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New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011

31 Jan 11 - 05:37 AM (#3085749)
Subject: New Mudcat Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

I am starting a new thread to mark the half way stage, the other becoming a little unwieldy.
This may be seen HERE

Please use THIS thread for the NEW MUDCAT CDs

Phase 1 –contributions--
State of play:-

4 CDs 90% complete
# Waiting for a number of people who have shown interest to send in material (no problem, we have 8 weeks, tho I suspect we may loose 2 or 3 of those)
# Target is to have 6 CDs in 3 x double CD packs (Help me do 2 more CDs in next few weeks)
# Need more support from North America & new world
# Need a few more instrumentals
# Song/Tune submissions close on 31 March
# Material should be public domain, own work, or have copyright owners permission
# PM me any time
# My email addy is:-
# For wav files use:-    and mail me the link
# I can let you my my address via PM if you want to send a CD

I would like to thank all those who have already sent in material. It is good to be able to get a steady stream of input and start setting up the CDs. And thank you those who are actively working on their submissions. I have slots reserved for them.

If anyone has previously shown interest and forgotten, now is a good time to review your options. I would like those people to confirm with me that they are on the job.

I would like to offer this opportunity to all Mudcat members, those who may be a little apprehensive, those who were not around when this project was started, to consider contributing to this project. REMEMBER, IT IS A MUDCAT FUNDRAISER and a great "gathering" of 'catters.

It is highly likely we shall have a CD launch in the UK – plans are under way, more later. Colleagues in the USA are invited to organize similar. Anyone???

3 or 4 people have had to drop out due to illness, and are in the "Mudcat recovery ward" and I wish them all the best.


31 Jan 11 - 01:27 PM (#3085995)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: michaelr

The FSGW Getaway may be the perfect CD launch occasion. When does it take place?

31 Jan 11 - 01:54 PM (#3086007)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: ClaireBear

The Getaway is the first weekend in October. Is that a realistic goal for a launch? If so, I would be happy to be part of the team there.

14 Feb 11 - 04:24 AM (#3094867)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

If anyone else would like to send a song or tune, there is still room available.

We are now approaching the end of phase 1, the submissions period.

There are stil a few folks who have shown interest and not yet sent me anything, so you chaps and chapesses, get your skates on

6 WEEKS Left; right?


14 Feb 11 - 06:32 AM (#3094929)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bbc

Thanks so much for doing this, Barrie!


14 Feb 11 - 10:21 AM (#3095030)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

You are welcome, Barbara. 50 'catters have made my job a pleasure to do.
But there are a dozen or so who are dragging their feet, including Mr Big! A few are having difficulties getting things together, a few have had to pull out due to illness, but a great deal of progress is being made

I'd like to take this opportunity to put on record my appreciation to all Mudcat's unsung heros, backroom guys and gals,--including you Barbara-- providing their free time in the service of Mudcat.

It's great to be able to use this wonderful resource, and it's great to be part of building up this resource.


14 Feb 11 - 11:02 AM (#3095056)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Lonesome EJ

Wow, Barrie. It's impressive to watch someone evolve and execute a plan. And a Folkie with these abilities...just amazing!

20 Feb 11 - 09:17 AM (#3099060)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

OK, 5 weeks now for submissions.

Here's a list of the Mudcat women (in no particular order) you WILL be hearing on the new Mudcat CDs

My guru always said            
Mary Humphries           
Therea Tooley           
Shany Annas (Mrs Duck, Morticia)           
Sussex Carole        

There are a few more who I hope to hear from in the next few weeks,

but what other female 'catters SHOULD be on this list?
Remember, this is NOT just for Pros & semi-pros, it's about US, the grass roots members. Other Mudcatters want to hear YOU!

Bearing in mind, you nominate someone, you might need to do a bit of cajoling!

or you can PM me with your recomendations

20 Feb 11 - 05:18 PM (#3099329)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: open mike

i intend to send a song or two..
but of course the road to hell..
as they often say...

thanks for the reminder
i will get in gear on this..

