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BS: Bill/Cate's Wedding & ROYAL FAMILY CHAT

25 Apr 11 - 04:06 PM (#3142196)
Subject: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Rapparee

Once again I have been snubbed by the so-called "Royal Family". I have not received an invitation to the coming wedding of William and Cate.

I will not be sending a gift or even a card. I shan't watch it on television, in a newsreel, or read about it in scurrilous newspapers and magazines.

Phooey on 'em all, I say! OBU!!!

25 Apr 11 - 04:29 PM (#3142208)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

I didn't know about Cate, does Kate know?

25 Apr 11 - 04:56 PM (#3142215)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: gnu

Cate is the Celtic spelling. Catherine, from Catholic.

One less mouth to feed, Rap. I have decided I shant attend. No open bar? The nerve!

25 Apr 11 - 05:00 PM (#3142216)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: olddude

Me either Rap, but I hear tell the Hillybilly Bobster got one ...
he is a snob ya know ... And he said he is bringing his own shine cause the Royal one ain't good enough for him ... the snob ... what can we do with the guy huh

25 Apr 11 - 05:01 PM (#3142217)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: DMcG

From the reports we are getting here in the UK, people in the US and the rest of the world are more interested than we are. But maybe that's what everyone is told.

article on UK support

25 Apr 11 - 05:03 PM (#3142220)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,999

I shall be attending, cleverly disguised as a reprobate. The little people may still call me 999 or arsehole after I return. T'will be a welcome change from asshole.

25 Apr 11 - 05:08 PM (#3142223)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Well, I certainly shan't go after the way they have insulted me!

How did they insult you?, I hear you ask.

Why, they didn't invite me!


25 Apr 11 - 05:09 PM (#3142225)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: DMcG

Sorry, doesn't look like the link will go straight to the article. Broadly it say support for monarchy as an instition seems to have increased but not people are underawed by the wedding itself. "Only 37% agree that they are genuinely interested in the wedding, while 46% say they are not. Women are much more likely to be interested than men, and only 18% of all people questioned say they are strongly interested in the event."

25 Apr 11 - 05:14 PM (#3142230)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: gnu

I never called you an asshole, 999. What you got against us little people?

Say HI to Cate for me eh. And, make sure ya tell Chuck I am still waitin on my 20 bucks. Fuckin guy... "I'm good for it."... yeah, right!

25 Apr 11 - 05:15 PM (#3142231)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,Ms Penelope Rutledge

You have only yourself to blame, Rapparee, for the fact that you have not risen high enough in society to merit an official invitation to the Royal Wedding.

Well, no, let's be also has something to do with your familial origins, doesn't it? And that's hardly your fault. Still, it does present a significant impediment, doesn't it?

Why not just accept your admittedly humble station in life and do as the rest of your class do: watch it on the telly. If you storm off in a petulant huff over this supposed "rejection", I predict that you will one day look back and regret your having missed even a remote viewing of such a notable and grand occasion.

* PR

25 Apr 11 - 05:19 PM (#3142236)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,Big Norman Voice

Not how she spells it though, is it Garry

25 Apr 11 - 05:19 PM (#3142237)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: olddude

They are all afraid that Rap will be packing heat

25 Apr 11 - 06:01 PM (#3142254)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Dave MacKenzie

I haven't had an invite. When is it? And who's Bill?

25 Apr 11 - 06:12 PM (#3142265)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Don Firth

Packing heat? Well, I dunno. I do happen to know that Rap owns a sword, and he might just go around tapping all kinds of inappropriate people on the shoulder with it, conferring Knighthood upon them. That could really mess up the system.

(Whatever the system is. . . .)

Don Firth

25 Apr 11 - 06:23 PM (#3142275)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,Ms Penelope Rutledge

The system, Don, is the maintenance of an historic tradition which ensures the continuance of rule by those few who have been trained from birth for that very purpose. Yes, the intrusion of Rapparee into the process would definitely mess up the system rather badly, and that is why it's not going to happen.

* PR

25 Apr 11 - 06:41 PM (#3142280)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: saulgoldie

I don't know about others in the US. Perhaps there is more interest in it here than I know. But I couldn't give a fat rat's patootie about it, and I wish it wasn't all over the news. There are IMPORTANT things happening that deserve coverage. Fortunately, it has not come up in "office chat."


25 Apr 11 - 06:47 PM (#3142281)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,mark-s (on the road)

I'm going, but my invitation is a bit confusing.
Just where is "Blackpool" anyway?

25 Apr 11 - 07:12 PM (#3142290)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Rapparee

Ms. Rutledge, my ancestry includes three "von und zu" as well as such luminaries as Ludwig Windhorst. Until that Austrian Corporal rose to power my family received some nice annuities from the "old family lands" near Hanover. Our roots can and have been traced to A.D. 800 on my maternal side and 1210 on the paternal. I am quite certain that any of them would have (and possibly did) assist your ancestors on their climb out of Whitechapel and similar environs. After all, I believe the present "Royal" family can only determine its lineage to about 950 (for their Hanoverian link) and only a few years earlier for its other oldest link. Of course, I realize that one's ancestry, especially amongst those of "better" English blood, can become quite ephemeral if one goes back more than two or three generations...all that carousing and inbreeding, you know.

25 Apr 11 - 07:48 PM (#3142304)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: alanabit

So I am not the only Mudcatter, who is picky about the company he keeps?

25 Apr 11 - 07:59 PM (#3142310)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Bee-dubya-ell

...people are underawed by the wedding itself.

That's because the average Brit has determined that Queen Elizabeth is never going to die. Why get excited about a royal wedding when you'll probably never get to see the wedding participants sit on the throne as King and Queen?

Also, William and Kate are both good-looking young people. It's natural that they should be attracted to one another and choose to marry. That stands in stark contrast to the last royal wedding when everyone was wondering why such a sweet and lovely young thing would want to marry Old Horseface.

25 Apr 11 - 08:31 PM (#3142324)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Bobert

Well, I got my invite but no airplane tickets so reckon I'll just stick the invite on ebay, 'er somethin'... Might bring $40... Use the dough to buy a couple three cases of Iron City, kickback, get drunk and watch it on the tube...


25 Apr 11 - 08:39 PM (#3142329)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Leadfingers

Heard on Auntie (BBC) today that some shopkeepers from Ms Middleton's local village HAVE been invited !

