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2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech

16 Jan 11 - 07:28 AM (#3075592)
Subject: 2 Years of Beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Hi folks,

on Wednesday 9 February we celebrate 2 years of Beginners Tunes at The Beech, Chorlton, Manchester, UK. I think we are more than a bit more than 'Beginners' now but the title suits us well.

Thanks to the dozens and dozens of tune players who have passed, and the dozens and dozens who pass regularly join our sessions and bring such delightful music.

We have moved from around 12 on the first night to an acoustic Ceilidh Band of around 50 people at different times with a brilliant caller in Rob Phillips.

To celebrate we will play in the Beech and to popular acclaim I have invited Champion Clog Dancer Ms Elizabeth Calderbank to dance some exceptional Lancashire Clog Dances. She has graciously asked that we play whilst she dances.

All will be most welcome and I guess we will move into the back bar of The Beech for a bit more room.

L in C#

16 Jan 11 - 03:41 PM (#3075858)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Will Fly

Congrats, Les - just shows what patience, perserverance and dedication can do.

Long may it continue!

17 Jan 11 - 02:47 AM (#3076177)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Brakn

It's been a great success and mainly due to yourself Les. I love it!

17 Jan 11 - 06:33 AM (#3076238)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: TheSnail

Congratulations, Les, the numbers sound very impressive. If I'm ever passing...

17 Jan 11 - 07:09 AM (#3076248)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Thanks Will, Mike and Ms / Mr Snail,

I turn up, people turn up, we play, we drink, we chat, we go home. The tunes have survived because they are good and they work in little rooms and dances.

What a life


17 Jan 11 - 07:31 AM (#3076265)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Valmai Goodyear

Congratulations! You've got the best approach possible, and the results show it. Learning these tunes and playing them with others is FUN.

Valmai (Lewes)

17 Jan 11 - 10:11 AM (#3076366)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Thanks very much Valmai. Flash Mobbing next?

L in C#

19 Jan 11 - 06:02 AM (#3077761)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

All will be welcome

L in C#

20 Jan 11 - 05:50 AM (#3078491)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: GUEST,FloraG

This is a plug for the caravan and camping folk group. If you do camp they are well worth considering as in the summer they often have dances with scratch bands. Usually one person is miked and the rest get told what tunes. It is a good way for less confident musicians to get to play, or the more confident to add counter melodies ( or just twiddley bits).
There is a downside - they tend to rely on written notes, you have to pich tent 6 meteres away from the next ( not 5.9) and you are all in bed by 11pm. Apart from that they are all very friendly - you would leave a weekend meet knowing most other campers by name. It is done on a ' cover the cost' basis and a lot of people put a lot of time in as volunteesrs to organise the finding and booking of sites and clearing up afterwards.
Some of your beginners Les may progress to this.

05 Feb 11 - 01:16 PM (#3089275)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Sounds great fun Flora, as a C & C Club member I will be checking this out.

So this Saturday night. Just had a chat with Chris at The Beech. He will be pleased to have us in the back bar of The Beech to celebrate 2 years of tunes. Ms Elizabeth Calderbank will dance the wild Lancashire Clog Dances and we will put her off by playing tunes at the same time. Chris is throwing in sandwiches which is (!) very good of him.

Liz will lead a clog dance workshop on Saturday morning 10 - noon. We will ahve a shared table meal - bring simple finger food for one then eat everybody elses.

This will be followed by songs and tunes in The Snug.

I guess our celebration started last saturday when we, 28 of us played accoustically for the Big Green Ceilidh. 200 people got in and 40 were turned away. Brilliant night, Brilliant band and briliant caller Rob Phillips.


L in C#

09 Feb 11 - 02:38 AM (#3091583)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

8pm tonight Wednesday 12 Feb

L in C#

11 Feb 11 - 03:46 AM (#3092973)
Subject: RE: 2 Years of beginners Tunes @The Beech
From: Les in Chorlton

Second Birthday Beech Band:

Chris Muriel Banjo
Ted Kemp Banjo
Laura Smyth Cello
Naomi Atkin Cello
...Jenn Stanley Fiddle
Kate Rygate Fiddle
Lucy Fiddle
Julie Bryce Uke
Ken Deeks Guitar
Steve Guitar
Tom Guitar
Phil Robinson Guitaron
Brian Cullinan Mandolin
Michael Byron Mandolin
Mickey Van Gelder Percussion
John Routledge Smallpipes
Ged Gaskell Squeezer
Helen Jocys Squeezer
Rob Phillips Squeezer
Jill Squeezer
Dave Bishop Voice
Andrew Marchant Whistles
Phil Edwards Whistles
Shelley Rainey Whistles
Steve Saxton Whistles
Ursula Harris Whistles
Wes Van Gelder Flute

Thanks everybody for a great night

And special thanks to Liz Calderbank for dancing them wild Lancashire Clog Dances

L in C#