20 Feb 11 - 05:35 PM (#3099339)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Zen

Hi Barrie,

Will contribute as previously promised when back from Mexico City!

20 Feb 11 - 10:43 PM (#3099481)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Janie

Come on, Ladies.

All of the women other than me who have sent in recordings are actually good. Please don't leave me being the only "shower singer" among them:>)

21 Feb 11 - 01:43 PM (#3099820)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Cool Beans

Thanks as always for undertaking this. You already have my submission and I don't want to be a hog, but I am from North America and I have a few public-domain instrumentals in my repertoire if they're needed.

21 Feb 11 - 02:46 PM (#3099869)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Charley Noble


You appear to be doing an able job of keeping herd of all these Mudcats. Where did you learn these skills?

Charley Noble

21 Feb 11 - 06:03 PM (#3099973)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Open Mike, Zen........Aw, c'mon, stop teasin' me!

Janie, I'm in the same club --male section tho!

Cool Beans, please send me a couple of instrumentals, and I'll hopefully use one of them

Charlie, some of the steers are hiding or sneaking off!
Do you have any friends in Wyoming? I need someone to show me how to lasso the head of the herd, he's mighty elusive!!!!!

bradfordian ;~)

21 Feb 11 - 09:41 PM (#3100071)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: YorkshireYankee

Hi Bradfordian/Barrie,

I read Mudcat on & off, so didn't see this project mentioned until you posted this new thread...

I'm a Yank who's lived in Yorkshire for the last dozen or so years (hence the nickname), so I'm not sure whether I'd qualify to represent North America or not (I definitely still have a US Midwestern accent, but USians seem to think I have a bit of an English accent), but I'm definitely interested (and I'm also definitely female). Shall I PM you about the particulars (if you still have room)?

P.S. Hi Marty! Long time no see... hope you & yours are well!

Vikki Appleton Fielden

22 Feb 11 - 12:23 AM (#3100131)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Genie

Janie, your singing is wonderful!   If you're including me in that "really good" category, you needn't consider yourself "just a shower singer."   : )

Somebody get Janie into a proper recording studio - now!!

22 Feb 11 - 04:09 AM (#3100192)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Yorkshire Yankee, you are a Mudcatter, that's the ONLY qualification you need. Get in there!


22 Feb 11 - 09:05 AM (#3100295)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Cool Beans

Back atcha, Vicki. All's well. Hope to share some CD space with you on this porject. I'll PM you shortly.

22 Feb 11 - 10:34 AM (#3100357)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve

I'm sorry, Barrie. I have no way to record. Nothing is easy here. That leaves room for a more worthy Mudcatter who has the ability to record.


22 Feb 11 - 11:18 AM (#3100379)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve

Kat Logan is looking into her recordings, Barrie.

22 Feb 11 - 02:35 PM (#3100517)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: VirginiaTam

I will be recording two this Thursday chez Will Fly's.

They also have to pass muster by the composers, so I need to send MP3s ASAP to Graham Pratt and Phyl Lobl respectively, then on to Bradfordian when/if I get the OK.

One English song and one Austrailian song and I am American.

22 Feb 11 - 06:27 PM (#3100694)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Maeve, you've taken an interest in this project right from the start, you've hoped you might be able to get something together. Well, it seems the rhunes are running against you on this score. It is very unfortunate for all of us that you haven't been able to get a recording done.

I wonder if anyone might have any feasible suggestions to be able to get a recording done. there is 5 weeks in which to achieve the impossible. I saw asign once ---- The impossible done while you wait, -- miracles take a little longer. And then someone else said there is no such word as "CAN'T"

bradfordian (not being negative!)

22 Feb 11 - 07:44 PM (#3100746)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Lonesome EJ

If you have any kind of computer, headphones, and microphone, go here

and download Kristal's great free recording/mixing system. You'll be amazed what you can do!