25 Apr 11 - 10:01 PM (#3142361)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Rapparee

Let's see: Liz croaks, Chucky dies of a heart attack upon hearing the news, and the rest of the family is so shocked by Chucky kicking the bucket that they go into permanent comas (as far as anyone can tell). This COULD open the door to my ascension to the throne of England, which, being an American, I could not accept would graciously pass on to my great-nephew Andrew, who looks like Ron Weasley in the movies. His older brother, Xavier, would of course begin an immediate insurrection until his mother sent him off to the "time out" corner. And being, at the moment, four years old, King Andrew could reign for a very long time.

Yes, yes, that would work....

25 Apr 11 - 11:35 PM (#3142396)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Saulgoldie & all you others who complain of its taking up space in the blats ~~ why not just turn the page over unread instead of moaning about it; the way I do with the Financial pages & the horse-racing & the politics of far-away lands...

... which I don't grudge the space of to those who happen to be interested in those, to me, such tedious matters?


25 Apr 11 - 11:59 PM (#3142402)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,Ms Penelope Rutledge

You make an impressive case, Rapparee, but one fact remains: you have not received an invitation. Correct? I think that speaks for itself.

* PR

26 Apr 11 - 01:05 AM (#3142419)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Sandy Mc Lean

About twenty lears ago my daughter visited London and The Queen didn't even invite her to tea. A few years later The Queen visited Nova Scotia and I returned the the snub by not inviting her to tea either. We have not been on speaking terms ever since, so I was not surprised to receive no wedding invitation. To be truthful when my daughter got married she did not invite The Queen either so I guess this fued is ongoing.

26 Apr 11 - 01:08 AM (#3142421)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Janie

There's an upcoming wedding?    Who?

Am I to be invited?

Let me know soon, as I shall need to go shopping for clothes if I am to attend.

26 Apr 11 - 04:30 AM (#3142473)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Pistachio

But my friend and I have been invited .........


to a festival starting on the same day and lasting for longer than 6 hours with nearly as many happy smiling faces to be seen
not watching out for the first glimpse of a white/ivory/silk satin outfit or for that matter an abundance of interesting headwear... footwear... cheerful ties.... in eye catching colours - tho' I'm sure there will be plenty to be seen

but promising a good few hours of music and song in a beautiful setting with friends old and new. Not on the BBC or other channels I'm sure, but very important to many who will, as we speak, be putting the finishing touches together with as much enthusiasm as others further down the M1.
Good luck to all, hope the weather holds and I'll see you there, wherever there is!


Upton upon Severn, see you soon!

26 Apr 11 - 05:38 AM (#3142513)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Fred McCormick

Strangely enough you won't see me there either. Totally snubbed and ignored, but still expected to pay for it.

Not that all the wild horses in western Europe coud have persuaded me to go of course. I was hoping to go to Connemara on the west coast of Ireland instead, because that's about the remotest place I can think of, and one where they definitely won't be showing it on pub tv screens. But, oh my hard fortune, the dog's not very well at the moment and it wouldn't be be fair to risk leaving him in kennels.

We're going to hide, the two of us. Under the stairs is probably the best place.

26 Apr 11 - 07:33 AM (#3142575)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Fred ~~ seriously, let's for a moment forget our ongoing flyting, and let me make the point ~~

Dr Johnson once remarked to a man who had spoken slightingly of something written by one of his friends, "Sir, you may be sure it was writ with little thought of pleasing you."

Does it not occur to you that these young people are getting married, and that many others {&, I repeat, not me particularly} are interested in the fact and the ceremony, without any deliberate or specific intention, or even the sole purpose as you appear sometimes to think, of annoying you?

I simply ask.


PS. I can think of lots of things I am required to pay for that I had rather not; but isn't that just one of the things living in society involves?...

26 Apr 11 - 07:59 AM (#3142584)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,John MacKenzie

Bravo Michael.
I hold no brief for the Royals, to me they are irrelevant, but it's a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, castigating them like this.
The will not, cannot, and are better educated than to try to, respond to, or take notice of, this mewling and puking.
I suppose most of you would prefer a President Tony Blair?

26 Apr 11 - 09:01 AM (#3142618)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding

I am sick to tears of the royal wedding. Plan to keep the TV off during the entire fiasco.

26 Apr 11 - 09:13 AM (#3142624)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: DMcG

I suppose most of you would prefer a President Tony Blair?
Bit of a non sequitur there, John.

I had occasion yesterday to look up this events surrounding the coup d'etat in Greece a few decades back. As Wiki puts it: "In 1964, the Center Union of George Papandreou was elected, and governed until July 1965, when King Constantine II dismissed him, causing a constitutional crisis."

Do I support ANY system which puts the power to dismiss the government in the hands of any non-elected person apart from the government itself? No. Even though the UK Royals are incredibly unlikely to exercise this power, constitionally they still have it, hence all the hoo-hah at election time with the PM asking for permission to dissolve the existing govenrment or being asked to form a new one. I agree it is flim-flam rather than substance, but it still sits oddly in the modern world.

26 Apr 11 - 09:23 AM (#3142628)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: WalkaboutsVerse

That they seem a good couple does not alter the fact that monarchies are greedy blasphemies -

26 Apr 11 - 09:29 AM (#3142631)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: VirginiaTam

I will be hiding from the festivities in midst of much better festivities. Rochester Sweeps!

26 Apr 11 - 09:36 AM (#3142635)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: RangerSteve

I wasn't invited either, but I have a gig on Saturday night, so I can't take any chances that I might be stranded in England or my plane might be late getting into Newark Airport. I'm not good at choosing gifts. I figure they'll be getting enough silver, jewelry, castles and things like that, but what about practical items, like underwear, socks, fondue pots? I decided on a gift card, but what stores do both the UK and USA share? Are there Walmarts, Targets or Costcos in the UK? And for how much? $50.00 seems pretentious, like I'm bragging about my wealth. $25.00 should do it. I don't want my gift to overshadow whatever Liz and Phil are getting them. I know! I'll just let them know I have a spare bedroom, and they're welcome to stay here anytime they want to get away from it all. I'll put the upstairs bathroom at their disposal and stock the freezer with Stouffer's mircowave meals. Let's see their uppity royal friends beat that.

26 Apr 11 - 10:01 AM (#3142648)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Rapparee

Ms. Rutledge,

We simply don't associate with such noveau riche Johnny-Come-Latelies. Some of their type are marginally acceptable, but most of them...well, the less said the better.


