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BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing

17 Feb 11 - 03:11 PM (#3097402)
Subject: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

In the move to abolish state worker unions starting with Wisconsin, then Ohio, Indiana and New Jersey etc., Republican Govenors have decided to pass legislation in a whirlwind 5 days to abolish state worker unions for teachers, firemen, police,Prison guards, road safety workers... in short- all state workers.

Tens of Thousands of Wisconsin workers have "gone Egypt" in the capitol of Madison in street protests. The Govenor Walker has proucly proclaimed that he will speak to no worker or union representative. The govenor put the National Guard on alert. Late he said that state workers for prisons was the reason why.

As a result all 17 democratic state senators have disappeared.
The republicans have issued a call order which sends out state police to hunt down, arrest democratic senators and bring them forcibly back to Madison so that the Republicans will have a legal quarum to pass the union killing bill. All they need is one democratic senator to pass the bill.

The hunt is on...

The union killing bill also decimates the wages of all state employees. The new law would reverse 100 years of worker rights laws that were padi in blood and coin over five generations.

More states headed by republican govenors have vowed to abolish state unions by legislation.

My thiughts is that they planned to do this when it would be too cold for workers to protest. With tens of thousands marching in Madison today and the Senators mysteriously missing in action, it does not seem that the republican plan is working seamlessly.

17 Feb 11 - 03:16 PM (#3097408)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

Less than half of Wisconsin teachers showed up for work today.
No word on police attendence yet

17 Feb 11 - 03:19 PM (#3097411)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Don Firth

It's bloody well about time that the Democrats stood up and barked for a change!!

Don Firth

17 Feb 11 - 03:34 PM (#3097423)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Hmmm. Some call Republicans "The Party of No."

Seems like the Wisconsin Dems are "The Party of No Show."

Repubs might be the party of "No," but they, at least, had the moral fiber to let the democratic process run it course, although they knew they would lose. Wisconsin Dems are moral cowards.

17 Feb 11 - 03:57 PM (#3097439)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Ed T


17 Feb 11 - 04:16 PM (#3097453)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Greg F.

Yeah, UNIONS are one of the favorite bogie-men of the current Brain Dead Majority.

Amnd thusly showing total ignorance of labor history of the U. S. of A. and the rest of the world.

I blame the Commies- if they were still around, maybe Unions would get a break.

17 Feb 11 - 04:26 PM (#3097464)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: olddude

I have friends, family in Wisconsin. Like NY, the state is broke. The state is asking for concessions .. I know how much that is going to hurt so many people. I don't think it was just to bust unions. I don't know what the answer is to this sad economic times. I do know that the states are bankrupt and cannot pay .. In my old home state of PA one of my high school friends retired at 53 ... yes 53. He was a flagman on the highway since leaving HS ... lifetime health benefits, he told me that now at age 57 he makes more retired from the state pension plan then he did working .. Yet that state is on the ropes also .. the money is just not there, states cannot continue such benefit packages without massive layoffs.. I don't know what the answer is

17 Feb 11 - 06:09 PM (#3097531)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

The states either have to increase taxes, or cut personnel and/or their salaries. Sad, but a consequence of changing conditions.

17 Feb 11 - 06:18 PM (#3097539)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: The Fooles Troupe


Seems like the Wisconsin Dems are "The Party of No Show."

Repubs might be the party of "No," but they, at least, had the moral fiber to let the democratic process run it course, although they knew they would lose. Wisconsin Dems are moral cowards.

It seems that you have forgotten about the democratic principle of abstaining, sir!

17 Feb 11 - 06:24 PM (#3097542)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: mousethief

It's so easy to increase taxes on the rich. I wonder why the Republicans don't think of it.

17 Feb 11 - 06:43 PM (#3097551)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

Oops I was wrong, the state police, police and firefighters are not subject to the new Walker law.

Members of the National Guard who belong to a union may have to intimidate, tear gas, beat or shoot themselves if Walker calls them up to disband the protesters.

