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BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

23 Feb 11 - 06:21 PM (#3101507)
Subject: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

As three Mudcatters already, the P-Vine, has been diagnosed with what we hope will be Stage 1 breast cancer...

She is to have the Sentinel lymph node removed and biopsied tomorrow and is scheduled for a mastectomy on March 14th...

If the lymph node is cancer free then the mastectomy should take care of this situation... We'll get a report back my the middle of next week...

Prayers & healing thoughts requested...


23 Feb 11 - 06:29 PM (#3101517)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: LilyFestre


   Loads of prayers headed your way. Lots of love too. Hug P-Vine for me.


23 Feb 11 - 06:29 PM (#3101518)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Fortunato

Hey, Bobert, please give the lovely P-Vine my best thoughts and earnest hopes for an excellent procedure and a full recovery.

I wish her all the best luck in the world.

She is now and will always be a beautiful person. Please tell her I said so.


23 Feb 11 - 06:31 PM (#3101521)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Prayers and thoughts streaming, Bobert and P-Vine.


23 Feb 11 - 06:37 PM (#3101524)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST, topsie

I'm thinking positive thoughts as hard as I can.
Hope it goes well.

23 Feb 11 - 06:40 PM (#3101525)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Janie

Still streaming them, Beaubear. Will be sure to be especially focused tomorrow.

23 Feb 11 - 07:06 PM (#3101538)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Maryrrf

Best wishes, Bobert, and hopes for a speedy recovery. It's good that she has you to support her through this. Sounds like they caught it early.

23 Feb 11 - 07:07 PM (#3101539)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ClaireBear

You've got it. Prayers, light, songs and whatever else I can bring to bear on the matter. Love to you both.

23 Feb 11 - 07:43 PM (#3101555)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bill D

Bobert...tell Eve there are SO many good thoughts for her. We will watch for news....

23 Feb 11 - 07:45 PM (#3101558)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

P-Vine, if you can handle our Beau, you can handle this. Thoughts and prayers coming your way from Maine.

23 Feb 11 - 08:16 PM (#3101580)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Healing light and love and peace flowing your way...

23 Feb 11 - 09:23 PM (#3101616)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,leeneia

I'm praying too, Bobert dear.

23 Feb 11 - 09:25 PM (#3101618)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Beer

Warm thoughts from the cold North.

23 Feb 11 - 09:30 PM (#3101623)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Dharmabum

+++++++++++Positive Energy+++++++++++
         Headed your way.


23 Feb 11 - 10:09 PM (#3101641)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

Well, darn. We don't need any more cancers in the Mudcat community.

Are you still in the process of moving? Will you be doing all of this near the new house or the old house? I suppose this is one of those extra reasons why being near the grandkids in a new neighborhood is nice.

Take care, the both of you.


23 Feb 11 - 10:19 PM (#3101643)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: catspaw49

Bobertz, you and the P-Vine can add all of our best thoughts to the growing pile........


23 Feb 11 - 10:48 PM (#3101655)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thanks, ya'll...

Well, first of all we are hoping that the lymph nodes are clear so she won't face chemo...

If so ****and**** we move (90%) during the middle of this then she'll finish up at Duke Medical...

I know, bad timing... Never good timing fir this kinda stuff... Spaw knows what I mean here but you do what ya' gotta do...

Crazy but, hey...

BTW, lotta ya'' know that I lost my wife, Judy, to breast cancer in '96 and I've always had this relationship with God and He has over and over shown me these glimpses of the future and He showed me/told me that Judy was not going to survive... It was hard going thru that with the knowledge that it wasn't going to end well...

Well, me and God have had more than a few little chats about the P-Vine and He has her doing just fine...

Don't know if that means anything to anyone not of Faith but sho nuff means a lot to me...

(Sorry for the God talk... I know it is banned, or at least looked down upon, in some circles here in Mudville...)


23 Feb 11 - 10:54 PM (#3101656)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

The best of the best to the both of you.
{{{Beaubear and the P-Vine}}}

23 Feb 11 - 10:59 PM (#3101658)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thanks, Eb...

And I know that God hears you when you speak to Him...


23 Feb 11 - 11:23 PM (#3101663)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maire-aine

Love & prayers for you both.


23 Feb 11 - 11:58 PM (#3101669)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

OMG I am so sorry Bob, didn't see this thread ... In my thoughts and Prayers my friend


24 Feb 11 - 12:08 AM (#3101674)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ChanteyLass

I'll keep you both in the Light.

24 Feb 11 - 12:08 AM (#3101676)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Bobert: "Don't know if that means anything to anyone not of Faith but sho nuff means a lot to me...
(Sorry for the God talk... I know it is banned, or at least looked down upon, in some circles here in Mudville...)

Absolutely no reason to apologize....your post is wonderfully honest, and is not falling on deaf, nor contentious ears.

You tell her, there is this person on here, who argues with you a lot...therefore, I must be on her side!(wink)...and that person is sending her 'beams' of love, and positive 'get well' and recover energy.

It's out there for her, grab it and get well!!


24 Feb 11 - 12:48 AM (#3101694)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: KT

Bobert, holding you and P-Vine in loving thoughts and prayer.

24 Feb 11 - 01:24 AM (#3101698)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

adding my good wishes & love & hugs to the strong mix heading your way, P-Vine & Bobert


24 Feb 11 - 01:46 AM (#3101704)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ragdall

I'm sending prayers and good thoughts.



24 Feb 11 - 02:16 AM (#3101714)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: mouldy

Loads of positive thoughts heading across the Atlantic!! Hope all goes well.

Andrea xx

24 Feb 11 - 02:32 AM (#3101716)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

Tell the P-Vine, Beaubear, that when I was a kid in Oregon one of the most exotic, mysterious places I heard my dad, a horse trainer, speak of was of the PeaVine Ridge. He took his colts up there to teach them 'hill smarts' and they always returned more sure footed.

Not sure what that has to do with your current situation but somehow it felt appropriate...

24 Feb 11 - 03:28 AM (#3101730)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Loads of love to you both, Bobz..big hugs too.

I think moving in the midst of all this isn't such a bad thing, you know, because you'll both have a whole new beginning to focus on...and it may be exactly what your beloved P-Vine needs.

Wrapping you both up in love...and hey, God is *very* good for chattering on to at moments like this..I bored the pants of Him several years back now. :0)

Keep smiling, keep positive. (((XXX)))

24 Feb 11 - 03:44 AM (#3101739)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: open mike

sending shed-loads of positive thoughts..
and as sinsull said, if she is tough enough
to handle you, she has this thing whipped@!@

best of the best of the best to you both...

and gals...get your mammograms....take care!!

24 Feb 11 - 05:21 AM (#3101765)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: freda underhill

Bobert, lots of love and prayers from me to the beautiful P-Vine, and hugs for both of you,

freda x

24 Feb 11 - 05:25 AM (#3101768)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

The very best wishes and regards from Charlie, Bobert.

24 Feb 11 - 05:36 AM (#3101778)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle

Not sure if healing thoughts are in my repertoire, but if I could - they'd be for you both

good thoughts


24 Feb 11 - 05:42 AM (#3101783)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Janie

Ya'll are probably up and on the road to Charlottesville, if you didn't spend the night there.

Do you see that clear, bright, half-moon hanging there in the sky this early morning?

24 Feb 11 - 06:29 AM (#3101801)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Youse got mine, Bobert.

24 Feb 11 - 07:10 AM (#3101825)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Good thoughts coming from Maine Bobert.

Love and best wishes to you both.

24 Feb 11 - 07:15 AM (#3101830)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,Dani

Scary times. But you and your love are strong.

Warm thoughts and prayers for both of you, friends.

Remember that you have a home here if you are ever in need of it.


24 Feb 11 - 07:31 AM (#3101837)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Off to C-ville in half an hour... No moon here 'cause of the clouds...

Thanks again, all... The operation is scheduled for around noon today, should take an hour and then she'll be in recovery for an hour or so...

She seems to be okay so far this morning...

Thanks for the PM's, the prayers and those healing thoughts... Believe me, we feel them coming thru load and clear...


24 Feb 11 - 08:49 AM (#3101871)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

Thinking of you both.

24 Feb 11 - 09:30 AM (#3101898)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,pete from seven stars link

i dont know you, other than on the threads but as i read this thread my eyes teared and i prayed for you. God bless you.

24 Feb 11 - 09:58 AM (#3101907)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Amos

WE're rootin' fer your team, Beau-bear.


24 Feb 11 - 10:05 AM (#3101911)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lonesome EJ

I'm rooting for the both of you, Bob. Strength and Healing to your lovely wife!

24 Feb 11 - 10:14 AM (#3101915)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,number 6


you got my prayers and thoughts Bobert.

you guys hang in there


24 Feb 11 - 10:19 AM (#3101918)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bonnie Shaljean

Thinking of you both, and sending love & healing thoughts from Ireland -

Bonnie xx

24 Feb 11 - 10:25 AM (#3101924)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Rapparee

If it's stage one she doesn't need a total, "just" a lumpectomy and sentinel node removal. Good Lord, Bobert, do you have to repeat everything my wife and I do? We just went through that and we're still awaiting some of the news! I mean like her surgery was Feb. 1, 27 days from anomalous mammogram to surgery.

Dude, YOU'RE gonna need help too! Let me know and I'll pass on what little I know. Remember, just listen to her and that sometimes YOU can do anything except love her. But do listen to her and don't forget to hold her (SHE will let you know if it hurts).

She gonna be in EXTREME pain (they will probably inject dye and a radioactive tracer around her nipple, for instance) and there's not a helluva lot you can do except to Be There. If necessary, insist she stay overnight -- INSIST on it -- because of the pain. By the way, an ice pack will help with that for the first week or so, and then use warm, wet, things. If you have a microwavable rice bag use that, wrapped in a warm damp washcloth.

PM me if you got other questions. I'm traveling, so it might take a bit for an answer. I'll be back home on the 2nd, but ASK and I'll answer as best I can.