26 Apr 11 - 12:02 PM (#3142721)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Little Hawk

Attention! There are 2 neat ways of feeling delightfully superior to those people in this world whom you heartily despise and/or resent...

1. Attend the Royal Wedding.
2. Refuse to pay any (positive) attention at all to the Royal Wedding. Boycott it! Disparage its participants. Refuse to watch it on the telly. Pretend it's not even happening. Express your contempt and disgust regarding all the unnecessary fuss and expenditure that it entails. Complain that YOU are paying for it!

Method 1 (a sense of entitlement) works great if you're a member of the ruling elite.

Method 2 (recreational hostility) works great if you're a member of Mudcat Cafe, the "Great Unwashed", etc.... ;-D

Now pick the method that suits you best and enjoy basking in those ego-enhancing feelings that immediately ensue as you apply the method.

26 Apr 11 - 12:32 PM (#3142740)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: DMcG

Just as long as you don't think that covers everything, LH. I can boycott the wedding without disparaging or feeling superior to anyone, for example, or whinging about having to pay. (That's my normal stance on televised sport for instance. Bores me rigid and you will never find me watching it. But I don't feel superior to those who enjoy it)

26 Apr 11 - 12:44 PM (#3142753)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Little Hawk

You don't think being "bored rigid" implies a feeling of superiority to those who enjoy that which bores one, DMcG? I do. For instance, I am also bored rigid by all forms of televised sport...I never watch it...and does this make me feel a bit superior in certain respects to those who do?

Well, to be perfectly honest about it...yes! ;-) Not that I feel superior to them in an overall sense. I don't. I know that most of them are better at certain things, for instance, than I am, so none of us is inherently superior in an overall sense to another. But I do feel superior to them in one sense...that I don't spend my time watching televised sports. It's not a big deal, but there is a tiny feeling of superiority in me regarding that, and I know it. ;-) I am aware of that little snickering voice in my head that says, "Look at that idiot glued to his stupid football game..."

Is it justified? No, probably not. It's a nasty thing, in fact. But it's there, and I am aware of it.

My assertion is that we all have that nasty little ego-driven voice whispering (or shouting loudly) in the back of our some extent. We all play the "superiority" game to some extent. To observe it and catch it doing its little number is to become self-aware, at least to that extent.

This thread is partially just for fun. It's also partially an exercise in the old "I'm superior to those bloody twits" game...and that game is all about ego enhancement through denigrating others.

26 Apr 11 - 12:57 PM (#3142759)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,999

In the words of Yogi Berra (almost): If you don't go to people's funerals, they won't go to yours.

26 Apr 11 - 01:10 PM (#3142766)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Fred McCormick

"Sir, you may be sure it was writ with little thought of pleasing you." MGM, you have hit the nail on the head far more precisely than you can ever know.

26 Apr 11 - 01:11 PM (#3142767)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: WalkaboutsVerse

Fancy 999 mentioning funerals!

26 Apr 11 - 02:54 PM (#3142844)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Dorothy Parshall

I am faced with a social situation. A friend of many years, not seen for quite a few, has finally suggested we get together on her next rip to Montreal. This Friday, she and her sister are coming to town to watch the ROYAL WEDDING with their mother. I can only hope that, "No, I'm going to the country. " will suffice as a reason for not watching this monumental (ly boring) event! And that we can actually spend time talking about our respective lives in the last 20 years, and other important things! HOPE!

26 Apr 11 - 03:46 PM (#3142875)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: DMcG

You don't think being "bored rigid" implies a feeling of superiority to those who enjoy that which bores one, DMcG?
No, I don't. That is, I don't doubt it *can* but at least as far as I'm concerned it doesn't. Oh. I've plenty of faults, but I plead innocent on that one.

26 Apr 11 - 04:03 PM (#3142893)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: gnu

Billybob... I feel for ya buddy. I never liked the idea of a big weddin needer. Matter of fact, if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't. An mine was small.

26 Apr 11 - 04:14 PM (#3142902)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Despite not getting an invitation, I'm going to be watching it anyway, I've decided.

It's history in the making. Not only is it a Royal Wedding, but it's the first time a future King has ever married a Commoner, I believe. Heck yes, Wills is finally watering down the Monarchy into normal people...and....wouldn't his dear Mum have been SO proud of him!

She brought her kids up to realise they were pretty darn ordinary human beings, born into an extraordinary situation.   I was reading just the other day about one of William's pals saying how Wills is always the first to be up and about making tea for everyone...

They wanted a quiet wedding, and I wish they'd been able to have what they wanted, to be honest, with the money it's all costing going to the country. I guess many folks are going to be making money from it, possibly many others have got jobs because of it, albeit temporary ones...

Either way, I think we should all get behind them and give Wills and Kate our best. He's a nice man, a decent man...and I think he'll make a great King.

'Blue Peter', the hugely long-running children's TV show, did a nice programme on the wedding this afternoon, taking you inside Westminster Abbey, showing you different bridal dresses over the decades, different parts of the Abbey...ALL that history!! Incredible history that so much of the world would give their eye teeth to have.

It's going to bring a lot of happiness to many folks who'll be so excited, going up to London to wave their flags and cheer...seeing those coaches rolled out, all the finery and the livery, the horses polished and shining like gold, their riders equally immaculate....The bearskins and the bare skins...the red coats and the red faces, all equally playing their part in another page of British History.

We make a complete cock up of so many things these days, thanks to the imbeciles called politicians, but by God we can put on The Greatest Show on Earth when it comes to Weddings and Funerals! We do ourselves proud, and we're the envy of the world for it! The Cavalry are amazing! The soldiers, the police, the emergency crews...those who've shined and glossed the Abbey to within an inch of its most ancient stones...The flowers, the coaches, the crowds, the colours, the rich pageantry, the continuation of tradition......

.......and this time all for the son of a woman who touched the very heart of this nation....who changed The Royals forever, who gave her heart out to so many ordinary people, writing thousands of letters to all who wrote to her, who made AIDS sufferers into PEOPLE again, whose compassion flowed over for so many who struggled in life, as she herself had done....

Love her or hate her, Diana, Princess of Wales had the most remarkable effect on the world.

I happen to love her, because I think she was filled with a deep desire to love and be loved and her people turned out in their tens of thousands to bid her farewell....

They'll be there for her son on Friday will she.