The 14 missing democratic senators are all in Illinois hoping that the Wisconsin state police do not cross state lines to drag them into the State House to make a quarum that would automaticly pass the Walker law.

17 Feb 11 - 06:53 PM (#3097559)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Greg F.

Its not INCREASING taxes on the rich, but rescinding the tax breaks the rich have been given since Ronnie Reagan.

Reagan's economic policies have been proven to be bankrupt, and to have been the cause of the recent economic meltdown.

Lets just get back to the tax schedule pre-Reagan & a lot of this stuff - including the defecit - will take care of itself.

17 Feb 11 - 07:23 PM (#3097576)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

If the law is passed the $3,000,000,000 Wisconsin deficit (primarily due to tax cuts and fruadulent Wall St. securities purchased by state pensions, buying phoney mortgage securities, crooked derivitives and unsecured options) will be cut all the way down to

It is hoped that the further abolition of head start, minimum wage, heating oil assitence for the poor, food stamps, and homeless shelters will close the rest of the gap, and by doing so attract trillionaries to return to Wisconsin for the climate and tax breaks.

This will have a double barrel impact by starving out the poor , getting them off our welfare rolls where they depended entirely upon tax payers money to needlessly eat. ( many of 'those people' are known to be Democrap.)

Teach the cripples and able bodied alike to get off their ass and work for competitive Chinese wages. There are lots of jobs available, especially in prison. The entrepenureal spirit of Colonial America is returning in many states by having prisoners manufacture medical equipment and produce many other goods and services that used to be offshored. So far several govenors have done very well financially by having silent partnerships with prison factories, farms, travel agencies and paid porn sites. 'The private sector shall rise again!'

Even the Govenor of Arizona made big bucks by passing a law3 that required jailing of all illegal Mexicans so she made the Sate build a private prison that charges the State triple to jail men women and children who don't belong here.

Dear Govenor Walker, you may look like a man boy or a Justin Beiber all grown up, but you are a lion heartless crusty, Depends soaked old geezer more powerful than Mr. Potter of Bedford Falls Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Lt. Govenor Martin Gibson is said to be organizing a forced march west into Minnisota and South Dakota and onward, where the trouble makers can be detained at wounded knee for futher processing.

the national democratic party hasn't really lifted a finger to help Wisonsin democrats and the president said in effect that the govenor had some good points in reducing spending but union busting is not entirely necessary. Glen Beck of course blames young people and Islamic democratic socialists for the anti American uprising in Madison.

17 Feb 11 - 07:24 PM (#3097579)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Abstaining and not showing up are two different actions...when abstaining, one is at least present for a quorum allowing a vote to be taken. So I stand by my comment, Foolestroupe.

17 Feb 11 - 07:27 PM (#3097582)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

Greg, gulp, don't you realize that tax rates on the rich in the Reagan days was 70% compared to 23 - 30% today?

In 2009 corporations like Exon and GE paid taxes but after all the loopholes were filled and subsidies paid, they each paid less than 0% taxes. Thats right, they got refunds.

17 Feb 11 - 07:37 PM (#3097584)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Bob the Postman

"Repubs might be the party of "No," but they, at least, had the moral fiber to let the democratic process run it course, although they knew they would lose. Wisconsin Dems are moral cowards."

I'm with Foolestroupe (06:18 PM) on this--denying quorum IS part of the democratic process. The moral cowardice is shown by those in power who take advantage of a fiscal crisis to introduce ideology-driven sweeping roll-backs in standards which have been achieved incrementally over many generations.

The raison d'etre of unions is negotiation--cutting deals is what they do best. But governors (small g or big G) prefer bullying to negotiation if they can get away with it. Sadly, the American people have been letting them get away with it ever since Reagan crotch-kicked the air-traffic controllers back in the early 80s.

17 Feb 11 - 07:39 PM (#3097588)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: DougR

What John on the West Coast and Old Dude said.

GregF: you are so full of it.


17 Feb 11 - 07:47 PM (#3097596)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

When faced with an unfair kangaroo court sentence to be lynched without deliberation, I agree it is downright cowardly to not "hang around" and be lynched like a man.