And remember, you damned old hillbilly, them pain-killers are for HER. :)

24 Feb 11 - 11:28 AM (#3101964)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg

c a l m
l o v e
p r a y e r s

~ S ~

24 Feb 11 - 11:31 AM (#3101966)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: alanabit

With you both Bob. One more on your side over here.

24 Feb 11 - 11:34 AM (#3101967)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,999

Message sent, Bob.

24 Feb 11 - 01:05 PM (#3102020)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: LilyFestre

24 Feb 11 - 01:37 PM (#3102044)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: LilyFestre


   I've been thinking about you and the P-Vine all day. I hope the biopsy is over, that it went well and she has some pain medication that will help her rest. It's just as much emotional as it is physical.

   I love your talkes with God. I don't care a hoot what anybody else says...those talks are important!

   Know that you are both loved and being prayed for. Remember to take some time out for you too.

(((((((((((((Hugs and Love))))))))))))))))


24 Feb 11 - 04:32 PM (#3102145)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Monique

Good thoughts for the both of you

24 Feb 11 - 04:46 PM (#3102157)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Donuel

Flowers of the P vine are oh so sweet. For someone to name themselves a P vine is beautiful. It would be nice to know P vine better one day soon.

24 Feb 11 - 04:51 PM (#3102164)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Still here dear - just waiting for news.

24 Feb 11 - 04:58 PM (#3102172)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Someone here cares, too.


24 Feb 11 - 05:03 PM (#3102179)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: JennieG

Just read this, but would like to add my prayers, hugs and healing thoughts to the big cloud of such already surrounding you and P-Vine, Bobert.


24 Feb 11 - 09:21 PM (#3102323)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

First of all, I am humbled beyond words!!!

The P-Vine doesn't yet know of this thread but I knew that she would be okay with it... Yeah, she is a private kinda person but also a Christian and understands the power of prayer...

As for me??? I'm okay...

I went thru 17 months of this with my late wife, Judy... So I am kinda battle tested... This outcome is going to be different... I know that because God has let me know... I'm not sure how we get to the promised land but we get there... I have seen it because God has shown it to me... The rest are details...

Long day today... The surgery was late and by the time I got us on the road it was pouring down rain and getting dark... The P-Vine did just fine... To lymph nodes were removed and sent off to pathology for a looksie...

We'll get the results back no later than next Wednesday... If they are clean then it's on to March 14th for the mastectomy... No, either way it's off to mastectomy....

Thanks all for your concerns, prayers and healing thoughts...

I think I can speak for the P-Vine here in saying that we love each and every one of ya'lls... Sho nuff do... Couldn't buy better friends... Sniff...


24 Feb 11 - 09:29 PM (#3102328)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Thanks for letting us know how today went, Bobert. Now you two get some rest. We love you both, too.


24 Feb 11 - 09:37 PM (#3102330)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: LilyFestre

Yep. Exactly what Maeve said!



24 Feb 11 - 11:00 PM (#3102360)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Beer

After reading your last post Bobert the song "Poems, Prayers and Promises" as sung by John Denver keeps playing in my mind. Why? , I don't know.

25 Feb 11 - 12:23 AM (#3102387)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

what maeve & michelle said


25 Feb 11 - 01:14 AM (#3102392)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

It will be fine, Bobert. It just feels that way - not anything I can explain, and I don't practice a religion that might get in the way of the feeling.

Tell P-Vine she might want to lay off digging up azaleas for a week or so after the biopsy. She's bound to be tender. :)

You two, take it easy, and you take good care of her, Bobert.


25 Feb 11 - 03:07 AM (#3102424)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

And you have to do ALL the cooking, cleaning and cuddling, for a while, Bobz..until she tells you to stop..which could be several years down the road of course, but.....

;0) xxx

25 Feb 11 - 03:35 AM (#3102428)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: My guru always said

Just caught up with this, sending positive thoughts, love & hugs to you both!

25 Feb 11 - 07:53 AM (#3102544)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

She's doing very well this mornin'... No pain... Hooray...

As for digging, Magz, any heavy digging has always been one of my jobs...


25 Feb 11 - 08:04 AM (#3102550)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

thanks for letting us know Bobert. Good thoughts continuing to be sent.

Love to both of you.

25 Feb 11 - 08:29 AM (#3102561)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Charmion

Hope & prayer coming from up North, too. Fingers crossed ...

25 Feb 11 - 08:43 AM (#3102569)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thanks fir the prayers and thoughts, ya'll... We feel 'um...


25 Feb 11 - 02:33 PM (#3102733)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: PoppaGator

Thoughts and prayers for both of you. I feel pretty sure that your faith in recovery will be vindicated. Maybe we'll meet again in person, and not be quite so rushed as last time!

25 Feb 11 - 02:44 PM (#3102740)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

No pain... good. Thanks for the update Bobert. Fingers crossed for Wednesday.

25 Feb 11 - 03:32 PM (#3102768)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

No pain is very good news. Get some rest. Wednesday will be here soon enough.
You are a very good man, bobert. P-Vine is lucky to have you by her side.

25 Feb 11 - 04:05 PM (#3102790)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

More best wishes to you both from Charlie.

26 Feb 11 - 01:38 AM (#3102980)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,Little Robyn

Been there done that!

26 Feb 11 - 01:44 AM (#3102982)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,Little Robyn

Woops, lost my cookie.
Here's my experience.

It's all over now and almost forgotten (except when I catch my reflection when I'm naked in the bathroom).
There's something missing.
But it doesn't hurt.
Good luck with yours.

26 Feb 11 - 10:02 AM (#3103009)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Cool Beans

Good luck to you and the Ms.

26 Feb 11 - 08:10 PM (#3103311)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

no pain after any op is good news

virtual hugs to you both


26 Feb 11 - 09:40 PM (#3103342)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: frogprince

Have been on the road, and just found this; love, and prayers for peace and healing.

26 Feb 11 - 11:11 PM (#3103368)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thanks all... Kinda in the waiting period that we all have some knowledge either direct or otherwise... Wednesday is the pathology report and if things are okay there then I think the rest of it will be fine....

Thanks for ya'll's prayers or moments of reflection....

I know they work...


27 Feb 11 - 12:27 AM (#3103383)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

You've got mine.

27 Feb 11 - 07:40 AM (#3103495)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Good morning, P-Vine and Bobert.

27 Feb 11 - 08:32 AM (#3103520)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: saulgoldie

All my best thoughts and prayers, Bobert.


27 Feb 11 - 11:20 AM (#3103595)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: VirginiaTam

sending thoughts of good energy and healing to your good lady and strength to you dear Bobert.

27 Feb 11 - 11:38 AM (#3103604)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg

Wal, Bob, I kin either be here punching keys or over in my prayer chair. Remember, when ya don't see me here, I might be over there. :~)


27 Feb 11 - 11:45 AM (#3103611)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

Gettin out me rosary ... always works for me .. lots a prayers heading P-vines way from this old guy ...

Love ya

27 Feb 11 - 11:47 AM (#3103612)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Georgiansilver

Will be praying.

27 Feb 11 - 12:02 PM (#3103627)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1


27 Feb 11 - 12:07 PM (#3103632)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Jean(eanjay)

Prayers and thoughts sent from Yorkshire.

27 Feb 11 - 12:42 PM (#3103648)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Skivee

Healing thoughts and healthful wishes for you both, buddy

27 Feb 11 - 01:31 PM (#3103702)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Amos

Hugs to all y'all, Bobez.


27 Feb 11 - 04:54 PM (#3103826)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ChanteyLass

I'm still keeping you both in the Light.

28 Feb 11 - 04:19 AM (#3104055)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: mouldy

Holding you both in my thoughts. Wednesday must seem so far away!

Andrea xx

28 Feb 11 - 08:13 AM (#3104161)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

New week, no updates...

Should get report back from the pathologist on Wednesday...

The P-Vine, though a little tired from the surgery last week, is doing fine...

Thanks again for all the warm thoughts and prayers...


28 Feb 11 - 01:08 PM (#3104346)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Checking in, P-Vine and Bobert.


28 Feb 11 - 01:48 PM (#3104394)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Rapparee

Yeah, Bobert. You know I know how it is right now.

28 Feb 11 - 02:46 PM (#3104442)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: KT

Thinking of you and P-Vine on this cold, sunny winter morning. Wishing you peace as you await news...

28 Feb 11 - 03:46 PM (#3104497)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: alanabit

Still here following your progress Bob. Waiting and hoping with everyone else.

28 Feb 11 - 05:38 PM (#3104566)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

**********************NEWS FLASH*********************

No cancer found in the lymph nodes!!! Yup, the doc just called and the pathology report is just what we hoped for but it sure is nice to have that behind us...

So, now it's two weeks to the mastectomy and that should be the end of this cancer story...



28 Feb 11 - 05:49 PM (#3104575)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Noreen

Woop! Woop!!!

Amazingly good news! Hugs all round! xxx

28 Feb 11 - 05:57 PM (#3104581)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Blues=Life

I'm a little late to this party, Bobert, but know that the two of you will be in my prayers from now on. The P-Vine is one of the most gracious women I've ever met, and she puts up with you. What a saint!

Give her my best, and know I'm thinking of you both.


28 Feb 11 - 05:59 PM (#3104582)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: katlaughing

That is wonderful news, Bobert!


28 Feb 11 - 06:17 PM (#3104591)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Thanks be.

Happy, happy news; thank you for letting us in on the celebration.


28 Feb 11 - 06:42 PM (#3104600)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: KT

Giving thanks, here.... wonderful news, Bobert!

28 Feb 11 - 07:26 PM (#3104622)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg

When yer right, yer right, Bobbird!


28 Feb 11 - 07:26 PM (#3104623)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg



28 Feb 11 - 07:30 PM (#3104626)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Maryrrf

So glad to hear this Bobert! What wonderful news!

28 Feb 11 - 07:45 PM (#3104633)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Janie

Very good news!

28 Feb 11 - 07:52 PM (#3104634)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney


28 Feb 11 - 07:59 PM (#3104637)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Yeah, TBTG!!!

I been having these deep feelings that this is "our week" for Him to bless us...