22 Feb 11 - 07:51 PM (#3100749)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Genie

Sounds great, EJ - but it only works with certain platforms:

PC         "State of the art" machine (> 1 GHz recommended)
OS         Windows XP or 2000
(Win98/ME requires latest Internet Explorer 6.0, WinNT is not supported!)
Display         1280 x 1024 recommended, 1024 x 768 minimum
Sound         ASIO-compatible sound card recommended,
but should work with everything else, too

22 Feb 11 - 09:41 PM (#3100790)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: olddude

Maeve is an outstanding writer and has an outstanding voice she needs to be on this ..

Maeve, download Kristal recording software. Use that mike it will work fine .. email me if you need help


22 Feb 11 - 09:46 PM (#3100791)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve

Dan and other kind people: The beautiful mike Dan gave me burned up in the fire along with all of my "good" recordings. I appreciate the suggestions and encouragement, but let's not let my inability to take part overrun the thread.

Thanks, all,


22 Feb 11 - 11:29 PM (#3100827)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Genie

We won't, Maeve. But no need to throw in the towel so soon. There are lots of friends here who can and want to help you participate in the new Mudcat CD if you have songs to share.

23 Feb 11 - 02:58 AM (#3100889)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: VirginiaTam

Could someone lend Maeve a Handy Zoom recorder? If she could get a couple hours alone in the yurt without construction going on, might be great acoustic.

23 Feb 11 - 07:52 PM (#3101563)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Can just check something please?

On the new CDs, It is the intention to use Mudcat names listed against their song title, as on the previous Mudcat CDs. However, where groups are involved, the group name will be listed.
Real names will be used for composer/copyright credits

If anyone would like to substitute their real name for their Mudcat name on the CD song/tune listings, or where further clarification is needed PLEASE PM ME


23 Feb 11 - 08:04 PM (#3101572)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Charley Noble


I'd just like to put in a supporting plug for Kat Logan. We listened to her last Friday at our local coffeehouse, and she is still full of energy and has a powerful voice. She just needs to get it together and send something in. However, that is not her strongest suit.

Charley Noble

23 Feb 11 - 08:24 PM (#3101584)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Comments noted Charley and Maeve.

But remember Mudcatters, you DONT NEED TO BE NOMINATED to send a song


24 Feb 11 - 06:48 AM (#3101812)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve

There was no nomination involved, as Bradfordian said. Kat didn't know about the project until I told her about it. She spends far more time making music than reading Mudcat. Kat has "it" together, Charley, and she wouldn't think of making a comment like that about anyone.

Bradfordian, I hope you get the information you've requested regarding credits on the Sampler cds.

24 Feb 11 - 11:47 AM (#3101972)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

It is helpful to get all relevant details about songs and performers as soon as possible. ALSO, liner/sleeve notes AND lyrics.
This would save having to chase it up at the last minute.

When finalisation approaches, I WILL contact each performer who has a song/tune on the CDs with current information and seeking confirmation. There are some people who seem to go "walkabout" from time to time, so if you have submited an item for these NEW MUDCAT CDs OR the SEASONAL CD, please keep one eye on this thread.

I have 21 'catters on the pending list -- enough for one CD. I hope to catch about 50% of those, and maybe a few more will come on board to fill up the 5th CD.


24 Feb 11 - 11:53 AM (#3101979)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Will Fly

Barrie - I recorded 4 tracks of Virginia Tam's singing this afternoon - have emailed the mp3s to her and I do hope she thinks them good enough to send them to you. What a voice - just hope I've done her justice!

24 Feb 11 - 12:30 PM (#3102006)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: ClaireBear

My big recording session is this weekend. Praying that my cough is better by then! I plan to be sending you music files for both CDs -- MC and Holiday -- early next week.

24 Feb 11 - 04:19 PM (#3102133)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: VirginiaTam

Thanks Will. I guess I can live with them. The recordings are nice and clear. It is the thing being recorded that I have reservations about. Why is it one's voice sounds so wrong when recorded?

Anyway, I have sent the Minstrel to Graham Pratt to ask final approval.

And will sent Past Carin to Phyl Lobl for same.

Barrie I will send 3 of the 4 we did today in separate emails and you can select what you like best.

Thanks again Will.