If Doug were to be lynched this Saturday, I'm sure he would stay put and welcome the party... like a man
but not entirely like a man.

17 Feb 11 - 09:01 PM (#3097618)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Lonesome EJ

The states are upside down financially. The answer is neither to tax the wealthy nor to cut the unions and institute reasonable pay and retirement benefits. The answer is to do both.

17 Feb 11 - 09:33 PM (#3097630)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Jim Dixon

Abraham Lincoln, as a state legislator in Illinois, once jumped out the window of the State Capitol building (along with several others) so there wouldn't be a quorum.

17 Feb 11 - 09:49 PM (#3097634)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Stilly River Sage

Texas Democrats did the same thing several years ago to then Gov. George Bush. The jerk who got us into so much of the mess we're in now.

John on the Sunset Coast, your platitudes may be well-meaning, but they're nonsense. The current idiocy of the GOP is to continue to fund two wars, to continue to let crooks bill Medicaid and Medicare until they're blue from blood loss, but try to settle the budget on the back of the people who have no funds to compensate for the loss of services. Yet the rich got a big tax cut. And they don't pay their fair share of Social Security benefits.

Things can be adjusted, but it is typical and tragic that the GOP in power go for exactly the wrong things first. All the while, executive pay, banking fees, the behavior of credit card companies, etc, goes unchecked. Why? Because the bankers and rich people are republicans, of course, and won't make themselves pay their fair share.


17 Feb 11 - 10:28 PM (#3097649)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

A respected journalist looked at Wisconsin's actual OMB facts and figures and discovered that the state actually has a multi million dollar surplus. Two weeks ago the govenor passed a tax easment for the rich amounting to 132 million dollars. The money saved by hurting state workers is about an equal match. The busting of state unions has no fiscal savings whatsoever EXCEPT that it will limit the Democratic Party to bake sales while Republican corporations can buy billions of dollars of influence.

Once you see Republican states one after another try to abolish unions in their state you will see this is a full frontal assualt in disbanding the Democrtic party.

The court decision Citizens United allowed multi national corporations and Unions to fund candidates with UNLIMITED money.

When Unions are gone it will be a one party Billionaire show come election time.

This die was cast when the Citizens United case overturned 200 years of election law. I said it then, I repeat it now. Total Corporate Control of elections and institutions is the equivalent to a dictatorship.

17 Feb 11 - 10:39 PM (#3097653)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Abstaining and not showing up are two different actions...when abstaining, one is at least present for a quorum allowing a vote to be taken. So I stand by my comment"

An elected representative has the right to withhold his vote, including refusing to attend a vote. If the Governor cannot cope with that causing a lack of quorum preventing a vote (a PROTECTION built into the law to stop defatco dictatorship bullying tactics!) then perhaps he should stop acting like a bullying dictator and lean about a skill called 'negotiating'.

17 Feb 11 - 10:46 PM (#3097659)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: mousethief

Once you see Republican states one after another try to abolish unions in their state you will see this is a full frontal assualt in disbanding the Democrtic party.

The states governments (governors and/or legislatures) under control of the Republicans are going mad. They want to abolish child labor laws in Missouri; South Dakota would have made killing abortion doctors "justifiable" (but walked it back when it went viral); Arizona wants to opt out of federal law; Georgia wants to let anybody drive without a license; Wyoming has sent a bill about abortion to the agriculture committee because they knew it wouldn't get out of the appropriate committee.

The Republicans aren't just not our friends. They're frippin' NUTS.

17 Feb 11 - 10:56 PM (#3097667)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: The Fooles Troupe

It was many years ago that I was stunned when I found out the blind Yank obsession with brainwashing the dumb populace into destroying their own self interests. There is no way to stop the destruction of the selfish society which is consuming itself. Greed consumes all - Power corrupts, Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. The Rich will eat the Poor. USA society is a hypocritical joke, as seen by many outsiders.