Actually, a trifecta would be nice...

The biggie is in the win column...

Now if we could get word on the house in NC that would make it 2 outta 3 and then if...

...we would get a contract offer on our farm that would be the trifecta...

I'm still holding out FAITH that we'll at the very least be in the 2 for 3 column by Friday...

That would be the bees knees... It would also be one of those, "Geeze, He indeed can pull things off" moments in our lives...

Well, we're giddy!!! No chemo!!! No extra surgery!!!

Life is good!!!

Thank each and every one of you... I love you for being there with the prayers, the thoughts, the whatevers... They worked!!!

And, yeah, WYSuzie, TBTG!!! Always...


28 Feb 11 - 08:00 PM (#3104639)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

Wonderful news, Beau. Keep it coming.

28 Feb 11 - 08:15 PM (#3104647)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,Lilyfestre

*********************HAPPY DANCE**********************

Continued Prayers and Love!!!

Celebrate!!! Celebrate!!! Celebrate!!!



28 Feb 11 - 08:27 PM (#3104650)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ChanteyLass


28 Feb 11 - 11:23 PM (#3104720)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

Im not much of a drinker but I do have some peppermint schnapps in the house so I'll hoist a small one for you and the P-Vine.

I discovered the way for me to never run out of alcohol is to buy something I don't like much. Wine doesn't last long but schnapps lives forever. :)

01 Mar 11 - 12:57 AM (#3104743)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Desert Dancer

So glad to hear it.

~ Becky in Long Beach

01 Mar 11 - 02:29 AM (#3104764)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Little Robyn


01 Mar 11 - 03:20 AM (#3104774)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: mouldy

Marvellous! Congratulations!

Andrea xx

01 Mar 11 - 05:13 AM (#3104812)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Monique

This is good news!!!!!!!!!!!

01 Mar 11 - 08:10 AM (#3104892)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: BrooklynJay

Only just now noticed this thread. Been down this road too, sad to say.

But I nearly flew out of my chair with relief when I read that the cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes. Fantastic news!

Sending all my best wishes and healing thoughts from the Wilds of Brooklyn.


01 Mar 11 - 10:22 AM (#3104966)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: catspaw49

Don't be greedy man.......You got the only one that really matters! (but good luck with the rest anyway)


01 Mar 11 - 10:26 AM (#3104969)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

The BEST news! I am so happy for the both of you.

Now I'll put the good thoughts out for the operation and the property deals.

Love to you both.

01 Mar 11 - 10:33 AM (#3104973)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thanks again, ya'll!!!

Yes, if we can get one of the two property deals done this week we'd be real happy campers...


01 Mar 11 - 01:36 PM (#3105080)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: VirginiaTam

Wow! Fantabulous news. Now directing energy to the sale of at least one Va property.

01 Mar 11 - 01:52 PM (#3105089)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Wonderful news!!!!

01 Mar 11 - 05:02 PM (#3105187)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: JennieG

So good to hear that, Bobert....sending a big hug to P-Vine, and to you.


01 Mar 11 - 05:41 PM (#3105213)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

Thank you Lord ... so very good to hear this Bobster. I will still be working my rosary until it is done ...

love ya my brother

01 Mar 11 - 07:20 PM (#3105286)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg



01 Mar 11 - 07:57 PM (#3105288)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Yeah, the reality that it has not spread is slowly sinking in... Of course, the mastectomy ain't gonna be a day at the beach but, hey, as Michelle knows all too well, it beats chemo and radiation...

Thanks gain for the prayers... Sometimes we gotta gang up on God... He's awfully busy these days so it is humbling when He comes thru for us...


01 Mar 11 - 08:42 PM (#3105306)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ClaireBear

Hallelujah! Wonderful news.

02 Mar 11 - 12:05 AM (#3105349)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Art Thieme

Two thumbs up!


02 Mar 11 - 10:08 AM (#3105611)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: katlaughing

And that would be because, Art is not all thumbs.:-)

Good news and giving thanks for the best possible outcome for the surgery.

02 Mar 11 - 10:56 AM (#3105624)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

Hooray !!! Great news Bobert.

02 Mar 11 - 05:19 PM (#3105840)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thnaks, ya'll...

Unfortunately, getting the biopsy outta the way just opened up the reality that in 2 weeks the P-Vine is going to have a mastectomy... I guess as long as there was the biopsy to worry about that we didn't really focus in on that aspect... It's now very much in focus and it's stressful and depressing...

Im trying to come up with distractions but running our of ideas of things to do, see, etc... In the last month I've taken her to every real city within 150 miles of here... Wearing us both out...

Not to mention that we've been stashing stuff for todays' phot shoot for the MLS listing of the farm which will be out on Monday...

No wonder I'm tired... The poor P-Vine is wiped out...

So prayers for peace and strength is all we need now...


02 Mar 11 - 06:08 PM (#3105869)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST, topsie

Still thinking about you. Keep strong.

02 Mar 11 - 06:27 PM (#3105875)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Certainly you're both tired. Peace and strength...ok.


02 Mar 11 - 06:47 PM (#3105886)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Janie

You got 'em!

Major surgery is never fun, but if she will not be having a radical mastectomy - and it doesn't sound like she will since no lymph nodes are involved - she should recover just fine and more quickly than you might think.

Ya'll sit back and relax now, and rest up. One good thing about the farm not yet being sold is you could put off the move (and the stress of preparing for the move if you have a deadline looming,) for a bit while P-vine recovers physically, and both she and you recover emotionally from the shock of all of this.

02 Mar 11 - 07:38 PM (#3105916)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

That, Janie, is exactly what we just talked about... I mean, we were thinkin' the sooner-the-better on the NC move but, hey, I ain't heard that they plan to move NC or nuthin'...


02 Mar 11 - 09:34 PM (#3105953)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Janie

Ain't movin' us anywhere, Beaubear, but it is getting a mite crowded. 18% increase in population since the previous census. At least that is what I recall hearing today on my local public radio station.

Even so, ya'll come when yer ready. But only when yer ready!

02 Mar 11 - 11:25 PM (#3105972)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

Janie will keep the lights on for you, Beaubear. So no rush.

03 Mar 11 - 01:40 AM (#3106006)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

both of you need to rest & gain strength, before & after the operation!

sending love to P-Vine (& Bobert!)


03 Mar 11 - 02:52 AM (#3106022)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: mouldy

Sending thoughts for peace and calm to you.
It sounds like you are getting your heads around things. Just try nd take one thing at a time, and as they come.

Andrea x

03 Mar 11 - 03:24 AM (#3106029)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Bobz...I've put this on here before, but way back, so I'll put it on again, in the hope it may help a little.

When I lost the first of two little 'souls' it was devastating, not simply for the obvious reasons, but because it was linked to cancer as well. The worry and stress of 'Have I? Haven't I?' had to stay right on my shoulder for a year, as it took that length of time to see if the abnormal hormone situation, which had caused the problem in the first place, would go back down to normal or set in motion a cancer that would spread throughout my body.

Needless to say, I didn't know where to 'go' in my head....I was trying to cope with the loss of my baby, let alone anything else...

Enter the Good Guy, dressed in his white jacket...the Chief Radiologist, who held me in his arms as I sobbed it all out, then who dried my tears, held me firmly by the shoulders, looked me straight in the eyes and said:

"Right, you listen to me now. You *are* going to get through this! You now have to learn to take each day at a time, nothing more. You don't look back. You don't look forward. You simply get up, and you get through each day. Pretty soon you'll find yourself able to look back, and a short while later, you'll find yourself able to look forward.   It's so important that you do this."

Well, I did it, Bobz, not once, but twice, as the same approach had to be adopted when the second little soul didn't make it either, the same risk factors clicked in, months of waiting...even after my son (finally and joyfully) was born nearly 3 years later, there I was again, waiting, waiting, waiting, to see if all went back to normal.

I never forgot Dr. Dubbins words, nor his deep kindness, care and love that was shown towards me. It's bloody tough, but you soon learn to do it. You simply 'switch off' for a while, step off the Roundabout of Worry, Panic and What Ifs? Focus on the Day, on getting through it. Get your energy back, both of you, slow down as much as you can, breathe...breathe....and breathe again..

No more need for 'distractions'...just enjoy each day, go to bed knowing you've got through it, being proud of that. Soon you'll go to be looking forward to the future again, but for now, just close the Panic Shutters down......and relax...and if you have to move house in the middle of everything, just carry on getting through each day..tiring though it may be...just get through it, then....relax.

Much love to you both
Lizzie xx

03 Mar 11 - 05:27 AM (#3106073)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

& love to you, too Lizzie

03 Mar 11 - 07:42 AM (#3106134)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thanks, lizzie...

I am so sorry to learn of your loss...

But the coping skills that Dr. Dubbins passed on to you has been well received here on my end this morning and even though I know exactly what the good doctor was prescribing we all need reminders...

Luv back atcha...


03 Mar 11 - 09:22 AM (#3106184)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Rapparee

Bobert knows this, but I haven't really told it much (except maybe on MOAB). On February 1 my wife had a "lumpectomy" for breast cancer (she'd already had thyroid cancer fifty years ago as a teenager). Yesterday we got her oncotype numbers and it looks like medication (NOT chemo!) and radiation for her.

But she's still around!

(My youngest brother is currently in hospital with a massive heart attack and bad pulmonary edema. He collapsed in the Emergency Room, so far a change he did something right. But I want this year as a "do-over".)

03 Mar 11 - 09:43 AM (#3106190)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: topical tom

All best wishes to the both of you!

03 Mar 11 - 09:52 AM (#3106196)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Looks like Bobert, Raparee, and Olddude and their cherished wives have the makings for a good support group.

Warm regards to you all.


03 Mar 11 - 09:57 AM (#3106197)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

What can I add? All the best thoughts to all of you who have loved ones with health problems.
Your old mate, Charlie Stenger in Dunfermline.