24 Feb 11 - 04:33 PM (#3102147)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: VirginiaTam

BTW Will, the shakes have been replaced with hiccups.

24 Feb 11 - 04:36 PM (#3102150)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Waddon Pete anyone free to nip round to Maeve with some sort of recorder? I'd go....but there's rather a lot of ocean in the way!

Best wishes,


24 Feb 11 - 06:03 PM (#3102232)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: JHW

First I've heard of this. Am I too late?

24 Feb 11 - 06:25 PM (#3102248)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve

JHW- A few posts ago our noble organizer Bradfordian said,

"I have 21 'catters on the pending list -- enough for one CD. I hope to catch about 50% of those, and maybe a few more will come on board to fill up the 5th CD."

So I am sure you can send him a PM and work out a way to join in.


24 Feb 11 - 06:34 PM (#3102258)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

JHW, all the info you need is right at the top of this thread, including the closing date for submissions. Apologies that the date is not emphasized.

This being the 2nd thread, If you click on the link in my first post you will see that this project started late November 2010.

For any further info please PM me


24 Feb 11 - 07:34 PM (#3102283)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Will Fly

VT - don't hide your light under a bushel - the recordings are great!

25 Feb 11 - 07:18 AM (#3102534)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: JHW

Thanks Maeve - I've just PMd. I really hadn't spotted this thread before

26 Feb 11 - 10:03 AM (#3103010)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

This is just to refresh this thread.
Important now to keep it in view as there are several 'catters who may need to be reminded that time is slipping away.
I don't want to name names but fellow Mudcatters, if you have indicated that you want to join in, KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL ! ! !

Closing date 31 MARCH (2011!)


26 Feb 11 - 06:23 PM (#3103270)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve


27 Feb 11 - 07:35 AM (#3103492)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve

I'm bouncing this up again for participants to see.

27 Feb 11 - 11:56 AM (#3103622)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: VirginiaTam


Are you near Kendall and does he have recording equipment?

27 Feb 11 - 01:30 PM (#3103700)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve

No, and no; PM on the way, Tam.

I'm open for help, and PMs are the best way to go.


28 Feb 11 - 09:42 AM (#3104210)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve

"From: bradfordian - PM
Date: 26 Feb 11 - 10:03 AM

This is just to refresh this thread.
Important now to keep it in view as there are several 'catters who may need to be reminded that time is slipping away.
I don't want to name names but fellow Mudcatters, if you have indicated that you want to join in, KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL ! ! !

Closing date 31 MARCH (2011!)

bradfordian "

28 Feb 11 - 05:40 PM (#3104567)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Maeve, you are working overtime on this.
I'll refresh the even dates and you can do odd dates. How about that? That'll give you time for the chores

[Q. chores? what chores? A. Mines a pint! -- the old ones are the best! ;~O ]

Bradfordian ---minus one more molar :-(

01 Mar 11 - 05:58 PM (#3105224)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

So, just harking back to my post of 22 February,.....Is there still no progress with enabling Maeve to make a recording?

It will be one of my (few) disappointments if we can't get Maeve onto one of the NEW MUDCAT CDs!!!!!

I don't suppose that kid Macauley Calkin (sp?) lives down the block? Now didn't he have a neat little recording device????? Maybe got it from TOYS R US?--- uh-- probably don't have a USB socket. Doh!

02 Mar 11 - 06:00 AM (#3105471)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: maeve

In the long run, it doesn't matter, bradfordian. It's a somewhat complex problem; not worth making a fuss.

02 Mar 11 - 07:05 AM (#3105514)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane

Hi, you could use a track from Mrs Pavane (Dawne Oakley) if you like - it is a traditional song sung unaccompanied in the Welsh language. Max has already used it in his radio program.

The song is already available as an MP3, but I could send a WAV file or even the physical CD which it is on.

02 Mar 11 - 07:10 AM (#3105518)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane

To hear it, you could go to, click on the Private link, and enter the password dawne2. You will find Ar Lan y Mor at the bottom of the list.

02 Mar 11 - 04:01 PM (#3105795)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Genie

Don't forget ClaireBear!