17 Feb 11 - 11:36 PM (#3097673)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing

And insiders Ftroop.

17 Feb 11 - 11:42 PM (#3097674)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: The Fooles Troupe

You need a real protest ...

Belgians strip in protest over political deadlock

A lot of folks took their clothes off today and I think we saw something nice...


17 Feb 11 - 11:59 PM (#3097677)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: mousethief

Repubs might be the party of "No," but they, at least, had the moral fiber to let the democratic process run it course

Unlike, say, hijacking the filibuster procedure to kill hundreds of pieces of legislation. This is like those arguments about naughty rude people using swear words, when the person making the accusations regularly rips other people to shreds, but without using blue words.

In other words, RANK HYPOCRISY.

18 Feb 11 - 12:46 AM (#3097687)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Lonesome EJ

Donuel, if Labor Unions are the heart of the Democratic Party, then it's already too late.

18 Feb 11 - 01:19 AM (#3097695)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: mousethief

The Democratic Party stabbed the labor unions in the back years ago. Old news.

23 Feb 11 - 08:28 PM (#3101585)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

Cynical as it sounds, its been too late since the Supreme court decision, Citizens United.
Just prior to the case being heard, 2 Supreme Court Justices were wined and dined for 4 days by the Koch Bros. who stand for a one party system in order to insure maximum profits and minimum Union interference for their businesses that pollute and require American workers.

Thanks to the Daily out of Buffalo we finally got to hear exactly what Gov. Walker thinks and schemes.
The Gov. thought he was taliking to David Koch but was actually talking to the editor of the Daily BEast.

To hear a Reppublican talking republicanese with the leading republican billionaire who pays for 90% of all republican elections...
is a truely enlightening experience. One and all should listen to it.

23 Feb 11 - 08:43 PM (#3101593)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: dick greenhaus

a:The unions have already stated that they will accept the pay and benefit cuts the Governor demanded, but he refused, stating that they must also surrender much of the power of collective bargaining.

b: The Belgian approach would never work in Wisconson in the wintertime.

23 Feb 11 - 09:03 PM (#3101606)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: LadyJean

Apparently some assistant attorney general suggested using live ammunition against the union protesters. He's now a former assistant Attorney general, and I'm betting the Republicans make him a martyr.

23 Feb 11 - 09:20 PM (#3101613)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

'Your'e damned right I advocate the use of deadly force!"
former deputy Attorney General of Indiana

He got fired after announcing that riot police use live ammo against pro union demonstrators.

In Georgia conservative groups have announced that they will provide armed resistence to pro union demonstrations.

23 Feb 11 - 09:29 PM (#3101621)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

mousetheif, when you consider the role models of republican party, people like Nixon, Reagan, McCarthy, GWB, Tom Delay, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Palin, Beck and the usual gang of idots on FOX, then it only goes to show why republicans become so feeding frenzied that they sometimes try to bite their own juglar vein.

I still believe that they feel justified in their frenzy because the President is a black man, "something" that they always believed was "something" beneath them.

23 Feb 11 - 09:32 PM (#3101624)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: EBarnacle

If it were not for the Egyptian example, there would be a lot less response to these abuses. Here's to those who stand up to the nasty bastards and insist on being treated with some dignity.

I'll see you on the Statehouse steps in Trenton, NJ on Friday at noon. Be there or be square. Rain or shine. If you do not agree with us, demonstrate against us but be there or shut up!

23 Feb 11 - 09:37 PM (#3101627)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

nahh I don't buy that Egypt excuse at all.
We are told that the demonstrators are all young drug addict hippies and I only believe half of that.

23 Feb 11 - 11:17 PM (#3101661)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: EBarnacle

Hell, the only meds I am dependent on are anticholesterol meds, pain killers, antihypertensives... I wish I could live well without them. Fortunately, thanks to my union, I get them for a copay instead of having to choose between being medicated or being dead.