26 Apr 11 - 04:45 PM (#3142924)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Little Hawk

Okay, DMcG, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one... ;-)

27 Apr 11 - 06:23 AM (#3143260)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Mrs.Duck

Not only is it a Royal Wedding, but it's the first time a future King has ever married a Commoner, I believe.
Surely that was the Diana and Charles first. I sincerely hope William's choice of wife is far better than his father's (although he did at least get it right second time round). That said it is an historic occasion and as such I will be watching and wish them both happiness.

27 Apr 11 - 07:01 AM (#3143269)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Diana's family was older and more aristocratic than that of Charles...

The Spencer Family line

27 Apr 11 - 07:25 AM (#3143285)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,Patsy

No invite for me either so it looks like it's just a hotdog and a bottle of beer for me in the garden at home - I will take a peek at the dress though, probably a girl thing I know it's just curiosity. I am betting she goes for a more medieval look, a completely different look from Diana's unless of course Kate goes for a 'Big Fat' and I can't see that happening somehow.

As far as being bored rigid goes I am bored rigid with everything else going on at the moment including our own little 'Tesco anti-supermarket riot' in Bristol making the news. So I am sure that I can put up with being bored until lunchtime on Friday.

27 Apr 11 - 07:47 AM (#3143295)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Brian May

Neither are Boring Brown and Tony Bliar . . .

Ha! There is some justice after all.

27 Apr 11 - 10:13 AM (#3143398)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Rapparee

"First fruits and tithes are odious things
And so are bishops, priests, and kings."

27 Apr 11 - 11:36 AM (#3143444)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Donuel

The one thing that brought William to married life at this time over all other issues was his discovery of his growing bald spot.

He is not an exceptionally deep individual.

She looks as savvy as a mudcat gal.

Too bad grand dad Charlie will screw up the monarchy for good.
Neither Bill or Kate will see the throne. IT will be gone by then.

27 Apr 11 - 02:00 PM (#3143522)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Bill D

They are to have a 'traditional' fruitcake as the main centerpiece... it is reported to cost $60,000. You know, I'll bet there is a teeny margin of profit built into that price.

27 Apr 11 - 03:27 PM (#3143587)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,Eliza

'Traditional Fruitcake' is a good description of Charles IMO.

I saw on the News that several large TREES have been squeezed through the West Door of Westminster Abbey, to stand in the nave and the choir. Rather a nice touch, but will they obscure the view a bit?
Also, Kate's party organising chums have persuaded the men in grey suits to agree to a large disco ball to be hung up in Buckingham Palace for the evening party for 'the young people', in spite of their shudders of horror.
My neighbour has just come round and invited herself and hyperactive little girl to see the wedding on our TV! A bit of a cheek. How do you refuse without being rude?

27 Apr 11 - 04:46 PM (#3143630)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,999

I`m sure you`ll find a way.


Both IRA and a `radical` Muslim group have stated intentions to get involved with the wedding. Anything about that announced in England, or does anyone know.

27 Apr 11 - 05:25 PM (#3143655)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Dave MacKenzie

PS: I'm not going to Wills' and Kate's wedding either.

27 Apr 11 - 06:57 PM (#3143708)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Allen in Oz


The Queen's representative dismissed the elected government in Australia in 1975.


28 Apr 11 - 05:08 AM (#3143880)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Well, so it's nearly here. I've checked the day's tv progs: BBC1 & ITV1 seem to have devoted most of the day to it, because they obviouly think that, despite all the objections & efforts of all the WeKnowBetterThanYouWhatsBest4U Brigade, there are quite a lot of perfecly ordinary respectable TV-licence-payers who will want to watch. The other three terrestrials, however, are offering plenty of alternatives; to say nothing of the god-knows-how-many other channels on Freeview, Sky, whatever...

So all those Know-Bests among us, who have been going on since the announcement in such pained tones about how the whole thing makes them want to vomit, how they will have to hide under the stairs or even flee the country to avoid it, & all that other hyperbolical bum we've had to put up with all these weeks from grotty old Usual·Suspect and silly old Youknowwho, wouldn't you say seem to have been revealed as somewhat hyperbolically affected? In the case of some of them [they know who they are ~ do you hear me talkin' to ya?] I can only almost admire the

Magnificent Monumental Megalamaniac Paranoia

of their attempts to convince the entire Universe that the whole thing, from engagement ring to emergence from the Abbey to Palace reception to departure on honeymoon, is nothing but an Establishment conspiracy to annoy darling precious them, who can't abide the fact that there really are quite a lot of people about who will enjoy the occasion despite their forbidding them to do so; who wish the young couple well; who actually quite like having a Royal Family to provide a jolly day of Fun Telly more than they would a nice boring prezzy-wezzy-wezident ~~

~~ and no doubt all these Usual·Susps & U·No·Whos will cower vomiting under the stairs self-righteously thinking of themselves as Lone Voices Crying In The Wilderness In Defence Of Democracy.

I mean, I ask you...


28 Apr 11 - 05:28 AM (#3143887)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: DMcG

I mean, I ask you...
Well, since you do ... (*smile*)

I won't be watching, but have no objection either to you or anyone else doing so, nor to the fact that part of the licence fee covers it. Because no doubt the BBC will also dedicate some time to things I enjoy that you may be less interested in. Swings and roundabouts ...

Yes, I'm forced to pay some tax for it I'd rather not, but that's true of many things, and my view of democracy is that I do that in exchange for some other things I get, which maybe you are not not too keen on. More swings and more roundabouts ...

I feel a bit sorry for those who've camped out all night for ages ... but because there's a good chance they will be jostled out of a good view anyway, not because they chose to do that.

So: enjoy yourself. I intend to be out and about in the countryside enjoying myself. I don't think either of us should be criticised or (back to LH!) consider ourselves superior because of how we choose to spend the time.

28 Apr 11 - 05:41 AM (#3143891)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Arnie

So, Blair and Brown don't get an invite but the Syrian ambassador does whilst hundreds of protesters are being killed on Syria's streets by his government. I'm not bothered about the ex-prime ministers missing out but I think someone should retract the Syrian ambassador's invite - as a Syrian gov't supporter it does not look good having him celebrate with the royals whilst troops are firing on unarmed civilians back home.

28 Apr 11 - 05:53 AM (#3143897)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Fred McCormick

"the WeKnowBetterThanYouWhatsBest4U Brigade". Sorry, M, I thought you were the founder, secretary, chairman, treasurer and sole member of said organisation. You seem to think you have sole voting rights at any rate.