I strongly urge KT to submit one of her wonderful songs.

mg should also definitely be a contributor, because she writes such great maritime songs.

And I hope MAG will collaborate with me on a song for the non-seasonal one.

These suggestions are in no way meant to be a comprehensive list. We have a lot of talent here, vocally, instrumentally and as songwriters.

02 Mar 11 - 06:01 PM (#3105864)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Mrs Pavane, That is a MUST HAVE!!!!!
Please send me a wav file ASAP either directly, or via, any another file transfer facility to:-

Maeve, Je suis désolée, mais c'est la vie! Quelle domage.

Genie, mg would be most welcome to send something along,
KT is not responding on the 'cat, can someone give her a gentle poke in the proverbial ribs?


03 Mar 11 - 01:24 AM (#3106002)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Genie

I'll 'poke' KT, but I suspect Mick and Amos might be better rib-pokers.

Brad, isn't ClaireBear already on your list?

03 Mar 11 - 04:21 AM (#3106044)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: rich-joy


finally posted some suggestions to you today, Bradfordian, from the damp DownUnder of Queensland.

Many thanks for your efforts,


03 Mar 11 - 06:42 AM (#3106106)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Rich-joy, I hope the CD dries out by the time it reaches me!

Genie, Clairebear is on it....... burning the midnight oil as I type.... along with 19,.... no make that 18 now, ...other 'catters who in due course will be slotted into the last CD to which I've given my own pet sub-title...... "PROMISES FULFILLED"   ;~)


03 Mar 11 - 11:16 AM (#3106250)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane

Bradfordian, I have arranged for Ar Lan y Mor WAV to be uploaded to a web site. I will then give you the URL and you can download - it is rather big to send on the email.

03 Mar 11 - 11:34 AM (#3106265)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane

Mrs Pavane sings under the name Dawne Oakley (her maiden name).

If you want to look at the same site, using password dawne4, there are some other tracks you could use.

Danny Boy (Worth listening to for the high note imho)
Sovay Sovay
Lowlands of Holland
Sorry the day I was married
Our Captain cried all hands (aka The distressed maid)

03 Mar 11 - 04:49 PM (#3106478)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane

Bradfordian, I have uploaded Ar Lan y Mor WAV and emailed you details of how to get it. It isn't too big, only 13mb.

03 Mar 11 - 04:51 PM (#3106479)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane

If you want to look at the same site, using password folk1 (NOT dawne4! my mistake), there are some other tracks you could use.

03 Mar 11 - 05:54 PM (#3106514)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Got it! (eventually) Mudcatters, you're gonna love this one!

Love Mrs P's song from the late fifties too!


03 Mar 11 - 06:43 PM (#3106530)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane

Which one? There are a few there. Buddy Holly died 1958, of course. Rock around the clock was 1955.

Que Sera - was that 50's?

Factoid: Apparently, there is NO European language in which Que Sera means "What will be"!

03 Mar 11 - 07:25 PM (#3106548)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Has to be the Bill Hayley song.
Does Mrs P do any Brenda Lee --Let's Have A Party (OK, ok, Wnda Jackson)

--Whoops, now you are enticing me into thread creep. Doh!

03 Mar 11 - 07:37 PM (#3106555)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane

Doh, a deer, a female deer, Ray, a drop of golden sun ....

I think she has tried one BL, not sure which (Jump the broomstick?).

04 Mar 11 - 03:03 PM (#3107024)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane


11 Mar 11 - 03:46 AM (#3111471)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

I have received contributions from the following and you can expect to hear on the new Mudcat CDs

2 Black Sheep & a Stallion           
Allison Aldrich & Hunt Smith           
Barry Finn*           
Bob Knight           
Bounty Hound           
Charley Noble           
Cool Beans           
Crane Driver           
David Coffin           
George Papavgeris            
Gibb Sahib           
Good Soldier Schweik            
Guy Wolff           
Hissyfit/ Linda Kelly Hazel Richings                    
Joe Offer           
John Hills           
John P            
Jonh MacKenzie            
Mary Humphreys           
My guru always said            
Seamus Kennedy            
Severed head           
Shany Annas           
Stephen L Rich           
Steve Robinson           
Stuart Hendrickson           
Suibhne O'Piobaireachd           
Sussex Carole           
The Barden of England           
The Doctor           
Therea Tooley*           
Three Wide Men/Clontarf83           
Virginia Tam           
Waddon Pete           
Will Fly         

* By agreement with third party

These ARE coming soon:-


There are question marks over 18 Mudcatters from whom I would like updates. I will be sending out PMs over the next few days.

