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BS: Who said this?

17 Mar 11 - 04:58 PM (#3115990)
Subject: BS: Who said this?
From: kendall

"When the last tree is cut down, when the last fish has been caught, and when the last river is polluted, only then will you realize that you can't eat money."

17 Mar 11 - 05:08 PM (#3116004)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: gnu

Me, but it was something about my ex spending the last dime, having the last bitching tantrum and loading the last straw on the camel's back.

I got humped.

17 Mar 11 - 05:10 PM (#3116005)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: gnu

Ahhh, sorry for the thread rift.

17 Mar 11 - 05:10 PM (#3116006)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: GUEST,999

There was a thread about that maybe six or eight months back.

17 Mar 11 - 05:13 PM (#3116010)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: Wesley S

Try this one...

17 Mar 11 - 05:44 PM (#3116033)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: Donuel

Al Gore?

To direct for Rachel Carson

How about Carol C ?

17 Mar 11 - 07:27 PM (#3116096)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: kendall

I'll do the jokes.

18 Mar 11 - 12:30 AM (#3116218)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: JennieG

Reputedly said by Chief Seattle, but apparently that is very doubtful.


18 Mar 11 - 12:41 AM (#3116219)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?

Look. The initial thread said it was Cree, and after that it was every other tribe in North America. Were I anyone other than myself, I'd have a donut and a--are ya ready for this?--a Latte. I don't know wtf they are, but lotsa folks drink 'em, AND MANY ARE STILL ALIVE.


18 Mar 11 - 12:44 AM (#3116222)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: GUEST,999 Sorry again!

Look. The initial thread said it was Cree, and after that it was every other tribe in North America. Were I anyone other than myself, I'd have a donut and a--are ya ready for this?--a Latte. I don't know wtf they are, but lotsa folks drink 'em, AND MANY ARE STILL ALIVE.


18 Mar 11 - 05:43 AM (#3116289)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: VirginiaTam

I love that quote and I wish I still had that t-shirt.

Also the shirt with Rodin's Thinker but instead of normal head had blue and green globe. I believe it said Think Globally. Or maybe it just intimated it with the design.

18 Mar 11 - 09:05 AM (#3116393)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: kendall

Who said it is of less importance than what was said. I'm sending this to our new Governor who wants to disable all the environmental laws and allow business to have a free hand.
What the hell good is a job if you can't breathe the air or drink the water?
Is there anyone who doesn't know that this financial meltdown started with Ronald the actor Reagan and his DE regulations? Talk about sending the fox to guard the chicken coop!

18 Mar 11 - 09:47 AM (#3116415)
Subject: RE: BS: Who said this?
From: GUEST,number 6

You don't have to worry about water. Nestle is making sure there is plenty of available drinking water for us all .... but it comes to us at a cost of course.