Personally I'd be quite happy if people like you would remove the rose coloured glasses and see this farce for what it is.

28 Apr 11 - 06:50 AM (#3143922)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Fred ~~ You won't get it, will you? I agree there is something of the farce about it. I have no rose-coloured spex in its regard. Emma & I are agreed that we shan't spend much time watching tomorrow, if any at all ~ tho some of the ceremonial can make quite pretty telly; & I should rather have this form of government than most of those that seem to be on offer elsewhere.

But can you really not see how irritatingly self-righteous is your way of coming on as if the whole thing was a conspiracy to annoy you, personally, F McCormick Esq, thought up by the wicked Establishment solely for your/his annoyance & bane? I am sure you regard yourself as a progressive, democratic sort of fellow; but you will nevertheless express this peculiarly purblind contempt for what gives so much pleasure to so many of your fellow-citizens, whose rights to enjoy what they happen to like are surely at least equal to yours; even to the vile-taste extent of saying that the very thought of what they like makes you want to throw up.

Why not remove your anti-rose-coloured spex [whatever colour that might be], look back at some of your hyperbolical posts [···want to throw up; flee the country; hide under the stairs···: when all you need to do is turn over those pages of the paper unread and tune into another tv channel], take a step back, & take a look at yourself?

I'm sorry we have got at x-purposes over some matters, and really bear you no ill-will. But I genuinely do find the pious holier-than-my-neighbour attitudes you adopt, and some of the means you find to express them, peculiarly distasteful and distressing.

All best, nevertheless; & remember it will soon be Saturday now.


28 Apr 11 - 07:11 AM (#3143935)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

... &, Fred, re the KnowBestWhatsGood4U thing, what have I ever written anywhere which would justify your accusing me of membership of such a brigade or holding any such views of my own opinions? I defy you to find one quotation from my posts anywhere on this forum to justify such an accusation.

Whereas you... Well, as I said, just take a look back...

28 Apr 11 - 07:32 AM (#3143943)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

From 999: "Both IRA and a `radical` Muslim group have stated intentions to get involved with the wedding. Anything about that announced in England, or does anyone know."

No, nothing's been mentioned, as far as I know. Hopefully they'll be looking out for exactly that possibility though. It's a fear I have about tomorrow....and in a way I'll be relieved when it's all over, with everyone safe and sound.

Great to see folks from around the world out there this morning, camping out already, from Canada and the USA, really excited and happy to be in London...air of excitement growing now...and good to see the folks from Kate and William's local corner shop being invited too...They're such a sweet couple, really love one another. She's wearing a sari to the Wedding (being Indian) spent ages finding just the right one. They're both so looking forward to it and are both so over the moon to have been asked.

The trees look beautiful in the Abbey. They've come from one of the Royal Estates, over 20 feet high, and they were Kate's idea, apparently. Good taste, Kate!

I'm thrilled they've put two fingers up to Blair and Brown. They Royals have very little power these days, very few opportunities to get their own back, but they sure as heck have done it bigtime there....and I can still recall the (imo) deeply odious Cherie Blair strolling happily down the aisle of Westminster Abbey at Diana's funeral, smiling, swinging her handbag, almost as if she were rejoicing.

I should imagine that William will be wishing, with all his heart and soul, that his Mum was there tomorrow. And as she can't be, I think we all should be.

An historical day tomorrow and I hope, a safe one for all.

Fred, my roots, propably yours too, I'd imagine, are as much entwined with Princes as with Paupers, for they are all part of the history of this wondrous country of ours.

Kate's family are very ordinary...and whilst her immediate family may be worth a great deal of money, (they own internet companies which make things such as...wait for it...Royal Wedding Souvenirs - ya gotta see the humour there!) many of them are really ordinary folks, probably with very ordinary lives and low paid jobs.

Finally The Prince And The Pauper are becoming One....and I think that's something to be really pleased about.

28 Apr 11 - 07:47 AM (#3143947)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Brian May

Oh well as one of the resident bigots I'll have a go :o)

The BBC advertising states 'don't miss a minute', I intend to miss them all.

Do I object? Nope, I should think the poor couple getting married will just be happy to get the otherside of Friday evening. I don't envy them one little bit.

Best of luck to them, but the record of royal marriages over the last 30 years or so does HM family no good at all. Unlike HM, they seem to have a different view of 'duty' and 'responsibility'. I don't envy any of them.

I AM grateful for a day off when it's not raining and meaning I can have a lay-in from my normal 0530 alarm call.

I shall take the opportunity to play on my guitars, pop out with the wife and revel in the fact that I'm really, REALLY common and no princess is going to insist on me marrying them in front of every man and his dog, leading to a life of constant media intrusion.

As for the boss of Syria going? He didn't send us into Afghanistan or Iraq, that puts him one up on those other two lying bastards (IMHO).

Have a great holiday, whatever persuasion you happen to follow!

28 Apr 11 - 08:08 AM (#3143960)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Fred McCormick

Sorry M, you just don't get it. I do not, and never have considered that the wicked establishment thought up this horse's arse of a charade (sorry, that was as near as I could get to a dig at the Horse Guards Parade) specifically to annoy me. In fact I'd be surprised if anyone above the rank of underpaid overexploited downtrodden minion has ever heard of me. Well, Redwatch certainly, and MI5 possibly, but the rest of the establishment, not a chance.

No, the reason why I would overthrow the monarchy tomorrow, apart from the obvious ones of cost, redundancy etc., is that for centuries it has legitimised rank and privilege and grovelling and forelock touching in the eyes of the populace, thereby blinding them to the causes of their own immiseration. Marx called it false consciousness. James Connolly put it very succinctly. He said "The great appear great because we are on our knees. let us rise".

As for sickening and offensive, has not Prince Harry been seen wearing a swastika? I'd call that pretty offensive, as was his name calling of a Pakistani member of his army platoon. "Rag head", was what he said. Right there on tv, and made there there diddums noises when the man objected! Then there's his grandfather on his father's side. Forever coming out with offensive comments, he was. Again, I was talking to an American Professor recently, who'd been invited to palace and found he couldn't get away from Prince William. Said scion of diplomacy and supposed embodiment of all that's good about the British was claimed to have remarked that "the indigenous Americans are alright, but isn't it a pity about all these migrants trying to get into America!" Honest to God, you couldn't make it up. Where did this future incumbent of the royal throne imagine the present day population of the USA came from, if its forebears hadn't migrated there? And that's before we consider the life history of aformentioned paternal grandfather. (God knows where the other one came from.)