03 Mar 11 - 11:03 AM (#3106238)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

One time I was in a group hug where all the adults circled little Amy, creating a tunnel in which she was in the middle. I looked down at her and said, Does this remind you of anythng?

She thought for a moment then said, Well, it's awfully warm in here.

This is a larger circle but there are also more people in the middle. May you all feel the warmth!

03 Mar 11 - 12:20 PM (#3106296)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Amergin

Oh wow....I just saw this thread. bobert, your lovely bride is in my thoughts well as yours, Rap.

03 Mar 11 - 02:31 PM (#3106392)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: LilyFestre

Thinking about P-Vine and hope she's healing well and having a good day. :)

Love ya Bobert!


03 Mar 11 - 02:41 PM (#3106399)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Crowhugger

Just saw this thread...great news about the lymph nodes being clear, what a relief. Hope all goes well with her bigger surgery.

03 Mar 11 - 10:03 PM (#3106599)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg



04 Mar 11 - 02:17 AM (#3106646)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

love & hugs to Mrs Rap & Rap

and everyone who needs them!

04 Mar 11 - 02:31 AM (#3106650)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: alanabit

To Bob, Rap and Dan - we are there...

04 Mar 11 - 08:01 AM (#3106785)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

May be time to combine this thread...

Thanks again, everyone for prayer for all three of these ladies...


04 Mar 11 - 02:30 PM (#3106993)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: My guru always said

Sending positive thoughts to Rap & Lady Rap, Bobert & the P-Vine!

04 Mar 11 - 05:16 PM (#3107122)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Weekend hugs and love, Bobz..and to Rappy and his wife too. xxx

And yes, it would be good to join these threads together, as you suggest...keep all the Love in one place for those who really need it right now.

13 Mar 11 - 08:42 PM (#3113186)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Don't know why we have been thinkin' that Wednesday was the surgery but one of the P-Vibe4's high-school girlfriends called tonight and it's Tuesday???

Couple of space cadets... Maybe we were just trying to prolong it but it is Tuesday... Her sister, a former nurse, is coming down tomorrow and we'll ride together on Tuesday and stay over and bring her home on Wednesday...

She was freaked to find find out that it was Tuesday but it gives her one less day to fret...


13 Mar 11 - 09:11 PM (#3113202)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Fret not... it will be okay. It just has to be okay. Okay?

13 Mar 11 - 09:21 PM (#3113206)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,999

She go be fine, buddy. You listen to me now!

13 Mar 11 - 09:32 PM (#3113208)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg

Bob, see PM.


13 Mar 11 - 09:33 PM (#3113209)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Hey, deep inside, I know it...

Wish the P-Vine knew it... More nervous than a "whore in the electric chair"...

(No, Boberdz... That's "Hotter than a whore in the electric chair...)

I donno... She's nervous....


14 Mar 11 - 01:09 AM (#3113299)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

thinking of you both


14 Mar 11 - 01:27 AM (#3113301)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: alanabit

One less day of worry. There are a lot of us out here with you both.

14 Mar 11 - 06:23 AM (#3113333)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

We'll all be holding her very close on Wednesday, Bobz...
Love to you both xx

14 Mar 11 - 06:25 AM (#3113335)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

I'm thinking of you both, Bloozebob.
ATB as always from Charlie.

14 Mar 11 - 07:29 AM (#3113365)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Been keeping you both in my thoughts melove.

14 Mar 11 - 09:13 AM (#3113441)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

It is P=Vine's job to be nervous and yours to kkep her sane. Friday will be here before you know it. Then Tuesday will be over.
Thinking of you both,

14 Mar 11 - 12:51 PM (#3113573)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg

Boberz, she might not be scared about the successful end result, exactly, but most women would prefer not to have this particular procedure-- the perfectly normal upset over that might pop out in other apparent nerves. (It don't have to make sense.) You just stay as close as she lets you, and you will have done 99.9% of what she needs from you.


14 Mar 11 - 01:45 PM (#3113609)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,Carly

I haven't come to the mudcat for a while, but something drew me here today.....I just want to add myself to Ebbie's circle around you both, and to send my bit of warmth and support; I will be thinking of you tomorrow.


14 Mar 11 - 04:21 PM (#3113704)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

There are so many reasons why this is awful - it's an offense to one's sense of self that a piece of the body has to be removed at all. Of course she's nervous and unhappy about it. But after the surgery the healing process will kick in. You, my friend, know personally how awful the alternative is if it isn't caught in time, but you know that you are in time this time.

Just help her keep it together for a few hours more, and then the healing can begin. Again, my best to both of you.


14 Mar 11 - 06:14 PM (#3113765)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Yeah, keeping her together the last few hours has become a full time job... She's pissed at everything and everybody... Guess that's what I earn the big$$$ for...

(Hey, Boberdz... No pay in this job...)


(No, none... Like zipola...)

Well, I loves the ol' gal so I'll just do it fir free...




14 Mar 11 - 06:22 PM (#3113771)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: My guru always said

Positive thoughts winging their way to you both from across the pond! Will keep you in my thoughts tomorrow x

14 Mar 11 - 07:00 PM (#3113786)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: JennyO

Like Carly, something drew me back here today too. See, we ARE all connected, and all our collective healing thoughts and energy will keep you both safe and well. Hang in there - better times are a'comin'. I just know it!

14 Mar 11 - 07:05 PM (#3113787)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,999

I'm thinking nothing but good for both of you. 'sgonna be OK.

14 Mar 11 - 07:08 PM (#3113789)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu


Keep the faith.

14 Mar 11 - 07:52 PM (#3113817)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Yeah, I'm keeping the faith plus...

...her sister is here so between the three of us we'll get 'er done...

Thanks all!!!


14 Mar 11 - 08:04 PM (#3113827)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ClaireBear

A last-minute extra heaping on of love can't hurt, right?

You both have lots of mine.


14 Mar 11 - 11:31 PM (#3113907)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

me too!

15 Mar 11 - 04:17 AM (#3113965)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: mouldy

In my thoughts too. It's major surgery - of course she's scared!

All will be well. We're all holding you both.

Andrea xxxx

15 Mar 11 - 06:07 AM (#3114003)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

This is a day for a big step toward good health. Many here understand.


15 Mar 11 - 07:06 AM (#3114033)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Blues=Life

Big prayers today, bobert! may the good Lord hold you both tight today!

15 Mar 11 - 08:00 AM (#3114064)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Keeping you both in my thoughts today.

15 Mar 11 - 08:13 AM (#3114072)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

Thinking of you both today.

15 Mar 11 - 09:29 AM (#3114109)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: freda underhill

Yes, supportive thoughts from Down Under..

15 Mar 11 - 09:59 AM (#3114134)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Maryrrf

Will be holding the P-Vine in my thoughts - she'll be needing a lot of TLC and good thing she's got you there to provide it.

15 Mar 11 - 12:05 PM (#3114227)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

As one cancer survivor to another, I'm here to tell you you'll be fine, P-Vine. Recover from the surgery and move on with the rest of your life. Enjoy the new house, the transplanted azaleas, and the grandkids!


15 Mar 11 - 05:38 PM (#3114467)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ChanteyLass

This is a tough day for both of you. I hope you will be able to post again soon, and I hope you will be able to tell us that the surgery went well.

16 Mar 11 - 08:51 AM (#3114912)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: JennyO

Bringing this to the top again - it's foremost in my mind as soon as I log in to the 'cat. Our thoughts are with you both!

16 Mar 11 - 09:00 AM (#3114918)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,pete from seven stars link

the LORD bless thee ,and keep thee
the LORD make his face shine upon thee,and be gracious unto thee;
the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee,and give thee peace.
numbers 6 v24-26

16 Mar 11 - 10:17 AM (#3114954)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: alanabit

This is the day things start to get better. Love from this part of the world to both of you.

16 Mar 11 - 10:21 AM (#3114956)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,VaTam (another tea break)

Sending light and love that seems to well up for my online friends. The more that's needed, the more I have to give.

How does that work?

Wishing you calm and strong, Bobert and hoping that P-vine can concentrate fully on getting well.

love from tam

16 Mar 11 - 10:25 AM (#3114958)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg

Traveling, temporarily back on a puder WITH a keyboard-- much love to you all, and please know that you continue in my thoughts and prayers.


16 Mar 11 - 06:03 PM (#3115227)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: My guru always said

Candle lit for good recovery!

16 Mar 11 - 06:10 PM (#3115231)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Love and hugs to you both..xx

16 Mar 11 - 06:39 PM (#3115246)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

We're beat but fine, folks... The P-Vine came thru it with flying colors... Everyone was super wonderful...

I hardly slept last night... She was drugged but came around nicely today and we all made it home without even and she is resting comfy... Says the pain is a "4"... That's great... It'll be about 6 weeks before she'll be back to full activities...

The best part, other than all your prayers and love, was she left the cancer back at the UVa Hospital Center...

Wish I felt better because my alma matta, VCU, is in the NCCA basketball tournament tonight at 9:00 and ain't no way I'll make it thru the game...

Thanks again to all my great friends here... Ya'll is tops!!!


16 Mar 11 - 06:43 PM (#3115250)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Thank you for taking time to give us the encouraging news, Bobert.


16 Mar 11 - 06:47 PM (#3115254)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Janie

Root for 'em in your dreams, Bobert.

Glad ya'll are home. Get the P-vine well tucked in, and then yourself.

16 Mar 11 - 06:47 PM (#3115255)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Good news. Thanks Bobert.

16 Mar 11 - 06:58 PM (#3115264)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Monique

Thanks for letting us know!

16 Mar 11 - 07:18 PM (#3115283)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Been waiting for that news all day! I am so glad that things went well.

Make sure you take care of yourself darlin' man - and I hope the road ahead stays clear.

Love to both of you.

16 Mar 11 - 07:19 PM (#3115285)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

God Bless ya folks. Such good news my brother
thank you

16 Mar 11 - 10:28 PM (#3115369)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ClaireBear

Wonderful to hear! Brava, P-Vine! Bravo, Bobert!