If your name is NOT on the above list and think it should be please PM me immediately.

11 Mar 11 - 04:02 AM (#3111476)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

We are into the last 3 weeks for contributions now, so it is a good time for anyone still considering whether to enter, to get on it now.

20    DAYS   TO    GO

BTW You can see a mugshot of yours truly if you check the bithday page tomorrow Saturday 12 March.
Not saying how old, but I'll be at the Post Office at 9am on Monday morning for my pension.


11 Mar 11 - 05:53 AM (#3111538)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Rich-Joy confirmed. CDs just arrived from Oz! KULE!!!!

Ready to receive yours MAX!

11 Mar 11 - 03:23 PM (#3111898)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian


11 Mar 11 - 07:35 PM (#3112020)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: michaelr

And another reminder to contributors: Please let bradfordian know whether you want your real name and/or your Mudcat name used on the CD covers.

11 Mar 11 - 07:52 PM (#3112029)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Charley Noble

Amazing that such a batch of Mudcatters can be so successfully herded!

Charley Noble

12 Mar 11 - 10:26 AM (#3112337)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bbc

A most happy birthday, Barrie! Mine's on the 20th & Spring cannot come too early this year! This past week, we weathered an ice storm with many fallen branches & no electricity for more than 2 days. Photos on my flickr page:


12 Mar 11 - 05:19 PM (#3112598)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Thanks for all your good wishes fellow 'catters including you Barbara. A double event for you, as you also mark the vernal equinox!

I did TWO choir gigs today (different choirs), so no party today, but I'll make up for that tomorrow (Sunday) [Well I did party last weekend with my sis & bro-- as well as supporting the Ingleton FF fundraiser]

It's all go---- "What is this world if full of care, we have no time to stand or stare........"

I am thankful to be able to do that; that I woke up this morning, that the world around me was ticking over alright amidst the natural and man made turmoil of the wider world. And to think we moan about the price of fuel!

I am pleased with the progress of the project. I am gradually reigning in the stragglers.
However, there is one significant straggler still to net though! I was just wondering if I should learn how to play chess to catch this fish.

Cheers, Barrie

19 Mar 11 - 02:52 AM (#3116845)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: ClaireBear

I just uploaded my 2 contributions and emailed you links, Bradfordian!

I don't expect I'm the straggling fish you're speaking of hauling in, as I don't play chess, but I do apologize for the time it took. I really have been ill! But ill or not, I'm hooked now .... save the net for the really big fish.


19 Mar 11 - 05:51 AM (#3116889)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Both songs harvested, thanks claireBear. The grey cells are in denial, took me 3 mins to place the tune for Sweet Perfection, but I know you guys will recognise it instantly when you hear it on the CDs come next Christmas.

Anyone who has not yet sent in their contributions are among the "straggling" fish but there's still hope for some because we are still within the time frame. Let me see that's another

12 days to go

The leader of the pack, sorry, shoal, is still being coy though!


20 Mar 11 - 04:42 PM (#3117749)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Genie

I hope the non-seasonal track I sent you is in good enough form (after going from reel-to-reel to cassette to cassette to digital).   Let me know if I need to do any additional "remastering" of the file.   


22 Mar 11 - 04:26 PM (#3119255)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Mysha


I'll tell you about this strange kettle of fish
Where you'll find to your taste, and whatever you wish
But for Mudcat their recipe is most bizarre
By burning their blue plates they serve the best dish

24 Mar 11 - 06:19 PM (#3120724)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian


95% of target met (100 songs/tunes over 5 CDs) 5% still work in progress & will be arriving soon. You guys know who you are.
Any others could still get squeezed in but need to be with me/or in my mailbox BEFORE 1st APRIL -2011.