What the buggars don't realise, or perhaps they realise it all too well, is that this is the last throw of the dice. No, I wouldn't say that people have rumbled the whole rotten shebangle and they're are apart to storm the winter palace and force the Romanovs from power. But we just do not do the deference bit any more. And a monarchy with no-one to defer to it is doomed to extinction.

Roll on Saturday and after that, the abolition of the monarchy, and all who make "there there, diddums noises.

28 Apr 11 - 08:27 AM (#3143970)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Fred: Thank you for such a reasonable, and reasoned, post. I hold no brief for them, as I say. Prince Harry's swastika was a dire misjudgment, to put it no stronger. & his granddad's gaffes are notorious [tho he is only a Consort, remember, not a real one! I should dearly love to know what HM confides to the few suffered to know her honest opinions {there must be one or two, I suppose, or the poor woman would surely go bananas} about his idiot goings-on].

But I don't see why they should be treated with gross discourtesy, any more than with arsecreeping sycophancy. Honest, now: are you complacent about your "makes me want to throw up" remark?

& I can't see that any left-wing governments that have ever managed to get themselves into power have been much to write home about. I am a pragmatistic don't-fix-if-not-broke person far more than a KnowWhatsBest4U-er. I should certainly rather live under Liz II as my figurehead than under Mao or Uncle Joe as my absolute overlord. By their fruits... I don't know your age; but were you about while Stalin did reign and this old fur-cap was new? &, if so, how did you feel about it all?

So forgive me if I don't join you in your abolition campaign: but rather take my watchword from Hilaire Belloc; make do with what is there, "for fear of finding something worse". My late wife was in Beijing at the time of Tienanmen & was lucky to escape, and I just missed it having been there till a few weeks earlier. Believe me; there are worse things than the fairly harmless inhabitants of Buck House & its environs. So be careful, as any fairytale would warn you, what you wish for!


28 Apr 11 - 08:35 AM (#3143973)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Fred McCormick

Lizzie. There are no princes in my ancestry. Plenty of paupers certainly. In fact according to a relative of mine who has researched our family history, we come from farm labourers, narrow boat people, barge people, iron ore miners, servants, flax mill operatives, carters, dockers, shoemakers, shipwrights and, wait for it, the mangle keeper for the village of Barnton in mid-Cheshire.

As far as I can see, nobody in my family has ever started a war or got rich and fat on the sufferings of his fellow human beings. None of them lived in idleness and luxury, or sat in the house of commons - still less the house of lords - and ordered the invasion of Afghanistan or the brutal subjugation of Ireland or India, or any other parts of the empire on which the sun never set.

They were ordinary hard working, law abiding folk, who brought their children up decently, who slaved their lives out in poverty, yet somehow managed to keep alive that spark of respectability and dignity which so fundamentally characterises the ordinary people of this island of ours.

They are the people who deserve to be celebrated tomorrow. Not the overblown stuffed shirt descendants of "An old, mad, blind, despis'd, and dying king", as Shelley once so ably described George 111.

Here's the entire poem, but before anybody accuses me of unnecessarily dredging up the past, that is precisely what the establishment does every time it drags out that goddamned tumbril.

"An old, mad, blind, despis'd, and dying king,
Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow
Through public scorn – mud from a muddy spring,
Rulers who neither see, nor feel, nor know,
But leech-like to their fainting country cling,
Till they drop, blind in blood, without a blow,
A people starv'd and stabb'd in the untill'd field,
An army, which liberticide and prey
Makes as a two-edg'd sword to all who wield,
Golden and sanguine laws which tempt and slay,
Religion Christless, Godless – a book seal'd,
A Senate – Time's worst statute unrepeal'd,
Are graves, from which a glorious Phantom may
Burst, to illumine our tempestuous day."

28 Apr 11 - 08:49 AM (#3143977)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Fine poet, Shelley, indeed. Pity he was such a heartless, obnoxious, exploitative little man who died not a jot too soon. And you haven't had much to rejoin as yet, Fred, to my summation above of all those glorious Phantoms {Mao; Stalin; & let's not forgot that darling Pol Pot} who have burst to illumine our tempestuous day. Fat lot of illumination we got from that little lot, eh? Give me King Wills & Queen Kate any time, thanks.


28 Apr 11 - 08:53 AM (#3143979)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Goodness me, what anger, Fred.

I don't regard the Royals as better than me. I don't regard anyone as better than me, nor I as better than them. I know I'd not switch lives with any of them, ever. HOW the Queen has lived her life without going stark raving bonkers I've no idea. 85 years of service to her country, of never being able to be free, to be herself, to do what she wants to do, when she wants, how she wants. I bet she'd have divorced Phil years back, had she been left to make her own decisions.

We've been through all of this 'stuff' before, but I guess some want to raise it again as weapons with which to beat.....

"As for sickening and offensive, has not Prince Harry been seen wearing a swastika?"

Yup, when he was far a fancy dress party, as I recall. William had egged him on to do it..and I've no doubt that when they got there they made huge fun of the Nazi's....bit like in 'Allo 'Allo, that massively successful TV series. Both of them apologised for that incident. They were young and a bit silly...and perhaps a bit angry too, for their mother lost her life because of constant invasion of her privacy..(we won't go into possible other reasons)..and then they had to live with years of reading absolutely bitchy things being said about a most crucial age.

I'm surprised they didn't grow up to BE Nazi's, to be honest, because the stress they had to endure as teenagers must have been horrendous. They loved their mother very dearly, adored her..and they had to put up with spiteful folks saying dreadful things about her, even to this day it goes on.

"...I'd call that pretty offensive, as was his name calling of a Pakistani member of his army platoon. "Rag head", was what he said. Right there on tv, and made there there diddums noises when the man objected! ..."

Er...I think you'll find the fellow officer concerned, one of Harry's good mates, said he didn't mind at all. Hey, it's the army, it's what they do in the army, it's what loads of boys together often do. The most important bit you've left out though, is the man concerned was absolutely fine about it, and knows Harry is most certainly not a racist.