24 Feb 11 - 12:50 AM (#3101695)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

The inter-tangling of fact, spin, opinion and party positions, only seem to cloud the truth. In any event, it's interesting, to see who, and how certain people pull out of the situation, anything they want to see, and block out any understanding of the other side. Both sides are employing the same psych games, with their respective audience.

One, of course, is lying, more than the other..which does not justify either side doing it....but be prepared to alter your positions, should more come to light!



24 Feb 11 - 04:46 PM (#3102158)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Uncle_DaveO

John on the S.C. said:

Repubs might be the party of "No," but they, at least, had the moral fiber to let the democratic process run it course, although they knew they would lose. Wisconsin Dems are moral cowards.

Not so. The Dem Senators are exercising great personal courage within parliamentary procedure to frustrate the Republicans' muscle tactics, in ramming a draconian partisan measure through in an unconscionably short time.

What was it, maybe ten years ago? that Texas or maybe Mississippi legislators did the same thing, to deprive the "dictatorship of the majority" of a quorum. This is hardly unheard of.

The tactics of the Republican Governor and his majority in this case hardly constitute "letting the democratic process run its course", when they are designed to prevent real deliberation in the legislature by a grand rush to preconceived judgment.

Dave Oesterreich

24 Feb 11 - 04:48 PM (#3102161)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Donuel

I keep going over the post that mentioned that Lincoln escaped through a window to avoid a quarum count in Springfield.
It always sounded like an heroic act to me. I seem to remember this from school.

Rachel Maddow should mention this fact.

or is it fiction?

24 Feb 11 - 05:17 PM (#3102197)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing

Don F.: "It's bloody well about time that the Democrats stood up and barked for a change!!"

Shit, you got to be present to win!

Here, I posted this on another thread, but it belongs on this one:

BUT THEY SHOWED UP...not took a paid vacation at taxpayers expense. Perhaps if the laid down a good rebuttal, or plead their case, it could sway minds...instead, they are pissing off both sides, except for the die-hard extremist left....oh, let's not forget, by NOT SHOWING up, they are representing NO ONE!

Gosh, did the health care debate cause the opposition to walk off??..even when they knew the cards were stacked against them????

In case you forgot, we live in a Democratic Republic...not a dictatorship through loophole trickery.

And one last parting thought, I am NOT in 100% agreement with the Republicunts on every issue, nor am I against everything from the Democraps, either. I tend to NOT be CONTROLLED by either...because in my humble opinion, too much evidence has come in that they both are corrupt political opportunists!...and DO NOT represent the people, who, are in fact, their employers....NOT the other way around!


24 Feb 11 - 05:28 PM (#3102206)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Perhaps if the laid down a good rebuttal, or plead their case, it could sway minds"

"we live in a Democratic Republic...not a dictatorship through loophole trickery"

It's pretty clear that you accept such behavior if YOUR Goons (the ones you support at the moment!) do it, but get pissed off when the other side plays the tricks they learned from your supporters....

24 Feb 11 - 05:50 PM (#3102223)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Greg F.


Read this- it'll save your ass.




25 Feb 11 - 12:20 PM (#3102665)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Bill D

Dave O mentioned: "What was it, maybe ten years ago? that Texas or maybe Mississippi legislators did the same thing, ..."

In Texas, the Repubs were planning to redistrict the state in a VERY Gerrymandering fashion. The Democrats finally returned, and LO! the Repubs soon had an increase of 4 congressmen.

Those who try to compare these situations, where basic fairness is being assaulted, with simple disagreements, are just pretending that one rule covers all issues. The overwhelming majority of polls tell us that the tactics of the Wisconsin Republicans are decried by reasonable people...including many Republicans. (After all, some Republicans are IN unions, and see why this attempt to erase them would be bad for the country as a whole.)

25 Feb 11 - 12:50 PM (#3102681)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Greg F.

After all, some Republicans are IN unions...

Heresy!!! Apostasy!! They should be drummed out of the party.

25 Feb 11 - 02:00 PM (#3102719)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Bobert

Lets get real here... Given that the unions had already made the concessions that the governor wanted this amounts to an attempt to shut down a reliable Democratic get-out-the-vote organization...