16 Mar 11 - 11:57 PM (#3115409)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

Thanks for thinking of us, Bobert!


16 Mar 11 - 11:59 PM (#3115413)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,999

Well said, and with lotsa class.


17 Mar 11 - 03:21 AM (#3115455)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: VirginiaTam

something for you two to contemplate to bring you ease

songs of dawn birds piping and chirruping
scent of fresh cut grass and tang of just after rain freshness
sunrise dappled through spring leaf
dew bejewelled spider web refracting the light into dozens of tiny rainbows
and the best cup of coffee you ever laid lip to

17 Mar 11 - 03:56 AM (#3115465)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Love and Smiles, Bobz xxx :0)

Tam, *beautiful* words...

17 Mar 11 - 04:03 AM (#3115468)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: mouldy

Well done both of you...Now BOTH go and heal with us all supporting you.

Andrea xxx

17 Mar 11 - 04:07 AM (#3115471)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: JennieG

Good news to hear, and hugs to you both.


17 Mar 11 - 04:21 AM (#3115477)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

more love & hugs from me to P-Vine & Bobert


17 Mar 11 - 05:34 AM (#3115527)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: My guru always said

So glad you're all home and it went so well. Sending positive thoughts for good recovery. Gentle hugs to you both!

17 Mar 11 - 07:47 AM (#3115603)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: JennyO

I just KNEW it! Now y'all rest up and relax. The worst is over :)

17 Mar 11 - 08:23 AM (#3115624)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Going to be in the 60s today so I am going to take my truck down to Luray and retrieve a chase lounge thing I left down there in the ol' hotel I own... It's one of those outdoor ones that is adjustable... That will get her out of the house and enjoying this beautiful spring day...

Her sister is doing a fabulous job playin' nurse, BTW...

We're so blessed...


17 Mar 11 - 10:57 AM (#3115700)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

Today may be the day of feeling the most sore but tomorrow will begin the clear knowledge that hey! it's feeling better!

A giggle of joy for the both of you.

VirginiaTam, your words evoke the season- beautiful.

songs of dawn birds piping and chirruping
scent of fresh cut grass and tang of just after rain freshness
sunrise dappled through spring leaf
dew bejewelled spider web refracting the light into dozens of tiny rainbows
and the best cup of coffee you ever laid lip to

17 Mar 11 - 11:15 AM (#3115706)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,999


Just sent you an e-mail with an attachment.


17 Mar 11 - 11:17 AM (#3115710)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Got it, brucie...



17 Mar 11 - 07:34 PM (#3116104)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ChanteyLass

Good news is aways good news!

18 Mar 11 - 07:01 AM (#3116330)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: alanabit

Lovely news Bob. Still there with you.

18 Mar 11 - 08:25 AM (#3116370)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Still here for you both.

18 Mar 11 - 08:44 AM (#3116382)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

Outstanding, Bloozebob, outstanding. I am so happy for you both.

18 Mar 11 - 08:53 AM (#3116387)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Best morning yet... She up and about... Made her own tea... Feisty...

The drain comes out Monday....

Then a couple months of expanding the skin before the implant but the worst is behind her...

Thanks again to all of you for the prayers and thoughts... We feel 'um...


18 Mar 11 - 09:53 AM (#3116419)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: LilyFestre


My favorite part is that she left the cancer at the hospital!!!!

And up and about wanting to do things herself? EXCELLENT!!!!

I am so relieved for you both. Thankful and relieved!!!

Love you guys!!!!


18 Mar 11 - 12:28 PM (#3116492)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Maryrrf

Wonderful news, Bobert!

18 Mar 11 - 02:50 PM (#3116575)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,999

Sounds great, Bobert. Best wishes to P'vine.

18 Mar 11 - 03:26 PM (#3116591)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Amos

Yee hawww!! Give that gal a big smile and lotsa love from Potsville California....

18 Mar 11 - 07:22 PM (#3116718)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: katlaughing

Great News!

18 Mar 11 - 07:25 PM (#3116721)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Sounds good to me!

18 Mar 11 - 08:08 PM (#3116731)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Rapparee

Go for it, P-Vine! Ain't no basketball as exciting as watching someone you love get better as they go along -- I know.

18 Mar 11 - 08:32 PM (#3116740)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

BTW... Ya'll root for VCU against Georgetown tonight... Classic underdog...


19 Mar 11 - 06:04 AM (#3116895)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

If I could do that back of the throat warble thing that African ladies do I would do it right now. Good news indeed.

20 Mar 11 - 01:23 AM (#3117380)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

Not quite ready to let this one go, yet.

Tell the P-vine to have a happy day tomorrow, Beaubear.

20 Mar 11 - 08:02 AM (#3117479)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Well, this is our last full day of having here sister here and her last full day of having to carry around that little plastic squeeze bottle drain...

Plus, if things go according to plan, we'll have a contract on our farm...

Also, I think today she's going to try to start weening herself off the heavy duty pain meds...

Guess this is all progress...


20 Mar 11 - 08:05 AM (#3117480)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

I am with ya my brother in thoughts and prayers always

20 Mar 11 - 11:26 AM (#3117551)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

Pace yourselves and you'll be fine, on both the recovery and the house sale/pending move!


20 Mar 11 - 03:40 PM (#3117705)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine



21 Mar 11 - 05:05 AM (#3118056)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

onward & upward - slowly & steadily!

21 Mar 11 - 07:40 AM (#3118141)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: freda underhill

post-operative exhaustion can last for weeks, months even. So caution, kindness and quiet is the way to go for a while..

(Not TOO quiet - listening to the old man playing guitar should provide good therapy!!)

21 Mar 11 - 08:07 AM (#3118156)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: JennyO

...and don't let that Nurse Ratched get anywhere near her :)

21 Mar 11 - 08:28 AM (#3118175)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Good morning, folks... And in many ways...

The P-Vine is in the best spirits she's been in since her diagnosis... She's looking forward to getting the drain out... That will mean an entire 3 weeks before having to see any doctor... That the longest stretch of no doctors since, well, a long, long time...

We have a ratified contract on the farm, too... Hooray!!! I won't go into the details but we are very happy with the contract...

Her sister, Elaine, bless her heart, will be going back to Leesburg this morning so looks like ol' Bobert will be Chef Bobert fir awhile... That's scary... lol... By the way, the P-Vine during here crankier moments has called her sister, Nurse Ballbuster... I donno???

Anyway, thanks all for the tons of support, the prayers, the healing thoughts... All those things count big time in our book... Count big time in God's book, too...

Love to each and everyone of you...


21 Mar 11 - 08:38 AM (#3118181)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Love to you both, Bobert!

21 Mar 11 - 04:07 PM (#3118481)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

Thank you Bloozebob. The very best to you both as always.

21 Mar 11 - 04:19 PM (#3118489)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: LilyFestre

****Smiling BIG TIME!!!****

Bobert....that's GREAT news on both fronts!!!! Wish we were closer, I'd be happy to bring some meals for you two!!!!



21 Mar 11 - 04:22 PM (#3118490)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

Thank you Bob, I can use good news ... Thank you my brother

21 Mar 11 - 04:31 PM (#3118501)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Good news Bobert - still keeping you both in my thoughts.

21 Mar 11 - 04:34 PM (#3118506)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Good oh, Bobert and P-Vine.

21 Mar 11 - 04:50 PM (#3118514)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bill D

Progress! Onward & upward......

21 Mar 11 - 06:58 PM (#3118597)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: alanabit

You have got this thing moving nicely Bob. Now this snowball is going to take Mrs. Rap and Mrs. Dan with it, ain't it? Love to you all.

21 Mar 11 - 07:14 PM (#3118606)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Noreen

Hugs for you both, Bobert xx

21 Mar 11 - 07:27 PM (#3118615)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Not the best of days...

When she got to the hospital the doc saw some fluid build up that hadn't made it to the drain so they had to insert a needle and try to draw it off... The P-Vine didn't do too well during that and I was standing there holding here hand and about fainted and had to sit down... They removed the drain tube, however, but she's been in quite a bit of pain since and back on two percasets every 4 hours....

Kinda a step backwards today as far as pain goes... But the tube is out... But it tears me up to see her back in such pain...

I'd take it off her and carry it for her if I could...


21 Mar 11 - 07:53 PM (#3118636)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

I am with ya my brother, In my prayers

21 Mar 11 - 08:32 PM (#3118658)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Little Robyn

Hang in there Bob - this too will pass.
I've been there, done that last year.
But it's all over now.
It doesn't last for long and soon you'll be able to forget all about it.
Except when you have to go back for a check-up - and mine's in about half an hour.
She'll be right mate!

21 Mar 11 - 10:12 PM (#3118704)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

Removing things like drains, stitches, and such, can just plain hurt. I went through foot surgery just fine a few years ago, but when he started tugging on the stitches I thought I was going to faint. Geez!

I bet she'll be off of the heavy duty stuff again pretty soon. Possibly before you post again. It sounds like she's healing pretty well.


22 Mar 11 - 11:55 AM (#3119045)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: frogprince

Lovin'someone a lot can mean hurting along with them, for sure.
((((((P-Vine, and Bobert))))))

22 Mar 11 - 03:44 PM (#3119227)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Little Robyn

I had my check-up.
All good!
Everything has healed up (from last May and June's ops) and all movement is back to where it was before then.
No pain, no problems.
The only thing is, there's a gap where my left boob used to be.
I can live with that.
The P-Vine should just take it easy for a month or two, then she'll be fine and you can forget all about it.
That's what I did and I feel great now.
Love to you both.

22 Mar 11 - 03:51 PM (#3119232)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: VirginiaTam

Bobert you are such a treasure and I am sure P-Vine knows this.

Is she permitted to use ice packs to numb and reduce swelling? Frozen peas work a treat because they are not hard jagged lumps of ice and easy to mold around affected area.

Wishing her much relief as soon as possible.

24 Mar 11 - 08:35 AM (#3120342)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Robyn - such good news!

Bobert and Eve - hope today is better than yesterday and that tomorrow is even better.