Taken from The Daily Telegraph:

"Speaking for the first time about the incident, Ahmed Raza Khan, a captain in the Pakistan Army, denied the Prince was racist.
Prince Harry and Ahmed Raza Khan at Sandhurst: Soldier called 'Paki' by Prince Harry insists there are 'no hard feelings' after apology
Prince Harry and Ahmed Raza Khan during The Sovereign's Parade at Sandhurst

He also revealed, in an interview with the Sun newspaper, that Prince Harry had personally phoned him to apologise but said he had "no hard feelings".

The 24-year-old said: "The Prince called me by a nickname which is usually very insulting, but I know he didn't mean it that way. He phoned me to apologise and I have no hard feelings. We need to close this chapter now.

"When I spoke to Harry he told me he never meant what people may think about the so-called nickname and I believe him.

"We were close friends when we were training and I know he is not a racist. I have no reason to take up the issue again.

28 Apr 11 - 09:10 AM (#3143991)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

"Lizzie. There are no princes in my ancestry. Plenty of paupers certainly. In fact according to a relative of mine who has researched our family history, we come from farm labourers, narrow boat people, barge people, iron ore miners, servants, flax mill operatives, carters, dockers, shoemakers, shipwrights and, wait for it, the mangle keeper for the village of Barnton in mid-Cheshire."

No, I didn't mean 'personal' ancestry, Fred, I meant 'country' in 'collective memory'...

Mine are pretty poor too, still are to the present day, got gypsies in there somewhere as well, but my Dad loved the Queen, wouldn't hear a word against her. He was of a generation born in 1914, so things were different back then. He remembered The Queen Mum and King George VI doing as much as they could for ordinary folks during the War..They had a sense of duty towards us back then, and we (as in the public of that time) had a sense of duty towards them. It was a shared thing.

Times have moved on though.....

The Royals lost a great deal of respect over how Diana was treated, people who'd supported them all their lives were terribly angry. I went up to London at that time and saw many of my Dad's generation seething with rage at how the Queen wouldn't fly the flag at half-mast. She's never got that respect back I don't feel. Add to that her 'annus horriblis' remarks when Joe Public was losing his home and all that he possessed and well........................

William's remarks to your friend? I've no idea, I wasn't there..He's supposed to be very shy, finding public functions very hard to get through and the most illuminated I've ever seen him was when he and Harry were talking about their Mum, saying how much they loved her, how greatly they miss her.

He didn't ask to be born a Prince. His Mum tried as hard as she could, in the short time she had, to make them see the hard and harsh lives of others. They've asked for wedding presents to be money given to charity, not more 'stuff' for them. William's really well liked by his fellow RAF comrades, as is Harry by his Army chums, so come on, Fred, give them a break...Let them come to full blossom first, before we judge their whole lives...let them live a little...

And tell me, WHY didn't you focus on the charity work they both do? There are plenty of videos out there showing Harry working hard in Africa...Why didn't you tell folks about that? Did you ever do anything daft in your younger days, Fred, that makes you squirm now?

"Yes, but *I* am not a Prince!"

Well, Fred..even Princes sometimes long to be Paupers, as well as the other way round.

They long to be ordinary folks I'm sure, at times...not followed incessantly, every single thing they do being reported on...every friend they have possibly selling their story to a newspaper...They just long to be ordinary people, living ordinary lives...

And if they were Paupers, not Princes, their beloved Mum would be taking her rightful place inside Westminster Abbey tomorrow, proud to see her son wed, tears probably falling down her cheeks...

Oh, and by the way..that film of Prince Harry saying 'Paki' was a PRIVATE film he made for all his mates, to remind them of their time together, including Capt. Khan It was stolen though and sold for thousands of pounds..

The Perils of Princes, eh?

28 Apr 11 - 10:04 AM (#3144021)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Rapparee

There ARE "royals" (or at least "nobility") in my ancestry. There are also carpenters, drunkards, at least one death from tertiary syphilis, well-diggers, machinists, soldiers, sailors, airmen, cowboys, secretaries, teachers, nurses, at least one slave-stealer-who-resold-the-slaves-he-helped-to-freedom, fisherfolk, sewer workers, and others we don't even talk about.

EVERYONE'S ancestry includes the same sort of people, good and bad, rich and poor. George III wasn't the most mentally stable, and he makes some of the folks look good.

Nobody's ancestry is "pure" and free of fools, thugs, and "undesirables" -- yet they all together make you you.

28 Apr 11 - 10:50 AM (#3144052)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,Patsy

It was always going to be a big event and it shouldn't be no surprise that there is going to be no escape from it, after all he is no. 1 son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana so it's inevitable. Yes there are more pressing things in the world to worry about but it is also for children. Talking about 'nasty games, videos and films, children are constantly bombarded with real brutal pictures of war all the time on the news even more so if parents are tuned in to News 24. Although children here should be aware that others elsewhere are much worse off it makes a change for them to do something completely different taking their attention away from the computer just for a bit by having a community party just like the 77 Jubilee they haven't experienced anything like it in their lifetimes before and at the moment as things are it seems like a good idea to me.

I like to think that Prince William and Kate see it that way too.

28 Apr 11 - 11:07 AM (#3144064)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: olddude

Only Royals in my family are Royal Pains in the bottom ... I am having fun with this wedding stuff. It is nice to see something good for a change on TV instead of all the bad. Those two are great and make a beautiful couple. I bet their kids will be knockouts for sure

28 Apr 11 - 03:10 PM (#3144228)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

The Syrian Ambassador was given The Order of The Royal Boote a short while ago, looks as if there may be a spare seat in the Abbey...

28 Apr 11 - 03:17 PM (#3144229)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Lizzie Cornish 1

Roll up, roll up! Get yer street party goodies 'ere!

I mean...HOW fortuitous to have a business like this when your daughter's marrying Prince William! ;0)

'Party Pieces' - The online business of Kate's Mum and Dad

28 Apr 11 - 04:05 PM (#3144275)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: frogprince

When one person spits venom at another over the behaviour of that second person's grandfather, or great grandfather, or an ancestor from 190 years in the past...whose character is really revealed?

28 Apr 11 - 04:34 PM (#3144304)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: gnu

... reviled?

28 Apr 11 - 04:43 PM (#3144308)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: frogprince

Hard to say which word actually fits better, gnu.

28 Apr 11 - 04:52 PM (#3144315)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Rapparee


Noah got drunk and had intercourse with his daughters. David knocked up Bathsheba, had her husband Uriah abandoned on the battlefield and killed, and so married her, who was the favorite of all his wives. Solomon, well, everybody knows about the Queen of Sheba and his many, many wives. Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines; they bore him 28 sons and 60 daughters. Josiah became king of Judah at the age of eight, after the assassination of his father, King Amon.

