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Ritchie/Pickow Family News (Feb 2011)

11 Feb 11 - 11:58 AM (#3093263)
Subject: BS: Ritchie/Pickow Family
From: GUEST,Jean

Hello to all,

It's been so long since I posted a message that I can't remember my old password.

I wanted to tell everyone that I'm well. As many of you know, George died in December, and I miss him. We all miss him.

If you send me a message, I'll try and keep up with them all.

All the best, Jean

---------------Goes against the grain to leave this as "BS"! I'm sure Joe will contact you re password. JoeClone--------

11 Feb 11 - 12:24 PM (#3093283)
Subject: RE: BS: Ritchie/Pickow Family
From: Ebbie

{{{{{BIG hug}}}}}

11 Feb 11 - 12:36 PM (#3093296)
Subject: RE: BS: Ritchie/Pickow Family
From: EBarnacle

Welcome back, Jean.

11 Feb 11 - 12:47 PM (#3093310)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: artbrooks

Welcome back.

11 Feb 11 - 12:51 PM (#3093314)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Mary Katherine

We grieve with you for the loss of your life's partner, Jean. Welcome back to the Mudcat. All good wishes for continued healing!

11 Feb 11 - 12:56 PM (#3093321)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: YorkshireYankee

So good to see you back again!
...though saddened by your loss of George.
May 2011 be a vast improvement over 2010 for you and yours.

11 Feb 11 - 12:57 PM (#3093322)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: MartinRyan

Welcome back!

BTW: If you attempt to login with your old Mudcat name and an incorrect password, you'll get an option to have your password sent to the email address you registered with. So if it's still current, you'll be back in business.

------------Ooops! The automated password thingy has expired - probably through overuse. Hang in there....-----------------

11 Feb 11 - 01:08 PM (#3093334)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: ClaireBear

What a huge lift it is to see a post from you, Jean, after your long absence! Thank you so much for that and everything else.

I am sorry for your loss. Continued health and strength to you. May our love help you heal.


11 Feb 11 - 01:09 PM (#3093335)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Fortunato

Dear Jean,
I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see your post. I am dreadfully sorry about your loss, but I am greatly relieved to know you are doing well.
All the best,

11 Feb 11 - 01:20 PM (#3093346)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Waddon Pete

Welcome back indeed. I must have subconsciously known you were coming as I was playing one of your cassettes today!

Best wishes,


11 Feb 11 - 01:36 PM (#3093358)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: maeve

Thank you very much for your post, Jean. You and your family are so dear to so many here. We hurt on your behalf when George died, and we rejoice to see word from you now.

Maeve, in Maine.

11 Feb 11 - 01:55 PM (#3093365)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Nancy King

How wonderful to see your post, Jean! We've missed you here and have worried about you for quite a while now. You've surely been through a very difficult time, and all of us are wishing you many better days ahead.


11 Feb 11 - 02:13 PM (#3093377)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: maeve

I see 2 new cd releases on Jean's website "Fieldtrip" and "Childhood Songs".

11 Feb 11 - 02:56 PM (#3093401)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Fortunato

Dear Jean,
I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see your post. I am dreadfully sorry about your loss, but I am greatly relieved to know you are doing well.
All the best,

11 Feb 11 - 02:57 PM (#3093404)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Little Robyn

I'm so pleased to see you back. We've missed you so much.
Robyn in NZ

11 Feb 11 - 03:12 PM (#3093412)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Dave Hanson

Welcome back Jean. you've been missed.

Dave H in England.

11 Feb 11 - 04:23 PM (#3093442)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: GUEST,Bob Coltman

Jean, Amba and I are delighted to see your voice return to us. We aare so sorry about George, and our hearts are with you as you make this recovery. How good that you are posting!

Love from Bob and Amba

11 Feb 11 - 04:45 PM (#3093464)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: wysiwyg

Hi Jean,

We've missed you and have been pulling for you, and grieving for you/with you; sending you love and confidence--


11 Feb 11 - 06:52 PM (#3093560)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: GUEST,Deborah Robins & Larry Hanks

Dear Jean! So good to see you posting to Mudcat. Been thinking of you so much lately! Larry and I will be touring the East Coast this summer, and hope to get the opportunity and see you, Oscar, and Jon as we did last year. Hopefully, by now, Jon has shared with you our new CD in which we recorded one of your most beloved (by our family!) songs: The Old Woman and the Pig! Much love to you all.