It would be equivalent to a Democratic governor getting elected and trying to shut down the NRA and the Student Republican organizations on campuses in his state...

That mis why this is so irritating... It is a back handed way to try to disenfranchise voters...


25 Feb 11 - 04:13 PM (#3102795)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: EBarnacle

Not backhanded--It's a slap. Even without a quorum, Wisconsin has voted to disenfranchise its unions from their collective bargaining rights.

25 Feb 11 - 04:36 PM (#3102807)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Stringsinger

The Fab Fourteen are doing their job. They are protecting their constituency from the ravages of the Walkers, Kasichs, Daniels and Christies.

The "no-show" is the callous behavior of Walker toward Wisconsin by ignoring
the needs of its people.

The Fourteen need to stay away until this ruthless union-busting stops.

The Senators are not missing. They are strongly present in this struggle.

Their voices are being heard.

26 Feb 11 - 11:17 AM (#3103050)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: EBarnacle

At the Trenton rally yesterday, officers of the Wisconsin union were presented with Solidarity checks from both New Jersey unions and the national AFL-CIO in support of their efforts.

26 Feb 11 - 05:15 PM (#3103237)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Stringsinger

The Senators are not missing. They are very much in attendance for Democracy and are speaking out eloquently.

26 Feb 11 - 07:34 PM (#3103292)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Bobert

Yeah, and here is another way of looking at this... The Republicans in Senate lived at the filibuster trough for 2 years and filibustered stuff that they had even proposed in an attempt to make Obama look bad... Now seems the shoe is on the other foot...

What goes around, comes around...

If the Repubs want government to be civil then the ball is firmly in their court... But they are being egged on by the looniest of the loonies and what they are beginning to see is that catering to loonies ain't all that fun... Not to mention a recipe for disaster in 2012...