24 Mar 11 - 08:52 AM (#3120353)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Seems that the main source of pain is the hole where the drain tube came out... It's not infected, however, so maybe it will subside today... She's going to try again to ween herself off the heavy duty pain meds...

I think she's up to actually going for a short ride today so that's a good sign...

BTW, Robyn, she is going to have an implant which means 3 or 4 trips to the hospital to have an expander partially filled to stretch the skin and in about 2 months they will take the expander out and stick the implant in... I mean, I would be okay with her not doing that but she has never worn a bra and doesn't want to start now and that what the prosthesis thingie, in essence, is...

I know... TMI...

Thanks all...


24 Mar 11 - 07:25 PM (#3120777)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg

Bobert whatever they do remember it's gonna be real purty like she allus iz.


24 Mar 11 - 07:43 PM (#3120787)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Yer right, WYSuze....

I ain't worried about it at all... If it looks like a '57 DeSoto I don't care... Sans the hood ornament, of course...


24 Mar 11 - 11:12 PM (#3120896)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: katlaughing

Robyn, that's wonderful news!

Bobert just keep being yourself. Did you see the song I posted for you to learn and sing to her? I think I put it in the Sold the Farm thread. It's an original by Randy Boone who used to sing on the Virginian and is still writing songs and singing...pretty decent, too.:-)

25 Mar 11 - 07:13 AM (#3121114)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Little Robyn

I had a bit of bother with my drainage tube too - it stayed in too long and it wasn't nice coming out. It had more than 15 inches under the skin and was stitched into place. It stayed sore for longer than the actual op pain and made playing my pipes too hard - the bellows strap went right over the tender bit. But it's OK now.
They gave me about 100 panadol pills when I left the hospital but I've still got most of them.
I didn't want any reconstruction and I don't have a prosthesis. In fact, I only wear a bra when I'm trying to be a lady and since I've stopped working, that's not often!

25 Mar 11 - 08:04 AM (#3121147)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

There's so much love in this thread...and in Dan's one too. Keep going Lads..and I hope your Lassies know what absolute treasures you both are..Love to you all. x

25 Mar 11 - 08:28 AM (#3121175)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Good morning both - it's bright and sunny in Maine today. I hope that the outlook is the same for you.

25 Mar 11 - 08:32 AM (#3121178)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

I'll check out that song, Kat...

Thanks, Robyn... The P-Vine and I were talking last night and going over the reality of having the reconstruction and I made it perfectly clear to her (perhaps in the most emphatic manner) that I don't care about it... That got her thinking and now she is leanin' on just taking that expander the heck out, healing from that and not worrying about reconstruction right now...

The doctors kinda oversell the options at the beginning and then folks are left with "buyer's remorse"... I should have remembered that from when Judy was being treated... The doctors were always saying, "Well, if this happens, we can treat it"... Yeah, it was "we can treat anything" and looking back, yeah, they "treated" her right into the grave...

So I think we'll just forget about reconstruction... It's not a priority worth half a dozen more painful "treatments"...

I was hoping that the medical profession had come along from back in the mid 90s but seems that not much has changed in that regard... I mean, these are tough choices that are laid out like some waiter telling you of the "specials" or "salad dressings"...

I wish that we had had better information 'cause it would have saved her from yet another "procedure"...


25 Mar 11 - 10:18 AM (#3121263)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: katlaughing

This may be a little too far out for the P-Vine, but I wanted to share it in case it helps any. My apologies to anyone who is squeamish.

One of my favourite sci-fi books of all time is Thendara House by Marion Zimmer Bradley. She had a lot of voice in her books about social issues including women's rights, warfare, etc. Anyway, when a woman chose/grew up to be an archer, she would voluntarily have her breast removed in order to be able to pull back the string to the fullest, etc. It made me cringe the first time I read it, but as I read the whole DARKOVER series and realised how brilliant they were, it made me think: if I ever had to have such a procedure, I would come to terms and feel a sense of strength and, dare I say it, pride of survival.

25 Mar 11 - 10:32 AM (#3121274)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

I wish I could take it all away, I wish I could do something anything. How can one fight something we can't see, How do we fight .. when it is money we can work harder, when it is an attack we can defend how do we fight Bob ... How do we stay upright Bob .. How do we tell them it doesn't matter it is ok .. my world as yours is blow apart by this ... I wish it was me ... give it to me .. leave them alone ...

It doesn't work that way does it ... We pray we scream ... we cry .. we hold ... we love ... but seeing them go through it ... impossible hard .. anytime, anywhere, anything you need you call

25 Mar 11 - 11:30 AM (#3121323)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

Dan - trust me, when it is turn about and your man is suffering we feel the same way. There have been a lot of times when I have wished that it was me having to deal with the problem. Standing there on the sidelines can be torture, whoever it is.

Somehow we just have to learn to deal with these things with some kind of grace and to try and understand that what doesn't break us only makes us stronger. I adore the way that you, Bobert and Rap are supporting your ladies. Just let the rest of us support you in turn.

25 Mar 11 - 05:16 PM (#3121542)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Little Robyn

Someone sent me this link when I was in the midst of my surgery - I found it helpful and inspirational.
Look here.

I'm not brave enough to do that yet.

25 Mar 11 - 05:18 PM (#3121544)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Little Robyn

Oops, that didn't work.

25 Mar 11 - 05:30 PM (#3121551)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Little Robyn

See if this works.

25 Mar 11 - 05:38 PM (#3121558)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

All I see is a beautiful woman celebrating ***life***...

Nothing else!!!


25 Mar 11 - 10:35 PM (#3121708)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

beauty & strength

26 Mar 11 - 04:25 AM (#3121775)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Lovely photo, Robyn...I'm with Bobert on this one too..

Just sheer beauty..and a gorgeous body.

29 Mar 11 - 07:50 AM (#3123988)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Well, today is the first day since the diagnosis that the P-Vine woke up feeling at peace... Her doctors visits yesterday were more like saying good-bye and less like doctors visits and that is a good thing...

Once we get moved she'll need to hook up with an oncologists as a matter of protocol to see if there are any meds, i.e. tomoxifin, that she should take to reduce her chances of any reoccurrance...

But she is basically finished for now and it feels good...

But know that it "takes a village" and so once again I offer my heartfelt thanks to everyone here for their support, their prayers and/or their warm healing thoughts...

Bobert (and the P-Vine)

29 Mar 11 - 07:55 AM (#3123994)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

"woke up feeling at peace... that's a good thing!

29 Mar 11 - 09:27 AM (#3124069)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

So glad to hear that darlin'. Good thoughts still coming your way.

29 Mar 11 - 09:43 AM (#3124077)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

may she have many more peaceful awakings!

29 Mar 11 - 10:02 AM (#3124090)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: LilyFestre

That first time of waking up feeling peaceful and not anxious, fearful or worried is SUCH a WELCOME relief!!!!!!

I'm so happy for you both!!!!!!!!!


Michelle & Jeremiah

29 Mar 11 - 12:15 PM (#3124174)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

All choked up here. The love shines gorgeously bright through my computer. There have been some unhappy, unhealthy events and people in my life the last few weeks- reading and reflecting on this thread will make my day all better. Thank you, Bob, the P-Vine, Dan, Mrs. Dan, Rap and Mrs. Rap- and all the wonderful souls that write here.

29 Mar 11 - 12:49 PM (#3124203)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

When my mother was using it (mid-1990s) I think they discovered that Tamoxifen stops working after about 5 years. Years have passed so adjustments may have been made to the product. Do your research and see what else is out there, if she is taking a prevention-type drug.


29 Mar 11 - 03:16 PM (#3124286)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Yeah, Tamoxifin isn't recommended for more than 5 years. Magz... My mom had breast cancer about 20 years ago and they had here on it for 5 years... She's 91 and been cancer free since...


29 Mar 11 - 03:16 PM (#3124287)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

I moan about my arthritic knee and age stiff legs but when I read about the suffering of loved ones here and the fortitude involved... I shut up and send my best regards and thoughts as usual.
Yours humbly, fB, Charlie in Dunfermline.

30 Mar 11 - 06:52 AM (#3124671)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Little Robyn

I'm glad things are going so well.
Before anyone accepts Tamoxifen, look up the side effects - I was offered that as a preventive measure, to stop any more lumps growing but I refused after I found out it can cause uterine cancer, blood clots, headaches, hot flushes, fatigue, nausea, skin problems.........
The doctors felt it would only have a 50/50 benefit and accepted my decision not to take it.
It's great as a treatment for breast cancer but I think it has too many risks if it's taken just as a preventative.

30 Mar 11 - 07:06 AM (#3124676)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Peace is such a good place to be in, Bobs...I can see us all smiling for the both of you..

Love and hugs xxx

04 Apr 11 - 07:25 PM (#3128601)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

How's it going melove?

04 Apr 11 - 07:26 PM (#3128603)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

Saw your post to Dan and thought it might be time to get an update.
By now you must both be tired of "coping". How goes it, friend?

04 Apr 11 - 07:31 PM (#3128609)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Janie

What Sins said, Beaubear.

Both of you are often on my mind.


04 Apr 11 - 07:37 PM (#3128613)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Yeah.... what was that on olddudes threadÉ Cough it up ehÉ

É = question mark.

04 Apr 11 - 08:12 PM (#3128627)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Well, in a nutshell, she is in a lot of pain and depressed over it...

They told her 6 weeks minimum but she must not have internalized what 6 weeks means or just how much pain is involved in a mastectomy 'cause folks in hospitals tend to sugar-coat reality... That hasn't changed since my late wife, Judy, was treated...

I mean, I don't think it's all that easy to fully prepare women for the pain they are going to have from a mastectomy...

So, yeah, it's frustrating... Here I am in the middle of a very difficult move to NC which is going to take 5 to 6 trips (2 this week) and I have a wife in a lot of pain and not a lot of tolerance for the stuff...

So that's the story... Bad timing but I gotta do what I gotta do on both fronts... Right now??? It sucks...