Getting kinda fond of this babe, watching it grow over the past 4 months.


24 Mar 11 - 07:51 PM (#3120795)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bbc

Thanks, again, for doing this, Barrie!


24 Mar 11 - 08:20 PM (#3120815)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Charley Noble


Wow! 100 songs!

How will they be random or ordered?

By age, by beauty, by intrinsic value, by geography, by topic, by key, or alpha?

Inquiring minds have sleepless nights!

Charley Noble

25 Mar 11 - 06:41 AM (#3121095)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Charlie, I'm thinking BEAUTY is a great ordering feature, trouble is.............who would come second Charlie,........ you or me?


25 Mar 11 - 07:53 AM (#3121136)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Bounty Hound

How about sorting them in alphabetical order: if it's a song, under 'S' for song, if it's a tune under 'T' for tune ;)


25 Mar 11 - 08:08 AM (#3121153)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: GUEST,VaTam

100 songs... KEWL! Can't wait to get mine and a few more copies for family/friends.

Organizing them. I had not even thought of that Mr. Noble. Now you have given my sleepless nights another thing to ponder.

How about in the chronological (or reverse) order they arrived?

No decision or research to do.

25 Mar 11 - 08:10 AM (#3121154)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: stallion

Er um, numbers come first Barrie! although we could go on the biggest Er um, Ego, I really don't mind going last anyway!

25 Mar 11 - 08:13 AM (#3121157)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: GUEST,John MacKenzie

I haven't been following this really. You mentioned seasonal songs, is it part of this project? I had it in mind to send you a track of seasonal content, ie Christmas.

25 Mar 11 - 11:08 AM (#3121303)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: michaelr

John, see the other thread.

25 Mar 11 - 11:58 AM (#3121340)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: pavane

Only just seen this, with the list of contributors.
I didn't see Mrs Pavane on the list? Or are you just putting us both in as Pavane?

25 Mar 11 - 12:48 PM (#3121387)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: JohnB

Just sent one track from one group to the other list for Seasonal.
I will send a track from my other "smaller" group to you to.
I guess I have seen the thread but never really read it before.

31 Mar 11 - 03:54 PM (#3125731)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: YorkshireYankee


Have sent you a pm & an e-mail with the info below (also containing my contact details). Hope to hear back from you soon...

Sorry to leave it so late to get back to you; have been trying to get one of my newer songs recorded, but have ended up falling back on an older one. So... can you cope with an m4a file, or would it be better if I converted it to an mp3 before sending it to you?

As for whether to use my Mudcat nick or my real name, is it a problem to use both? Also, I have a couple of friends accompanying me. I assume their names can be included somewhere, yes?

Finally, many, MANY thanks for undertaking this project! I know it must take an absolutely HUGE amount of time and energy -- no doubt even more than I (or most folks) would imagine. You have my admiration as well as my gratitude.


Vikki Appleton Fielden

31 Mar 11 - 07:38 PM (#3125884)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: jacqui.c

Just sent in my contribution - hope it goes through OK as an email.

31 Mar 11 - 07:46 PM (#3125895)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Nick

Just sent one from my wife and me

31 Mar 11 - 08:28 PM (#3125925)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: michaelr

They're getting in under the wire! ;-)

31 Mar 11 - 08:49 PM (#3125935)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

I'm watching the time stamps ! ! ! !

Didn't I say BST?   ;~)


31 Mar 11 - 09:46 PM (#3125966)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Lonesome EJ

You must have expected this, Bradfordian. After all, it's folkies you are dealin with.

01 Apr 11 - 02:12 AM (#3126031)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Ladies and Gentlemen, girls and boys, gals n guys, fellow 'catters.....

Submissions for the new Mudcat CDs is now CLOSED,
excepting for certain members to whom I have granted an extension as they have work in progress.