26 Feb 11 - 11:27 PM (#3103371)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Sawzaw

Salvatore Bertino asked a Ciminelli company employee to hire Bertino's son Anthony. When the employee refused, Bertino slashed the representative's tires. Mark Congi was aware of and approved of this conduct. Bertino slashed tires belonging to a carpenter's foreman. Congi was aware of and approved this conduct. Congi directed Bertino, Andrew Shomers, Gambino, Angelo Congi and Rico Liberale to engage in property sabotage at the Target construction site. Bertino, Shomers, Joseph Gambino, Angelo Congi and Rico Liberale engaged in property sabotage at the Target construction site at Congi's direction.
At the Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Niagara Falls various Local 91 members committed numerous acts of attempted extortion. Congi met with Shomers, Cerrone, Robert Malvestuto Jr. and Randy Butler and told them that a non-union contractor, Sansla, Inc., was doing Local 91's work and they had to do something about it. Congi met with Shomers, Cerrone, Robert Malvestuto Jr. and Randy Butler, and instructed them to take care of the situation involving Sansla, Inc. that night Shomers, Cerrone, Robert Malvestuto Jr. and Randy Butler, acting at the direction of Congi, threw two explosive devices consisting of explosive material taped to bricks into a residence occupied by employees of Sansla, Inc. at Wildwood Acres in the Town of Niagara, New York. Shomers, Cerrone, Robert Malvestuto Jr. and Randy Butler, acting at the direction of Congi, damaged vehicles belonging to employees of Sansla, Inc. at Wildwood Acres in the Town of Niagara, New York. Various Local 91 members committed numerous acts of attempted extortion. Additionally, the log indicates that on April 21, 1997, Bellreng threatened to murder Goran Stevanovich.
On one occasion in the time period of these racketeering acts, at Congi's direction, Bellreng approached Sansla employees with Ronald Mantell, Anthony Cerrone and Michael Tierney for the purpose of intimidating the Sansla employees.
Congi directed the picketing at the Clarion Hotel. Congi signed a settlement stipulation designated as Government Exhibit W160.13. Celeste was billed by Chopra-Lee for a bulk asbestos analysis. Congi was notified in a letter that union members were engaging in a variety of illegal activities. Congi, Bellreng and numerous other Local 91 members engaged in a blockade of the hotels. Bellreng filed a request to inspect the asbestos building survey for work being performed at the Clarion Hotel. Congi signed a document approved by a regional director of the National Labor Relations Board. Congi, Celeste, Bellreng, Dominick Dellaccio and Quarcini met with the Mayor of Niagara Falls, the Chief of Police of Niagara Falls, and the City of Niagara Falls Administrator at the Local 91 union hall and discussed aspects of the Clarion and Holiday Inn renovation projects, as well as Local 91's activities at the hotels. Celeste went to the construction site at the Lewiston-Porter Middle School with Congi and tried to intimidate an employee of Scrufari Construction Company.
Union Local 91 claimed work relating to the unloading of trucks at the Rainbow Bridge construction project, which belonged to the carpenters. In or about August, 1997, during the evening hours, a carpenter employed by Vulcan Shaw Floors (VSF) received a shipment of floor tiles at the Rainbow Bridge construction project and, because there were no workers available to unload the shipment, he loaded the tiles onto a truck and transported them to VSF. Albert Celeste came to the Rainbow Bridge construction project and asked the VSF carpenter what happened to the shipment of ceramic tiles. After the VSF carpenter told Celeste that he had unloaded the shipment, Celeste stated that the VSF carpenter was lucky that he (the VSF) carpenter did not load and transport the floor tiles at 6 p.m. because Celeste had 30 laborers at the Rainbow Bridge construction project. Vulcan employees met with Congi, Dellaccio, Celeste and Local 91 steward Seriani regarding aspects of work on the Rainbow Bridge project.Congi, flanked closely by Dellaccio and Celeste, attempted to physically intimidate the Vulcan employees into relinquishing Vulcan's work by standing within inches of one of the employees and screaming and yelling obscenities at him. Congi also made a series of threats such as "I (and/or) we are going to get you," which the employee interpreted as statements that the employee would be physically harmed. When the employee warned that he would call 911, Dellaccio produced his own cell phone and sarcastically said to use his.Ultimately, Vulcan relinquished the work to Local 91 in order to maintain labor peace.
Congi asked one of the owners of Double J Fence, which company was installing a fence at a Delta Sonic car wash located at 7920 Niagara Falls Boulevard, Niagara Falls, New York whether Double J Fence was a union company. When the owner of Double J Fence responded that they were not a union company, defendant Congi stated that in Niagara Falls the fence companies are union and that Local 91 would set up a picket at the Delta Sonic work site. Sometime before, Congi had directed Bertino to knock down the fence installed by Double J Fence at the Delta Sonic work site and told Bertino that he would send some guys to help. Bertino, Shomers, Pat McKeown and Rico Liberale, acting at the direction of Congi, destroyed the fence that had been installed by Double J Fence at the Delta Sonic work site. The owners of Double J Fence met with Congi, Dellaccio and Quarcini at the Local 91 union hall. The owners of Double J fence were forced to join the union and pay to the union benefits for the owners' wages.