Fondest regards,
Deborah & Larry

11 Feb 11 - 06:56 PM (#3093562)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Sandra in Sydney

adding my vice to the happy throng!

sandra in australia

11 Feb 11 - 08:13 PM (#3093622)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Art Thieme

I'm so happy you are doing so well. It is simply wonderful.
Lady, we love you. Today I was listening to 'Carols Of All Seasons' and also that first Elektra 10-inch LP of yours. I needed a spirit boost---and as always -- your music did the trick.

Stay well,
Art and Carol

11 Feb 11 - 08:21 PM (#3093624)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Alice

It's very nice to see a message from you, Jean.
I'll be in touch.

Alice Flynn

11 Feb 11 - 09:11 PM (#3093648)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Uncle Phil

How very nice to see your post. We are sorry for all your trials, but it's great to hear from you again.
- Phil

11 Feb 11 - 10:19 PM (#3093678)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Dan Schatz

Jean, it warmed my heart completely to read your message. I'm so sorry for all your losses this year, and the hardships you've been through. Let's hope for a far brighter year!


11 Feb 11 - 10:29 PM (#3093685)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Bill D

Wonderful to see you again. I can only echo the sentiments above... ☺♥

11 Feb 11 - 10:58 PM (#3093695)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News


What a great delight to hear from you!

I was very sorry to hear about George's death. The two of you have been a great couple.

Wishing you all the best this cold but happy day,
Dan Milner

12 Feb 11 - 12:15 PM (#3093855)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Fortunato

Let me add that Susette have been listening to your recording of Deep Shady Grove and it is a continuing inspiration.

be well,

12 Feb 11 - 12:36 PM (#3093863)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: IvanB

Jean, I echo all the sorrow expressed here for your losses of the past year. Very happy to see you posting again. Best wishes for ongoing recovery and a great 2011.

12 Feb 11 - 03:15 PM (#3093951)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: open mike

well, well !! great to "HEAR" from you again KYTRAD! hugs and best wishes...Laurel

13 Feb 11 - 10:33 AM (#3094352)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: RoyH (Burl)

Very sad to hear of your loss, but glad for the rest of us that you are back on Mudcat once more. Every good wish, from over the ocean. Burl

13 Feb 11 - 10:58 PM (#3094777)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: georgeward


Friday, the day you started this thread, would have been Vaughn's 72nd birthday. It's a day the boys and I, and various other friends, take care to celebrate every year. Hearing your voice again (however electronically) made a special day more so.

People ask - now and again, and one way or another - how life is when you've lost your life partner. However I choose to phrase it, my answer's always the same, "bittersweet." Some days....some days the "sweet" gets to be the stressed syllable.

So good to hear from you!

- George

14 Feb 11 - 08:40 AM (#3094979)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: GUEST,Coope Boyes & Simpson

Does anyone have a current e-mail address for Jean Richie. Coope Boyes & Simpson would like to mail her to make sure they've got all the publishing details for "Cool of the Day" are exactly right so that Jean gets all the relevant fees from the numerous radio plays of their recording of the song on "As if..."

It's a great song and Jean deserves every penny the BBC will (we hope) be sending to her.

Coope Boyes & Simpson can be contacted via me -


14 Feb 11 - 11:24 AM (#3095070)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Lonesome EJ

Jean, we have missed you around here. So good to see you post again, Ma'am.

14 Feb 11 - 12:32 PM (#3095109)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: gnu

Welcome back!

15 Feb 11 - 11:52 AM (#3095728)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Dan Schatz


15 Feb 11 - 01:11 PM (#3095786)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield

Great to hear from you Jean. Talking about you to Jacqui McDonald the other day. She had a big concert at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall the other week to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the start of the folk club she and Bridie used to organise together, and which Jacqui has been running every month in recent years. Jacqui has now decided to stop running the club, so the celebration was also a sad moment.
All best wishes to you. look forward to hearing from you again!
Derek Schofield

15 Feb 11 - 02:16 PM (#3095839)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: VirginiaTam

and here I was wondering why I had song Black Waters suddenly running through my head the other day.

Wishing you all the best as you have given us your best.

15 Feb 11 - 04:57 PM (#3095949)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Cuilionn

Your sweet voice and tuneful playing have lifted us up through many's the dark day. As you step out into the unfolding days without your dear companion, may this circle of loving friends lift you, too.



16 Feb 11 - 01:15 PM (#3096595)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: GUEST,Philippa

glad to hear from you, have been thinking of you often since I heard of your illness and then George's passing.