But it could be worse... That's the only way to look at things and not go mad...



p.s. Thanks fir ya'll's support and caring... It really does help!!! A lot!!!

04 Apr 11 - 08:44 PM (#3128642)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

Hardly fair. Do those little blue pills help? I always found that they made me stupid but I still felt pain - dulled. No mastectomy. Just lots of bumps removed and biopsied.

If you need to, vent here in PMs to people you trust. It helps. And your remarks will go no further.
P-Vine is mourning a terrible loss. Don't underestimate your own loss.
You are both always in my thoughts and prayers.

04 Apr 11 - 08:47 PM (#3128645)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

I know she has so much trouble with that drain thing. My wife hasn't yet bugged her much thank goodness but the docs told us that sometimes it can cause a lot of pain if they have to do the needle thing which is what they did on p-vine ... I am so sorry to hear she is hurting Bob ... Does she have a TENS unit. That is one of those electronic pain gadgets. if not I will see if I can dig out my old one. I know it is here someplace. They gave it to me because of chronic pain and it does work .. they are called transcutaneous nerve stimulator. They give them to chronic pain patients like me, maybe that will help I will see if I can find it

04 Apr 11 - 08:49 PM (#3128646)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Thank you for checking in, Bobert. This is a link to a well-written description of Post-Mastectomy Pain Syndrome.
The authors make a strong case for patients insisting on help with pain management and describe several successful approaches.



04 Apr 11 - 09:24 PM (#3128654)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thanks, all....

I will try to get her to read that link, maeve...

Like I have said in the past, the P-Vine is the most "private" person I have ever known... I wish it weren't that way but it is and I can't change that... She won't call folks who have been thru this... She will, however, talk with the nurses at UVa...

I mean, I'm just kinda stuck being her "support system" while also being "Acme Movers"...

If anyone wants to switch places fir a month, PM me... lol...


04 Apr 11 - 09:49 PM (#3128667)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

bobster, I think you , me and Rap need a couple of jars of the good stuff with the bubbles ... not for the women folks no sir .. but for us to steady our nerves for sure ...

04 Apr 11 - 09:52 PM (#3128671)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Janie

Can't switch places Bobert, but maybe can help with move.

See pm.

04 Apr 11 - 11:12 PM (#3128688)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: katlaughing

Timing seems to really suck all round this year, but I know we are all going to get through it with each other's help.

Bobert, Dan, and Rap, you've all been in my thanks givings, along with your Dear Hearts. I know I haven't said much, but I have been reading along and keeping you all in mind. This too shall pass.


05 Apr 11 - 01:17 AM (#3128721)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,Lilyfestre

Hey Bobert,

   Is she willing to take pain meds? Keep a steady stream of them going and try to stay ahead of that pain. I'm sorry everything is fallin' on you right now my friend. If we lived closer, Pete & I would give you a hand with all that moving stuff.

    Healing is hard work. Sitting still and NOT doing for yourself and the people you are used to caring for is difficult. Getting out for even 5 minutes of sunshine can do wonders for the soul.

Love to you both!!!


05 Apr 11 - 02:37 AM (#3128745)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

That link is an eyeopener. I do hope the P-Vine's pain is short lived.

Thinking about you and cradling you both.


05 Apr 11 - 06:03 AM (#3128825)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: saulgoldie

Sending thoughts and prayers your way.


05 Apr 11 - 06:18 AM (#3128833)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Me too.

05 Apr 11 - 07:41 AM (#3128879)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg



05 Apr 11 - 09:10 AM (#3128949)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,VaTam

Never had surgery like this, but LilyFestre is right about staying ahead of the pain. They say the same with arthritis pain (which can be like a throbbing toothache in numerous joints). You use different combinations of pain killers at the prescribed times. GP or nurse should be able to help with the whats and hows.

As soon as she is permitted too, ice packs may be very helpful. Frozen peas in small ziplock bags work best.

As a last resort and I pray it never comes to this. If she has the lasting residual pain, many people do get accustomed to it. It has taken me 4+ years but I am more able to cope with pain this year than I have been in past.

Still praying for her quick return to good health and happy new life in North Carolina.

05 Apr 11 - 10:47 AM (#3129014)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thanks for the link, Maeve... I ran it off on the printer and gave it to the P-Vine...

Thank goodness, the P-Vine's sister is coming down again for a few days 'cause I am taking my box truck full of tools/hardware/building materials tomorrow...

Thanks again, all...


05 Apr 11 - 10:58 AM (#3129028)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

Bob if I can help you in anything you call or PM me ok.   I am not a fan of the heavy weight pain meds but right now she needs Oxycontin .. for short time use it works very well... long term use has very bad problems but right now it will not wack her and will control the pain ... she needs it .. still looking for my TENS unit ...

You guys are in my thoughts my prayers and my heart my brother .. you know anything I can do I will do for you

05 Apr 11 - 11:42 AM (#3129064)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Ebbie

I too have a TENS unit, Dan, and it worked very well on my back. It appears to disrupt the path of the pain, and I think the idea is that when muscles are not reacting to pain they are not as tight and tense, facilitating better circulation which in turn lets the tissues heal faster.

05 Apr 11 - 01:54 PM (#3129175)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Both her surgeon and plastic surgeon are away for the week... She spoke with her internist who is a very smart lady... Seems there is some agreement that the pain is from "nerve damage" from the surgery... Her internist wants her to try Alieve???

I don't think it's going to do squat but we'll try it... Her sister is just here for the day so she'll be 2 days without me starting tomorrow but we have folks here in the holler...

I hate leaving her by herself but it's got to be or it will throw everything off down the road...

Thanks, as per usual, for ya'll caring, suggestion, experiences, knowledge, etc...


05 Apr 11 - 02:28 PM (#3129189)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

"nerve damage"???

Can someone explain that to me? I just don't get that one. Yes, I understand damaged nerves are a source of pain... but... ???

Sorry if I am being too "technical" about this, but it just don't make no sense to me that a doc would say that.

05 Apr 11 - 02:29 PM (#3129191)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

It's common, gnu. Have a look at the article I linked to a few posts back.


05 Apr 11 - 02:49 PM (#3129204)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

Just dropped in to renew my permanent good wishes and best regards to you both, Bobert.

05 Apr 11 - 02:58 PM (#3129217)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: katlaughing

Rant On:

Ya know those charts they have in hospitals now which show numbers 1-10 with varying degrees of uncomfortable looking faces beside each one. I'd get me one of them; point to the 10 and tell them in no uncertain terms it needs a bit more than Alleve AND the pledge/promise of all hospitals, etc. THESE DAYS is one does NOT have to deal with such awful pain. It is detrimental to healing, not just physically, but mentally...the emotional cost is terrible.

I'd get me a new internest/second opinion/something and GIT 'er done!! Then, I'd probably get a lawyer on the nerve damage thing, later on, but the pain HAS to be dealt with now!

Rant Off


05 Apr 11 - 03:03 PM (#3129219)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,999

Bobert, when surgeries take place sometimes the nerve tissue gets damaged. When the nerves hurt, muscle tissue tries to protect the damaged area by circling the wagons or tightening up and thus cause even more pain by squeezing even more nerves for a while. You'll understand that if you've ever slipped a disk or buggered up your back.

The last surgery I had left me in pain for about two months, then it went away real fast. The body tries to protect itself, and pain is the body's way of letting us know something is wrong--that something hurts. And that the body is "on the case."

Is there a neighbour nearby who could look in on PV while you're away?

05 Apr 11 - 03:09 PM (#3129223)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Thanks maeve.

Oh dear! I had no idea.

05 Apr 11 - 03:25 PM (#3129227)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Well, while I was out getting the Alieve the surgeons nurse called and she's going to try to get the P-Vine into a "pain management" center and also some PT... The P-Vine says that if it means getting some relief that she'll force herself to drive while I'm gone...

I hate this...


05 Apr 11 - 03:27 PM (#3129228)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

BTW, brucie, has it correct about the nerve damage...

Three years ago when that massage therapist messed me up it was 4-5 months before I felt okay again...

Nerve damage is slow to recover...


05 Apr 11 - 03:39 PM (#3129235)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: VirginiaTam

Pain management should be able to help a lot. TENS machines are good but sometimes tricky getting pads placed appropriately. Tell you what worked brilliantly for me. Acupuncture.

Absolutely wonderful... I now get endorphins (natures pain killers) just thinking about acupuncture. Lovely tingling all on my neck, upper back arms and own to my fingertips right now.

05 Apr 11 - 03:46 PM (#3129238)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Jeri

Pain management programs are (AFAIK) for long term, chronic pain, NOT short term, post surgical pain. That's what drugs are for. BUT, it sounds as if somebody is afraid of prescribing the good stuff, and the folks at a pain management clinic may easily decide that's the best course. I agree with Dan/Oldude--get a limited supply of the heavy duty stuff, and some PT. Sometimes, the pain meds help a person get through the PT. I had some after my knee surgery, and it mean I could really do my best in therapy.

One thing NOT to do is to quit trying to get her relief from pain because you think you're inconveniencing/pissing off the medical people. They won't know it's a really big problem for her unless you push, so push. Be nice, but be persistent.

Aleve is Naproxen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), like ibuprofen (Motrin). It's effective for arthritis and other pain caused by inflammation. It has side effects.

I hope things get better for both of you quickly.

05 Apr 11 - 04:57 PM (#3129322)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

Anytime they cut they damage nerves. The worst is when they have to go through large muscle tissue. I am steel from neck to butt. Nerve damage permanent in my legs and in my fingers. Chronic pain from it ... It stops me from doing nothing but I can say it is a struggle for sure sometimes. Pain after surgery is typically very strong when big muscles are cut as they had to do here. That causes a lot of pain. The heavy duty pain meds are the only thing that will quiet it down. Once pain gets a hold of you it is very hard to break the cycle. When my neck went out and they cut through my throat to place the plates and rods I literal scream into a pillow until I passed out. I tried to cowboy the after surgery stuff, once it got a hold of me morphine didn't work until I was completely out ... I only say this because I sure know bad pain. They key is to control it before it goes out of hand. I would make them get the oxycotin and make them give it to her right now. Nothing else is going to work .. Hydrocodne (lortab) will only bind her up and and make her dizzy but will do little. Oxycotin will work but long term use is terrible. She only needs it until she heals .. I am very concerned here ... That needle thing really set the pain in motion and only the strong stuff will work. Oxycotin will not wack her, it will only take it away. That and ice is the key. Make the docs give her that med

05 Apr 11 - 04:59 PM (#3129326)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: kendall

I hate seeing this 'cause I don't know what to say. Just that I'm here sending you and P Vine positive energy.