Congi, Andrew Shomers, Anthony Cerrone and Robert Malvestuto Jr. went to the Middleport Elementary School in Middleport, New York. Rusmar, Inc. along with other companies was performing renovation work within the school. Shomers and Malvestuto, acting at the direction of Congi, entered the school and damaged property, including an airless spraying machine, three negative air machines and an emergency generator. Cerrone acted as a lookout while Shomers and Malvestuto entered the school.
Congi and Dellaccio met with a representative of Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI) and demanded that BFI hire Local 91 laborers to work on the installation of a landfill liner at the BFI landfill in the Town of Niagara, New York. Congi directed Robert Malvestuto Jr. to meet with Andrew Shomers, Salvatore Bertino, Anthony Cerrone and Pat McKeown regarding Serrot Corporation, a non-union contractor who was at that time installing the landfill liner at the BFI site. Congi told Bertin that there was a problem with non-union workers doing Local 91's work at the BFI landfill site and directed Bertino to speak with Andrew Shomers, Anthony Cerrone and Robert Malvestuto Jr. about what needed to be done. Bertino met with Malvestuto, during which meeting they decided that they would go to the BFI landfill site and cut the landfill liner. A meeting was attended by Bertino, Shomers, Cerrone, Malvestuto and Pat McKeown, during which meeting it was decided that McKeown would drop off Bertino, Shomers, Cerrone and Malvestuto at the BFI landfill site. Shomers, Bertino, Cerrone, Malvestuto and McKeown, all of whom were acting at the direction of Congi, destroyed a landfill liner and damaged a lighting generator at the BFI landfill.Later that same night, Shomers, Bertino, Cerrone, Malvestuto and McKeown went to a motel in Niagara Falls, New York, where the Serrot Corporation employees who were working at the BFI landfill were staying and punctured the tires on vehicles belonging to those employees and others.
Congi had a telephone conversation with a representative of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority (NFHA), during which Congi complained that NFHA was using non-union labor to replace a sidewalk in front of the NFHA building at 2561 Seneca Ave, Niagara Falls, New York, and threatened to set up a picket line. Congi met with Salvatore Bertino and Andrew Shomers about the job being performed by a non-union contractor at the NFHA work site. During the meeting, Congi stated that it did not look good for a non-union contractor to be performing work across the street from the Local 91 union hall. Congi directed Bertino and Shomers to do something about it and to send a message. Andrew Shomers and Salvatore Bertino, acting at the direction of Congi, went to the NFHA work site and damaged property, punctured tires on several vehicles and pieces of construction equipment, and placed a lock on the front gate.
Congi met with a representative of Environmental Quality Management, Inc. at 1600 Balmer Rd., Town of Porter, New York. At that time, EQM, a non-union contractor, was serving as the general contractor for an asbestos removal project at the Balmer Road work site. EQM had hired Environmental Products and Services, Inc. (EPS), a non-union contractor, as a subcontractor for the asbestos removal project. During the meeting Congi demanded that EQM and/or EPS hire laborers from Local 91 to work on the asbestos removal project.
Congi directed Robert Malvestuto Jr. and Pat McKeown to enter the Balmer Road work site and damage the equipment of EQM and EPS. Robert Malvestuto Jr. and Pat McKeown, acting at the direction of Congi, damaged two Caterpillar telescopic handlers and a Caterpillar integrated tool carrier and destroyed a highway construction trailer and a portable construction office at the Balmer Road work site.
Celeste claimed all of the work relating to the rigging of trusses from Mader Construction at the Niagara University construction project. Mader relinquished this work because it feared retaliation.
Local 91 gave Celeste a raise of $320 per month. Bellreng moved to have Congi, Dellaccio and Cicero named to the Local 91 new car committee.The Local 91 executive board approved a motion permitting Quarcini, Dellaccio and Celeste to attend an out-of-town retirement party, and to pay a per diem of $400 per day.
Congi directed Local 91 member Louis Fazzolari to go to the home of three of the newly appointed officers of Local 91 Robert Connolly, Randy Tagliarini and Rico Liberale and damage the tires on their vehicles. Local 91 members Louis Fazzolari and John Bianco, and Mark Cocco, acting at the direction of defendant Congi, punctured the tires on the vehicles belonging to Robert Connolly, Randy Tagliarini and Rico Liberale.

27 Feb 11 - 09:34 AM (#3103549)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: Greg F.

Source, Sawz? Or are you just making this up as you go along?

PS: When ya gonna start posting excerpts about the corruption and strong-arm tactics of U.S. businesses and corporations- incidents that far exceed those perpetrated by your personal bogeymen?

27 Feb 11 - 12:16 PM (#3103640)
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
From: EBarnacle

Based upon New York labor law, whena contract expires, it does not become defunct until such time as a new contract is put into its place. There can be no change in terms and conditions of employment or changes in insurance policy.

The major change is that there are no raises unless they are included in the new contract.