16 Feb 11 - 01:21 PM (#3096600)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: catspaw49

Jean! I am yet another that is so happy to see you return. As I've had a problem or two myself these past few months I thought of you often and could not imagine how you were getting through all that you were. It is truly fantastic and wonderful to find you back here!

All my best thoughts have been yours for a long time and they ccontinue today.............


16 Feb 11 - 04:22 PM (#3096698)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Charlie Baum


It's wonderful having you back! Heartfelt repeats of all the above sentiments.

--Charlie Baum and Lisa Null.

16 Feb 11 - 11:40 PM (#3096874)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: ChanteyLass

Jean, welcome back to Mudcat. I am sorry about your husband. I don't know how I've missed this thread until now. I saw you in Rhode island several years ago. I think Aubrey Atwater, Elwood Donnelly performed, too. I;m sure they were instrumental (no pun intended) in bringing you here. I also remember some slides you showed of your church. Thank you for all the wonderful music I have enjoyed.

18 Feb 11 - 12:01 PM (#3098030)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: GUEST,Philippa

My father, who would have been 95 on Mon, died this summer. I did a tribute to both him and you at a performance this summer; I remember him talking about trade unions with a guest at your picnic who had sung Solidarity Forever, so I worked out an accompaniament on Appalachian dulcimer and explained how important you were in bringing this instrument to a wider audience.

I see you started this thread on George's birthday. I'm glad we had a chance to meet him.

23 Feb 11 - 02:28 PM (#3101367)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Big Mick

I had the pleasure of meeting your Dad at Jean's, Philippa. That was quite a day!

Jean, I am so happy to see you in these precincts again. This is because it signifies to me that as you work through this year of recovery, and of sad "firsts" without your beloved Husband and partner, you are reaching out to the folk community that loves you best to help. We are gratified and honored by this.

Much love,

Mick Lane

24 Feb 11 - 06:12 AM (#3101796)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: GUEST,Andymac


I'm delighted to see you posting here again but saddened to hear of your life partner's passing. Although we've never met, I am another who can be counted amongst your many fans and I just wanted to wish you a better 2011. Welcome back KYTRAD, we've missed you.


24 Feb 11 - 02:04 PM (#3102060)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: Pinetop Slim

Dear Jean: Finding you back on Mudcat warms my heart.
I wrote a tribute to George you can find here:

should have sent it to you earlier, but I felt I hadn't quite done him justice. Still feel that way, but on a second read, the piece isn't as bad as I had thought.
It's only a guess, but I think the concert Chantey Lass references above was "Mountain Music in the Ocean State" at the historic Slater Mill site in Pawtucket.

24 Feb 11 - 02:17 PM (#3102065)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: maeve

Pinetop Slim's lovely tribute:

24 Feb 11 - 02:27 PM (#3102069)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: katlaughing

Dearest Jean,

We have missed you so much, it is simply wonderful and awe-inspiring to see you post again. Thank you so much, dear lady. You have been in my thoughts so often, esp. going through such loss and your own recovery. You have inspired so many throughout the years and continue doing so through your life examples.

Welcome back and may you continue to Be Well and not too sad as we, your friends, offer our {{{HUGS}}} and whatever other kind of support we are able to offer.

Much love, light, and healing,


24 Feb 11 - 10:35 PM (#3102348)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News
From: katlaughing

Goodnight, Dear Lady.

01 Jun 11 - 02:40 PM (#3163844)
Subject: RE: KYTrad (Jean Ritchie) update on illness (Feb 2010)
From: GUEST,Robert

Howdy Jon--I just ran across this, sorry to hear about your beautiful mom. We met several times over the years, and have written many times. Your mom always spoke to me as though we were lifelong friends. She means a great deal to me, Jon, and the dulcimer never loses its wonder for me. It has been a major pastime, and more, and I consider the Pickow-Ritchie family to be my family, too. Thank you all so much. You're super.

01 Jun 11 - 03:46 PM (#3163864)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News (Feb 2011)
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Robert-
I moved your message over here, to the most recent thread. Jean posted here in February, but we haven't heard from her since. I hope she's doing well.
-Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-

01 Jun 11 - 08:02 PM (#3163972)
Subject: RE: Ritchie/Pickow Family News (Feb 2011)
From: GUEST,Robert

Thanks a bunch Joe. (I had lost track of how to get to the site. I can operate a dulcimer,, a computer, um, not so much). Write Jon or Peter--see if you can find out how Jean's doing as I would like to know. She has touched my life so much. I don't know how else to say it. Thanks for all your efforts, too.

Newer information and discussion here (click)