....all my life I thought I was Taurus and while being bull-headed is not glamorous, it does sum me they tell me I'm Aries. I don't want to be Aries, I want to stay Taurus.


14 Jan 11 - 06:44 AM (#3074308)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: JohnInKansas

JennieG -

You must IMMEDIATELY stop propogating that malicious fallacy that Taurians are stubborn.

Taurus is simply patient enough to wait until everybody else figures out that we were RIGHT in the first place.

John (patient and tolerant)

14 Jan 11 - 07:34 AM (#3074333)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Ed T

but now I'm YIELD ""

Now you should stop.:)

14 Jan 11 - 07:51 AM (#3074342)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: GUEST,kendall

I am a Taurus, I am not stubborn, I have firm opinions. Others are stubborn and pig headed.

Now for the truth. That whole concept is rubbish. In ancient Egypt they worshiped Cats. In India, cattle are sacred, Malaysia it's Monkeys.
Give me a break; it's the 21st century.

14 Jan 11 - 07:59 AM (#3074344)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Anne Lister

If the descriptions fit, why not attach the descriptions to the revised names? So from here on a Piscean will have all the attributes of an Aries.
Well, it works for me.

14 Jan 11 - 08:58 AM (#3074389)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?


14 Jan 11 - 09:33 AM (#3074405)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Becca72

Some of us still worship cats....

14 Jan 11 - 09:41 AM (#3074410)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Keith A of Hertford

If you believe in astrology, you must believe that knowledge and understanding of it evolves and improves, as with any branch of "science"

The change in the plane of the ecliptic has taken place very gradually over the centuries, and the effect taken into account.
You can be quite certain that horoscopes are as accurate now as they have ever been.

14 Jan 11 - 02:11 PM (#3074609)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Gurney

Never quite understood why astrology is so cut-and-dried about itself. why should it be the planets and not the season, or the weather. Why should it be at birth and not at conception, or at a foetal development stage.
And why should it be pre-ordained and not a psychologic conditioning "You are Aries, so you are likely to...."

Sounds suspiciously like religeon to me! "No-one can explain it, so here is a superstition to be going on with."

Ducks, exits left :-)

14 Jan 11 - 02:46 PM (#3074636)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Smedley

Years of being a reliable, plodding goat are over. (I read an astrology book once that gave parts of the body to each astro sign - us goats got knees and shins - come on, be fair, how rubbish is getting SHINS??) But no I am a Saggitarius - hoorah!

14 Jan 11 - 02:47 PM (#3074637)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Georgiansilver

The thought that horoscopes can predict what will happen to each twelfth of the population on a daily basis is totally alien to me....... It's worse than a religion.

14 Jan 11 - 03:10 PM (#3074648)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: gnu

Hey, religion sells tickets, even if aliens are involved. Ask Tom Cruise. He's a Space Cadet if there ever was one. Of course, the Scathingtologists also had great (?) dancing. Ask John Revolta.

14 Jan 11 - 07:04 PM (#3074771)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: maple_leaf_boy
This blog explains how the signs have not changed. Yet, I say that
Ophiuchus should still be brought back into usage. I already knew
about the thirteenth sign, and I think that it should have never been

15 Jan 11 - 01:06 AM (#3074933)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Slag

Right you are Maple Leaf Blower! Most folks do not know that Ophiuchus tags the Zodiac and is therefore a member of the band, that old snake charmer himself! Is it his hobby of playing with snakes that got him banned or just that Astrologers tend to be a little superstitious or have trideskaphobia?

15 Jan 11 - 03:38 AM (#3074980)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you - now?
From: Genie

Is there such a thing as a born-again Virgo?

Or, can you regain your Virgo once you've been Leo'd?

And if you're no longer a Virgo, is your new sign Viagra?

15 Jan 11 - 03:44 AM (#3074983)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

GUEST,Eliza: "I was a Libra, luxury-loving, artistic, sensual and always seeking love.
Now, I'm a horrid uptight perfectionist old Virgo, nit-picking, inhibited and cold.
This is NOT good news!!"

Naw, its an easy need to get laid!


15 Jan 11 - 06:38 AM (#3075025)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: JHW

All these years I've had to be nice to everybody because I'm Libra and I needn't have bothered

15 Jan 11 - 09:17 AM (#3075082)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Mr Happy

I observe that if the letters in the name of the 12th Zodiac sign, Ophiuchus, are re-arranged, it becomes 'hocus up hi'

15 Jan 11 - 12:45 PM (#3075200)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Lonesome EJ

Funniest thing is all the comments on the web page from people complaining that they now have the wrong tattoo. Any body who believes this stuff deserves to have Moron tattooed right below their horoscope sign, anyway.

15 Jan 11 - 01:06 PM (#3075210)
Subject: RE: BS: What sign are you... now?
From: Janie

Ophiuchus? After all these years of being a typical "girl next door" Sagittarius?

I'm having an identity crisis. I know longer know who I am.