Now, according to Luke and/or Matthew, all of these were direct ancestors of Yeshua of Nazareth....

28 Apr 11 - 05:48 PM (#3144356)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: gnu

Get to the point Rap... don't fuck around.

28 Apr 11 - 06:42 PM (#3144389)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Little Hawk

Uriah Heep was abandoned on the battlefield? That must have been quite a humbling experience. No wonder he went a bit odd after that.

29 Apr 11 - 03:56 AM (#3144570)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Fred: Only just responding to your "I'm nobody so how can I raise personal objections" non sequitur.

So modest of you to disclaim status. But that does not invalidate my point:~~ - that your posts on this topic, starting with the charming assertion that the very announcement itself made you want to throw up [of course we were all agog to know of the effect of public announcements on the McCormick metabolism!], have been uniformly delivered with an air of whingeing, whining victimisation, of "this is all being done to spite precious me and I'll have to hide under the stairs" (cont p 94)...

You might think they haven't, but they have.*

Geddit now? I don't expect so.

Oh, well; enjoy your day under the stairs.

Best as ever


*Hands up anyone else who feels this

29 Apr 11 - 06:58 AM (#3144616)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: gnu


29 Apr 11 - 04:07 PM (#3144902)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,999

When is the wedding.

29 Apr 11 - 04:21 PM (#3144914)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: greg stephens

A fascinating thread, mostly containing the usual platitudes. But one little intirguing oddity, a claim that this is the first time a future king has married a commoner. Surely Prince Charles has married two(so far).Or maybe I don't know what commoner means? I fondly imagine it means non-royal.

29 Apr 11 - 04:29 PM (#3144927)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Presumably used here, Greg, to mean neither royal nor noble [nor even titled like a baronet or knight, sometimes referred to erroneously as having been "ennobled"]. Tho indeed, you are right insofar as that, altho Charles's first was a noblewoman, the daughter of an Earl with ∴ courtesy title of her own, Lady+Forename+Surname, his 2nd, present, wife was indeed a commoner.


29 Apr 11 - 04:34 PM (#3144931)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: gnu

Katey is certainly a commoner. Her parents hold no titles of nobility and and are only worth 30M pounds. Thank goodness the lass was able to get a leg up.

30 Apr 11 - 01:05 PM (#3145372)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Mysha

Hi Donuel,

Nah, I don't think that's what will happen.


- William I - sailed over with ships and troops from the continent to claim the throne.
- William II - Third son, yet inherited the throne.
- William III - sailed over with ships and troops from the continent to claim the throne.
- William IV - Third son, yet inherited the throne.
- William V - ...


01 May 11 - 12:51 AM (#3145591)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: GUEST,J-boy

I'd like to get her leg up, gnu. Maybe both.

01 May 11 - 01:32 AM (#3145606)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Ebbie

"Noah got drunk and had intercourse with his daughters" Not that Noah needs a defense from me, Rap, but 'twas not he, but Lot. Noah did get drunk but the story involves his sons' reaction to "his nakedness."


One day my little daughter called wistfully from the other room: "Mama, do Royalty ever marry mortals?"

01 May 11 - 02:36 AM (#3145616)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: MGM·Lion

Though of course, Mysha, he doesn't have to take 'William' as his name to reign under; can choose any of his names: George VI was always Prince Albert when young; Bertie within the family.

Perhaps he might like to be Arthur II. Or, if the traditional claim to the throne of France [see Henry V] could be revived, Louis XIX.


01 May 11 - 04:35 AM (#3145635)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: JennieG

We have seen 'highlights' of the wedding on TV here.....didn't watch it live, because we were away in our little caravan which doesn't have TV. (it's not missed either) Pretty frock, nice sparkly tiara and earrings, lovely smile.

But isn't it nice to see something cheerful and happy on TV other than the murder and mayhem so prevalent in the world today?

JennieG who wasn't invited and couldn't care less, really

01 May 11 - 10:15 AM (#3145774)
Subject: RE: BS: I'm Not Going To Bill & Cate's Wedding
From: Jim McLean

Mysha, these are all Englich titles. In Scotland William should be William lV although as a republican (Scottish) I couldn't care less.
Watching the marriage ceremony I was struck by the wording of the vows, all about honesty and Christianity and thought that Prince Charles must have taken those vows also and yet, the future head of the Church of England was sleeping with Camilla before, during and after his marriage to Diana. Just a thought

03 Sep 24 - 02:21 AM (#4207850)
Subject: BS: Bill/Cate's Wedding & ROYAL FAMILY CHAT
From: The Sandman

all quiet about Prince Andrew, another cover up?

03 Sep 24 - 05:07 AM (#4207856)
Subject: RE: BS: Bill/Cate's Wedding & ROYAL FAMILY CHAT
From: The Sandman

it is a uk political topic surely, he is a member of the British Royal family, He was suspended from Royal duties in Britain.
the firstalleged incidentoccured in london
It is as much a uk political topic as your thread on immigrants

03 Sep 24 - 05:08 AM (#4207857)
Subject: RE: BS: Bill/Cate's Wedding & ROYAL FAMILY CHAT
From: The Sandman

Ms Giuffre says the duke sexually assaulted her on three occasions when she was under the age of 18. The first time was in 2001 in London.

03 Sep 24 - 02:00 PM (#4207885)
Subject: RE: BS: Bill/Cate's Wedding & ROYAL FAMILY CHAT
From: Backwoodsman


03 Sep 24 - 02:10 PM (#4207887)
Subject: RE: BS: Bill/Cate's Wedding & ROYAL FAMILY CHAT
From: keberoxu

Didn't Prince Andrew end up with Her Majesty's corgis?

03 Sep 24 - 06:00 PM (#4207895)
Subject: RE: BS: Bill/Cate's Wedding & ROYAL FAMILY CHAT
From: Helen

What - buried in the back yard?? LOL


04 Sep 24 - 12:28 AM (#4207903)
Subject: RE: BS: Bill/Cate's Wedding & ROYAL FAMILY CHAT
From: Backwoodsman

Where the royals are concerned, my feelings are summed up perfectly by Rhett Butler’s final words to Scarlett O’Hara in ‘Gone With The Wind’.