04 Apr 11 - 02:34 PM (#3128429) Subject: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: 3refs Words just don't say enough! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-2gEx0n_MA |
04 Apr 11 - 02:44 PM (#3128437) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: Little Hawk Bruce Lee was the ultimate in martial arts. |
04 Apr 11 - 03:06 PM (#3128448) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: GUEST,999 That man could "rhyme the nick of time, the edge of pain, the what of sane", words that Johnny Cash wrote about Bob Dylan but words that apply to the art Bruce Lee brought to fighting. LH got it in one. He was refused the lead role in "Kung Fu" because he spoke English with a Chinese accent. Go figure. |
04 Apr 11 - 03:21 PM (#3128460) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: gnu Obviously scripted but nonetheless amazing. I recall a demo at a mall here years ago. The karate guys broke all kindsa stuff with various parts of their bodies. The small Kung Fu guy (J, from Hong Kong) took one of their boards, balanced it on the fingertips of his thumb, forefinger and middle finger and broke it with his other hand and said, "Boards do not fight back." He launched into a kata and, at breakneck speed, demo'd his athletic prowess. He then sparred with six of his students, three of which ended up bleeding. He now works as an engineering tech at Coop Atlantic and laughs about the money he made teaching kids Kung Fu back in the day..."At least they got some exercise for their money. Silly Casnadians." As for "Kung Fu" on the TV... he wasn't American. |
04 Apr 11 - 09:52 PM (#3128670) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: The Fooles Troupe I have long been a fan of Bruce lee, but think Jackie Chan has long surpassed him in the ability to put such 'art' into movies. |
05 Apr 11 - 02:47 AM (#3128747) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: GUEST,Patsy We lost Bruce Lee far too soon he was amazing, his physique and agility. The noises he made alone would make any wise man just turn and run. |
05 Apr 11 - 03:13 AM (#3128754) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: 3refs "Boards do not fight back." Was very close to a line the Bruce used in the movie "Enter The Dragon"! [Oharra throws a board in the air and smashes it with his fist] Lee: Boards don't hit back. As for Jackie Chan, I don't think anyone has come closer to Lee's ability, but, I'll take Bruce every time! Once you bring in that "spooky shit" it takes it to a new level! |
05 Apr 11 - 08:25 AM (#3128916) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: GUEST,Tunesmith We don't really know how good Bruce was as a martial artist as he never competed in open tournaments. It does amuse though when people say that Bruce could have beaten any martial artist past and present. That would never have happened! Bruce, I'm sure, would have been a real handful at his weight. Which was probably not more than 140pds. But, up against a much bigger martial artist, he would have been flattened very quickly. That's why they have weight divisions in boxing, judo, wrestling, mixed martial arts etc. |
05 Apr 11 - 08:39 AM (#3128926) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: Wesley S Look at it again. This doesn't look like Bruce Lee to me. |
05 Apr 11 - 08:57 AM (#3128940) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: Lox Not convinced ... Nice idea and very very cool ... but is it really real ... |
05 Apr 11 - 11:46 AM (#3129068) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: alanabit It is a clever piece of film and nothing more. I do not believe that anyone who has played table tennis seriously and done martial arts would be taken in by it. The table tennis ball would have been smashed to pieces if it had been hit by one of those things. Those guys looked like proper table tennis players to me and even a good player would have been hard pushed to return some of those services. Bruce Lee was obviously very good at martial arts and he definitely popularised them. However, I am not a subscriber to the "Bruce Lee" superman cult. I do not think that does any service to either his memory or the cause of martial arts in general. |
05 Apr 11 - 01:05 PM (#3129129) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: 3refs After further investigation....it's fake!(shit) Did a bit of investigating and found out the truth. It's an ad for Nokia! The author of the article I read said, "although I'm pretty sure Bruce Lee could have very well done this, while covering both sides of the table". And yes he did have real fights, he was a champion boxer! |
05 Apr 11 - 01:31 PM (#3129156) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: Stringsinger It's amazing that he's still around and given credit for his violence. |
05 Apr 11 - 01:54 PM (#3129176) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: gnu Stringsinger... indeed, violence is sickening. However, there are nasty people in the world and it is necessary to fight them at times. Therefore, inciting young people to commit acts of violence in the name of punsishment as a deterrence and in defending the meek is thought necessary by most societies. Such is not condoning violence, it is glorifying standing up to bullies. I realize it is far more complex but I don't have the time or credentials to engage in a dissertation nor to argue about it. Fact is, Bruce went after the bad guys... Jackie, Clint, Charles, Ahhnold... they'll all be bock. |
05 Apr 11 - 02:02 PM (#3129178) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: Little Hawk The good thing about martial arts is that (if taught properly) it teaches self-discipline, balance, courage, and responsibility. It builds character. I've known several very good people who are in martial arts, and I would not describe any of them as "violent". In fact, they seem less violent to me than most other people, because they are much better at controlling themselves. |
05 Apr 11 - 02:47 PM (#3129203) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: Dave Hanson The exception seems to be Jean Claude Van Damme, who has been known to injure his sparring partners on purpose. Dave H |
05 Apr 11 - 02:51 PM (#3129210) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: gnu Dan... that's a tad harsh, no? |
06 Apr 11 - 08:41 AM (#3129787) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: GUEST,Patsy It is a pity that Brandon Lee didn't have chance to make more of his career. I didn't know too much about him so cannot give an opinion about his martial arts or his acting skills, was it his father's name that gave his career a boost or through his own talent? Reading the comments about Jean Claude Van Damme it wouldn't surprise me at all. |
06 Apr 11 - 09:33 AM (#3129824) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: 3refs Probably a bit of both. He was better looking than his Dad. Bruce had been acting his whole life, so let's say he was probably more seasoned than Brandon! Violence is a little over the top, I think! It's an art and much like any kind of art, it's not for everyone! Like dipping your "Johnson" in paint and dragging it down a piece of canvas and calling it art. Now that would probably lead to violence in my house! |
06 Apr 11 - 01:08 PM (#3129935) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: Little Hawk Have you seen Gary Larson's cartoon about "Wiener Dog Art"? It's kind of like that. |
06 Apr 11 - 04:50 PM (#3130081) Subject: RE: BS: Bruce Lee...simply amazing! From: olddude Martial arts to someone who truly practices it is all about discipline and respect. I use to take people that were border line bullies only to watch them turn into very good caring and respectful people. Something happens to people when they progress, they start to understand others and they change. There is no longer the need to prove themselves. It is quite wonderful to watch actually. Peace seems to take the place where the show off disrespect use to be. Absolutely the truth in my experience anyway and I sure have a lot of experience. |