Thank you very much one and all for those contributions.

Again there will be 5 CDs with over 100 songs/tunes which it is hoped would be available by Christmas, so do start saving up now!!!!

I will be PMing folks for:-
a) song/tune credits
b) liner or sleeve notes
c) lyrics -- as I hope to put a pdf on each disc.
--apologies in advance if you have already supplies these (please be kind to me)

Message for Charley et al, the big fish is in the net.

Regards bradfordian aka Barrie

01 Apr 11 - 05:53 AM (#3126077)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: My guru always said

Well done Barrie, what a fabulous organiser you've been at herding us Cats! And well done for the fishing expedition too....

01 Apr 11 - 06:17 AM (#3126090)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Waddon Pete


An excellent initiative carried out with aplomb!

Thanks Barrie.

Best wishes,


01 Apr 11 - 06:38 AM (#3126099)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Leadfingers


01 Apr 11 - 06:41 AM (#3126101)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bbc

Looking forward to the result, Barrie. Thanks again for undertaking this project!


01 Apr 11 - 08:12 AM (#3126146)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Roger the Skiffler

...and thanks for finding space for my contribution: the silence between the tracks.


01 Apr 11 - 10:29 AM (#3126225)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Cool Beans

Bravo, Barrie!

01 Apr 11 - 01:13 PM (#3126349)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: ClaireBear

Well done, sir! Can't wait to hear the object of our endeavors.

02 Apr 11 - 07:19 PM (#3127216)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Lonesome EJ

Here's the Youtube link for a video sneak preview of the song I will have on the Mudcat Sampler CD. Hope y'all enjoy it.

02 Apr 11 - 08:15 PM (#3127240)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: HWinWindies

Lonesome EJ
Would love to listen, but you've posted it as private, so without a password its not available.
Thought you should know.
Best wishes

02 Apr 11 - 08:28 PM (#3127243)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: KT

Wow! That's beautiful, Ernie, and such a haunting melody... Are those photos yours? Pics of relatives perhaps? I have some similar ones, in very similar poses and frames significant to the era.   Well done! Now I know where the muse has been!

02 Apr 11 - 08:28 PM (#3127244)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Lonesome EJ

Thanks Harry. I'll change it.

02 Apr 11 - 08:43 PM (#3127251)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Lonesome EJ

No, KT, just stock photos of the period. Would love to see your pictures!

02 Apr 11 - 09:09 PM (#3127261)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Bobert

This entire thing was so convoluted... First of all, I really have no idea if my song is gonna be on this thing 'er not but... all started with GUEST 999 (Brucie) askin' me to do a little slide work on one of his songs and then between my lack of technical skills, some issues with the recording and me having my studio guy record a quickie, one-taker while I was down doing the work on brucie's song things got messed up... I may never know what happened but seems that my song made it to the UK and brucie's didn't???

Don't ask me... I'm just a geetar picker...

But, if brucie's song, which BTW was/is a killer with the two of us, didn't make it then, hey, if mine does then the two hour trip to my recording guy's house (in the friggin' snow) won't have been a complete waste...


02 Apr 11 - 09:46 PM (#3127275)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Amos

Leej, you have been leaping and bounding ahead on every front!! Impressive!! Is that you on a 12-string on "Rosalie"? Nice work.

Bruce's song better make it! All his sonbgs are killer!


02 Apr 11 - 09:52 PM (#3127278)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: Bobert

Yeah, Amos... The one I put down some slide on is a killer... I donno??? Somethin' happening here... What it is ain't exactly clear...


03 Apr 11 - 03:47 AM (#3127367)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: bradfordian

Just to confirm, I DO have a song from BOBERT and one from PEACE (and about 100 from others).

I may put up some youtube links to songs which will be on the new CDs (seeing as has Leej has started)--maybe on a new thread. There could be 20 or so. Is that something you guys would be interested in?


03 Apr 11 - 02:19 PM (#3127763)
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Members Sampler CDs 2011
From: michaelr

Since there is now a new thread, and to avoid confusion, it may be a good idea to close this one.