05 Apr 11 - 05:03 PM (#3129328)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Pain Management Center- That's good news, Bobert.

05 Apr 11 - 05:07 PM (#3129332)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

By the way, Do not I mean do not let the PT people "try to fix it"
every f-in time they worked on me I left there in 5 times more pain then I went in ... If they want to use Ice, deep heat and the TENS unit you bet. If they try any stretch or hands above the head or exercise she will be in a lot of trouble ... Please listen to me .. been there, ultrasound deep heat .. perfect, followed by Tens and Ice .. you bet it works ... let them try and 'fix it with exercise or stretch the muscles ' and she will be a mess ... I don't say this to scare you ... I walked that walk about a dozen times and been there .. I have little faith in PT after major surgery for pain control ... get the heavy duty meds please

06 Apr 11 - 08:26 AM (#3129776)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: My guru always said

Hope the pain management gives the P-Vine some relief and that you manage to cope with everything. Make time to look after yourself Bobert, eat properly and take rest when you can. You're needed fit and well to look after your Lady & do the moving too!

Sending Positive Thoughts!

07 Apr 11 - 08:34 AM (#3130436)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: freda underhill

I go for the drugs too, but P-Vine sounds like a strong woman who will make up her own mind. Wish I could help Bobert - good luck in managing it all.


07 Apr 11 - 09:54 AM (#3130479)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: wysiwyg

BOBERT, back to basics: What does P-Vine want to do, what does she say she needs from you? Do that. :~)

Give her my love. (Then ask her to give it to you for me.)


07 Apr 11 - 11:04 AM (#3130536)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: catspaw49

Aleve??? Get real.

Bobertz......Please listen to Dan, Jeri, Kat, et al, who are telling you to get drugs......REAL drugs......Oxycotin type drugs........serious type drugs..............

She's in pain. Any Doc who fucks around playing hihodiddlyfuck while the patient is in pain needs to be either convinced as in Kat's suggestion or replaced. Yeah, yeah, yeah.........I know all the arguments but real Docs are cautious but caring and monitor the situation making sure that the pain is eased while the potential or real side effects are kept in check. If she is in pain she is wasting healing energy dealing with pain......That's not bullshit......its medical fact.

Get some real fuckin' drugs...............Well, right now I doubt you need any "fuckin" drugs but get some serious pain meds now and y'all can fuck later.


07 Apr 11 - 04:24 PM (#3130803)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Little Robyn

Drugs can help the physical pain but nothing really helps with the pain of looking at that ugly scar!
Mine was puckered at each end, where the drain pipes had been stitched in. It looked as if the surgeon had used a gathering thread for awhile. And it was red and swollen.
All the 'experts' said "That's healing well" and I guess it was but before my six weeks was up they sent me back for a second op, to remove 15 more lymph nodes and that was much more painful and took longer to settle down.
So now I have two scars!
But the good thing is, they both have healed to nice neat lines - you can hardly see the underarm one and I don't really have much pain any more - just the occasional twitch. It's taken almost a year but as long as I keep busy, I don't think about them and I've almost forgotten about it - like a bad dream.
So, hang in there, keep your mind occupied, take the pills and before you know it, you'll be back to normal (almost).
Love and healing,

07 Apr 11 - 08:31 PM (#3130969)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Well, a little good news... Kinda...

After I left for NC yesterday the folks from UVa called the P-Vine... One was from pain management and the other from physical therapy...

She actually drove herself to UVa this morning to meet with the PT lady... The PT lady said that she was "locking up" in the pectoral region from the shrinkage around the scar... Said about 20-30% of women who have a mastectomy have this... Been nice if someone had told us this!!!

So, the P-Vine is going to do 2 sessions a week and the PT lady says 3 weeks and she'll be fine in terms of pain... The P-Vine said she felt fine driving home today...

Me??? I'm beat... 15 hours behind the wheel of my box truck since yesterday morning, plus unloading at least 4000 pounds of tools... I might have to go see that PT lady myself...



07 Apr 11 - 08:42 PM (#3130977)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: maeve

Have a restful night, Bobert.

08 Apr 11 - 04:27 AM (#3131125)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney

I'll second that.


08 Apr 11 - 04:37 AM (#3131132)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,999

Good news compared to a week back, Bobert.

08 Apr 11 - 05:09 AM (#3131149)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Good news, Bobert! You watch yourSELF too. Especially your back. That there heavy work is a back killer.

08 Apr 11 - 09:41 AM (#3131276)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

Hang in there, P-Vine, it looks like the end of this post-surgical bother is now in sight.

08 Apr 11 - 11:31 AM (#3131334)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine

When do you start digging up the plants, Bobert?

08 Apr 11 - 12:52 PM (#3131397)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Fast fall, Sins...

I have 350 dug and in pots right now... I just came in from framing up two 3 X 7 shelves in the box truck which will give me alot more room for the plants... I think I can get 'um all in if I pack it right...


08 Apr 11 - 03:21 PM (#3131482)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

Rootin fer ya both here in Dunfermline, Bobert.
ATB from Charlie.

08 Apr 11 - 08:55 PM (#3131633)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: jacqui.c

You make sure that BOTH of you take care of yourselves.

Love from Maine.

08 Apr 11 - 09:25 PM (#3131644)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Love back atcha from Virginny, Jacqui...

We're tryin'...

I've got to got to NC again tomorrow with a load of plants and she can drive to her PT appointment on Monday am...

She's still "stoved up"... That's what the old folks call it but she's doing the exercises and the PT lady says she'll be fine in 3 weeks...

Meanwhile, she ain't goin' back to the nutty plastic surgeon at UVa... He hurt her purdy bad last time and he ain't gonna get another shot at it... We'' just wait until we get moved and and find someone in the Charlotte area that isn't so nutty... Doctors ain't suppoded to be nutty...

I mean, this ain't "Cannonball Run" with Dom Deloise...


08 Apr 11 - 10:06 PM (#3131656)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: GUEST,Dani

Hugs following you along the highway.

Let me know if there's anything 'real' I can do.


09 Apr 11 - 06:33 AM (#3131813)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Well, wish you could be in Wingate to help me unload... Oh, my poor back...



26 Apr 11 - 05:17 PM (#3142953)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Sending you both some love and hugs, Bobert. I hope you're both doing well..and settling in a bit more now. xx

26 Apr 11 - 06:41 PM (#3143017)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Wish we were settling in, Lizzie... We're right in the midst of moving... The P-Vine is doing what she can, is doing all here PT exercises and is planning on driving our Honda CRV with a small trailer behind it to NC day after tomorrow... I'll be in the big truck behind (in front) of her...

The pain is still there but it's getting better...

I kinda hate it that she's going to have to go thru some of this all over when they do the implant... I wished she'd just said heck with it and not decided to go with one then it'd just be a matter of letting it heal and be done...

I wish that health care professionals would spell the options out better...


26 Apr 11 - 08:52 PM (#3143088)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: gnu

Hope she does okay.

26 Apr 11 - 09:54 PM (#3143101)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Janie

PM Bobert, if it would be helpful for me to drive down that way early Sunday and help with some unloading. Can't do Saturday, could do Sunday.

27 Apr 11 - 08:46 AM (#3143335)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bobert

Thanks, Janie, but all we are going to do on this trip is unload the 50 or so plants and a freezer which we'll set up in what is going to be the pantry and get it freezing and then leave the box truck in NC with a hundred or so boxes in the truck and ride back together in her Honda ...

The actual move (furniture, other boxes) will occur on May 9th and 10th and her sister will stay down there for a few days and then ride back to Va. with me in the box truck so I can work on getting my Spartan trailer (music studio) ready to haul plus load up the heavy garden hardscape stuff...

The week after that, if you'd like to come down then come on down... Prolly be about the next to last week of the month...

As per always, thanks...


28 Apr 11 - 12:42 PM (#3144120)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

MHas she spoken to anyone who's had an implant done, Bobert? Could be she may change her mind...

28 Apr 11 - 12:42 PM (#3144121)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

Thinking of you and P-vine Bobster

28 Apr 11 - 03:42 PM (#3144251)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: fat B****rd

Wishing you and yours the best as always, Bobert.
Charlie in Dunfermline.

28 Apr 11 - 09:49 PM (#3144479)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: ChanteyLass

Thank you for posting. Keep doing so. I hope the move goes as smoothly as possible under the circumstances.

29 Apr 11 - 10:25 AM (#3144716)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Sandra in Sydney


21 Jul 19 - 09:50 PM (#4001498)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: keberoxu

Refreshing this old thread
for the most dreaded of reasons:

word is out via Facebook
that treatment is needed again.

22 Jul 19 - 05:11 PM (#4001623)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Bill D

Treatment seems to be proceeding, but last I read, it's not as serious as feared. We will watch for updates.

22 Jul 19 - 05:46 PM (#4001631)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: keberoxu

Keep those prayers and healing thoughts coming.

22 Jul 19 - 10:10 PM (#4001653)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: olddude

Oh no not again. In my prayers

23 Jul 19 - 04:47 PM (#4001816)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
From: Stilly River Sage

This post is from several years ago, when P-Vine was treated for cancer. In recent weeks some of Bobert's friends have become aware that they're trying to diagnose a new problem that had some of the hallmarks of cancer, but may in fact not be. The news and the links in this thread are old and might scare people. I'm going to close this thread, and if Bobert wants to start a new one, he can.